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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Feb 1907, p. 12

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ms Deaths | From _ Tubun _ Numbered 175 During N of danuary. cold Lor mb the "srm , cure Seated .( Wenties are lit(ie 1 y anr Dr. Sh glaills . mail K om eolds fre /~Thé samples early â€" (Col Whoo; Typh Buber death dows: and cas mailpc s(‘.”.(‘h" Diphth« Meastes repo The n 16 tul mote 1 has b: €mtir portted month In frotm ports §22, the vi t Bla outraim frained h D put by it of sta: the fa bonds and tim was enil banus of the elect tent of becn «Ua the Gove late Hon distri which adt Galt; Feb. 25.â€" Mr. J. S a rd, delivered a lectur ‘ t on "National transp tions viewed from an ind iBandpoint." ®His positicn p Iy was to show that heays < «dn watered stock ]ncwulm‘ t A1g adequate sums in increas Felling stock. e claimed th Grand _ Trunk _ Pacitic was Abrough tho Governoont puai Â¥he interest affccting the ont position from | the | Atlantii Pacific, a margin of not less 2%per cont. over a commerci wpon an _ ordinary hbusine$s Hion, with a reasonable strai bonus. This saving woold en: Grand Trunk Pacife to pay d the an in the be $11 th thi 1i QONTAHIY‘S o£EATH aATE t 00 stop {] FERS TO MR. BLAIR_ id fift O 6 CLARK TALKS OUT RAILWAYS own Brantford Exâ€" ter Deals With Natâ€" ional Schemes. Ad D FROM PAGE 8‘ onIn vett art AM in March calves, s commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the~ following valuable property, viz. HORSES.â€"Dark bay horse, 8 years old, light bay horse, good driver i years old, aged inare. CAFTLE. ETC.â€"4 cows. one fresh. al 19 There will be sold by public aue tiog on the farm of the undersign ed, one mile south of Berlin, on IMPLI MONDAY, MARCH 11TH, 1907, t1 Farm Stock and Implements CANADIAN EAILWAYS D& Mues of Readked in use Throughout the Deminâ€" al 1 Auction Sale â€"~â€"OFB _ 1b Kil ti ated NT 101. ling n Ke about H sixter ift â€" and U th spIIQ Ply 168 49 fresh calyi PT but $1, extra bottles, if needed, 50 onts. We do mot want anyoneâ€"s monâ€" y unless Hyomei gives relief and ure, and we absolutely agree that money.â€"will be refunded unless the reâ€" nedy gives satisfaction. All drugcists should be able to supâ€" «y you with Hyomei or we will send «L by mail on receipt of price, _ and â€"véryâ€"package is sold with the disâ€" !inct understanding that it costs noâ€" ‘hing unless it cures. Write us toâ€"day {or a symptom blank, which we will wnd you. free, together with treatise m (Catarrh and how to cure it. When vou fill in and return to us the sympâ€" ‘om blank, wpur consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you a letter of idvice without charge. . The R. T. Booth Company, Buflato, N. Y. No Need of it When Hyomei Is Used to Cure Catarrh. Harmful StomachBosing W M â€" The undersigned has received _ inâ€" structions from William Berner _ to sell by public auction on the premiâ€" scs,lot 94, Upper Block, ‘Township of Waterloo, 1 mile south of Mos boro‘ 6 miles west of Guelph, 4 miles north of Hespeler, and 4} milâ€" es east of Breslau. mare nsing be in foal. old, goud . by Guelh comimencing at the following: i id n o A] h L WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1907 colts ris THOROCG o® Farm Stock and Implements. JA MI (1 ext T. 14 is in that HMyomei b IRESHIN B RNITURI! co in Mav, cow He hss ial il A DJ exira bo e do not iss Hyo i tritate t J1 old * Ireatment is used in caâ€" oubles, there is nd stomach r the meodicine is takefr im air you breathe, and _ goes ie spot where the calarrhal present, healing the infiamâ€" itated _ mucous membrane, discase germs and enterin with the oxygen, driving ag germs from the system. plete Hyomei outfit costs tra bottles, if peeded. 50 h 1 risi n t t1 h MeDC nd scientists agree t in keeping with | mei is recommended cians throughout _ arrhal sections. watlment is used in es, there is no stom 11 HBHRED 1 lt at foot imp.) red NTS ATTLE Horn if d nearly _ new, , Elmira side ost & Wood 1 vator, _ Masse ticle buncher, disc ows, â€" land r ta itfl ndition Ma Mas Auctioncer J in will y oUTFITâ€"13 HP {manufactured _ by Waterioo _ Cham \beltin )er . h1 $ years ALD PVC 3G o‘clock, sharp, L upposed to be fin + 18 months old‘ 8 months old, due to _ farrow lue to farrow â€" in nths old. _ New _ Americ irtar â€" King 04 els _ Manchuri $10 n1 air rly itniture, cash start prompt tising 2 years, old. CATTLE.â€"Red , got by Scotâ€" [ heifer i 14 s the Banker"; ‘ars, â€" by Money ues Cow with calf pril, 3 _ cows, in June, . cow all well ons and Wagâ€" . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.â€"Cupâ€" is nearly NCW, eoard, sideboard wood box sink, coOKâ€" ck combined,2 stove. +> les (2000 lbs. . y _ threeâ€"seated ) TERMS.â€"Pigs and hens cash bugey Pole,| ‘All sums of $1D and under, â€" cash; ithaim falâ€"imvnr That smtnn} 18° conedhe! susdie Masseyâ€"Harris plow, new plow, â€" new, doublet rees ins, 2 sets of â€" new 3 sets harness, and â€"Harris mowâ€" Marris 15â€"hoe ew, Elmira â€"side delivery od hay rake, Masseyâ€"Harris Preston _ pea dise â€" harrow ud roHer, turâ€" are irl ete s Mr. Th Sale cupboard washstand nd etr d oller, t and w rly t., cle 11 near Cham body Mapl ne w der, that this cow be fin â€" old‘ bred ‘g2t | Termsâ€"flay, grain and all sums tul $10 and und@®®â€"cash, _ overt" that amount 12 mm' credit _ OM _ apâ€" | proved joint or 4 per cont. ‘0’ for cash. 3 s |JOS. MICKUS, _JACOB ELLERT, § LOUIS FJ DIETRICH. Clerk. grain shovel, chaff basket and fork, wagon jack, gravel planks, clipper, feed trough, step ladder _ 25 _ feet long, set of bridles, grain cradle, iton kettle, logging chains, forks, sho cls, stave, 2 meat grinders, spinning wheel, wardâ€"robe, cheese press. Also a quantity of seed oats, _ Canadian King seed oats, â€" Thousand _ Dollar barley, turnips and hay. new Ayt plow, scuiller, stone boat, fimning mill; straw cutter, hay tack, wood rack, lumber for hay rack, new pig rack, fly nets, single fAy net, horse robe, sheep robe, 5 dusâ€" ters, honey _ extractor, bee h ves, horse collars, 2 Scotch collars, set double harness, . setplow _ harness, 2 sets buggy harness (one ncatly new), turnip pulper, bag truck, scale capacity 1000 lbs., stone hammer, post auger, trowbar, cro§scut saw 6 foot, National cream separator, ditâ€" ching tools, whiffletrees, 1400 bricks, No. 22 rifle, double barrelled shot gun, traps, neck yokes, hay _ knife, comment sharp, 11 erty, viz There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the undersigned, _ 4 mile west of Josephsburg, or 34 miles northwest of St. Agatha, on TERMS.â€"Pigs and hens cash All sums of $10 and under, _ cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit upon approved security, or 4 _ per tentâ€"per annum off for eash. A. FRASER, AARON SHANTZ Implements.â€"Frost & Wood binder, reaper, Frost & Wood mower, Maxâ€" well hay loader, Maxwell side detivâ€" ery, rake, sulky rake, hay _ tedder, drill, cultivator, dise harrow, . corn qultivator, 2 scufflers, weeder, 2 sets iron harrows, lever harrow, pea harâ€" vester, 2 No. 21 plows, 2 hill plows sdd plow, Oxford 2â€"furrow â€" plow, 2 3â€"furrow gang plows, land _ roller, beet lifter, Pitt‘s horsepower _ and rods, bevel jack, straw cutter, 2 fanâ€" hing mills, bag truck, platferm scales {(1000 lbs) turnip cutter, pulper, 3 wagrons, iron axle wagon, set wagon springs, cart, cutter, wheelbarrow, 2 bobsleighs, long _ sleigh, 3 sets team harness, 2 sets plow harness, set sinâ€" gle frarness, 2 hayracks, stock rack, milk wagon, â€" Whifflietrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, chains, scythes, hoes, and numerous other articles, CATTLE.â€"2 bulls 1 _ year cld, 6 registered Shorthorn cows in calf or with calf at side, 2 registered heifors 3 years old supposed to be in calf by Imp. Sire, 2 ,heifers supposed to be in calf by Imp. _ Sire, 2 registered spring calves, 2 grade cows in calf, 3 Iresh â€" heifers, 4 spring calves, 5 brecding sows in pig ot with litter at side. 10 Leicester Ewe lambs, some hens. â€" commencing at 10 o‘clock a.m! sharp, the followingâ€"valuable property, Wiz.: HORSES.â€"1 horse 15 years old,‘ mare 10 years old in fcal, 2 mares 1} and 8 years old, horse 5 years . old, colt ris ng _ 3 years old, 2 spring | colts by Pilot. , Farm Stock The undersigned has . instructed Alex. Fraser, Auctioneer, to sell by public auction on the premises Lot 17, Con. 1, Township Wimot, one mile east of laysville and Four milâ€" es south of Baden ca £ak Auction Sale Auctioneer or Firm Stock and Implements, MONDAY, MAR. 18TH atalogues sent upon apjlication Lunch at noon Auctioneer TUESDAY, MARCH & mfl' Auction Sale id lorse 6 years old, mare hort horn cow 4 years 1 cows supposed to be wsh by time of sale), ilf, 4 spring calves, 5 ofd, 2 sows supposed ) ewes supposed to be hickens, collie dog _ 5 hay rake, pea harâ€" cartiaze, . new top igh, cutter, land Tolâ€" Mainn _ Giant _ spring C and â€" secder, disk trow, Frost and Wood w prang plow, No. 21 of and Implements ne a‘clock _p. m., in; valuable _ propâ€" basket and fork, planks, clipper, ladder _ 25â€" feet grain cradle, itron ler, stone cutter, hay for hay ebs, . single Proprietot st and Wood new Misseyâ€" . pea harâ€" new top Proprietor ‘Also young orchard of choice fruitâ€" bearing trees. TERMS.â€"All sums of $10 and un der, cash: over that amount, 3 months‘ credit on approved joint notâ€" JOS. MICKUS, _ WM. FREEMAN, same time and place, the farm conâ€" sisting of 84 acres of land, in adâ€" dition to 34 acres of good pasture land, through which runs a spring creek. (ood brick house, bank barn and two neverâ€"failing wells on place. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Bugey, cutter, oneâ€"horse wagon, oncâ€"horse carriage, oneâ€"horse plow, hayrake, oneâ€"hotse 2 section harrow, cultivator, _ turnip pulper, cutting box, fanning mill, 2 sets single harness, set heavy | barâ€" ness, wheelbarrow, set wagon springs, grind stone, iron kettle, 2 seythes, 3 pitch forks, manure fork, sugar beet fork, hayâ€"rake, robe, 2 horse â€" blanâ€" kets, cookingâ€"stove, writing _ desk and many other articles. commencing at 2 o‘clock p.m. the following valuable property, viz.:â€" LIVESTOCK, ETC.â€"Horse fresh cows, and~28 chickens. There will be sold by tion on the farm of the Preuss, 1 mile. south of Ott‘s brickyard. on Tâ€"2t TERMS.â€"Hogs, grain, chickens, fat cattle and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over _ that amount 9 months‘ credit on approved joint notâ€" es or 5 per cent per annum off _ for cash payments of credit amounts. JOS. MICKUS, URIAS WEBER IMPLEMENTS, _ ETC. â€" Massey HMarris binder, Massey Harris: mower, Massey HMarris 3 horse cultivator, Massey Harris hayloader, nearly new, Massey â€" HMarris side _ delivery rake nearly new, Massey lHarris Blizzard Ensilage plower, Preston hay tedâ€" der, Noxon 10 hoe seed drill, sugar beet cultivator, Verity Imperial gang plow, 3 furrow gang plow, 2 single plows, straw â€" cutter, fanningmill, weeder, turnip pulper, dise harrow, grind stome, 2 wagons with beet box, two seated democrat, 2 bobâ€"sleighs, one nearly new, hay rack, hay and stock rack â€"combined, woodrack, hay fork, ropes, 2 sets heavy team | harâ€" ness, set single barness, plow harâ€" ness, . wheelbarrow, â€" forks, shovels hoes, beet knives, chains _ scythes, doutletrees, neckyokes, vice and drill combined, National cream separator, stoves, tubs, family scales and a lot of articles too numerous to mention. Also abaut 150 â€" bushels of "Shefâ€" feld" standard oats and about 350 bushels mixed grain. us REAL â€" ESTATE.â€"Also at â€" the HOGS, ETC.â€"7 hogs five months old, Berkshire sow in pig. HORSES,.â€"Well matched team â€" of rich dark bays, rising 5 and 6 years, got by Younlg McClay, beautiful genâ€" eral purpose‘team, pair of blacks 15 and 16 year®.o}d, the mare being in foal by _ the _ Percheron _ stailion, ‘‘Barbes,‘"" colt 2 _ years old got by Square Deal, colt 3 years cld, got by Billy Wilkes. . REGISTERED SHORTHORNS. â€" "Red Daisy" 49th, Vol. 20. bred by Enos Martin, St. acobs, Ont., yearâ€" ling heifer, Vol. 23, registered, "Arâ€" ry Fairy Lillian" Vol. 16, bred by A. C. Patterson Lucknow, Ont., with heifer call at foot, got by imported sire, "Oakshade Nellie" Vol. 21, with bull calf at side, yearling heifer, . elâ€" igible for registration, roan . bull 11 months old, eligible for registraâ€" tion. * commencing ‘t 1 o‘cleock p.m. sharp, the following valuable propéerty, viz.; About 50 Barred Plymouth _ and White Rock chickens. GRADE CATTLEâ€"2 cows, fresh im December, fresh cow, 2 cows due to calve in April, cow fresh at time of sale, 4 head ; fat cattle rising 2 years, 5 spring calves, 2 calves 3 months old. of Farm Stock and Implements SHEEP.â€"17 Shropshire sheep reg istered or eligible for registration. There will be soid by public autâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, (known as the old Shoemaker farm), 3 miles.east of Berlin, on . 7 Auction Sale Auctioneer 7â€"3%. Auctioneer, _ PAUL PREUSS Farm Stock and Implements SATURDA Y TUESDAY, MARCH, §th, 1907 MARCH <r% < bla s Executors public aucâ€" late August Berlin, near Proprietor 1907 JOS.MICKUS, _ WM. LOEBSACK TERMS.â€"All sums of $10 and un der, cash, over that _ amount 1¢ months‘ credit _ on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. off for cash pay ments of credit amounts. es, 2 strings of bells, log lifter, crossâ€"cut saw, / crow bar, 3 logging chains, two feed boxes, _ two iron neckyokes, doubletrees, cutting _ box, hay knife, alsoa quantity of tile if not previously sold. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Lumber _ wagon, (New Hambutg,make), iron axle wagâ€" on broad tires, wagon: ‘box â€" gravel box, bob sleigh, scraper, wood rack, two top buggies, cutter, single twoâ€" seated carriage,new. 14 foot hay rack, set dobble harness, 2 sets light single harness, set heavy single harness,three furrow gang plow, vice, 3 horse colâ€" lars, Buffalo robe (extra heavy), rug, oil cloth, 4 horse blankets, 2 sursinglâ€" LIVESTOCK.â€"Mare supposed _ to be in f oal, heavy team 6 and _ 9 years old, horse 16 years old,Jersey cow in call. » commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz. There will be sold by public apction on the premiSes of the undersigned at Conestogo, on & TERMS.â€"Hogs, chickens and _ all sums of $10 ‘and under, cash; over that amount 16 months‘ credit on apâ€" proved joint notes or‘ 5 per cent per aunum off for ¢ash payments of creâ€" dit amounts. Auctioneer 8â€"2t. JOS MICKUS, FRED. KUNKEL, IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"Top buggy, carriage, one horse plow, iron â€" harâ€" Yow, corn scuffier, hand scuffier with attachments, iron kettle 2 sets sinâ€" gle harness, crosscut saw, grind stone, seythe, wheelbarrow, forks, shovels, hoes, grain bags, tool chest, number of carpenter tools, 2 rabes, horse _ blanket, writing _ desk with bookcasd, sideboard, bedstead with bedding, table, 7 chairs, sink, washâ€" ing machine, churn, meat cutter and stufier, parlor â€" stove down _ draught drum. Auctioneer, tvo numerous to mention. Also at the same time and _ place the following articks belonging _ to George F. Shoemaker will be offered for sale. IMPLEMENTS. â€" _ Masseyâ€"Harris binder (noarly new), Deering binder, mower (nearly new), Masseyâ€"Harris cultivator, â€" Rowler scale capacity 1200 lbs., Imperiatl twoâ€"furrow plow, seed drill, gang : plow, plow No. 21, potato digger, 2 sets iron hartows, scuffier, wagon (nearly new), sleigh (nearly new), democrat, wagon box, road cart, hay rake, hay rack, graâ€" vel box straw cutter (nearly new), circle saw, new set heavy harness, set heavy barness (nearly new), carâ€" riage harness, 4 collars, . set buggy harness, fly net, work bench, _ vice, fence machine, turnip puiper Magnet cream separator (ncearly new), cider barrels, stoves, _ crowâ€"bar, _ chains, forks, shovels, neckyokes, whifletreâ€" es (new and old), and other articles too numerous â€" to mention. â€"4 sows with litter at side or in pig, 4 shoats 5 months old, boar 2 years old, about 35 chickens and | a nummber of . pure . bred Plymouth Rocks and Roosters. HORSES.â€"Black horse 4 years old, sorrel horse rising 1i years, ~ bay hare rising 11 years, Day colt rising 2 years. CATTLE.â€"3 cows with calf at foot, cow due to calve in March, cow due to calve in April, 2 heifers supposed to be in call, steer rising 2 years, steer rising 1 year, 2 calves rising 1. year, 3 calves rising 6 months old. commencing at â€" one â€" o‘clock. p.m sharp, the following valuable. + ~pFQâ€" perty, viz: a of Farm Stock and Implements ‘‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the. premises of the underâ€" signed, 2 miles north of Bresiau and 2 miles southeast of . Bloomingdale SATURDAY, MARCIH 23rd, 1907 9â€"2t. THOROUGHBRED HOGS, ETC Auction Sale WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1907, Auction Sale & OF M arm Stock and lnm J. G. HURST, Clerk of $10 and unâ€" amount 10 approved joint Proprietor Proprietor 8â€"2t Termsâ€"Fat cow$; pigs, poultry and all sums of $10 nkundel’ cash;, over that amount 12 mdhths ~ eredit on approved joint notes, or 4 per cent. off for cash payments _ of ~ credit amounts. . ~ JOS. MICKUS, FRED STAGEA, Implements, etc.â€" Noxon â€" binder, (nearly new), M(;Cormick binder, Frost and Wood mo#er, Deering hayâ€" rake (nearly new), Climax cultivaâ€" tor, Noxon cultivator, hay â€" tedder, land rollet, 3 hay racks, wood rack, 2 wide tire truck wagons, lumber wagon with box shoiving and stock rack, 2 sets gravel planks, 2 _ fanâ€" ning mills, 2 turnip pulpers, grind stonc, 2 top buggies (1 nearly new), cutter, scraper, circular saw, 3 pair bob sleighs, set single= harness, 3 sets wagon harness, a sets plow harness, bicycle, 2 twoâ€"furrow â€" gang plows, 3 _ walking plows, Oxford plow, 2 threeâ€"horse harrows, _ twoâ€" horse harrow, threeâ€"horse disk harâ€" row, Masseyâ€"Hartis 15 _ tube shoe dArill, 2 seuMers, scale 2000 lhs. caâ€" pacity, grain chopper, bevel jack, number of rods with coupling, New Hamburg threshing machine, 32 inch cylinder, 48 inch ‘h%y, as good | as new champion; catriage, road â€" cart, 100 feet tubber belting, number of bee boxes, 4 logging chains, doubleâ€" trees, neckâ€"yokes, crowbar, grain bags shovels, hay fork, hall interest in turnip drill, forks, stonc boat, grass seeder, grain cradle, scythes, wire fence staetcher, kettle, sausage grinâ€" der, meat tub, some househok effects and other articles feo numerous to mention. Cattle, etc.â€"3 cows supposed to be in calf, cow fresh at time of sale, 2 fat cows, 2 yearling beilets, 2 spring heifers (if not previously sold), 4 brood sows, 2 due to farrow _ in March, and 2 dic to _ farrow im April; 9 pigs about 4J months old, about 15 hens and 3 pairs of Pekin ducks. m Utiiis ies o 2i eatnatnt 2 duil stt suricle i M Li Horsesâ€"2 Bay (eldings, rising 4 years old, bred by (Croshy‘s Choice, black horse 11 years old, black mare 9 years old in fo 1 to Ogcar, sortel borse, good driver, 7 years old, aged marg in foal, heavy suckifig colt. commencing at one o‘clock, p. M., the folHowing valuable property, viz: There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, 24 miles northwest of New Dundee, near Bethel thurch, on JOS. MICKUS, JOHN HEIST, . Ayctioncer Proprietor. Household Effectsâ€"Kitchen _ cupâ€" board, 3 tables, 1§ chairs, 2 lounges, stands, bureau, cookstove, 2 heaters, small coalstove, sink, eounter scales, daisy churn, chécse vat, sink _ and press, washing machine, wringer. Grain, etcâ€"600 bus, oats, 200 bus barley, 300 bus. turnips, a quantity of timothy hay, and a quantity of potatoces. F Termsâ€"Fat cattle, pigs, chickens, grain, turnips, hay,‘and All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amoâ€" unt 10 months credit â€" on approved joint notes, or 5 per cent. per annum off for cash payments of credit amoâ€" unts. I pirtcr, with theat Clcrien" a ons r, wi 4 s 5 2 hayrakes, spring tooth cultivator, rolier, disc, two furrow plow, 2 gang plows, 4 single plows, 2 setsâ€" itom harness, ‘scufier, sged drill, 2 . wagâ€" ons with boxes, 2 bobsleighs, double: pleasure sleigh, pha¢ton, top buggy, open buggy, deu'mt;ta;, cutter, ‘wood~ rack, 2 hay racks, 2 stock racks, 2 set gravel boxes, , fanning mill, 4+ horse power with rods and couplings, % sets double harness, plow _ harâ€" ness, set carriage harness, 3 set single harness, netkyokes, doubleâ€" trees, saddle, grinder, ijron kettles, scalfiiqcén%zx', meat cutter, lard press, 2 wheel barrows, bag truck, long laddetg, hect fork, scoop, bushel boxes, robes, blankets, grain bags, 3 crossâ€"cut saws,. 4 logging chains, axes, forks, hayknife, sledges,, wedges, workbench, ‘grassâ€"seeder, sapâ€" pans, pails and spouts, Belle City inâ€" cubator and brooder â€" lifter ropes, ropes and pulleys, lumber, broadaxe, stoneboat, selfrake, handgaws, augurs shotgun, etc. § dogs commencing at 1 p‘clock p.m.‘ following '!"lfi}lf?'!l!*b viz., 6 and 17 years T € and 12 years old,| 6 good milk supposed to beâ€"in_ 8 heilers supâ€" posed to be in 9*3' tat steers, ~ 7 young cattle, 3 br sows _ (i Tith iitter by tige of maie), 19 pige o mou‘es old t P A wortht l 3 pigs 2 months. ~. 50 hens, . 2 leading to ~ of Farm Stock and Implements THURSDAY, MAR. 14TH, 1907 ‘There will be Auction Sale Auctioneer Noh o t + > h : FRIDAY, MARCHz 15, 1907 AMOS HILBORN, Clerk. Proprietor.

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