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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Mar 1907, p. 5

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Qwemv-qu br' ‘ ANNUAL MEETING Roll of Honor, Senior Farttt--a. McDonald. t' M. J. Hitcher I', Mutiny. W ”an er, C. Nihm, u. Brandt, l. G'ibhons C. Trandt, R. Longo. , Junior Fourth-L. Masrwl, J, KM” K. $reihtrtein, A. Hummel. I. Kim, I. Bagel, L. Rummy, S. Sohlmlx . Later, C. mm". _ Ballot Third-ht. Mayan, (I Flynn P. rim, R, Huber, H. Reidel, P thtrerrer, R, Mayra, C, Harllcih, " Bahia-h. A. Schern-L Mr. C. W, Wells that it might he alright to follow out the plan which he had observed in the city of Hava- na. in lurnishing seating tor the sirec- tators at the band concerts and make a small charge for same. in reterenee to securing uniforms ior the band be had been inlormnd that suits could be obtained in England at $10 and $15 a vireo, and suggrsi- ed that it would not to out of place to ascertain whether 1his was cor- rect as the unilorms here would cost from $30 to no. It Wu expected that the bazaar to be held on April 4th and 5th would add: goodly sum to the amount al- ready secured. Excellent money; has been made in securing donations trom the citizens. saint of which were cash subscriptions and every“ "eitori was being made to make the bazaar a success. Mr. Ir, Crvss expressed his thanks tor th honor accordrd him in reflecting him president ot (1w Smitty. an honor which he much ap- predated. Junior Part 2-Milimt Moss, John Henry Bactz, Laura Human, Mild. Schumann. Junior 1--Harold Snydrr. Hetbcrt Moss, Vrrlvy Allemang, Verdun Lalsch. Salomal Mama. Ada Afteldt. Clan A-Edward Mvisvl, Victor Woolner. Hertwrt Feivk, Alhetrt " leldt, Vicfor llricknc", Oscar 1lash, Willie Hammer. . FLORENCE A. STIUCKLANI) senior Second-(i. Mum-l W. Hunmei, v. McDonald, I. ttet-o, “on. M. 1 will Banner, A, N ' B. _ 1" WC. Eels"! Treasurer-J. ll. Itoos. Stock Committee-- J. Stella and H. Philp, Librarian-it. Kirsch-I. Auditors-E. llau-dkc and C. A Haehnel. . . Paymaster-Adam Uiivimanm Executive Committee-- E. Haedke, M. Schaefcr, W. Bolondrr, P. ll Roos, H. Smith, C. W. Wells, A Uirelmanm K. H. Kumpf, F'.' G. Hughes, A. G. lluohnel. n. C. Kuntz. Senior l-Harry Thult-r. (Emma Mihm, Harry Hurg‘ta, Samurl Hum- phrey. Lavina Hammvr. Junior Third-M. Paddvn, lt tony. M. Mayer, A. Sch], I'. B. (Minions, J. Ham‘l', F, My Bqu, A. Walr.. " qt Junior 2--Clayton Moss, Ella Ths ler, Edwin Prick, Lucinda ortruan John Ottman, John Bush, Senior Part 2--Mary Fuck, Allrcr- ta Scharman. Mclvin Snydvr, Lilian hum, Ada Hcharman, Lauri" Shantz, Lorne Brickncll, Lily May Studied, Lizzie Mich”. lull new ot the Waterloo Mus- h) 1,2T/"u'l In the band room, Frill“ osiag, cgi:ir. "vidvncod um =ploIpctity which that organization is "lttytrm, the Treasurer's statement '0toxrittg the neat balance of $116.77 on hand. b There WIS a goodly number in at, tendince when the President Mr. ll. Crux called the mating to order shortly alter nine o'clocli. The min, utes ot the preceding annual meeting were read and couftrmed after which the Secretary and Treasurer present- ed their reports which were unattims only adopted. The election of onions lor the ye 1907 was next proceeded with, a resulted in the election ot the h Jowing:-. wi Mr. H. Cress Re-elected Pres-. “on? ot the Waterloo Mus - ical society. -- A “I"IIIII. The reports presented at the Mth in” In '?k?iiiiii'iiii1?ijt'i1'li CENT'1tEiULLE it!” Junior Divismn loo-mm IL Butt. v. has! " " “animal. ', tyr,eertit't', Wehafrlll " K lg9rs hi Hart up; (I and fol TO " at A I’lrmsnnl FlLtrprise.-tm 'lmwldg. owning aboul 50 mrmlms " ilw Sow ior chum-s of the Evangoliral Srnvhy School, St, Jacobs, and "lands len- den-d Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bowman a tl want surprise at the homo of Mr Anson ”I'llhathPT, previous lo 1hr" drum-w for ttwirUww hnmv in llum» loll, Sash: A Very "tioytusie evening was 511‘"? in serial chat, games um sung. Th? ladies provided an excellent lunch and an” doing ample just/wr, to the good things, spec-chm worn dellvrnd by The pair, Rm: Mr: Grcnlcn‘wh, Mr. Dnv'rhu'kcr. 911le Mr, Myrna Weber, teaeker, and others uplrfallvhuugh exptrsxinfg "\ng in the dwnrtnrn of their lrlmdv from our town wished $hegt mum pump“: izy um ltapphwsm In thrlr n-w hmite, And a ale journey, Mr Bowman cm ' or himself and ("any Irwin], Human; their mm Mum [or that Hndntn sad good 'rristeB, Toward; morning the am lost and up lot on hulk-mm“ mtg-rm: lttto my... W. with». 'tii" hm he purrhascd w Auction salts of ' day. Miss Lotirta Miss Adan Hill, on lrinvds hero ltevival scrrh comm lul- hem' by CT rd on Toman, Mr. Alfred Huratus, Dundee. Miss A. Gallon. Galt l. Crofton, Plattsvillv; Mr. 1uttiry, Zurich; Mr. amt Mrs Unwmnn, New Dundrc; Mr, f4tautfcr, WaJcrloo. Mr. illan mun-.1 lo Pro ing hon- Mrs tsimurt.,ve, w must all her an active SI and hm" when till, 'IO. rum Ann-nu, tlmso presvut were the fol lowing:--Mrs. Gvo. Battier, Mrs. A Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Flurarus Miss E. Moist-l, Miss A. Meisel, Mr S. Bailey. Mr. Lloyd Lewis, Mr. air Mrs. P, Eli}; Miss Cora Grand, Mr and Mix. ll. Grauel, all of Berlin Mrs. lsmc Oak, Calcdonia, Mich. Mrs. A. Gructr.nvr and Miss F. Gm MINT, llvxprlvr; Mr and Mrs." W Alvisrl. Freeport; Misses R. and A Meisel. Itaden; Mr. and Mrs. A. l. Rowell, Miss V. P. Howell. Hays ville; Mr. and Mrs. J. ll. Hat, tlPr, Niw Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs J. W. mum, Mr. and Mrs. M Toman, Mr. Alfred Sunnus, Nev, Dundee, Miss A. Gulltm, Galt; Mr Mr. Antro llim'hlurgrr. son cl Mr. J, Hinchlwrrwr, is ill at his. home lwre with diphtheria. Mr. J. H. Meirowski has tetuxnxd from a two weeks' trip west. Mr. John Meirowski has bought eleven acres of land one mile east of Bamberg from Mr. F. Walter tot ttto. we in my n Our lt, Mr sion The sisters. until tive yen: ago were residents ot Turontp. Mary, the )uuugcr, had been a school tucker in Parrdale, while the Oder sister had In lied alter the house. Soun- (meld: ”an: am they came to To- ronto mm Coltrane, where their.ta- ther, Uelson Littlefield, was a well- known )ursemnn, Mr, Charles Little fte14, a horse owner, of East 23m street, bhecpshead, N. Y., is an uncle. A happy event was celebrated at me Lune ot Mrs. Jane Batter, Bet- Jia, on “ulnwday, March tith, when her daughter Miss Mabel was mar- ried to Mr. Daniel Weber, of Dash, wood, The ceremony luck place at 2.30 o'clock in the parlor of the rash dence which was fragrant. with flow- ers, and was performed by Rev. S, y'wartz, of. New Dundee. The bride entered lo the sweet strains oi Men delssohn's wedding march played by Miss A, Hitler of Berlin, and was given away by Mr. W. Meisel, of Ccntreville. She was handsomely gownml in white silk with allover silk law and carried a bouquet oi while Iarnattotts, Miss Samantha “u“llmll oi New Dundee, who al- lemlr-rl the bride as bridesmaid, was bet-011111111) attired in .white muslin mr-r line, and carried pink can“ tions, The groom was ably assisnd hy Mr. William Main, of New Burr (lee. W. W 1E--atitt and Gold in dam. Angst. um. tUtd uh: mm. In! f, ';il2r12ttt,t and " And I. yuan, r _ " wanton-d in “In h their I“ at 268 Ptartttin street, Dunno, “I am " o'clock this moshing by at: police at the Purl street qtgtion. Accjdcntal asphyxiation due to the inhaling ot nuturul w ls given as thy cause ot dentin, Augut. ’was employed by the American Bautarr Co. In Kllicott Square. WEBER-BATTLER NUPTIALS The house was bright with Hum-rs and the decorations were must artis- tic. Weawuhy’s out in th blowing (can cone-ma. an a... a In! aad Alum um. - cl Mr. Bath T. mum ol'jhr- loo, tuba: " Saginaw OW, through orplrrxistion at ti:-- Lands“. and» a " Links“. "u. hen the lust few week: nudist Mr. Ellhrrington, clos Sunday night, illan Howman Hy “an Howman and family o l’rrsion last wet-ls. In Ivan- Mrs. “mum" Iva-“s lwt 'e, whr're Sh!" has lived ai- her lib: Miss Bowman was m Sunday school workrr plum flu-m will be hard to . Lulnily Curry with tlwnt ttw mm " this community and IM')‘ may he. spared to rn-- Ly yuus in ilwir nuv Itottw will he Prrston's gain. V m. Harlin: has ukrn 1,035ch- the, Wm, manic [arm whirh asot wmw timp mm. " salrs mun In be the urdvr MT. J ACOItF; ma lhlh "nun, mun. 'W' "‘ “AMBER“ 'ro this rvivvs BLAIR wcpk. whit h haw In of Elmira and J Mot-Hun called brr‘n weeks New Mr lam? The regular mnnlhly meeting at the Watt-rho Preshvtcriart Sabbath School Teachers Asnociu'ion was lull Tuck- day waning at the home ol the Sup- erintrmient, Mr. t A, Harm-r, The principal work of the cumin: wax the solwiion ct a MW Suh- bath Kennel litrrarystrrutt a lawn ruutsirnnteiii nl Imam wlmh had bun “M 'tt approbaticn " itt urn-mt (but the Committee will hr! the amt ' that t new b the on lent 4n approb.tticn H. is um that the Committee will lure new bank: Indy fcr MINIMUM the cozntsejol a rouplo ttt In“ At the close of the when “M“ were and - u , 'lqLdbt was“ m " a”. twat Wooilen supply tl about cl 0(‘Cll n ml 'ing it w ol dirus' 'lhe that]: ot Mr. Jacob Nahrgan who rrsiicd one mtIé north of Wain Ion, opcurred on Friday morning a the admncyd age of 83 years. Dr ceased hut Men ailing foe, some tim and dealh Was not unexpected. Thiriate " '11) Nahrgung who has» mi away untriday morning, was born in Lvhrbach, Hesscu, Germany. in 1821, and in 1850 emigrated to America. coming io Waterloo on May Mth of the same war. On Dec. 20, 1851, he was married to Anna Cath- Nine Kuhl. Tlwy resided one mih north oi Waterloo until the death at his wife, Feb. 13, 1900, when in tttahe his home with his son, Mr, Juhu Nahrgaug, but the past fev, months had resided Wllh another son, (In Sunday (“Hung a v,ix int-h mai, locum! cmlcr 'thc Woollen Mill PM I:erty Must with the ttsuit, that th. rtisidects Wt'rct without water _ ful sevtral hours. About eight o'cloc' 'Superintcmieat Dobbin noted that th water prcssure was nu as strong a' it should be and upon investigaticr. at the Watcr Works found that th Stand, ipe was almost cuwty dcnnlin a leak somewhere. The bleak _ wa aiCrwards disarm-rut uvAlct' a Wormen Mill proprrty and a nnrma' supply nt watcr was again arailalal Hamburg, Waterloo. J. F. "an Gro. A. Hum» skip If! skip Hi It Winn I) F'. Seaman: skip H skip 18 Four rinks ot Halt curlvrs played at Walrrlno Friday ovvnimz. the vis- ilors Wing deft-aim by the following F;Nre$C- Waterloo. llalt “mums. 1b“ “I“ me! “I! 3: a '/'lt2t a gig"; . tutr-qt (In and: icing covered with he nil now an Iron: into new: mun. Whit» working It the bottom ot in: sunk getting out. the dry _tstraw, Irvin suddenly an: I portion ot ttte my ttecomirt6 loose and sliding down and he unmdiamly In: tor sal, ety calling on Ins brother to do like wise. The latter howewx, was.unug||l by the Hamming was]: ml the uppu [an ot his body was subusergcd. bit, forts were immediately made In pull him out but when they stun-cam in freeing him [tom the weight oil tlt, straw and ice, lite was extittci. The deceased was a asphaw rs. Benj. and Mums Devin of town.. The deceased who was 44 years u: age was aquiet industrious yor n’; man and highly 1wtspecttd by his irimds and acquaintances. Ilia lath“ Iotanerty resided near Ftoradto',wlsere he owned a farm and deceased wan. well-known in that \ivinily. 'llt. family removed trom that pure about twelve years ago to um Burlington where Mr. Dem: purchaml a (Mm at our two hundred acres. Dcceasel was a great lover of horses and r-\- hibxud m the horny class at how Toronto and London winning valua- He prins. 'the funeral was Iu-ld Ln 'lhrtrsday alternoun Irom the retsidttsce ot MI Uto, Klinc's, Elmira. The bercurcd have the Sim-ut- .".xttt pathy of many friends in thsir hum The bercarcd puny of many oCaf1liction. The [moral took place from the rr sidcncc of Mr. Henry Nahrgang, new of Waterloo on. Sumlay afternoon t DEATH OF JACOB NAHRGANG Two sons and six tive. Another sun many years. rm u ru- w., (m hm following Ft. John's Lutheran Church [or SPT vi/e thence to Mount Hope Common Juhu Nahrgaug, but the mumhs had l‘rsidu'l wtth Mr. Henry Nahrgang. n- "CtqqMttimi' a: w. Mud um m d It. Imo- Dam. Io- ol Mr, - mm cl Fm, In! will-shy. a. nu“ ot u Mr. “ In Mal tr Idltiveu in Wtuloo‘m 'ta- - 'amr u a lav?" - " it mh who were mm... their War, In. (in lunch. Erlaitm a it. the. In!!!“ bum. WW " mu 3mm. Ont. I IesptWr ll: M tnmetit nl lwul ttt approbatica the Cotttrttitteq book: "my to ”new! a cr, the close of t WATER MAIN , BURST MONTHLY MEETING <nyllrr, skip rink tr skip As; vi New Hamburg nu'l- tlr‘imlml h) 10ml cttrlvrs at WrrIIu-Hduy rwnimr, by the Scorch".-- _ CURLING " l3 was a nuphaw olhls gra ndthild rm prrdeeeaptd Patrick llalt (humus Fi, Knowlrs, skip If l MrLcnnm. skip ll Bruin. skip thi sur him ery' The Mire-hing sea-rm " “Newark” mom. I. I. C. amt-t duh go mm H ll 'the fulluwing is tlre Hamlin: o tlr, pupils in H. H. bio, 8, Waterloo tor the month of February. Th {names are arranged in older of merit l Junior lV.-Nonna Willson, l.hrr Sioux, Arthur Schml. Karl Rothaer (id/ Milton Schaal, iswore to rememtrerinr, tirid at five o'clock a; 9 p.m. T b Jun'or Ir-Martha “Nisan. Rvin hold Fisattsr, Vernon "tttlock, Mr hie Krsaelting, FMdi Lacoutse, Put H.-Era Hu'lghck, Hui" "prr, tel “an Kesselring. Part L-trear, Shawl, t'rcelia Mo met, Mon Snydvr, ('layton “at‘ll ll innitred Kunt r, Srnior 1H.---1Ns Hmhlrl, Millie MC Gown", Alexander fieil .lunitr 11r--1lrroritina Fisrhpr, Hm h-ll. Strohcl, ”when Mos”. Tiordo "rcker, Harvry {handling Senior H -ilatrmtre Stullr Bechtel, Pmry Snle, y Moser, Violet BAH], Roy Ida Freund.' Ilis lordship tlmlgml llus guy Ln» orina llw complainant, Mrtrtlgoutery. The publimliun oi the documott by drlivrry [mm Huwlby to Russian“! Wm (inland rsiiahlisltvti. It was tor Hue jury In decide if dvfamatiou " char- acter could be phwr0 on wads "liber, tae," "tlwprawd beast," "iaihersoi ruined mics," which wilmss Bush“! Death ot Peter Endresa.--The death of Mr. Peter Endress occurred at Petrolea, March lst, at the age ot 80 years. Deceased was formerly a rel sident of this place but removed tr Petrolea eighteen years ago. He it survived by a. family ot three Sims and two daughters. His wile prede- ceased him two years. ' Died in Drumbo.--The, death occur- red Feb. 38th at Druinho, ot Mr. John Koch, a former resident of News Hamburg, at the age oi tig years, 1 months and 12 days.. He had been in failing health for some time. De. uwed was born in Petersburg. ru was widely known, having eomlucteu the Royal Exchange Hotel hen About fourteen years ago ht removed to Drumbo where he continued in the hotel business. A widow, one son and two daughters survive, The tun- eral was held on March 3rd from hit late residence to the Petersburg ce- metery. Piourer oi Wilmot Passes Away.- One of the pioneers of" Wilmo; Township passed away March lth ir, Mr, and Mrs. S. Weis at Mount Clemens have returned home aiter a. visit wtth friends here. Thr trial took plum berow .lustit L‘lill. n and only two tviicsvas wry examincd, Julm Ihtskard and "4"th- 'The dHence offered no etidence in r, buttnl. A very ”Mable birthday party was that held at the home ot Mr. and In. J. W. Kelley in honor ol by“ son Clayton. The jury came out to ask ttte juds it the 1erdict of guilty coal" he " lurnul tt the defendant had In know ledge ul {he contents " the Scand,, Ions document which he had 3344's BUSHHHI to reproduce m 1ypturtittr: torm. The judge 1tilivd that [you the hams in vvidevce thv iury wer warrauicd in Ix-Iicf that Ilowlh; vnmr the mutants of dm'unn-nls l question. The Fun-maul ol jury tin-n u|on :1“.th that he did not expat an agrvuulent to m rem-Ind and n bum d i1 hn Ininutcs with a. Ilisngror ment. It. Get" In. Ed Idle. a! PM- ' YUM km - tan V“. Min Lulu Roth is visiting friends in Winnipeg. 3!: Thou. Amhire of \dextoch v ted friends here last week. Mr. H. Buck has moved into oneol the residences lately erected by Mr. Palm-gnu. Township passed away March ith in the person of Mr. Conrad Goetz, a respected citizen of the. township, aged .88 years. Deccdsod was born, in UeIinger, Baden, Germany, August 2, 1819, emigrating to Canada in 1813 He settled in Witmot township when he resided almost continuously up tc the time of his demise. He Wu: married to Elizabeth Reiehert in 1848 A widow and seven children survive. The funeral took place on Wednesday March tith, and was largely attended, ct. New W. my tun It" datimtq' at Putt) " Aur. at. Hue-nu. as now champions 0! M 0.I.H.A. lot 1801, ttaviag up! II; an ad inet no. _ Mr. “I inf an...“ _ “mt "two! Imam "titeet with "hunt hole but ,rme. - It. “than Home! In moved it touoret6-otuo lilo Jacob - at Mr. Wat, but ot North Button m moved into the noun Vacated by Mr. Mamet. w. Wm. o.' Kerr and family have left tot Luanda». Sank. Bradford, March 12.--Uy a rote ( to to 2 for acquittal the jul'jv' in th ceisrated ddamalory t.ittet cas?.i which A. G. Mantgomvry charged Ma yor Buwlhy with publishing a “and; tons circular in the last mayoral!) disagreed twilight. after being out In tour hours. -tgrs.h-u.-gtntoth- “mm ere-H tm - The evidence was th, the Irclimimary hearing “a; Ju. Vance, Ed and and J", My. in. [M trom the iv,iwral service brink iwid im (hi Ltrtlutan church here and was con- sluctml by Rev. ll, F. Gruhn. ,VIAYOR BOWL“! ACQUITTEL STANDING OF S. S. N0. 8 trntcnt.s of dm'unn-uls 1 The Ion-man m jury tin-n Icmbvring. le jury te. o'clock and returned al HUGH A. ROSS 1mm: Semis! m: Roy Becker Shunt "MM "trituarr--0eattt visited our 1illage '~ on Sunday ind Claimed tor its Tic k ROSS (in Mrs, John lllthnrisnn. In Bo. Touch f can“ hat been ill tot a week with t . pneurmtnla. She had reached the no at they-aw yrs". A lav-bud.- In 'wnum ”a at 3 Wm no In" " “cm Iitiiiieirikniiil' I'd-um win be oi an 9.1M - Gtiiiilia iiiiiiiik Mr. Jan. Coote sold his rnurc slmk of merchandise to Mr, W. “2mm: ot mime“: Mrs, John Webster ix'spcnrnng some time with ber 4attpltirr “a. " linms in Kuhn. Little Miss Vivian Fetch of Berlin is visiting at Mrs, J, L. Hammond‘s. Mr. Bert MundeIl is laid up With rheumatic tever, At "w timp ol writing he in improving. Mr. ' Snider of Bcrlin smut Sun- Jay under the.parenU1 root. Mr. Will 1'amptrell and his molhvr spent u trw days last week with triendg in Mnrybomugh. Mr. and Mrs. A. "(WINK visilnl in Berlin last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ir, Gardinvr of linden visited at Mr, Noah Shaun‘s on Sunday. Mrs. W. Burnett of noar Mncton spent last wool! at ihe home ot brr Itarrmis, Mr. and Mm. Wm. Mundcll. The company dispersed mung that they are lasing a trup 1nd Faithful lrimd in ihe tlvpartulc at Mr. Heist, but WM: him success in' his lulu" dumps. Mr. Hugh Frame of Waterloo spcnt Sunday in the village. Mt. Alvah Heist, “I.” is about k leave nur nrighlzorhvnd, was pleasant. ly s'rpri;ol lax! Tuesday "vening, Mann Mh, by about Hull); of his fut-nth. 'llte "rrning “aw wry In "ryalrly spvnt. A tiltort ("umplimru jury Irogl‘ammc was rurlrml hy 1m "tenttwrs, ot the Erlwart VII Isttvrary Suchly. Tlu. tvst u! ("r ("fining was wry pleasantly smut in games and music, after which the hosivss srrved a wry thinly lunch. u than hen-o In lit” up! an- tta could gnu an» Wilt unto “nu. than» cod bed: I." been du- tered in ms te-tity. lining» two-t luvs to!“ manual um A big tire broke out in this town on the 7th of January and dcstmyea two big hotels, ttr. the Royal am, the Alberta. The origin of Hit: the is not known up to the thue at writ- .ng. Many hors" and cattle when for want ot teed in this part ot th lountry owing to the vast amount de “royal by tho lite last summer. btettlrr has grown greatly sin‘n its establishment in the Litter part ol 1905 and the lulluwing is a. list of the various business pun-s locate" hcrer-drumigration Ilan, chopping mill, two millinery cstablishuunts, bakery, school, elevator, jewelr) gtore, furniture store, 'tive livery star Mes, three banks, tour hotels, threw trimming houses, flour and feed More, three hardware stores, two liuulm shops, three grocery stores, two gro- cery and dry goods stores, liquor store, newspaper (mice, crummy, thttrrrturnber yards, dry goods stun iour real estate olllecsi The place has also a. hospital am; four rlrurches; a. smoeanaker, photo graph'er, tour blacksmiths, harness maker, two doctors, druggist, dentist Mr. Arthur Pollock and Mr. Wilma of Berlin, we]? in townrlast week. Mr. M. I‘Lrttl oi [It-Unit, is runcw» ing old acquaiulattis m luv n. Miss Permian, cl Purina”, arrived in town Monday, to Cake charge 01 Mr. Hchuihtner's Milliuery Depart mun. Miss Perisiart mum mmtml and with th? SM his placed in ttct' be ahle to show the As a result of the severe weather, the atlcmoon trains from Culgmy Norm and Strathcona South- have discontinued running. T here will be one train per day each way only un- til the weather moderatesraeortsider- My. _ A wry Llcasanl time was spent at the home of Mr, A. C. Crairiurd, Fernhauk, on Friday night, it beings, larcwcll party for um: daughter, Marie, prior to hcr leaving for Han o.er, where she has awn-Hui a posi tion as ‘milinrr. About 30 umpln at": new", and agent the night ir dancing, and card iuy'utrr,. 'lhm present tron; (m " mm: Miss Kisler and Miss Nellie Little and Messrs. uunLly, Cull, mu] Rennie. " h rumored that the new mil. raod in to In extend nether " milu out. at Btettier during the com- ing umber. and also a 'band Mr. F.. A. Calvert k Biser ot Walton, wore day. Mmhwtfot “.qu direct from the min. Oakuad in the sumac-ed unto to the uncut new town. " mild can ot tuettler, Mr, Hugues Ham: recently the proprietor at the Alberta Hotel has purchased the Blair Hotel um will 5“ m a! - "it f.. 1',Ci:c'jil"'?'irl' «no can. a.“ than!» y 'ttti'" 'V I”!!! dattee. m " h . rfi 'r', - I)!“ u um uni-u - a» is“: m um: in no at ”my -' mtheestre.ttuttivt.uetb" _ an - bu mind my cold tor a "riot at one was with su0aaalrttmia-otsaow wtah‘ Ito m to u shamed an my; Miss Nellie Little sport with,,.,?-. MM; i'INHs ('HUSSHILL LINWOOD Calvert and in tomlrlast week. oi In-truit, is {mow aim-s m luv n. _ ci Carma”, arrived A, “In” is about tr "howl, was pleasant. l Tuesday evening, Hamil Hull); of his wing “.11 wry In A shad cotupti"trn ; hich!y recom- up-io-date stat work-mom win must in tveal in v-Iu A u» Mr. Alton loan Sum Friday in Ate mun: Mm: Ind iurtimars ml? to “can I'M M. In Upon the property Ate a compur tively new name home and bank bun And other outbuildings. all in good repair; I few arm ot hardwood huh, nn‘onhatd, and I well and other im- y romtttenta. TERMt9.--rett per cent ot the pur- rlum monoy to be said at the time ot we. and” tho balance within t-sn My. murmur, _ The property is about flve mile: west trom Berlin, and About one mile out lrom Petersburg, Lmier and by Vll‘hlt‘ n! (he, powers contained in two ccltain manages whirh will he, PI‘OlllISNI at lhc time ot sale, there will be Mered Int. ssh by public aucliqn. by Joseph Mickus, Auctioneer, upon the lanls herein“- ter described. on WEDNESDAY" APRIL 5nd, 1907, at halt past two in Ur? aitetmrort,thc lollowing Urrn property now in lhe occupation of John S. Roth, aanroly: The use halt ol the rut three. tourtttt of Lot number Four on the north tide of Snider's foul in the Township ot Wilmot in the (‘uunty of Waterloo, containing vigtttr-sis acres,, more or less. _ Berlin, Mal-ch tur, loot. 'T Is reopened and in In charge of use SBOBMABER. one of the mom rap able Dressmakers in Berlin. aides Min Shoemaker Iona Icy h n , tper ienoed. helpers and thin department was - better "eqlllll,'dl't'h'd it it this season. Altar]! many order: are booked and a. we upon. a vuy busy neu- con we Adviu who are looking to us for die-India. to nuke their aelecb ions and place their orders curly. Berlin'tt Up-to-date Store. “Elegant Tweed Suitingl and plain Cloth Suiting: in the pretty spring Auden for the new tailor made and Eton Bait. The-o range in grim from 60c, 60c. 76c, L00to 1.50:, . my Our showing of Linoleum: and Oil (21001:. “1%.” in» lux- out and most up-to-date ever shown in town. This ineludesr,--. . 1‘ T V ' 10 pieetts Nuim'a (4 yard; wide) but qmlitrpbloek ind thtml/U- Iigna' at 500 per sq. yd. Our Dress Making Department S. B. BRICKER 85-00. LANG BROS. a GO. Mortgage Sale 15 pieces beat quality (2 yds wide) new patina. at Mhragd 20 pieces oil cloths, 1 yard and 2 yards wide, “.250 per yd. Inlaid Linoleum, at ttre, 81.00 and 1.25. a yd. I . Stair oils, k to i,' yards wide " 121 to 306 3 yard. Farm Property JANES c, HAIGHT Suitings We lay all Linoleum:, and on am. bought from us. AM, GRADES ' ALL PRICES ALL WIDTHS NEWEST DESIGNS thill cloths _ _ “hurl”. (m. tqrte' WWW It you wont really nieo Dune Goods-It you want inhioubh tsufr--at you want good goods for your money; we invite you to come direct to this atam We make Dress Goods 8. specialty and we - the NEWEST and FINEST Stock in Berlin. BEBLIN’S r FINEST DRESS 600118 '-. STORE and A special depuhtiol Appointed by the bond ot trade mud on the Owns Sound iown council u the re- guiu meeting mi outlined mu: rim: tor “vermin; the toys a! Quin; outtide people interned " inmiiinriziu‘ than with "trtrtsdvattV an! mm.- All “no numbers of this council were heartily in [not oi tte propuition, n! Mtat a pronun- mi harmoniou- lineman: a. may; tun to - in. 1mm“ on, with "" b “vent” the err" mam-W“: a 'qrqya,niWr] The Wabash Limited, bound trom fft. Louis to Butralo, was purposely ,dotuled " Canneld Junction to pre- ment it crashing moo . G.T.R. (min. No passengers were seriouxly hurt. Mr. Chas. Albrecht, ir. ot St. Cle- ments, had his leg injured on Thurs- dny Inst while cumin; logs cu tho km ot Mr. Jot "Ruin. The in- jury was [and to be very serious; nmnihting unpuuuon. whim up”. “ion wu tmrtortrted u the Berlitt- W.terloo "capital on Monday to MIMI inalituuon he us removal on Snail}. TO A DVERTISE TOWN Guglph, Ont, Mar. 'r-. A 'otly- “autumn! election was held here lo- day to ttft 5 vacanry on the Council Bond tor fit. James' Ward, The candidates were Balm w, Humph- rim and Jun, Cunningham, The [armor won by 132. _ In Drea- (loodl mus showing the new"; chm " “ripe. and plain gooc I vuy puny maintain. in an n yd " for dimmed, thhuuish. shin. wanna. Special " me. MY, (I), We to 110 a 1 d new 'GUEDPH ALDERMAN Dress Goods

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