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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Feb 1907, p. 1

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â€" _ THE CHRONICLE= ; __ _ Of Every Description. wy~ The whote store from thi froit to ths bas« is crowded t> ovarwhelming with those wantable thiags for birth ia 5 pnresoats a1d wodding presonts. All Kinds of hymn books, praye® books, Bibles, Catnolis prayer book: (Eoglish and Garman), Rosacries, Crucifixes, Siparate school Books, etc. Qv\w%wse\ww“ws&wa Special Eight Day Sale Beginning March 2nd. ‘Endingzg March 9th. > VOL &1 â€"=~N» 9 §Cut:ing and Siashing out }every Dolâ€" lar‘s worth in this Department in 10 s_ days, . Thisâ€" week is the. E eventh agniversa store in Berlin and we sre commemoratic g â€"â€" For clewen years we have sorved cur patrons faithfully and well and it i our fnl"pu-e to better our service it possible each succeeding year. f there are any who haye never been in thi stcre let theimme. me now and see how different it is from many other stoges. If there are any who turned a way from this store {or any rearon lâ€"t them some back ayd see hew easy m is to Fight a wrong. . We havs endeâ€"vored to make Oar store inviting and we trust that you will come and sâ€"e and get your share of the +p cial 8 Day Anniver: m Bu-,u-uu in Ane aud course Shoes and slippers, Hats, Caps, Clothing Furnishings. Space will not permit to quete a list of prices but if you come to this our Eleventh Anniversary Sale you will save money on ev.ry purchase.. . C.me and bring your friends. Remember the dates, Sa urday, Maich 2nd to Sattrday, March 9th. EM MMMMMMARARARSRCRRRRRORA 14241 0 Books, Stationery & School Supplies DHOROODOGm.NKeOQOD 0Q HNOONAOCOOTONNAOO OROOOOO All Kinds of OFFICER SUNDRIE3, INK3, MUCILAGE, PaSTE, PENCILS, ETC Give us a call azd convince yourself. J. DOERSAM. Wmmwmmmw“mw The great Central Grocery Storc, next to | Store, Berlin. ~esâ€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"S#PROTAL 1N 8SUG ARY Boehmerâ€"Erb Co. Ltd. $ Creat Anniversary Sale Creat MMAMAMMAAMMAMMAAIAIAAAIATR MAAMMAATMAILMMARALNLAL j Fancy China, Dinner and Tableware, Cut Glass, Glassware, iCutlery, Tin and Graniteware, etc., Basement. â€" Mm\mns\mwmmmmw aded Advertisers of Facts mmm“mwmmwwmmwwv M Boehmerâ€"Erb Go. Ltd. $ 100 Ib, bags or bartel« Great value in prunce HALLMAN‘S WEDNESDAY A. WESELCOCH & CO., TAIGjJ 1j THE aAnWaAY$ BUSYqSTORLE. Try J. Doersam for all kindeZof _‘ A, 8. HALLMAN;, Grocer, atch For The Clearing A. D. Learoyd, Sale Promoter of Seott Street on King St Sale Started NEXT fQ SOVEREIGN BANK, BERLIN of ‘»lJl:rth')' of the obening of our iticy the event by hotding a to Cressman‘s Dry Goods Advertisers of Facts T § _ * Saleg lnstilute‘zeetlngs.â€"-’l‘herc was _ a large attend&nce at the _ supplémenâ€" tary mieting of the South Waterloo Farmers‘ Ipftitute held â€" here on Mordry, Feb. 18th. At the evesing sossion the hall was unable to _ acâ€" commodate those who ‘dcsired 10 atâ€" tend. An address of welcome was given by Reeve Peine and â€"respouded to by Hey. C. Owen. _ Addresses of much interest to the farming _ comâ€" munity were also delivered by NM:. Wim. Slater, Galt, and Mr. °K. Meâ€" Millan of Seaforth, while Miss M.idâ€" den of Guelpb, gave an , iustructive talk on "goncoral life cn tte farm," which was of particulat | interest to the ladics |'n-su|1. The _ Hambur; orchcstga were present and emivened the evening by their selestions. Deith of Miss Smith.â€"The ceath of Miss Lily Smith, youngest ‘d«ugzhter of Mr. Thos. R. Smith sccurted at her h; me in Wilmot on Vhursday morninz after an aliness > of some weeks. Her death will 5e inourne.d by a wide circle of friends â€" ind acâ€" qvaintances among whom she ; _ waus highly estcemed. The fan>al W as seld on Satdrday" from the â€" fomily Leid on Saturday" from the fomily residence to St. Jameg cometery. Death of . ll.mdcrlci{‘â€"’l‘he death cecurred on Wedncsday, Fib. 20th, of a pioreer of Wilmot township _ anud the first white male child toin‘ in the township in the person cof Joha Honderick, at the age of 81 yeass, 1 month and 29 days. Deceased was the eldest son of the late Chustian Mencrick, and was a highly respectâ€" ced citizen.« He vas born on _ the homestcad at Wilmot Centre where ho has sisce resided.â€" Me is survived by a widow and seven chifdren. ~ Claim by Former _ Principal.â€" Mr. Summers, formerly principal cf the school here, it is understcod intends #DOO® O$000°00000 #09°0+¢ #0+°06 00000000000 tBdede intering an action against the schcol Board to recover an additional $20 to make up the $80 he paid his subâ€" stitute. His\ year ended: Nov. ©30th and he was reâ€"cngaged for amother year at $800, but was permitted to leave after cnzaging a substitute for the month of December. The School Board raid him $60due him for fifâ€" year at A2 Teave after the month Board paid teén days {Our Busy Neighbors Mr. J. F. HRau attended tae funcral of his uncle Andrew Rau, at .Buflalo. Deceased was » former resident of this tow1.. Mrs. 0. Mermner, Mrs. W. _ Bishop, Mrs. Hy. Bredrecht, and Dr.. 4. Brodrecht attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Grierson at Waterico on Momiday a week. © Miss Simpson of Betlin is _ the guestsof Mirs. (Rev.) Gruhn. Mr, E. H. Laschinger: of Ottawa was a visitor here last week. Mr. Horrace Feick _ of Woodstoc spent a week under the parental roof. â€" ! 10 COUBLY @1ld LATBLIICE] . $2040 #04060+0608 ©O0%® #B0°04 «ndooo“onoo’ Nr. Wilitid Brodrecht has been ap pointed foreman in the New Ham burg Mig. Co‘s works. A New Factory.â€"A number of the citizens of this thriving village have undertaken the establishnicnt of | a Hardwood Office and Store Furnishâ€" ing Co. Among the. sharcholders are a number cof practical mechani¢es, as Mis. Chas. Peine is visiting ore tives and friends in New Hamburg a number of well as some business men the stock sut ounly binding obtained frou ing Co. Among theâ€" Shateno/0U!s a*t a number cof practical mechani¢s, as well as some of the most â€" cnergetic business men. It is understood that the stock subscribed, some $12,000, is ouly binding if a loan of $7,500 is obtaincd from the village The Delion property was | sold _ by public auction to Mr. Nic, Hoficr, Jr., of Floradale, for $1850. Saturday _ evening _ a Woolwich Saturday _ evening a _ Woolwich fatmer was attacked in the â€" Zilliax hotel shed by several young men also from the country and roughly handâ€" led. It is probably that the injured man will have his assailants up beâ€" fore the magistrate. Miss Henderson of Howick, _ Scotâ€" land, is visiting at the home _ of Mrs. Dan Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. A. Runstetter are visiting Buffalo fictends for several wooks. Excavation has commenced on . a ‘3:: fiftperoom hotel at â€" Lenigan tion, which wiall be erected â€". At News~ Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. . "€ WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28. 1907 CRESSMAN, SASK NEW ‘HAMBURG inzaging a substilute JOF of December. The School him $60 due him for . fifâ€" trachinz in December. . Rau attended the funeral > Andrew Rau, at .Buflalo. as » former residont of Elmira it. The weather has atly since the. 4th inst. s fast disappearing anl or so will permit work _ commence. _ Hauling king off as the Elevaâ€" N ther the Messrs. A. Bowingn ard Eichn Bros are purchasing a. large _ upâ€"toâ€"dat thrashinz outfit ~from the Waterlo, Mig. Co. quietly, The co?culors elected _ for this year are Srra Devitt, Archic McQuarrie, Murray Philley and Jack Mr. Samuel Btutacher of Berlin was a recent busimess visitor h>re. Cranc Mr. Lional 8. Bear of + Fort Wilâ€" liam, in the employ of the C. P. R. freight department â€" paid a _ visit to Mr. J. A. glant last week and reports busines$ Â¥ery active. The town is growing very rapidly and is destingd to be a great railway cenâ€" tre and an immense shipping _ port. They have at present a trolley line connecting Port Arthur with Fort William, apd the sanitary conditions are to be improved during the comâ€" ing season so as to _ guard against discase as much as pcssible. Ts Miss Edni Mitchell has gone to Guelph hespital to take a course of training as a nurse., Mr. Nussel Bracey has secured _ a position with the W. G. & R. Shirt Factory, Berlin, in the irening deâ€" partment, and speaks very highly cf ive order an‘t system of conductâ€" irz busincss in that imminse estabâ€" lishment. Mr. Eradley and a few others vigit e1 friends in Efmira last Sabbth. The cold during the sle‘ghing is very good â€" Last Sabbath was in‘s.jonary day at th> Methodist cherch. _ Rev. 8. M. Roadhouse preached a _ very fine and pointed discourse from Jotn _ 20 amd 2!st, "As my | Father hath sent roe, so sersl I you." _ Me emâ€" rhasized the spirit that â€" prompted thrist to come into this world which must that presc mira son ( The death of Miss Lily Smith, daughter ocf Mrs. T. Smith, _ took place en Thursday morning, Feb. 21 Deceased had been in poor health for soine time and het demise was noi unexpected. The remains . were laid to rest in St. Jamcs cemetery, on Saturday aftermoon, Feb. 231d. Finc weathgr and excellent sleighing broug‘t out a gocd crowd to the n?g& ing of the M. L. L.C. Lm‘h"fmy evxening. It is gratifyâ€" ing note that although this _ soâ€" ciety can count half _ a dicade . of vears since its â€" organizat on still dissolution MLLLA*. 1 indication of its worth. It is reported That the final game in the "Rural Hockey League" will come o1 this week. Th> championâ€" stkip now lies between Pine Hill <and Zurbrigg‘s Corner. This will be one of the interestinz cames of the seaâ€" BON Mr. Andrew Miller will dispose _ of his farm stock and implements _ by public auction on Mar. 12th. He has rented his farm to Mr. Geo. Miller, ol‘the village. Mr. Aaron Shantz‘s ta‘e comes off on Mar. 4th. Mr. H. L. Clare of Preston, was a business visitor here last Saturday. Mr.Chas. Doll of â€" Berlin visited here on Saturday last. Mr. Alloway, manager ‘of the local branch of the Sovereign Bank has been. transferred to Hou*. . to which place he moved last /ednesâ€" day. Mr. Norman Gravel of a visitor here on Sunday Mr. H. L. Clare of Pr business visitor khere las{ Mr. Elmes successor to Mt. Alloâ€" way as manager of the bank . here assumed his dutics last Saturday. The Farmers‘ Institute jnecting held here last Friday . evening < was a grand suceess. Tho attendance was good and the â€" programme rendercd first class. Mr. Betchen moved from his Tarm to town last week.. He disposed _ of his property "to his sonâ€"inâ€"law, , Mr. Edwin Haiman. s + W Mr. Sam Snyder, we ate sorty to oe, so sersl I you." _ Meâ€" emâ€" ed the spirit that â€" prompted to come dnto this world which Oe spirit of the missionary, and bycome followers of Christ we have the same spirit, namely, af sif @Zenial. _ Among _ those it were Mr. I aschinger of _ El and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lctâ€" [ West Montrose. g+ Norman Gravel of Berlin was WINTERBOURNE n NEW DUNDEE has been very intense last few days, registering fiftcen telow zcro. _ The HAYSVILLE ipparent The lo: iden aty of still its the __Miss Mina Marshall ol Shcffieldâ€" is the guest of her friend Miss ~Mamic Tait. A number of the young people : of this community spent a very pleasâ€" ant time at the home of Mr. Saur Thoman Friday evening. Mrs. William Irving of Galt (nee Miss Meintyre) spent, several _ days with friends in this berg. Mr. and Mrs. James â€" Hendergon spent Wednesday in Berlin at the bedside of the former‘s sister, Mrs, Moflat, who is very ill. A party of friends _ and relatives q;ent Thursday at the home of _ Mr. Oliver Bennett, Gourock. Among the pgrty were Mrs. Joseph Sauder, Mrs. David Clemens, Galt, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Limerick, Mr. â€" and Mrs. James Goudy, Kossuth. A correction of last week‘s issue shoukd be Mr. Daniel Shantz, of Hespeler, _ instead of Mr. Nathanicl Shantz, who bought the farm of Mr. Henry Hilborn. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hunsberger of Alberta visited Mr. Sam _ Thoman‘s last Wednesday. Miss Mary Martin of Elmira . is the guest cf her sister, Mrs. Israel Mr. William Knarr has moved into his new residence, which he bought some time ago. Mr. Schacler‘s sale was _ a _ very successful one. . Miss Conrad of Trout Creck, Musâ€" koka, who his been visitinz friends and relatives for the past two woeks teturned to her heme cn Saturday. . Mr. George Alles who had an atâ€" tack of pneumonia bas almost recovâ€" ered Mr. Henry Schnarr was laid up for several weeks with .pleurisy. We wish Henry success in the future. *Mr. Gcorge Schnarr left last Tuesâ€" day for Buffalo where he will spend several days. On Wedsesday dast Mr. Honry schâ€" midt too‘% possession of his farm which be bought from Mr. Knarr.. A party of young people surprised Mr. Jcha Richardson‘s last Monday evening and a most enjoyable dance was held. A number from here attended the debate in Poole last Thursday night. Mr. Jas. Coote, general merchant, has decided to close downâ€"his busiâ€" ness and is offering his stock at a great reduetion for the next month. Mr. Claude ard Miss Dell Fowler cf Hawkesvile spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J..H. Campbell. Miss Addic Coote is visiting friends in Guelp h and Galt. Miss Maggie Mundecll is visiting . in Mrs. Kestle of British Columbia is a guest this week at the _ home . of Mr. and Mrs. Burnard. a Miss Annic Utiley, Berlin, . called on friends here "this week. Miss Beulah Shepherd is | spending this week at Guelph, the guest of Miss Jcanra McAllister s Mr. Alf Soyder, Berlin, spont Sunâ€" day under the parental roof. Mr. Bingeman attended the _ horse show in_Toronto last week. Mr. Denald Bem‘s is spending a week on business in Penetang. Messrs. Joe and Will Westwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westwcod, and Miss Schwalin all of St. Jacâ€" obs, were gucsts at Mr. and~ Mrs. Alex. Schafer‘s/on Sunday. On Thursday evening a | slcighload of young pcople journeyed to Berlin to the home of Mr and Mrs. Addison Shantz, and very pleasantly surprised them, The evening was spent _ in games and social chat and all presâ€" ent spent an enjoyable time. After a hearty lunch was*partaken of, the party broke up in the wee sinall houts of the morning. Miss 1 Mitchell Died.â€"On Saturday, _ Feb. 23rd, (George, the youngest child of _ Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Thomas, aged about a yeat and a half. The funcral was hcld cn Tuesiay motning from . the residence to. Snyder‘s church. Anemia, Chiorosis. general and Nervous debilitg. Torpid Liver loss of appetite, Brain ind{}emon Melancholy. Neuralgia, Vertigo, Headache & etc, The most of the best for the least at Blaud‘s Iron Tonic Fills â€" FORâ€" A.C. HAEKNEL‘8, The Druggist Waterloo, + Ont.,. â€" Canad Loollner‘a.Remediés on Sale here. Shorthorns For Sale Successor to 100 for 35¢ BLOOMINGDALE ERBSVILLE LINMNERICK. CROSSHILL Roos Pb-mw‘ Bryder‘s Drug Store fow Novw that spring and House Cleaning are so near at remind you of our Carpet ard Rug Dwtfltho& have gatheed togethâ€"r tbe ‘finest assortment of Carpets, Cw Lino‘eums, aud Wail Papers éver shown by us In umdwh% our new »tore for the spring trade, we have purchased a larger these goods than we would need for the present premises. | Dress Trimmings, Ete. Steel and Gold Buckles for Dress Trimmings King Street East, Berlin. Untrimme] Hi ts at 25¢, 50¢, 75¢ and $1.00. _ Trimmed Hats $3.50, now $1.75. Trimmed Hats $7.00, now ‘i j 3.00, _" 1.50. | *# 12.00, " Ladies‘ and Miss s Caps, Infants‘ Headwear, Colored Sitk Velvets Culored Velveteens, an endless variety. f Black Silk Velvet and Velveteen. . Black Silk Meckiin orâ€"Net and Veiling. 3 Colored Silk Mechlin, a very large assortment, sold by the bulkâ€"at: Black and Colored Satins and Colored Silks of all descriptions. â€" Applique Dress Trimmings, ‘Allover Laces, Allover Chiffon, P Plaids, Dresden, Plain Silk a# Velvet Ribbons, wide and natrow. _ I have a surplus stock of above Ribbons which will be sold at any pti Ostrich Feathers, Osprays, Mounts, Wings, Breasts, Quills, Flowers, é Fancy Collars, Cuffs and Collars in Sets, Collar Frames 2 for 5¢. _ Belts, Hose Supporters, Farfcy Back Combs and Hair Ping. a Embroidery Silk, Etc. * . ® _ Come and see for yourself, as my steck is too large to enumerate, Chiffon and Ruchings. 3 Black Silk Lagés, an immense stock from 5¢ up. White, Black and Cream Silk Insertions: & Val. Lace and Insertions, White, Black and Colored Silk Braidg Mrs. C. Steuernagel, We have almost everything that‘s wanted to ease a woâ€" man‘s work and: make life worth living for,. A If you have hunted fort somcething and couldn‘t find itâ€" something that‘s badly wanted in your kitchenâ€"call here a&; you won‘t be disappointed, . ‘l Weichel‘s Weekly Store News they last Everything we sell we guarantee to be the best of its ki obtainable and we prove to you everyday that we sell c goods cheaper tlitan our competitors. .. 3"&’ 100 white E namelled dippers.hold . one _ quart. Strong and well made. Always sells for 25¢, while cheap at tnai. A February snap All Millinery"Triimmed and Untrimmed at Your Own P Wilton Carpt 81 00, 1.35, 1 50, 1.75 to 2 0N a yard. Brussels Carpet 90c, 1 0‘, 1 10, 1.25 to 1.50 a yard. ‘Tapertry Carpet, 35 , 45¢, 50¢, 6c, The to 90¢ a yard. Wo 1 Carpet, 65¢, 75¢, 85¢, BUr, 1.00 to 1.10. Wiiton kuge, $25.0°, 30.00 to $32.00, Axmin ster Ruge, $11.00. 18 00, 19.00; 22.00, 27,00, 80.00 to 88.(6. Velvet Rugâ€", $10.00, 13 00, 15 00, 16 60, 19.00 to 26 00. PDrussels Ruge, $6 00, 7.00, 8.50, 10.00, 11.50, 14 00, 16 50 to 18 50. We hive sizes to fit every room you may wish to furvish in all q Gocds Mitsh Be Cleared Out Regardless of New stock came toâ€" i&y. 6x9 _ inch Drip Pans at 8: Rx12 > ** © 10 Household Specialty _ Department.. B M. Weichel & Rx17 Ux14 019 10x153 Hx18 18x10 CLEARING SALE Has become a very popular place. CARPETS and R 50¢ 15¢ SMYTH BROS. For Spring â€" 75 white +namelle d dish ° pans. Always sold uP 19 Braad Pans: for 5,10 and 150 _ each. 15¢. 20> 15e 2o Bc RIBBONS 753 and Our 150 white enamelled sauce rm.l a quart. . The regular price is 20¢. make it interesting for kebruary Cash and One King §t. Waterloo. it 274 o Ars 10¢ 100 white en lled wash bas 10 inchesdiatae A r.guiar 200 1 cle, w hile they 24. doubi roasters size. i‘& price 500 | m se roasters, um size. ‘ ary price 850 At t e« they in sto: days,

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