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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Feb 1907, p. 6

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"a period of t! sugar manul; from sugar | A number . > House iyvor â€"rectorate of Mert t : Globe.) ; reason lor believing nt will extend for period of three years the bounty on sugar manilactured in this Province from sugar beets grown in Ontariq. ‘A. number jof the members of the 8 the request of the . di ‘of the sugar factories . at and Berlin to that _ ef ‘ The bounty was inaugurated ir 3 , when: $75,000 a year was set & for three years for <the purpose. This was later exrended . for _ $wo years. ‘The contention on the part 0: Ahe factory owners, whose investment in buildings and the extensive . and gostly machinery required represents an aggregate of over $1,000,000, is ‘that the continuation of thte bounty for the â€"{L«ce yoars named is necesâ€" sary if they are to remain in busiâ€" Last year these two factories made over 20,000,000 pounds of sugar. It has been estimated that it would reâ€" quire 40 such factorics to supply th present needs of Canada. The boun: ty is divided between the factorie: on the basis of their product. The farmers who grow and supply the beets are protectod as to prices, etc., by clauses of the bounty act providing that these maiters are to be the subjcct of agreements between them and the factory owneis, and that all such agreements | must be submitted to and obtain the approval of the Ministcr of Agriculture. etc., by clauses of the bounty @C‘| ‘The reported bad feeli between providing that these matters are t0 | jpe Ja;:nme and Chiuezi is stated be the subject of agreements betWCED } o pe a merely local and passing them and the factory owne!s, . @DC | natter, and that the two nations that all such agreements must b(l s a whole are working on an excelâ€" submitted to and obtain the appro®@! |jent understanding one _ with _ the of the Ministcr of Agriculture. ather. Slight jealousies may _ exist fegr en en ns in some instances, but the .Chinese ealize tie usefulness of their more TRIED TO KILL, nterprising neighbors, and they are aking full advantage of their instrucâ€" coMMlTS SUICIDE ions. The result is that the Japanâ€" * se are Celuging the country. | They Toronto, Feb. 15. â€"At 3.30 this | aave gone as far north as five hunâ€" afternoon John Raymore, a tarten | ired, miles above Fort Arthur, and der,, shot Mrs. J. Charlton, with | they are reported to _ be pouringl whom _he had becn living, and thetr | nen and women by the thousand inâ€" shot himself. He died instantly an |.p northern Manchuria. The Chinese the woman while being taken to the | irmy is being armed »>with castâ€"off hospital. _ Japancse _ cannon _ and __ muskets, The sl_rootmg tcok place at 10( | Japanese officers are conducting the West Richmond street, where â€" Rayâ€" ivilling and manoeuvres; and as . a more and the_woman had been _ livâ€" | neans ef promoting the union _ be" ing. They quarrelled and parted : |iween the two countries, â€" Chinese week ago. Toâ€"day Raymore return | youths are being educated in Japanâ€" ed. â€"se schools and academies. All these The woman was out and he wait |indicatio.s go to show that if the ed. 'Anmher inmate watched fron | white min is going to hold his own a window and saw the woman com | in the Far East and retain his useâ€" ing. She ran down the back stairs | ulness he will hape to produce eviâ€" to watn her, but Mrs. Charlton ha | .ences cf superiority. This cannot reached the door. She opened i‘ | se accomplished without strong . efâ€" and Raymore pulled her insjde. Hc{.ort anrd close application. There atre asked her to go upstairs, but she te | .igns thit a struggle has commenced fused. and he at once fired three bul | setween the Caucasian and Mongolian The shooting tcok place at 10( West Richmond street, where â€" Rayâ€" more and the_woman had been _ liv ing. They quarrelled and parted : week ago. Toâ€"day Raymore return The woman was out and he wait |indicatio.s go to show that if the ed. Another inmate watched fron | white min is going to hold his own a window and saw the woman com | in the Far East and retain his useâ€" ing. She ran down the back | stair: ulnsss he will hape to produce eviâ€" to watrn her, but Mrs. Charlton: ha‘ | .ences cf superiority. This cannot reached the door. She opened i‘ | se accomplished without strong . efâ€" and Raymore pulled her insjde. Hc{.ort anrd close application. There ate asked her to go upstairs, but she te | .igns thit a struggle has commenced fused, and he at once fired three bul | jetween the Caucasian and Mongolian lets into her. He then sent a bullet | caces for superiority which may end into his temple. in a contest for supremacy. The couple. were about 40 _ years of age. She was a widow, with t$wi chikdren, in their ‘teens. _ His wife left him cight years ago on account of his dissolute habits. Hitherto bis reputation w of a quiect man. A foreign _ missionary _ convention will be held in Galt on March 12th to 14th inclusive Delegates from Guelph, Brantford, Paris, â€" Berlin Waterloo, Preston, Hespeler anc other places in the district will be present. The Convention is the outgrowt} of the Summer Schocl, held in Whitby last summer, under the auâ€" spices of the men at the hcead _ o‘ the various church foreign missionâ€" ary movements. ; The convention is called a mis | Contrast this with the record of the sionary institute, and its primary | piberals since 1896: object #s to ctreate ‘a desire among | ‘Passage of the Alien Labot law. church members for forcign mission | Increase of the head tax on Chinese ary work. itom $59 to $100, and later to $500. The afternoon session of the Instiâ€" $ ‘The establishment of a . Ministry of tute will be held in Central Church, |pabor, which has monthly justified and the evening sessions in the Bap |its existence. The afternoon session of the Insti tute will be held in Central Church and the evening sessions in the Bap tist, Methodist and Knox churchcs. ‘Among the prominent speakers whe will be present will te Rev. A.E Armstrong," of Toronto, _ Assistant Foreign Missionary Secretary of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. Dr. Ste phenson, Toronto, Secretary of Forâ€" ward Movement _ of the Methodist Church; Rev. Dr. Norman Tucker, Toronto, Foreign Missionary Secreâ€" tary ‘Afnglic@n Cltyrch; Rev. J. G. tary Anglican Church; Rev. J. G. Brown, Toronto, Foreign Missionary Secretary, . Baptist Church; Rev. Dr. Hendetson, Toronto, Rev. J. H. La: Flareme, Travelling Secretary _ Stuâ€" dent Vbluntcer Movemint, late o‘ India; Rev. J. Norman of Japan. Frank Mahafiey, a C. P. R. fire man, aged 21, was burned under a coal slide at Sault Ste. Maric and may be fatally injured. ‘The Most important Household Item MISSIONARY INSTITUTE A (norres in canaoa) not only supplies color and flavor to soups, sauces and graviesâ€" but a (‘:mr teaspoonful in a eup of hot water makes a bracâ€" ing cup to the invalid or convailcscent. a Armour‘s lixtract of Beef is more economical than others beâ€" mhfl':*fiflqcn far, ‘ io icck ow to k Continue it For as that C fit was the work of neither party, A¢â€" "| but of the children of both. Japan has Of .| outdone Christendom in magnanimity in erecting two . monuments . â€"upon is |conquercd territory, one to the Japâ€" . | ancse who fell in taking Port At‘“t:'l‘, ar, |and one t gl“lh- who in jts w will surely do away g'; th much bitterhess and prove a _# |bond of affection between the Russzian The treatiment of the &fi races by the Caucasian is now 6 its sequal in a movement to make the services of white races . in the east not only unnecessary but difiâ€" cult. It seems that the happy days when the yellow man looked to his white brother from beyond the seas tor almost all his luxuries. have to a great extent vanished, and ~that tor the future it is a _ continualy Jiminishing role which is to be playâ€" ‘“'l‘lnx the Far East by the «Soreign devils." Mr. J. .J. Carton,:â€" of Shangai, w geutleman well versed in Chinese affairs, who is visiting this country, says that ‘‘there will soon be , no room for the whites in China, and such is even now. the case in Manâ€" churia. There the Japanese _ have »Aectually taken Russia‘s place and. they are making it unprofitable for: a single white to go there. Japan :s using the Manchurian railWay . to give herself a practical monopoly in the southern portions of Manchurfa, a0d her influence is gto!rl: so rapâ€" idly that the annexation of that terâ€" ritory ‘is ‘only a _ matter of time. Sven the free port of Newchang that was opened by the British and Engâ€" .ishmen have been handling the trade Af Manchuria through it for neatly half a century, is beimg so shackled Jy the re.t ictions imposed by the hinese govirnment, ard the city and surrounding country is _ being so dooted by thousands and tens of housands of Japanese, . that the white trader is simply doomed." The Ofttawa Free Press says one cesult of the recent discussions in the Howse of Commons upon the sreat protection of the relations beâ€" tween Capital am: Labor must be to convince the electors that in this respect at least there is a _ great dividing iinc between the two . patâ€" ties. The â€" Conservatives _ appointed a royal commission, which took four years to bring a report which was stillâ€"born; imposed a head . tax of ifty dollars upon Chinese, and _ set a.;;le the first: fionday in September as Labor Day. â€" IHE TWO PARTIES AND LABOR \T\h}t is the record of the two parâ€" ties on this great issue? _ Prevention of the sweating system on government clothing contracts. The appointment of a fair wage officer. A minimum hgé upon all governâ€" ment contracts. The Conciliation bill of 1903. The Railway Disputes bill. The iscrease of the wages of .the workers on the government railways itom a starvation rate to that where they can live in comfort. In the above we have a brief outâ€" line cof what the. Reform | party at “)M-,\wa has achieved in behalf of the toiling masses, and the enumeraâ€" Lt-ion is not by any means complete. A very much longer list might be compiled of the achievements of the Reform party in provincial politics. As against this display, the Conserâ€" vatives can prescut for the two Houses but one measure, namely, Sir John Thompson‘s bill creating Labor Day, a measure borrowed from the United States and forced on the Gov: One party preaches theories; the »ther priaches xcmeflies. etnment Labot. Love your encinies. _ When Great Britain and France conquered _ Rusâ€" sia, they carried away trophies and planted them all over theit â€"empires. We have some Scbastopol guns here and are proud of them. This is the usual method. The conquerors crow :fi:fin high places aud . crect to their own dead.. There is a joint monument at Quebee which all Canadians love to look ugon; but A WORTHY EXAMPLE (Montreal Witness of the day by . Organized oo P o o en n A l s Quebec Young Men‘s Christizgn Assoâ€" ciations _ are holding. their thirty filth conrcution in Toronto. Tt openâ€" td on Wednesday shortly alter nine o‘clock at the Fricais‘~ Church . en €ailton Street, and those â€" officially connected were warrantably w'fl with the large numbers attending ery function. * With the main obvject of discussing matters retrospectively ulw tively. wi’tl‘veld Ontario and ‘Scientific Bodyâ€"building‘‘ _ Was a theme which Dr. Geo. J. Fischer, of New York, opened, and the discusâ€" sign following was truly interesting, some special points being related bs Dr. Chas. J. Copp, of Toronto. In the afternoon session the tofic. discussion was .‘‘The Association and. the Boy.j‘ In this Prof. Frederick ‘Tracey too‘ up the introductory . teâ€" marks, and a pleasing feature . was thit Mr. Cackle, of Clevelend, was present to substitute Mr. A, N. Cotâ€" tom, of Buflalo, who had been preven~ ted from attending. Why Mr. Cackle‘s cornacticn was especially noteworthy was because he had _ gencrously re sponded to an urgent message requestâ€" ing" his prescnce, and was only in the city three and a half hours altogether, The evening‘s programme opened at the Westâ€"<cnd branch of the Y.M.C.A. with supper for the delegates, tend ered by the Women‘s Auxiliaries 0. the.city. Mr. T. L. Best, of Hamâ€" ilton, led off a striking discussion or social work of the Y.M.C.A., and the Westâ€"end musical members render ed a series of | instrumental gontribu tions. 9 It was at this juncture that advan tage was taken . to present a hand some furlined coat to Mr. C. R. Say er, who is leaving the city â€" to tak« up the dutics of traveling secretal) in tie Northâ€"West. Mr. Henty Yeigh of Brentford, handed over the presin. and after eulogistic _ remarls _ fro» other friends, a suitable acknowledge went. was heard from the recipient because thry walk a long distance around their chaiis. Perhaps that helps to make them tired; but have you ever counted the number of | litâ€" the strokes a barber makes when hc is shaving you? If not, the next time you go into a shop to get shaved do so. You will have «> Pay the closest attention, as when the barber is finishing up he takes | so many short strokes with his razor _ and makes them so rapidly that you will have difficulty in getting your mind t‘o act quickly .enough _ to _ count them. However, the average barter makes Irom four to seven hurdred _ strokes for each shave. Suppose that a basâ€" ber shaves twenty people in a day. At that rate, allowing five hundred and filty strokes as an average numâ€" ber, a barber would make cleven thousard distinct voluntary strokes with his right hand in a day‘s work. The most curious thing about it 18 thit not one barbet in a hundred has any ider cf‘the amount of physical etort cxpended in shaving a man. Of course, they know why _ they nearly always answer that they have to walk so far about their chairs. Of the ten barters the writer asked about the number of strokes they made in shaving a man, â€" not _ one guessed within. two hundred strokes enough. The nearest estimate _ was made by an English barber who set it at three hundred. The others, with the exception of one, guessed from seventyâ€"five to two hundred and fiftv. The lasp. man asked â€" was _ a s y# 2000000 cbsstien ahn snn German.""‘-ltl;fwrrhhny strokes «lo you make in shaving a _ man?‘ _ ‘"Just crough,"" was his reply: PUBLIC OWNERSHIP IN DANGER The Dominion Iower and Transmisâ€" sicn company will be a fornidable enamy to . public control of electriâ€" cal power in Ontario. The da.nger‘ is created by the practice of declarâ€" ing local railways to be "for the gonâ€" eral advantage of Canada‘" and furâ€" nishing a> pretext ‘ for obtaining charâ€" ters at Ottawa. The electrical railâ€" ways are not nationat and interproâ€" vincial railways, but local â€" railways, and &h>y ought to be vnder the conâ€" trol of . the local governments @nd Iegislatures. _ Both partics in the Onâ€" tario legislature have declared for public control â€"of> electrig power. The tbig merger is a distinct threat to Mr. Beck‘s scheme of power transâ€" mission â€" and distribution, because it tends to isolate a municipality _ deâ€" siring to purchase and distribute poâ€" wer under that scheme. Both parties in thr Catario | logislature should unite in defending the right of proâ€" vincial control over | electric . railâ€" ways, and all other means oft utilizâ€" ing power. Pat Shaughnessy, hearing that the} tank in which he kept bis savings had faited, rushed around with his bankl boo‘ ind demanicd all his money. The paying teller straightway h’e;nn{ to count it out. s +0 0| wHY BARBERS GET TIRED Of course, it will be said that it is boo‘ ind demanicd all his moncy.!' The Stratford â€" Retail Merchants‘ The paying teller straightway began | Association is considering the _ orâ€" to count it out. s + t;:aniution of a company _ for _ the "Oh, ye‘ve got it, have ye?" sail general distribution of merchandise. Shaugha ssy, with‘a‘ sifh of reliel.‘ The objiect of this company will be ‘"‘Kape it, then Oi don‘t want it as to have a gencral delivery for all long as you have it." | the merchants of the city, delivering tgwnsicralerninvaicuienteaticage * 5in cach ward at specified hours. "The It is quite likely that during the matter has not been officially _ dis« coming year the Chitham city counâ€" Cussed by the association, but the cil will take steps to have the resiâ€" merchants in most cases ptefer a dences and places of business in the delivery of this nature. Should the city properly numbered. On aceount Company be . formed, . the .. delivery OJA thh srratin nlan in which it is Would likely be made by motor vans, It is quite likely that during the coming year the Chktham city coun cil will take steps to have.the resiâ€" dences and places of business in the city properly numbered. On account of the.crratic plan in which it is Wkm aok in ramnerrntt Covers, at howes nambvering. .. Stranfets #om AN INDULGENT PEPOSITOR Toronto ~ For those who have pot the tine or will not take the time pray for their own spiritual w a new model of salyation has begn ed. A society ofâ€"devout and _ réligâ€" ious â€"persons â€"has.been formed in Gali who willâ€" make it their |business® to pray for others. _ _ pes Pss A t prayet wes <Jormed u.nlt% time ifi‘l .;l& eomege ho on is ol a tm wholesale for those in need of ‘the circle is maie up of a ~ number of members of the various denominaâ€" tions in town, and has ‘in :its 08â€" session a list ‘of the names of all the people around town.â€".who, are Conâ€" sidered to be badly in need Oof prayâ€" ers. The list is said to be :# Yéty long oue, ‘The society has no reguâ€" lar‘ night of meeting, but they meet at a diferent house each night, and offer up prayers for those whose names appear on the list of wanderâ€" ow aheep . : c _‘ ". C A society with such a praiseworthy gbject in view should not be sneered at. To offér up prayers for all those who apparently stand in need of them in Galt is admitted to beâ€" no imall proposition. C A It would be intercsting to know just whose names figure in these nightly prayers, and what names are placed at the head of the list. It is said that one of the members of the council figure quite prominently on the list, but this. rumor cannot. be verified as the society maintain a strict silence as to their business. (Goldwin â€"Smith.) â€" It cannot be too often repeated that wealth, especially wealth which the possessor has not himself carned, has its dutics, and that it is miserable and vile to live in idle luxury on the fruits of other men‘s works. But to the rancorous denunciation of all wealth, however fairly earned, howâ€" over wisely saved, however generousâ€" ly used, to which demagogism is now constantly appealing, the dcdication of the Nurses‘ Home is a telling inswer; though 11 may be one which demagogism is not likely «to take t; heart while there is a vote to _ be gained by holding out the lure _ o! confiscation. (New York Tribune.) A phorographic device that will call the police by telephore adds a . new Sinq oy3 J0 s1a@uep oy} 0J pivzty lar‘s professrsn. Whncn an attempt is made to force a window _ ot . dcot with which the propcr _ connection: hare b:ea mace an electric curreni opcrates a phonograph in the garret. The mz2chine calls up central _ and asks for the police â€" station. The whonograph then informs the officer ol the robbery, giving. strcet _ and number, and pepeats this information as long as the receiver is down. Mcantime, the intruder, all unconâ€" scious that an alarm has been rung in, virtually walks into a trap, and if the call is properly responded to. is soon fn the lockâ€"up. MODERN W. L. M. King made a careful stx dy of the sweating system before h became deputy minister of labor, but it is doubtful if he found any thing more grinding or more heart less in that system than the | plar one of the Bcll telephone economist: proposed for doing the poorlyâ€"pail telephone girls out of their annual holidays. Brantford would have an easy matâ€" ter in securing n>w ~industrics i the soomething _ for nothilng princi ple were put into operation. A bir manufactuting concern in the acetyâ€" Icn: gas plant bus‘ness, are sceking @location _ in Western Ontario, but are asking a guarantee of the bonds cl ths‘r company. Brantford _ was regarded favorably for a while, un til it was definitely known that this city is out of the bonusing . and guarantecing business.â€" Brantford Expositor. _ â€" SOMETHING FOR NOTHING GUELPH HAS A (Guelph, Feb. 15. â€"At a meeting of the leading citizens list night it was decided to form a _ branch of the Canadian Club in this city. The officers elected were: Presidentâ€"E. J. Creelmaw. First Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Mr. R. L. Totranec. Second Viceâ€"President â€" Mr. J. C. Keleher. Secretaryâ€"Dr. Hobbs. Treasurerâ€"Col. White. Literary Correspondentâ€"Mr. H. H. Burrows. * Roriraâ€"Messrs. â€"Andrew Scott, C. W. Kelly, F. Dowler, G. B. Ryan, J. LAwson, Dr. Savage, C. L. Nel les and J. W. Simpson. % MOTOR â€" DELIVERING SYSTEM TOUGH ON THE BURGLAR DUTIES OF WEALTH (Galt ~SWEATING SYSTEM (Mail and Empite.) CANADIAN CLUB ic â€"to Mothers | VÂ¥ WUUUUC not the tane ymeâ€"s s tlime â€" to â€" pray | Tells His Wifé‘s Expertence for the BERLIN‘S GREATE l vclluo‘,':o new Sake of Other Sufferers. s s begn discoverâ€" < Â¥our the man we can suit to a "T." _ % and â€" religâ€" ‘The following letter has been sent M I t’xzr;:d in 0:?\. to Dr. T. A. s{,m,, Ltd., for pubâ€" and Qvercosts at the right kind of pri into . the hPSYCHlNE.Pronouncm a scientific preparation, ha wonderful tonic properties u'ti?s direcdy::oa the Stomach, BJ fs eanly w ie molg quxckly them to strong and healthy actipn. â€" It is especially adapted for people who are _rug down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. * is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. There is no other remedy " Just as Good" as PSYCHLNE. Dr. Root‘ s Kldmizl’uh are & sure and t cure for Rheumatism, Bright‘s Piscase, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble 25¢ per box, at all _Montreal, Feb. 15.â€"In reference to the criticism which has appeared in the newspapers concerning the "listâ€" ing"‘ board, President Sise of _ the ‘Bell Telephone Company toâ€"day. isâ€" sued the following official statement: ‘‘The ‘listening‘ board, or, 2s more properly known, the observation board, is the essential part of the equipment of every large modern tel. sphone exchange. Without _ it, it would be absolutely impossible to seâ€" cure and maintain efficiency of serâ€" vice. "At the same time the company has always realized that it is in honor bound not to utjlize the _ inâ€" tormation so secured for any other purpose whatsoever than the betterâ€" ment of the service and the maintenâ€" ance of the conditions of its conâ€" tracts. f "It must be noted, however, that the art of telcephony has not been so far perfected gs to enable the comâ€" pany, cn, in fact, any telephone comâ€" pany, to assure its patrons that their conversations may not be overâ€" heard by others. n As the best evidence possible of its good faith, I may cay that the comâ€" vany» would &adly welcome the exâ€" tension to it cf the protection _ acâ€" corded telegraph companies by chapâ€" ter 134 of the revised statutes _ of Canada, section 4 of which provides that every telegraph eperator or person in the employ of a telegraph company who divulges the contcnts of any telegram, except when | lawâ€" fully authorized or directed so to do, is guilty of an offence > and, liable to severe fine or imprisonment, ~ ot both." NEWSPAPERS SNPULD BE DEâ€" CENT. The people of Canada will,. we think, appfaud the Postmasterâ€"Genâ€" eral in the plain threat he made in parliament of bringing before the criminal courts those who are _ teâ€" pponsib\e for passing 2It>hy reading through the mails, whether in Unitâ€" ed States ¢r in i‘anad!n.n newspapâ€" ets. The United States newspapers | train while that enter Canada are carried _ for The revent nothing by cur postal system in ten Department times the quantity that the United 441,609, an States reciprocates. The least that th¢ same . can‘ be asked of those papers is that| Y®SZ.__ they be decent. We do not know | kHamilton whether it is most to the discredit granted 29 of Canada or of the United States | included in that a very large proportion of the cently mad reading we get thence, amd thus comâ€" $25 per ani ing free, is not decent. It is . bad The engin enough that this stuff, which we thus | Commission carry for nothing, should be lup,c‘ly""m' 3,00€ antiâ€"British and denationalizing, withâ€"| mates that out its being positively demoralizing | P8L oont. .P and calculated to make blackguards of| ; cew';"" ‘"l‘(‘ our rising generation. The same eriâ€" . lthmlm icient applies to the Canadian pross. | O 45 5R 1t is a subsidized institutibn. |= The: botabeq dro government carries newspapers for | d‘ro:(nd t far less â€" than it costs. The TeaSON the jce, . tfor so doing is ~ that the newspaper | James C pregs is educational. Tho least . that 77, is dead. Inight fairly be asked af such a subâ€"| ‘The writ sidized press is that it should _ @t~ tion has be out its being positively demor&MN®M08 |~ wi;rs griving from Milford on the and calculated to make blackguards Of|;& jrom Kingston with the remains our rising generation. The same CTiâ€"; orinelate George Clark, J. M. Matrâ€" ticism applies to the Canadian PYCSSâ€"!;;; jaq Anson Farringlon DAITOWIY It is a subsidized institution. The;(-scap(d drowning. The horses were government carries newspapers _ [0" | qrowned, but the sleigh remaincd on far less â€" than it costs. The TeaSON the jce, for so doing is ~ that the newsPaP®l| James Cooper, of Melbourne, aged pregs is educational. Tho least . that 77, is dead. might fairly be asked @f such a -ub-’ The writ for the London byeâ€"clecâ€" sidized press is that it should _ @t~ tion has been issued. tempt to clevate the people. To | Neil McDonald has been unseated subsidize a foctid press is _ against as rceve of Sydenham. *~ public: policy. The press . would be _ The Women‘s Teachers‘ Guild _ of in a far more dignified position if it London was organized last night. paid its way. The taxpayers should . Hamilton City Hospital governors at least not be asked to pay for the ask for an appropriation of $59,000. transmisgion of filth. f ‘The Y.M.C.~. puilding at Hamilton 104 op 0040 0o l c Huatdare â€" Atant_ Dr. Root‘s Kidney Pills are a sure and Des Moines (Iowa) News.) Awakened ‘by a / pounding _ on his door last night, John Rukle, . a tarmer, found two men below, who said they had â€" been hauling a . hog past his farm, and that it got away xr tan into Rakblsa‘s barnyand, Thoy rod Rukke to come and help them catch the hog, which he did, and not tntil morning did he find that * he Montreal Witness.) AN EASY MARK S. SAUDER & CO. KING STREET EAST THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE The New _ Brunswick Legislature opened on Thursday. Dr. Stockton, M. P. for St. John, who is ill at Oiltawa, is improving. Judge Hall, oi che Quebcc Court of Appeal, has resigned because of iHâ€" health. A The Mexican duty oa wheat has been reduced 50 pur cent. from Feb. 20 till June 39. > § Mr. Jacques Bureau, M.P., of Three Rivers, was sworn in as Solicitorâ€" General on Thursday. Tke parish church at St. Anne, Richclieu county, Quebec, was burnâ€" ed, with $75,000 loss. Frank Mahafy, the C. P. R. fire. man imured by a ccal _ slide at Sault Ste Marie, is dead. â€" There are five bye.elections for the Commons, and the Globe prophesies that they will be held simultaneâ€" ously. B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Col. F. L. Lessard will go to the International Horse Show in London, England, in June, as Canada‘s repteâ€" sentative. Filtyâ€"four million dollars‘ worth of property in Montreal is exempt from taxes, an increase of $8,000,000 over last year. 8 Alexander Allen, a rancher of Wilâ€" low Bunch, Sask.,, wasâ€" found frozen to death Wednesday one mile _ from home. * A German had reported at Battleâ€" ford the death of two men Tinety miles nsrth.. One went crazy . and shot Inmsert. Burglars broke into the postoffice at Dresden, blowing the safe and taking .all money, stamps and regisâ€" tered mail. At Keewatin, a young forcignet, John Czerniawski, employed on the C.P. R. was killed by an castbound train while walking in the yards. The revenue of the Inland â€" Revenue Department for December was _ $1,â€" 441,609, an increase of $57,129 over th¢e same amount of the previous vear. Hamilton _ Roard of _ Education grantcd 29 tcaehers, who were not included in the gencral increase . Teâ€" cently made, increases of salary of $25 per annum. ° o_ The engineer of the Hydroâ€"Electric Commission r@ports that Brantford needs 3,000 horseâ€"power, and estiâ€" mates that it can be supplied at .65 per cent. per horseâ€"power per hout. _ ‘The Y.M.C.~. puilding at Hamilton is to be sold and new quarters crectâ€" ed. Branches throughout Canada, and in‘the United States and England Mild weather has cnabled the C. N. K. to resume traffic on the Prince Albert line. 9: "rig â€"Mugh S. Dickingon, of Barrie, son of the late John Di¢kinson, is dead at Gravenburst. m iÂ¥ â€"Rev. Thos. Griffith, D.D., of First Methodist Church, St. ‘Thomas, asks to be retired. is _ «w--â€"â€"-;;â€"“n“. asseassment for 1007 totals $22,063,221. The exempâ€" H. IRELAND, Superidtendent of HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO J MOORMAN, MANAGER WATERLOO BRANCH: GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED PURELY CANADIAN Sales Paidâ€"up Capital, $10,000,000 Rfi a /m 5,000,000 Total Assets, â€" 113,000,000 ‘Il find it hel 3+ spring walk i C Mc w vains 2o C or ># wear. lt va CN':’:-'- % piece “rw $2.50 to $5. e s Boys® 8 piece suits, $2,50, $3.50 to $1. ; $3.95,,55, 16, $8.50 to $15. Premier McBride of British Columâ€" bia, who is ill just now of la grippe, will resign his sceat in Victoria and sit for Dewdney. A St. Thomas Retail Merchants‘ Asâ€" sociation have asked the Council to reduce the price of gas from $1.15 to $1 per thousand feet. Eightcen cars of wood, fiftecn â€" beâ€" lonzing to the. Reliet Committee, have left Prince Albert for the reliet of towns south of Saskatoon. A‘man giving his néme as Kelly died in the Centrat Police Station, Montreal, of exposure. He was {ound on the street with his nose and ears frozen. s . Arthur Marcotte, of Montreal, head of the Marcotte Billiard â€" Academy, is suing John R. Dougall, proprietor of the Montreal Witness, â€" for $15,000, alleging slander. ;. _ & Allan Foster, of Dunville,~©_ was brought to the Hamilton City Hospiâ€" tal suffering from a broken back, and is now on a water bed. The McBride Government of.British Columbia will endesvor to dispagscss the G. T. R. of 13,500 aercs of land near Prince Rupert, which the Indian Department has allowed the Indians to seil to the railway company. Joshua Wt Garrats, ‘ of London, claimsâ€"to b¢ a member .of the Counâ€" cil and that he was elected . during his absence in England. George W. Armstrong also claims the scat and will take legal steps to establish his rights. the strike of the operators thet lm-nd. * Clifford Moon, of the staff of ‘The last reckoning shows that there are 65,600 post offices in the United States, with 205,288 emâ€" ployes. The Manitobd Legislature has proâ€" rogued. The Manitoba elections are to take place on March 10, it is said. _ _ Ash Wednesday found the House of Commons and all offices closed. Organized lakot in Ottawa has a committee drafting a platform _ for a labor party. 4 The senate vacancy in Ontario is to be filled by the appointment ol John Chariton. _ A. J. Copp,.M. P., for Digty _ is likely to &le the Nova Scotia _ vaâ€" cancy in the Senate, _ _ f E. A. Dally is chairman of _ the Board of License Commissioners of Hamilton. * The Metropolitan Electric Works at Britannia have been offered to the city for $200,000. en .. â€" William Teetzell, of St. Thomas, a retired contractor, is dead. . He was born at Finga 84 years ago. _ _ J. J. Roberts, manager of the Siceâ€" man Brewing and Maiting Company has resigned to go to Three Rivers. The threeâ€"yearâ€"old son ‘of John: Daâ€" vis of Hamilton was burned severely while playing with matches. * Napolcon Gravel, of Ottawa, aged 65, a clerk in the «Department . of Agriculture, hanged hbimsell in his woodshed. Fort Frances is protesting against the construction of a dam and powâ€" or m“:: the Rainy River, _ 41 miles / the town. ol Alex. Boston, for five years in the engineering department of the: in gane asylum at London, has : been asked to resign. 0. > ie O en C. J. Baird was clected at Hame ilton Wednesday to fll a vacancy on the Separate School Board. It has been years since there was a contest for a seat on the‘Board. _ 3 f _ The Bell Telephone opetators .. at London who went to Toronto during the strike of the operators thete have ESTABLISUED 1867 ef Ot EERLIN

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