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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Feb 1907, p. 5

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4t ‘Real Estatd â€" ;l â€"Finencial and â€"Insurance Brokers xk Tt Office Next Door to J. Fischer‘s Butcher Shop Phone 215, Waterloo, B# CASCARA BROMIDZ #Q2UININ CURES A COLD OR GRIPPE IN Aa FEW HOURS. It does the work and leaves n bad after effects. > The box only 25 cte. at Phoi~ 217 M Â¥0004 GoÂ¥O@OO@OEGG Go4+. Zick‘s new spring shoes are IT. At the market Saturday |â€" motning butter and egxs sold at 25¢. Go to Zick‘s for school shoes. ~Mr. Josiah Staufier shipped twelve head of cattle _ to Toronto and Mr. Abram Snider 20 head. #0880 ©G44440440e 444644 Mr. Otto M. Umbach has purchased the residence cf Mr. Herbert Merner, Victoria St. The annual meeting of the Waterloo Musical Society has been â€" postroned until March 8th. f Snow shocing axit tobogZaring 18 proviog a very merry | pastime for Waterloo young people at present. You should wear Zick‘s $3.50 shocs. Rev. Mr. Schwaim of Chesley preached in the Evangelical â€" church on Sunday morning. s The two Waterloo rinks met defeat at Toronto. At Brampton they playâ€" ed two games, ‘losing one. The other resulted in a draw game. " The Wanderers of Waterloo defeated the B.C.1. hockey team at the rink en Thursday afterncon by a score of 10â€"6. A very enjojyable evening was al forded theâ€"large number who attendâ€" ed the social in _ the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. The Mutual Life Assurance Co. TCcâ€" geived a large shipment _ of steel trucks for filing purposes on Satuiâ€" day. *Menjs $2 shoos $1.50 at LieKk s, A team of Waterlco bankers _ and Ansurance boys, defcated a tcam from the W. G. & :. factory, Reglin, _ on Baturday by a score of 3â€"4. _ All arrangements have been comâ€" c‘m for the annual banquet of the terloo Boaid of Trade which _ will be held in Weseloh‘s hotel, on Thursâ€" day evening, March 7th. WANTED.â€"Coachman.â€" Must _ be gocd horsemih and reliatl» to make himsell generally iusofcl. Gcod posiâ€" tion, steady employment, apply _ to L.J. BREITHAUPT, Borlin. h Master Wilired Schicdel pleasantly entertained a number of his friends, on Saturday on the cccasion of his !mday. . An interesting hockey match _ vwas played at the rinx on Wodnesday 0>â€" ening when the hunt: Lrewery team defeated the Plumbers by a score ol At the mecting ol the Waterloo Musical Sotiety Tuesday _ cvening matters in connection with the . seâ€" curing of new uniforms were _ disâ€" y lo'l'; Â¥oung,â€" who â€" has returned from _ Pittsburg, speaks well of his a Rowley will go back when the team plays Houg)iton March 5, 8 1. Rowley was offered the tap of the team for noxt year. |78 B‘B.C‘ Club mit at the home of Sean MeGavin, George | St., y evenirg, and the dmemen ade up a uppy-m’qmn 0 . pare being | smad in resplendent W& present. enjoyed . a most deligl ul time. « Local News. CITY DRUG STORE. 317. Daytsche Apothe « WATERLOO E. M. Devitt EShinn has reéturncd from where h: aticaded the Ing of th) Kn‘ghts of LW‘ the detegate from . 8. ; Beaty attcaded _of the : Ladies . o! $1.50 at Ziek‘s .‘ The regulat monthly mcoeting _ 0‘ the Waterloo Board of Trade w@s held &m at which â€"sev» eral ‘ofâ€" importance . were discussed including the subject. of increasing the eficiemey ol the fire department by the purchase of . a team of horses and the erection ol “u addition to the fire hall to proâ€" vide increased accommodation. There were present Viceâ€"Presidint .J. B. Hughes, Seey. E. P. Flintolt, and Messrs. W. Welw, L. Graybill, Rudolj h: Roschman, . W. S. _ Naylor, F. S. Kumpt, C. W. Schiedel, J. H. Roos, J. M. Muir, Clive Bean, _ W. H. Riddell, A. Weiden‘ammir, A. E. Devitt and A. H. j=uyder. Vice President J. B. Hughes ~ o>â€" cupied the chair in the absence of the President. . P. R. authorities acknowledging _ a communication regarding the extenâ€" sion of the Berlin, Waterloc, Wollssâ€" ley and ‘Lake Huron _ railway, in which it was stated that they were not in a position to state anything definite in â€" reference . to building the railway. The corresponden:e was first taked up. A letter was read from the C. A printed circular from the Canaâ€" dian Manufacturers‘ Association drew attention to a bill to be brought bcfore the House of Parliament _ to enforce the cbservance of a cighi hour day and intimated that t would be opposed by the Association, the reasons beingâ€" enumerated. _ Th subject was discussed at some length and the opinion was expressed that the number of working hours in a day should be largely governed by _ the conditions vrder which the laborer was working. A circular was received in _ which the assistance of the â€" Poard wa s asked in bringinz to the )nowledg: of the public the beauty and intere=t of the city of Fort William to tour ists ard traveilers. * The Kingston Board of Trade wrou acknowledging a resolution _ re . the enlargement of the Welland _ Canal, and asked that a delegation be . apâ€" pointed to attend meeting at Offawa on Feb. 27th. No avtion was taken A letter was received from J. S Clark of Ottawa in regord _ to _ deâ€" livering . an address undet the | ausâ€" pices of the _ Perlin and _ Waterloo Poards of Trade, but_no action was taken." 3 The banguet committce reported that arrangements had been made for the annual banquet at Wescloh‘s Ilotel on Thursday March 7th. oard of. Trade Pass Resolution Favoring Immediate Action in Reference to Improve« ments in Fire Department, : Mr. .J. II. Roos brou;ht up _ th question of a new _ market housc LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN â€" _ | OF FIRE COMMITTEE: Would© Like: Expression â€"of Opinion From Ratepayers Regarding Proposed Improveâ€" ments at Fire Hall. There has been considerable ngita»! tion from different quarters for _ a | still further: improvement of our firol Department. To depend on Â¥oluntcer ; teams to respond to fire alarms IS.‘ consiJdered dangerous and may some day, result seriously. On one lx(":;i‘l sion last year no tcam turned up,| it happened that the fire did not Tc quire the hose wagon and very lits tle was heard of the affair. The deâ€" tay ol the brigade at the beginning of a fire might mean a loss of thousâ€" ands of dollars in projerty. The ratepayers voted $20:0 for the imâ€" ‘prdvcmmt â€"of the Department _ and of this amoint there is $550 left. For the sum spent the town can show good value. To purchace _ a â€"t:am and the necessary equiment and ernâ€" large the fire hall for suitable stable accommodation would require an addiâ€" tional $1200 to $1509. This can be paid out of current tax . collections or by issuing debentures _ for _ the amount. The fre team could be used | within a certain radivs of the _ fire hall for stcect sprinvling _ and even for certajt‘ road work. There _ was lconsidcnb!e compleint _ made last THE WRECK Former Resident of Waterloo â€" Among the Injured.««Curâ€" lers Have Narrow Escape. The details of the wreck in Gu:iph were awaited in Waterloo with cager interest as a number of _ Waterloo people were known to have intended return‘ng home cn the illâ€"fated train. Among« the killed was the fourâ€"year old child‘ of "Mr. Harol4 Walker, ~of Poterboro, whose wi‘e was,also setâ€" jously ‘injured. . The fanily formerly resided in Waterloo and were . well known here. ot Mr. Adam Klippert ol Waterleo, was apmrong the injured, Nvln‘ one :.m, lhlol:tcd u“ud thoaonm ; tc‘!u weo flaces. Mr. 8. Btetling, broâ€" t‘: of De W.oJ. 8 #, %m- a tor . & Darling, / ¢ Mr. Adam Klippert, Toronto, son AT GUELPH reported n made Wescloh‘s 7th. ud 0 the which be maiitained would be. _a means of attracting more {armers % in various other ways be beneficial the. town. $ h A general discussion follSwed _ and (he necersity of increased â€" accommoâ€" dation in this respect was comâ€" mented upoun. <=>> 0 ~ .. . Ti Mr. Levi Graybill, cHairman of the fire commivtee, stated that he vnuq like an expression ‘olf 0; inion . _ from| the Board of Trade in regard . to projposed improvements at the fire hall and the desirability of W‘ ing a team of horkes ard the ere¢" tion of an addition to the fire ball ; to provide incréased accommodation. The $3000 voted by the people a year or so ago had been found inadequate to make the improvements in the fire department contemplated. It â€" had not been decided whether to _ pay the coct of same out of the gen>ral taxes or by ssuing debentures ° for the amount required, from $1200 to $1500. j 2 i chase an additional 500 feet of hose and this together with money _ exâ€" pended on other things required _ in the department had not been providâ€" ed for in the amount of $3000 voted, consequently the improvements conâ€" It had been found necessary to purâ€" templated could not be completed. In ; & order to maintain the efficiency of the //\\// \ fire department, it was very necesâ€" \ sary that these improvements be | t # made. A team and harncssâ€" would 1 (FA 4 dost about $500 and in order to teâ€"| a B in come proficient the firemen _ should | 2 "'!"l"'”“ll " have a practice at least _ once _ or 2M y ’l"l,",'m‘;” y iwice a month, which could not be C //llll"ll““”‘lli"flf‘ ['mm” ,f. . carried out herctofore because of lack T © j en l * J'â€" & cf funds to pay for teams: If the} i I"‘ b A $ + _ team was owned by the town it A e TD ; }I could be used at any time. ‘ N § « After a discussicn of the question, t~e following rcsolution was carried:| "That it is the opinion of this Board‘i Smertermmminpcmmnmnmmmnmomcmmemmmmmme that the Council should take immediâ€" â€" ate steps to increase the _ effi¢iency AGED LA DY 4 of the Fire Department Ly providing a team of horses anmd stable for lhv“ â€" PASSES AWAY same together with such other faciâ€" L lities as may be nocessary." Mr. F. S. Kumpf, (l.'cvi attontion Death of Mrs. M. HEcfiman at to th> fact that complaint had been Advarced Age oi 80 Years. made by & numker of th> merchants}, Rmrma "that some ol the leading members of _ The death occurred _ at Watcrloo the Pq rd of Tr:d> gidn‘t patrow: Monday afternoon of Mis. 1L _ Hollâ€" ho me ~ nmoerchin‘s as owell as thiy Man, at the home of her‘ daughter, sho 11. a numter having Berlin ta‘â€" Mrs, Jos. Musselman, with whom sie ers celiver treid at their homes cvâ€" hfll‘)‘(:"blufll-n ‘:ur a;(xut fli\ic Yafll'sr ery day. Deceased was born in ermany, Mr. Kumpf also s;oke regard‘ng .\1r.|‘ ::%’fs“t}" 3“37L.an(i was over _ 80 Sloan‘s reqest to supply them with i/ “"fl “~’("_:~h° Wa® m“"‘cd. to informatiom re the total temnage oi 4 "u"““ “‘““‘! ycars before.comâ€" prodvee and manufactures‘ chipping "m‘ 6 this country. They emigrated 4 ts ttarls o America: and ‘came direct to St. to and from Waterlco. t.lnt-nhq fint »abhara . (Wimnazad h a d year about the strect sprinkling and the chidf cause of the trouble was that the one cart had to cover t>o great an ateca to do it all properly. Another sprinkling cart should be in vse. The street sprinkling last year cort the town #441.83, and with an additional cart this year will cost more. ‘The fire team could carn $300 of this amount as it would cover that portion of the town from which the greatest amoun . of frontaze tax for sprinkling is deprived. Iast year the town paid $66.50 for fire teams. more. The fire team could carn $300 of this amount as it would cover that portion of the town from which the greatest amoun . of frontaze tax for sprinkling is deprived. Iast year the town paid $66.50 for fire teams. This sum could be saved an:l moreâ€" over the firemen would be able to have more practice runs and drills, which throvgh the wont cf having a team on the spot are sadfty noglectâ€" ed. Curlers on Train. ‘ The two rinks of Waterloo curlers,, compiising Messrs. E. F. ~Sragram, F. G _ Hughes, W. Hogg, 8. B. Bri= cker, W. G. Worckel, G. Kunts, _C. Roos, and F. Halstead were on their , way from Toronto, but had arranged a number of games with Brampton curlers at which pJace they got of. Had they remained on the train they would undsubtedly have been among the injured as they were in the car in which a number were killed. _ Mr *thas. Roos cspecially must feel himâ€" ‘self very fortvnate because the seat Ihevu‘ntc' was t&ken by . the eÂ¥ Mayor of Sttattord, Jahn O‘Donohue, lvM was among the killed and . the I would like to hear an expression from the ratenayérs on this subject. Their views given through the press would be a guidance and if the work is to be done it is uscless to â€" delay would be a guidance and if the is to be done it is uscless to it ary longer. Yours truly, he vacate‘ was t&ken by . the . e%â€" Mayor of Sttattord, Jahn O‘Donohue, who was among the killed and the passcnter who had been sitting. next him had his foot out off. | Dr. Noecker.Assists. Dr. Noecker, who was one of the. delogation of School Trustees _ who visited Gueiph on ‘l‘l’“ assisted in caring for the Injured. The delcâ€" gation were walting for _ a . â€" trtain when news of the accident was beard and #soon after a special â€" train was hurried to the stene with â€"â€" doctors trom the clty. The delezation returnâ€" vd about .5 0‘ (Chairman Fire Cominittee L. GRAYBILL ng] C ut . ng en "| Suitable Ffor® _ _ « Gonfirmation Dresses _ India Linen â€" :Fretpch Lawns Organdies l Deceased was born in Germany, 6 Feb. 9th, 1827, and was over 80 .;’ years cf aze. She was married to y Mr Hofiman several yeats before.comâ€" \|ing to this country. They emigrated ©| to America: knd ‘came direct tb St. Jacobs, Ont., where diceased _ had ‘ ilivcd up to about six years â€" ago, â€" i when she came to Waterleo. We were never in +o fine a pogision to show you sush w five sssort meat of above naimed good«, _ Give us a look over. I‘. 8. â€" Jus opened snothe: lot of New Prints, Dress Goods, Em:â€" cidesier, Laces Fto Shoes at Schondelmayer‘s e PP Deceased is survived by a daughter and three sons, viz: Mrs. Jos. Musâ€" selman, Waterloo; Etnst of near ~ Elâ€" mira, Tony of Doon and Henry of Philadelphia, Pa. Her husband _ preâ€" deceas>d her gbout ten ycears. DEATH OF MRS. H. PLANTZ The death occurred suddenly _ at Waterloo at 12.50 o‘clock on Thursâ€" day cf Wilhelmina Becker, beloved wife cf Mr. Honty Plantz. About two weeks ago deceased gave . birth to a child and had been up for the lirst time on We‘nesday. Deceased was horn in New Dur.dce, Jan. 16th, 1863, and was 35 fcars, 1 month and 5 days cf sg>. She is survi.ed by a sorrowing husband and baby two weeks oli besides four stepâ€"chilaien, three brothers and a sister. The funcral _ was _ hcld on Sunâ€" dayâ€"afternoon at 2 n‘clock from the tesidence to Si John‘s Lutheran Church féor service thence _ to _ Mt. Hore cemetery. Rev. Mr. Bockelâ€" minn conducied _ the services. POST NUPTAIL _ RECEPT.ON . Mrs. Edward Devitt held her post nuptial reception at the bcautiful residence of her father, _ Mr. _ Abs. Merner on Fuesrday afternoop. Mrs Devitt was assisted by her mother in receivinz the host of callets trom the Twin City, whle Mrs. L. J. Bueitâ€" haupt ushercd the gucsts to the tea room which was ably presided over by Mrs. Ed. Marron, Berlin, _ Mrs. Alvah Devitt and Misses Lilian and Edna Breithaupt, Bertha Devitt and Irene Moinet. + The bride looked love‘y in her handsome ‘W@Wding gown cof _ white chenille lace over. silk, Mrs. _ Mcrâ€" ner wore a becoming dress of fawn sgilk. The exquisite floral decorations consisting cf surset roses in the reâ€" ce,Aicn parlor aed pink roscs and lilâ€" lics of the vallly in the tea . room, were meel? admired and with their swoct fragrance mado the scene . a most attractive one. d. UFFELM ANN CsSP & u;i;lluaaf”’fl’hl'l‘b[ijfiffl]' i‘ BDEeSYf A frand concert .of moving picâ€" tures and illvatrated songs will be given in the Methodist church under the auspices of the Ladies Aid : by Messrs, Carey Brothers with cinomeâ€" tograph and stereoptison, on .Tuesâ€" day evening, March 15th. The _ conâ€" cert promises t) be lo:h tertainâ€" ing and instructive. Adml:au, adâ€" ults 25¢, children 15¢, Mr. F. &. Acland, western cditorial | 700 % q representatfre of the G1oW8, has been | (hX dop appointed seerctary of the Labor deâ€" ; w i rimito oo ~> _ / _> â€" ./ .> _ |OroogBt with a â€" The Airgod Cobult Mining Company lAmitod, was incorporated at Ottawa GRAND CcONCERT $2,000,000, The di Persian Lawss hi s 1*m c io t ae l fiw PsZ } Dotted Swisses. f B ie oo d . astige i. . oo i wl a en Tbo.o?mh »n1 with it the dem Jacquard Novelti@s . *# ring Dress Materia‘s. wm Witnfi” en .hbpy‘nh-;wo&-uvmagw.m-ul ob io to show you sush a five assort. dWeRs ateria‘® than ever hefcre. _ We can justly pride onrselves ive us «& look.Gt8r. # s we ean «ff.r you auch splenpid values in the many new lincs.. _ *â€" PHIS WEEK woe miake apecial mention <f our smart ran Follow this advice, and while it may cost you at firss, it always pays in the end. Y.u‘ll frd plenty cf ‘best"in this «to‘k, for no matter what you select it‘ll be the best of its kind, We have spent time and experience in buying «rd tastc in making it so. A mighty good piece of advice for all oncasian=â€"from the chooring of a man‘s "best {irl" to the selecting from our fne tock of Business Having purchased the‘meat busiâ€" ness formerly carried on by Mr. H. B. Duering it will be my enâ€" deavor to merit a continuance of of the patronage extended in the past ~ * Customers and friends may be assur. d that only the choicest and best meats will be kept on hand. +4 44 Henry Reuel Ire=m<«faâ€"ly solicit a continuance of the pat NOTIOR ia berehy given (that th ..3 ebamire ‘HK Aonu«] _ Meeting of ,{ho. Sunck holder l;::’::-:'g.:i:-hn make C of the Mareantile Fire Insw ance Comâ€" 'b'-‘q-.- hore for your stipply of tweeds, flan «1 (':f -L erlon, at o;w o‘clock in the afternoun for th: élection of officers ar d for the receiv ing and considering ofthe n“z-rt 0 the Ccmr:&‘: lone for yok c-t.. n.n' r.» that inay b« w as ie & ALEFRED WRIGHT Morcantile Firs Insurance Co _ Annvual Meeting 4A good timeâ€"keeping qualities of Decimal Watches are their most attractive points. They are built with â€"so much accuracy, by means of the decimal system, that they can never vary the smallest fraction of a millimetre. â€" Consequence is, they keep such good time, and give such good satisfaction that it is a pleasure for us to sell them. THE honest constraction and wood timeâ€"keeping qualities of We would like to explain to you about them. > hr Oompany in the Town of Wa 6, Ont., on ., Monday, March 18th. 1907 Prop, City Meat Market, WATERLOO (Duering‘s Old Stand.) ntral Block, _ Waterle Mareantile Fire Insw: ance Comâ€" m6 h anll bedheld nt the Head Offic | nen bis Rote Faime,sooke aha stookings, _ Ocmpany in the Town ef Waâ€" KLLAS A. BRUBACHER, Ont., on , fadom, Fob, Hth, 1907, #m E. J. RO0F SHO ES ‘JEWELLER.| dha Real Estate, Business Trans Ghange fer and Insurancs Agents. £2000. large Lrick factory in Bloomâ€"13000,Lrick;$% rms..con, Church St. Kavey Check Dress Goods if all of the new Spring Shades, . ials that are suitable for ladies‘ aund children‘s suits and dresses, P“’ )‘N' & e + »itle are here in infigite variety of qualities and prices. The ram b‘ack goods for su ting and +kirts has never b:â€"ew better. To aod mâ€"dium weigh: dress fabrics a sp‘eadid range is on display. Our Dress Making Departme Which opens on March 1st is under the capable mu"q MIS3. A. PRITCHARD, whose repuation . as an artist in.% work is well known by toe ladies of this vicinity. Her staff | of the very best_ H«ving secured the services of MISS A. BACH to take charge of workroom, we feel that nothing has bse lefom to m«ke our ‘Dress Making Department one of the best in “ Octario +93 $2000, large Lrick factory in Bloomâ€"| in dale, great snap. 3600, bring, 9 rooms, conv., central. 3500, 8 roomed house, ‘ conv., ‘ fine stable, 3 acres of land. 2100, new brick, 7 rooms, N. Ward. 1700, new brick, 7 rooms, _ Ahrens St., great snap. 8600, brick, 10 rooms, brick stable. 1950, new house, Trooms, near facâ€" tories. _ . + 3500, bring, 7 rooms, conv., very conâ€" tral. 2000, 8 roomed house, conv., East Ward. P 3500 new red pressed brick, 8 rooms; conv., C. Ward, very cheap. 2100, brick, 7 rooms, near Church St A good chopping mill with residence, a tinsmith store with residence, â€"blacksmith shop with residence. $2100, new brick, conv. Benton St. $1600, 2 story prick, 7 rms., . near factories. _ â€" $2300, new brick, 7 rms. all cony.C. Ward. $6000, buys a nice residence on Queen St. 2 Sections of land in Sast., N. MW. $ would exchange for RBerlin proâ€" perty. $2000, 4 acre garden and fruit, . One residence and stable. $1600, new house, 7 rms. E. Ward. $5000, 3 story tbrick,12 rms. all cony. $3 This is to notify all whom it ma oulogn that the nerahi rato for «mbaiâ€"t‘n> b: > tween A. Bro er and He . Bruâ€" bacher under the firm name of , Bruâ€" :u'm has this been dissolved by mutual B:“Ifi ing by sald firm wuwn»ld a cal t m nresios B a t in ara requested to sett o by March 15th nowt as i ie hamtishs at (he Baden‘ n ootien Milis ui rerten B en s ntore in Tiaoite Ranher sls maaien s ureeest Uoane P ol miok &fim.?v&p mant ww onen. ber we make RE F. E. Shantz & Co. n the future. re are anxlons to wind ap ;vdb:n "We thank all our custowera.for their tike oat of horses to (he west and work Man Wanted NOTICE Black Dress Goods 3 M); Bernn, Ontarte, . t +4 will continne to 1PÂ¥ 4 4o Bloomâ€"£53000,Lrick,8 rms.,con, Church St. $2000, new brick, 6 rms; West m entral. $4500, new red brick, 9â€"rms. €0l ;5“““ â€"â€"_For Sale * | ie feiat lt aied Queen St. 4 $2800, brick, 8 rms., 2 vac. lots F St., fine home. i 9og $3000, fine red brick, 8‘rms, all & =_ North Ward, a snay. 3 $2600, 2 story brick, 8 rml., Fred, $36un, ,ner brick, con:., Lowiga â€" $1150, gravel, 6 rms., W. Ward.. $700, good buildings, 1 »cre. all k fruit, New Dundo Ei $1850, new brick, 6 rms., Filbert $1800, brick, 7 rooms, Joseph str $1900, brick, 6 rooms near 1 $2500, new brick, 7 rms. fine~s King street. ¢ $2300, new brick, 7 rooms, King & $2350, brick, 8 tms., near Webor $ $2100, new brick, 7 rms., Agnes st; $2500, brick, 9 rms., brick m! central. ? $1650, cement, 7 rooms, Bi ( $1400, brick, 7 rooms, wear luel::i $2500, brick, 9 rooms, Lancaster $ $2150, cement, 7 rms., Bingeman i $2450, new brick, 7 rooms, E. Wa $3000, 15 actes, new bldg, near Bet $2000, new brick, 7 tms., 8. Ward $1650, cement, 7 rooms, Bingeman §%, $1400, brick, 7 rooms, wear fuctorie® $2500, brick, 9 rooms, Lancastér St. $2150, cemecnt, 7 rms., Bingeman S# $2450, new brick, 7 rooms, E. Watd, $3000, 15 actes, new bldg, near BetHA, $2000, new brick, 7 tms., 8. Ward. . $1700, mnew brick, 7 rms., S. Ward, / $2600, new red pressed brick,. & rooms, Weber street. $6000, 2$ story brick, 12 rooM#, West Ward. $1500, 7 acres, with good building® ; in Hawkesville. . ~ | e $1500, 2 acros, with bldgs., S. Ward $3800, brick, 7 rooms, alma St. â€"__ $2600, brick, 7 rooms, ahrens str $1000, metal clad, 6 rooms. 4 $500, * acres choice fruit, with . _ ings, Woolwich Township. es $2300, brick, 7 rooms, near 5 2550, brick, 9 rooms, vacant k â€" iN THE SURROGATE C0 _ing lot, East Ward. As: $3350, 15 acrcs, fine frame house 4 bank barn, ncear Berlin. <al $4000, 2 story brick, 8 reoms, $3200, brick, 9 rms., fire stable,C, $3400, brick, 8 rooms . new ® near factories. se $1000, 3 acris,with bldgs.,near Be N Office Fred. St., opp. Market. Evening~ P In the matter of the Guardtâ€"ash _ of fant chi‘dron of flvmz Ilnndx e Nu*nnlc horeny givon that after » of Twenty das from the publc Huroga‘s cont ol o Oounts urroga‘n of the a .-l'f:‘ of letters af {mh l’? :?mn.d mn.l‘-;f‘ 'nu.n ." p Inx, _ & mm« Henry lrnflmn. late of t 1\.-,"( ® ater !?:mtn mnm::flm Dated The County of Waierlo® MeBrid« & "fil"g.‘. sopt Waterlco {1 is 19.b. day of Feb

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