'.'_._rrr' Boehmer-Erb 00. Ltd. 3.3-; Home feet are easily and quickly sum, others again are a. perpetual Il ttil . o" to shoe mankind and shoe Womeukind. If your feet chance 39301003 to the "milling part, remember that we're always willing to am 'it,i, our time against yours in securing for them a. tit-s perfect fir, 'f,5 , V We are now ready with the most reliable stock of spring foot- wafer to choose from,and you'll find a. grant d,tferenee in the prion we f; and those you are asked elsewhere, and the dtiferenee is in your {SHOES THAT 'i--,' FIT THE FEET '3. This department of y 'to supply your need [ (hhrdenyytf, we bought \cnabled to secure tlv t, manufactures at prices $11 pricerbefo.rc buying .- “if. Vigoreux. plain, che: ks and Rajah S lk Itlrg black and white che-k. shep- line silk, tsl check, wool checks, Pream Sum Sims. ' " ' Nun's Veiliup. Surges. Wool "st, nrmiettu. Box eloths, Aibsstrore we. Luhlwi, Corset Sulliugs, (lush in“. venetian, C1rtrpedectstrce, Sm men‘s. . 'chitron Venetian, Chilton B, shall. Panama's, Uriapina , etc. fl _ Our Miss Gore, in charge of Dress Making Department. till commence duties Monday, March 4th. We thank you for the share of trade you favored uswith during the past mason; A continuance of your confidence will be appreciated, and we future you that we shall give you our very best attention. ' Toilets Bi k, 9'] colors. Black Pea “a sol duh. Japan Be silk, all Cl lore, Advertisers of Facts iho a grrioe . a right, VOL m ONO-‘0 g; _or Every Description. w, in Whole “are from an (row to the bu: t In crawled to ovarwholmln'g _ - tunable things for birthday pro-ems Md wedding pronoun. (rAti, - of hymn books, prayer book, mum, Cancun ptâ€?! boot. l ,. my: ammo), “can“, Cruelfix0s, 8isparato 30ml Books, 9 o. ir _ NI tumuUt IUNDRIES, INKS, IUCUAGE, PASTE, FENCES. ETC. _ a a all and â€who. your-cu. _ . looks, Stationery & School Supplleo Boehmer-Erb Bo. ltd. J. DOERSAM. â€GOING WEST, kid . . rc-av' Wa, have «M to supply parties going west, in gnar- Itq" Ttdt',,',':'.:'.",',.':,'.' You should geu supply of mag tt,ttti aids. mu. pramâ€, In “and pain. eta F W pt the m, am to Cream-n3 Dry Cook More, Come and see our new spring suits, SPRING "DRESS 800118. A Few Leading Lines :SOLE AGENT FOR SLATER AND EMPRESS SBOEF. NEXT TO SOVEREIGN BANK, BERLIN tethetia. '., A,. s. HALLIAN, Grocer, . â€Vin-um mum In" "ths, THIS " THE ALWAYS BUSY] STORE. Try J. Doornm for all kimUCot artme'nt of our busiucss was never in Yter r your needs than it it this seasop Aruicipaiting we bought largely in an curly market and thus o secure the pick of the best foreign and domes- " at prices hard to be equalled. Come and com- ' WESELOH & co., NOTICE 1907 Alrnvor Luce-x Applique! Broad- Braids. Gimpd, Fancy Braids, .c. on: etc, etc, Ilnmrop-lns. l min and (1m ks, silk wax p. Mghuirs eilk Warp. " pps. hats, cape and taraishingi' Money back it not satistied lk, colors, Man bib, T me. Mt colors. Novel y Dre“ Advertisers of F acts Aryyitpystr, . Pull " m s, Your corrupuudut mind . cuaupliumrtury copy ot. tho uni-Cell- h-nuial Souvenir ot the cttrmtiek Tar-gnu h. " is very interesting and "itwly gotten up, and prolme um- trated and osuiaa rowing matte! pertaiuiu-z to the history ot Water- loo and Waterloo County. it is a handy took tor reference amt should be In th- home of every rucidcnt "ts this county. Ioor Busy Neighbors; -rhere is'sml fine sleighing and many logs are hauled to the Flora- dale sawmill. - ve An ofrtcial at an Electric Railway Company paid a visit to Floravble Last week to inspect the “crackle dam. It is very likely that the dam w'.ll he built up, " it is one ot the lust in the province, and could be utilized for electric power tor an electric railway which is lo run through Frrradale to Elam. Mr. thas. Bergman bought another In oi h was in Toronto last week. lle wel! sell than again by public auction in a short time. The Floradalu public sdnol (the old lumlumrk) will be torn down the last [on Mr sic'.; fail Godciim, I: hm place a: run ral stot ol, Mr. "tnot \isilml [Ht-n 1hr. Me and â€run Hoff v.1 Hu'il w; M. “on...†Mr, A .l millirauy lt 1scee's. Mr, Emmi Halo. r1 pl.b1ic school, \uill-d 1 lin'cn Saturday. Many Flumdal If " I“ toncot In Elmira lust The Sit-hum "ros, hau- awurul situation with " Waterko , for this ("Inâ€); Mlllllm‘l‘ Mr‘ Sthutz will muu- with hrs Li to that town in tlte mar future. Mr. Wm chhvoud. of "vtlin Sundw with his trother M, wood. I llbDIIIII, “9m!“- l Miss:s Buvlah and Fluivnuc bl herd, Id Bloomingdale. \isitrd M: II Te, on Monday aim-imam. Mr. Sauna“ ling/11w, of [Tu spot Sunday 1r're witlrfricuds iclalins. Mrs, K. isngviu-r,‘ a llridclli spent Sunday “in. l:cr mum-:13: Andrew Wahl. Dr. Firivinvr left Ln Saluidny taken his woman trip. Mr. George Hause, Manager of German Hutton Works, oi Rorh s NA'., Ins been sTending a wcek l his mower, Mfs. Mcsur'r. During stay 111- had the pleasure of me: many old school mates Minn) b.- not sum in many was. Mr. Hovse like many other y! Canadians has made his way to [rout as a husinr B man. Miss Emma â€#50 is sprndlng Jew days with 6r sister in, Hiamburg, Mm. lnngd. -- .. . - ....... at once â€Ilium-g" a...“ “.5. Mr. George Keltertscrne sum-rm the loss of about $200 in last Rummy}; tire. He intends to rebuild his ham A very socialyic owning at the home ul Mr. H. W list Thursday, being the niversary ct 1,crvsre1tow's The next regular tnec. Womcn‘s lnnitutc will Hue home ot. MEAL (RM Wtdncsday, Maul; I311: _ Rodger; (Em-h and Bloomingdale, are!“ .irAuetstcr's. . ......._n_ ,V . Mr. and Mrs. ttted. bw trttded the 'sale of lhe late an Monday last Mr. Haley, our new Murcia-reign] 'surtily hue moved to dur village. We welcome them here. C Aged Resident Planes Awar-.- Gnm taper. dam. has mun mum on "tage and cth u m I own 0-. ol the oldest ("Mam ol our vi!- i-ge, m the punch a Mr. Geo. Rul- er. n the two old no ot emu-sev- " m---- --..et, Me. Blue! “I at strong comm- tuucn, but tor tho In“ nu (1'in lo " extmnely old .9, ma to dwtitto.-ttrt was only mm to his bed tot a. put '3' do". No lawn to 'ttttIN Ma [can ttt W ,ridoxr,r-oro an. Mint, _ ot Pad. 0003'. ol thood, And can “Itâ€, II. J Stone, Vim- " m ,,?'iitiillii'iii'i'tiit"ii “1;th _ . as: News Mom GM b; 1m. Coachme- in County and District. "l . warmufo, c I Mrs gr: .J gums PLURADALE HAWKEHVILLF nl tvrptar, meeting I 1morrt'r, the. lol" Mrs. ut 11'ajrlturlsst work. Htwqias is ullcmlin: (In; â€in: Ill Ttrton1o Uni wer4s at the Lt-dsixh- ul r, Mr. Mic. Dietrich, , nlulud and Cahten " in Y, Huggh' N St n‘s 'Imh’l' nut sisttu Ida In Wutvrloo de Sun- mlv.}~1incu,lr of out Hill-1| iriods in Iter- “m Kmmzrl «Hunk .l the tGiis, the mom t uglcllow's human; IIIâ€, at Kuhn, wittrfricurls aurl , of Hridcllwrg l:cr ti twin-:I'Jh's holidays. The Trom will we Its' st-houl mom ch, ssh le the so tlu. lmsenwnl ill be led tee.) Edgar ltr, at 2.30 P Mr. [Medium Sunday ot n1 11 h'lulml Lark n m ho wont Rorh stcr, wrek win During hrs was spent B. Slum-r m"r, al- John toip it ml Min-nil Em i it .8 ICT " k n" down The ,spt at ll tst- Alex ison In!) I he thc m Ite M tank-e my - any. Human Jinnah, and with 'tterrno" took place In the Union Gunnery. Morag is the oulcr ot me by. that - In“ "and Mr. Kni- Ile‘s [um arurmored last Tuesday, and Hy. Went." NOV/(d mm the hot†formerly occupied by Chm. Rev. S. B. Cranium“ went Sunday with Mend: " Net Dundee and Rev. S. Kby, ot Berlin. occupiul thr. pulpit ot tbs M.B.C. Church. Mr. Meyer is on the nick list, Mrs. Nancy Devin. is not Improving vciy much And Mrs. Peter lids: remains about the same. Mr. A. E. Reiehard had the ntis- Iorwne to tall and but! his knee and tras been laid up tor o'er a week. J. R. Schiedel must be vlooking for a. very large trade by the amount of goods that are unloaded at the wan'- house. Ily. lhaiels sliippui‘a carload ot rat-s Monday. --. _ _ L. ll. Suutrvr has a supply coal ou hand. . 'rlw vutcrtuiunrrr,t in Ilu. hall III munw.lium with â€no F'armcrs' Club .1: Fruhy last was ssc" :lllomh-Il. l 110ml pl‘lgrulnuu- of [v.uliugs‘ and anal and itrArutmnial musu- was eatu'.v4 oat, .Lu animated slebaie stin'nl up tht' iulvlrxl of tlc. audi- ca n u st ir " (WAT. .lnhn Jury. Jr, has hum up lo Hlytlw urinily athmllng tln- funeral I Mrs bull’s luthrr. who [lied re- u'ntl.’ oi an attack ol prwumonia. C, l). Hmunnu has ha-rn in Tcronto Ih'nllm: 'htmrmn'vminn of 1hr U. On Friday, 15tlt of rs' [Inllllnt- titll hr Al thst Moutrosiv. {lulu the Aur,r"ic"liur,, awn-n! lo clrliu‘r " iurt"s. In Inlvrvstm; Lilm- is “magma Tht' farrncls are "o- 'chase all wholl'mlc s', salt, nil, sumâ€; and t “Fargo "mount otploy mad} lz'tu "uerru I The mum of mo C irr.st Montrose' to srl salt, oil, mum; and bxmlvr nun". A “Fargo "mount s"ployet Maul has cal- study [an 1.1.10ch for dlslrihutiml. The mum. of mo (LIN-L. .ralled at irvst Montrose' to Sl‘l'llrl‘ randior the new station and stock yards. This will hr " grunt ousvvn.iyarv to the farmers. _ w. lag.†Hmumn “as quit“ MIC- rtssiul In his written examination for nus“, wish hm srtpplruttvntary sub- wctts In Mull. A gnlly laud vf young rcolh' from West M unru'i- Mm! MM lo Elmira trt the "dunno" of tlu. 1irilrlay of Mrs. Morrrll and her dwghtt'r Mar- tin on March ist, A Bravo Dvtnl.--Tliv tvtriblc ills- astcr all the Hcchvlaga Schmil at Montreal. when ttw Iittlt- children ol the Kirtirrr,ariett 1trtartmost Were, lost in the rm. arid the calm four- am" of the lady Priuwipal, Miss Max- woll, win; (“WI at her lust oi duty,. trying with all her ('rwrgy to san- tlw 1iscs oi the little Olll's placed imll‘r ln'r calm thrilled all hearts. Her hernic self-sacrifice is worthy oi the highest honor, and Mr brave mod will long be rrnu-nibvrtd in trnt- ario; tor in the commercialism of this materialistic ago, it is a . glorious' thing to realire that the harlul ter- ror of thr Iirry flame could not com- pil this noblc-hearted young woman to shrink from the awlul path of duty, where the naming chariot of settmmuneiation stood ready to Corr vey'her pure spirit into the presmce ol the just and wire. Hrr charred form am marrrd visage will tre! tor- pver trartMgured and glorincd. In the smoke and tttmr, of that burning structure, she and the little chlldn'n Were not alone; with Mums the rum-nu- ot that int1nite Love “at (Iceland. "imorniaeh as ye h."- dour it unto the Inuit ill that yo have dottr, it Hutu me." tl railway anlrnm ot Canada and "It: Irttited sum. the grant wand" Is. thrt when so mmv Rains are going and canning " whoa", that there are not mo't- rccidtata. Rummy of [mum is so much denim) am the eminent oi acadcnt- ura willingly taken by the unwilling panic. On me whole shank-1mm an the WW country on: non prone no killed or "and " drhitttt lone- thn by mailing oi om. The ravine ot the postal!“ do- mmncnt lot who am right nom- ot m pram Mil yen - an Immune M47104â€; mt up ur- mpcwnx rum. tlt kn you, not a mum gas a... “gum WES'I‘ MON T Itt P4 E BRESLAl o cumin-rut mg to pm tle ITI’h-s clover sail and blmlrr tuine. A March a Nann- tii0t1 in the bull The Professor (‘ullur will he m-n u oi Irr- uml pruhtablc MORNING. MARCH p, 1901 _ a» I [an P, i on IMP, the (he My? "Me. In“ 'te 2Srsttfs'el'r â€Inâ€. . E w' a we u-b‘un iimrttrerittem m can.“ by "tr. {Sula-an Wool-u, It may. “In full Me my» 0." Inch 3611:. it. Solemn; Easier is raconring‘ tron an ".tae* bl La (Mme, Ihfx. has coll him a tho boon In (one days. The promozlon ehmm Mon 'Mriil Comma-w on March 13th At . recent mum; ol the (mm ot. Canadian "one cud» No. 301. he“ in that: ball. was!!! .11 men- beul to": mental. A iot ot busines- vu "untied, Mr. Radium] mm. goes lo the mating at the Supreme (‘iscle in Tomato, March law. ‘nhiu in Mr. Lawh's nun trip to lhe Sui prune mix-Ling. Mr. P. Latseh, a prominent member of the Order would be pleased to give any inforaustiort in rapid to the Order that it is post,"" ble for him tc give. . On Saturday urging. March 1nd} about thirty young people gamma at the home of Mr. md‘Mrs. Ferdinuxd Lunch to celebrate the sevoteenth birthday of their daughter, Miss Essie iptd prwentetl her with a. gold locket and chain. Mr. (hanks Hall- man made the presintatiou uni Miss Cornelia Jansen read the lollowing address. Kiss Essie Luisa: branu'. _ The evening, was spent in gamts, music. pit, and atom IFo'elrck a fate oyster supper was partalctt 0 by those present. l Mrs. Jacob Ebel assistant prst- master hvrerhad a ‘quilting last wcek agal stretched two. quilts, CO? for sewn Petlin ladies and one tor saw-n Centreville ladies. The Centreville ladirrs f.nished their quilt tttP hull below the Harlin ladies and Mrs. libel is quite [aloud of the Hct that ttw ladies irom the country were in this instance more accomplishnl in . this art than the city hunts. 1h: "Misses Mincnu and Sarah Crvtmntau,i'tratsihurg. sptmt the lat- tta' part nl thp wcel: Mailing trivnds and relatives lwre. Mr. Una! Snydrr and Miss Fatima Snylk'r, yVmierltourui', spun Sunday at 1lw Imun- bl Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bowman Mcssus, Charlie Itrdirtl al'd Rod not tleach, tnallel m "Ennis inlluw kesville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, William “(Mun Bridgeport. were gumts of Mr, k Mrs. Hrnl‘y Hutt Sunday. Mr. D A. tttrmis, Two-to, sp Thul'dllay at his home hrre. Mr. (Worm McAllister, Gun-Inn. v a husioess visitor lurc- this wuv'L Mr. Cyrus Brubaclur of Alberta renewing acquaintances here 1 week. . _ Mr. and Mrs. N visited tlar formrr Erh, this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Addison Shantz. Hot- lin, spent Sunday-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. [me Weber. Mr. I, W. Mayor, lkrlin, spent Sunday under thr nan-Mal root. . lion. I'. H. Cross; Mit and] ot Alberta. has mum: the Lool'tctuy Act will onion-rd in that, I'myhmn tornry-xcmeral ot Suh'vrhr issnct A similar ttttttante-ttl Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills - FOR-. _ Anemia, Chlorooil. “and 1nd len",',', 'f'.iitlti'riri'i?i's'iit,1ii n 'itii?Siil Noun-u": "tleo, Renault. etc. . -ttiiriiiiaut"l'""'""""t . F mummy 'thi-tgt Sign“! T lt Wu u-cipiult thanked lu-r Irnnds hvrtily for tiiirir kind ri'mcnt- 100 for 350 "LUDMINUDALE uu helm†1'ornviia Jalwn. (has. llallmmu “raw Itvtweilo J. Mass. Cross; Attorney-On- ' has announced than! Act will he rigidly . Proriaav. Tlttt .ai, st Sanka-M'Ilcwnn Ms Stall Firb, Waterloo, " 5 , rot'. Pr, Mr. Levi of tin company Mr, and SIN nt this Now an IM. and lion-o Clan 'mlouuu ttiii, "and you of 'JI"At'l'ld tsr.d Bug 1ttf,tittt a I...“ Alll', . th0 when“; Wot»: the an“ alum-nut of rm ot-ttta, Uloleum. and " PM our shown by In In u-Wb- d 7 our new "om, for Lb: spring trade, We hy" punch-d a lunar t' than goods than we would and for the paint â€but _ l ' King Street East, Berlin, UntrimIm-d Huts at 250. Me, 75c and "OO. ' Trimmed Hats tll 50, now tl 75. Trimmed Hats $7.00, now 33.590. .. 3.00, '* 1.50. " 12.00, " 5.25. ladie's' and Mimes' Caps, Infants" llomlvgcar, Colored Siik Velvetsud . Colored Velvetccns. am "ndlcss variety. _ Black Silk Velvet and Velvclx-cn. ' _ Bfuck Milk Mocinn or Net and \k-iling. _ V L Colored Silk Mecliliq, a very large assortment, sold by thrrbuik at 16e. Black and Colon-d Salim and (‘ulnn-d Stlks of "lrrGicrrptioius. . Applique Drug 'rrtuTiygs, Allowr Laces, Allover Chiffon, Plain Plaids, Dresden,Ylain Silk and Velvet Ribbons, wide and nairovi. I have a surplus stock of above Itibbomrwhieh will be sold at uny price. Ostrich Feathers, Osprays, Mounts, Wings, Breasts, Quins, Flowers, etc. Fancy Collars, Cuffs and Collins in Sets, Collar Frames 2 for 5tt. . Belts, Hose Supporters, Fancy Buck Combs and Hair Pins. Embroidery bilk, Etc. _ ' Dress Trimmings, De. C Snail/and Gold Buckles for Dress Trimmings. _ We have 40 tins of Huhh's celebrated I Coniition Powders for “Home: Sheep, Cattle and Swine" in shock and an we do not pupae. stocking this in the future, it must be cleared. The regulhr price is 76e per box. Our next week price will be . -.e Cltitf'ouand Ruchiiigg ' "lack Sdk' Laces, an immense stock from So up. Wlnitv, Black and Cream SiIk Insertions. " Val. Lace and Insertion, White, Black and Colored Silk Braids for Them are 20 stays in Mazcb in which we can legally do bushels with you They will be busy days for {wand daya of golden oppor- iunitics for you, Crates of goods are on the Why from Englsnd, Gor- nnI-y, Austria. and France that, will on arrivial be pm: on sale at prim nuhmrd of in this town. “Le are straining every nerve and putting forth our best, e ifrrtn to give you _ _ ' . H d D 't ar ware ep . Mrs. C. Steuernattel, We Ju, have ubout 25 pails of Stock Food tot Horses in stock This has been a. great. success with luoreemen, but go do not View. to stork in future. The usml price in 83.50 p: pail. Our next we“ price will be 82.25 per pull. Ihihh, Weekly Store lim. Unr buyer bought. up I lot of swell Importm samples in tik hominu Wm"Ruby and Ore u" consisting of large, medium and mil dud um- pnilo, tttttred batter dithe, "w. cm. Itc.' .._‘ "r,G' Arravggbfia that pr.) Vic-rm Hon: 500 to 75: etch. hat who“ we in; up a lot like this We buy them to all qfttshly and next week will M. them I" go " . " and 160 out. Ron’s "int: Come arid see foryourself, as my stock ia'too large to enumerate, All Millinery Trimmed and Unmanned at Your Own Prices Wilton Cannot 8Hâ€. LS]. 150. I.†to am. M. Eml- Curpvt. Ab, I IP, 1 Mr, 1.25 to t.00 . yard. 3‘??er 91% 82:: le, e. 039:3.“ to.ftht mu! - cu nu w. um. mm. as. III-u. - III WUIII‘L WT: a'rvi,'iiil., 15c. toc, our. 1.00 to no. . Witto" Kant. "S.W. 80.00 to and. Amen It.» “up. OIL“). Mt 00. “MN; um. “All. 8tUlit to “(It Velvet Bust. slum. " on. 15.00, In Itk 391]“on 12ml: “our. " (I). woman, MMO, 11.5). " on. 10 no to IKE}. w. In“ sizrn to fit - room you my wink to 1mm. in all I“: Goods Must Be Cleared Out Regardless ofPrice. M. Weichel 4tj1Bdi"i.r': Hausa Furnishing Dep’t. CLEARING SALE GABPETS and BUGS _ SMYTH BROS. For Spring liht per box. RIBBONS Cash and One Price King " Vatuloo. ELMIRA. . Fallow it tip.