'i" Ww CARS TOWER 0N NIAGARA BRIDGE Niagara ruu jumped th tl, bridge, of [hr l rixel-,"t"rr. up tween th" In. In .et net-work with old high wn; away iro, of the lm yesterday labor an! I H"." ttest, they ha Barn it 1 CEmpty" Leaves Track at En- trance aM Breaks in Cent- re of Span. This been ("til prove it ntir Prat mm ford The rails, the m UM h It s tou r i rccert A A/ur. " crew look 'A l the Lt'hu-JI v, merivan um- I Trunk yard» 4 {apple ptl h teet bNow. "In I 0n ti m retrigr'rator l Ihc twin lt'fl along thv its: ue, tearing l last SHIRE Tly hall , sidv and l by I tmr and end Thu w New ho tttmmm FROM PAGE , Thero, In ir Th north _ hmmin IMI In N tl tho- I " swm inn up; Hit no“ ( mull 1h ml h ‘lt PROFESSOR GOLDWIN SMITH The Grcatest Living Mute; of Style at ll ,h 111 1' III 3 MESH STEEL ROLLER T. E. BISSELL, Egon. our. ‘llrrn ,meh by Dixon. Tm ply ll [If rim tor Mild t and“ wring mu down mng m n». k wright. um I - or tun-perm! nhnrm in *. 'll" Imus- Aniline".- d in "mung-L No up!" rut. Ivvmnl "r grind. Fronts hunt I‘w mmm "BlSSELL" ur Agent or Addrul Auction Sale Advertisements 1| ll tl “I "ELIJM" DOWIE i, Auction Sale DEAD IN CHICAGO A _ of . Famous Leader of a Religious Sect, Succumbs to Disease and Worry. ll! Chicago, March llnwn- Is dead. I old. " " h w Il Mr T I h IN In ll ll I) ll ll II “I: " MK) I Ilmi In†ll dd Hr " M I) h S MANY JUNK (I " itat M ll Pl sppot , V ll ll ll ft tl at tl hi " Tl tr, th " It " n it n. III ltr' ll h Alex ' TU tl ll ‘INI isirmr of Moni- d prdge of the " ll tr, I\I lh (I Id thi wht yum s durn rd I I mt" th an Mil kl ll" till di ll ll rt " ll il bl "I"! hi; Il Farm Stock and Implements " tion l hr“ rl lr- ll ll Hum n Horsr Tin-Ir " Ill 'nzhl ttttt 105. MII ml Mar. 1h'--s1ock and implements of .Lu‘nil Elk-rt, 1 mile west of Jes, (-phshurE. TH “HIPS we March 2 ments of cast of W March Hill -y,'tock and implements .I Fwd Stump, 2 nulvs north-west it New Dundee. Al pl Du M uill M M Joseph Mlckus, Auctioneer ll M lhr may," mol" SW1 [mun this other. an from “in rl M M Il M “t M Il rl “if Ncu ih Hun ts ot "ch 2Mi--utock and implrmcnts "rvdk. Hunk, an Huron ltd, or 3 'S tvest oi Now Dundnc. SBA y TI kl If it k at. tlu‘ tl till Tlil nuns l AUCTION SALES It', "It rrt' IO-inn/ture oi Aanm "Fir. ltl‘nslau. [my I ll I " n l ll ll my m til 1| -h',triu stock and John ilerst, 3 miles lst --Farm simk am Wm. Hcuuue:ric1t, f. irdq'rirouriw "tl luwn -Fatm stock and the lui" John Kn t of Waterloo. tum n II! ll " " " cla l'l ll At It? M ble M’lill It th mm stuck and implr Lute Andrew Haus, on Nrw Germany. M tl: pl Id dctairq rtr- w ll rare oltivator 1h sum th! . tlts "tht lulu!!! It 5 scts l tray lurk lictsr, llâ€. y"' which Iv Illul is It M. MITC1 I ELL stuck am “Mm Him: A kesvtllv. ml no ){ichvs l g $irrerttrml Illf' I I A ml w uq this lPSSnn the Almmhh‘ 1sith ccrtain sin, than up. w public auus Wllhalu Mit- "ulrs west ut ttt ll Fi lurk Mull haters In In hulaâ€; ttht il S,Ul ND, mm att Id " who Juntrs. 1ments unit man 1d mil Th. H" and " and wln plyi 'ld Ihvr ‘d lull rnhh on BM 1. iisics, hors nllrr, I ack, ll raw grttr and per, v; r- . . 1 ha . (In lulu-I ble .rmw sets ne _ and stor " to ml" imple- south ur implc irnplv- miles imp] i mih impl Ha il mirle Frro ll MW ot tt pi There will be sold tion on the [arm n Knorr, 3 miles west ituuuuclhtu d t, on commencing at i?, [allowing valuable LIVE STUCK - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th. 1907 Fun Stock and Implcmenu. ble harness, set new plow hainess, 2 sets single harness (one new). mw Do Laval cream, svparator, making store, 3 Iu'allng stovcs, bur1uut,louugv rupboard, 2 wardrobes, bmlroom not, tiuntlwr of chairs, organ, unlk cans, bent-hes, tables, hvdstcads, Daisy chum (tww), washluh, iron kettle, meat grinder and pump, lawn mowei tlou-chest, woodchest, wash machine. and many Uta-r articles too itumer- lous to mention. ll IO. There will he sold o"n the farm of the mile west of Joseph northwest, of Ft. J rummenvim: at ont', o'clock sharp,'the following valuable vrty, viz: Iairestock--Hors" p, years old, mare r, years out, short horn cow 4years old and can, 3 cows suppusml to he In calf (um- irrsh by “mo of sale), 3 huIIms m m", , spring calves, 5 pigs c, months old, 2 sows supposed to be in mg. 5 mars supposed to be in lamb, 20 chickens, Collie dog 5 "mums old. JOY',. MICKIS. Auctioneer Implements, pic.- Tmst and Wood hinder (mmrly new), new Massvy- Harris mowvr, hay rake, pea har- Tester, wagon, carriage, new top buggy, m-w sleigh, cutter, land ml- lu-r, sved drill, Mann Giant spring tooth cultivator and spoil", disk harrow, iron harrow, Frost and Wood plow, two-Inflow gang plow, No. '21 new Ayr plow, scuther, stone hunt. Lumim: mill, straw cutter, hay lurk, woori rack, lumhor lor hay rack, m-w pig rack, fly nets, single ily nei, horse robe, slump robe, 5 tluv, icrs. honey extractâ€; bro lm‘rs, hoteat collars, 2 Scot“: calla double harnvss, 'gt plow h 2 sols buggy harness fone new), turnip pulper, h.u.:1ruck capacity 1000 lbs, slum h, post 211mm", crnwhar, crosscut broi, National (Tram scpUrati chitu: tools, wlMletrers, 1100 Na. 22 rifle, double harrplled Ell", traps, ncrk yokes;, hay wagon jack, fwd 1rough long, SM oi kettle, Inga stove, 2 n wheel, wan a quantity Klnn so"! barley. tun Farm Stow and Implements grain lslwls spring “twat, 'rr, In " peas and a quantity of hay No 11-mont- as Farm is solo. Auction Sale “In I'ot JUN. MH'KI MONDAY, MAR. 18TU, 1007 Auctlon Sale ‘(ll'lS ups l of brilllrvsm lngglnrz rim 3 meat, it! ward-rum, , ti Ix, ncrk 1 \‘PI, chaff ck, gravel gh, an aut J M re, o'clock noon of lill‘l'l'RH'H by public wo- 1 the Ute, Peter at Waterloo u! by public auction unriersigue'ti, , 1shurg, or 3; miles Agatha, on planks att nllml up] LU‘OH l'IIJJCRT u bee 2, collar plow ha Pt opriefor bl and ll IT p all ir rt', (In bricks 51:" knih- fork 'hppt-r the prop " A! w Il Sn tbv There will be sold by public upo- tion on the premises ot the under- usual, in the village ot Brealau, commencing gt t o'elock sharp, [allowing valuable property, viz stok--Urade Jersey cow old. Jmplementts, ete.-Cutter, 2 top buggies, light (Iva-rut, 3 Dell single harness, slelxh, 2 straw cut- ters, root puplcr, butUlo robe, 3 horse blankvts. grind stone, anvil and vise corubiiuni, a lot of tarm- ters tools, Iron sledge, crow bar, maul and wtNige, 75 [wt one inch rope, 4 cow chums, Waggon isck, furnace, scythe, rakes, forks, shovels and hoes. Household rim-ts - Wash wrintter,) one barrel cider run-1.2.11; 3 milk' coolers, mm kettle, 2 tubs, a lot of trucks and Jugs, kitchen sideboard. table Willi drop leaf, nrgan, 7 chairs, 2 wood boxes, large chest, 4 benches, 2 small stands, lndstcad with springs and mattress, desk, bookcase, 2 clocks, hanging lamp, 2 small lamps, 21 yards homemade carpet, 2 bake trays, scale 1200 lbs. capacity, a quantity of thshcs, grain bags and many utlu-r articles too numerous to imottion. Also uue barrel apples and l; bags Iowa. limuly seed pota- Farm trays, scale 12:00 quantity of dishes nuny utln-r urtlclt nu-ntmn. Also um 3 bags I toes. Terms-All Sums of SI" and under cash. over that amount six months' crvdtt on approved security or six pvr rrnt. discount per annum lor cash payinois of credit amounts. 10 Thcre will be sohl hy public am (In. on the pin-"uses oi the 1mdursiguetl al Conestogo, on ,_ ., cotmnencinert the Iollo1w mg v l.l\'rl‘l.'\"l'()('K,-Marn supptrtd l be in foal, heavy team I; and wars old, horse. 16 years old,Jcrs1 cow in calf. cross-ui chains, " ncckyolits, tray knifn, um prmlu TERMS dvr, tank IMPi,F.MiP.NT1--r,mulwr (Nvw llmnhnrg make), iron a on broad tirus, wag-In lynx box, huh sleigh, 'icrapi'r, “n two top buggies. cuter, sin: seated earriae,e,uew 11 foot. I so! dohblr harness, 2 51-h lip', fiataess, sol heavy sirrgl" [nun furrow gangplow, Vit l', l In lars, HulTaIn robe (Mina luau ml cloth, 4 hors" blunkvtc,, 2 cs, 2 strings (J lel:\. in; cross-ui saw. muw bat, 3 IDS, MIUKL‘S, AARON BETZNEI‘, mnnlh" notes nr mt‘nlu nl I] JUN Mii'KC4, “linXICSI' of Farm Stock and Implements TUESDAY, MAR. 19, 1901, SATURDAY of Farm Stock and Implements [US 1tit'Klyi, J.\U ll "I'XKI‘IR Auctinnwr Auction Sale Auction Sale , uct ioncer It il Amman “In NU or Stock and Implements. I, 5 pm Cum' credit an " \Fc AY, MAR! Jy All TERMS CAyH1 h H Mr I o'vlockitt" Quip aluablotopru 1y, ' 11.. M l RCI I 23rd, 15m? HUR mlxl by Hm lln ti WM. Ini-IHSM'K Proprietor. ul ll ty' puhitt' a Ink-l surnvd Wt't'lt Mal iWptor I? for 1 Pr o lurid o r ll inch' tw t. ltay Mir pl at 6 year: Ivy a] .1†“mum Luk- wa7, Tll h hullrli Ilv um! um I, an unlit-1m tr" n h pay Ill hm In.“ ht I) lug rrhil ‘hard Ill No hlr 10 thr if rp The undersigned ittt do: 10! " try public And-MI. I 'stil" .0". d Heidelberg and a nun In“ at m. Jacob. on tho tomitiae Beter' .. leak-y and “Manama; commeneing at 3 o'olese* “In, a (unowing valuable pmpelty, vim; liorses-Dark tsarrorie, duh by mare 5 yea†old - " “it. light bay man I you" old, fk/tc both the above hone- ate In M to Golden Victor, the pueblo: to [my the service ot the bone oh the day of sale. . Cattle. Pigs, etc.-Fretstunilk row supposed to be In all, cow to calve in August, cow to “Ive in Septem- ber, 5 yearling heifers, 4 yearling steers, sucking call 2 months old, sow supposed to {arrow about time of sale, sow with titter'atl side. in. pig, 7 pigs " months old, 3 ducks, 60 chickens and Scotch Collie dog. Implements, ete.-lrrtring binder as good as new, mower, gang plow (nearly new), wagon as good as new, 2 seated carriage, sleigh. set new double harm-88, Bet carriage harness, fanning mill, grind Monet grain bags, forks, sump shawl, trosscut saw, goat who, meat barrel, Leader churn, pickle kvg, milk pulls. Dobbin drum. males capacity 100 lbs, kitch- en tahle, several bags potatoes and a. quantity of outs. Farmsmiiow Terms-Grain, potatoes, pigs, hens, and all sums at $10 and under cash; over that amount " months' credit on approved joint non-s. or , per cent. pvr annum on tor cash. TUESDAY, MARCH "TH, "a Commencing at 1 o'elock sharp the iolhrwing: _ , 10 Thom Will be sold by public auc- lmn (In tim him of John McNally, um mule southweat OI Blair. on Ilotstei-ilydt' mare 1500 lbs, rising 7 urpitrs' old, mare rising 3 years old with t (‘IURM‘S of Clyde, in foal ta Lord (warming, [my carriage tram, I and 5 31mm 0151. lu0.bruthcrs. nun- rising IO year.t old, aged mare, hrood mam in foal 'to Ora Wilks, 2 ttra Wilks volts rising 1 and 2 years old, 2 in“; rising 3 yrars old, 2 nuts sired by Ites, rising l-ond 2 puns, yacht-run colt ri-ing 1 year 1uttlv-1 dairy 2 supposed to bi: butcher cattle, Frill (ullws. Pins and I'ouliry.-mood sow due io {mmw in April, 13 shoats, about 80 chickens. . ' tSheep-IS rrgisterot Shlnpshlro (‘WPS In lamb, p.r, good grade Shrop- shire PWCS in lamb, ll regimen-d Shrnpshirc cwc lambs, pure bred lam‘ “Valor, srreel drill, Noxon; Oxford p, iurrow plow, 3 single plows, potato tslow: p, scumvrs, " It. iron har- row, 12 It, iron hannw, disc hat- row, pm harvester, lung bunks, wood bay and stock racks, 2 stone hank, huh! (Irmnrmt with poY, surlry "Pauly new with pole, road furl, turnip sc-Mvr. new; sugar pan, him Arr 1win"; linsilago cutter, Clitnas, anunlt-(I on trucks; 2 broad tirmi Implements, triee-Bimier, Massey- Harris. mower, Khanâ€; 12 mot rake, “wring; hav loader, Dain; land rot- lrr, 3 horse culiivator, 2 horse cul- “Valor, sm‘ul drill, Noxon; Oxford 2 iurrow plow, 3 single plows, potato “mzxzuns, Hinton fanning mill; gram chopper. Hmntfnrd;‘]ack and rods. root pulpI-r. 2 wt bob sloighs, llama slvigh, quantity hardwood and pine lumber. wire gate, 3 sets plow har- m‘w, 2 sols long mg harness, ' svts bunny harmss, set light ciwriage hor- m-xs, IL horse collars, rrosscut saw, hindcr Cover, scales. cal." posts, racks, Inn's. claims and mlwr urti- clvs ld of Farm Stock and Implements A quantity rumisling ol churn. bully parlor stow" minimums. l; Auction Sale In that " M, [ and IN†S MCNAILY, ALEX ARIES, lnl WED}; 1-131) cr, MA RCH Iustioneer CI. ASS, FRED F olLftriTLtt,ir rms-tlo and umlt~r cash, over amount ll) months' rrrdit will ivearm furnishlng approval joint s, nun discount of four prr _ on all amounts (-nllllnl to cred- acept fat “UHF, hay, grain. roots poultry, whim will be cash. Prttpricior INN IN't'HAT NOON st lmusrlmhl lnrnilurr- lablrs, chairs, Daisy IIriago, m?I slovm, (arrow, butter workrr, ls, Also shunt 100 mx. 200 hush-ls bar- ls oats, ct quantity many-ls and lot rims, 2 fresh and in m", Cat cow. ll I h:iit1P, carves, 2 RIPE-Q, Clerk Proprietor Auctioneer " of