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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 31 Jan 1907, p. 4

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Merman _ U heese Il’, y apre > Liim was on Saturday , 19 thore was 2 _ att.ndance, ‘The report shows Wety faiorable copdition ol affairs R should .. be . encouraging for th _ Eimers of the surrounding countr» § "Ro slill more extensively ~ into a ying, as the patrons received al t 95 cents per 100 ibs, milk sent. . : st seaso, is the first . thai : company has paid by fat test 3 ligh seems to be the most fair me . "ptlometflu almost unani wsly â€" decided to have the tes: i wcheme adopted for 1907,. The clec â€" \itom of officers resulted as follows:â€" ) Rrekident, J, W. Hacticib; salesman, 3 Wilker; director, J. Baechler, Beek.â€"Treas., K. J. Keer; Auditor, J. 5 :‘? rods.~ The â€" meeting expressei °_ theit regret at the departure of thei heesemaker, Mr. Tâ€" O‘Flyrn, who las resigned and is about to move to "Btratford, where;he will be stationâ€" \@d as dairy inspector. . Mr. O‘Fiynn Bas been with the company for the ‘ past 10 years, and during that time ‘â€" Bas‘ made qpany close friends. He Wiwill be succeedcd_by Mr. I. Neeb, a â€" promising young* man under Mr. O‘ # lynn. A meeting of the directors is , for Saturday, Feb. 2nd, at % ‘ @‘elock p.m. for thepurpose of let _\ #ing the several milk routes. lt . Aaron Shantz of Haysville me _ with a painful accident in the foundry ‘here on Wedncsday last receiving : pa I cut in the forchead by accident ‘ mily falling on a piece ol iron. ‘ Rev. Mr. Yager and Mr. J. G ‘ Woods had a somewhat trying _ es ‘ perience during the flood on Sunda i miternoon last.~ Mr. Yager made ar ) unsuccessful attempt to cross Hel Zmer‘s bridge where the water flooder . ver ‘the strcet, and was obliged t . unkhi his horse â€" and leave _ *b . He was conveyed to safet: "fn & boat by.neighors. Mr. Wood: s"fihppened aldng the same way in th _ evening, but was unatle to get pas ‘ hn account of Nr. Yager‘s bugg ‘ blocking th: way. He was forced t« _ wade through the ice cold water . uj _ to his shoulders to‘unhitch his hors: imnd conveyed ‘his daughter who>~ ac Rompanied him, to safety. The vehiâ€" in their first game by Waterloo. _ Mr. Herman Bollerti farmer ef Cassel, Cnt., breeder of Hoilstein @attle, has shipped a two year old \Molstein cow, registered under _ the mame of Tidy Pauline Dekol, to Mr. \Fred. F. Fielding, Brockton, Mass., ‘who purchased it for ong thousand lol! This cow took first prize &t Guelph show over all comers. â€" Mr. Werner Brodrecht, Manager of ‘%he New Hamburg Mig. Co., is again & to attend to his duties alter his Kecent illness. \ ‘Court Sitver Leat, C. 0. F. held a ‘ successful oyster supper at the ing Edward Hotel, on Tuesday evâ€" > lqst, at :which about forty hren wore in attendance. ‘Mr. Lewis Habn has returned from & two wee‘s‘ trip to Montreal _ and \<Mr.Wm. Bishop »nipped a carload Of heavy horecs from here to the easâ€" matket. . » Mr. Jo‘in Bockel‘s new brick barn & the Imjcrial Hotel here, is comâ€" Rthnccd in theâ€"Western portion of â€" ‘The rcturn hockey maich betwee: the village. The ice became jammed Baden in! Wellesley was played o %':o the dam, which caused the ITh=rsday last in the Baden rink,th water to rise to high water mark. score lerg 6â€"4 in favor of Baden &'ever, no serious damage to proâ€" If the W.athcr permits, the Wellesle ty was done. team will go to Linwood to take i: ‘ The New Hamburg Curlers particiâ€" the grand carii al on Tuesday. ted in theâ€"games for the Ontario| Mr. and Mrs. Joun Ottmann c ‘aukard at Stratford being defeated Hawkesville, spent Sunday with Tc their first game by Waterloo. |latives here. The Natchez and Broslay intermediâ€" played an interesting gme . of ~Jast Saturday afternoon on fotmer teaim‘s tce. The score ¢ favor of Breslau. _ Keep ‘ you‘l} ©oon be winning the ~teom Berlin. a’“-bul’g Team _ Won.â€"The new famburg team won thrir secord sorâ€" s deleating th: Plittswille team at & rigk hore on Tuc§day evenin? it, bÂ¥ & score of 5â€"2. Ed. Wet(â€" jiggest Flood for Many Years.â€" Sunday ~ afternoon, the biggest pd for upwards of 23 years, . was perienced in theâ€"Western portion of > village. The ice became jammed pé the dam, which caused the ter to rise to high water mark. ht Mrs, Andrew Letson _ of h trose spent Sunday . with t.!l’l. A, E. Richert. t flad to report the recovâ€" of _ Mrs, A. A. Weber and also . M. Haug, both of whom were I l‘ro.,g very sevore . attack ' zmb‘ Trom in mdn:‘:‘?.n fall in J..: Schiedet‘s new the sceaftolds gave ~way. 9 ate “ in t l‘ul_-_-mmnh were received after the flood had of Berlin, referced place. ‘l'h.“e:“nm has Y good consider ox= cold. Monday large ¢|h-irn=a:hm- NEW HAMBURG. BRESLAU --uu-.lm evening. * hic: and Aatmes in [ ; ME. ‘aink MrS. 3 l Mt. Wm. Bizhop 232 Waltet Hail, 824. The ce races held here Tist . FIF bhavk thh RVMOAIKE _ ol _ nimetinng day were a granl success. There beâ€" :':.th Y 'u'y.d vemerous imng a large attthdance from â€" outsid© Word reached Baden on . Monday guu such as Hamburg, Plattsvilic|that old Mr. Nichols Licht, _ "near Alt Ayr Berlin, Bright asd Waterâ€"|St. Agatha had dicd it the ripe old lo0. ‘Thsâ€"local horses captured best|ago of about 06 years.. Many proâ€" Hall taking Orstâ€"in Class A with his Jrom this vicinity attended the last pacer Barndy B, "In ‘Class t.auvhuv-hllu'm Mr.. Anthony â€"Doll took Arst. _ The|day morting. § Jacob Hoflman 443 In Class B. ; Mr. ard Mrs, Hilbon of Galt,.vis ited â€"at the home of Mr. Amos â€" Hilâ€" born on Sinday. > . Mr. Levi Stauffier and Miss 8. Shants of Waterioo, visited at the home of Dr. L. L:; Staufiet last week. A sleighload of young people from Berlin visited at the home of Mr. A. Macder last Sunday.< ! _ _ Mr. Guy Deeton, of the l5c; branch of the Sovercign Bank _ ha: been tr:nsferred to. the Branch * a‘ St. Cathatines. .« Th» Nisses Susan and len spet Stniay with Mrs. Fied. _ Mayer. Mr. and Mrs. _ Alfan Mr. Albert Hammet of Nex Han burg spoat Senday at the h: his molicr. Dr. CGlaister wes laid up for seve: al wee‘ s with i.lness, Mr, /llan Klein of Beden paid _ | short visit to his Lrother WillanV Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Habermch] an Mrs. G.nsman were visitors to Li: bon on Saturday, where they wer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Val. Glebe. Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Kreutzweises and daugiter, Florence, were guest of Mr. l hilip Kreutzweiser, who rc cently purchased Mr. Spah‘s Hotel. 211. Ald Ms. lienry Breutrweise The U'lcl"dy was not due to the and daugiter, Florence, were guest $o1d weather. There .was plenty . of of Mr. l hilip Kreutzweiser, who rc soal, and there were also plenty â€" of cently purchased Mr. Spah‘s Hotel. | wovisions in the house. It is well Mr. Green was a business visito [ ‘urmished and comfortable. ' to the Twinâ€"City for a few days las Placed caréfully besi‘e the dead week. »ody of the woman, on a lo#w stool, Nr. G:o. Forler~i«ig@ Monday ic § was a dipper with water in it. Pos New Ha‘crg whete he‘M;s secured f::ibly she had gone for watetr to give lucrativeâ€" situation. Terginard or one of the children . a Mr. Albert Hammet of New Han J Iw6k, and stopped to fx the fire, ns n e e se aso n c dn A _ number of our young peopl spent S.nday out of town, bein gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoerli. «be age ol TO monihs. ‘The funers took place onâ€"Friday to the Lutheraâ€" semetery for burial. 1be sorrowin parcats have the heartfelt sympath of tre community in theit sad affiic tion. Ar. C. F. Ottman was on _ th sick list for seseral days. LJ& . OM * % 'T ies ~1 _VINp #4. $ Te sole ‘mamege to we dam and in con | or the Aeding O in afaiee of . the € cor “fl $ ~ will n 4 a k : ”"‘:Mfi, ® P en bo T3 \:“ prlg D T2% ® t -‘fl'i:‘»g'- w t i * "I BPhnblin Th 3.-.- )f. o Iatwark FerAinalnd ry f é the Women‘s‘ Ixstitutes will be hel©| stillâ€"born babe were found in " the im th¢ basement of the Presbyteri@ | 10me # ‘ourth: avenue cast, a! u.:'o’hm on‘ > Tuesday dm:fima,_;x Officer Mill. Two: chilâ€" Feb. 5th at 2 pm. 'ru-m-;:& lren, . f % and .3, were be addressed bys Miss Agnes J ‘ound. were but are so of Hamilion, a gradvate ol theâ€". ::: that slight . hopes. are tarie Morimal School of" Domesti | : flhw se t4 =wince. AM the ladics of Hawkes | . in . ce . with the ie snl vicinity are cordially. / in _hbw.'l;‘m Company. n:w; ited to att nd." In"_ the cevenin ;-Ah‘ twice si (C, _F. there will be a joint meeting of th | 1â€" dams called at the to see "armers‘ and Womens‘ Institutcs i | 4t. Ferdinand. .He cou! fi.:‘ a Rorwell‘s Hall. : . wd this morning when he ¢ . l * :oticed that no one ‘had been in the : ST'â€"J.A'OOIBS- gxae. «ouse for some time.: There were so f leg _ â€" racks near the house, except those mies Ciara rteimmice is visiting ne | onde, by the baker when he . left brother« Tor s few dats. ;. | _ Mr. Adams immediately went â€" to Mr. and ‘Mrs. Henry Huff of Bloow Je |.>olh:e station ‘and ° notifed â€" the ingda‘e are .isiting relatives here. wolice. * Mr. Netman Milier spent Sunda, The officer broke b the kitchen nder the parental rcof. loor, and the three men stepped ‘iuto" Mr. Fred, Reynoids bas been 145 § no pouse, They saw a sight that ap with the Grippe for the past 1t‘ | .orriged them. 3O days. Lying on her face beside the stote Mr. Ncorman Hollinger szeut SUuD 1 yas the dead body of Mrs. Ferdinand, day at h.me. ‘rozen solid. ‘The stove doors were Mr.. Jos. Westvood spent Sund2 | en . as though she had been <atâ€" with friends in Toronto. tempting toâ€" light a fire.. _ Some + Revival mectings have been hel< $broken dish lay on the floar, as. if n the Eâ€".angelical chureh for th â€" f dropped. tille, Jant : Wednerd:y. . . Mr. Merritt® Wika g5d" family e1 to theirnew home in Water Mr. Nctman Miller spent Sunda, nder the parental rcol. Mr. Fred, Reynoids Lbas been lai ;: with the Grippe for the ‘past fey ys. Mrs. Cowley, the Indian wome ras tecn very ill with bronchitis fo he fast few weeks,but is improving The i fant child of Mr. and Mn lohn Z. Wagner, near Berlet‘s Co. acr, dicd rather suddenly on We nesday l.st after a sLort iliness _ a Mr.. Jos. Westvood spent Sunda with friends in Toronto. + Revival mectings have been . hel: n the Eâ€"angelical chureh for th ast two weeks. Several have mani ‘ested their desire to lead the bette Stoek Sol1...Mr. T. E. Welker o Wallaceville has purch>sed the stoc the W, & A. Suyder general store r. Wel‘er has made a success . o he byusiness in past years and w iope that he will continue to enjo i large measure of success in thi thrifty village. Mr. Wl e will take possession voit the first of February. It is exrected that there will be iochey match hepe on Friday next he cont.st will be tetween the lc als and the fast team from Linwoor Mr A. Doll, 111; iv. Myrritt Wiea gsd family moy % to their new home in ‘nenoonl Chiet \is: NEW DUNDE Mrs. _ Allan Bechtel tod relatives hete. WELLESLEY . Jo‘hn Weber Sebring . Shelly atterded . th 111 Johann Mu) their sigte _A sieigh load of young people drove tol‘:.u.u!-ho:y evening and spent a mast enjoyable evening 11 den, for interment. The= funeral services were held in the . mieting house at that plave and were langely attended. Deceased was abougt torty years ol age. ‘The bereaved _ family have the sympathy â€"of. â€" numerous Word reached Baden on .â€" Monday Death of Miss Hunsberger.â€" Miss Nancy, only daughter of gr.' Enos Hunsberger of this town, died â€" at the Hamilton hospitat on Friday last, after a few weeks‘ iliness. The temains were brought to Baden on Saturday evening _ with the _ soven o‘elock train from / the east. â€" The funeral took place on Moixilay afterâ€" noon, the remains being taken . to Hostetiet‘s cemetery, west of _ Haâ€" Part of the tin roof on the north side of the flour mill was torn off. Our real Canadian winter weather is keeping steadily on. A little moreâ€"~of _ the "beautiful" would make the slcighing first class. The storm a week ago Sunday «id some minor damage throughout this listrict. â€" The déad bodies have been removed to the morgue at Graham & . Busâ€" sombe‘s and the coroner‘s jury will meet at the police station at four »clock this afterncon to go in a rody and view the premises. when she fell dead The police force deserve eredit fotr the prompt action they took in the natter. There was no time lost beâ€" *ween the time the information was civen by Mr. Adams until the chilâ€" Iten were removed to the hospital. + It appears that Mrs. Ferdinand had 10t had medical attention during Ner ‘titical condition and was very weak. ; Dr. Crawford, the eoromer, arctived, ind after making a slight examicaâ€" ion, stated his opinion that it was «ccidental poisoning. A * He said be thought Ferdinand and is wife might have accidentally aken poison, and Ferdinand died in wed. His wile might have struggled © the downstairs portion of _ the 1ouse to light the fire. She was overâ€" come in her weakened condition, ani lropped beside the stove where <she vas found. The men went softly upstairs. They found the babe dead in a bed, Ferdiâ€" nard dead and frozen, lay in the same bed, one of the poor . Jittls mites also lay with him, and as the men stepped quietly into the room it ut an arm around the neck of ~ its lead futher and tried to snuggie up ‘or warmth, The poor child‘s leas were frozen solid, nearly to the inces. 4 i Notes.â€"los cutting is the order of The living children yrere at once toâ€" noved to the residence ot Mr. Murâ€" ay, 336 Fourth: Avenueâ€"@éast, where 11 the care possible was immediately _iven. Graham & Buscombe‘s ambuâ€" ince was sent for and then sevenâ€" ecn doctors were tclephoned for, and one eould be located. Nearly an ‘our after, two of them received the nessages and went to the house. They were br. Aull and Dr. Gibson. ‘The other living child was found in i little crib. It was covered _ with i blanket that had been nailed to the ‘op of the crib. Both legs _ were rozen. Sdward Ferdinand, his wife and their itillâ€"born babe were found in " their «ome at 323 rmm cast, ‘at sbout 11.40 by Mill. Two chilâ€" iren, agod possibly 2 and .3, were u‘r."l'hy::r‘o living, but are so sadly frozen Slight . hopes are :6Id out Jor their. tecovery. BADEN Blaig is wanted heté to play There have been many rumors Ayâ€" return game in the noar future. ing about town respecting the actiqn Personals.â€"Mr. J. A. Bullock of| of the Park Roard h.?“u Berlin spent Sunday _ under _ the| outsider as caretaker of Park. parental roof. huufinwu“pfil aright Mr. Henry Hofman of Floradaie{the action of the Park Board we ; Was home on Sunday. _ _ . |ought to be informed which members | m:m. and it will a very interemting match Blaip is wanted het? to play i return game in the near future. leftâ€"for the woods where no doubt the glants of the forest will~ fall a victim to the woodmian‘s a%e. Quarterly services will be beld in : U. B. church on Sunday, Feb. the Mr. Jacobâ€"S. Haliman who _ was somewhat indisposed with theumaâ€" tism lg_ able to be around again. Mr. M. Hallman was laid up with a sore leg for a few days last woek. We are glad to report that Mr. J. Knechtel and family who were lak up with diphtheria are able to be around again. With good nursing Mr Kaechtel will promptly resume â€" his duties in abc;} a week. Rumor has it that two of the a¢â€" tive members of the Wrecking â€" Club have resigned, and that the rest have Mr. R. Reiet accompanted by'hlx sisters Gertic ard Louisc, visited at the home of Mr. H. Bcear on _ Sun day. Mr. S. Prong and Mr. J. Moratski and Miss Minnic Moratski visited a! the home of Mr. Harry Kurt _ or Sunday. * : Mr. Ammon Krehling of Manitobs was visiting at the home of _ Mr. and Mrs. E. Devitt for a few days last week. Mr. I. Bricker of Washington‘ visâ€" ited at the home cf his _ daughter, Mrs. A..C. Bowman for a few days. 811,287â€"Samuel Vesset, Loliette Que. Sharpening device for grai‘ mills. Miss Barbara Shantz visited unde) the parental roof on Sunday. _Write for a fi'ee‘(::p‘y ef ** ventor‘s Adviser." 103,166â€"Staniake Cracknell, Fort William, Ont. Railway â€" Signalling apparatus. 8140,476â€"Roman. Couture. Somers worth, N. H. ‘Cardidg machine clean 103,106â€"William â€" Brandon, _ Bran don, Man. Governor. 839,498â€"William Millar,. New Hamâ€" burg, Ont. Compensating Stovepip« joint and coupling. 840,006â€"Adam A. Stenhousé, Mont real, Que. Watchcase Pencants. D. €./ pomaff se th cond > Any information=tnâ€" the _ subject will be supplied: free of charge _ by applying to the above named firm. ‘Nos. CANADA. â€" 102,889â€"Edmond Montet, Montreal Que. Soap former. The fcllowing Canadian and Anter 4 4. ins Lnaw. ican patents havé been recently se [ *# 91e 0 clock p.m. :h'nrfn, the followâ€" cured through the i#eney of Mcssrs ing . valuable property:â€" 5 Marion & Marion;, Patent Attorneys, HOUSEHOLD GOODSâ€"6 kitchen Montreal, Candda,"d&hd ~ Washington chairs, 2 rockers, corner ° cupboard, 0C aeli ao in 4 large leal table, cooking stove â€". for Any informationâ€"rin . tha mthiane esc id L d " 2 99 102,997â€"Elmer E. Paris, Coleman Alta. Traction Engine. E _workets), Lay horse 13 year oul,> mare 13 years old in foal Pliot, colt rm‘ 4 m Uy «Billy Wilaes, eolt & tby f cn‘ru:-cpu dairy cows _ (: fesh by time of wele) 2 h.Mers . . hi. cald, 144 {at stoaur» 2 and .« years old, 2 yearling steers helle: coming 2 years, 2 or 3 1eal calves. Buggies, (1" mm‘ mill, sets" gravel Scales 12000 las.â€"new), 2 new haytacks,new Fig rack, straw.cutter,â€" wheelbarrow liiter ropes, 2 tutnip pulpers, forks,, tho:els, necky0‘%cs, doubletrees, . . quantity of mangolds and hay, abou 800 bus. Oats, about 400 bus. barle} 2 sets team harness 1. new), set plow harniss, 2 buggy harn>sses. HOUSEHOLD ~BEFEKECTSâ€"3 . bed Mr. Jacob Lang and son Whithey |of the Board commenting at one o‘cl@ek p.m. : the Jfollowing saluaile property, f mood _ Cairy _cows _1(« [018. 14 steers,: 2 years old, registerâ€" 5 “ma :i l ds l vCP t‘el &N"\ s WM< cald, 44 ' & 2 Te .~â€"3 binder 9 oo proed wor ’;.:txfi‘ litter % mfi* ”'Efi : t i ons 4 »ith / o4 '&.mw%w Waed Bermanice Bour "4 pi" | Dotatoe digger,. plows, nculllec, lover $1 a o4‘ j . |harrow, 2 common _ haftows, 8 wagâ€" ‘m <| ns with boxes, root pulper, straw j f & n Huct -ut;:rj on ies 4p4 Aa en t rhon‘ : Mowe J tat, 2 hay racks, scraper, woodrack, 5 Toot ont, hew McCormick Haprace | weve! planks, fanning mll; wting and in: l K 4 sets team harngss (1 ncarly Panioed wed daine gereell, "C2 6 | now), grain vage, spra?. Pump, quanâ€" £ ooo 100 M s nc a A uty "of oey, about 100 wish. parier. incsily.â€"new} new °'hm'°"'-‘ 100 bush. odts, turnips, about _ 120 j low, 3 # We 15 |chickens, 5 Pekin ducks, 1 collie dog. r@ller, ‘15 {t., i w“ LUMBERâ€"From 10,000 to 12,000 row, gew s lu’lm leet _ lumiber consisting of boards, rew Adams wagon, ironâ€"axled wago planks, 3 in. 4 in. scantling, and, wagâ€" o it se 2 £9r P on axies. ' Buggies, (1" +3 . ng maill, " About 20 colonies of bees, houseâ€" sots sl.’l'il m Scales hold effects and many other articles. io bace. shav aueh Mieacsntt [ TERMSâ€"Hay, grain, roots, poulâ€" $ n en earro® Rivy sn all sums of $10 and ~ und t Hiter rores, 2 turnip.puipers, f0fk8â€"8 75‘ "vet that amovat 12 months‘ gll()'.el.s. necky0%cs, doubletrees, * credit on â€"approved security or . five quentity of mangolds and hay, abou >er cent per annum off for cash. Aucâ€" 800 bus. Oats, about 400 bus. barley [ CC SeRt ber annum of 2 sets team harness 1. new), set No reserve as the proprictor is â€"reâ€" Llow harniss, 4 buggy hain>sses. tiring from the farm. HQOUSEHOLD . ~EFKECTSâ€"@ . bed Catalogues of live stock given on sleads, sigeboard, 6 chairs extensio) ication. _ Lunch at noon table, leal: table, sparlo® stove, coo § APPli¢ation. 7 * stove sewing inathine, 2 cider batrels f ALEX. AMES. G. BENTSCHEN, so...s = shillifir ~~ crocks. _ woodbox. e 3 L5 C ue {nearly new) Frost m Mowe 5 foot cut, new McC Hayraike, spring mt&ou-eultlu‘o; {nearly n;v:‘ Exantford . seed drill,. ..Sylygsier .Diz m‘ofify new)} new 2â€"furrew Oxtor: sleads, sigeboard, 6 chairs extensio) table, leal: table, kparlor stove, coo TERMSâ€"Hay, â€"grain, . roots, pigs and chic‘ ens, cash. 4 i All sums of $10 cal undcr cash,0 er:that â€"amount 10 months credit uy on aprroved security, crâ€"§ per cer Yer cnnum off for cash. Â¥i )3 PIGSâ€"6 brood sows, 2 with litte: at foot, thoroughbred Tamworth sow thotwbt:i“l:!@ .' ar, . 4 piy» $ onths " old‘ ; ¢ About 40 m;%. 3' ’h‘ IMPLEN â€"Binder with truci so..0 ~ shillimz â€"‘ crocks, ~woodbox, crosscut saw, a number of grain,bag: and numerous other articles. DAVID RUDY, RUBEN E; EBY 5â€"3t Auctionser PATENT REPORT. UNITED STATES MAN N N‘HEIM crocks, ~ woodbox, Proprictor 1907, In THB NEW umAl'R. “m. Jan. u‘ 1907 To the Bditor.â€"* 102,897â€"Messrs Carrick & Pattiâ€" son, Johannesburg, Transvall. Smeltâ€" ing sulphide ones. Stockhold, Sweden. Liquid Heating cating and recording speed. Apparatus 102,6¢0â€"Paul Daimler, Unterturkâ€" heim, Germany. Arrangement of the speed .gomor in explosion, motorst 1023,860â€"Messrs Riep & Bauer, Dusâ€" eldorf, Germany. Greasing mediums for fibrous mateflals and _ woven labrics. 103,882â€"William J. Winch, W. Ausâ€" tralia.. Beer and other pumps. 102,919â€"Fredefick~ Daker, Brigh ton, Australia. Sowing machines. . 102,957â€"Leonard E. Cowey, Bron desbury, Eng. Apparatus â€" for indiâ€" Information relating to any of the patents cited will be supplied free of sharge by applying to the above named firm. «Below will be found a _ list _ of Janadian patents recently granted to loreigners through the agenc of Messrs. Marion and Marion, ;umt Attorneys, Montreal, Canada, and Washington, D. C. S TERMSâ€"Ail sums of $10 and vundâ€" er, cash; orcr that amount . nine vonths‘ credit on approved security or â€"six per cent per annum . discount ro; cash payments of credit amounts. H. FOREMEN â€" J.W. DAVEY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. CANADIAN PATENTS GRANTED . FOREIGNERS. gither coal or wood, 2 sofas, 3 (bedâ€" steads, 3 bed springs, 2 mattresses, 2 wash stands, reed organ, wardrobe, coal heater 12 shilling crocks, 2 irom .ots, 2 benches, 3 milk cupboards, sink, spinn‘ng whe!, shot gun. LIVESTOCK, IMPLEMENTS ETC. â€"Geneial purpose horse, 164 hands high rising 7 years, 2 single sets ol harness, jump scat buggy,buggy, carâ€" riage, _ wagon and _bayrack, sleigh, sutter, ladies saddle with bridle and martingales, wheclbarrow, row boat crosscut saw,. buctsaw, °3 mlng machines, 200â€"pr. ‘of shoe lasts, robes, a number of Plymouth Rock hens, and many other articles. ugarly â€" all> registered), ~Registered stock "bull, registered bull 18 mooths old, 14 steers, 4 years old, registerâ€" Tne undersigned _ has received inâ€" struction to sell by Public Auction on the premises at Breslau . Grist 4t. ; or Farm03tock and Implements Auctioncer. * * ~__ §. S. HERNER, Clerk. FRIDAY, FEB. 15th, 1907, Auction Saile COMMUNICATION Proprietor rakes, hoes, chairs, otc. * TERMSâ€"All sums of $10 and undâ€" er, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given on â€" approved at ons o‘clock p.m. the following valâ€" uable property: LIVE STOCKâ€" Horse 15 years wld,â€"mate 12 years old, colt rising 3 years, 4 cows of which 3 are supâ€" posed to be in call, heifer tising 2 years, 3 steers tising ome year, +2 heifers rising one yeat, 2 sows with pigs, 8 sheep, 30 chickens, 1 pair of turkeys, ~CHâ€" ‘ bxmmsm Noxon binder ’: 3t out, &(mhl mower, nearly mpu-'.\. i .....&‘L'.“’:« wokm hiye ughs, gang ‘ rows, m. hearly new, truck wag Shtigh, "Tenting mif haptack; radk, lmb harness, sot nekr ly. now, set single harness, â€" j The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction on the premises of the undersigned, lot 5, Con. 10, easâ€" tern section, township of Wéllesiey 3 miles northwest of St. Cloments, on To 4: o v-zw,-'...'..--w.l' Children‘s CGoats Bable u‘-‘-gv-:fia@hhmu All Ohildrens Conte at haif price _ __ _ "____". â€" "â€"#0.0 «21210 Tweed Costs and Bl:cs Conts out from $1250 and $15.00 Lo u2 m ne h o n 59 en WWe . * Never in the history of our business have we offered Furs and Winter Coats so Ch“f but we are determined to sell ev» ery article and they will all go this week. t * <Pitke Vss««««+»«»». »»» B7 50 and #8 50 § Misgcs Coats io Light and Dark â€" â€" F Tweeas worth from $8.00 to F $1200 tir.:.........$1.00 to $6.00 Fox Searfs _ This week we are éleaning up the mnundcfi‘?m-‘ m:fn s:;:::tk and we have put prices on the goods tlm sweep .. yc hy ". .. f \s FURS AND COATSâ€"â€" Lang Bros.&Co._ The Last Days of Our:: i â€" :. zesc ols Clean Sweep Salé â€" S. B. BRICKER & CO. _ W ready with one of the Uprtoâ€"date Range of Staples fof the Bast Farm Stock and Implements <. 4) yz o t > sn enes cen ce ces$ e s s sn esns ca se s 40e * uio t Ve c MONDAY, FEB. 1sth, 1907. See us for your ~NEW Ladles Coats B Large F fa Mopla por cent per T); k + AT HALF PRICE i1Â¥ Spring Staples, We can save you money, is Range Comprises all that is #2. ANNUAL MEETING: . * PSb en in tLhevels 0 _ d4t wâ€"it Bertin, on 1 ." > 0 > 0 0;vigz y AC ) ) wWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ¢TH, â€" at 1 o‘clock p. m., â€" â€" when the annual reports will be preâ€" sented, officers élected and > other business will be transacted. All memâ€" bers are trequested to be present, _ Shirtings, Ete. â€" > *# @3 «a%% ; «ne0«

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