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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Feb 1907, p. 2

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Pattt Mer, " sun-am T .mlp- Pd?” E23873! TI DE OF IMMIGRATION laymen among migration and stsirging agents indicate that the volume of the present year's eruiigra- tion to Canada hula lair to tar ex- ceed the record ot 1906. Emigrants who intend coming to Canada xisit the Canadian Government othces in London at an average at 680 a day, and it is remarked that they are nearly all ul excellent character an! physique. Interest of a similar UMP acter prevails at all ptoviuciiumcert- trey. Steamship accommodation is being takui up at an unprecedented rate, and in Iact is gill taken up in, to the month ol May. The arrangements for the reception ol immigrants, especially in some Ontario (arming distrrcts, helps llu movement immemely. Working under Mr. Bruce Walker's directions, book- Jug agents all over the l'riitod King- dom now send emigrants direct u one at the 197 Governnunt employ ment agents in Canada, who receive two dollars tor every emigrant plat ed. The terrors ul emigration an thus greatly lessened. in fact almost removed. motor car cxhibitiug 1xrt;duu- of th Dominiot: in its most attractive forms. starts on March 15, on its tour of the agricultural districts from -Penzancc lo Wick and the Urk'm-ys Also there are tweuty-fite returned Canadian {Mint-rs. who are now tour- ing their old Hritish districts Iectui, ing and visiting. and meeting with great sum-ms, Tlwre is now " splendid oppovtu nity for our Ontariu [mum to main application for farm help which can no doubt be supplitd in their sans faction [mm the ranks of immigrunh who will land in the Dominion ir early spring. Although a largonmu- ber of those will go lu'tlu' north. west, nevertheless-hundreds will n- main in this province. , -. PRINCIPALS WILL Tiw four”: .mnlml nuvtthrr, of thr Principals' Association a? the t'outNy of Wotvrloo wtll be htld in the Pulr, lic Library building, Berlin. on Hat, urday, Match 23, 1907," comnwrtcinx at the hour cl 9.30 a. m. The pm gramme is as tollows: Gem-ml "usir.ess. _ Presidrut 's ad hrs: lluw the l'ritwipal Course in a Suhgvct Rooms a run, Mr. Election of officers. C The Calling in and Dismissal of a Large School, Mr. W. c. Marriott. The Princiral's F;uIerxi-ion ot tht Games and Sports pt the Soho l Messrs. Foster and Scull. To What cxlrnt Should a Prirwi pal he a Mmlium bclwlcn an Assist ant and a Parent on Matters of " "reetncut, Messrs. Pontcuoy, SUIlila by and Linton. Should tee Prin hal h- hwullv in Choice trf His Assistants' Messrs. Cork, Hitlniumd and Nairn. The "ow The warlitsl W, "To die in the. In by William oi tl of the Dutch lb While he was carrying pan-ntly 1.0;)wlq‘s; slim: Louis XIV, "uckircr,hicttt urging Ium lo yivld. ask thor he d'rl myt- Fitt' 11w ot his country than “as “Thur is "up crrtain ”lied William, "in whit! "There is mm Ct plied William, "by sure 'M'vrt' In ~11 .-I will die in the ll xccms that thc outs ‘.r.l\'rlwl'ri- tivism may“! um" lius .Vlzn;l~ls~.nhu choir in New Yurk is that the' mn- rrrt was far loo hull. This is 1hr Canadian ImbH. Our murrr'x are too long, our puhiic dinnus 1m long, our spot-mu too long, ard two num- rrous. We are grcoly for quantity. Ill! Mun singularly indiTrreat about (guilty. . M.WM Remus,» TO DIE IN THF 'tew ADVIITIIIBI. THF, [UGO EST FA Hit LONG (Toronto M-us.) - MEET IN BERLIN am Morning: Afternoon P last ditch," I (Mango. the Rvpublic. as carrying n pvll‘s; shunglt "uckinghott, - In - ".--c'. UN LF my coun1t last ditch in tin Dalc. ‘1',” the, expression AST' DITVII NG Cruvcrnuwn In, who Wa Jicel him “In r nttrr nu TH .‘IdLl‘ I (an hr mi ry's run st muting ms,” 1 as math adhoidvt atiou JWa inst it‘Overoue Hundred Persons Drowned in Wreck ot Berlin on Holland Coast on Thursday. Iull London. F0. ”PM ”mum an: I with NI "can“! all crew, wal track: the "ttr-ttttre river Mun. lbaditato I o‘ciuck this morning and Witt the exception panned. _-_ A- - -47...” man n...» hlnwinl pcnlmeul A terrihe southwesterly ole was Howling righting ulwrewd drove ttto strum-rm”, and hun‘x close to the tsurtttrrts it“! as the mu trying tu entrr the new waterway. Heavy an as quickly toatshd. the wssll to p'vs crs. She bloke In two, her lore-pan sinking imnlcdlslcly, while the doom. ed passeugvrs um crew could be use“ tor a bald upsu- dusk-rod on the at- tor part. The halter slippul' oil the oipt ml disap'muul in llw mountain nus mums. Tugs and lilvlsuals, warn the alyunwu first suuruit4proruptty [ml out lo the aycststairce of the Berlin, but the vioienre of the gale "II tlie mm; seas manh- " impmxlhh-Jo approdl'h the much, and the helglcss would be lite aunt-rs SAW the su-amur Lreal “It and me crew and mammal-rs wash. ell-away Mllmul twiug, aide to rm: n the slightesl tuisistwtce. (luv man, an linglhlumn, Hits 5.: ul. lie was uucousv'icus whtn draw» out of the water and taken ocsl.otc a! (I had u A n‘gaiurd consciomn 'tt when he was carried toa hotel in th noighhorluud. By 11 o'clock in tip, "nortting 25 [minus had teen washed uslmrv. wreckcl b 10mm :hnc at I‘rst bel There are still 1- hoped " may be During high' NH! of the “I'd had been In“. TI witha [Imam] ' Th? only Ite leaiJI mm Roluulam, Feb. 21.--tti'.'! 1rhrarrrvcdlrert' nu Antwerp. the Berlin. The Berlin wasa Hritish ARREST. DEAD MAN’S Mrs. Henry Perkins, Whose Husband Died Christmas Morning, in Jan. Ilnlnillun. pcclt',l ohvst ing mystcry I Mterntur', wl um Perkin; (lied on thristmas mom- ing, and rumors of foul play hymn to In- rirrulah‘tl, with the result that lhy b-Cv “as n-xhuma'd on January r"" and an arulnpsy mulr. Fstrychninr Hamilton, Fitc 'g0.-The luugri [u-L'h-J ./rrvst in thv 1'autiuld you»: ing mystcry “as made late yetstvrtta Mternor', when Police Chief Fauna oi Cayueut, placed under arrest Mr Hrnry (whim, wife of the tit. in mic th" pr tht “1 mm lnwn Perki vwsied. mu! it i: lieved llrat Valli}: hut NJ t'llt't‘ ofa upwind. (‘l'l i th light In ('I the *0Icl'ut wax oi [TN ot his than? "mus“ old witl cd l The ship was co fro tour M " d4 ison W.1.H fuun'l in the stomach, an'. t inqul "as hcld. Prov,i,twia1 Ile- L'li\‘L' Gt'ver has turn investigating up sin”: Mes. l’vrkins was arrest- NHL!) and appeared bciore Mag- lmtc Hint Mn- di4 not plead, and " pnlJninnry Marin: was adiouin cutl “mlnvsddy', Frh. 27. . lir, 13, b'. H. Jenna)" oi Torontr ll tTI Mon be pri nt,lrr.rristvr, of '11 10 day in 11.0 kin, whose him an :11 IN HIS IIZTH YEAR h death sprr-d ll ' old Timothy l by all who km' nirtihsago, wl (If ill al II inr I (‘fu il Moat people know that if they have ' been sick they need Scotfs Emul- ston to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scotes Emutalort js that you don't have to be sick to get reeuitn from it. It keeps up the athlete’s strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby lam, hintscolwtoapde girl’s cheekgmd pro- m cough, colds and consumption. Food in mutated form for sick and well. young and old, "lets nnd poor. And it mains no drugs and no Alcohol. T an. mucous". soc. um woo. 2min! In: , but it i, mlurl th (l llabd, Holland, Feb. P.':, uct' Berlin did not Min when“, but seems h b T" few persons on boar, , be roersible to t,ticct th l nwatcr at thu height I ock, which led to thr The “Telling tide, hot t' h 21hr: of dur «Hm all Hi. He “It in August, . 1h" l‘allll tmrtt star ilv nwande lo who thus hr ot mum, th In ioronto, interests urn-rally Iv [ will Iv tttadv (ling llulul‘c i {Fr half H'sillt h'I his la” F pump].- GER}! AN an ol Iorunu, Hm ink-mu o. nut yd. [mum prosscution. Mn I ”mu-nu In... -- VVW, . T crew, wal "9:de the Prt ot Holt-Ml. Il him. “in to Rotterdam', shortly below, b' ..:n. a. "m...”nn Mun canon " on W --i3tt w lum. " " um struck (tum Timothy enjoy and hal In! faculties. Eur “slum in wcl mum mail slum turtirt,tsom ttft, -- B, . .-.u__, at Crtagirv, of " “WIFE I) Timol lv, lnsvs lh of Mrs v iudig Capt; m Ahh tt new h Pal ly ififiid 1m was first suuruit4proruptty put the vioienre of the gale enl the man y the much, and the helglcss wouhl- up and the crew and passmgrrs wash- ('I the slightest assistance. u]. lie was uucousv'icus whtn draptrl (I had u A n‘gaiurd common: B bth' III-iuhhorluml. By 11 o'clock in the land. He F.HA CUMK'AN Y Hg” the Wru.iaee --t13.30)--Tlse ultrrpart ot Halo (In-II water, as the t' firmly “nun-dd“! in the ' chngiug lo the wutkago, r rescue ll low tide. r! the storm the waves shut [slid that "otracy ot 1 ber, revealed the remain'; at succeeded in marbling th k MISER’S ESTATE lwl gardvncr at Wvst Flamboro, who dial about " ymr or two ago, an- wry ”unit-runs, Mr. Ferris was t'lt!lt- pnixuliu-Iy wrarthy. although {Alvin his deatlt nu uni- would have susputi-il It hum "ppraraur"s. His rslnta- “as unith “but” “than". nii‘l tlw old nun MI .1 lull. directing that a slain-l? skunk] ho made tor his heirs, wlnu-wr they should hr, and that his eslatt. should Le dtvhtcd among them. There were summst-d to be lwirs in Ontario and in England. Ferris was asked on his death bed who his heirs wrri'. He knew -thte “ADIOS of his rvlaiives, although lw had not tUN'tl ul' communicated, with Iluior n lung time. But he ru- plied that it didn‘t matter, 1teeidu't (are, and he tln-n lrit t'tll‘ hunting out of tlu. pmplr lo tlu. trxicutor's, one ul'uhum was Dr. MvChutalran. of Wattw,'loou. Sumt- six nr eight "11;"th up) iulvcrCtstunots [or the - load [Mrs . u t't4 papers. m6imi, HI: In Canada the lu'Ir!L quin- yum ml is (.m- ltottt .L man who ans Hm [bra- “rn- thrre hrotluas. “I know Ihvre “vu- ihrre brothels," he wrilcs. "in swlc of what you or inform else mus. Thvre wurc than broth- vis." Arr.othr.a' lvlhr is from a wo- man Mm hurt' ihat lu'r Lulu-r and mmhm urtva't marlin-l. but lhr1 difln'1 null“: y',hecemlil not help that, and she was the (lumhlvr of Furl; brothcr. 'lherc are many JUMPED FROM THE WINDOW ll niil ,0! Ilu. Go of bis cull (In! " rrie,' brothcr. 'ihvre are many wt clain,rqRo th. 1otiTaTv. Jud“ t:ivr Milan numbtf of lawyers mm mm lllv claims this morning, , ths mallet will be taken up on [r "orc,,, yin-on m it ml haw"! Iv (-m'nnr ll v.tii. ol t railw fr ngl nil :i|.1stun-y v ward of night and TI W l now in a high Fl k: I "-The rvrati.trc Irriri, “w old misrr ttrat- r at Irvst Flamboro, who .| ymr or two ago, an- ttls, Mr. Ferris wasn't)!“- vrarthy. although bdrm .mu- would have suspend minutes. His t'smh- “:13 ll 80.000. att:t tlw old ivill, directing that a kl ho made " his mils, PV should hr. and that Fad CAUSES A BIG TASK Tri I shun-and drove (In as Shh was trying to .d, the vetststl to pie- telr. while the doom- I'lllil oplv lo tlu. cxu-utora, was Dr. MvClvualian, of :nnu- six nr right "mums ‘lnl‘lllS [or the - losl mull-J in 11w English ‘zi's had lived .in I ly- nd, bdrm-ho ran away ml left his rvlaiivrs in Lis was when he . “as and his English tvlativ- . lax! all intrrvst in him w tla. atlvtrtiycertmtts. It ol Fcrris had nu hrullr buyJul wom tt n built ir, II oi lans u' l" man who :31): " ()pvm c, , svrrthh m yea sh Mrs purrpm ull was i trid. It!“ m in th ("-ch Hos slant” h'l Dunl tw 4| i m, u; psi Illllll tl nur M " “mutate Thu has develop“ into ud- ilmolw null-uh _ - in‘ a! ., Onwlo Anni on 3: mu qtd 3mm and new suntan n Tore-to this 'ret. ) "This is Uw grunt him at (untru- liuu, “hat 'tsv/ding' Imam. The Government had no intuition of my» l Wining; spa-ding We do desire, how- ever, lo do away with protessiottal horse racing. (Applause.) We desire i to abolish from the Pair tracks tlw animal that "uuls straps to holf tt Angeli“ c, we desire to diive " tin ‘mun who blu-ds the society and to i put the animal what he belongs. lil , desire to itirv lair sprnl a chance an 'niluw country boys and not {with rsioruls an opportunity to show what “hey can an." (Laughter an] 'ap lplausa‘.) _ u't‘l... I...“ Qumuinig-mhrnt nut n ll 'Ne Pie-Meat. " my and“ nut- ha, had [new Ignimt‘ nu it termed lavutitism in tho - d the Toronto, Landon and Ottawa him, the were given, grant: was” any mitigate» tubs! wading gal twt advocated the appointment Ma com- mission to bring in a report on the advisabiliiy of whining or abomin- mg an; Iona of amusement. Guvunmcut UpbcMts Speeding. Tire Minisu-r oi Agriculture, in an; mum-r to a direct question as h U1 Meaning ol the restrictive clause in. the new Act, tsaid:-- "This is Llu‘ lion, “tut 'si Govchuceut h \‘rnhup; wet-d Net, to do a Inursc racing. "The late F',upetiuieudent put a more sovm‘c construct ion on the Act than it warranted lh'n," declared ont' of the members. In his regular gums; the Ministm ot Agtirulture said that he believed that the usw legislation would rails: the work to a high standard. "Too many smirliv; an- workin; f _ big Tat" rrctipls rather llun In) 'o ttcriu;,r lln- owrcultural interests 0 tlw Intuit). Largo rmoipts are n01 tkr' ILL-ht way lo judge the value 9 In. Melson Mttetteltht an Maud. m But no: Farmers' lhe vruitultural shows," - llv thoupht tlmt "vorn.rariron" tl:" INN rvsuits with ii"'criot worr had a ijll mlutaluc 14ivsi. The l‘nsidlm, Mr. .I. merunl, of Cayuga, nrtly designuu-d Ce, undu lying tuiucitle uf'thc new Act ‘a: being '"ihe Lou! hells Hum- ‘u'hn hslp t!uur.szlvc.s." 1u'tcry Fair had lo t!eavrvv and ram what it got. The chief critici,sm he had to URI" was the diiivvent truumxnt accorded the three Luann Fairs of the Province, as compared with the smaller ants. _ lym I being hslp lo de, Ham lulu at I." ma “That from irt trt' cum: Ir r,1 rivti by [m [In .1 it ili0, with ct "In 1"03 the Lv:islature Torvnto (Le right to mmir lainmrnl or atmr.svmtmt In risitircr, iis vxhilrition lo In mum, rhnvs or nllwr all Th1- luln 'othrr ottractiors 1le unlimited lic: new as luimmnt. irom bursc luring midway lakvs. "TY' Lvxislahurv appeals to have been "ivunsisiient ie, 1,Us tarticular. that lhry 1791:!“in Bock-hos fol providing ruler-Id “thy lhe na- Howl wort uhlmrsh not”: among local Ln‘mvrs attel horsn nu-n, aw the must popular Inn“ of run-rminmvnl for 1hr” whom, and stamp uith Hu- sral at tlusir Inislalch approval popular {nuns at nulm‘lmmwnt and umusmnvnt at thrsw city rxhihi» popular mnust-m tions, ', ihetv was a diuvrgrutr" of opi as 1-0 ibe propriety of hor.w " at Fairs, trat tlw tiovvrrmtvtil sh appoint a t'ouuttissjon lo invosli th" whuls' Silhjil", and the (‘OILiil not only in oniario. but in the ghhurlng Slants cf tl:e PM”: well. ...‘ " ll. an Wilsu port mndr Naw.the (mum: hurt": urn-l- uni and lam-manual mteteU" was eemttred by tht Imago: a; thte. an: at m 'tuiat " 1”!“ District Fairs h.d had an vntruit advammv, prllirg prams ranx'ng from 3380 lo 1890, while tnwxnhip “in waived only from $32to $210 _ w all were on tho same basis. The sun: were tiret' before, and thorc‘wu no ourournrmmt lo mule. lim In ”nun-l anl improve thrir aurlmlhoml lmlunx. P:vviously Hunk to all district! hm but: [he rn'me, nnw Why were rrxnlalul by the nerds. In Come cu" before Fairs tari".arn run chietty by hotel men and menlunll to at more undue". fr M Thr The Sn] minlI-mlnnl for I’M _ ll. Comm, who rrcvnlly w M was tuicre:dvU lay Mr J. I ileum. unbracl'rf in his annual in a “mum of the (hid c? " ', ll m Iv-n-iring l'usudvut IN:- roi) In thes" _ ill“. but there as to home T; Ll oilsexed (autumn of th, Ayn! lmlzlin", sreed toatests, unnnly u-rmrtl horst races at will, ro doubt. he again trot. 1 fur discussion at this meet MAI 1hr Prvsiihui. ‘11 lu lumnsiall-ut U, urhr It in Li Ir the vnsuinur lo I't-mxnrilo llr tfair Sm et inirmln M's pl i (How's LII ("law "tyard suggrslml that i a diuvrgrutr" of up propriety of hor.w r trat tlw tiovvrrmtvtil Fi l t'outtttissiop lo invosl Racin: I'eualir.cd mnl Ter m M '[s'll‘Dll In the glam ' thrtw 1Gliibitionti, re was no nstric racing. rsislature granted L to prmidv run-i» mun-n1 In masons the Imgislaturc we mmlizing rc- trutun- n! a Fair, my soti:lyr or “2'le llal shall lu' silowt Wipml trut you r In invvslixalt' the com'rit ions hr I burr iovvrn:rp:t nu. aiit H is st rim ionu. Tunmlu in (his “It " as, Mr rvsigncd I. Locklo acl Inns pits J (‘llll'r- io 1lw al It" changes opinion racing should If you are you etaftrtot do tsetter/ii, _ . ' copy of tho . , It would be well to obtain a copy early as i large number have already been disposed of. m-lun'anl- Acttj: Tht. Societies Act" and thc ral Sucirticy Act 't When ordering by mail please enclose " cards J extra to cover Postage. ,'Ilh- "mun s syslnlu u! an Jul n litre y mm (nth; an by mvl' 35" 1 59 by less than $50 mph. 1 have their grant iutavcscd 1 who “(11; In 1),! m‘u'r :30" hy uur Him null, h" by , 1wavlt. 9nd 5': by IONS "mu tl l'ilt'll, and Wi ky less Hum H-Hmll." In llmlim: “11h thr. advatrostirail" during the yor, Mr. owh, sialel that 13?: Fairs had hom supplied with judgm and only sh complaints III“! bu'n rerivcd, and [cuvr gmms of than"? had Inc.) In“ than for many :vl‘u'nuus ymrs. ' N'varly rum " II!'.Ill\ o't' in HUMM- anu- this ylar. Tlu' two 'htldrrn Hehrew Mun-hm "l Qurln'c. were buf store WAS closlrnu luss. Ton-go c-toe, 'pt Mad. Ind Toronto Unlnuny. . Pettretr BM WW0. Miss A. it. Bean, Miss E L Bean, new: Grain-u Toronto Con-aru- my of um. TEACIERS " “m- PVT. "an! w.._-v........ "NW-W 7 -" v _,. ,,__ "lt/pf, 3:: Jt4',7rh'k'll'iiil'. EM" “Hana “iii. though - Enact. ,2LY'" 'd Anml malnl n nit-"h Ind trittlir,t, In" mildly uremia our fat,',',',",',.) who . other In luv-"Wm In tg,1"gtl,rg, t no mnmunlrw Llan- It I'% cor-Mom u. an Puma n... 0.. q mm mm luv Inn: I. mums. A {av-dunno” Inn-"Md weekly. Iran-4 er. ettrnttort of In] mun-o rum 0mm. " a "A18'fll,h'lk'= " .0 d " “LP-””33"! wagon-«mm PIANO, ORGAN AND 7 THEORY “pm pupa“ tor “summon a 'titiiiirik"7iiiiiiitim, by Mun Yiocivtics W.ll In Waterloo ii',hroniole-TelegraIttt, k t'rt'r , " contalntra . Hundred ham History . - A ofthe Progressive Gaunty of Waterloo and cannot but interest you. _ 're hurhcd lo closlrn_\ml, w $emiMhsnteoniall $oawjrniri'/'i1il""'i" lht 1 fr 0le nu“ l I 3h 11:: icul ’l lurl l Price Forty Cents I.” ll Mu (we Can Save .:. ' - l 4.0%}. . 0:00 ( 4.0 Fool and...» WW hmozwoot'o -, g Sanderson's Bakery to”. new». one; iMd-O ' ." 9 oo #3.. f 4..H.o. f it. 4°” o. O ottot60.+9t m " Inn: at Wnorloo Fancy Buns. Bread R, Ila Ind Pane) Paths. "" IJINIII. PW! Buy one of our stoves. Oar assortment in both Parlor and Coo', Stoves for ember coal or wood le composed of the leteet design- and everyone is guaranteed to give perfect "tttitiott. When in want ot any give as a call. We keep a large nook of Meet Caner! end "ttsage Sinners which we sell at very low-prices. The Leading mum“ has tsarees, of applying la n In automot- wlui the Moon Ind but of no». Bll the rer "and; . In “no “no of nests, '0 in" Boot. Pork, Von], Lamb, hur- thtred Hum Ind Bun (our own curing); 0pc. aged, than and. In TG "no of hobo-Dido In- ugu, Incl. u Bologna, Whom. Pork has” Bud hm, Lime “my. 3nd hummer Sana-co. am an a mu no in -ttteed Oran-0' pro-pay "ttver" In til In". to an. than an. . of the CONRAD BROS. You Money nan Insunn'cn counm INCORPORATED [81363. total use“ am December “26.80817. WATEBLUD MUTUAL l " NVESTIGAT $03 dud. Mile. - Interim (n _ BY - '" ”VII. COHNISaI-w SHOWED Ol'Flt m t - Man. MI "Inna. "Mt m Innis In... J. t m. M. . . - m. Mill. a C. A. Born. mam Acne. BOARD OF DIRECTUIL‘S (In .mn-n. M" WW. Dr. J. I. We». " Imam. mb,, “may" , . f. . “mm. I'D-In CW. .5. 0mm. In. um I... an... THE Dominion Life TO BE .1“! THROUGHOUT 'm on. Phone!- tit " u IPANY an:

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