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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 31 Jan 1907, p. 1

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» " A. WESELOH & CO., P ue 0 ERPRRTCICC MUICD MIC MOOBT ) UUTT The whole store from ths froot to ths bast is crowdei to orarwhelming |dick of Floradale . the purchase ‘price wantable things for birth ia; presen‘s a1d wed inz prasonta. being $35,000. â€" ‘UIe will take possesâ€" Kinds of hymu books, prayer Bible:, Catholic prayer books | sion in the, near future. . Nr.. Stedâ€" Aand Germsn), Rosaries, Cruoifxes, l;xruukhol smf., ote dick sold his hotel at Floradale to [ hk .: 5 6 Mr. Brobman of Weissenburg. 4 : x: All Kinds of Mr. T. A. Luckhardt, of Trenton or atnx © , _ visited friends here qver Sunday. . 8UNXDRIR3, INKs, MUCLLAGE, PASTE, PRNCILY. ETu. Mys. Philip Schmi a% of Littiewapi, 08 a gall and convince yourselt. . fis vjsiting ley brotber, Mr. Adam 6 % Riffeg. tg ; "Mrs. Hogg of Parry Souad, _ atil :P daughter were guests of Mc and Mrs : e e A. K, Dunke, over Surdav. BOLE AOEXNT EWPRESS AND SLATER SHOES BE .. * SOVEREIGN BANK, BERLIN. Mltock king 1oo up. in fhe near distance . just two . weeks ‘ now, we't’-“n mad:i:‘ special ‘search» through out men‘s and boys‘ and started in at the thining out process. Quick Dispatch is the thiq rather than profit, forf stocks must be reduced by the time ~4 event artives. /R you are needing : wellâ€"made, .distinctive, 1 such as appeals to ‘stylish, correct dressers, we are making priâ€" ‘Orfy interesting for you during the next two days. Better drop in see ‘"‘what‘s doing." R . youths‘ and young men‘s ‘suits, Balance of many lines, for winâ€" t , all wool, domestic and a tweeds,. dark and medium . cof brownâ€" and grey mixtures,. breasted style, Italian linings, [ fir#t class ‘trimmings," gfz6e ©32, and 35, regular $6.50, $7.50 '"S-Q-hmmry sale Monday . $3.95 . youths‘ and boys‘ overcoats, e in Jong box back style, in â€" alt 1. 4 and English cheyiot, alâ€" pw'tweed with stripe with «at back, best making, and linâ€" y mizes 27 to 31, regulat $5 to $7 u&ry sale Monday e &re Making Things Interesting . â€" . R.Ernst & Co NATBHAN ~TAI¢ 19 TAE aLWaAYS BUSY sTtoRE. /‘ Try J. Doersam for all kinds of P 8, Stationery & School Supplies § O( Every Dégcription. L steâ€"pyo .5 , * FOR SALE for: Sale Smail Profit System is a Great Success. £Z, FOR MEN AND BOYS We have several hundred paits of Winter Shoes that are anxious to take a walk to get out in the sold ard to keep somebody‘s feet warm and dry. ,This #s the time of _ the year we cléan dut all winter® lines and its also the time of the year when shrewd buyers invest in cold weather shoes. We have Men‘s, Women‘s, Boys‘ iism’ and Childrens‘ winter Shoes avd Slippers at Pricm t will open many a purse. Don‘t think of stay ing away from this sale if you want shoey. Sep that you get your share of the goo@ things. For prices see ourâ€" show window and come and take a look at our Bargain table. Bring in Your Feet at Once. in the N umu,-m-&wu-n: blic L‘;::éq'fl! 'g-‘-&l‘ by Pul c Auction T5 boys‘ three piece suits, in _ all wool and imported and domestic tweeds, _made |single bteasted â€" and >,¢ou20n breasted styles, limed with Ttal cloth,‘ knee pants, sizés 27 to 33, regular $4, $4.50 and $5, â€" Janâ€" uary sale, Monday â€" $3.95 ©100 men‘s overcoats inheavy. winâ€" ter weight,~ dark, grey and black cheviot, also tweed effects. _ These eoats were all made for this season‘s trade. . They are the best‘ styles, such as long. and medium and long . box Dack, &lH well: lined," © with _ Italian cloth and mohair sleeve lining, sizes 34 to 36, regular $8.50, $9 and $10, Monday, January sale irday, February 23rd‘ 1907, WANTED AUCTION SsALlE or Real Estate. tal Te es ul tiree NEXT TO Winterbourne for about ten years and in 1874 sold his interest _ to :: The weather *has been mcdhfi: cold during the Jast ten days, thermometer registering 18 _ degrees below rero at night and 5 during the day Zilliax â€" House Sold.â€"The Ziliiax House has again changod hands the now pro;rie(ol‘ being Mr. John Stedâ€" dick of Floradale. the purchase ‘price being $35,000. â€" ‘UTe will take possesâ€" sion in the, near future. . Mr.. Stedâ€" dick sold his hotel at Floradale to Mr. Brobman of Weissenburg. 4 % Mr. T. A. Luckhardt, of Trenton J. P. Luckhardt was appointed chai man and S. Laschinger} sccy.ireas 33 applications were received for the acancy on ths teaching staff cavsed by the resignation of Miss Whyard, Miss Ilda Marc:, of Stratford receivâ€" ed the appeintment.. School Board Meeting.â€"The ina gural meeting of the Elmira Schoo Boafd was held Jan. l6th, at whic E. Bowman Village Constable at ; salary of $50. e â€" Conference:=The Western â€" Conler ence of the Canada District of th Missouri Synod held its session i St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church, Elmira on Tuesday and WednesJay of las week. The following ministers werd pres:nt:â€"Rev‘ds C. Grosc, Kurt» ville; H. C. ~Landsky, Logan; Theo Bloedel, Mitchell; (é. Thun, Dashwoo L. Wahl, Tavistook; W. C. ~Boese Eerlin; B. F. Oldcnburg, Wartburg S. Eix, Fisherville; R. Eifert, Flora dale; J. S. Sohn, Welland; H. Bat tenburg, Wellesley,«H. Bructr, Alsteld: P:. Graupker, Elmira; and studen ' Theol. Bruer, Desboro.. ti H. J. Gibson was appointed As sessor at a salary of $40 and _ J. H Ratz, M.D. MH.O. at‘$10 .J. J Winger was appointed Sanitary â€" y spector at a salary of $15 and JG_ Council of the village of Elmira met on Monday, Jan. 21st, all membeis being present. A gramt of $5:00 was made to the Hospital for Sick Chilâ€" dren at Toronto. It was decided tc comply with the request of the Onâ€" tario Municipal Association re the idmeniment to the . Municipal Act toâ€"relieve municipalities from a porâ€" tien of their present responsibititie: for nomâ€"rerair ol â€"highways. â€" Mr. H J.«Bownmsn, C. E; of Berlin, _ wa: engaged to superintend the construc tion of the Waterworks at $5 pe day cmd expenses. Mr. Carl Weber has purchased ; fine young Hercford bull _ from : promingnt brceder in. Westcru Ontar io. °: While in Howse‘s> swamp, * Wes Luther, recently, Jas. Samucl â€" shot a lynx, weighing 20 pounds and meaâ€" suring 4} fcoet long. 1his was the lirst lynx shot in that township â€" in 10 years. IOOf EOME c 0 id 7 Tok paidâ€"a visit to his parents here. Mr. Winger is now overseer of the Naâ€" tional Cashâ€"Register agencies in the live largest cities im Canada, "Ih: fail fair of the Elmira and Woolwich Agricultural Society, will he‘.held_on Sept. 24 and 25th. he {Our, Busy NeightB Village â€" Council.â€"The. Municipal Mr Ra: rflu of © Pr rid a i! to his baren .+ 2 s Demaie C t S en m k: M w News Notes Gathered by Industrious con-.clk in County and District. oi WINTERBOURNE rhoebe Heidlinger of Conesâ€" ELMIRA, C 22 Oe oE Eeavon +V [ of Mr: n d but the laat ‘week is no great ’.. Mr. and visitors a Watson‘s , Mfrs. Chas ded. on FHHâ€" | â€" Mr. Cop e lbm . Victor| & from the Â¥trp o1.r ayton, Ohio, V}._Mr. and Mts, August Jansen were _ | visttorms at the home of Mr.~ and, #, Mre. Chas. Mass on Sunday, +/ â€" Mr. Conrad Dabmer is cutting oo a Victoria Lake, Berlin. a rowds,. A little more snow woukt make good s}eighing, . Farmers are nearly through drawâ€" ing sugar :eh > Mr. anrd Mrsa. F. Latsch visited Mr. and Mrs, Noah Bowman, Hespeler, last week. Niss Sarah Erb, and Mrs.. Amos Hallman visited friends in Berlin last week. Mr. Irvin Shantz of Breslau visited his aunt, Mra; F, Latech durâ€" ing â€" the past week, â€" f : Mr. Elertric Homuth who is motorâ€" man on the G & P. line bad _ the Preston were visitors at the home of Mr: @nd Mrs.. Ferdinand â€" Latech â€"Mr. William Meiscl, blacksmith in this village, has been kept busy owâ€" ingâ€" to the ‘Hard condition ~ of ~ the Mr. Geo. 0. Stroh lost his valuable Bull last Wednesday, ‘worth. about cighty dollars in beef. He fed him at noon and went off to his â€"nephew‘s sale and when he returned _ found him dead. * The infant son of Mr. Wm. Wright, who was very sick with pneumonic is rapidly recovering. > Mr. Wm. R. Stroh had â€"a very successful sale last Thursday. Every article sold brought its full value and in some cases more than . value. Mr. Mickus the efficient and gen‘al luctionect, ef Waterloo, wielded the hammcr. s Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dickson left for their home in Alberta last week. Rev. Wim. Stirlfi-i of _ l:;;wood »reached in the Methodist church last Su_rfday morning. Mr. John R Pirtie will also have a sale in the near future. A" town â€"meeting was called _ last Thursday evening to consider the tinging of the town bell. â€"A commitâ€" tee was appointed to secure the necâ€" ‘ssary funds and Mr. V. Giecs _ was ceâ€"engaged to do the ringing. Mr. J. G. Hurst is laid up with the grip. Mr. Joc Heinzman is wearing smile. It‘s a boy. Geach, on Sunday, +4 > +d The entertainment on Saturday evening was a decided s .. â€" The debate, Resolved that &md ( the church is not decliningâ€"was won by the negative. IF 2 | ‘_The next open debate %‘«u‘ Sa turday " evenring, â€" ~Feb. "&~~ The subject for debate will. be, Resolved that edueation increases happiness. Also a good programme â€" to _ folâ€" low. Mc w ( Miss Ina Schweitzer and Miss Hallâ€" man, Bridgeport, spent Sunday with Miss Alice Bingeman. t Miss Rhoda Geach and Miss Rich ardson, Berlin, visited Ms't* home of the former‘s parents, Mt.*and Mrs . u ocm oo PemRARY s Hawkesville, enjoyed Sulfi-:;, with Mr. and Mrs. Redlord." s Mr. Jones Blngem_n‘ was a busiâ€" ness visitor to Wailrerton last Week. spending several weeks with in St. Thomas. Mr. Clayton Shuh of Waterioo was 2@ guest at the honie ofâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Bingeman on Sunday. +> Mr. and Mrs. "Alex. *&nfihl’. HHsespasncignne 2002 1o0 ue C e ~ Miss Clara Wiles, â€" Berlin, spent Saturday and Sunday at the‘ home of Mrs. Wiles here. i Miss Sylvia Shelly returned »after spending four weeks at her‘© home in Hawkesville. ; on [Thursday, January 319%, _ i commencing at 10 9*clock A,â€" The wedding bells will" aght be heard in‘*the near future. â€"" / The next public debate will be held on Feb. 8th, between St. Jacobs and Winterbourne. It promisesâ€" to ga L y ind . Mr. George Forbes is & his borme through severe very interesting ult of the c of the Oppos CENTREVILLE BLOOMINGDALH. CONESTOGO 4 ~gl ho m <o p, = ; Mere‘s a splendid vyalue, At s 8 Jn# M.d?mw;flmh.:filtgm‘ngr FOoRg **** * }»*",. & R _la,msfl-w-udh;mm _ However, a young heifer exzired or the farm toâ€"day, evidently as the re sult ‘ol starvation. It had eater nothing in weeks. Examination . of its stomach disclosed the missing store of teeth. $ ot : }gg!ggrm w, C. (Winamae (Ind,) Dispatch to Cincinâ€" mati Inquirer.) B Jamcs Knarr, a farmcr of Pulaski County, was husking corn in a fielo last November, when he suffered â€" ar attack of violent vomiting. When it passed, a moment later, he noticed that his new set of false teeth ha departed, whithar he knew not, but he had a suspicion that he swallowâ€" ed them. _ Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Bennett and family of Gourock spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. S: Hilborn. Mr. Colton Bliss freight agent for the G. P. & H. street railway Comâ€" pany at Béflin is seriously ill with diphtheria at his home in Preston. is many friends bere will be sorry hear of his illness. Suiphir sAar, Epsomâ€"Saits, etc. * ly. | Miss Snyder of Gotrtie is "*the guest of her cousin, Mrs Israc} Good. Mrs. M. McAllister, Miss Nettie and Margaret McAllister _of Galt were the guests â€" of Mrs. S. Hilbotn last Tuesday. Mr. Elton Martin was greatly surâ€" prised when a number of the young people of the neighborhood, inclu:fig a number from Zion and Galt, called on Saturday evening to celebrate his nineteenth birthday. A very â€" pleasant time. was spent by all present. Miss Florence Hilborn who recently. underwent an opcration is doing niceâ€" 1.â€" D Powdered Rosin soid by auction on Sat., I P?r-onl.â€"u:.m Mrs. . and ‘family of Sask., paid | visit at the home of Mr | Lous Adolph, Wallace. "the! Cappn. . A_ 7 hA Pâ€" C.._ was held i:!""‘l’n;‘;loouu &u::",‘ *fi 10th, â€" A large number â€"of: . the .'mmM. The past very successful, being ‘gupgcially beneficial to the . farmers l for the year fn; ::u]“mo’ :‘: fol b"”;-‘d“ i P . es ) A% tâ€"Wim. . Holmes: > Wim\ M# Rev. Mr. Wagner has been conductâ€" ing (revival meetings at the Kurtz ville appointment during the past lew weeks. Mr. Louis Gabel is also having | a" large sale this<week. He is moving to Liistowel whete he intends followâ€" ing mn ductioneer‘scareer. â€"â€">>~> TEETHIN THE WRONG PLACE G eibPinhe t saiith s .o o 44 es SHE Company, the directors are advertisâ€" ing |for tenders for the separate offiâ€" tes bf secretary and treasurer, tendâ€" ers ‘to be in by Feb. i5th, The‘_gompny"l milk routes will be aalA PTCTTORR O w e "oice O AdoipB having resigned “?“;cfism- Torâ€" _ the gs, C J o im w “_H_tfvl(fl:oef Coglin, . Henry " Busy and we are pleaso the marricgs of Sss 3 meat is to {Mr. Samue!l Adams -lhmm Iy trafie i8 again becoming . MNM“N* the writer‘s absence A.Q.C..Gueiph, cupi¢ has â€" ba Mr. Sincltaiy Sufficient snow has again purest â€"and. at the 1. LIMERICK â€"ine annual â€"meétâ€" CP ecttincs pleased to announce Ar. and Mrs. James 14thh ~Con:, Wallace, . H, Hardy at ‘the 8e, . Listowel. : We Nosh Hm and Mrs. prosperqus MatyWoro Smith, at the W pajle of Naturrl Horse Â¥ood ha‘ln:!nl:‘:;mhmhm can vassing g‘i.q mote after this is sold and > h the, miflummmu,m _ _GOOD GOODS! LOW PRICESI â€" axa As a special ihgucement for you to viBit us durifig next woek we ofler EX. _ fif&?éfi%&? BARGAINS In':v:’rfl ::o of M Your v'hlt Phix, onum?maflmmmnwmfinflummn ho Aet A I9T b 2 Our buyer picked these up at a great sn : A e _}, and bere got wmmimnmm- 6 & 15 Oflymp Shovels, same as cut, always sold for$1.15.‘ Our next week price _ 790 Weichel‘s Weekly Store News i "eeeoice" C Om Cmy .”Mm Boys‘ 3 Plece Suits ts e l e a l in old Wl‘my'l‘v.dldu‘3 Mhnh,dbll-fl C € . :got.,d..'fllo 83, wmpmwtm.l-fl' 50, 6. o . w * ’?":w‘ uy i 88 We afto having a groat clearing Sale before we more new. atore. : | > | Tm:n;wnh:‘fi‘l'alva dop.mmonL Come 31, 'lhl.:fi.mfifi; ouf Store ows. / interes ou. & * w : 39 ces Terms Cash only. / 9 * # “ § & > * ol . â€"_ SMYTH Brog.. â€"©.° °_ King Street East, â€"Men‘s F 'l"udv 36 to 42 6.50° 7.00, 7 ay 345 200 2404 Aizes . Men‘s Faney Twsed Suits, si ue m a m A F g ‘i': ;Aâ€" i : f ”h'ln;d. Bm aZ Tw eed $.50, 7.00, 7.50 and 8.00, regular Selling prite was 6.00, [ 7. 42, ;‘“’,” Mm-m â€"V0 mre going to u_&W“l w popr Bgk t Paser "vond Oreioai hoi ud 3 i0, mogune t eaving poee shal! es Meck: Bentor Overeoiis, en oo ho *‘g M T agaedan aed ol > s19 00 "re on Ofi o00d Suite sizes 96 to 42. Regular saPing price was $10. 00 ... . P 1ite just COMPLETED srockraking. w e YWMhuu... We Here is our Bargain list. for Raineanc are gol d iB AERC lc ie nasen> is : Nit l‘o‘ "Wad . u-'-uu-«mrn.,rmmu Great Moving $A I . yfi n‘ fi: E"E fi: s %;fi“&% Fexdte zw4 Natural Horse Food Sign of Gold Star,. In Men‘s and Boy‘s Clothing and Furnishings for the month n‘flwy..g s : . WILDFANG‘S SELLING OUT SADE, . . Note following prices: f | Startling,â€"-f Values _ S STCPATAIER Pesirs O3 mM Sm atIM Hate :..;..........,. o t Boys‘OverOoih k trer s en e en s eoee c 6+ a + D "“‘:'ij".g Youth‘s: Ulsters ISkGFhariFh: ++41+4 rni ++ DDUW t * wess 100, Men‘s and Boysa‘ Cape............ . ... 2505 »t~ _ 25%!:!&'-803.-..(.............‘......._.l‘a i 2 Working BhikES. .2 calns . celv. :. 62. / . .o We ies 20 pair Overalls., . , . . "\‘***********DCaAAe i Men‘s soft . WILDFANG, EyA eplained A Foul? hespe Beas Langan it ~ "1e to clear out «l1 line* Eeescectres n%% Bromtoaser, rigo 8 onierp LÂ¥s io oocintend to dock %l&nmt&nnhrnym s s a splendid vyalue, About 10 dozen ”"i‘*' knives made by James lodgers & (‘0., Sheffeld, England, now 076. extra value,...,.......... '»- ecial Price Satorday Cash and One Price .. oriakesmenss ava e e #hltih w0 *# 44200 selling prices were 6 00, Berslin. E“; g"i Â¥+

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