The dmlh 1 inch. Why: tt Iach. took pL Cedar Sm- The deems, ind is suruu grown-utr (in) Mrs. C. H. Mu the guest " Mr.†M Sunday.. Seen Berlin bug. tank of al 89th giving mu ship butt, an: Ivitcr inscrign im beneath i1 the TH“: the Irwin the, T Water lin. She ha ttw I Mrs. Harry T, 'Andrews an- .12“ their sister “Em her hom" in lint mic t terest Mr. ant Hamburg in Berlin. Town l'h-z in Mount Cl lion with " Mr. G. house ll it Missvs Fl. Dunhau have I'm-turned iron: they nitcmlvxl ihe m Mrs. Elir tor lilktou Michigan, v. few months LOCAL AND PERSONAL TIr Miss May Il Miss Mr. II. WM t In (tscirtrv.r 'P"rrry: MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO. LONDON, HAMILTON, 0TTAWA,ԤT _ "Minna WANTID IVIIYWHIRI. “DU?“ ."LE E "‘9 L GHT pl THE wiuuuets MANUFACTURING co. uo d) ,/E.5:=Â¥.\\ u /WL:‘;X; 2% :54? L' , as?" male; $11,“: ‘miZ:3? IlFth Cb t,irtti,i (“(5% ' . , 1litl8lil!ltlii , Hi 's'i'imll " " ' _ . 3 _ as?!“ 'ltlltE ,5 . . . ' a IE MII! a}??? i)qi In I: I // / y / tl ll il Il VI. Milli, of Chatltar, t Mr.-and Mrs. C. I Tl, Il I) BERLIN NEWS Il Ms ALWAY. LOOK FAIL, TH: he " ill her dau, " I: ll r-%§¢W~Rubber§ / / ‘71,“: rl l r l _ / / "ir I, *4 Je, A "/ _ j.a,,Us,-csfcly , / BBE! i7ft/)'sl: Z v,'il,?'?',,'2','Tlt,y'e/', 2/ :'c,VrC,, /,,/Mï¬m/ FT II (I I) ft t, points fitwd to I a (Hippo. spend Mers. M . Bet mm lo where openings. Hill w il N112: r- Srha tu . I 1 T1 Kr il " W A T n. is emu-Hod. the Trustcm hum: 171ml them the liberty lo my. that the “huju stall will take advantage oWthe oppurnmity oiiervd in inspect the Hurlin M'lmuls and exchange 59w mutants and views. teachers to visit their s afternoon " Friday, 1h Q Th Tht At a meeti ssuuutiml , t sum-[i1 the M, h UH d I 'Xt " ld M CHM ill If NAME Men 's ; of the (lull Teachers' Friday it was decided Invitation oi the Berlin it Ilteir schools on the 'riday, 1hr 23nd. when ll Kit tl out . JUNK. n. I. SI IOXI‘II wear M T01 LIIITID. New Movomrnt [ital (‘lmrch was howitalrle man- jmr, by Mr. and U Jun Md " Mi is ih tr tl 111: C in mm then Motui, Mr IUHI‘I'S ll W W Il the ti " I) and An h h nu: that has P tin: Alt Ii {not l'uluu In t'tr 0h") mu I may sot!) tl {lumen tum ectl tl torm him [tut ut, the town oi 1mm ehmiuatiou from (N0. 27) LOW in 1n The takin It was onded'by be .1un Dr. ll. ( 'lhe amount property auto " asstssmcnl mum†and due ices p.. __r_. ...rrr... H i','itttess lets _t'F"rrr_rr_ Cuuttsel Ices .._ 'F-,' . Cost of Private Hill Advertising ..._.t___ _. Cost ot submitting h Cost oi tools ._. _. .. V. Sundry small item; assununlion. ‘llw rum-115w in add billalum' award, gum 200 are 3.3 (allows. Arbitrators' and Jun gm um um serum] wading oi '. Fr-uw was given by the Council. Hominy evening, at whim May 14mm presided, and Rum-s nth Cochran, Hahn. Helium: Aids, Anti "unison, Dietrich, Asmumuhbin mid, Schnridcr. Erick atHI Camp“ were pron-m. Tho by-law prmivlcs tor UN: Ish ot detwuturvs to “use the rum $33,300 for my pulpom: oi thin“ the, pulrhasc price u! the unite I" petty ot the Berlin an iiatttlt Stud Railway t'uiupatiy, Lunm v“ /iiyfcccTiiiij'iG'i l/ / g/WEQQ f twin ll the question that " be Sttp,2r, the (llbpavul's " tltc pub ï¬g may April “It. inâ€. BERLIN vows; in“: , my: _ AND wan-7mm) ; tmusrr't RAILWAY mm- PANY'ty SYSTEIL . " ain 'r,_tmrtoAitiitf,iig Ry.lsSubmmed. tl ll prin 'errir; “nit 10. 5pm 0f th, of tla vot Railw tln te 1f th. rti'osyimrs Thursday, April 4111 Makes a Concession. moved by V. C. l tt L. McBrinv, ,itat 1m 'ment )f tht inal al ti th thi " " roll 1 an“ $hll M “anâ€, W. ll. Ik W. St. Hy in pl“ xt uli tl " ll kl Lit th til H l“: WI the thr lit: thr th" " do“ an an)»: at an: In Ontario to be M, and lock-up 13. the total extmtdite" tor tdit mi Adam “Ion-ting to IIEIJMOI, .3 .ducwu‘e ot twistâ€. comma-d with, â€005. The average cost. per prim; [was " mrntr, and the coamtttatertttt: were tedtteed by MS trom 1905, all" brring 10.810. Those committed tor murder totalled M, a gratilying tal auction. trogu 53, in 1905. Senna-n1 wrn- (hanged with manslaughter, 752 nor cums against the ptrson; 2.05.1 crime against property-," 385 against lpuhlir murals and dvuncy, 6,109 'ag,ainst public order and Ilu'rnt‘)’, and Hon \wrc cominittcd gas Insane. All 'ot time are drereastU from 1905. , PIisuivrs m-Inluu‘rd to tlic l’rnm-m 'tiao during tbe past year show an Itu'rt'ayt. oi .11 as compared with itu, I.:-.-..\i..m van-l" Mllilr the number mime Jr, tl 28l of! OLD EVILS WITH VFW NAMES 1r how who can Minn! t ity of tr'mprr " tho d hr m'vorim: of what s, nrred Hrs. mink h Inn ) was». 'gisei9dti., m I... In! mtrdtt at“ _tarerue a Prie; m u! PttbNt Charm-I. R. I. Bria Snub. In th- an... uh at m Province of Giulio, lot the you ending Sum, 30th, "OO, Wu you“ In tutu-um. this titanium. _ The H tri all! ml: “hi, (lungs The pclwnt numlmmts rli ll w, the insane Ming to their ion of trrimiua mow hlmkndo in Cap hemicst since 1862, tl in " l’rmin 'rite is such, i lor rrrarl-tuuk ht prohtabiy b Hm n-sulls o? t tting material (W MI i " to :0!" Hm zinrss. Yet bhosr .l, w gaining much who 903141 old-fashioned h olrfaahionrd vittms ly idr th sun; I lik In 1 l L0: tlull by mtrml 1Yi1noss.) Ira nl sin has gone. he m'vr thPology; st hvcnmr klepurmania " “plush," tttttrdrt, as 'rim, than Oi those ll behind pris Tl tr I) tl, ll Jr he law passed at the he Louiszlamn‘ has a sevrnl um 'disrnurary t for illu- imam. Thu t' yrar Mrnishps tht for Iii-liming that 'r' rn Inllm prarticrs of IN I If those committed G, number of com. ; tangents, 2.918; lmss than sixteer, yrosirttts committed the past your could prism vould have work gun]. so Jhat 11.1111 vmploytd. 111-. 'Nhy are all in 1111011955.?" 1lte that llw County lo provide mm. can be kept cm- ince like Quintin lr " demand for akins,, all prison- he kept employ- filwir labors in ‘1 tur good roads "d by the publir de of prison labor "T umount tri stay of prisoners in 151011, 205.25! work penal institutions I less on St'plvm- at the same dntl , committed dur- were married, and it; inmmpn daily rxvusr should bo n Ontario Mixing Cir.?.. ~; are touchm. sling with. um r. the quostim pristnu'rs. Mr The "tillvnvss TI lima .Jn insm " has posith its form ot i 385 against :crncy, 6,159 ‘1 decency, and I insane. All from 1905. tlu ilr and tior, the ptist tl to plnw bars mum humid lt 11-h rt It 190ti tl number u m With umber ll i1 lihi tl " lim tel ll no “in (In Thr the It tl " tl it on“ Mr The mo rarlv part ot 1M1 w,vsk hut not 91%;)ch unm last 'Hrn- Ie/r.? he tvit Bali". (him tl 1r|crhunotl l'hiv! Gorman in h th, look out for the young o',fe; Alilrough the dosvripiion giwn the [lime wax not wry plain I (Mran yesterday altornmm a'n him while at work in Ilrltiie wk (‘nllnrh'a “to shop, ('hhl 0 came down last night and took Jnisoucr to Berlin to await trial t Tmulo, March 11.4.2": {Ibo mum-Inc e.xpculive oi tlw fdrnl Order at Foresters), Tmnplo Building and appoinl sutcesso/' to the late Dr. tlt Mia, supreme chm rariwr, I! Stuvvnson, supreme cotut.ev0or Arc-Hun was Inamuzuus. 'llt" hummu- court is In r; eigimen months, Huh-Ls lt mrciing should bc called, um the, otrtce will be voted on (I) Suircmc Treasurvr (‘ullim ‘uigH he inln due,d an MU Hr " HOW F daughter, dr frars ago. Monday mor 1h th Du . ““hy does {In crimimk- in Ln lario'†was the triet Passenger Kunming. Ir the trallic Maier-s is wast of T Me lnund Il Ontario is the garden of Car the trattic Lotit as to ireight 31114012“. is very heavy o'ou' “m ut Toronto, and that .uc lound to be aifeetcNi by “It is only on the main ibs.ntreal, to points betv A 9mm. .01 ttedt an a. . _ 'r _ .n a "mtttrk up: on a" 17m and Caulk- “ I -§!8 "ttt Toronto Stu. To intermediate "his Eugen Tssrotttq ml Mantra} the grad Tank chap} 3 H can pot may. West of Toronto the nu: it only 3 min. To Beiieville, tur launch the an ot $3.7b.-u.t mil“. To London..115 miles, the rate is only 35.40. The Canadian Ptkttie 'practically wages a straight rat's of A: 1-3 cents per mile u: Outasio, except at points where there is compvhtu,tt, to which the rate is the same as the, (Hand Trunk charges. ’l he Grand Trunk, Mud: has a late ot 3 HS ctail:, to irs'crmatitate points, gives a lhxnugll rate " " cells to Munlrml, and tiur Canadian Paciiic Inn-ls thi, '11.,- biilttt' Is tis, (use at Guclph. and um "t mm wh'n- llwry w mmprtmu: {I'm h (ll we and Toronto, that we tl . 3 1-3 cent law." said Mr mall]. “It is our trharter bare er the Province, and we have :ht to charge it. The 01'1"!" i lucliun. I want yuu lo rum-m cvcriuucd, "that the people n tio arc getting mon- pri\il.-qr-, ywhere m the United Stul1‘5_ the rates go gown it mm»! minuuL In the Ftates. ior uh If ll h haw no comment to mak matter," said Mr. McDonald sally iutituatvd that Ike, availing puiyli xcursiun mic 3 same ticket h In {arg d STEVENSON APPOINT] h ill man pd t'\ Pl h, I), ml li rat Wt 1h DEATH I’l(A.\lC The wrning HARRIS ED 185 Tl M hurt ly go gown it l the tMales. ', puiyli': do tl Jd -nl sly H it Hes ttpr M limits Mun I run "th3 Guelph it hl WAS ARR] " " d ton tl HI (TN tlw Ind 11 ur :;:;;:*:;; ') ',,, r21m"ttAeteAtttvtett"ietwttt'wievteiieteiitAAiAt tii, anndu we 1harge tha line the h . " Ii all il " tl TI ld " H IL 3, M ts9ibsbsit;sb'trbsbq+b+bbbbbsq4" SOLD BY LRLOO, BLOW FROM SON " , (MW uh! " pot) I ‘hln‘. h i, "oil/it I If lim s 1va mm» MM - H I T , "n Vern! trn. I f tl'.r r414, rotrde I! " llunY 't Wm! to I thi ht curen' In: A friend s- _ I "ll "it " mmm _ n ‘. ' . m. In Weak Er In ordet to ave our lumber- the m- a! . more sop-rue remittances we have nude Ipoeid - .. - " the publishers by which we are enabled to ofree tbe _ 3 “ions in ooruseeti6et with tho ChronicleTelegr‘nph, ttk mi specially low rates. A large number offer the huh-e. or.. C free to new subscribers. Special clubbing ate! with ,rroatr. iau and A met-lean newspapers and magazines quoted on 39"“ Cheap Reading for} to we»! nml "ih"ag tr hmh in thm luck?“ 16e, _ truth}. My: 'and a, Sciaticacvery winter." They tr, _ 1 knew it was kidney disease Trai thateattsed all thes trouble. now not th rash [mm arcon pany all or"ers. Make remittance Y‘y livgirtcru‘ Letter or Express Order to th (‘hrvniv tir ('hruuirhe (Thruniu-le Chron" le. Ulnnuicle Chronicle l flu-(mick 1)lrrotticlc ('hnmiclv Chronicle Chronicle Cttro:ticle. Chronicle Chronic“ Chronicle Chronicle liln onicle- Interest trulcuhstvd from added to an deposit. FUU Chronicle Trlegra ph Runner .....m .r. t ‘hronn. le-Telegx'nph Citroniele/iuhartsidt (with premium) thrim.i.c:iec'rchrraistt with t"N'tPt"rrt "' For couvenicnw of meat Jump; this bank opens on Sat. “Mays at. o u, m. BERLIN, ONT. BRANCH We BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Hui-(with- 'hrunich- ‘hmnicle 'hrouidc ttro:ticle. fhronitle hronictr 'hronicle Thromcle thl ouicle Lpitil! fwlili ‘ curve fuwl runicle- ‘l'nlegra'ph and [Fully Globe .-. . Fl ... ... .... . rouicte-Teleeir and Tulane Daily News. . . . . . . . . . . "orticlcil'e"egoitls and Toron'u Daily World . . . . . . . .. vouisele-Telrirruirh and Toronto Sunday World. . . . ... mnicle/l'ulegruph and Toronto Daily Mail . . . . . . . . . . . 'rottjch"i'eleiraeph and Toronto Eveumg Mail. . . . . . .. . r()uic|e-'l‘vlegrapll and Northern Messenger. . . . . . .. . . . cory"cle-T'rlesrraim and Canadian Duh-yum“ . . . . . . . . . . . roaiclr {ell-graph And Toronto Saturday Night.. . . . . . ronicle-'i'eiegoijh and The Montana lit-raid . . . . . . . . . . rticle-rreiei,wriirh and The Pmsy Man's Magazine. . . . . 'ouicle-Telegruph and Cosmopolitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P, recommend our readers to whit-I ibe to the Farmers and Home Magazine. the hast Agricultural Journal in nun-y nmv ie h David Bean, KILLED FATHER r'l'oleglnph and Family Herald mud Wmrhir Btae “mummy and h'l‘hu meorl' Manual and Irriek. Guide" or .. Handy-Hume lfouk ". . ... . ' . .. ... Telegraph and Farmer's Advocate '", any) ... -'l‘elegraph Ind Montreal “weâ€; Witness. . .. ... Tetesreaish and Furming World . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Talc-graph and Weekly Sun " farm journal) ... und_(‘uuntry gentlemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. llAlillNEl. 11AT Win mu] weeLy Mini fii,?iiii,iiiie) Y.'.' mu! Family Herald and '00“, Btae Established 1832. and :Weekly Ulobo I111 Gunman 75.83% n l ml mu 1 'h Not Be a Burden on t Tim (litrt'lml:s for taking Mitt-It {mph ‘sxze 1L0 'li!icNnee between tttit wrmwiv and the ordinary medic!» Hut IS given ior indigestion Mi“: is to hr (150:! before meals, strength- min: the digestive system tor “I. Mm: which is to he eaten, ngle the ordinary rcmedy is taken utter W. and simply digests the food within» strengthening the stomach. . We absolutclv agree that your 'tt PY will be roiundod should you fly a 50 Mint box ot Mi-o-na stow UMHu and not he satisfied with M results, Mi-er is sold by dru ht! m’orzwkmv, or win he sent f,n'll'lt W a an a nd Some Good Advice io Readers of The Chronicle-Telegraph. 'ousiinesv, transacted. citt.r ruling. loss ot; un of u.iligested food no! “JUHML Mi-trn.. ivtr, "suvl ior a few dt mu m strengthen th Cui, â€at yen mu ca' I' :1? “imam! tear ot Hum! isirline,s Tim dil'u‘lmus for c:isplrmir.e 11m 'li!ieNn :~-:m-dv and the on A weak stomach and its rcsuiting iils itlth, nut natural. With proper can .;x.l Hm use of Mi-c-na stomach tab. Iris, the wry worst case oi indigw hm; or stunmch tluuble can be com- plx‘trly cured, nnn or the best known “Mai mm 1noi an? um $1!!th ‘fill and prrs;onal attention witb. (Margo. Booth's lchmel Com. ii .D. 0 “HM“, Manager. "114 tt yt of price 50 cents. -' {why ior knee gamma pul- .1 alco give us your symptom 1. sin lo acpnve amass" ot or in lilo and become a bum S lhzrmull “digestion. tt nub-m, headaches, dishetl mm. loss ot appetite, gaining v.tliprstml food and gases no :ml. Mi-o-na "Aomaelt tirb. 1 ior a ivw days before mull slu-ngtlu-n the digestive av- a you Mn cat anything you Hum {var ot distress or to- a mnntcat, madam," erted _ “Thom is one more Mm- on lhe shell. Mum you )oux [thud in it." Tl H NG Tit ()IXLIGE Hum: suited ilen minute: this mock I. inâ€: the young wo- mdnsvvndimly: "Well, I In hup. I was lust loot.. H 82,621,00600 4,403,000.00 most nhhging. but n rudnmor was MN .xftrr roll ot blur mily take down Ind Publisher Waterloo, On lournal.) Adm-s America. $1.7!