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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Mar 1907, p. 8

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b, luck 6.-'l'udn u the pith -rlet “I tr" lo- fh gttag%t III In tuna-t1“ _,lWetftrr,rttttyti."ett1?1' tn cum 150 tread cl at“! . "ah-aut-s,""'- aad “alum 'd.#p6,a'tr goof den-Id T ”on cane-There mare no ox- - - this mommy but choice :,'iiFiil u " . $5.35. _ mu. a: Arm, extra choice __ “my: " " 'riiiiVUGr" weakening Money. “no“ Se lower than last week at ”.35. Tbroato March_5.-Rlseat deliveries no 3 little better, but not sunk-inn to make the market any easier. Corn is very acute, the embargo ol the (in!!! Trunk Railway on shipments Cl! ot Toronto lining not been rais- ed. Quotations on Manitoba grades are mostly nominal. Prices ttrev- Threat, Ontario, No. 3 white winter, up gins, No. 2 mi, Tic on at; No. 2 mixed 72c asknd out, 'i'tc bid, G.T.R.; Manitoba, nominal; no stocks No. 1 hard, Mc;. No. l northnn 90c bid, North Bay; spot, 89kc asked, an route. Oats, No. 2 white, we ask- ed outside, 4c rate to Toronto, 391 and, buyers' bays, 78 per amt. points; Manitoba No. 2 w'lnte oats, 4He asked, North Bay, now (u route Com, ttrm; No. 3 yellow American, "ie It 53, Toronto and west; 0n- "rio, 4lile tr 47, basis oi: Chatham heights. Buckwheat, Mc a 5tic, Rye', oorninally Mic. Barley, firm and want- oi; Nu. 3, 5tl " Cr2c; No, it vrtra, 49c (1, 50c; No. a, m a 18, Flour, Ontario, 90 per cent. patents. $2.70 asked and $2.67 bid; Manitoba. first patents, $C50; seconds. 8375; bakers $3.90. Bran, $21 outsitle,.iruycts' sacks; prices nominal. Peas, No. 2, 81c asked, outside. Market Reports I" Wheat...,-....-. (W, “I“ .. Adv flour, Seven Lilian“. 2.1g sunken m Bcluer, there " According tu rvports ol on: lend» ing papers of uur dear Canada we are inclined to believe that our Mani- toulin Island. _nnd the peuple are About as happy and as contented as any people in the Dominion. We hive had a nice winter, not much now until the middle of February And now we have about a loot ot snow. This has been an exceptional winter tar getting out timber, and now we have just enough snuw to do the teaming. We have had suuie cold maps, but only for a short time. Not many snow drills and plenty oi good maple. birch and other wood lol keep ourselves “arm, it people an“ not too Lazy to cut it and draw it home. There is every prosuect of a busy time the coming summer. The “liners and others are rushing in their logs to the saw mills and gct- ting their timber and lumber home, My tor the carpenter and mason as soon as the weather permits to so oheadt The coil oil men of which there IN a hort, are getting ready with their drills. Some have been drilling this winter and severe“ com- llnini are getting their machinery up to Massey un the t'.l’.ll and drun- iittt it new“ mer the lee lo the Innitoulin. " Cakes it or IO trams “bring one drill aver There are -crat ttowing wells ready in strip all u won as minimum. opens We Junie that our (invernuient will pre- vent any combination, sueh an the Btatdard Oil Co., and let .us hare chegp oil. We are always pleased to MC that our Govcrnuwni" will pro-I vent any combination, and: as the Stink“! ou Co., and let t us bun-F cheap oil. We Are always pleased to! ttet our dear 1'ttrouiclo-Tjgrupls. " l " I Welcome viuilor and we nifrn'? Q new; trom our old hon-v, Now who. 3 There has lawn") he" unenlhm an all labor law that related to the kilo" of England " \us In totre ttMit "I years ago. and ltvcmtunvl m lemming an chaser "i.%r Gila! who mind a union m to be an! lo jail tor an “at _ A _ _ 1. T311013 must work [tom an in til morning until a at night. I. I.” vote not to be higher "an " can: a day, A. Eat kilo! was to be allowed t a»: [or human. _ . Airline: who school Ne, h be' l-tsoc" tor M " m! 2%)»! Waterloo, Ont, him]: 1 1907 m ...q....q...... .68 A LADUR LAW OF LUNG MAN ITO1 LIN ISLAND WA'I EBLOO UABKETB LIVE STOCK, GRAIN (En-mum , allow ml NM :totema m, m IIQMW - rgaIerdt_ttl..' W“! .45 20.00 23.00 2.25 .37 " 50 8 75 9.00 5.20 Ill AGO .68 .00 25 Thy. gm b cold by new! I» u- m “‘0 have! “I W. a” "4 oshttt mks was: ot Ban- berg who undone-lull In. nominate! lone-lay, on. TUESDAY. MARCH rl, 1907. (will; at " o‘ckpck walnut”). the Idiotic; valuable property, Ua.: HoRBEt's.-aur1' u yous all. sor- rel " yeah» old, agrd mate, to“. this; 31‘” old. ,- CATTLE.--, can supposed to be in all, thoroughbted Shannon: cow with pedigree, bull call with pedigree " months old, 5 hens" supposed to be in all. " head tat cattle riting 'd an, 5 spring calves. 3 sows wsth (is; at side or serarate1y, and 100 chickens. . nq'Leae.tirs.--Maxt'eu binder, mower, pea harvest“, 3 hunks. sell lake tor cuttMt clover (new " drill, broadcast seeder, cuttivator,2 wagons, carriage, top buggy, cutter, Undroiier, t plows, 3 large two- furrow plugs (new), 2 iron humans, 2 wooden narrows, disk narrow, scul- ller, tunmp sealer, turmp pulper, wheeltrkrrow, 'd [my racks, L‘Immpluu separator 33x42 inch body I d Is horsepowcr with rods complete, large straw cutter and carriers, raunmg mill, scale 1300 lbs capacl'y, hay lurk ropes and pulleys, toms, 21- (as, shovels, rakas, " bags, Aug' harness, shovels, rakas, 48 bags, :lu.v harness, good team harness, duels any; har ttess, 2rutres, 4horse blames, M".- oral whitilttrees, neck yokcs, , {pang chains, cooking stove, 2 box stoves, 5 beds complete, bodruoui sung, pstr- lor suite, sideboard (neW),, 'A quauli- ty ul picture mats, cradle, Hmmg "maniac, rockers, units, ln-nrhcx‘, bureau, tables, chains, 3 iron kHHjL vrosscut saws, corner cupiuurl, ‘lmia, also tiiN Inrshels oats, 150 huhhils lam-y, CO bushels first class peur, quantity of mixed grain, 300 Its timothy sretl, li tons hay. o Th:RMri.- Fat cattle, cltichcus, grain, Ill)" and all sums of Si‘) and (roll r, rush; over that anoint It! grain, Ill)" and all sums of tr',: Llult r, rush; over that amour tr.ontrs" audit, on approved "uUs or c, per cunt. per anal] int cash payments of credit arm XL restlxc as the Iarnt Is 'st Illlll' Auction Sal. I Atmt1qttt Salle -- .03.- . fly or IOS. Alli‘kl "otnmt'ttcHr),r ut one o'clock p In ' tVe [allowing valuable property, viz:-- Horses-Aged horse, 3 colts bred from Gold Dust, three ye'ar old, two icar old and yearling; hurscti Pots ulxl, good tiriver. Patti‘- --3 "ows sttpposoi In irv.iu FumShogkudlum I su,,nst=iut--is call. 3 lush cows, If ycarliug steers spring Call, 2 cul1rs 3 months old Pigs, ctc.--7 pigs 1 months old, 1 brood sums” due to pig In April; r,' get-Sc, about 30 hens, collie dog. l'mplcmrnts, euC--Frost and Wow binder, McCormick hay rake, Massey hroud hour, due to pig in April; '3 gut-Sc, about 30 hens, collie dog. V l'mplcmrnts, eicC--Frost and Wood binder, McCormick hay rake, Massey- Harris hay-rake, spring tooth culti- vator, sucd drill, 2 iron barrows. 2 plows, 2 gang plows, land roller, 2 wagons, one nearly new with sugar beet box; 3 seated carriage, buggy (nearly nt'w),cutlcr (nearly new), My rack, 2 hots slrlglis, National cream separator, churn, cupboard, kitclu-n stow, slmw cutter, Tanning mill, old lmrsa- power. wlwel barrow, scutticr, 2 lugging chains, 2 sutsglnuA lilo liarnlss. twt single harness, bcct lurk. , (TUSS cut saws, good tom. 2 ntw horsv hlankrls. turnip puiper, boring nuullim- with set ot angers, u'uldlny, trough and many other ar- horilu; scaldin tichs. Also utr I Harm Stock and Implements 5 Ions I Terms chickens undvr r; mouths" l The Putdcbur; Chapter, Daught- co orttte Empire, in bran org..- ‘iwd itt Hamilton AM. Peregrine. ot Hammett, claim the city my: seventeen cent: per ion he much tot coal. b, ' The Col-Ilka Fire Cnmrltm’ le.tteP,' den-ml bum the pro- terttott Mt',',',','; _ {.mw A,” mama- .14.. mag. in: an Jauu‘s ".1"qu oi [lam-mum] towtr xlnu is and. guard M. A Cttihirvn'rr Aid Hocieit tot Wel- 1srrd. has trcen prwml. The Gm-lph Fat Stock “lub held HI annual lunqurt Friday night. The first "all. sincr Christmas my tered Botusevain, Mam, on Friday. John MacDonald, nf Llnduv. a prominent contrtyctot, died on FM dar Thers l “W payments of 'lon than IDS, MH‘KIFS -riu, panama: has burn opened ttt Sandwich East and is 631106 “Suth- erland." _ _ - Auctu m-vr FRIIDA Y, MAR Auction Sale [.01 lei Dus'TItrt'H Clerk, 12. tr.ril “In PURE” CANADIAN M" l uct iotwr Pipes was sentenced at Lon- lhrer un- in Kingston tor at In: sold by pululic .iuciion of thc 'uudersigneU, ..', l'ch-rslnug. on I 21.0 hushels oats, and 2.00 bushels tt w, grain, touts. " all sums of $10 chr that amoul 'dit on nupmvul a n! lwr unnum o0l hushels oats, about 20" bushels turnips. rain, touts. pigs, sums of $10 and that amount 10 m unprovul smurity 'r uunum of! [or cash tit amounts. MICH. STRAI F, 1N0, LISTMAN Proprietor Mum, 1m in bushds class was. 300 ltcs 15m? Pt uprictor 2 351327.11 2 I "up of WI Gentleman ' I Ibo Towt y l Donnell)“ ), H E Dun-d " ri, I A D. MO', I k, . ----- 'vaiuouuw - but» mud htbum “cams-lunatic Pt.- "iircii"ttutu-r'tM,o' mm". lumen MW, I“? commencing at out o'clock. T . my, the, Mining rah-bio my. ve.--? .. I F, _ Live stoce-cott, 1'th pid, t cows supposed to 5 1pm; calves. hot. ' month: old, 2 breeding I 25 chickens. . Implements, no.4 lumber moan wading drill, wring tooth cultivator, 2 iron barrows, demon“, an; plow, sugar beet plow, acumen 2 bay racks, hay fork, bob nieigh, light sleigh, pig rack, tannin; mm, m- nace kettle, 2 pork barrels, about 300 bushels oats, about " tunnels mixed grain, spray motor to spray. trees, writing desk and book _ case combined, 3 wash stands, area's-er, 3 bod studs, dining room table and other furniture, and. many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms.-- Hay, grain, pigs, chick- rns and all sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 months' credit on approved it int notes ot 5 per cent on for cash. 8-2t ' In tho nm'mr of H19 GuardFtrrhip ot the Inr bun ohlldvrn ot Hang "oth.io. deem-ed. i Notice " hereby given tutu" the BKDlnllnu In! T‘only dart, from the lint nubile-nan ot , this notice so lupus-HM! will be mode to Ibo I Surname Court of UM, Cnunty ot Wuaylao for l u grunt or 'enm of [lurdllnlhln ot m. por- [ mun Ind mum of Willi-um Human. Phl‘lp l Ho'holnx. and ll-rln Holhetnz. tho int-III. l rhlldmn of Henry Mofhetnq, In. of "a Town. _ ship of Wau-Ioo In the f‘ounty at Wanda". I "mttiemsrt.det-td, to F'redortok Home!” at Hm Town rt Interim, Finisher. and mm: llolhclnz of the “we when. " Vito. McBrldu & FMntoft. I 501mm for "no Inpllcanla. t Inn-d no "utertoo ttis mm. d" of February 1 A D. INT, I 8-3t conunencing " 10 o'clock (unsharp, the fo'loning valuable gyt,"uiitir,, The farm below: on to imam ms.MICKUs, MRS. MARY GEllL The rim beluuglng to William Mitchell, situated 2 Miles West ol Wnterioo. 3 Miles Northwest of Berlin and l miles from the Berlin Sugar Ite. ilnery. Them are 174 :u‘res excellent -oil. in arms good hardwood bun]: "no News in orchard. About 27 acres no mun in [all wheat ,and [all plow - ing is done On the propettr is a that dubs brick house, also Woodahed bunk INTI] with 5mm tshed, pig stable and driving shed. The burg and house are well supplied with rnnnlng Bpllllg water. An rxocllont spring creek runs through farm. The farm will he "cred for sale as one parcel or u number of parcels to suit, purchasers Terms nude known on day of ole. For further particulars apply Thee will be oftered by Public Auction at the Market Square». Berlin "ale, To , " rm tr, 'JUSEPH MlOKl's Auctioneer. i at. one o'clock in the afternoon for the l olcction of ofr1cert, and for 'the receiv- _ in: and considering of the nportof the Company's actuation: for the yen 1 East. gm} other ustrte" that any be taught Miami!” Meeting. I . By Order, ALFRED WRIGHT F Auction Sale NOTICE is herehy gin-n that tht, Annual Meeting of the Stockholder- "r the Mercantile Fire Insurance Com. pan will be held at the, Head Oftiee of T, Company in the Town of \Vnt- vrloo, Ont., un IN THE Mjlllltllhrll GUURT THE BELL TELEPHONE co. OF CANADA Waterloo, 13th. February, MOT, mu, _ Mercantile Fire Insurance a. Annual Meeting in about to issue A New Telephone 'l)irectcry For the Imam ct WESTERN ONTARIO Including tho Town of l WAT $81.00 Ordu-a hr now connection, clung" of firm um, chm of me. “than or toe dopiicnh "str-ttoat-tded hstottte has! Mere " ONCE. Saturday, March 9th, 1907, OF The County of Waterloo Auctioneer Monday, March 18th. 1907 Farm Property IDS. SAl'DHR, Clerk, -coit, an“ " you“ named to be fl all. '0. Inc. I out: 4 a mom: sow-h m. WILLIAM MITCHELL Waterloo, P. o. Proprietor Out Rel-re tary Pref ""“I & tr, mum l, ittiNiitsr?i',irh','tt.ii',) ......:: that " In cad-Ind tr In a! 2ttt"Plt ifSit,tAot'grg'd'S'. tict D Ul%u15tlld Rog-mm v. = r I... In! 'oar t "u" ' diN2rld uni. 0.3m 'ttatt.,"" nus A. anuawnlui Bud‘s. Fob. Mth. Mr, The admit-nod on". to. an oar-d my; tunnel.- '1me A“. nullihoru m m- can It rumba n has no!!! na- 1,t'tt, tf Prim PM Nun!” “has; I; in dun AV _ over I bull. r Lure",'. dumohl my , m- The undendgncd elm tor uh I tlrttt ttus. g,',',"',?,',','"",',',),',',','),',." It on mun ota “run:- tord In: Madam. pet on " tool. steel “ICE. amt-notion: no all tire' clan. niphoo up. min "yum. r. umb'e of undue I'm" too n. Gawain“ iron Nye. shout M) be" " huh nuc- Mott And no {out I) ditch-13 For quick 1tur bis can be bond: " lens I M: In" on“. Thu mu be Men In 41qu n on the prom]: I Join- 71.3mm. Purl. Balm. , lino Sillnlcd I mum out ot Linwood. " miles - of Sh nllonulcln avian. r,'l lulled nor-thrust of Hawhvilla. Mutual? Ir, when at land. 15 cm ot bush. 13qu ml or [All when. .505ch ttTed; burn-o tended down In arm. o, we mania I brick dwelling 40E36 fool. hunted " rummage” want in lulu-hen. wood uni Arn 50180 loot. all-nu shed 40136 (not. good -tona sable with cement tlour under hm n. also hut on: under straw thou. with cement. Mor tnd t ought um water in van. The farm la in 4 ml mate of an Hutton. drained by ti'attr; and (once: ot vim and all : 'ttur',", orch. agi; l mile from school. mu be d muon- itsif, T-" mad Tho uuderiird have Ill men hum!- n large amount of priviUo (wads tor luvagmnnls ou (can tarm moAlxalos. at lowest nulls. pt Inter Ber'utt, akin Holsteins For Sac Cook Ind [gunman a Betrlitt & anloo Bospita', ll” hr::rtpte.. A ‘A'DDII " 30.17"“ Queen St., u-- To “In our ot hornet to tho vast Ind work on (arm. Apply " once. A number of boy. " the Waterloo Button Yummy; also " few girlr. . Highest, wn‘es paid. RICHARD ROSUHMAN a BRO. ere. “Mm.- N'. Il?, tran1'lli a,'.' I . ., . c WT, y'" x mo. tr"BNP 88t Money to Loan 4+++H++§+H+++§§+HO MwHHHHMHHw price pmOfor raw furs WANTED HIGHEST CASH of!“ In!!!“ “an, FARM EUR SALE 'ttrot L. SATTLEB WANTED MAN WANTED WANTED For Sale WANTED ELEMENT a: CLERICNT. Handler-u. Berlin. om Jun": ry, 1m a, 169, Baum, Lnt. W. H. BARETT. Berlin, Ont. nuns Itry.rA.WW.?ri. W'I'E'éluji.’ A. I Z JILL“ New Eunbm.0nl-. F.. E. Blunt: ' iiairstarr, iiiGTisaiiis 'P'. 0.. Out. Berlin -. - - an)" Fi'iiiiiiaiiFjR 'g2rgatth'ft'S'i1 " W'tt"huttt'glt Man _ ",alttfht nun-II mic-Mm tiqB. W 'iiird,#iettqetmtor..MteM lam. 'tf,u'ttttt,2ttL'gitt'agl.'Nfd AliuhUIBu. 2t'g,tNr,'t,'pe,tt.e%t 1tra"gel house 5nd 37h. W. n; umh un farm, b mlnuun walk to _ ovum to nun. I. W on " mm but loll tor muket tttlat.".: in u but gnu: of cum-um; new undue»: Jun Elihu mu Dunn corporation ; " mum; an: from town. ‘Al Brattrq tum. About a miles out of Bulk Ker m. . .. A . n " u... ......_ some new houses In um town at Berlln nan taoutruse, "rsqirstt in pm non: mm to how All” noun. lou tum And out-dd. of our” rat on. A!) kinda of lumber. Ihiuzlen. cm. In "at. mullet luru dried In Mus m hunlwood ttour. u... Hudwood ttoortn a “newly. Cum on he undonlcncd for (nu-Igor panicumn. and". Market, zoo-cm. (male house: good barn ', tom hrdwood but: M? ma- oodu' . good so“. welt wuwrud ; wuor Tun. to bun it) hydrant) rum ' excellent orchard with att kinds of irutt Na. I (cum : 5 mne- from Uait, l mile from Mair. a; 1m BA from I'm-m. Smiles form Bu in. 'd mung [.09. A". It, nuugn. _ u ‘. The un Jorsiguud offers for sale hi, valuahlc {aim consisting ot 1:5 wares, Lot 31. W0 acres of which is undes cultivating, G" acres good lllhll nun lmluucc in pasture, On the [aim in a new cottage root In ick home and ktt. chen Ill) won"), large bank barn, new driving shed, pig sable and all non»- sary outhuildings. Water supplied In .. . um”. 1‘..._, badge and ham try mm. Ttte%ps Mm arch'mu. nlmut " acres wheat uqu and fall plowing done. Farm is it, a good state of a-ultivution and is tsitu. alul ll mules from ('uneuogo and St. taeobs. Gnu he bought, My. reason able price. For furthcw particular, apply to . R WEI-1' ifaid 3657?; further In: Lieu an apply In . BENDER BRO A., Pure hrod large English Berkshin pigs from six wveks to [our mouths "Id. Alru mu hom- tyt months o'ai. direct from imported mock. Applyto . _ Shorthorns For Sale Two hulk H and ' months old. awnuv haiku In ttW. Fun: I. must nprlh of 10tetr. Two hun- In 3nd 8 n omn- oM. trot by Chum- trimtt of XnvnIuIle f,t"/t,'l) ”mm by Lord Lim cola 3rd by but: or xfnrd M h out " Ituctr "tt of lAnmIn {Imp I. AM) . tew f undo; be": In cull it! Ibo imported brrd bulL ... . . . -- . L_. “a.-- ...-" m. “an.“ -_ Shorthorns For Sale -irvour" iiG afrTri" timer trade on um? ter imponod or h'uhly bred hull my herd hull Chmplon of lnvurnrlo Irtnrr Hams Vat!) For uniculnn write or ham name and no. JOB. B. SSYDER. Vaurlod, Dnt, For" Sale-4| Snap l thoroughbred bull-m1 l lharoughh'od Mi for. Apply on the pmmuu ot tho lunar-laud , mile' '01]th of Lin-00¢ "tro, F. ”(1111! A ' Farm for Sale 2tf 813m"; 9 Email. t7 tt 8L0 ir-tttto Yearlings For MENNO 8 was“. P. o. Adan-II. lk turbo. ere .Farm For Sale Foi Sale FOR SALE Best and tyheaitiiiri"'i_ Tea at Mes a lb. . a mum HER. “Hanan" Slang! G. C. B. ItlCHEWi', MENNO'KOt'Il JOHN BAUDIB. P!“ P. o. OIL Conestoga P. o., Um Mannheim, Ont. ".e'r"" ... a “w rather judo oy "toPtr. Manila Block. Berlin liniiiiéi if a', Out. 27-18176? T. B.. Merlin. Out. Mil. Ont. Box MO, One-Fourth! cuts down prices in order to reduce 'stock. .' .. When we cut prices we do it radically. No half Lway measure here. We now offer the heavy discount of Men’s, Boys' and Children's Clothing of all sorts. The rcgul.1r price unmins on every rice ticket. Take nnofourth “If and pay us {he Ln'mncv and IE; goods are yours. No "make behave" or “tricks,"just a plain, fair and otltlitl"r-' otter. _ S l h t l ff ee W a 4 0 means _ A Suit or lyveiroat worth $14.00 for $10.50 A Suit orvOvercoat worth 12.00 for 9.00 A Suit or Overcoat worthuo.oo for No A Suit or Overcoat worth $.00 for-6.00 V This inve,tment is better than putting your money in a savings bank for tt year at 4 per cent. interest. P ' Come and have first choice. ' _‘ St rasser'e S. R. Ernst & Go. We. have Reduced "Make way for new goods" I: now the Incl-mu demand from every nation of the more. Train had. of new goods --grrsir (mum than out before -. are paying in from every direct! m Ind usually may in" the proforonoo " wt nor Honda must out apd away att4 the price pruning in". bu bun Ibup- and and and with that. ohloet In titr.___, --- ---- _ Thin u a lot of fine, tweed hummus mm, that sold It " .nd llO, but, weeds, dark grey thud". I'uah-‘brou- ted, strong l'n‘lm linings, the! 30to H, rrgular $8 to no, Saturdnv Je clear. 89 TO $10 MEN'H OVERCOATB, K, 05. Thaw were maroon. which In»! bought. in unto can: in preform once to buina Icon nude to manure Thu chow tho porl’cctlon that good ready to wet! nppnnl bu Mutual mm. pence: mun. Ind mylhh'mu no not to be bud, regular to to .10 60 Saturday to at.» $6.95 $12 to $11 MEN’S SUITS 08.75. Yon hue your chum of um. or dcnblo bra-nod mm, eet In no mm mm. In the datum, bind Wad mode of choice wound, .»an not! (may undo, In a. now.“ Only", regal" “2 to 014, " min, to let.. Thou Mr. but: and“: good mt. lau. “new, Ind toll alumni. a! dur- um. mum-l, - .2 mm ttat. "any to elm: "s / It.“ J. K SHINN n man's PANTS an rm maniac 1:.an 15t'ftt on. Tank-o At In -o. In» It, Inc In. a It's the time when the progressive China Hall,.) 'iriitWti'riéAirssr c'wrama saws m 33mm Huron $8 AND $10 SUITS, $4.95 One-Fourth " On All (Nothing Our Reduced Prices CLOTHING HOUSE Sale _ DON’T MISS IT “.95 c, to " BOYS SUITS $3.49 Tum pine will of black and {Macy cwcodc. “all. tam-Led nylo, num- mainly to", vol] t1tttng, "an!" " so " lulu, “may to do» 33.49 M PEA JACKETS C2.76. Ind. of rum Muck his" mumm- llth lug. 'tttyt. will", good tmed “my, due. 30 to M, regular .4 sn- nrdsy to 1r'aut t'..', 75 Bots omcom of .11 wool mrord any abovlut, long and hole fitting, In» "All“ lining. who: coll», Ill“ 28 to 32, - Mi to " tro, Bllurdty e, clout “.20 ‘CLEARlNG PRICES ON KIWI BHIIITB. Fancy shim. muslin. or lunatic!) Mum, open but and from, or has only,onml both In". Tho pan-m no but. the colon light mull-m and dark. mm H to 171 g, mph: who " $1.26 Ind ".60, Sal-Mu to clear " Ct!- I.“ and-run, all vol: Seoul in? regular Moo " you garment “My to we” - .. _ .09; 10 damn now- one. lired which - In odd um- Bttd mm. min: - 600m The. pot gun-nu Out-f- day in slur a. MIImln I008 WAIT]! III .IAII ' “In! imam... _ V'mznnrlupdoopdd Wm . maul-ul- ”amt, thes I. Waterloo

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