ET LHE L avcheenge Sn netamccnaroaninte 0 o4 uuux-é?'m [A +BÂ¥e have of prevignk ae 5> gecasion. n sésed‘ resentment. of the actic ( ES rates ol releasing V ; vict i «on . the ‘assu _ $fNat they would,gosout to Ca _ Th this connéption we notice w _ â€" great deal of satisfaction that \â€" Strathcona ‘quotes from the a who were sent to Canada to give them a chance. This country welcomâ€" and‘ awaits the sons of England who come ready to work honestly . to build up the Dominion, but we â€" do Ho% want incomperents or graduates in crime. 1 England has a number of young men guilty of their first ofâ€" fence and deserving of another chance Ict them give theny "the chance at home, because we in Canada do not prbpose to start a national reforma tory Afor the criminals of the Emâ€" pite. . There is no doubt that the Canaâ€" dian .people will uphold the High Commissioner in this protcst, and it is gratifying to learn that one o! the judges absolutely refused to be a party to the cemigration of a young man to Canada in view of the repreâ€" sentationy which had been made as above mestioncd. 1t is the simplcst thing in the world to get up _ some tympathetic yarn atout almost an: crimingl for the purpose of evading justice at home, by sending him , t« Cahada. On gcieral principles â€" and experience,; hjwever, we in Canada are g{fomgly opy;osed to such a policy of Kelp for the moral weakJinys â€" oi FEngland. We have aiready found 1t mibcessary to sond to the penitentâ€" Jlary some of the British exâ€"convicts, Lord $trathecna forwarded this letâ€" ter to the Government of Canada,and in informing the Recorder of this acâ€" tion, said: "I can only repeat that tThe Government of the Dominiont ar« opposed to the sending to Canaua ol any perscn who has been convictcd of a crimg, and 1 am afraid that the exâ€" planation givern of the case under reâ€" view ig not likely to alter the views which ué%geld in Camada in regard 10 such cases." / age, who was not only not an habi That a grant of $5.00 be made to eval crimigal, but did not in any | the Western Ontario Good {Roads sefise belong to the criminal classcs A‘f“;‘::‘%"“' following delsgstion _ be * oul he follo but on the: contrary, was of high!; appointed to attend the Western .Ontâ€" respectable parcntage. The o%enc |ario Good Roads Associationyâ€"Mesâ€" to which Ne pleaded guilty was th. |sts. Robertson (Wellesley), * Reist migdemeanor of ostaini > . | (Waterloo Tp.), Bowman (Woolwich) Taise prete :‘ & c: nE mc'n (yl £ Jafray (Galt), gnd McBrine (aedh) preteboes, the charge of Aclon That no action be taken comâ€" was not p;ncecded With 1 z> munication for claim dcduct': from On being arrestcd he at once admit |contract cost of Taylor‘s brige of h f A. A. Hill & Co. *4 % ‘d' is guilt, and expressed his dee That the Committee and <County contrition jand a very earnest appe@ |CJerk be instructed to prepare a byâ€" was madejto the Réecorder, by th |law for the adoption of a â€" county brother, not to send h good roads system. . 'Nt to' Jlo' hi u’; im tocptlson ‘The report was adopted after the 5} im to go to Canad2, | names of Mr. JaGray (Gait) and Mr. where thg Recorder, was informed hc.} McBrine (Borlin}, had been added to had some.‘ rélatives who would start | the delegation to repres@nt _ the him â€" in dife: again The Recorder |209°+4%. t the Western Ontgrio Good a . * $ d $ thought this would give the youn Roads Assn»convention in Toronto 1 man an @xcellent opportunity of .tc ‘N"" Law Library. trieving hisg. chargeter and becomin: Chairman Hahn, of the Property a useful citizen." The clerk adds | Committce, reported recommending "A similar course has constantly | the Payment of the following _ a¢câ€" < s ~ounts:â€" been taken, not only by the present| wa;er Commissioners, water, â€" $7.50 Recorder, but by his predecessors.|C. Braun, court room decora~ and by His Majesty‘s judges, when tions, 6.00 the offence, as in this case, was an| Wolfhard & Co., repairs, 3.30 * J. Haincsworth, repairs, 6.05 jsolated one, and whe accused _ very | ) Muclicr & Co., glass _ and young and previously of excellent work, * 3.00 character." F. 1. Weaver & Co., loilet paper, 4.00 A South Da‘ota divorce court has Mre. Edita MeMillen Harlotth everal years tbe private s(«ho of Jokn Byron Taylor,. . son ot the late Cov. Roswéll P , frows, ber. hosband, and" prr both 6 marry, she to take he: *iWe have on ‘preVipus occasions cx« Pressed rese of the actipn of vteted â€" . ~OM the assurance fhat they would, gosout to Canada. Th this connéstion we notice with a t deal of satisfaction that Lord 4A toma ‘quotes from the annual rt ol the; High Commissioner to the ‘Minister pt the Interior, the co~â€" respondence which was calied to hi atteition, and in regard to which he made ‘a protest to the Court of oMâ€" cigls, In reply Lord Strathcona re ¢élived a Ieujx from a clerk of a London Recorder, explaining the grounds on which a young man was sent to Canada, In this instance, says the Record er‘s cletk, the criminal was ‘"a very yotng man, being only 20 years of CORSETS CAUSE DIVORCS (New York Worll.) lmr . was trought ow th & who ‘deéfendant‘s Yoea! at *, who _ was instt Tocnta‘ % in the furnishin; of evi t the d Aendant neglecto i Ao pay: far a single > at whico the plaintif® purchas a §106 por‘ anwem is i« FPeopriamt . i %~ .. * ">/ O~ iA . poe‘ enwem in advance % ;:.u- :’ B’.L" to. @ rrmmnrommmmmammccen troduced at Se: : Her system is called ypon to supply , Some form of nourishment that will be casily taken up by mother‘s system is needed. +.4 , < Scotf s Emulsion contains the greatest possible; amount of nourishâ€" .fl‘mm--.s,. " m THE PERLINâ€"WATERLOO HOSâ€" j fruit cake, nuts and candics. PITAL. > Mrs. I. B. Taylor & Mrs. Hespeler % Gnare 1 ham. j The following doaatiens have beea| Mr. Samderson, a Iruil cal . recei.ed. at the hospital during th>| Ms. <W. H. Schmalz, 1° jar minc: month of December, 1906. meat, 1 cake and 1 bag macaroons. VMrs. A. 0. Bochmer, 2 qts. cann=i| NTS. Mertick, 1 plant. fruit, 1 glass jelly and 1 jar mapde| Mrs. Eran:, 1 plant. syrup. s * Mrs. EKrug, 2 doz. oranges and Mrs. Dauman, 1 crock apple butter, | bOxes chocolates. . % jars jelly, 3 qts. eanned fruit and| (hiva Hall, 1 butter knite. 2 qts. brons. : | Doighterg of the Empire, 4 bove: Mr. Nenty, 1 turkey and holly. ; |°°°% â€" & Rani !! & Roos, Nuts, raisins, cnt| Mts. vlenderson, Nuts and €antics figs. « Mr. Playford, 1 Turkey. Mrs. J. E. Seagram, 1 turey,â€" 1| Jobn B. Fischer, 1 Turkey. bam, 1 doz. oranges, 3 toxes _ r‘gs,| Mrs. W. H. Bowlby, Flowers. Mrs. Dauman, 1 crock apple bulter, 3 jars jelly, 3 qts. canned fruit and 4 qts. brons. 6 ‘ Mr. Nenty, i turkey and holly. _ Rani 11 & Roos, Nuts, raisins, cn! That the Manager of the house of refuge be hereby authorized: to reâ€" turn Mrs. Kelley to rNcw Hamburg, the Recve of that mumicipality underâ€" taking that _ she s#all be properly cared for. â€" hi Call for Tenders. Chairman Cowan (Galt); presented the House of Refugo Committce‘s reâ€" port, recommending:â€"~ _ e That the committee be â€" hereby authoriâ€"ed to receive tenders for the proposed alterations fo the Hovse of Refuge and report to the Council. _ The committee _ also recommended that they be empowered to get _ ar estimate of the probable ccst cf fit ting up proper quarters for the Wa terloo Law Association, the mittee : > report at next session, and that a © sk and office chair be pro cured for the schous inspector‘s offic ugt nct to exceed $35. he rccort was adoptcd. work, & ~ F. 1. Weaver & Co., oilet paper, G. F. Arndt, brooms, etc; That the Committee and <County Clerk be instructed to prepare a byâ€" law for the adoption of a : county good roads system. * ‘The report was adopted after the names of Mr. JaGray (Gait) and Mr. McBrine (Borlin, had been added to the delegation to repres@nt the county at the Western Ontgtio Good Roads Assn_convention in Toronto. New Law Library. That the following delegation _ be appointed to attend the Western .Ontâ€" ario Good Roads Association:â€"Mesâ€" sts. Robertson (Wellesley), > Reist (Waterlco Tp.), Bowman (Woolwich) Jafray (Galt), gnd McBrine (Berliny That no action be taken &n comâ€" That no action be taken &n comâ€" munication for claim dcduct'z from contract cost of Taylor‘s brfige of A. A. Hill & Co. ** , muanicipalities of this ‘County who expend money for the permanent provement of the leading roads share in the offer of the Gov t to defray dneâ€"third of the cost. _‘ Exâ€"County Councilior RDeBus â€" .apâ€" peared before the Roads and m Con-utn and urgod that attempt made to insugurate g good roads system . in Berlin. ; was well received and had the satisâ€" faction t‘: having the committee ; inâ€" corporate the clause IM. & good roads byâ€"law !ncors~its*‘ dn the report. f 7 â€" The Council received the . various reports without indulging in much discussion and the session throughout was exceptionally harmonious. * HRoads and Bridges, * The Committce on Roads and Bridges recommended as follows:~â€". The County Council concluded its initial seusion for this yeat on Wedâ€" Bridges reported in favor of ing a byâ€"law prepared Sfor submisâ€" llolh\bCoI-lllt*:nxtJ sion to establish a sys of mahtumw.vuvumb animously ‘supported and theâ€" indigh~ tions are that after next ~July The rcport wasagoptcd Nursing baby? ‘ It‘s a heavry strain on mother. â€" Roads ‘, Chab avor of Commi for -:“- That next 80Â¥ paid:~ ‘:d é v‘“‘:’ . Wa® n’* -} Alexan Kt ~July ol emanent . Ipr Suwoil ermanen ; roads rl' Â¥..1. 3 $31.35 4,00 1.50 flw property committce would to the matter. Mr. ~Allison (N. Dumfrics) suggest cod to Warden Fischer that softe) seats should be provided for . th Courgiilors. Mr. Mundy (Galt) sai‘ khe property committce would Jlook Mcessts. Peinc, Uttley and Jafrar were appointed a special committer to look into the present . county printing contract. ‘The byâ€"Jaws were read the _ thireé time and finally passed ' There were two divisions. Mr. Hal (Preston) beat out Mr. Jafray (Galt) for the Board of Audit * an: Mr. F. Holwell, of Baden won ou‘ against Messrs. Edgar _ of Preston and Irvin, of Galt, as _ County Auditor. Mr. J. M. Scully had . n« opposition. Berlin Hospital Boardâ€"John Coch vane, Eorlin. Board of Examinersâ€" J. Corrige}!, Elmira and two County Scbool _ Inâ€" spectors. Galt Hospital Boardâ€"Dr. _ Lock hart, Hespeler. ‘The byâ€"law appointing the variou municipal officers was filled in | a: {ollows:â€" Board of Auditâ€"Z. A. Hall (Prce ton), II. J. Bowman, County Clerk and Judge Chisholn. a Auditorsâ€"J. M. Scully, Waterloo; F.â€" Hotwell, Baden. ‘ Trustee of Gait Collegiate Instiâ€" tuteâ€"Thomas Hepburn, Galt. Trustce Berlin Collegiate Institule â€"W. A. Greene, Waterloo. The Warden and Clerk were auth fing witchcrait and that cons=quen! orized to borrow $80,000 to mec fao legal acticn could be taken by t! cfl'l_"{ï¬lt expenses at 4’!_ per ffll‘- _ :o:nty attorney to redress bis gric The village of St. Clements _ Wa: $ inces made a police village and trustco will be nominated on January â€" 30th with W. 0. Herzog as returning om | WIL! The County byâ€"laws were amondc fixing the number of members for th various committees. The Council went into Committe of the Whole to consider the variou: byâ€"laws with Mr. Allison (N. Dunm: frics) in the chair. nation, etc., 6f luriatics, ~438.1( Berlin Orphanage, keep of chilâ€" dren, 282.1t That the notice from the : Wood stock Collegiate Institute be filed. That Messts. Cassel and Jafray be defegates from the County Counci to the Trustecs Association, That the Clerk subscribe for copies of the Canadian Municipal ~Journa) for the membets of the ‘Council. That all applications for grants bt laid over until the next meeting o the Council. & + ZMWD LNC NOMICC IEUIE WE HOUS L i ' 1. w L i2 6 stock Collegiate Institute be fled, _ [ UQ8 â€"He infisted that the girl wit That Messts. Cassel and Jafray vhotm he danced had bewitched him be defegates from the County Counci [ 1¢Went Jnto the open aif and afte to the Trustecs Association, ue o calee unsl io robise ho. § That the Clerk subscribe for copies e e cning, unal resist her, of the Canadian Municipal Journa)flanced with the young woman again for the membets of the Council. with the same result. This time t That all applications for grants bi | pell did not wear of until somecn, laid over until the next meeting o § vent to Jarbens‘ farm and quot« the Council. & â€" rom. Scriyture. It â€" relfeced th That the County Treasurer‘s state $ @tng man for a time, but the sycli ment of receipts and expenditures b frae returned at intcrvals. ; teferred to the County Auditors. . ‘The young man was sent from hi ol girls, $4.50 Municipal World, bailot acts, _ 7.2t Stuebing & Smith, stationery, 4.16 F. 1. Weaver & Co., stationery, 5.60 H. 8. Hallman, printing, 48.55 Dr. Chariton, attendance on in ~~ dfent consumptive, 11.0¢ Waterloo Tp., refund for examiâ€" _ _ Chairman Peine, of the Finance Committec, recommends as follows:~ That the following accounts â€"be paid:~ Victoria Ind. School for keep ol boys, f $19.64 Alexandra Ind. School, for keep _ _ Appointments Made. Finance Committee. ks lws zs > acontiiiny. + i4 7: >ap: 9 Notes aded Clark was in the building. The fre men .wire not needed, hawever, . a the sand kept for the purposs . was thrown on the flames by the opera tors and the blaze was srecdily ex t‘n+uished. Fortunately . the Ar alarm system remains intact, The in comvenience caused by the total su spence of the teleshone commutica tion is severcty felt by tho railwa: Saper offices, hospliats and Aoctors 608, . doctors. '&dl- lh“.th'-nwmd individual 0 ow ) ‘phone breome . al Tajet Ainecomiy: * * ‘ Londom, Ont.,~Jan. 24.â€" A very seri0i8> michapâ€" Lefeil tie Beli Tol hne Company aâ€" little before noo: toâ€"day. A ll\‘eg'electrlc wire crosse the longâ€"distance wire, and as a |rc sult 2,500 phones were put out o business, while the longâ€"distance ser vice was also cut out. It may b several days before th> trouble i completely overcome. Expert work men hba‘e been sent for from Teror to and Hamilton to assist the lorr force in putting the lines in workin= order. Th3 burnâ€"oat occurred it ihe muitiple section of the switch board, which is bne of the finekt i: any city of the size in America aw which cost over $100,000. Miss Fai the chiefl operator, was operating th: section at the time, and was makin & connection when there was a bind ng fash, a sharp report, followed b a loud hissing nofse, and then s sSme!l of burning rubber. In the roon with Miss Fait were 45 lady opera tors. Someone ctied "Dre" and th yorng:lady in charge of the separat« switchboard _ which operates the fir« alarm system instantly sent in an alarm. â€" The managoment of _ the Bell Compeny statcs that 45 seconds after the alarm ‘was turned in Chic! 2,500 PHONES OUT OF â€" BUSINESS IN LONDON "I c n only rereat to you in thi {ormal way what I siid to you pcoi sonally last evening, assuring you c thg President‘s sincere . appreciatior ol the cordial spirit shown by you Government. _ 14 is especially grati Iying to the President to feel that i has be n possible for this country t< show in any practical way, howevr small, its friendship to a communit of your reople in a time of such sui fering and need.‘" Washington, â€" Jan. 23. Prosider loosevelt has fnally dismisscd th Swettenhamâ€"Davis incident, . a shown in the followiug letter, mad public at the State depertment . to day, adiressed by acting Secretar f State Bacon to Cnarge de Affairc: Howard: "State Department, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23.â€" To Mr. Esme How ard, charge de affaires ad interim,th: British embassy, Washington: "Sir,â€"I have the honor to ach nowledge the receipt of your nole o ycsterday‘s date by which you com municate the substance of the * in structions reccived by you from Si Edward Grey in reforonce to the J¢ maica incident. "I hasten to assute you, on bohai of t:e President, that this Coverr ment will pay no hecd whatever : the maiter, and very much appreciat es th: frank and ready courntcsy an consideraticn shown in this disratcl 5y Sir Edward Grey. . Albert Gailigher, of Portiand, has WILL PAY NO REED c« TO JAMAICA MATTER as & saleswoman in a big goh sral Btore in Spencer. k * J alleges that bis son, _ ? caraâ€"oAd,‘Went t0 a dance, and whi} valtzing with Miss Swart: be foun: W'vm tears in his eyes. His wold daughter was with Him: Miss Bwart: is attractive.and is em -d’lli that he was vnatls to pu me‘ of his feet on the floor. C He was led to a seat and becam. waterical, laughing and crying _ b; S ppeared at th . u?y al Buttâ€" he\ eBect tha: |, , », | Honor Graduate Toronto Conservaâ€" & ~ COBcssecs+e C A| tw 00| thret soret| . m lentneints on t TEACHERS or o nerutarees Tousl Rikets Sint ,[| PIANG, ORGAN AND Sand £! Baoitf * _ $426,808.17, e â€"â€"~â€"â€"THEORY t anderson ‘3 a { N'.) iÂ¥ o'__ 1. | Pupils prepared for exatoination at King Bt Watrerloo . â€" __,.'"m.,,m"'u'""" w | Poronto Conserratory of Music ang F*0°Y Huve, Beead fuctis ‘and (Paney [ . O 2B wikiy 7(3 0( he | Toromto University. COakes . Yz “'fll‘“ & d | | Stadionâ€"Grorge Street, vmmo.,‘ h,:."‘m_.: tk es po ?‘: W. C,. A:, Frederick Stroot,| ...__.____._ z> m mA ~ Prestes. i. [ Mi . |Miss A. R. B . R, Bean, h_ ‘ad .::4?: “ " s’, t Â¥ ?’»_:{â€"r‘ 7 j z'?» ,, ‘« 4. '. -4,;.,. w | 8 P of the en o. /4 ,* / 4 R e > * a " ’ ns{e.v,'_ . BE :| ~Waterloo Chroni¢leâ€"Telegraph . s i.c51? im‘ N=, 5 BH x [ _ J it it contains a :; es k y: 12 t s s uh * Plke‘s it Q’:L» i.;fï¬x»‘.‘f! Hundred Years ï¬ï¬?ï¬k "6> Oe h ~o s o ofthe d im e ‘| * Progressive County of Waterloo â€" $ and cannot but interest you. . | _ Guelph has certainly been handed > ‘ecmon. â€" But wait, there is still scene or two behind the end of t}« ct. The arxe may have to do som‘ more work before the incident i closed. s The C. P. R. are teginning operaâ€" tions to doubleâ€"track the road from. Smith‘s Falls to Montreal. . To a {airâ€"minded person, this woule appear to be anything but a straigh bargain. Guelph is no worse, if as hbad, as any other senior team in the O,. H, A.., or anywheze, for that matâ€" ter. ‘There is. no procl _ against them, except that thtee of the play ors relusod to make sweeping decia rations covering their whole life fron the cradle up. 2 * _ No man who has been _ connecte: with sport for any: length of time sould do that. ‘ Guelph Herald.â€" Once again h Guelph been subjected to very unfai treatment at the hands of a gover ing sport association. Twice in th past have the Royal City teams bee carrying all before them, only to t« nipped in the bud }y having the ba: of expulsion put on them. Then seems to be a fixed determination 0: the part of other placesâ€"in this dis trict t@kill all sport in Guelph by fait means or foul. GUELPH HAS BEEN HANDED THE LEMO! It is sale to say that had the tw« teams this year been of medioct brand they would still be in a good standing. But they committed th fatal mistake of winning games. Anc the axe fell with fatal precision. When ordering by mail please enclose 10 cents extra to cover postage.: it would be well to obtain a copy early as a large number have already been disposed of. Miss E. L Bean, ee 37 /Â¥ ieadunl .. : +c 7A Timks AAbdB e .: > > you are you cannot do better . * j copy of the Price Forty Oer?c bas the reputation of ng . Suider, ViceProsident : Its numerons .-‘.....Wm ::.-usn--. & cboi¢est and best of meats all the 1. L\ Armstrong, Inspscter, year round. K. P. Clemeny, Nolletsor, Beritn, « _ In the lins of meata, We have | * C. A. BOEHN, * Pistrict Agent, enese e+0+00s000+0 coeoe | "IRk INBURAKCE COMPANT h INCORPORATED IN 1863. ummumâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"»â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"sâ€"â€"â€"â€"|TotA) AsStt® Sist DOOOMDOF 0 Sanderson‘s‘ Baksry] * ~~"~_ o S% Beol, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sugarâ€" Dured Wheis shd naeen lotr tan : The Leading Meat Market | $0190+100+100+0041004401000400+00+406+00+08+00+8 _ j In the Sellboomt pilh j 4| WATERLOO MUTUOAL THE ROYAL COMMIsston SHOWED me"~ . S I NVESTIGAT soN Dominion Life Waterion, Ont, Phone MB Offlice â€" Waterioo Ont