_It Will Pay You . HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL \. Oapital Authorized $5 000,.000 . Paildâ€"Up Capftal â€" $3,100,000 "Reserve Fund . $3.000,000 /‘ A genora. banking businoss done, Colâ€" _ _ otlons made, drafts {ssned pejable in a \â€", parts of the â€"Domiaion or auy place in the éï¬l wefld Highest ratos of interest allowed ‘or ?L _ _"@ney dapor.ted in Savings Bank or 1 peotal ~ * dpostte s The M l ons Bank fanae no to make room for sew spring â€" THE MISSEs FKHRENBACH _ We have about 2 dozen colored felt a that we are clearing ut at 50c. , nleo as many childrean« sstlors, culdre, and white, going at 59 cents King Street SPRINC NEEDLE _ UNBDERKHEAR â€" on all sizes and weights. We faiso carry a full line of Gent‘s Furnishings Subscribed Capital .. .. .. .. 230,000.00 Depoutwith tase Dominion Government ............ .. $117,140, All policies guaranteed by the Londo: and Leatcashive Insurance Company Winter Millingry with Assets of $16 C. A. BOEHM The Mercantils F: + Alipger: sdeetaking (s, a Great Clearirg . »5f. _ Carter‘s Little Liver Pills. To see our fine lia~ of Merchant Tailor, Waterloo Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Bus‘uess solicited for firt class 4 compiuies. Nery email and as onsy to take as sagaz, CARTERS â€"UOnâ€" ertakers ind Zmnaimera Caas agsÂ¥ercd day an‘d mi«h Insurance Company INCORPORATEO i1875 Head Office â€" Waterioo C A. BOEHM General Insurance Agent, JOHN RITZER, Altred Wright, Secreta T. H. H&ll, inspector . BOEHM District Agent Waterloo, Ont. . Phone 219. sas us vercd day and ni«hs YMMoâ€" King <ireet. *&tarioo, Ont. Phones, Ofilce Successor :o Ruckorrrough & Co, . Ketablished 181. GVUBE S!CK HEADACHE Must Boar Signature af See Pacâ€"Stmile Wrayper Dorow, Incorporateq in 1865. f\'l!;g‘Y'um‘ Proâ€"] I‘m atrald i Waterion : ty" your, "I‘m afraid you‘rs as idie fllow ,f,,?;i ages: . Price Bit | Sam." . â€" i ed to any address. _ Send| .‘‘No, sah; I‘ms not idlc, sah!. Whâ€" ‘ money and your names.| L gits my wile more work dan sh esn n; ‘«&:m †“’ '2..," .. m flns JACOE HESPELER, Maragor Watorico Branch Cenuine FOR HEADACHE, Frar nizziness. roRr Beilious®ess, FOR TORPID LtYZR, FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIR. Fog the compiextea ,305,038. Berlin (PD tr‘e collea stble to the head of the Governmen‘, and cach member is responusible _ to his constituents, who may, if ghe cirâ€" cumsiances warrant, maly private charavter a consideraticn at the ba}â€" lot tox. But public decency, the di;â€" nity of Parliament and the character of the nation demand that pullic disâ€" cussicn shall conc.rn itsell with pubâ€" lie afiairs, and that except for cverâ€" whelming public reascns men‘s private chiracters shall not come under pubâ€" lic consideration. Anyone who bwows the atmosphcre of Ottawa durâ€" ing a Parliamentary | sess‘¢n lnows that ugly rumors are always in cirewâ€" lation, that gossip is ever busy, su;â€" picion always running at men‘s heets, and that a few of the rumors, litil> of thr gossip ‘and lithe of the susriâ€" cion is shown to be well founded. Morto er, it has to be femembered that Parliament fairly represents the averaze character and the average sentiment of th> maticn, thit mugh of its wors reveals a hish levcl of â€"duty and of patriotism, ond &hat the ger formance of this work involves arâ€" duors latot, stifâ€"dcnial and selfâ€"sactiâ€" fice. Preston, March. 1.â€"The plans â€" for the new addition to the G., P. & 11. treliey station bave beea drawn by Mr. .J. HM. Mickelet and at a meeting of the officials last night it was de.iled to let the contract . to Mr. Mickeler and have the work beâ€" gun immediately. The esxtension will be built on the north sice _ of tne buildinz and will te 14 feet wide by about 20 foet lorg. _ The prosent quarters of Rupt. L"lcm(-ns will he enlarguod 19 a considerable _ extent, and where the freight office now _ is will be constructed a â€" farge waiting reem fot tie employees. The | westâ€" etn hali of the exteasion _ will to fited up for a commedlious _ freight oflice, as the present ons is much too cramped. The waiting reom for the cmoloyces has been tadly nveded more work Iv. to TO ENLARGE TROLLEY DEPOT §1. t1g by Mr meetin such tinx fore the Comniitee ly oppose the prop« A Ion thy disecss ing whi h thare crossâ€"frint beiween to P inlimat« whethor Q\fon th : .flylihlw"'~ 5.5,000 m.\:.‘ 1a & 0 erths Ferlin cal Wotrice =: Wwy. cnd all tie prope‘ty and vsects thoreof upder curtaip e nuivions. \ icc .rcsident Ed. mmypto prosud4. _ Tue sid.i.l Lill was explaincd by tez. i. A. Kecllen, who has teen actâ€" Bs &o :0 KBE 4n Li sB ul n th At a meetiog of the Bâ€"rlin Board the Act empowerirg‘ the purchase of Trade on Thursday evening proved the plant without a vote. _ ,‘ 10 be decidediy . intercsting ~A w ih.} A resolution was sutmitted stif%ing SCOrr 0. Intmders who wars prs.n. cul Ahs clause, and an ©DaGBHses c D* lor the ‘purpose of d sâ€"ussing (â€". ‘enpdorsins the Council‘s action,. ‘ib> S._gcisl act declariny that th: to “P“m was cirrild, four op,0 ing. ts an. Th . o avih‘w a veKidu C P 1 3 T proceedings, who stated that in order 10 assume ihe coulrol ol cho C sul. ta lway wituo«t | aw, duonur dols the special Railway Commitice 0. th. vorn «o moll hod bein adsds d o oi avpl, for s.ccial legislation em, o cring the municipality to issue de.cu tures to the amount of $:5,200 wÂ¥ oult submitting the byâ€"law to the ratc, ayers oas is | required uy th. Mcniclpal Act. The ghect of _ this was to save time, and it was the in th nesday in the jocal tom hbad bien purchas: votr to thr pcopic as . town should operate to the highost bidder hid no doubt that tt le in favor of purthas $75,200. ten Special Legislation is Being Asked for by Speâ€" cial Railway Committee and has been Enâ€" dorsed by Berlin T. &.L. Council and Board of Trade with but Little Opinion. A Mr tro P i) d SLANPER AT OTTAWA Ia t h hi ImDio MCuP, as i1 was a vory im sio cdure for a municipal bod; t for power to rsise a farge sz as $15,300 without first supmit the byâ€"law to the people. . Geg. M. DeBus expressed _ hi i5 opposition to thr projgescboa ho se theosystem wichout fire L0 i h Pume lianent ues. . T ill o aniglt ascerta vallous import; vn. Er. Lace ted that Le J rothe Toninitt 1 oan t ie anarner ‘uP, as if was Cmm i 1J the the ropg that d the bitk No of purchasin te should Ains clal 2117 beiwoun â€" those â€" in d opeosod to the clause lal bill was broupht e Bills Commitice i Toronto, anl Dr: L represontative, asuc over until toâ€"day it ight ascertain the . lous important bodi Pr. Lacier very that Le had Lis he Toadnitte® wou! The gislation. Th ty fight forâ€" sis ard wou! BUSY has been |adly me as _ indeed t the oflice s‘aff i commeilious _ freight present ons is much The waiting reom for has been }adly needed nc as _ indeed his the office staff. The commenerd immediateâ€" Min‘iste for the R i1 th ister is responsibl > the character of his inisters are resfon of the Governmen‘, uhdue a applyia toâ€"d le o was) Irartil 0 ah> railway t beo taken. thiupt, of th , after the &; d, to submit ing whechr th it er lease mmil 0d 2 ovid its ri_his « Ar. peojI othe that vaint pl nl stx presen & W pl loub s Ca nt h erd befo i We mt a th ‘ We are pleased to _ note that some of dut secular papers have . dcâ€" veloped a conscience relative to the manner of reporting the _ disgusting details brought out in the notorious trial â€"now going on in New York }(‘fly. One of ths evening papers . of this city, one, too, from _ which _ we would expect better things, has scen fit to give an unuB%ual amount of this prurient matter, greatly to its own discredit, and to the disgust, as we have reason to know, of some of its geaders. Because there is _ no law governing this matter is â€" no just excuse why _ a _ respectable journal ‘should intentionally: pander _ to _ the lowest cravings after "spicy" _ senâ€" sationalsim on the part of is least worthy readers. One man, â€" brilliant in his linc, but thoroughly depraved and unspeakably vicious, is shot dead by another who has nothing _ about him to commend him to the atten‘ tion of anybody save the fact that he was a murderet. A young woman, whether in the first instance + more sinned against than sinning, 4t is imâ€" possihle to say, but in the gnd someâ€" thing of an unprincipled adventurfess is the foil between these tw6, and without doubt the inspirer _ of â€" the feelings that m:r murder.. What there is in such a situation to enâ€" kage the a ordinary docent peopie to. the extent of . are . mittecs, â€" leaders of missi¢ classcs, oificers of W.F.M S sion bands, are epecially a: ait nl this ins Superintendcn‘t J2thâ€"14th, in the digercnt Pre: terian and Baptist charches. 7 movement is an attempt to do i lucal centre what has botn done the Summr Conferences â€" for fat Estricts. It is the third cf its k held in Canada,. The other two w hold list autumn in Mon‘real Torcnto. _ Ten similar mectings w hold during the past year in dil ent parts of the United SQates legates will kindly notify dtev. A. McLavhlin, Secretary of the Comn tee, Galt, or any ef the G&it nun lers of their intention to he pres. A cordial initation is extondâ€"a the peopl A Missionary Corvention and stitute will be held in Galt, Tucsday to Thursday eveninz, A stranger walked infto _ a _ St. Catharines hotel and buncood the clerk into signing a â€" boges â€" cheque for $25, to which the name of dunn-s Kent, of the CLP.R. Telegraph "Comâ€" pany had been forgcd. iPrcsidest Haha, _ of the T. & L. Corncil recd a resoluticn from that body insnimously endorsing the speâ€" cial bill. Anrxih>r infcortant clause of ).ll reads as follows:â€" PPR i: c 4 ces i «The clauseâ€"refertid to in paiti ul at the moet nz reads as follows:â€" Clause 5.â€"The powers conicrrâ€"d urow th; corporaticn of th: s>d town of Berlin to borrow won 7 with the ecnsent of tie ratepa ers may be exercised by. the soid MISSIONARY CONVENTION town containcd in the statute in that bebalf made onl provided, aud â€" th: said corporation may from tizke to time torrow with the consent of thr ratepayers whatever sums cl money may be required t> manige and ojerâ€" at>, extend and improve the said tal curp rauen, are the said corpor ation may ‘borrow, without cral obtaining the consent ofâ€"th> rat payeis, the suim of $75,20€, â€" to: gether with such further and othâ€" CE sums as may te nscessar; to icquire the ownership of the Cerâ€" lin and Waterlco Street Rail a 2y ard its property and efects as aforesaid, and the passin ; })l th. byâ€"laws and the issuing ot _ deâ€" leats res for such purpose sh:ll no! be s.bject to the limitation of the bosrowing prowers of the said town containcd in the statute in d rinz such ; oration fower 1 ors to of dâ€"railway sidest Hzh (The Christian GGardian.) pls of Guelph and district this institute. (Pasiors. 3 THE THAW CASH memters of leaders of aptist â€" charches. Tis an attempt to do in a Teachora i 81. boon done ai s for datzer to Officers ed d â€"werr di Torâ€" Mai nt ly to of the PATERSON‘S The Legislature of Prinee Edward Island anticipates a stormy time when the discussion of the Provincial subsidy comes up. 1. E. 1. . egpects an increase in the Dominion . subsidy of $70,000, which will make its surâ€" plus about $19,000. "No, _ there‘s _ ro‘bing‘ ur about _ them. They _ borrow stepladder _ and a _ tack. har and turned their cididren ioose our backyard." > A (Chicago Tribunce.) "Anything peculiar _ about _ these people that have just moved into the house next door to you, Mrs. Crossway*" The Edinonton _ Bulletin anpounces that. MeDougall Methoiist _ ‘church, within twoelve months will be estabâ€" lished as an institutional orâ€" _ open church, costing at the lowest estiâ€" mate $60,000.. The buikling will be 13 fect square. three and oncâ€"hal storeys with basoment. There _ will be a cafe and drill room for _ boys‘ brigade in basement. The _ main andiforium, fitted with opera chairs, will seat 1,300. A large number of rooms for devolional and social work is provided. (On the third floor there will be accommodation for 40 _ men in single and double rcoms. For the social hours, billiard rooms, _ rrading rooms and other recreation quarters will be provided. ‘The gymnasium of the now Y.M.C.A. will be utilized. The pastor, Rev. H. C. Hucstis, is enthus‘astically promoting the enterâ€" prise. OF THME CONVENTIONAL TYPTI TO BE OPEN ALL THE TIME The fectuféâ€"room of the St. John‘s Anglican Church was filled on Friday even‘ng by an appreciative aulinâ€", which listened to an excelicnt an: instructive â€" lecture on "The Refor mation," â€" delivered by Rev. Dyso: llague, rector ol Memotial Chors London. The chair was oceupied 1 Rev. J. W. J. Ardrew, who exprossâ€" eq his‘ great pleasure in having Rev. Hague present on this oveasion. Pre ceding the lecture a piano duet was carably rendercd by _ Misses Clement @n1 Suddaby, and about thirty limeâ€" light views were shown of important personages who were leaders of ~ the Reformation. Mr. Gscar Rumpel had charge of the lantern. Rex. Mr. Hague is a splendid speakâ€" tr, and throughout his discourse h save graphic descriptions of the vai 10u8 â€" movements that â€" were carriog throuph by the l'clor‘m‘h& of the carly centurics. HMe referred to the extreme veligious darkhnoss in Englairl at the time of King William‘s entry into that coontry, It ecntinued.until 1324 whop John Wyclifc, who was characteriz od as Epvland‘s eroatest raturmar ho. rd as Fngland‘s gre came the champion dom and mad> th c had to be fornded i not on what was n: the Bitle was. trans increased 1h> ante« Mtr. Jacob Baetz, the wellâ€"known contractor, _ bas decided to recnici the furniture busin=ss and, it i. un derstcod, has completcd nesotiaticn for the purchise of Cowan and Fo.«. mer‘s furniture factory, which â€" was erected last year. Mr. son Roedder, who has fi.d charge â€" of Wimn. Metcalfe anl Co.s meat departinent for some time, 1 fitling up Metcalfle & Co.‘s 0d stan~ as an upâ€"toâ€"date butcher shop _ zn will 0, en in a dew weeks. THE REFORMATION IN BERLIN Several important business « hive been completed in ie.!in the last dew days which are oi interest. . ols _ ME yi . M. Beriet has disposca â€" oi Z“'lh .A Te ho. ~uf to r, J. R. â€" Hallman, e »cilâ€" vaown King Street haberd.sher, who assumed charge this morning. Ns Haliman has securea a. lease or the store occupled by Mr. Beriet ond viil maâ€"e some extensive changes in « 4x to provide more room ut hia grimkiy increased srock el gours us mishings which will be 10 cd io" t new siand in q fow weeks. ‘the Semiâ€" Ready Wardrobe. Co., is to be con gratilated upon securing Mr, â€" ligilâ€" man as Mr. Berlet‘s successor. Nr. Geo: Starnaman has sold is ‘"Quick Delivery" business to Mr. A. Vale of the Pearl Steam Laundi y. Thetatter will take charge aftcF wA# . M. Berlet bas Di his Interest in Semi Wardrobe to J. R. H Couek nRors ro‘hing‘ _ unusual They _ borrowed â€" a a â€" fack. hammer, ich men as Hent; yidall, â€" Erasmus, Craumer, Latimer x head. business Cnanges duraig i io in In the rate per cent of grcwth in foreign commeree, Japan, Argentin® and Canada have lately outstripped the United States. In proportion to population the Argentine and the Doâ€" iminion of Canada have been dtawing more immigration than the Ametican Republic. Germany has been runaifs away from the "United States â€"â€" in building its shipping on s1lt water, The German Empire and France have HOUSE OF REFUGE The quarterly meeting of the House of Refuge Committee was hcld _ cn Thursday afternoon at which it was decided to call for tenders for _ the plumbing of the entive institution acâ€" cording to the plans submitted _ by Architect Munro, of Hamilten. Other improvements will also be made. The usual accounts wore passed. The â€" transportation _ received | by the secretary included side trips to Grand Canyon, and all the » summer resorts on the Pacific Coast. ance will â€"be given _ on â€" Monday, March 4. The Mst concert for the Sante Fe will be given in Barstow, California. The party will be â€"abâ€" sent for about three weeks. The party, cansisting of Mr. ani Mrs. E. Hetherington, Mr. and Mrs E. C. Codling, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc Cutcheon, and Mtr. and Mrs. _ Jolr Andetson, will Irave on the #.55 C P.R. train on Saturday, for â€" Chilli cothe, I11., where the first perform The Quarte(te: will give perforinâ€" ances in the railway Y.M.C.A.‘s of nine towns and cities along the route of the Santa Fe« In addition to these engagements the Quartcette are perâ€" mitted to make any other engagement they «esire, provided it does _ not conflict with any of the railway enâ€" gagements. ; The Manchester Quartette of Galt, which left thai town on <Na nrday on its concert tour, has received from the Superintendent of the Santa e Railway â€" Company, t:ansportation, for the members cf the quartette, theâ€" itinerary and other instructions in connection with the tour. Malliman was formally co on toth charges. ( The general manager, John Ross, Shaw, stated that whon hg return d from England a stort time apo ) brousht the ban notes bac‘\ with his; Later he asked the lJady cashier what the ban‘t had allowed her for thom. She replied that she ha Insver se them. Mallman, when muesticn d, at mitted that he had taken thom. Presigent â€" Robert â€" Marmer â€" swor. that Hallman presented a statemen to him acknowlodging that his defa® calions totalled upwards of $2,500 Mallman further informed him _ that cambling on hotses and cards was rc spensitl» for his dishonesty. Nathaniel Hallman, formerly a bookâ€" keeper in ‘the employ of the Cinvda Furnitire â€" Manufacturing | Compin_, Limited and well _ lnown in Berlin wis commitied for trial by Mazistrat« Denison at Toronto on Thursday | op tvwo charges of theft. Halliman is ab leged to have systematically | stolon Trom tlte company for the past year, th> amounts totallinx $2,528.70; Th: ather _ charge astates â€" that Mallmai stole three Bank of Englant fiveâ€" pound tank notes on Jan. 25. Smith‘s Fal,sâ€"Merrow, gdal;, Mesâ€" sonette, point; _ Dinx, cover _ point; Poulin, rover; Keith. centre; Lever, right wing; Gallipeau, left wing. Refereeâ€"F. C. Waghorne. .Penaltiesâ€"Berlin 10, Smith‘s Palls Port Hope, Feb. 28.â€"In a semiâ€" final game of the intermcdigte serâ€" ies played here this evening the flyâ€" ing Dutchmen of Berlin defcated the Smith‘s Falls MicMacs by a score of 4 to 1. The halfâ€"time store was 3 to 0. The game throughout _ was marked by hard, close checking and very little combination. ‘The Berlin players were better skaters and their forwards followed «back well and aided their defence very materially. Watson, the auburn youngster for Berlin, put up a statr game, while Dupn, at cover for Smith‘s Falls, carried off the honors for his team. Periin now meets the winners of the: Parry Sound Collingwood game â€" for the intermediate championship, The teams were as folows: ‘ Berlin â€" Karges, goal; _ Rosekat, point; V. B. Cochrane, cover point; Brinkeit, rover; Watson, centre; W. M. Cochrane, right wing; Roschman, leff wing. i USED STOLEN CASH 12 certainly know what to take, then take it â€"Ayer‘s‘ Sarsaâ€" parilla,* If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. BERLIN HIN THE FNALS LEFF ON SATURDAY HOW wE po GROW itl:1 to recovery bowels l’a'f‘y«"'a‘l'ul:.~ We heve uo sccrete! We publish the formu‘as of all our medicines. ington, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mcâ€" Mr. and Mrs. _ Jelin Irave on the #.55 C. 2 20e 00,, Lowell, Masa FUGR GAMBLING RRV PB ifically _ stol the past yeas o §2,528.70 Th that Hallme Englant _ fiv Jan. *5. Harmer â€" swor 7K, ind THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE B. E. !u.xn, President ALEX. D, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and Interest aliowed eurrent rates, The depositer is yubject to Ho del hatover the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the dep. sits _ Garbage Pails CHINA PALACE, KING STREET, BERLIN. blue, only Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED CIMMERCIAL AND FARMERS‘ RAPEA DISCOUXnTED § Berâ€"in, 0 Factory and Mill Suppliesf?% P AAakaAaba hiA kR EL +A iA a n a a a h a a a is $ Simpson‘s Furniture Warerooms N NUA ALALRRAL i ALAARLAALA fPagiep Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Plambing and Pipe Fittings Store near Post office Phone 142 8u. tford Chatb«m .. We are making our store attractive these days many 008 bargains in migsond boy inter wear, lots are too small to advertise, but nber, the : Re the lot the better the bargain so come in and look ‘aros you are sure to see something you need at a price will drw the mosey from your purse. P ie * â€"One third off fine underwear, One quarter off eaps and gauntlets, $10 overcoats for $6.95. boys‘ $,4 suits $2.95, Little boys‘ serge knickers 39¢. > d. A. Good & Co. I¥°UNDERTAEING@®@ and EMBALMING. _ Special attention given to this brâ€"nch of the businese. 48 piece dinner set, three decortations, pink, g. een and KING STREET, Simpson‘s Furniture Warerooms Our ce chjret "To Sclt Grods." _ Our facilities of getâ€" ing gor d« direct from our fa: tories gives us the of portunity of secu ing the best goods at the loweâ€"t prices. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO China Palace G. E. POTTER PETER HYMMEN SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENXT ot.. Phove 9 _ High grade Plumbing, Hesting and Tinsmithing Thornton & Douglas, Lt‘d M ie Branch, J. Moorman, Ma The right kind at the right price. BOTTOM PRICFS: Hami}ton TELEPHONE 584 Fnhch_ Proverb â€" Values and Fittings always on hand. Ip. will pay you to get our priccs. Mail orders receive prompt and carcful attention. ’q We have a grod stock of F fl Weod Spht Pulleys, Goodbue extra Le er B:ting, Rubber Belting, Iron HK * $1.75 Paidâ€"up Capital, $10.000,000 Rest, â€" â€" â€" 5,000,0060 Total Assets, â€" 113,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1807 assiste j BERLIN Gueipb 81