'/srfc- populbwlbn I (i/tla, . tttpet'."), . _ "r, irte. w 15.; ad 'lfri,'lut Jc/r' T with Anne“ of tterr' T 31: 1: â€trod V 24., ' M. H! 5.73": . - . (e '. MHCIpIW ........ 200,000.00 bu', Dope-“mm: the Dominion -.-, annulment ...... ..r... .. sumo. :3“ All panda str/ttaf., by the London "ttr, Val Ima- re Insurance Company , ’15:;- vlth M of 818.316.623. 'c2:iakrs " N L "£55 All!“ Wnlfht. ‘Secreta 2;? = Il. Han, aspects: 5?; O.A._ 30mm DistrictAgent, .3? . Waterloo. Ont. Phonn 2w. _',"" tSueorhs, .. Little LiverPills. In. â€Wat t out was mucus. i â€who " a“. -, I!†OFFICE. mournsâ€. tqt-tat Authorized t5.ooo.ooo Illa-Up cum: - 88.50am M70 Fund - “000,000 g Am but!“ Undue- done. Cob - made, dun- loaned Will)†in n mm Doinlnlonor my um mm '1'. m-tru-oe lumen moved“: "in...†In lull-u an: or would She lolsons Bank It“ Will Pay You The Mercantile Fire / JOHN RITZER, SPRING new: . - UNDERWEAR indignant“! weights. ." We tub any a full line of m5 Furnishing: Bil W to mscetserrough a Co. _ Estnbmnod 1854. GM. Waterloo Mutual Buiiding, , King " Phonen. onue 220, House 209. Badman solicited for first class companion. f grin C A. BOEHM Gonoral Insurance Agent, mom“ - Waterloo To sac that tine line of uni-luc- Guam mm: Tailor, lawn»: Insurance company xucoaPogu'an an lulu-“MI“ Great gearing T 'lidarlliilliay t to" about! to": odor“ Mt ifthut-uAtfygdtrot3oe, Itt a my “Mali nib". _ “‘th mum-m- xwhmonnlo. The.“ ,puuum-Muw trill! I IIâ€!!! mull“)! m . . Bull iguana. .uoon anal-lulu. Ma- Wat-rho Bmnots 390557.†1815 Ill-force Fraser was on the job and m†- 'tatarrtott 'ew o"idts, trips, slashes and other transgrthhuons' escaped his when input) -"'."f' 230,W.UU F'ourtevn ponalliw Wore. piven and the Dominion one minute was added for oath of- , C.,.rci,isciisdlh','S, fume. A tutal (1'36 minutes was 1'r,'"gt,fr,Siu t"d,t"llle',' "rent, by. I'rtycrs on the {men-ash)!- 1 638. lows. “asthma: ll; A,. Watson 9; of 8 6,N6, M. Cochrane 5, and Atkins, Krmpth- WDtht. ‘Secreta ornv. V. 1'ochra.ne, Watson and I." ninmmf Kohlmun, two mlnums each. 'it'.') y“! PIO- Dalia UV ‘7“‘W’ _ r (v I: . 'd; F'. t " “r 1krii' "' -- it: was ‘ _ - L ' .‘, _ _ b‘svm}. w-.' - . T ' '_.'. 1ttrkt'a'i$8tlMBi E2liti -. 3‘ tthe tMft/t diva-h: o'_re'qtet' tthq' 6Riiri"ri'a V 'i k ni'ytti.t in in - in: m an "diiiit6 " IKE iii? m v'r ‘w h â€0,H.A. qAasq_tie an“; I. u" , 's.-N NP Billeal , 'c 7 Inning-ti [.31 " M a“... to “mm FP/T' in? _.l n - tr '" - ot ' to The “and“ In tut than r0atd0to6r-eetiser, or u . . F a has. Ant Nader " ' mu word at " to 0. I l , . (in. any, I9. 38th. mo. VII ,1ie return “mature mt. Fri,dttlitiC; " "All M - n m M Rival-g was not In! Iht might; . Pr ' , . ct his tenth. Ho "you vithhll ur- " eautd, bt'tntaat, or e'/ett "ritutg. I um until his mus-u: you In nu It In Berlin's [mm the commence-I . _ . . F ‘. In: punt: remand to Wuterloo meat. and the wanton bad tty t t C d her he satisfaction ot an; the Internal) out r, an S . . - “p Mea more than double the score 0' to manhood. c 'u Ite, youngest their â€poulu " might hare, tom t! the tour norm ttt that“: Bertha“ wane than a to 4 had not the an: 'Per, “0'3 w - 0H†otb."r war-horse Paula not bran between tettutgar. Tho deeeaaed [and . lhe the nets with Lia "pcepers" (n all fer. true with Mr. Gen. Klein, the time. He “I always a good- sr., and wt" thehrgt to tWt" Pf? " ttad was hit tsight. Let in the Town lull truilditsg, which Relating to Berlin's Iutermsdiates itr,tomtc'sned tor A number ot gears. M us tenant that they are a bunch He "ter conducted the Raul El- ta be reckoned with in the race tor (huge Hotel, which in nbw the Geo the championship. True, they Were mutt and tor the lat Btteen yum mind by senior: in winning their was engaged nt his old trade of group, but lust night's tram would butcher, Forty-tive years Mo he have squeezed out all right. What married Christian Kramer, who Wr- .the tram needs. is a week's coach. wives Hm. Six chlldun, ull living, mg by an old.tiaser, and methinls l were born of this happy unlon. viz.: see them land the gongâ€- They arr Willinm, town, Her-um, ammo, N. husky, last and aggressive. Y., John. C'irteimstti, Ohio, Mrs, About 1000 people suv the contest Harry Ilunklng, Toronto, Emil, Itett wy.pured. P", .spod â€ice town, and George, town. t. Relating to Berlin‘s Iatermo0ates kt us rennrk that they area bunch to be reckoned with in the use tor the championship. True, they wen mum: by seniors in winning their group. but [at night's turn would have Iquceud out all right. What the team need: is a week's coach. ing by an old..timer, and methinhs I see them land the honors. They arr husky, last and aggressive. About 1000 people “W the contest which was played on good ice. "Jimmy" Fraser left Galt on time, but reached Berlin fdteen minutes after the advertised time. He got the game going in short order and was master ot the situation through- out. The first two minutes ot the game was slow, both tcams finding it dimcult to get their bearings. Ber- lin was on the aggrtssive and miss- " some excellent chapeas to score, bst_,tin lly M. Cochrane tallied, lol- towiidahalt a minute later by an uthel’ off Vie Cochrane's stick. Th: Paris forwards brute (away and Maggs smud on a Ma'nilul shot In two minutes M. Cochrane am. Watson added che vath on Beat com- binaliul plays. The last goal in this half was made by Kcmpthorne lot _Paris. Score I--?, in favor of Her iin Rosclumn scored the first goal it the team] halt dsrirg the forst atiuttte, followed Inc minutes Later ay A. Fraser for lfatis. The locals ~ommmced to keep the ruck Lon-tint:- Ally in Paris territory and during the balance of the game M. Coch- rano, Watso, Vic Cochrane and ROM-11mm: eath scored, while Atkin {or Paris tallitd the fourth goal tor 'me, losers. 'The trams w Berlin. 'Kargcs Rosckat V. Coch r; m- Watscn M. Cochrane Mugs Timekcepers--A. Watson, Berlin; E. Fraser, Kenmore; penalty, H. E. Wettlaufer. Hrinkort COMPANY APPEAL§ Roschman In single court at Osgood" Hall, Toronto, on Wldm-ulay. Izclo 0 Jus- tice Button; the appeal relhe'l'nwn of Berlin and the Berlin N \'.hlcrloo Street Railway Co., ll. .IfScott. k. C., [or the railway company, appeal- ed,ircrtt the award ot Judge (.1an non, Judge Morgan and J. M. Sadly, braring date 29th December, 1906, or to increase tl:e amount, or refer the matter back, or revoke the submis- sion. The said railway company, not- withstanding the motion, protut that the nward is made without lur- isdiction. and that the award is in- ettective, And that they are in no way' bound thereby or by the decl- sion at this court, or any appeal therefrom. The appeal was on some Miie dint-rent grounds. H. L. Dray- ton and J, A. Scrum (Berlin), tor the towtt corporation, contra. Judg- ment. in: reserved. . cot. MARTIN. “mans Col, mum. ninth]. ol the 2m Regiment, M tttlst town, has forward- " his resignation ot the olllce to mum headquarters at Dunn ten: business muons, CTN“: A. J. Gum. of out. will P. " Imam “d " Appointment will te mumm- 2riiiriiir tree%. The [allowing and“; conmlttm for "ttt hue inn “man.- a _ -- PA'1t'llilRSON't1 mamas-lam Kerr, (but. â€sport, Capt. may". lutrb4'npt. urchm. Capt. ot.ter, “at. umpm. ' ' nap-cum..- cum. MI I“ mm. . . . ""iiiii-caii. blttttert, Cut Otters, cm. Beettet,Attt" Juli-t _ Saudis»; cht Wing, Right Wing Centre Goal vaer nag-.2- rum Point Cover re,- AGAINST AWARD con " DIOPI Wm P6 by To“! Kempthorne R, Fraser A. Fmscr K uhlman Peebles Paris Atkin Una brother survives Conrad Mase ner, ot the Northwest, now sojourn- ing in 'southern California. Mr. Wagner was a member at the first band in Berlin, in which - he plxyed the comet under bandmastci' Glaeb. He was also 3 member at the tomtt council tor several years. He was a member .ot the Mac- cabees, Berlin Tent, No. 21", in which order he went through all of the chnirs. The late Mr. Wagner was a genial and kind-hearted genthma'i. He was always industrious and was honest in all his business dealings. . His death removes a enliven who will be misstd by a wide circle cd friends. The tunerat will take place from the family residmtc on King street on Monday at 2 o'clock p.111. to Mt. Hone (‘unsl-er. . _ BERLIN BOARD IS Matters ol importance mn- dis cussul at considerable length at the regular meeting of the Beard cl Trade C'ouneil'on Thursday evening. imluding seieral railway proposi- tions,and free deliver? of mail and U10 unsatisfactory telephone service given hy the Bell Telephone Co. since the Lat y.ar's Council granted th, fne-ytar iranchise. fne-.vtar franchlsc. President H. J. Sims presided and Messrs. Ed. Smylh, C. H. Dunke, G, M: Wald, W. ll. Lceson, II. F', Gotten, C. A. Mucus, Dr. J. F. Irorts'cergcr, G. M. Dellus, Oscar Rumpcl, W. Shantl. A repr'vserttative oi the Canadian Northern Railway-Co. addressed the members, as wrll as some of the Town Councillors regarding the pro- posed system cl railways to be um- structed in Wr-slrrn Ontario in the near future. Berlin will be on at least two of the lines and will have direct commotion with the North- wrst. The Board hcartily endorsed the scheme. Mr. J.Stewatt (‘latkm ot radial railroad lame, wrote requesting the Hoard to arrange tor a public Meet- ing to be held on Thursday, Petr. 28th, at which he desired to address? the members. "is communication did. _ not state what his' theme would be and the membérs lustruclcd the sec- rvtary to secure turther particulars. Thé question oi securing atrcc mail delivery service in Berlin was con- sidered. The members Were unanimo- us in deciding WEE as soon as all, the necessary information is secured regarding the prescnt unsatiltactory service at the Post Ottice, o strong wait on the Pmtmaster-(kjcrnl at Ottawa. A committee contilting of Dr. J. F. Hamburger, convenor, H. J. Sims, E. P. Clement, K.Ct, J. A. Scellen, R. F. Gnlton and C. A. Ahrens, Wu appointed to secure all available information. have reBolu- iNoni; passed -hy various municipal bodies, and also lune a “It pre- ‘ pared at All those per-om who would rent box" " the Post OMce it they were, available. The committee will outline It! programme this stur- noon Otto ot the Inc-Mu mm "may that the lemon gtrm by the Ben Telovhom County um It â€and WW†"MI. "I "r 1?ii'ii'i' until-econ. A A mum “you! a! lam. In Bruin the duff: It! tM. thought that Ber In should "an chug-er ntu than Lyndon President Sims Introduced the cunt- uon why London Iva nble to - mam-nth! telephone: for 339 ed " was painted on. that the fuel In Bttlln no tlt tor he yarn, cm! the “mine-t on into Mm an to" And no In" Telethon pm» taat you puma-w an. â€than“. "The amt In the ntttettest MI; {in his "Iâ€. Gull“ did," ya the unused! 'ttre-ed by a whim-Gmm.u__ .- J. S. Clarke Hoard From Railway Schemes Wou an my"; t Telephone Service Free Delivery IN REAL EARNEST He In" We 3qu ,iiit69M' t1'."t2t 'dt'WSL' 'C . 'rf,', am 'te neck. for a Add? I “1| ll tb but“ at UM ill- prove tic '"e.e het tin Uhl't PM - mm; AM u up . museum win in extea LII-out. AI- drew Cat-ode In: “may [ha as. l 500 tori"! the “bury And the ‘extn $2,500 will bring the total up No 320,000. Ttr' I.“ oth- PINE el,ti','lii?, are.“ .m- r u to. un a! um I“ meshed, Ibo-nu It!» nub; year can 'e1eot'A - an: guns were The. other: at 1006 were 'ro-elocted u toilowtc-clFos, K. Mueller; Secretary, D. Fonyth. The Commit- teen will also be the ume us last yen. l, The Million pus-ant were huh. K. Mull“. D. ll'onyth, in. J. SQwomcr. w. J. Iota, W. M. Cum, R. Reid, H. w. Brown m] Rev. W. A. Bradley. I Amount.- unounilnx to 850‘ vote presented and pan}. The Board decided to all tor ten- ders tor new shelving tor the reter- cnce and Librarian's room, which will amount to about $250. Legislative grant, Municipal smut, Other sources, The annual report ot the Libruhn wu presented as 'ou- Receipts:- Light, heating, Salaries, Backs (non faction), Expemiiture:-- WE (ftctiott), . l kbinding, Magazines, Bank of Commerce, Building, Insurance, Printing, t hairs, F. Kaempi, Berlin Int. Wardwood Co., Sundries, History, Biography, Voyage and Travel, Science and Art, _ General Literature, Poetry" and Drama, Religious literature, Fiction, Miscellaneous, Magazines, German, Number ot pcrsons who borrow- od hooks between Jan. Ist, '1906, _ and Dec. 'dist, 1906, 901 Amount ot money expended on the purchase of books, non- fiction, $706,613 Amount of money upmded on tho purchase ot books, tlc-. lien, $188.12 Amount expended on purchase ot periodicals and newspapers, 3185.50 Value ot books in library, $8837.59 Number of nuwspapcrs and periodi- cals in library, daily 5, weeklics 29, monthly 49. Receipts lor fines, cards, cala- logucs and sale of periodi- cals, q $108.99 Comparing "he report at this your with last year. than: _ 262 books bought in was, and 579 in 1906; mm were 7,918 books in tid, library at the end ot M105, and there are now 8,437; the number "st book: borrohved has increased trom 11,386 to 14,799. f â€Tlrle'lloard decided' lo purchase a typewriter tor the tibrarian'n use. l The services ct Miss Schmidt, the' librarian, and Mr. Martin, caretaker, were recognirad by a neat increase in salary. Hon. Mr. Hanna, the Provincial Secretary, received a deputation trom the Canadian Fraternal Association, representing 35,000 certificate bold. are in Internal societkl at Toronto cn Walnut-day. They wanted steps which might be taken to mount the swam oi tuberculosis. They wilhod that legislation than“ be pulsed requiring that local health, oincerlhe rtotifled of cum oi the. ding-o. An' increue ot the Government uni. to municipal IIMtOI'M. new $1.50 per valiant per wrek. val "ked, And the organization ot the province - the Prnrinchi Bond ot 1reatttt, with ' View to the uttbllnhment of “I- trict lantern. The Minute: pro- lulled to give um mutual: the but councrulrn. A SLGG ESTION A "eminent emu-w In Bully: ol- lerl (be much the the Wu" Commit-Ion than†endeavor to an "other supply at water 'or. _ the Grand Trunk Runway. which would um: give teother con-um"- in "all. a mum supply. no a.r. R. In no mule“. con-um at “to: all; in": a...» “I 'H,tr00 in!“ my - lot which 9t [an uhnudnlwtmmh yet â€a gnu-I. q kit-lino: Kali-o, ol 'ut.hltort, In to b? - ll tttfetteeettt.y TO wick TUBERCULOSIS Total, shows an' Increase Annual Report Volumes t 250.00 2377.64 89.72 $2697.36 $2697.36 3350.16 002.75 708.63 188.12 90.50 185.50 106..00 50.00 112.00 36.50 52.61 21.65 10.00 84.87 Issued. 299 185 321 091 1378 268 374 14,799 9007 509 1532 235 They wished to show the esteem and love in which they held Kiss Obctlanler and "Er. Lincoln Wuest mad the appended address as Miss Weber presented Miss otserlander with abeautilul pearl branch ot Fluer de Lil pattern. An en;oynhle awning was {tent in we: wda bountiful least. The young people lowing be- lore midnight. 0n Tts-ut "will. can “Put Nacht", being thumb; Union “In beginning ot Lent, the Young Poo-| ple‘s Literary Society at tit Peter's Hangzhou ‘Luthcnn Church, to the number ot about 300, MM and in: body numbed to the â€manage, where they on; surprise to Miss Oberhnder, the sister ot the pn- tor. As members of the Young Pet pic's Literary. Society of se. Peter's Ev. Luth. Church, we have assembled here this evening to do honor to one whose faithful and untiring ettorta and skill in lurthering the interests and welfare ot this sosiety and church in general, have been in the past greatly appreciated. Emu at this moment, we furl it impossible to express in words our sincere gratitude to you, who hm not only teen 3 great help and coun- sel to us in our enterprises but also agnnd example of unsclr1sh willing-, has to us all. Miss Oberlander:-- Asasligm token ot an; esteem and respect in which we hold you, we beg ot"yms to except this small gill and lust that it may not be regarded by you as a tall recompense for your [atom (for they are beyond reward) buts. symbol of love existing te- tween you and us. _ _ WAS SANDBAGGED Harry Bram. more familiarly known in Merlin as "Happy Harry," accompanjcd the Berlin Hockey Club to Toronto on Saturday to Ste the great hockey game betwetn the cham- pions and the St. Georges. 0n mindful the Young People's Literary Society of St. Petcr's Ev. Luth. Church. a Berlin, Onl., Feb. 12, 1907. Harry did not 860 the game but he certainly saw stars. He had born invited last week to call at a house on Adelaide sired; when in the city and about seven o’clock he fulfilled his engagement. He knocked at the door which wartopenod by a man. Two others were also in the hall- way. As soon as the door was closed be- hind him, and before Harry had time to remove his cap he was struck a vicious blow on the side at the hard with i-ithrv. A sand ban or a club and he tell to the floor. He was not rendered unconscious at the moment and he remembers that one ot his assailants ht'ld his hands, another was kicking him in the ribs and the third went through his pockets, tok.‘ in: the sum at $22 thrreYom, The assaulted man Deanne uncon- scious and believes he was lying in a pool ot his own blood betore he came to. lie immediately looked tor a doctor who dressed his wounds His left cheek was swollen to twice its natural size and was tcnrlully lacr erued. “in rye'wto closed and it is unknown to what extent his optic has been injured. tho m, Ayn": Hm Ar" a tank: but mu»,- m fact hair mic. h but - can!“ out. grown mm. hep. not! and smooth. Ayer'p Hair Vigor cure- :le Mr, nutes it strong and healthy. Tha but kind ot . toott-Hr-- PRESENTATION IN BERLIN The addFess was as moows:-. Harry did not report the allair to, the police am he was tized up but went to the Ilnlon lunch and board- ed the train. He Ital." that he Could identify the fellow that struck him but not hll two unallnnu. He lllo ahtol um Toronto but e um: ol hoodlum. who would be in the peak winery. The Toronto detective devutmrnt. however, heard ot the hold-up. nnd JreteeMre Archilnld In: been deuiled to look up the “my yum. Galt, lob. tt.-ahaa Gum-gins, I his. nun!“ Belg-mu. nuanced thtr.rr.oaWrl' Ibo, ot Goldie a He. Culloch Company resterdw minim- M a {and revolver " Bruno m" trto, brother. III-It'. (homu- Pttl: " he than [out tte, ttrt " vu . eerttevare "no: laid with rim m mull." and and to - . Tit?» and comm no me in - locals“. to pay tat tmtrkitttt'et'. Ps, .9. fluid" am and P. c. Button. who inc-um " "arte, “' and M W}? Petit bloc Mill" 0qu PISTOL MISSED FIRE GiG iikiu, as "tto/rest' AND ROBBED C. Buiton mm re Berlin, Ont. ..Phone 119. High grade Plumbing, Heating 5nd Tim Gwwpeeee.eeeeeiritttmwtgt Just what yo1r have been: F " Looking For . _ 2feeteeoteq.etete+etett f 31 4.50 ', " lb Scale .... 50 lb Scale . . .. We only have a. few CHINA PALACE, KING STREET, BERLIN 3' - PETER HYMMEN V _ t5teB'hred Chat-m Strength and Youth , ---A Safe Combination tn4r,,a,rtheAse.tsorryrsi.erreirrI,it:erd fittititg', h'g'trltyp', 2551113!me treed th ttt t t er Deptdts haze has; to 05:! h' ',',fi'ldd. ml Your account-large or mall-i! invited, $1.00 opens 'amaccourttitseasrSm'rtgSDqti _ 8 [and p544 an? . yam HELD SEAL COFFEE FREE See our unsold “no at Hardwarr, Stoves, Tiuwtrrm Phunbing'Uud Pipe Fittings Store neu- Poat office Phone 142 'rttesmareigrontltdatttti,ltt.' Simpson’s hnilm Waremoms KING STREET, 'rm.urErcrArrmis 5nd EMBALMING. Special "mm given to thin branch of the human. "Yatere save]: on bye: dayE _ J. A. Good & Co; . Thorntont Douglas, . Ghilcbgn'thoncy iii)) , iiiiii $353122 _ $12 oo9vemsetti 7 leaf 314,531; C'r?,lmllllt _ no any, 0mm T C, raha5 " 1‘30 .iii'it' 'illlll One mid o(rhigh static underwent.†M. T Meis mm suits when! to 6.95 _," 'ctjg, These are‘only a feweif .tteamserseritiiirii by paying a visit to the store, . 2, in: During Jenner-y we will give fies with every pound of 00:31. Beat Coffee e Nevede Silver Coffee Spoon or I band! : pend picture. T . _ 2 Royal ttak Finish Bedroom Suits â€$14.50 .16; Ott h E. POTTER FURNITURE BOTTOM PRICES. TEtrEPHONE 584 r..........,..'........ 65ccnts r.....................)' and cannot replace at the price null. See window, THE HORTON STANLEY ROTARY WASHER 1. without doubt the but waif-E made. It iumdno! up"... "toiii' no compile-ted gen-ll)" ta-r.trti, of order. Our peimt for thin In†is 87.00. Aak to see our “at at“ fied nun. which in growing 01-37-4 m $15.00 BERLIN