A M Juniorâ€"Bertha Mosberger, Marâ€" Gotschene, Cornelius Wagner. ~_Put. II.â€"Herbert Mosberger, Clark r, _ Martha Dorste, _ Roberi te, Eugenc SCeliler, Leah Lichty. â€"Part I.â€"Nicholas _ Kittle, _ Willie ty . Teacher. ‘ Mr. F. Wagatha has sold his farm %o Mr. Asch of near St. Agatha. Mr. Asch will take possession in March. * Mr. J. Ellert has also sold his farm to Mr, Mertz of Tavistock. \ Messrs Ellert and Wagatna _ lgVyt already secured homes in Berlin and will be neighbors there. We are sorâ€" C oauadiioa Aranie ts t _ Messrs Ellert and Wagatna _ hayt already sccured homes in Berlin and will be neighbors there. We are sorâ€" ry to lose these people from out ‘midst, but we wish thein every sUCâ€" _Mr. Joe Stoesser, of Berlin iting his mother. March 13, 14, â€" and 15th is pron tion examigation at our school, q the children are studying earnestly Briefs:â€"If the old saying still holds good, th> month of March will end more summer or young like, than it commenced as the weather has been very stormy for a few days. From all reports from the Western Provinces and States as regards seâ€" vere winters, we believe Ontario has quite redgemed itself this winter and AJso last being exceptionally Lne and pleasant, so that old Ontario is still good enough for your corresponâ€" dent. Sr. Class.â€"Alfreda Wagner, Joâ€" \Steffler, Rudy Gingerich, David , Ludwig (Gotschene. * $r.â€"Agnes Gotschene, Alfreda otschene, Mary Sailm, Androw Bois The town of Listowel was a â€" busy place on Friday, March Ist, the date of the â€" monthly fair, people _ for many miles around being present. ‘The sheds at the hotels were insufficâ€" !‘W '!_lngum‘t, M. P., ch.¢ T by Milnorâ€"Bon Ino. be.¢., R r Town, by Milnorâ€"Fairlie Head. > br.6., Mill Dam, by Milnerâ€"Dama; br. Ais m, by Milnorâ€"Frome, b.c > ue 6e, by â€" Milnorâ€"Celandin®g ient to accommodate the vehicles. Never in the history of th:r _ 4own has there beew as many fin> horses brought in for ~sale. Teams were quite plentifulthat ranged in price from $400 to $500 and more. The streets of the town were frqquently blocked as the sidewalks sourt not contain all the crowd. One gentleâ€" man had bis fur coat taken and sonme ‘young man bhad his belis removed. It . ‘The village of Wallaceville is boomâ€" ing once more. A good general black; smith has commenced work in . the shop formerly owned _ by Mr. C. Seebach. is 3 pity that the guilty parties could mot be apprchindod ard made an cxâ€" ample of. _ Mr. Standborough is a very bus} man these days. He us an enrgeti young man and is giving good . sat isfaction. His work is good and hi: prices moderate. We hope the patron age from the surrounding communit, may be his. The mill yard is almost full of say logs and Messts Mills and (hapmai will move their portable saw mill to the scene about April, when the, will have several months‘ sawing. ~ The directors pf the W. C. «& b | come Co. have engaged Mr. Wm. Manning | ‘ng. as Secretary for the coming season Mr. at a â€" salary of $69 and Mr. Fran. | rome Heard as treasurer at a salary O Jhe 1 $45 in place of the former Secâ€"treas Mr. Sinclair Adolph, who has _ t signed. The Epworth League of Mt. Plea sant Methodist Church have com menced holding meetings on Sunda) evening. We trust _ these meetin‘gs may be an influence for good in * th neighborhood. Â¥our correspondent has received i eopy of the Semiâ€"Centcnial Souvcni of Waterloo County, whic h*Ts a mos interestinz book and worth man times over the price asked for it. Personal.â€"Rev. 1. tended the annual co Ontario branch of th lance held in Toront 220d. © Mr. Luther WiNiams spent a few fHays at Milbank visiting relatives. Mr. W. J. Kennedy is having _ 2n extemsive auction sale on Thursday, March 7th. Mr. L. Gabel will wicld *he hammer. + Messrs J. Walker and L. Gabel an‘ families have lately became residonts of the town of Linwood. . SEAGRAM LARGEST Six represcntatives from th> Wat erloo Stable have becn nominated by President J. E. Seagram c/th= O J.C. fot the King‘s Plate Race 1908 Breoders‘ Stake. j Breeders‘ Stakeâ€"For _ threeâ€"yearâ€" ol4s, foaled in the Dominion of Canâ€" â€"wda, 1905, and owned thrre at time of starting ! "owing is the seoool . repor > smoath of February. Mass.â€"Peter Ellert, Hilda Het es Ne 0 Oe C mt n C iL 0C EP o +very Thure | Mr. Jos. Richardson has gold bi | Mr. Fred K me mitant 6 farm comprising 180 actes, . A¢21 s renewing . Bean Proprietor Hawkesville to Mr. Wabi, for $6,80u.| A absence of $100 pe! anouim in advance | . MY. Emenuel Martin, who fractur | Mr. John P h‘. d G % ed his leg while at work in the Tra | stends to m e Wers Bank Building is able to be a '&‘M-h-hw, b_‘w and wil D# ] pout as usual, 3::‘.74:'::. WALLACE inch of the Dominion in Toronto, Feb. 21st annual conventiot and 15th is promoâ€" at our school, and HERGOT» H NOMINATOR Leibo is VIS th Al and Hawkesvilie to Mr. Wabi, iof $0,000 J " ETV ME T ud BE CCC Mr" Ememucl Mertin, who fractw. | Mr. John Hiller is selling out AMd| _/ . _ j _ procoo1e6 ‘wigs tB ed his leg while at work in the Tra .atends to move on the farm of umf Hespeler ‘wins the Wers Bank Building is able to be a mu-h-b-. Mr. Isaac © Hostetier, Trophby asd bout as usual, Zorta. .. e ons S + + ks The Interior â€" Hardwood . factor» rlb».m:ru of Ayr visited| oupe J. '_m played their &""'mmw“-'.:w i the :ï¬:‘:’ Miss Anna Rits is spending several {"" C m ::lill“ ® ?:: Council. The Company is asking lo. "l‘n' ?“sh:hwm added to their quota of yic "'k’“ of $7,500 and fixed assessment | ; .))"){yingeg the Miltinery openings tories :‘:‘,".‘; ‘“"; of "â€â€œâ€˜: ol $1000. * week games played. ey are therefore the Mr. Roy Zilliax of Collingwood, is ",z°%":q“‘,;, has returned| Winners of the Moore Cup and nand \uiun;_‘his parents, Mr. and _ Mrs, lrom. & two months‘ business . trip some madals en4 are to be cangtate Hy, Ziliiax. Sm 0 C o ["| 1e the Eastern Provinces. lated upon their success. The stand L q20lan the Eastern PFToVInC@®« _ _â€"____â€" |. s of the rinks to date (i8 as e se t Miss â€" Clira Kaerber: of Waterloo, visited relatives in town:fof a few days. Fruit Shower.â€"Miss Salome Ratz, recently gave a "Fru Shower" in honor of Miss L. Otto at which up wards of â€" twenty of Miss Otto‘: friencs were present. After lunch:or an address was read by Miss Whyare aiter which the presentation of frui: took place. The decorations in th fea room . were red carnation‘s, . rec tibbous and ferns.. Priosentation. â€"The Ladies‘ Aid 0. the Evangelical . Church recently met at the home of one of their mem bers, Mrs. 0. M. Umbach, and mani fested their appreciation of her setr jces by |r sculing her with a beau tiful clocs . accompanied by an ad dress. The family will shortly move to Waterloo. ‘ il visiting Mr. Henry Abrens is able to h out again after a several weeks‘ ill wess of typboid fever. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brandt, beforc cheir departure . for their now hom« in Goderich, were preseuted with .i beautiful rocker by theit frionids. Th presentation took place al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kudob. A quiet but interesting â€" wedding tock place at the home of Mr. an‘ Mrs. W. H. Otto on Thursday after ncon last when their oldest daughter Miss Luellia C. was married to Mr. E. G. Sueiripg, of Craik, Sask. M Wim. Stengel has sold his sand pit to Fach Bros., masons at Presâ€" ton, for a very reasonable sum. Mr. Frank Mast was a _ business visitor to Morristown last week. Mr. W. S. Wiegand has secured | a position with Mr. Calvin | Green for the year. We wish Mr. Wiegand sucâ€" Mr. Joln Gingrich and litle _ sor of Graml Rapids, Michigan, spent Monday of last week with â€" friends in this berg. â€" Miss Elsic Mast of Morristown in tends staying for some time _ with her uncle Mr. F. Mast. We weloom( Miss Mast in our midst. The ladies of this community | atâ€" tended a rag bee at the home of Mrs. Josiah Oberholtzer on Wedâ€" nesday of Tast week. Those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. _ Aaror Snyder, and Mrs. Dan Groh, Zion. All present had an exccllent time. The many Wricnds of Mrs. Levi Gehl will be sorry to‘ hear of her conâ€" tinued iltâ€"health. Mr. Isracl Good was fortunate in securing a~hired man in his own neiâ€" chborhood in the person _ of _ Mr. Perey Thoman. â€" *:8% Mr. and Mrs. William Stuart and son Erle of Esmon:d, North Dakota, are visiting at the home of _ Mr. Samuel Hilborn. Mr. Stuart may locate here, as he was favorably imâ€" pressed with this part of the counâ€" try. Mr. Wosicy Cornell of Bluevale reâ€" rewed old acquaintances in this vici ty last week. Two sleigh loads of young people rom Limerick and Galt _ went _ to Shefficld Friday evening, where they vere plcasantly entertained by _ Mr. Jhas. Marshall amnd family. Miss Carrie Martin and Mr. Elton Martin pent Sunday with Miss Ethel Goudy nd Mr. Elton Goudy: of Kossuth, Mr. and Mrs. John Tait entertained i few of {heir neighbors _ at their ‘ome very pleasantly Saturday evenâ€" ‘ng. William Pollock of Rothsay visited iis sister Mrs. Jolin Hami®Fton _ last week. +Mr. and Mis. Callaway of Marden isited )t J. A. Currant‘s last week, and also took a business _ trip _ to Uonesto; laway is horses a farm in Merber was a D last we« Mr. H. Murray has returned to his ome after spending some time in he vicinity of the Falls. Mr. E. 1. Adamson, our gcncml{ store keeper and post master, is offâ€" eting grcat bargains for next week only, beginning March 4th; 1200 rolls of wall paper at half price and â€" 21 Ibs. granulated sugar forâ€" $1.00 Mr. ard Mrs. William _ Ariss and {amily are moving to Berlin on . the 6th of March for the purpose of keepâ€" ing a bgarding house. They are loâ€" cating in the west ward near Lang‘s tannety . Mr. Weber has rented the house formerly occupicd and owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ariss. We wish them success in their new entorprise. An Old Landmark Gone.â€"The old lecture room was sold by temder on the 2ist of February to Joseph Letâ€" son for the sum of $45.00. It was built in 1848 by the St. _ Andrew‘s church and used as such until 1870, when it was superceded by a more commodious and clegant #nctnrc. Last summer a new ball whs tuilt which is ‘a great acquisition to our village, 5 hask 7 Mr, Haggart and Mr. Weber of the Cabindt Works, Owen Sound, ate visâ€" itimg the Jatter‘s parents, Mr. â€".and Mrs. vm«im a woek. Herbert MWilkinson left Betlin â€" on ELMIRA. WINTERBOURNE o and St. Jacobs. Mr. Calâ€" quite an extensive dealer in id caftle, having a 350 acre Guelph fownship. t Wright of Paisley _ Block, usiness visitor in oiir village Mrs. William Stuart â€" and . o es | 2 in ts home " d O‘ | "The Round Table" celebrates the ilborn. _ Mr. Stuart may|°B° hundredeth anniversary of the e, as he was favorably imâ€" poet Loqgfc]lows birth, on _ Thursâ€" tth this part of (he ooo [4ay tvouing, Nob. SOth: at the horke & of Mr. E. W. B. Snider, A very apâ€" fey: Corucit of Bluevale: 1e [ Atcuiative company woS present _ fo acquaintances in this viciâ€" inloy a propramint bearinz upon the week. l‘l[(' af";il wnrl;h;)l :;[:(:;;21 \}adisl\:'ort‘l: j x z. 16 ongfellow. s ond :f::.klo:ni; (‘;L“) ot::‘ntl;loptlg brief adoress â€"introduced _ to . those enick and h@ll â€" 2900 0) 00 |oresent the guest of the evening. LIMERICK . 0C. Brandt, befor for their now hom vpresented with _i y theic frionids. Th vlace at the home March, . by aose broken â€"Mr. Sebastian Weis of Mount Clemâ€" ms, Mich., is visiting _ bis friends here. e â€" 'l‘he_ueon;l game, between Waterloo ind New Hamburg resulted in a vicâ€" tory for the former by a score of Mr. Jos. Vauce has sold his two trotting ( lts to Mr. Grey of Stratâ€" ‘ord for : handsome _ sum _ of $720. Mr. Jacob Witmer, who has _ been onfined to the house for the past hree weeks, is able to be around igain. U Q. W. H. A. Mcet.â€"The Executive ‘ommittee of the _ Oxfordâ€"Waterloo ‘Tockey Associatiu;;m‘t at the _ Imâ€" rerial Hotel on ednesday . evening, Web. 26. President F. Krug of Tavisâ€" ‘ock occupicd the chair. The _ proâ€" cest of the Drumbo _ team against Plattsville, avising out of the _ comâ€" tention that Robson was a pard man was considered. Several players _ of the Ayr, Drumbo and | Plattsville] teams were examined, including the ; President of the Plattsville team and Robson, the President and Sccrctary! of the Plattsville team producing] iffidavits that he never received any noney from that club. Theeâ€"Execuâ€" | â€"ive considered that the charges were | nsufficient and Drumbo _ lost _ the wotest. In the case of the Tavisâ€" sock club, who dropped out of . the lrague, it was decihed that the games e counted as they resulted, the unâ€" layed game to be awarded to . the pposing team by default. In the event of there being a _ lic etween Plait{sville, Drumboand New lamburs, the executive _ concluded hat the final games must be played o in any C rink of _ the association vith the exception of the Plattsville ink, which the exccutive considered oo small to give any team a fair howing to win out on the merits of heir playing: S ioh scA Death of Former Resident.â€" _ The leath occurred near Wingham at the ome of his daughter, on Friday, March Ist, of James Cochrane, a ‘ormer resident of this vicinity, aged i1 years. Deceased was born _ nrat ~dinburgh, Scotland, and came to 3erlin when a young man and ten ‘ears later moved to New Hamburg, ind cleared a farm west of New [Iamburg, where he resided until 1877 when he â€"moved to Wingham., The femains were brought â€"here for burial. Eight children survive. to the poet‘s daughter, Edith, was pleasantly recited by Miss Peliing. A séere from HMiawatha‘s childhood was presented by Mrs. Richmond repâ€" resentinz Nokomis and Master Grant in Indian cestume as Hiawatha. "The Arrow and the Sonk" _ was very accoptably given WÂ¥ Miss Lola nider as a #old. Mr. Richmond gave a {alk about the poceims bearing _ dircctly _ upon events in the poet‘s life. : "The Lover‘s Errand," from _ the Courtship of Miles Standish was givâ€" en as a recitation, in splendid style, by Miss Ethel Reyno‘ds, habited in the costume of Puritan maiden. + The programme concluded by _ a tableau from â€" Miles Standish in which Priscilla was represented _ by Miss Reynolds and John Akden _ by Mr. Richmond. The followint letter recéived _ for the occasion from the poet‘s daughâ€" er, who still lives in the old home, is much cherished as a memento by the members of "The Round Table." Craigi¢ House, Cambridge, ‘ Feb. 20th, 1707. Déar Members of. ‘‘The Round Table." Allow me to say how much pleasâ€" ure it gives my sisters and me . to realize the extent to whish . my lhm:'- memory is to be honored . on h‘s birthday. t ie "He th> best of all musicians, Ile the sweetest of all singets. His lite was fived so clearly â€" and «imply without‘ thought of scoking fot fame, that it is very beautiful to feel the response coming from . such ST. JACOBS I img of~ _ folows:â€" H (G. A. Bruce (has.* Moogk . Hogg 8. B., Bricker Geo. B. Moogk AGED RESIDENT PASSES AWAY Death of Mrs Edmunds, Mothâ€" er of Mrs Dr. Noecker Watâ€" e1lo > at age ot 82 Years. An aged and respected _ resident pasged | way this (Wednesday) motnâ€" iug at § c‘clock in the _ person of Mrs. islizcabeth Edmunds, King St., mothcr of Mrs. (Dr.) Noecker, Watâ€" vrloo, at the ripe old age of _ 82 vears. C Deceased had been ailing time past but three days scized with hemorrhage of which was the immediate death. â€" The late Mrs. Edmunds was botn in ©oronto in 1825 and in 1852 was married to the late Brook Edmunds, who died several years ago. They moved to the vicinity of Hawkesville some fortyâ€"five . years . ago being among the carly pioncers of tnat district. Ten years ago they retired to Berlin where deceased has since resided.. Of a family of eight _ chilâ€" iron five survive, viz., Dr J L. Edmunds, Minnesota; Mi‘s. (Dr.) Noé cker, Waterloo;. Mrs. Fowler, _ Hawâ€" tesville; and Mary "and â€" Eleanot â€"at home. & ~ The funeral will be held on Saturâ€" day at one o‘clock frem the residâ€" ence, King St., Berlin, thence to the Mcthodist church, Hawkesville, for service, where burial will also take place. . Death of Magdalena Kuhry. â€" The death of one of St. Clements oldest residents took place on Friday, Mar. ist, when Mrs. Magdalena Kuhry, wife of the late George Kulry took leave of this world. Deceased was botn in Allsas, Germany, +4 _ yeats ago, immigrating to Canada _ when quite young. Nearly all her life time was spent in Waterloo County. _ She lived a retired life in St. Clements for many years _ Nine children, _ 50 grand children and 33 great _ grand children survive. ‘The funeral took place here Monday, Feb. 4th _ inst., and was largely attended. Our local junior hockey tcam jourâ€" neyed to St. Jacoss _ on Saturday, the 2i inst, and added another victory to their already fine Jist of victories by defeating the team from outasister town by a â€" score of 5â€"0 Reports have it that our toys could have doubled the score. Out team lined up as follows:â€"Goal, J. Boegel, point, E. Heric; c. point, A. Stumpf; forwards, L. Stumpf, L. Weber, _ J. Boegel. â€" â€" . d Aa :A Mr. John Adam who has for many . years resided on a fatm some three miles north of the village has {aken possession of the residence _ occupied by the late Mrs. Charles Starr and Shuminer, the local general merchant "Success Teddy." ' Mr. Leo Boppre, for four yeats emâ€" ployed as clerk with V. Heric, local gencral merchant, has â€" decided _ .to leave St. Clements, having secured a situation with Mr. Frank H. Schimâ€" mer, general merchant, Linwood. He will leave for the latter _place . next woek. Mespeler F. Scagram M. En;der C. Kuntz G. Hughes Mr. George â€" Fahrenkoptâ€" bas _ ds posed of his handsome driver, Pete to a party in St. Agatha for a hand sopne figure. Mr. Tony kubhry, Monckton, attend ed the funcral of his mother on Mon day the 4th inst. . Mr. | Sunda y ents. Mr. Cha session of pied by t Personals.â€"Mr. and NTS. AIDCE® Runstetler, Elmira, visited relatives in St. Clements and vicinity dufing the past week. Miss Vic. Cleghorn left for her home in Wellesley on Friday after visiting for cne weok with Miss Annic Schummet. Mr. Corni Brenner is spending _ a few weeks at his home here. Miss Carrie Bush, late of Hamilton is visiting with her parents here. Mr. A. H. Rogers and Matt. Schummet spent Thursday evening in Wellesiey . ";Ir“;;d Mrs. Heary Arnold, Acâ€" ton, paid &t. Clements a few days‘ visit last week. â€"The report that Mr. Geo. D. Wood of Winnipeg is dead is incorrect. _ Two cases ol smallpox are in the Isolation Hospital at Brantford. _ _A heavy snow storm is raging on the north shore of Lake Superior, Mudson‘s Bay was navigable the end of November, the R, N ST. CLEMENTS 1. Brenner, Linwood ind Monday in Stâ€" as. Albrecht has taken poSâ€" M the home formerly . occuâ€" the late Mrs. Geo. Kuhry. als.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Albert or Elmira. visited relatives $4 Won. Lost 0 10r some ago _ was the brain, cause _ of To pla, spent Clemâ€" the recent . carthquake a . t« linds the trip all the more inter and at the present time Mr. fl".'.a".. tendéncy ag ': ‘ tourist . to shun that & ~_Ju the city dl.gm where he spent over three weeks, the damage done by the carthquake is everywhere apâ€" patent.. Practically all the buildings are down with the exception of small frame structures.â€"â€" ‘The . principal ‘utreets are patrolled by troops _ as there are articles of much ‘ value still buried in the ruins, and the utmost vigilance is . necessaty to prevent looting. ‘The residents dwell in tents and huts, some of which are only about 6 oy 8 feet in size. Many of those who were well off have Icst everything. Some difficulty was experienced in securing accommodaâ€" tion at Kingston, as very few buildâ€" ings remain standing, but in _ other portions of the island there is no Aifficulty in this , respect. During Mr. Wells‘ stay in Jamaica several earthuake shocks _ were experienced and the sensation was not altogether agroeable. llowever, Mr. Wells does not consider that there is any danger in visiting the island. _ Mr. _ Wells brought along with him several relâ€" ics of the carthquake in the _ shape ol coins which were taken out of the ruins. Altogether the trip was _ a most agreeable and pleasant one. till The service in _ the _ Mithodist church Sunday evening proved of specâ€" ial interest. The pastor delivered an excellent discourse on the subject, ‘‘Counsels to Young Women," and a choir of ladies rendered a _ number of selections which were effectively sung. The solo "The Penitent," by Mrs. H. M. Snyder, was given ° a sympathetic and artistic rendering. The grand concert of moving . picâ€" tures and illustrated songs will _ be given in the town hall, _ Waterloo, on Tuesday evening, instead ol Methâ€" odist church as previously announced, is those in charge have becn able to secure the former place for the entcrâ€" tainment. The Women‘s Musical Club mef at the residence of Mrs. H. M. Snyder on Saturday afterngon â€" and * those sresent spent several Bours imost enâ€" joyably. The mceting was devoted to the works of the composer _ Mendelsâ€" solhn and the _ followirg â€" ‘excellent ‘rogramme was given:â€" Plano Duettâ€"Mrs. Boghm ard Miss Riddel. Songâ€"Miss Tcna Snyhor, Piano Soloâ€"Miss Blanche Clement. Paper onâ€"Menderssonnâ€"Mrs. Merâ€" bert Bowlby. Pigno Soloâ€"Miss _ Emma _ David son. . S(mgâ€"fliss L. M. BHruce. ; Piano Soloâ€"Mrs. J. M. Anthes. Senzâ€"Miss Lillian Breithaupt. Piano Soloâ€"N‘trs. Herbort Bowlby. Songâ€"Miss Bessic Dawson. Miss A. G. Moore afd Miss Fannic Brown were the convene:s _ of th: mecting. Mr.â€" Jobn R. Piric‘s sale, _ last Thursday a week, proved a successâ€" ful one. Mr. Mickus of Waterloo wiekded tne hammer and Mr. BHurst the pencil and the book. day ‘h-lr.;lurman Martin moved on the farm vacated by Mr. Piric, last Tuesâ€" ~ Mr. Wim. Locbsack will 1 auction sale on the 23rd inst Mr. '.(};;;ii:c""Ih'xrlrlm-r'"h':\‘s a gang of nine menâ€" at work squaring _ ship timber in this vicinity. s Mr. Chas. Scheifele, Mr. _ ‘Aaron Scheifele, besides scveral_ ‘chi_ldrcn. timber in this vicin‘ty. Among the sick in our neighborhood are:â€"Mrs. Dillman Snyder, Mrs. Geo. Scheifele, â€" Mrs. Jas. Fenton, _ Miss Emily Bowman, | Mrs. Jos. Uhrig, Mr. Isaiah Martin sold the grey team he bought at Mr. Glennie‘s: sale at a handsome vance on the purchase price. Our beet growers are go‘ting _ imâ€" patient waiting for their cheques for January deliveries. Mr. Geo. D. Dahmer is putting a Sunshine furnace into the â€" Lexington schoolâ€"house. Mr. Dahmet is an . Cxâ€" pert at furnace work. Give him a call before placing your â€" order _ for one â€" Mr. Henry Ebel is making â€" prepaâ€" rations for a large run of brick and tile next season. hesl Mr. Allen Good‘s new buggies for the spring sale are colming . in. . He has some fine ones. Mr. Good made a business trip to Guelph last Monâ€" day. * The fo‘bowirg is the Febrvary reâ€" port of the Sr. Div. of 8. 8. No. 5, Centrevilte. The names are atranged in the order of merit:â€" * _ Junior IVâ€"Mabel Hallman, Elmet Thaler, Walter Mattes, Abram _ Otâ€" terbein. e Senior IITâ€"Almeta Schmitt, Nellic Bricknell, Alton Scharman, â€" Harvey Latsch, Mary Thaler, Lincoin Thaler, Willie Mchm, Albert Thaler. Junior IIkJohn Wooliner, â€" Harâ€" vey Allemang, Clara Wooliner, Asgâ€" ust Jangen and Walter Bacts (aool). Charence Scharman, Orion: ppel, John Draves. rape \ â€" Sentor Tiâ€"Ednma Catey, â€" Harvey :o-.-Godon Btickncll, Glive Mattes oy Mehin, s durgets, Roy Kevdhits Bling Bock, MISSIONARY SERVICE REPORT OF S. S. NO. 5, CENTREVILLE. MmMUSICAL CLUB CONESTOGO hok fine Jas. adâ€" *\ B. BRICKER & CO. an We are now;adg with one of the Largest aï¬ st Upâ€"toâ€"date Range of Staples for the Early Spring Trade ever shown by us, _ This Range Comprises all that is new inâ€"~ || Elegant Tweed Suitings and plain Cloth Suiti gs in the pretty spring ~hades for the new tailor made an Eton Suit. These range in s}-ico. from 50¢, 60c, 75¢, 1.00 to 1 50 a y Is reopened and is in clmrqe of MISS SHOEMAKER, one of the most cap able Dreesmakers in Berlin. Besides Miss Sbhoemaker we employ ten exper ienced helpers and this department was never better equip than it is this season. Already many crders are booked and as we expect a very busy seaâ€" son we advise all who are looking to us for dressmaking to make their selectâ€" ionk and place their orders early. Berlin‘s Upâ€"toâ€"date Store. Our Dress Making Department Berlin, March 4tbh, 1907. Urstadt.â€"At Hamover, Feb. 218t, to Groseâ€"Budgeon Mr. and Mrs. Bernaardt Urstadt, a 20th, Russel daughter. â€" / _ Eask., to Ma TIHALER.â€"At Berlin, Feb. 23rd Mr. awi*Mis. Jos. Thaler, a so Musclow.â€"At Beriin, Feb. 23rd, Mr. aniâ€"Mrs. Wm. Musclow, a . ghter. j pietrich. â€"At BerTn, Feb. 17th, Nt. and _ Mrs. Peter Dictrich â€" daughter.. S Fetterâ€"lJensman.â€"At Geriin, _ Feb C 28th, by Rev. J. F. Marshail, Ber: W lin, Wesiey Join Fetter, ot Gait, . O to Floren:e Hensman, of Toronto. Hut Wettlaufer â€" Kaultman. â€"At _ CasSet, . A" Feb. 13th, Robert H. Wettlaufer to s;‘, . Edna ' May Kavtman, toth of Casâ€" * p sel. Kautmanâ€"Heinbuch â€"In South BasC aj hope, Feb. 27th, by Rev. F. Voit, p Werner Kantman of East ZOITA 10 (ae LAzwÂ¥o Heinyuch of South Ed#thope. j ~ + ut B. | x»‘!..ul See us for your Spring Staples. We can save you money LANG BROS. & CO. Newest Designs: Lafge Range ' NEW BIRTHS Suitings MARRIAGES BERLIN‘S FINEST DRESS GOODS _ {OTORE If you want really nice Dress Goods â€"If you want ‘ashionable stuffâ€"If you want good goods for your money, we invite you to come direct to this store. We make Dress Goods a apecialty and we carry the NEWEST and FINEST Stock in Berlin. . io 23rt, to a son. 3rd, to ‘, a dan (Prints | Ginghams Ducks * | Drills f | Ticking | Sheetings â€" | Cottons * ; | Towellings \ Shakers __ | Apron Checks | Quilts Towells > | Table Oils _ \shirtings, Ete. In Dress Goods we ae showing the newest checks, stripes and pi«in gooe® very pretty materigle in all shades for dressee, ebirtwaists, suite, waisls Special at 40c, 50¢, 03 750 to 1.00 a ; d Groseâ€"Budgeon.â€"Inâ€" Pccl Tp., Feb. 20th, Russel Grose, of Bladworth Sask., to Maggie Edich Budgcon ol Peel Township. Faulhaferâ€"Otto.â€"In South Easthope, Fob. 20th, by Rev. E. Rarn, of Tavitlock, Hon:y Faulhafer _ to Ida Clara Otto, of South Fastho»c. Tron#Reâ€"Brownâ€"At Galt, Fcb. 2ith, by Eld. D. Munro, Toronto, Annaâ€" belle Brown to W.. L. Gordon Ironâ€" sife. Leishmanâ€"Eosmanâ€"At Lisiowel, on Feb. 21si, by Rev. W. G. Howsgn, of" Wingham, James H. Leishman of Pense, Sask., to Martha â€" Bosâ€" man of Listowel, f : Seubringâ€"Ottoâ€"At Elmira, Feb. 28, by Rev. W. J. Zimmerman, B. G. Seuhring of CraiÂ¥, Sask., to Luélla C. Otto of Elmira. Jomoniâ€"At Betlin, Feb. 25th, Mark Jomoni. * (Gillerâ€"At Borlin, Fcb. 25b, Henty Giller, Huberâ€"At . Ottawa, Fob. 27th, â€"Renj amin 8. Huber, formerly of Berlin, agod 65 years. % Smithâ€"At Detroit, Fob. 26th, &g E. Smith, sister of Mrs. _ 8. iA Marshill, Betlin. f Alexanderâ€"At Listowel, Fob. 21th, E. M. Alexandet, 58 years. Cochraneâ€"Near Wingham, Feb. 23rd, 20th, Harvey Hymmen to Boroth; Bochmer, to.h of Berl.n. 0 James Cocht&-, aged 83 years. . Kasrcherâ€"A tâ€" Schringvilie, â€"Fob. 39, Dress Goods DEATHS Poa ud *k