:1 'itt,t, l', All Klud- of It.tetm commas, mm, MUClLM1E, PASTE, â€moms. are. We." tlb all all convince yo mall. a'i" T , our great February Cut Price Sale ot Shoes and Cloth- , "of: some ol’the best values yet olrered even better than d ttts put tew weeks, You can judge somewhat ot Bar- nt-».m W'ins prices. ', i . I I I I I l l ) i j I: l 'ie. Ate.......,.,.. w,..,.....,.,). . I 3030:“ lace Boots " huh top: to chat at . to a) '.-.w.r._r.. ..,...,....tL50 ', I - Button Boots, siz- , mind 11 to t, reg. t-36 I J, tor ....-.,,.C,,T1W . Sole lace and Button "tr. 'hruarttl "c. tttr Ate I: ' tta. Putt“ Coltskin lace Men's extra tine Amerietrn Patent .6Attreti.tr, reg $3.50 tor Colt Inc Boots reg. , no 5 to 'pr. 51.... .....W...FF. .,,..,....42.48 clear " Fr_.___P. .ttrrqr_r _.,,.,...,",." '75" Slippers, tur bound, Mrn's 48 King “on: Boots tor ...31.50 ' _ Ate.,.,........ m...,....,,.,..). Men‘s tt Had an“, Box cm lea- - n... M hâ€. Md: ther lined, cat price ._,r.......,t2.t.5 it? iiVGtiitjid things for blrthtar protons- amt waddlnz pronoun. - Kind- of hymn broen payer boobs, Bibles, 1utlrrlltt any“ books at! (331nm), Mums, Cruomxu, Swarm school Boo I, no. _ _ _ , Ot Every Description. 13010 “are from mu tro W n ma but is growggfl to overwhelming ---u It. by or bank. lithium :rtisers of Facts tinned Sale J. DOERSAM. AtcL,MAN'tit E L 8. HALLIAN, Grocer, Stationery & School Supplles THIS 13 THE ALWAYS BUSY] STORE. Try J. Docmm for all kindnzol iii-tq-e' m It.) lo Out-mun Dy, Good. ' b "mm. 113me l 5†It“ on no; am. norm. WrrG6 D6VIBIION anti, anus. c V Boots ther lined, cut price .._._.,......,tg.t.5 clan u Boyn' " Bongo". lace Boots cut ..U...31.50 Prim .__.t.8.. .r.r.....ww. , _..,,.....,.,..."." Little Gents' Box Home lather Blu- tou, all- chercut lace Bowls. reg, $1.75 tor Ct, 145 qrtr ..q N__rrF..._t_ ., .FN...PF. o..,.,,....)." ".r.r/.y1m It mm ply you to'buy tor mum: “and: use an shoes are tornd to be higher " m: in wire. . but Sunday Ru. Mr. “Inch ol mama: mm a. 'ee, oertttmt tttee.0. B. mum“. Minn-d . very HIM 'ee?llR8t, no - -tt. In; "M In I: an 'Ytaeff" h a. an» Mr, Hon Kenyon who purchased Mr Jon. Perrin's [arm u moviq {Mo an new home. We welcome Mn to our v'tttaee, . Mr: D. W. Home. in in Berlin on I who. trip in. Wtdar, " Phrrd B. am ot. aan, - and» 'rite In. m-nh In. Out 1ao'tl,iT,tt,e/,i,G",t If"; "tttA A my I the m m. H. 'llutt",l'd Hymn“ k _ Mr. Hy. Foreman is moving lo Berlin this week. Jae Dem-ls is mulling into his house and taking posscfsion ot the mill. We wish him success. . ' Mrs, Erwin Pam: in mm 'te- tim oi la mine, he ii on mum. ror, tty rug“). _ _ _ --- .lccl Cole is waning a mint; it'e a boy. _ Mr. J. R. Schiedcl In: moved in- to the lieohtcl not: and they are getting their new stock into shape. It presents an attractive appearance. Erwin Perrin has inn-10d in a new m. horae'powrr guanine and†vhlcn he purthaud "on Chas. Zlnn, Dell- ing “(at ter the Burma (lanolin: blntine atteThretstter Co. The revival, meetings tn the M. it, C. church _clostat 'iundavr -evcning, There was fall" at- temhuwe. The visible results were not what was anticipatml, but six professed to have lound pcacr. ' ROSEVILLE.‘ Mr, Will Detwellct has been mule: the weather tor some time, but we Are ghd to :lmrn he in recovering. A sleigh load trpm Gall visited at the home ot Mr. S. Goodlng on Butt- day last , A slcigh load trom Wstorloo viaft, ed at the home or Mr. Funk Nann- oycr last Sunday. . Did you not itotice how .the bra- Me from we subul’ba ito4 into the town on Sand“? a It is reported "at (in truth: in. tends moving his Inmnly to the - but the, dilttcttltr scam: to be the setmting ol 1 home: We no getting more0iee New York any “y. Miss. Ida Miller has Mt for Turonta where she will spend a menu] prior to leaning tor Winnipeg, in wtiich city she will remain tor a year. . _ Quite a number are sick in our village, but none seriously. Mr. J. Eu ia able.» be "it“. alter his recent “luau. " Mr. Monro Wilfovg who has been ponftrtt?,d to the house with In grippe Mr several weekspast is able to be out again. Mr. J. J. Beger is making prepara- tions to erect a saw min in Cotmec- lirn whh his planing mill, Tee sale ot Mr. I'rnrad It. Wilker was a very successful OOC, over $1700 bring named on stock and. imple- ments. Mr. Wilker has muted his Farm to Mr. G. Risk. Hamburg Team neteated. - 0. Thursday last the New Hamburg team was defeated at Ayr by the team ot that place by a score of 6-- H The score at Watt time Was 4-4) in Hamburg's [not On Thursday evening a wrek thry wpre deteatml itere by a score ot 5--3 by, the Drumho tram. Miss Mary Ziegler una Visiting her sister Mrs. Battenberg at Well- esley In some time. ' The death of Flora Frances, belov- (d wife, ot Chas. E. Taylor, storm- pr resident of this place occurred at Yorkwn. Mr. Chas., Miller has 1.5%: a position with a lumitun- company at Elem amd !y'syrior that-place. Mr. Ed. Stefthrr and taura, bt-rt have returned to Alberta. Mr. and Mrs.' naviu'Pué 0! Toronto visited kinds here last wank. Mr. Henry Brut-whet of Bate-ha bought the tarm tstMr. AM We." norm 0! Elmira. The present number ot Volume. nt the Elmira Free Library it 2508 and the value at are books pun-has“ darhtg 1m in $104. Over 1000mm books were read than in "os. Mrs. MuPhetaén bu returned to her home in Alberta. The funeral ot the" inhm son of Mt. and Mm. Henry Pull was held on Wednesday last. Miss Salome Rats srent a few days in Taronto. Mrs. P. Luckhanxt visiud Bramp- ton friends. shirt" Henry Weismiller of Lansing Mifh., visited his brothel here. Mr. o. M. Umbuh has . sold his residence on King St. to Mr. Wm. Kgpnedy of near Stilton tor tti00. Mrs. ivaie Herded-iii" Gai,, to her home in Li"oweidrter a visit with Elmira Itiendn. ijLiriiiriJ""iiisiiii'ii"i â€WW...“ WATERW- N liw HAMBURG n Note. Gatttqme by Induction: 'tree. 'rtCotustpandDugetet .' t",, ' -- .0... 0.0.0 ELMIRA. The programme tor he tax,' - inmate meeting next. may try Brubacher ol Baden lu- promiuu to he the very tres' mm eilat‘m ollr. Albert Weber a good cause by “was“. " DRESLA U. tt.%1P2'eis y Tm, huge log- were brought In M an": Hawknvllle. not: mean:- " mm "O ‘lsl! In duattter, It. 't.atttetee who now or» mm. NI an Wu. M: an! n tent-Ina balmy, .. i Our storekueper Mr. J: Laidlaw Us sold Ink More lo Mr. Iu'lsley, of [Jun- (in. The mange lakes place this. week. _ rie-t.-atr, I. attitrr trom Pro-teal culled on Mt. “can Ober- uoma an an†-- Mr.Tom Stone and (willy. w. Mr...Laodkeritt AM dnughwr arrived trom the Northwest two weeks ago to “mm the lumen! ot their mothet and up at present visiting their lath» er, Mr. Andrew C'crutinghutr Last weekuie ten tnottthtt' old child oi w. and Mrs. Ludkerin look ill and patted may on Sammy. The re- mtlns were intend henna: Monday nth-moon in the Methodist cemetery. We exkld to the intense our. sincere sympathy" - Oyster s9sptrer.-Mr.itd Mrs, J. A. MchlIk-r, very pleaaanuy cuter- ulncd A number at 'thelr Mend- to a orrtet "not on Tharrsdar evening. The main; was very pie-sully spent In gm, music our, “d " m. sumptuou- "part the pun-y "on up. all declaring In. Icin- lipter t splcldlrl haiku. The “the: me “we next opal De- kh‘io to ma swanky evening, Fob. Mrd will be: "le"! that Wu! in. grater "II than humou- uoe," Wer which a good programme v"! be (Mn. ' Mr. Patterson, of Linwcod will move to our Vinny: shortly into the house occupied by Mt. Nelson Fnider, who In: purchased the tne resi4enc. or Mr. Rom. McCallum, q Mr. McL‘allum will mmc to min next week. Mr. F. S. Spies occupied the put pit ot Zitn Church, Berlin, cn Sun- day. Mr. Alex. Anderson will move to our siliage next week into the house lately mecupied by Mr. ihris, Kix. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frey spent Sunday in Berlin. Messrs..Geo. Hulnrr and Fred " husky, spemt Saturday in Berlin. _ Mr. Rutwrt McKruzit, left for trip to the great West last woe-k i Mr. John. Ottman is Spt'l'dillg some ltime in the Northwest. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Donald spun ‘suuday in Conestoga. ' Miss Mary I‘MmundH-bl Wall-1100 is visiting friends here. Mrs. Merht Winn and (amily ol Waterloo, spent the past week with friends hero. Mr, spetsL home day. Mr. Jacob Elle), our Postmaster, will resign " postmaster. We will bcmlnus g post oiBee at Centreville .nlcss someone else will uu it. an. Aims Ha1as.'ttari mm m lace where h: llws at a good lg "re, to Mr. Simpm’l, of Berlin. “MI, hum: ttintends lb move on his other small “me which he bdught of Mr. Ieasrn Musselman, some time ago lien C. W. Backus and Rev. S, sum an conducting revival Bet- iues, in the United Brethren Church the pg“. two weeks. ' Miss Elsie and Mr. Herbert Hilbprn spent Sunday with Mr. Atmun Schiukl ot Dickie Settlement. Mr. Melanin a! Katmai/in In!“ um] days hurt took mm It. Funk Marta. c, Mr, and In. Fat. SM ot Ha- peter, Mr. Snyder ot W North [but and mu thryder,- ct Gama. m guests ot Mr. Inna] 9qod [pt week. 7 The sale ot km stock La tinrtC menta ot Mr. Coons was we†- ed_ed good prime was talked. . Tteurm on“. Henry Ruben ot Berlin wu also Iolg, Mr. Kiwanis! Shun, ot Hotpoint, being a. high- at bidder, paying $090. Mr. mini Catan. Wu ot Shellie†spent'Thuudny with Mr. Albert Winner. Mr. and Mrs. James (Judy ol Konuth visited friends in am bet; last week. - Thcutwo teachers, Miss Bessie Van (awry and Miss Florence Strickland, re visiting the childrens' paints in the section in†school at presot. Mr. Emanuel Beeker cum 'arm 9nd tstock [or all. Joshua Winn of Manilolm. who the past three wwks at his here returned homo on Fri- BLOOMINUDALE HAWKis's'viLLts' CENTREVILLE LIUERIGK "A'; Ada KI his l The delights ot ttCanadian tsiatrt [are lull): vellum] in the vicinity ,o' West Montrose. Fsleigh-ridir,parties, tot?oiartoing, _ togethcr with various Willgnthl‘rings in this communit: lJmparl to life in vim anal general in tacit, to which few village neighbor. hoods at-l/ain. Joy an social New ‘suremin‘lod with rare intellectual 1delights are thrrchief chturturterlstie.s of West. Montrose. iu. and In. Kenna Bundle, ItNN ed Sand" at the latte-rs home, EI- 'i',iii'iili'ii"ifiairc1hrtirc tFeta. cu. pe moot of the but for the lent I AattttIttttWMtiBBtat Mr. John Lwhenbnuer spot Sun any at his Itomtr Wuthlco. . Jo-hua wt Gum“, ot London. claim to be . member at the Coun- cil and that be wu elocted during his than in England. (looms W. Arman»: duo claim the an "rd. wlll uh legal no†to "tatrlUh MI rights. . min Mt. D. A. Bemis, Tormto, span: Q short time " his home here last ir'oek. Bhad's Iron Tonic Pill. Anem cum cal-ml tdg't','ltfiltl'g Tog! Liter. Mr. Jones Bingeman anl Mr. Gor. don Bingcmln tooka business m, to Milvcrwn last week. ot Mr. and Mrs. Jung-u Bittgentcn, Miss Joanna}: McAllister at Guelph, was: guest ot Mr. and Mrs. J, A. McAllister this week. Mr. John Mektrt, Berlin, callulom triends in our village on Wtdce.sday. The Farmers' Club will meet on Friday mum“, Feb. 22nd. Ax: inter eating tlthate is on the, nogrammo. A general good Ctme is su'.iriparM Come early mulmuroa canatartabk seat, Everybody wok-01110. Little Flyltvtiier Gingrich, who ha: been wry ill, is noworonounccd. on of danger. All were pkwatl to been ot his rapid recovery. " .. . T -r. _ .- L _ my. 0R M a 'i'il,ll1l'tavltt'yii'ilgjttiitdr) ‘6 to 'te-tdag " It art-cm. on - alum, It ' We in with“; can ' when was! toe oearirttMe ' m1:- pcu Jo Maw: qa4 'tteted tttet m oratio- At .uw-Mhll and in lawman was“; A has In. ot my)!» already, been slab-cm. In [gnu-t- Irtutdkieat to our] the tori ol [mu-m; "trotittlt to comrletiu. The my “mound witt be erected u do: the “when ot the coup-@190!) A goodly number turne'd out ion the Endeavor meeting on Sunday night. An excellent addmss was giv- fro on the topic. "An Easy Lilo ver, sus a Hard Life." Mutir interest was evoked by the discussions tha' followed, and were is little dutttl but that genuine goott is.. being _ ac- complished. " . a 'mu air!!! u "tterr._trpol tho mum! of an egdtiitrr"' tut use“ It" muggy“! and m.“ â€in, it. Ouch. nu had ' do.ehrre in 4ovteine Mull Jot Duluth). ot new churéh en in â€1qu new: at mlulstcr_ 1111‘»! m, “at varied ,triEtiet wilt, no 'mat, mu] mama the was: at “no good work. ' For may yet“ n well manatmd Sn... day-school ha been mankind ir that Montage and the erection o Bettmtortatrle and attractive churcl will no doubt add to the macaw power um "ieiersey ot this import. artt work. The Y.P.S.C'.E. will ulsc be greatly haunted by the commo dioms structure that will be erectcd during the present rear, Let us born this worthy undertaking will beast. ried on to final cqmpleticn. , The triends ind . reigtigu of Mr John Who! ot this village, arrived on Sunny last to do humr to thi aged pioneer who has now angina! iris 89th birthday. Mr. ind Mrs. Gel ty of Out. Mr. uni Mrs. Rogers with a. number iot the grand children assembled under the purentnl root A religious service was emtduettd b the Rev. Solomon Etsy, The Eco- wishes of tll are extended to th agedvooum who hue advancediav beyond the Psalmist’s Iimitausrn'yi: the years ot human duration. J glorious perspective iot Messed im mortality rises clearer and brighter on the horizon of lite 'hte the silver cord be hosed or the golden boa, be brovett. i Mr. Weber ot New Dundvc, was a visitor at the home oi Mr.Pred Lei, son. Mrs. John Rump! has "wen quit: in during the past week. 100 for ah, t FEBRUARY " - L FOR- 1t/Jt,igr we. sell we guarantee to be the best of it: kind obtainnb'e a we prove to you everyday m: we all on goods cheaper plum our competitors. 7 t_ri-r MW. ------_.- We have almost everythin that's wanted no ease a wo- man's Work and make life worti living for. V . If you have hunted for something and couldn't find it--. something that's badly Wanted in your kitchen-call here and you won't be disappointed, _ ' isV,' ‘ '. â€â€œ13““ ’IalH’apor _"" b r r;',',,'),,",,',)))."' Ihtrd'ttr ALL‘OIE mo: .r ve ( 1kiling L 3 Kim mid dippmhold one quart. Strong at.' M,I 'at A""ii'it tor 26e, wh' e ey " c " white mum. l I o d dluh . plum Alva." cold tor 76c and chip pt tint. A Fome-y mp Sign of Gold Star. To ignore the advantages which our February Selling out sale offers you. Nothing reserved. The Clothing mutt go and go ih a hurry. The bargains We offer ire the most extra ordinary ever offered, sim ly regardless of value. Every - ment is perfect and the stlees are the newest and best. 15::- withstanding the tremendous reduction in prices we have give en during our sale' we will cut them still lower. Weiehel’s Weekly Store News Chin You Afford- , All Wall 28a sad at Flat Rates _ w'," ',/i,'r?s,ri'i SIDE lyh CEILING, . wanting}? T All Sold tf, e Roll. Borders Sold by the Roll itthii,/) Same Bryce " ide Wait or Ceiling. . . 74.1% no you minus BY m‘nw. scum pm bu i:t,itgiii(_'i,',ii, for thh sung In “now prawn, some 1W ; g; llel,'li.feurfd'l,ti2'dm',tg m~m~mwumrm-a.'za% t'lfl'lf'r'JrUa'utlt'f,u2tgtlr'egt',','tfgf,r. ' . C"ru?ii, cu “in! ttur,thr1"d."t.','d Inga... "f. tt:i.'i'ili'iii'lh'tii'iil, yeah 'i'iiiiih'i'ia'i'r' iiiit Mada u some an «H ",'h"1Ttt'tJ'2t1M"Af."e2'.'g't mm)“: a tttISI' 1mrottodMehe-atiuiiiiiitldir.' ' King Street East, Berlin. Cub and oneptie1, M. Weichel dt Son. ' N-x-mk 9-9- tit-dr. Our Housghold Specialty Department. - . 039 {can Drip M It De. "" "' " _ We. 81†" " I“. ttat' " " tht. It]! " " u “all " _ " I". "I" ". " h. It!" " 'x " a. WATERLOO. $1.50 niEn's trousers for Men's 8.00 and 9.00 suits for Men's 15.00 suits for Men's l2.00 overcoats for Boys' "Reefers for I, Has become a very popular place. . WILDFANG tfA"ii5iET's) Bott SMYTH BROS. too white no um. mundlod an. ln'rt he“ I quart The regular price lb. 'e, we It internally. for" hm V Itht' ELKIRA. 100 white - ’ellod nub MIâ€. winch-dump! l A r, tryter In tie/ do, while tho, lat; 10.00 7 50 I .98 99C Berlin.