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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 7 Mar 1907, p. 2

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:33 TN gmtiou oi labor as it relntes to capital [lid visa. versa is certainly on ot most vital importance to the community. Mr. Ralih Smith, ALP. in Wrestling the Canadian Club It- ccntly at Toronto, said it must hr regulated tor the test interests oi Canals. "The Dominion has had 1tirr ttsing to do with the present position occupied by labor towards capital, nor in the, position of atuirs concern- ing capitalists. All that has been settled for Canada by outside in nuances. lt, tlierelorc, remains to: her now to work' out the future [an hersell. We must avoid interaationat corWtcls with other nations. By M. doing we will ensure industrial pent-t withutl our own borders. The Litter is what we so greatly, so absolutely require. We know where we are. We have no colcnizing unjects in View, Re know to a great extent “hat an the national resources ot our noun try and there is nu greater object tor us to attain, no greater ques- tions for us than that at internation- al peace, which for us means na- tional prosperity. .". _ The power and eloquence or Cloud- tion has bet-n recognized in all ages. Whenever the King opens the British parliament, the excellent clocution h displays in the delivery of the King': speech is invariably rmnailtut upon His Majtsty has a strong compelling voice, which is almost unrivalled in the two Houses for clearmss and penetration. There is nothing "prey chy" about his intonation although he ,was first taught the art oi urn-o production by a clergyman. “is ac cent, too, is thoroughly and unaficr- tedly British. Ilutwn Victoria had His Majesty taught elovutie.n whvn he was very young. One day she vu- quired how he was pro,r,rissing. "l regret to say," sari! the tutor. "that I calm)! got rid cf the Prini's Gets Illau accent and when he is oldcr and hay to spunk in public, than propit- will not bt ylratstsd with it." Tiw Queen, tlwreiotv, unit-rut that in fu- ture the [lump kin"; should run- an daily reading bciore her in pure ling lish. _ f T0 SPEND $200 000 Boutuord, Feb. 27.-- In “minim? to a letter trom Manager Powell, m the Blwtlonl ilas Company, viking for improvements in its local savior. Mr. F. W. Lowry, of Pittsburg. K1 u (“I Ill-Inger ot the Dominion Natur- nt (in Company, says. “Our only trouble this [our v.5 not hum; well M. We have taken (n mot'? than m consumcts Ipul. tall an Wi' M expected, which overtaxul 11:!- welll of the compuq." To remedy the amnion. whirl: has I" l Mullins M in (lull, Paris, WHOM not! other plum all win m, Mr. lowly sun the (amp-1w Will spend $200,000 during llw nut. few months for now we"; and; new “In to are tor cotritttttrts. in order Ital there will to no pusslhlllly lor “plant next yrs: Bdwnn Mt la" and ttio n:w wells wtll he . The sauce.“ supply will mm " made "the A great u it tare EDITORIAL NOTES. 00‘. gig: ttrieittpff.. (it/iii?,')..::'?'.?,';).?,'.':',"?)".' ”WWII-III. power and eloquence oi Mac ul virry iutcresiiug Lu in SINKING WELLS . -- o-r-ta"""" Ind-I‘m” "--.er6vittb. mu lut‘Mned Thou My” bttqttss.t, it rel-[es iiiiriri'iii wAs CAUSED BY ' cum. GAS POISON IM ts coroner's Verdict in Connectibu With Sad Tragedy at Calgary in Whiclr Ferdinand Family Recently Lost Their Wes. The [allowing clipping (mm a INF Lgury paper Just to bud gives the result ot the coronex's inquest into the deatls ot the Ferdinand tawny, the members a which were buried in Berlin men! Week! ago, the iury decii5ute that they came to their death! by goal as puisoaing:- At the throat-rs inquest held yes- terday alwruoou in the city hall to inquire into the death ot Edward Ferdinand, his wile and children, the jury decided that the victims ot the tragedy came to their death by coal gas poisoning. Dr. Crawtord was the comm-r. and the jury was as follows: Mderman Watson, foreman; Aid. Maudie, I. S. Frame, It. P. Train, W. March-an, W. J. Ferguson. _ ' Mrs. M. A. Kaiser was {he first witness examined. She testified as to the him y family lite ut the For- dinamls, and mm how she went lo the house to visit on the owning oi Thursday hat, but could timl no um at home. She Iivnl for some time with the family. Mrs. h1teplwns, a siste nand. tcyt tied that at I: last Thursday uncrnmm Ice the house to visit, ll house locked. Dr. Saxon, who pctiormed the au- topsy on the body cl 1t'erdinand,Nati the next witness. Ile said he lound pink spots on diiierent parts of the body, and that the brain and tissues were pin'iish. The lungs and liver were somvsltat coimstvd. Tilt-lungs wru- swoil:n, and there was aclot ir, the left side oi ttw heart. lie sculul parts oi the body lor pr animation it necessary, but he stated that his uplniun of the cause of death was thut the man died ot coal gas, poisoniup He thought that the ma» son that tho children did not die was that tht y probably were protected " A way by the blankets. _ Dr. McF.achern performed the nu. SALARIES IN V . RURAL SCHOOLS Report of Minister of Education, Gives Interesting Facts and Figures. In the lit u ltei Hon In: tion In: Wincul l 1.er,islal [chums hung: tioual rcgardcd mowmu clficivrury he dour. ilcprnsl i the 1m Corccrusnp; tie luuls of nun schools, the Minister says:"Tlw uh iects south! by the legislation of In; s'cssion s‘multl be regarlcd as a prin cijal fr ml which a rackwartl sir; must not be lawn." In denim: wilh lb,- “ml: ul th Cummis:ium un SI-hunl Tux! Punk the 'Minister states that "actirn Cord sislrnl with the in'ormatHm (aim will be ttken with a How to rviier in; the parlnt of unn NN".r.'iJI ily Inf Trircsiurtext ht trlss, and will th aim of Irovidirrr, hrtlrr hunks tt ‘ The Minislrr also stall-s that “I may he nrcx‘wary to treat th. Mum ‘tiunal 110519“! in all our nwwr di: from lh set ted lo oltirr mal'mn is givcn. Tlu. rcptrrt shows thai in 1!)! wow in Cniario 5,?!” Public J 126 M‘garatl‘ M hunk. Ill! 126 .‘I‘garatl‘ svlumls. Ill! schools and ('ullngiato Irvitiluir pupils numbm' rmprvHu-ly 3', H.321 and 28,Mil. The "Mun" H.321 and 28,Mil. Th “are: (n Public tr" I20 1 he M llmlh Due to Coal Gas ti annual rvttort oi Cur' Edgy; muu'nl for Hulls, Just on Pynr Ivcorris his graiifiv, tlw interval and vnlhusiaw nth inside and nulsidrvnf rl ly by tht' Inch! education; its‘rl' shuns Hm " to rccopslrrit Att; of ontario l IS “My the itegi ohlem in all I HIM-s sum to Ear ,uul mlvlmling st'atistit o Hackwu I d Ht, Sclmul Stalislim The conductor Mng'from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of tho stutform---tho muster spending an hourornoinuheutodlmilding andthon walking against a biting ,efnd--uow the difReuit, of avoiding cold. . Scott"; EmalJion strengthens the body oo'that it can better withstand the dangerofeoldfromchgn'uoftempenm tt,eaiut.rmt-s'dua-u, raise the standard of tlwre rmnailzs much lo iurtltq aO'attcts will slight Int-amm- upon th: aiIordctt by Ilu- pvupic ri Rapid clungu of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. mu! to l Ontario somewhat differtm to N suitably adap au. DRUMIOTII 800. AND 9t.tttt. luur oilock n she wxnt but found the I III" 16 "sltould inninz {he first , pt'ndi Ferdi- o'clock Wt nt vor dis- differtmt oi il h, as to ol 170, "mi, ant for ltmaIrs $294 to _ and This tri vnume, was before the Maui Iallon of last tsession went into n Tl THIS ORIGINAL m Q qP.. Ferdinllld‘. body. and on the body "ot tb M hunt. Ha skin showed a nun.“ ot [Jim dit- wluntions and "use Wm "tet ad rig“ ot violence. Tho' prin- bums covering tthrnln were pink- ish co!ur. There. Watt . large - tity of blood in the heart, but: " in not cl mu. there were no sign! at any dag-ac. Some rortbotts ot the body had been Malt-d by the doctor in ode further examination were to. be made, Ila-stated that death P" due to coal gas poisoning. He gave as a rrason that tttte lived longer thaw as a Watson that she lived longer 1 her husband the statement that ult [emaks will bear greater " urn to coal gas Hun adult males The infant was alive who born, but the body was frozen when L'X' amined. The doctor had used Ctr- lain tcsls and learned by them that the child was alive when born, had breathed and very probably cried. Its death was due to its skull being crushed, which might have been oc- casxuncd by sonieone rolling on it. Chas. Comer and Ed. Hall were or uminod, and ustitwd regarding tind, ing the pipes blocked at the chimney in such a manner as to prexent the in such a manner as est-ape at gas. Mr. Adams gave his evidcnce as to calling thc police, and thou 0mm Mills told how he went to the [mum and iound the dead bodies. , The Jury (traded that it would nut he necessity to call other witnrsscs, and they gave as their verdict that Edward F'crdinamraud his wife (mm to their deaths by coal gas poison mg. and gas coming trorithe stun llI tlie sitting mom.“ The staunch of Edward Ferdinand was sent lo New York tur cxamim tion am! the dociors' report (on irmed the verdict ot the jury of cm; gas poisoning. _ The hm children lived tor several Jars aitet' twing found. A Stmlhnl, Feb. bC--1' Hu- late (lurks It. .1tan' under Masonic auspices 1 The corhge was the i.r. In the city, husinrss Em ly suspon’h‘d [luring Uw lulu-Ia]. Among the puts il ("1- deslpns [mm 51. Grutpe's bud“ anrl Tvcv.nlsvh Imdp 1Aho.F'., Knights hr”; oi th be In”; bud); The pallixan-xs w mun. Gtrelth. RN. It. Martin I pu-ssiu- iunvral svrv and in1v1 luvnl Icmettv. ll. Ill! WILL ESTABLISH Itrauiirtd, Fer. :M.-Al a moclin of th" building and grounds commit no last night the Brannon! mark! hy-law whim at prysont exists tccei ml a tlt dough discussion “in: aviv' of doing away will Hm restrictitrn whim rl prrs'nf mid in Irgalrl 1 lllwr , ly irc The luv l h, on Fvpnraty, $037,131; on High, tl. INLIEIK, tnaYinr, a mm of $7,165.73 Tlu. total numhl‘r of teachrrs WI I'LJHX, A trrtdency toward itwreas' shlarirs in rural districts is not: thc awrngv for male tcarlwrs r musing trom $385 in HIM to '402i 1905, ant for ltmaIrs $294 to $31, This tri mume, was before the lrgi' BURIAL OF C R. 4r4ro4r4r4r4Mr4r4h Sung mun, Munu-Hh. lt, (inch h am: d th' c"iulitsotrs" of 1rcde u urarkrt. 'l h 'Y will rvItori mural uvorahly on thy m‘w r law which will allow 1h! uluu‘ and meat to retailer )nuslic rs: al an; time a; 'r avalily. Iliih-Ilh morn lo n prvvwnlnl [mm Main; unmitlnv wit] th Ir: Ll um! and 011er making the market ah mu e " um Born (h we lived longer the; statement that " bear greater expos‘ public ml th, h FREE MARKE1 made who” h 11h Inertia [mm buying ook st ullucuwl Ins. RANKIN [mom th I.“ "in. 'mu Al Hum; an t'l‘lmon to M At rat io' ll Stty {h rinse _ Galt oi III! he sa Us am and i I! ll " il almll I lea on “v M ll lllfl PD al Train-urn Nixon “the can Tm 43:91am: Dim Nu: Guelph m, lab. 82.-. "Th. ."'4iit in and by a Mom all. [with tmmtUr than tf. C - thing is In a may this _ It - “only “other." . new yen the not wry rum to“. at Tull-um Nixon, at tho u_T.R., when ”Md toe an en- plmuon u to the Chute: M Mel the mutton-d mum-u lulu two mum must ot Guelph teuerdq altemoou. “Th lulu)" laid w. Nina; “vu- going at. its usual 1atc-uut " un- due speed. " via on time but“ tttwkwood, seven miles out, and would have Hunted Guelph on tiny. So Hut you w: I we that there vu no cause tor uniuc haste. She was not going more than " miles an: hour." , Unrivr them- t-ununimts it must be " ',ll ntl-rl rematkable that "torepeo- “k‘ were not “that when the (xprrss left the track. 1h: saving feature must have found [Klsl't'SSiull in the tact that the cars Lil their trucks nut of the way down the dcclivity, Temi. When they reached the hul- lum they turned ow! on Ihtur Hat's, md remained in this position lwrnty- jve foot from the font ot the incline. 401114-01 those iu 1h" smoking car are inclined to bclivve that this sect ion «f the train turned over lwicr, but this idea is lo be aurrbu- trod rathur to ovrrivrought ncrws than io the possibilities. In tho train were four (ans, a dead-head freight car, which was can" tied snmvwhat over a hundred yards farther than {he others z bvton- it separated from tlw temlvr, a cum- bined tv.ggapie and Ireight car; a combination smm‘rr and passenger or, A lirsl class car uni a Pull- man None oi the was wt're very mull; smashed up by the lt1Prt' "pr-r- uin" oi [he wrvck. hut milwr thmuuh the vriorts that “up lutt orth irtescue lln- puss‘t-ngI-xs im- "i.,ouvil Wtlltin, Not a? fur oi [Eur more unuhlv to cr,tttl up to gel through the wicrlows. owing in the rmt-rity of thv'tr injurivs, an! il r.v. unu' nvcwmry lo out hall's in HM top or hullmn h) allow than (gross nut of thc way down the dcclivity, lrding the rcmuimicr rd the distance at a soruewhal retarded tate _ ol The un- min! “Ir lulu! tri's, sity. Hut The rvmaiuing cars still stuck to‘ the engin- and tundrr, MIMI hurled "ony, 2‘3 though "othinip had happt'n-i ed. Perhaps our hundred yards more; were t'm'vrrd hrfnro tre minty ex- Ireh"s ctr kroke away, carrying the trndcr on the track. The under, howvvrv, was inmtly tivraileJ, while (hr last mcntiotwtl txlirtss car con- tinued its carver down the steep indium winding up with its now in In adjoining clump of trees. (‘uin- Pidcnt with Ihes'e latter trcnspira- tions the (ngincl-r closed down the throttle and the locomotive came to a standstill within a wry short dis- tance. _ ‘Bv BROKEN RAILl, OI 1N VER rs [wit tlw Truck A mum at Pym-tin Mvt Instant dlt'Pr Slowing Dawn c in umxtancrs, I would go Trainor's Cut tur and think Den t h " on the was was _ car, camp above If you are you cannot do better copy of the ' " Would be well to obtain a copy early as t Llarge number have already' [men disposed of. When ordering by maill please enclose 10 cents extra to cover Postage. Toronto Trhw; Rankin was at cltattim; with tl, [ht-‘0. II. A Tuesday mornir best of spirits [ hI-ru prlsuar't'! aruVrvhsrlw 1he rgv's ,I:.mu- he "Wvll," he MU” "Wt-ll thc 'JIU abuut six sugxr'm-n r reach-.1 br he was " 'I'IIL MESSAGE NEVER Cru'. Igu'm-n r mun: yacht-.1 borne, ' J was kin: dc trek at Guchh Em Guam Tom” 00am tony of India; TEACH!“ or PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY V _ Toronto Can-nanny lull. ad Mn Wat. Miss A. ll. Bean, Miss E. L Bean, An "halal l "Mo-h and (“mm any Inlet l will" om opinion a. w Ivor In luvs!" I won-bl] ly nmmnnlm "01er aged!“ Fy n mPltI-IMA an M. an on a. Patent. W t',f,iiqi'Erit,'il Wm" - not“. mom e a... ttht - _--- -.., A..,o____ A {chm-1 _ mic "my. Wget an MRI IL "'ht I rylgmm‘wtwsummarq In Sir Pulls mod to: nulls-1m n $"diii'iitk 3ittttltatt, iitifft"l'fiiiiiiiiiiiii)l,ii,iirii Waterloo I)hron'iele-Tehsgrap,tii' " contains a .-' '.l' . Hundred Years History _",:, of the " , Progressive Gaunty of Waterloo and cannot but interest you. 1h the ' Low .11 bard Semi-centennial Souvenir "r" the [HIKE ac Tclvy,raru Mice, actitir, sl-cn-huy of mi n bw lrirMs _ Hr “as in llc" "l bat just clrout , rum:- bark huh) l " Iinus,vocd-F'i, Gvo- Wt dt!cstlay night, ml Hut the nus- I Charlie m-u-r u st no w, a re when l w in: Price Forty Cents Ch o'c'oc's lorrihlt ligln. “in; ' but rl it. §We Can Save ' Buy one or our stoves. Our assortment. in both Parlor and Coat t Staven ior either coal or wood is composed of the lam! dodgnl 3nd " everyone is guaranteed to give perfect. “autumn. When in "In. of i am uiVOJLl a can. We heap a large'vtock ot Meat Cutof- end Battstttm a. Smile“! which we sell at very low prices. T Slow-w oo «a». we we Mow-:wowww “WOOW oo 'oo ' 4'9 ' oo +O2'O - .'..0 +0}. ' 'I' '50?” +44WW‘P3M MOW King It Wnurloo Fancy Buns, Bread Rolls and Fancy Oahu. . _ Sanderson’s Bakery THE More than any other man Mining to keep well posted on the [nuke-ta. In is dollars in hm pocket book to know wlm: price he can get. for his produce whether that produce be hogs, eggs, turkeys, butter or fall when. The Chronicle- Telegraph's FARMER The Leading Meat Market are thoroughly reliable being always up to Wednesday of the week of issue. Merchants who wish to has the "put-non of supplying In numerous salmon with the shalom “a bun of no.“ All an up mung. _ _ [Market Reports Merchants who wish to reach the farmer should ad. venise in the columns of the In “no “no oi no... we is" BA. Pork. Foal, Lab, lum- Ontod an» Ind 8m (cum tug-Ina); opp. WAN“! use. V in: We lino of kaolin aide III- M not. " 30109:, Mam. Port Eiiiii5iii,' boo-o, Lteet - I ttttttttor “on... am II n ma and in ammo“ min-1”,“: detie-d In att - no ton. may. - A tttmtmtttLbTELEtlRAN ofthe CONRAD BROS. You Money WATEBLIJU MUTUAL aim; nsuuncn can“ weaponry: 1mm. Total All.“ “It mum 5420.80.17. and (“In - lumen Ont BY THE ROYAL communal SHOWED INVESTIGATION BOARD or DIRECTORS an as“... Vania. mm.“ “but." LLWIln-n.“ " huh Anal-mum kiln-w. . -.qqrer.n-._. - In: Dominion Life mm”. tum“. , tr. MM Mb. C.A. tom. Mir-t. WWO“. has.“ altad TO BE - um I’ll-OIGIOIT HOME COMPANY 011R]!!! t TIIE ES

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