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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Feb 1907, p. 8

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Continued on YOUR need some attention cocasionally If you waut your clocks to give you good time for many years have it cleaned and oiled at least ‘*very two years. We will call or your clock and return it when finished without extra charge. LIVE STOCK Toronio, Feb. 26. â€"The run at the city cattle market this morning . was 48 cars, containing 795 seattie, _ 406 sheep and lambs, 600 hogs, 129 calve and 12 horses. Trade was brisk acd steady, Export cattle were v offering being poor, fe There is litle change quotations. Butcher cattleâ€"Trade _ was in butchers, prices holding up | the average of last Thursday Hogs have advanced 20c to $ New Wheat.......... â€"â€"â€"â€" Flour, Ocean ........ 235 Â¥Flour, Sols .......... 225 Flour, Agate .. 2.45 Flour, Seven Lilies.... 2.15 URK ««««â€"crerrassere â€" sOf FORMG »..ccersecersce« â€" +08 Biriey .............. _ (40 Bran, per ton ........ 20.00 Middlings. per ton .... 23 00 Hogs have tC sB al Pursuant â€" to instructions received from the "Evangelical Association of British North Aimeriea" the anderâ€" signed trustees will offer for sale by public guction, on the premises _ in Baden, on = FRIDAY, the ist DAY OF MARCH 1907, at 3 o‘clock p.m., the foliowâ€" ing Church projerty, Yi4. The building and lands |nown _ as "The Evincelical Church property" in the village of Baden, being . comâ€" posed of part of lot number Fourteen on the norti s de of Snider‘s road in the Township of Wilmot and counâ€" ty of Waterloo, containing alout nineâ€" teen perches, more or less, and more fully described in deed of Con cyance from Ertnst Koch, et, ux, to ""the ’frnlm of the Society of the Es angelical Association of British North America at Eaden," tbearing date the 23igt of Dccéember, A.D., 1887, and which deed: will be produced . a! the sale. f Terms and conditions made known on the day of sale. Dated at Badon this 2nd day Feb. 1907. Auction Sale JANSEN BROS. Waterloo, Ont , Feb. 28, 1907 mt oc nc cce sesss .068 THE WATCH HOUSE Market Reports WATEBLCO MABEETS Thurch Property CLOCKS JOHN r. OTTO URAIN ALBERT GOETTLING, rio, No. 2 white, 73¢ | huI* it. yoints; 73¢ asked | 1of ic low freights; _ No. ‘ xt T1zc on %8 per cont. ° e, 65e bid; Manitoba | JOS No. 1 Northern, 87c ' P King 8t., Berlin few were take o in Thursday Ontario wheat i are that d rice. Corn con irm demand fo: good quality. mark bette well 1 20. 00 23.00 .85 Page 12. 225 97 6 50 7 00 5 20 .08 120 .06 There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, one and cn>hall miles west of Bamâ€" berg _ and two and oreâ€"hall miles muortheast of Wetlesley, on. TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1907. commencing at 12 ofclock noon,sharp, the following valuable property, Viz.: HORSES.â€"Mare 14 years old, sorâ€" rel 13 years old, aged mare, colt rising 2 years old. CATTLE.â€"7 cows supposed . to be in calf, thoroughbred Shorthorn cow with pedigree, bull calf with: pedigree 11 months old, 5 heifers supposed to be in calf, 11 head fat cattle rising 2 years, 5 spring calves, 2 sows wilh pigs at side or se} aratcly, and _ 16( chickens. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Maxwell _ binder, mower, pea harvester, 2 hay rakes, self rake for cutting clover . (new), drill, broadcast seeder, cultivator, 2 wagons, carriag@@ top buggy, culter, landroller, 4 plows, 3 large twoâ€" furrow pioss ({new), 2 iron barrows, 2 wooden bharrows, disk harrow, scutâ€" fler, â€" turnip . secder, turnip _ pulper, wheelbarrow, 2 hay racks, Champivn separator 33x423 inch body ; d 1% horsepower with rods complete, large straw eutter and â€" catriers, fannuig mill, scale 1300 lbs capaci‘y, hay fork rope shovels, I good tra ness, 21 eral whi%etrce chains, cooaing 5 Leds comple lor saite, sidet ty. cf picture machine, roc bureau, tables, chossciit saws, also 800 bush _ HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€"2 comâ€" plete bedroom suites, cot, sideboard, ‘ Ium.'g,e', new Raymond sewing machine, }hurcau, parlor cook stove, gasoline : stove in arly new, extension table, 4 other tables, parlor table, armâ€" ‘chair. rocking _ chairs and other ‘ chairs, _ 17 _ yards carpet, carpet â€" sweeper, hanging lamp, 2 chamber sets, gem . chopper, curtain _ poles, {ctocks, bread pans, prim rose _ and other plents, @lso fanning mill chopâ€" | per and other articles. | _ TERMS.â€"Cash. iJOS MICKUS, §. E. BOWMAN, Auctionger. Proprietor, quant ity timothy montts: nolis Cl fur cash Noores TERM grain, l Auction Sale There â€" will the soi ticr on the premises ced at St. Jacobs, on commen ng at 10 o‘clses, a.m. following valuable property, M HOUSEHOLD â€" EFFECTS.â€"2 oF # Farm Stock and Implements 8â€"2t on the mile c folo wis Hors« from brood geese, binder, Harris vator, plows, wagon bciihs.. b Auction Sale WI wagons, one ncarly new with sugar b box; 3 seated carriage, . bupgy (’ly new), cutter (nearly _ new), hay rack, 2 bob slcighs, National cream separator, . churn, cupboard, kitchen stove, straw cutter, fanning milL._.old . horse power, wheel barrow, sbuMer, 2 logging chains, 2 sets douâ€" ble harncss, stt single harness, . bect fork. 2 cross cut saws, good . robe, 2 rew horst blankets, turnip pulper, ‘ boring machine with set of _ augers, scalding trough and many other arâ€" ticles. L I Also about 200 bushels oats, about 5 tons hay and 200 bushes turnips | Termsâ€"Hay, grain, roots, _ Pigs,‘ chickens, and all sums of $10° an}l',‘ wnder cash; over that â€" amount _ J0 months‘ credit on auproved ucum,y‘ or 5 per cent per, annum off for cash payments of credit. amounts. calf, tprin or Farm Stock and Implements Id. go Cattl T1 Imol Aucti: ne DNXESDAY, MARCH miv MICKL es and pulleys rakes, 48 bags, am harness, 2 s tobes, 4 horse Auction Sale ) bush: Is oats, 150 0 bushels first _ clas of mixed _ grain, 304 Heusehold Effects LOLUIS DIETRICH Clerk. of inixed . glald, 4 seed, 6 tons hay. $.â€"â€" Fat cattle, y and all sums 4 ish; over that amo credit _ on _ appt? MICKUS, _ ~JNO, LISTMAN cows,, ‘due to piz in April; 3 ibout 20 hens, collic dog. incnts, ete â€"Frost and Wood McCormick hay rake, Masseyâ€" hayâ€"rake, spring tooth cultiâ€" seed drill, 2 iron harrows, 2 2 gang plows, â€" land rofler, 2 â€" one nearly new with sugar 9 per CC payinchts x1 driver â€"3 cow fresh cov oaing Stove mplete, bed sideboard ( ture mats, rockers, IDAY, MAR 1d ing at o valu; tC ill be sold by public auc premises of the undersign N WM MENGER 1 be sold by publi 1 of the â€" undersiq f Petersburg, on chan ts of eredit the farm i OF bl neek thr thir (ncw Iroo MMCH. STRAL I cuppos ch o clock p.m roperty, viz c. 3 colts ets oing blankes per af Clerk carling steers 3 months old months old, : = in April; lo x | Proprietor puX St U C1 chicke AUCTION SALE ADV ic auctio igncd, it busiel s bred )ld, two 6 190 in th td ‘There will be sold tion on the farm of S. Seip, 4 mile east on th: road leading commencing at 10 o‘clock a.m. sharp the following valuable property, Vi4: HORKSES. â€"3 ba, â€" alo®, black mare, aged borse, driver 1 years old, mare .n foal, _ black colt rising _ 3 years, hea‘y draught colt rising % years, colt rising 3 years. CATTLE, EYC.â€" 7 cows supposed to be in calf, 4 heifers 1ising 2 years, 3 steers rising | 2 yeals, 4 â€" spring â€" calves, bull, _ 3 sows supposed to be in pig Of with _ pigs at side, 10 pigs about 5 months old, 8 pigs atout 4 _ months old , i pigs, 3 _ months old, 70 chickens, Collie dog. binder, 7 foot _ cut, pearly new, 4 mowers, hayrake, drilt, spring tootl cultivator with seeder attached, lan roller, disk harrow, iren harrow, 4 plows, O .ford 3 furrow gang plow. scufDer, lumber Wagon, nearly new,; IMPLEMENT binder, 7 foot plows, U.10°0 4 scuffer, lumbet W limber > wagohns, . cart, 2 boisleigh market sleigh, C Champion threshi cylinder, 45 in h er and rods, fann ter, chopper, slit leys, band wheet wood racs, pig 1 FEarm Stock and Implements of bl grind and n gravel | wire, We pacity, 1 kettle harnes harnes sinple harness {one nC"/, GRAINX, ETC.â€" 15 tons good haj wuo bishkels cats, 300 bushels mixt grain, about 20 Lushels peas, quanti ty of poiato:s, tuinips, mangels, el« 1IOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€"2 goo: coo ing ‘stoves, perlor stove, 2 to stores, cupbcard, sewing machine, °x tension fable, dining room chaire, > lone tabies, cream separator, _ ani tensich labit, WMBWN& CEMOC CCOMOOT O I long tabies, Cream separator, _ and other articles of furniture, â€" REAL ESTATE.â€"There will _ also â€" REAL ESTATU he offered for sale and place the far acies, more or 1e tank tatns and sheds, pig stables is and other ofut are 25 acres of | is in a good . Sts _ Auction Sale H Auction Sale on farm. > T.unch at noon. TERMS.â€"Hay, grain, Pigs, chick ins, roots, potatocs and all sums o $10 and under, cash; over that amoun 94 months‘ credit on approved _ join notes or 5 per cent per annum o" for cash payments of credit amounts TERMS â€" OF REAL ESTATEâ€" Will be made Inown on day of sale The fall There will be sold by public _ auc tlon on the farm of the late Abra ham (ichl, 2 miles north or Pres ton, on the Breslau road, on JOS MICKUS â€" WM. BIELSTEIN Auctioncer.. BRAM BROS. commencing sharp, the ertv. viz:â€" d many HARNI month 25 chi Impl seedin sceding drill, spring tooth cul % iron harrows, _ democrat, plow, sugar bect plow, scuMe racks, hay fork, hob . sleigh, sleigh, pig rack, fanning mill nace keitle, 2 pork | barrels, 300 bushcls cats, about 40 mixed grain, spray motor to trees, writing desk and boo combined, 3 wash stands, dre bed stcads, dining room _ tah other furniture, and _ many articles tog numcrous to men 8â€"2t MONDAY, MARCH 1 tharonghbred buil and 1 tharonghbâ€"ed hel ter. Apply on the premisg« of the undersigaed # mile« sout heast of Lin > ood. ( TLX Db vimary JOS8. MIH Live stockâ€"Colt, rising 2 _ year 11, 4 tows supposed to be in calf spring calves, hog, 9 shoats b worths old. 2 breeding sows in Pig e OF Farm Stock and Implements 9â€"1mo sh; o edifour r cent The w Yearlings For Sale FRIDA Y Holsteins For Sale Auctioncer ac OR 1 Auctioneer. JOS. SAUDI aY furniture, and s tog numcrou riâ€" Hay. &‘a ter e, forks, hoes, shov c other articles. SSS.â€"now set hea complete, set heavy 3 sets pfow harnes tness (one new), L 18 mith iron plowing is comp!cicd in fail wheat. Good threshing n ) inch body s. fanning © for sale at the same lime the farm consisting of 150 e or less, on which are Ne ns and straw sheds, wagon stables, 2 gudxl stone hous â€" icr ofut â€" buildings. _ There es of bush and the â€" farm od â€" state of cultivation. all KT nts tan s truck o M ap) F l ng desk and wash stands dining rocm sold by public â€" aAUC~ n of _ the late John east of St. Al“h. ling to Waterloo, 08 t ane o‘clock, lowing valuable MARCH 18ST it etc ald it offers tor ho n on 9 wl A c.â€"3 lumber waggons ting tooth cultivator, democrat, gang pig or with Ph&s bout 5 months old months old c oold. 70 chic«ens cash MRS. MARY GEI Proprict tAUDER, Clerk. scal el GEO, W. LICHTY, Linwood P. O., Ont stands, dresser, 3 I CC room _ table and | nid _ many o‘her ; P rous to mention. ‘ grain. pigs, . chic‘â€" of 10 and _ unfer | mount 10 months‘ | joint notes . of 5‘: 4 ath ' 0 RS. MARY GENTL, | $ sh Proprictor. |§ :‘; UDER, Clerk. Frex! les | 4Â¥ yo mncrmmazae e o onl "‘-"“‘} ve | s For Sale l, 4 fin eâ€"« 4# .0 n, nearly new, iage, top bugEy ne nearly _ DCw poowhoelbarbow of $10 and ETC.â€" Deeting Administrators barrels, _ about about 40 bushels motor to spray, vint of eultivation mpleted and 2: DO( i11 ul ; ®MDC C OPCC is end pul . _ ; hay rac “‘ * 7, perjad 0 sett | I aee rough, feuce | â€" # 59’0 2000 Tss ca~| afe, 3 dower 5 OF CANADA) scuMer, 2 hay 1907, hu AT book _ case dresser, _3 table and ny o‘her moention. 1507 2 bo inch P veals . Bb prop licht fÂ¥râ€" xd ; [12 There will be offered by g:nc Auction at the Market Squae, lin commencing at 10 o‘clock a m.sbharp, the fo‘lowing valuabie property vig;~â€" wER ET ce mcA 900 1 The farm belonging to Wim.:! Mitchell, situated 2 Miles West ‘ Watef00, 3 Miles Northwest of Berlin und 4 miles from the Berlin Sugar Reâ€" flvw{. There are 174 acres excelent soil, 10 acres good hardwood bush and 2 actes in orchard. _ About 27 acres are sown in fall wheat and fail plow» ing is done. On the prope: ty is a first class brick house, aleo woodshed, bank burn with straw shed, pig etable and driving shed. ‘The barn and house are well supplied with ruunicg spring water. An «xcellent spring creek ruis through . farm. The farin will be offered for sale as one parcel or a number of pargels to suit purchasers Terms inade known on day of sale. For further pariiculars apply sale. to ANNUAL MEETINCG PUR%UANT to the Ac of Iosorpora‘ion rolice is herevy given thal the 8ith Anâ€" wil‘be h 10 atites Head Office is MA tavia. on Thareday, March 7‘.h,| Situated 4 miles east of Linwood. 1 mile: i' of W allenstein «tation. 24 mile porthwes! Hawke; iMe, containiog 127} neres of land, 13 acrea of bush G acree uncer fall wheat, 50 acree vlvm’xhed ba‘aaco recded down in rramk. On the farm jaa brick d welling ix) feet, beatod by furnace, soft water i kitchen, kood tank barn 50x80 feo‘, nlraw shed 40x3 feet. good ston*Â¥stable with cement floor under barn, also hog pen under afraw shod, with cement floor and t eughs ind wate in ren, The farm is in a good â€" ate of cu tivatin, drained by tiles : good fences of wire and rail : nlso *ood orch "i;l‘ ; 4 mile from school. Wi‘l be sold reason ably. JAMES RICYARDSON, Hawkeville P. O., rual Mecliag of §| 8 3 mos Auctin Sa le The unders‘gaed have in their hands a large am unt 0‘ privaté funds for invaxtmen!s on goo i farm mo: tyagcs. at lowest rates of inter Ber‘in 31st. January, 1907 Queen St., Cook rnd Hospita‘, al | £ iâ€" To take car_of horses to the west and work on farm. Apply at once. |f Saturday, March 9th, 1907, Ee o en e 1 Icck p m . for the purpose if receivic@ 1e > ate ting: Directors and ‘ransactD gâ€"uch Ler business as may be aurinitted GEO. WEGEN AST. Manager.~ A nm;flwr of boys at the Waterloo Batton Factory; also A few givle. HMighest wages paid. RICHARD ROSCHMAN & BRO, Good housékeeper. mu«t be good cook. High :vu'u.‘ Apply to Box F., Cheonicleâ€"Totegraph, aterio > Wate ko January 3)th EPH MICKUS Auctioneer. 6 t 8 3t L N Money to Loan ~ Office #44+4+444++4+Â¥4Â¥+Â¥+t+Â¥+++¢¢¢ 44++4++4++4++++++Â¥+++Â¥++++Â¥4 Once more we d to bertir themeelves should be leat ; live a number of sales th money scouring the 4 will give you treb-ila fi rice paid for r HIGHEST CASH FARM FOR SALE OF : Farm Property mos WANTED L. SATTLER WANTED Conveyancing, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. MAN WANTED E. SHANTZ & CO., 1d Laundrees at Berlin & Waterloo aleo houeemaid. Appiy at Hcspital wW, M. CRAM. Becretary, WANTED CLEMENT & CLEMENT, Snlicitors. Rerlin, Ont WANTED E R WELLIAM â€" MIPOHELI Waterloo, P. 0 °KUS Ont. d 1 l;ox 139, Berlin, Cut F. E. Shantz & Co., 19°7 aw furs Berlin Waterien o as one Ont Uf Bituated 3 miles from Preston on Koscuth road, S. 5. No. 20, in excellent state of cultivaâ€" tinn. Well fenced, pleoty of water, Ml-nd‘ imin, * A nout 88 aeres tillabie and 5 acres wit a litt‘e timber. . On it is .!ood bank barn nearâ€" ty new, gcod house and driving house. Zion church on farm, 5 minutes walk to school Owner wishes to retire. For termallapply on Opposite Market, 15 acres best eoil for market gardening, in a h‘gh state of cultivation ; new vuildings ; just suislie the Berlin corporauion ; 25 misutes‘ walk from towa. _ _ _ _ wooie Mn cet Al 26 acre fara, about 3 miles east of Berlin Kasy terms. soms 1ew houses in the town of Berlin. near tactories, ranging in price from $1,550 to $3,600. Also vacant Iots meide and outsiae of corpâ€" ration. A.l kinds of lumber, shingles, etc., in stock, Interior kilo dried in pine 0. hardwoud flaorâ€" ng. Hardwoud flooring u special‘y. Cail on ho undersigocd for further parlicuiars, Farm For Saile 200 acres, coaole house ; good barn ; 20 acre= ha dwood bush; 10 acres cyd-r; good. soil, 5 tC Te m o eanee e Te Oe nne oo s es en e sns vo. 1 tences; 6 miles fron Galt, l mile frou Jlair, 2 ies« from Preston, a miiles form der iho, 2 mites to C. P. K. etation. .. . The unJersigned offers for sale his vatuable farm cousisting of 1i3 acres, Lot 34, 100 acres ‘ef which is undo cultivation, 50 scres good buh. ano balauce in pesture. Un tue Tainm is ® new cottege roof brick house and kit chen (10 rooms), large bauk baco, new driving shed, pig stable and ali neces sary outbui‘dinge. . Water supplied at bouse and barn by raim, There is also orchara, about 6 acres wheat sown, and fall plowing done. Farm is in a good state of cultivation and is situâ€" ated 1} miles from Conestogo and 3t Jacobs, Can be bought ata rearon able prics. _ For further particulars apply to acli ;;:l‘:t;}-;n'llér rurâ€" to barn 6y +9 6r+ uD in , excelient orchard with «i1 wizds of 1!\“! Situa‘ed 2 miles west of ‘Fateri00, Dut . COn wux of 112 acres 6f which 8 nures is wood ush, balance uoser goed state of cuitivation m at ds n‘good bllg& houauL wnd baok barn. _A burgain if zoid soon. . For further particu ars appiy 10 BENDEIt BRO4., Pure bred large English Berkshire pigs from six weeks to four months old, Alio one boar 18 months o‘@d, direct from imported stock. Apply to Two bulis 10‘and 8 n puths old. got by Chamâ€" pt n of Inveruria (1mporied) im by Lord Linâ€" coln 3rd by Duke ot Oxford 35 h out ef Duchâ€" es of Lincoin (Imp). Also a few f males, beavy in ealf by the imported herd bull. Wou!d also rell but rather trade on anot her imported or highly bred bull my herd bull Champlon of Inverurie (Im o ] â€"5022 Vol. 20. For particulars write or better come aud ree, JO3. B. SNYDKR, AAM NAMAAARARALARARRARARARARRAARAACAALRA Shorthorns For Sale Two bulls, 12 and $ month« old, also a few heifers. Farm 2) miles north of Waterloo. 48 â€" 3mo« ughter house and ail other necessary Cu idings, Fiurt class bard and soft watcr. r terms and particulars "fp" to or wiile Miks. PELlsH KNORR, p w aterloo, Ont For Saleâ€"â€"A Snap Shorthorns for Sale Farm for Sale 2 Uf 4T Uf 8 U $â€"Gmos ;Farm For Sale 2 miles west of Waterloo, Out . con in pesture. On tae farm is a age roof brick house and kitâ€" rooms), large bauk baco, new hed, pig stable and ali neces bui‘dinge. â€" Water supplied at For Sale FOR SALE Best and Cheapest Teaat 25c alb. _ _ ~_â€"_â€" _ China Hall, Berlin C,. B. RICHERT, Mannoheim, Ont, MENNO 8. WEBER, P. 0. Addre«s Waterloo. Unt MENNO KOCH Couestogo i‘. 0., Ount 8. BRUBACBHEit, Lanca. ier 8L,, newr G. T Berlic, uot JOHN SAUDER, Preston P. 0. Ont. Mackiv Block, Borlit Berlin, Ont, Waterloo, Ont, BRox 250 Oneâ€"FourthOff cuts down prices in order to reduce stock, When we cut pfrices we do it radically. No half Tway m#asure here. _ We now offer the heavy discount of The regular price remains on every Erice ticket. ~â€"Take oneâ€"fourth off and pay us the ba‘ance and tha goods are yours. No "make believe" or "tricks," just a plain, fair and «quare offer, f ‘ Men‘s, Boys‘ a»4 Children‘s Clothing of all sorts. . Strasser‘s Sâ€"#R. Ernst & GCo. We have Reduced ""Make way for new gnods" is now the insistent demand from every section of the store. Train loads of new gods â€"greater quantities than ever before â€" are porring in from every directi>n and naturally they have the preference 8Bo winter goods must out and away aui the price pruning kuifeâ€"has been sharpâ€" ened and used with that object in view. _ _ _ A Suit or Overcoat worth $14.00 for $10.50 \_ . > A Suit or Overcoat worth. 12,00 for 9.00 _ A Suit or Overcoat worth 10.G0 for 7.50 A Suit or Overcoat worth 8,00 for 6,00 This investment is better than putting your money in avings Lank for a year at 4 per cent. interest. Come and bhave frst choice. This is a lot of fine tweed business anita, that sold at #8 and $10, heary twoeda, dark grey shades, s‘ugle braasâ€" ted, aftong l aziaa linings, aize 36 to 41, tegular $8 to $10, Saturday to clear. u $4.95 ©0 TO $10 MEN‘8 OvERCOATS®, #$5 95. These «cre overcoa‘s which men borght in rcme carea in preferâ€" ence to baving a coat made to megsure They show the pe fection that good ready to wear apparel haa attainc d, more perfect Arting ard etyliah enat are not to be bad, regular #0 to $10 50 Sarurday to clear #$5 95 #12 to $14 MEN‘S SUITS #8 75. You have yeur choire of single _or double breasted suite, cut in the Iffeat styles, all the details, band tailored, made of cholee worated, cheviots and fancy twreds, in the nâ€"=west designa, regular $12 to $14, Sarurday to cle«r #8 75 $2 MEN‘S PANTS $1 49 ‘T hese have been eepecially good gelâ€" lers, sbapely and well tatlor+d, of darâ€" able material, regular $2 trousera Satâ€" urday to cleat $1.40 J. K SHINN Funoral W aterlon, dence, 6n It‘s the time when the progressive §#3 AXD $10 SUITS, $4.95 HERE‘S THE BEST CLOTHING NEWS IN BERLIN‘S HISTORY Onzâ€"Fourth Off 0n All Clothing Our Reduced Prices GLOTHINC HOUSE Director and Embaimera weignineifgcmautice â€" Ont. Telephone at Res NUMBER UNLIMITED,. Young 8t,, Sontb 3556, a%b Wigher: market price paid. Lo# Sale DON‘T MISS IT #5 to $7 BOY‘S SUITS $3.49 Three .,leoe sults of black and farcy tweeds, saingle bresated stylo, seams ttrongly sown, well Aitting, regular $5 so $7 suits, S«turday to clear _ $3 19 $1 PEA JACKETS $2.75. Made of warm black frieze matorials with large atorm collare, good tweed linings, sizes 30 to 34, regular $4 Satâ€" urday to clear $2 75 Bo:a overcoats of all wanl nxfa grey cheviot, long and lnose fit‘ best Ttalian lining, velvet collar, slzes 28 to 32, regular $6 to $7 50, Saturday to clear * $4.20 CLEARINXG PRICES OX MEN‘B ® 8SHIRTS. Fancy shirts, negligee or lagndriad bosom, npen back and front, or front only, caffa both ways. The patterns are next, the color« light medium and dark, sizes 14 to 17 1 2, reguolar prigg $1, $1.25 and $1.50, Saturday ‘to clear * 70 ote. Men‘s underwear, all wool, scoul“_ knit, regular price $1 per garment Saturd=y to clear _ _"â€"_ 606 10 dozcn men‘» flecee lined underâ€" wear in ocd «izes and line», regulatr price 506 to 750, per garment Batur< day to clear 899 SHIPPING ROGS WANTED IN | Ne _ ; O grg4 Waterioo a

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