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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Mar 1907, p. 4

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‘jTWBNTY-FIFTH [ ANNUAL MEETING Senior t4econtt--tl, Must] W. Htutttnel, l, IcDonud. W. Rudd. J. um. It, 1 Int“. tr. Wterter, A. y Ila-sol. a. Vail. i'iitt't Bani-4'. new! ' t ' WI, r. Fem!“ Senior Third-M. Meyers, (L Flynn P. In“. R: Huber, Ii. Rcidrl, I' -rer, R, "gym, c. Hamid». " With. A. Scherrcr. Ron of Honor, Senior Fourth-A. McDonald, I' M. J. F'lttetter C. Martiny, w, "an er, l'. NiMH, ll, Bram", r. Gihhony C. Tum". R. Longo. _ Junior Fourth-L. Mnssvl N. qhisarteln, A. Hummel, M. Berger, L "rterty, S M. Latter, c, mum t Junior Third-M, Pnddvn In”. M. Mun, A. Schl, I B. Ohm, J. Bauer, F, i Bums, A. Watr., Class A-Faiwar" Moisvl, Vidal Woolner, Hertwrt Foick, Albert At- leldt, Victor llricknell, Oscar Bush, In!“ Hammer. FLORENCE A, STIUUKLANI) Senior I-Harry Than-r, Crrneva Mthm, Harry Hurgotl, Samuel llunr matey, Lavina Hnmmrr. Junior l-Harold Fnydrr, Heatwri Mesa, York-y} Allemang, _V‘ardrn Much, Neloma Mattra, Ada Alteldt. Junior Part ZeMilton Mods Henry Baetr, Lawn: Burgrtz, 1kharman. It was expected that the bazaar in be held on April 4th and 5th Would Add: goodly sum to the amount at- ready secured. Excellent progress has been made in securing donations from the citizens, some of which were cash subscriptions and every one” was being made to make the bazaar a success. Mr. II. Cress expressed his tiuutks for the honor accorded him in re-electing him presidcnm of tin- Society, an honor which he much ap- predated. in reference to securing uniforms for the hand he had been informed um suits could be obiainrd in England at $10 and $15 a piece, and suggest- ed that it would not to out of place to ascertain whether this was cor- rect as the uniforms here \\ould cost from $30 to tfo. Junior 2-Clayton Moss, Ella Tha let, Edwin Feick, Lucinda (lumen John Ortman, John Bush, Senior Part b-Mary Foick, ta Scharman, Mchin Snydcr, Latach, Ada Schumann. Shantz, Lorne Brickncll, Lily Stuckert, Lizzie hmvldt, met Hom-Presidents-Mayor E. F. Sea gum. Albert Hergott and F. G Hughes. President-H. Cress. lst Vice President-ui. Treusch. 2nd Vice President-J. Letter. Recording h'ecretary-E. M, Devin Corresponding Sccy.-A Weidenhanr There was a goodly number in at- teudanCe when the President Mr. H. Cress called the meeting to order shortly alter nine o'clock. The min, utes ot the preceeding annual meeting were read and confirmed alter which the Secretary and Treasurer present- ed their reports which were unanim- ously adopted. The election ol oiliccrs lor the you: 1901 was next proceeded with, and resulted in the election ot the lol- 1owirtg:-- . Tho reports presented at the 25th alum] 1ete,'i.'t ot the Waterloo Mus- M Smitty, old In the band room, ”my awning, again evidenced the groupexlty which that organization is adoring, the Treasurer's statement a*ttmrtttg the neat balance of $116.77 on hand. _ Mr. H. Cream Re.eteeted Pres, Hear ot the Waterloo Mus - ical society. A Treasurer-J. ll. Hoos A DWI-Till... CENTREVILLE Junior Division b-Mary Fcick, AIM-P Mclvin Snyder, Lilian n. aluminum-M " “I" a! m 1tetttttrti Helene“. Cad-loll!“ 1irerh'.aF.1 Ltttteaeid. Helm? C? march. H hWN‘) K lam M . KI m; Sohisrh R Hart John Hilde "all auriv May HUI- al will lunch and tt' lo (hr good dolivrnd by Auction of the da Miss L Miss Ada on “it nds “Wind comlm (all by Mann cd on Hm sion t he mu Mr, Allan How: moved lo Preston ing iseiu. Mrs. Hm birthphtce, wrrre most all her lilv. an active Sunday and her prace Hm till, Th" iuruily m we tr joy r Our I Mr. Mr. Antcn Ilinthrurgcr, son (:1 Mr. J. Hincltlrcnr,er, is ill at his home hvre with diphtheria. Mr. J. II. Meirowski has returmd Irom a two weeks' trip west. Mr. John Meirowski has bought eleven acres ot Land one mile east of Humbug from Mr. F. Walter to: $410. J. W. Hauler, .Mr. and Mrs Toman. Mr. Alfred Summs. Dundee, Miss AfGann, Gall; \. Goiton, Plaitsvillv; Mr. Battlcr, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Bowntprt, Now Dundrc; Mr. Stzutivr, Wufcrloo. Alumna. those present wvre the fol 1owinr,:--Mrs. Gvo. 11atner, Mrs. A Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. A. ll. Surarus Miss E. Meisel, Miss A. Meisel, M! S. Baifvy, Mr. Lloyd Lewis, Mr. an' Mrs. P. Etty, Miss Cora Gram-l, Mr and Mrs. ll. Gravel, all of Berlin Mrs. fsuocmGule, Calcdonia, Mich Mrs. A. Grttvtrmvr and Miss F. kiru trtztwr, llvsln‘lvr; Mr and Mrs. IN, Meisu9, F'rveport; Mitsseg R. and A Meisel, Baden; Mr, and Mrs. A. I. Howell. Miss V. P. Howell, Hays, ville; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Har tlor, Arw Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs, The hnusv was bright with flowers and the decorations wcru most artis- tic. I . A happy event Was celebrated at the home ot Mrs. Jane Rattler, Bet- lin, on Wulm-Sday. March 61h, when her daughtcr Miss Mabel was mar- ried to Mr. Daniel Weber, of Dash- wood. The ceremony took place' at 3,50 o'clock in the parlor ol the resi, deuce which was fragrant with flow- &s, and was performed by Rev. F, ywartz, ol New Dundee. The brim t-utcrrd to the sweet strains ot Men delssohn's wedding march played by Miss A. Hitler oi Bvrlin, and was gin-n sunny by Mr. W. Meiscl, of L'cBtresille. Shr was handsomely gowtwd m white silk with allow-r silk law and carried a bouquet of white mnmlluns. Miss Samantha lhmnmn of Nuw Dundee, who at le-udul llu- bride as bridesmaid, was lrccoiuirtely attind in white muslin OTt't" Hue, and carried pink can“ lions. The groom was ably assistul by Mr. William Main, of New Dure dun The sisters, until fwo year. ago were “mm-mg]! Town“). Mary, the youger, had been B school Richer in Parrdale, while the cue: sister had to Red alter the human Soun- twentp years ago they came to To- ronto mm Coiborne, where “minia- ther, Jolson Littlefield, was a well- known Larsenmn. Mr. Charles Little- ftel4, a house owner, of East 23rd street, bhecpshead, N. Y., is an uncle. WEBER. BATTLER NUPTIALS Milo. ch lie-It'll at The; In dsMb. ttltd mm. and up? mm, In, tll. Wu, “at. and " “a! I. run. “awake!” won [and in chain in their no. at m rams. meet, nun», my‘ “to: no o'clock this morning by the police ot the Pen! "(out “anon. Accidental uphyxhtion M to the! inhaling oi mum! m in give: u thp cause at dank. Augusta 'was rmployea by the American Sammy Cu. in Ellicott Square. l Marg at AW“ MW. condu- d In and: T. mun-H unm- Ioo, tanner " Seagull“: _ than “annual u th--. Irma-y'- Glob. in the an». gnaw-mu an. an» at w "la llilbnrn " Freudian called uds here this wrr-kA val services whith hate brim (rd- how the last. iew weeks nxrlist Mr. F0iherington, clos, Sunday. night. [.1)\in.l Ifilth Hy in} tht h MT In Bowman and iamily Preston last “(w-k. In Ivar Hrs. “mummy Imus hr! wrrre sh" has lived al- ter litv. Miss Bowman was, Sunday srhoul worker ‘aco thru- will be yard in amily curry with them tht. vs (I this community and wry may be spared to ('n- yrars in their new houn- vill he Prrsion's gain. _ Harlims has Cakrn posscs- " Wm. Ireattie farm which rd 3mm? Hmr- ago. salvs mom lo be ilte ordvr HAMMER“ "I BLAIR JACOBS " " n of I%uir., and Frerlton called Now. Mr Jam! Let i M "at 'tt "pprobetirn " in on“ ma the Committee win hare new books Indy ter dU.Uibtatirm the come at n "mph of wan M the close ot the but!” Ind-mm were anoint n , any midget 'aMM, " The regular monthly mrc‘ling ol the 5'0 Waterloo Fresh-twin Sabbath Sl'hool Ida Teachers Association was lull Tucs- J day m-rnlng at, the home at the Sup- hol erinVrttient, Mr, J. A. Harper. ni, The principal work ot the Cvetairtg f was the “In-Hon of a new Suh- tel hath School lihrary, trom n barge _fl (”InsiKumnTl of hunks whish had Mn. ter lent ttt awrobalhvn " ll Tits" that the Cottttttittee will have the lent I n that the new boo the cam W 11amhurg, " aiet loo. J. F, Ram Um, A. Bruce skip 13 skip " it. Winn H. F. h'csurrant skip ll! skip m Four rinks ot (halt rum-rs played at, Waterloo Friday running, the vis- itors being dvteatrd by the following 1s'corrw- Watvrloo. Galt “mums. H. M Snulor. 'i', E. Knowlrk atrtwards dimo:errd iiv.der Ih Woollen Mill properly and a norma' supply of watrr was" again amilabl about' rlz-wn o‘clock. "lad a fir occurred al that pulml ot tle' cw" lug it would narc uneloublvllly MN!“ t'd dirastrortsly as tltwe would hm brett no walrr prussuro.. It is shy prsul that the frost cracked lhe pip. and the pt'esh'ure ot iltc. “mu caused 1toollen Mull wore“; and a supply of watrr was" again a, about rlz-wn u‘clovk. "Had a occurred al ilrat mum! of tle brrn no Wit pmul that and the pnv " to break, Waterloo l frrllowitrg l I la mhurg, J. F, Ram (hf Sammy cunJlg a six inch mail iocatol under the Woollm Mill Pe I:erty burst with ilic result that ill. rtsidccts Wtwe without water (on sevcral hours. About eight o'cloc' Superintendent Dobbin noted that ill water pressure was nit as strong a: it should be and upon invrstigatiror, at the Watcr Works found that 1h stand. ipe was almost empty dcuutin a leak somewhere. The break wa atCtwards diamond limit-r fli Woollen Mill properly and a normal TIre (1mm oi Mt. Jacob Nahrgan who "sidcd one mile north of Watct low, occurred on S'riuaFnorninr, n ure Edmund ago ot 83 Tears'. De cecszd hul Men ailing [on some lint and death was not unexpected. The late Jacob Nnhmang who pass" rd away on Friday morning, was born in Lehrbach, Reason, Germany. in 1821, and in 1850 emigrated lo America. coming to Waterloo on May 25th of the same year. On Dec. 20, 1851, he was married to Anna Cath-- Nine Kuhl. Thry resided one mih north of Waterloo until the death of his wife, Feb. 13, 1900, when In mahe his home with his 'SOB, Mr, John Nahrgang, but the past in; months Wad mum: mm another son, Mr. Henry Nahrgaivr,. Two sods and six xive. Another son many years. ‘. The inn-rel took place trom the rr sidcnce at Mr. Henry Nahrgang, now of Waterloo on Sunday afternoon t town, Ft. John's Lutheran Church lursz-r Crt' thence to Mount Hope Cemetery The deceased who was " years m age was aquiel. iutusuious yum; man and highly rcspeclul by hts lritnds and acquaintances. m; Katha formerly resided near Floradale,wlwtv he owned a farm and deceased was. well4noutt in that vicinity. 'llt. lamily nmowd trom that place about twelve years ago to mat Burlington where, Mr. Benn pnrchasnl a farm ul over two hmdrell acres. Decetcsel was a great lover of horses and " hlblud m the heavy class at [man Toronto and London winning valua- tle prints. 'I he lulu-ml was hcld un 'llctrritla,t afternoon from the ttsititncc of Mr (no. Kliuck, Elmira. The bereavcd have the shun-n- ."y"t- pathy of many friends in um. hum of affliction. The deceased was a nephew of Mr; rs. Ben}. and ano Deritt of tin DEATH OF JACOB NAHRGANG Ihtta't “a; in)“ 'e%tt M I'm no by to _ an. nip.tuk- an “Inn, to to. d m and: being mud um: In All wow u tritam into use]!!! mun. While voting at the bottom at the stack getting out tho at; unw, Irvin suddenly luv u portion 01.tho ue WWW loose and sliding. down 3nd he unmediahly nu tat lar ety calling on " brother to do ' when The mm ttowemr, was-caught ( by the tumbling was and the upper Put. of his body wus tsutunergcd. EH torts were immediately made ml? pull hint out but when my sauna-J in [racing him from the wmght ml th, straw um ice, life was extinct. h- cu-w at th- at an “a.“ W d It. muo- Dam, Bott at $tr. l“ Dam at from. In: ”my“ a: mm ot u go: 'Meat In "mired by may. I: 1Ntattoo Ct m a“ can. u a new?" W to Elk ”at. who We was; that nutmeg”. Geo Knack. Elwin " ti. use. . Mr. Mittqtt Duh. Maid in Am» Fret-In. Oat. I lvspoh'r [It imam-"'1 " In I n approbat the CttttttttiC books ttadr mane of a the clan of m rrnks of M-w Hanttturr,,.curl- urn- (Imam hy local writ-rs a! MONTHLY MEETING Sm WATER MAIN , BURST <nydot skip skip Werlnvtiduy "vTrtltt7, tiUtyreW.-- ki CURLING Hi 21 I3 grandchildren sur “(deceased hin' Patrick Galt “mums FI. Knowlrn. skip 11 l McLrnrren, skip ll Bruin, , very' The Hitachi»; Frown II by _'l?tp)tita"i" out. t. A. C. skip the ll It The lullnwinz is the slandinm ot tlr, pupils m t4. M. No, 8, Waterloo, for the month of February, ’HL- Ptumrs are arranged in (mm ot merit, Junior iV..irma Winsnn, Lloyd |Stnltx. Arthur Sl'haat. Earl Roman- mel, Milton Schaat. Jun'or IL-aiu "ilistrrt, Allrin hold F"rahvr, Vernrn Han-luck, Mr nie Krssetring, Eddie [gamma Put H.-mra Hun-lock. Lir.rio now tel Cl.“ Krsselting. ,Pnt 1.-Ireetr, Strebcl. Crcelia Mo Let. Mon Snyder, Clayton ltarit, 11ittttltrrd Kan”. - " Srnior 'lr-hu Bt'thtel, Millie Me Govern, Alexander Kcil. Junitr 1W--ueorgina Fisthar, Her bert Show, "other! Moser, Gordo than, Harvey lussohing. Senior Ir-Clarence Stunt Earn Bechtel, Parry Snyder, Sebastian Maser, Violet Huh, Roy Roch-r, Ida Fteund. His Lordship thug“! llil' jury lass axing the complainant, Mortigouwry, The puhuraiion ot the documrM by delivery from Bowlhy to Buskard WM The in“ came out to ask th. ich, it the tcrdict of guilty could bc " ,tul'nul it the tlelmldant had hy know ledge ot the contents ct the stand; Ions dorumcnt which he had ash“ Busruul to [oplmiutc in tyiu'wri11t" form. The judge mum! Ilrat [rm th: iar'ls in evidence llu' jury Wm warranted in helief that 116w"); 'lh‘w lht' u‘nlvnts of Ilm'umrnls i question, The, fun-man of jury there utott stated that ho did not up“: an awn-Intent io lw react" d and rz‘ burn d in "tt minutes win] " 'ijsagrrw ment. . The Niall look place betow Juslir will: n antl only two whim-sax wm examined, John Huskard and daurhti' The defence ouch-d no cridence in n banal. Branlford, Marco r.P--dty a ic t IO. to 2 for acquittal the jut T m th eelebrated dutamatory liht'l cas?, n which A. G. Mantgpmery chargul Ma. yor Buwlby with publishing a seam: lous circular in the last mayoral!) disagreed tu-night aflel living out in four hours. Died in Drumbo.-Tne death occur, red Feb. Mth at Drumbo, ot Mr. John Koch, a lurmcr resident or Nets Hamburg, at the age oi ti2 years, t months and " days.. He had been in failing health lor some time. De, (“Ned was born in Petersburg. Hl Was widely known, having conducted the Royal Exchange Hotel her: About fourteen years ago he removed to Drumho where he continued in the hotel business. A widow, one son. and two daughters survive. The [un- eral was held on March 3rd from bit late residence to the Petersburg to metery. ‘ Pioneer oi Wilmot Passes Away.- One of the pioneers of Wilmot Township passed away March llh it. the person at Mr, Conrad Goetz, a respected citizen of the. towuship, aged 88 years. Decedsod was born in. ()eiinger, Baden, Germany, August 'd, 1819, emigrating to Canada in 1845 He settled in Wilmot township when he resided almost continuously up to the time of his demise. He was married. to Elizabeth Reichert in 1848 A widow and seven children survive. The funeral took place on Wednesday March 61h, and was Iargelyarttemted; the funeral service being held irt, the Lutheran church here and was con-. ducted by Rev. IL F. Gruhn. The evidence was Mr the Ireliminary hcarlng Death at Peter Ettdress.--The death of Mr. Peter Endress occurred at Petrolea, March lst, at this use at 80 years. Deceased was formerly 5 ret sident of this place but removed to Petrolca eighteen years ago. He is survived by a family ot three 80113 and two daughters. His wife prede- ceased him two years. Mr. and Mrs. s. Weis at Mount Clemens have returned home after a visit with friends here. A my mile birthday party VII that held " the home a! an. and In. J. tr. Kelley inhonor oi the}! log Clayton. Mr. H. Buck has moved into one ot the residences lately, erected by Mr. Pequcgnat. - m. Wm. J." Kerr and Iamitr hive letrtor Lunatic». Sank. It. Christin new: in mud tm tout.r_otthe lat. new W a! Mr. Win. In” 0! North Button in moved into the Mun meated by Mr. lam. nu “nudges. ' Mr. Thou. Allshirc ot Wcodlmk visited trienO here last week. Ix. (Jun. 24 Valle a Pat-r- Iku and hm hm tart walk. Mr. on In. Glacial was” -oe ”than mm: with rel-mu has 1ur0R BO W Lttt ACQUITTEL a an an“: him. in" In In an. at In» two. in 'In, Hutu Induction» In: auiai it" -- an“ on 'cr,tlSiu'iiiii.i Ill-n..." 1-- In... in "si.a. -_.l(.‘u! dam" “h- Nev Ila-bug - Iai- Iuo dedriBud " “MW. on Aur. m. mamm- an m 'tamid- “a; Jan. VIII. * u and J...j lions: In; "that! ken aga- yum Rain is visiting Mend: STANDING OF S. S. N0. 8 HUGH A, ROSS Teacher 1h:- same as a "artt, ottittmrr.--trsth viulhd out 1illoge " on 'tper ml claimed tot its Tit, l ROSS tlat. Tl. John mmmisnn. In tle. M had been “I to: _ n wee. with Tsacter. tntetttttttth. She had ruched the m of any-an yoga. A huh-in In Ilium ”no! A tttSita".', to Birrr.ot liiiiiciiUSri.l'i'iiUi F was so writing he is improving. Mr. I, Sunk-r of Berlin spun Sure day under the.parenutt root. Mr. Will Campbell and his moth" spent a tew days last week with ltlends in Marrbotoush. 5 Mr. and Mrs, A. hurting Hum: .31: Ilcrlin Int Wednesday. ot Millhank Mr. Jun. Poole tom hid mike and of merchandise to Mr. W. Math-r Mrs. John VII-hum ia'apcmling yum-.9 time with her ¢aupmrr “a. trt liqms in "mm. Mrs, W. Uurnq'tl of “our Maclon spent last wu-k at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Home”. Little Miss Vivian Petal ot Berlin is visiting at, Mrs. J. L. H:mmond's. Mr, Bert Munch-ll is laid up With rheumatic ttwer, At the hum ot writing he in imurnvim. Mr, Hugh Frame ot Waterloo sin-M Sunday in Ute village. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gardiner of Baden wished at Mr. Noah Shaun‘s on ts'unday. Mr. Alvah Htist, who is about tr leave our 1tr'igltborltrorl, was ploasant ly S'rpriml lnxl Tuesday evening, Manh 5th, by ahout Ihirty of his friends. The "tttting, um wry [ll joyahly span. A shun compliment tary rmgrannnc was Tinorrui by tht durum-rs of the Edwarl VII Literary 'h'ocriiy, The u-st of the mining was wry pleasanily spun in gauzrs and music, alter which the hostess srlvcd a, wry thinly lunch. The company dispersed k-riing that they are lasing a trur rnd taithiul Irirnd in the departure of Mr. Heist, but wi~h him suu'oss in his [Mutt duties. . Miss Parisian comm Itithly recum- mrnted and with the up-to-date stoc she has placed in hot work-room wili te able to show the Intuit in head Miss Prrrisian, ci Cornwall, arrived in town Mummy. to lako charge of Mr. Schumlm-r's Mill'utery Depart mull. Mr. Arthur Potrock and Mr. Wilgor, oi Berlin, wow in town last week. Mr. M. F.rtel u[ Imtroil, is anew- ing old acquainiann‘s in toe n. h wry pleasant (time was span: at, the home Ijt Mr. A. C. Crawford, b'errttraali, on Friday night, it being a [arcwrll party for Ihcir daughter, Marie, prior to Mr leaving for Han oder, where she has "mm-Med a you tion as miliner. About 30 coupler wu‘c present and Hunt, the night H dancing and tartl 1 L13 ing. 'lhm _oteseut from tos n were Miss Eisler and Miss N'ellie Little and Messrs. dandy, Cultwrt and Ronnie. Mr. H. A, t'alrcit and Mr. Alton Baher of Walton, wrrc in town Sun- day. , A big tire broke out in this town loll the 7th ot January and destroyea two big hotels, hit. the Royal am. the Alberta. The origin' ut tik, tire ts not known up to the time of writ. mg. Many horas and cattle' sane! tor waat ot feed in this part ot th. rountry owtng to the vast amount dir 'uroyed by the tire last 5.1mm“. trtett1cr.has grunt greatly sins ‘its istablisttnent in the UNIT part of 1905 and the lollowing is a list ot th, various business plans Mater: btre:-dnunigration . liao, cloopping mill, two millinery xst,xblisluuurss, bakery, school, elevator, jewelry item, furniture store, tive livery sta ales, three banks, tour hotels. thret warding houses, Ilugr and loud store three hardware stores, two ’hukhol shops, three grocery stores, two gm very and .dry goods stores, liquor "store, newspaper Mice, creamcry, three lumber yards, dry goods slur. tour real estate others. The place has also a hospital and [our (hurdles; a sauremaker, photo gunner, tour hlat'ksntiths, harness maker, two doctors, drurr,isi, dentlSt and also a'band. Miss Nellie Little spot 'rilltran'i. T As a mum ot the seversvwet0er, the ant-moon nuns from Calgary North and Stanton; South have disconliducd running. There will be one train per day each may only uh» til the “anther moderate! .consider- My. _ It. Untied Hume: {may the proprietor at the Alberta Hotel has Fiuitpiil the. May: 1329:“, ve", Witt mm panama at an early date. u! “at” 'itti- _ tat- tto to.“ . M “at at at"! Wm . J" V has. can! but.” but a mum In an loamy. ”In" union Mn In W and Mmhwtmtl.u,pum direet tron an. who. It ia "new! mu an new gall. read It to In exuded “other so milk! cut at Static: during the com- ing summer. Juau in the “was"! am to the lanai. new, totrn, " miles on! o! Btettler. immunwufw-r mull! datlea, “our.“ . ar. aon-Iuculyuulu” an inwummbaum condo... “hummus“ that “twentieth-“moon Mannedd mango-m 'u'shanab-ta.ttset-U.tat4 New who-inlaid tMt length NINE PIN'iu'F, CllOFStHLi, LINWOOD ' my; wry [ll shun complinn-n a rm'lcrrd by tht 'al‘l VII Literary l the owning was Friday lil To: - “In: ad putloulnn ml, to TERMS.-T'ett per cent of the pur- rhno mom? to be paid It the “mo of sale. untrue balance within ten an therein". Upon the property gm . Cotupi- may now turns homo and bunk ban um other ouMlldinv, til in good remit; I few are: of hurdwond trust, w‘onhnd, mad . "II and other im- uovmnta. The property ts “out tHe, tttiietr mt trom Berlin, and about one mile ettr_trPttt Petersburg. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd. IMr7, at but put. two in lb? alternuonth lolIowing (arm property BOW, in the oecupnion ot Jon: S. Roth, mmcly; The out half of the mt three- lourlh ot Lot number Four on the north side ot Snider's toad n the Township ot Wilmot Waterloo, containing mom or less. F Lnder and by Virtur ot the powers conuined in two vet1ain mortages whim will bu produml at the lime ot 1.19, there will be ofttuzrrl lur. sate by whlic auction, by Juwph Mic-kw, Auctioneer, upon the Ian's herein“- ter dvscribrd, on 'T Is reopened and in In charge of I185 BHOEMAXER. one of the non t ap able Dressmakers, in Berlin. asides lit. Shoemaker ‘oun loy to n ' 'per iencgd helper. sud this department. - never boner 1tl74'J'l"llL' it is this season. Alma! many orders are backtd Md u we expect . very busty xen- son we advise who are looking to u- for tire-muting to me their Belect- iona and place their orders early. . _. . , , Berlm s Up-to-datc Store. Betlin. March 4th, 1W7. “Elegant, Tweed Suiting: and phin In Dual Good. we one thawing the C oth Suiting: in the pretty wring new"; etsesV stripe-and plain gcoc. dude- for the new tailor nude and very pretty mun-nul- in an n ade- Eton Suit. Thus none in price- for menu, "irtmntstr, "rite, wan-u from 50c. 00c. 'ac, Lal to 1.60 a. yd. Specill .6400, MY, m, We to no u l d Our Dress Making Department Jfi,"f Our showing of Linoleum: and Oil Cloth ”in “In in. km- at and moat up-to-dnu eval- shown in town. . . This iueludetr,-- . T 10 piecm Nsim'a (4 yardg wide) but ttmlitrtNek and 'omldo. Iigus' at Mk per sq. yd. _ _ _ _ 15 piece: beat quality " yds wide) nowilt paturm, at 500. yd 20 pieces oil clot/ha, 1 yard and 2 yards wide, at.Me pot yd. . Inhid Linoleum at 750, $1.00 and 1.25. a yd. _ Stair oils, l to , yards wide at 121 to 200 a M. . S. B. BRICKER & C0. LANG BROS. a GO. Mortgage Sale Jaws 0. "MONT F arm Property Suitings We lay all Linoleum: and Oil Cloth: bought from us. Hot ALL GRADES ,-" _ ALL PRICES z; Atl, WIDTHS _ l _ NEWEST DESIGNS Oil cloths in the Couuty o eighty“: um Salerno. Ont. - W10! If you want really nice Duns Gorda-at you want fuhion‘blo until-If yen want good goods for your money; we invite pm to come direct to thin out!I We make Dress Goods th specialty and we any the NEWEST and FINEST Stock in Berlin. mum’s / - FINEST DRESS mums . ST Qlil and ‘ A speck! deptstatlott appointed by tho bond ot trade wdktl on "no Own-n Sound town count“ n tho re- sult: meeting no! outlined their Hans tor “vermin; the to": at! mun; outside people ink-mud by Imululzln‘ than win: the ulna!- up! than, All ttr members ot a. council were Manly in tarot of (to pronoun“, an!) “to: I proButtt ml taxman“ tum . ttedAtt um w an» the "dunk! T t Nuc- 860' b than“. it: . _ 1eattthrt",twtr " 2'hn 4 3: ‘, Mr. Chas. Alum-m, jr. ut St, Cle- menu. had his leg Injured on Thurs- dar Int while cutting logs cu the tum at Mr. Jog. mum. 1h: im. jury was [and to bu very Beriourt/ lam-“nun; unpumuon. whklmper- “Ian was performed u. the Berlin- Watettoo flu-pun] on Momur to whim institution he WI! tenuous] on sunny. TO ADVERTISE TOWN ( The Wabash Limited, bound trom 81.. Louis to Bututo,'wag purposely |demiled gt Utumeld Junction m pre- rent it chaining mm . (HER lulu. No passengvrs were uerinusly hurt. Guelph, Ont, tur. T-. A ham" Conn-ted election was held here to- day to an n Maury on the Council Board tor Ht. James' Ward. Tho candidates were Ralph W. Humph~ tics and Jun. Cunningham. Thr lurmcr won by IM. N EW OUELPH ALDERMA N Dress Goods TIE unimpor- the Berlin- Hominy to turnout] on th

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