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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Jan 1907, p. 6

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ai _,llP:"tiii"tu ui, 'ttra, a, .. - " a, tart mom's: noun. M m m- m-ceswequ "2 w H. e"T-Nee"r an on an! In: an gt new I. a. - J. T . . C KW in so! an a BO " nut. - at“ _ N will to M a. om to It ”Duvet”. it In pig but tBterh, a a dam no WW, oiihd ttt he” now and Mann‘- " tin the: arm do“ hint. uttleuau. and - than“ has. _ From Prince Alien. com! the n- Wt out - - in m. In In“ m WI Mum thin may “no tn #0 you! I. up Home M b pundits-10M out: Ind. In: any»: region count“ - ot anon: intcxtctaco wttt timber cutting. Trees cull-oi aemst clone to the ground without inttnite labor. Ind when the will - "fie now h an tuck " npldly a) u in removed. Logs [all into the up - 1nd eamtot be moved. Along the Carat River Valley, 3nd - A -- “mun- Matt, JIM - y__~Ve "on n tar south u anlmn. Hum, the deep 'Inow omen m phi» Ind woods. As hr wen n mm and (the Shell Creek country ttteat condition: ell-t. It will out! . lum- ber interest: hundred: d Mund- ol doom, it it does not seriously at- teet m lumbar Maury. No coal nu been delivered st Snow not; Man., tor never“ days BOW, nnd unles- rellcl comes " on early date more will be a cold tlme in some homes. At.portage In Prairie the fuel lib notion ls again becoming mute. and the local dealers are unable to supply the dcnnndl ot their customers. L the railway companies do not at one: cope with the nitration positive rut teristg will run“. HON. ADAM BECK PLEASED WITH RESULT Hon. Adsm Beck received the new: of the result at Toronto‘s vote upon the power ttr-taw at "Hedley," hi: home in, London. 'the “Minister 0 Power" was naturally mused at (in WWII». Jiri," apparcrst," Mr. Bcck to u reporter, "that the pone Government in dealing with 1 to u reporter, "that the policy ot tN Government in dealing with the wat er tower privileges ot the Protinc, In! been endorsed in the Cry hand tom. manner. I believe the people ot Toronto have acted wisely am Ahat the nature will fully demon unto this." “Wu the majority Inger than FOt by ineemtiariea. had anticipucd?" he was as' ed. The tire started at the hoist used "It was certainly gratilylng,” Mr or carrying the metal up to the Beck mwered. "The By-law Jw :upola. The men on the Mgbt shin, received 1 most emphatic endorsatlon. were out at the time getting their This would be so in my event when lime: and consequently the the was so Irony I vote has new polkd i1 not discovered untll it got well undex‘ km rot the proposition is laid down Way- The shalt of the bout was} but It is particularly the tact it mung and the "mett mounted up View 'ot the strong charts that were with great rapidity. AI soon " the put lotwud to delcet the lay-law. alarm W" glqen, the men on the Every ellort that could be made wae shift started in to Bttst the Mtnea, made to discredit the estimates at thn tttd when the members ot the brigade Hydmdectric Power Commission, In s'ir,,rtiev,eidt on l",', 3:130 the employee as- "retl in than of the Municim Com- l", hm 'ft: t,tff, 't any " the op e progress It e co an on. ,rttssimt.Ttterts"ore8, h Not only we: the hoist burned position hm been curled to t' e 'it through to the root, but the electric“ mt at I. personal anus: o ' Appliances M in operate; “about city. _Agllust Pe T.ef new were Also toully destrorot, The -..,. -_.,_,, only the premhthn of the one“? but we might, and the um.- um m ot the rat tip,'"" with. out. land to polft cs." "What do you tuttictpate the disc! of the vote in Toronto willbe . upon the "uutiripalities which on tet to Vote upon the question!" "It will new 1 Very lsvorsble el- tart, undoubtedly. It is s mini-ken Impression an be gene "root,ttow- ever, that the western mmicipditlei depended upon the whom: at m vote in Toronto. Tmonto tad s "paste estimste. So bed Hamilton a“ Dundu. Neither ot Niece we: cmntiteent one upon the other. Hui Toronto relused to wept Nisan tower we would still be in s yozi Ion to up! into elect our proposi "tmt with London, St. Ttonaa,Wood- stock, Berlin, Suntan! and ell oth or is this district. Torontc will “in Messrs power at an . n Imus submitted to the a tr. files! at In Hamilton on) at in will T tain we 3 ty, rile (sate. _ “W t do - - yuan I". - l t do you ”all" Whit.“ upon the municwma other {In Toronto noun they frml I' vu- "'ad mama, Jan. 3.41.. Onurlo ”my Bond resumed m Inquln - til Watt! nude by the city - up Hamilton Street Rail- my Cowy an. admin. 'Traattim III-m can no on In and for one a In". and be uhum‘mq an tmah Ad ea 0‘“ m not an“! m. nun-mum in - on Mo, by. law h " w,‘gy.-.MWN i'Gi'au'%iVrim-.,tMe W Wild " lulu"! the Baud Home " a. W h with; exp-In. TM! -aoiUuai,oiat.qyAhiettt,.1t - TiiViiaii Twas-1 gag Tao tsertwiNr be ply-ed .1 power?" " ltio )Ph _ Guelph, Ont., Jan. 6.--rire euly an" yesterday morning did 85,000 drunage 1011 at the Taylor-Fortress Company's tac- tory, caused, the company believe, FOt by incendiaries. The tire started at the hoist used TW.ulent"réeattrlatart . It'g'githiiiciii ......uuu‘ ' brtiw ............ .;.;.:..,.~.. 3,”! Anna-um w Tote.......,....... a." ( " THREE WEEKS. 1. The - an an Mb Tet- mn. m twin.“ lam ol the on" a! the mun wngod an]... to M hr!“ gum punk also trio tum in onto. The on.- ” Into! on: than week, but - More an mu at my doc- tritf lateral“ were do!“ much edu- anttr. “It In a mun-Io- Jay. mm W damn I". van," 0' th, -ret ,rtttt, the “no week- im'odin'tely - in; the Tote, a mu. on: “.00. pct This tout mumm- the W ot the electric monopoly to let as many“- "understand" the br-lor, Toronto, Jan. b- The morality do- ruminant; of the Methodist Church, the university authorities and the Mlnisterhl Aucclltion will shortly take steps to My; below the oattar- io Government, number ot changes. MORAL TEACHING . IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS It it claimed that the Mic school [mile it tench” my ttri-, in en- tirely ignorant ot my code ot ethics that might be tralettiated to Inmate an principles that us conducivo to ,ood citizenship. It u not the intention to bring. this shout by the reading ot Scripture mt. have added to the curriculum ot the Putlic annuals. something that will develop the child‘s principle,but not. based on anything bordering on the dogmatic. T It is tiso the intention to hare the :utriculum oi the university changed so u to include sociology. This at die present time is entirely neglected and it is regmded by the majority ut he clergy who hue undid the mention is one ot the most import- .nt ot all the science: or "ologles." Not only wu the hoist trtrmed through to the root, but the electric“ appliances and In opemting ttte bout wen Also totally annoyed. he police will Inn-Mute, And u u to- sult a! the an 100 m no out ot employment MORE IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE Toronto, Jon. L-rho (int oonttts. gent ot some ten than“!!! British immigrant! which will he mt out to Ontario this year by the Central Board ot Immigration, London, or- rited In Toronto out! were dlltribuh- ed yeltcrdny ”non; Ont-Ho inm- erl by the local immigration onchlt. There were fourteen in the potty and they were all ot the moat de elnble clue. It is noteworthy that [Racially ur o' W“ '"b"e"""' .n Btte emigrants to be um out if; 2tturg, (tom that. Britrist under an un- nder "m “of“?! pica ol the bond thi- yeu no to be tb ' member ol o sent to Ontario. Thin Provlnce WM G1,1A I r . Liu; selected u allowing the but oppor- q mama to Imm|grinh Able And '3? , - ing to wort. The baud in mile: a control at the Brittat, Govonmenc, .‘PTISTS AND sud only those r't,rft,t2, “d oral- ct ly It to make good cum will-ho - mum and Allon to ”his... Toronto, Jun. MORE CHANGES m THE SCHOOL SYSTEM bulletin. "In taet,trnar In an“. “no -eetmexrun,re-tprt_r man. with a. In. a! obit-in. mayomum.hum ’lywormh Won. "tl 'ieteutee.,a-tttttth. It mammal-mull» manl- JlUfl'l'lllrlllTllat “an "an M ........... I t"'"'N Ar""' ".1 , Taii'id 'riacik"'.."..T.'.., , FIRE IN GUELPH. 419."! M. 'er "re LN!- EVE W0! It...” ' _ tutu tMt a. a 'eettrt we» an. ot Con-III All In” 'r' H.383“ his.“ _ _'. " Mun ta part all: i"Aa “I. ”an ot no Tad-Sud W Court“ ot Cut“. w with mud!“ you Wuh- an.“ " Canadian -""" .14 humuondnnit um, I. do Ike to use“ you! uric-I nuanc- to the norms-{loud mun not 5hr lot! ttte Scum uni m Hon- ttt (ma. Ttter was! (or W!- "r. Wu at you to annually on.- dm - am 'P,' can't» Wel you tau-Inau- mutual: to am Na. a. "irtt mum:- ot Ubor on - works u duh per “7." The auction». till 'P,' ‘Mened' to you. n who“: "i. Paragraph tel of sub-occthn I ot '-rtitm 4 ot The Comm-“0| Act, 1000, ll hubby Amended by alum thaw. um: m 'ro.rd toucuhuon In We am [in than“, the word! “but no parlor: who is not . emu:- - ... . a“--. "h" "VII!- Iw Wulvu w" -- a ot Cum uni 3 British subject shall be areoinud." - -- . “an... a. In" nu mun-w.- 'U. The following tendon in here, by added to the aid Art, immediate 1y um locum t, " action a ma 1 oi: T "ta. Everyone in gum ot u oi- lenee and liable, on mum“! comic» tion, to . titte not exceeding $10041» not being e citizen ot Cumin and a Brim-h subject. in my wey interven- " in . dilierence, whether exiting or npprohended. between u: employer ox uy ciul ot employon and workmen or between dllre"'st chases ot work- mett." _ - . . LL“ " "IE“. _ Tho bill that orgaaized lubor is asked to give its endorntlon to [our _ _ . . . J L_ A, a“- - a..- --_ -- - u iollown, nod is introduced try Al lhonu Verville, president oi thr index and Labor Congress, 1nd tttem- bcr tor Moisonneuve. Qua: Eight Hour Dny. I "I. Every contract to which the Government of Cannon. is 3 part, nhich mny -lmolve the employment ot inborczs. workmen or mechcnics. Eulna.“ contain a stipulation that no 'laboren, Workmen or mcchitnlc in the employ ot the contractor or ryte ootttrtustor, or other person: doing or, ccninciing to do the whole "or tr port ot the work ssoutemplated by the contract, shall he permitted or required io work more than eight Pet" in any one calendar day, ex- .cept, in cases ot extrerordinary emer- gency, caused try are, flocd.or dua- Cer to lite and property. Siipulniion in Contracts " Every such contract hereuter nude shall ccntnin e provision that ‘ unless the fewer; or corporation mak- , in; or performing it complies with I the [rovisiom of this Act, the con- '. met "tall be void and the person or . corporaticn stall not be entitled to "receive my sum, not shnli my onl- ', can Ment or employs ot the Got _ ernment ct Connie my or nuihorize "pnyment irom the hind: under his chorus or control to the person or “corpornion, tor Work done upon or _mr"e'""-r -_- __ _ in connection with the contract- whioh in m tom or miner.“ 'cr- lornnneo Violas the provisions of thin Act. 9 tttU Ato. . DIV Ltbor. _ m-r-r-lr-r""""""'""""""""""-' _ - rr _ : th' T c. .53; 'J) 35:32:42,333: _ SIGN or , C, ,.- V 't ' uh by Dst Inbor." _ , t. V ' man IN 'riiiiii'"io M GOLD l .4 (, .rr,' We ream to.iieir,t,teciey ,3. I , STAR, L ‘ "r"",",'-"."-',"'.', i_ S'. "C, We regret to record the dam: a her mldence, 833 Welluley m., Tor- onto, the death ot En. Ellen McDon- uld Adah. mother ot the In. 1111. P. I; W Meyer. Mn. Duo-00d VII one ot the Qua City'l olden reli- dents, being 3 ieridetrt ot the But End tor " yarn. She lave- . urge Hy at tour (tighten and one Ion, Mn. Chale- Reed, Mrs. John Coo. Alice and Lillie, ttsd the non, Alex- ander. Ind twelve grandchildren. BM in a member ol.0M St. Andrew'- - tor I numb" at you". ' .v.v..w, ---. - - . l1tttifft ot Dunno 1nd Quebec tetdl meld moth; My lot the pur- polu at conned“ Q. with. of clutch union. I The committee to detltrerate upon _ this important step was appointed n the hi1 convention, uni comm frt thm “tangent men ot the - _ Whlle " Im than,“ (M union meant candy uniting win: ttte three leading Momiutioml bodies; a more direct problem ml dime! io-4hy. n in that in the tum the Baptist Church “he with ttt.arioeirtes oi cum. n VII with!!! det' am this body w“ than"! than max you: laughed. trd had the. at .40ttr WP. our“ in ‘lforolio Jon. I a. twinning VOIIH- "an on be Bani-i (much “my cum-b a! Quin; “it. with the 'ttq" and “We“ not pro- viso. it would may um tb hid In. “any out n.- I”?! AI b M at Old“ as In it“ h 'eetqteeim u A d an sari-e- .9- . {Jami-I CHURCH UNION u may '. I. Drum. ‘~ -. - Bun-‘- q-'"'". -- ma Tut-tad [ LV/I' . _ . r" T, 4ng c. t #21“ unit, mah- I _ g ' . ', i. £43 tau tins ttio nub . _ _ . . V . rc'. an baton nu [ . - u' "CPS,', . I Sam». A , . Mere-ad, A in put “id, , _ ' H. w Pi' I - " A 1‘ . an: ta "-rurrrosestuyP. Edam Sues t Car iiiiii,ooo Worth of Clothing and FIt if}? Men's Clothing Plug lulu In checked Ind mpg] woods. worth n ma 00.00, for Ian's “no Du. an“. In no“ ohm: 9nd {you Fi'WiM a mic 10 “will " 5'00 any. - Badman And Dru- Bugu, 'tto 'tet- _ A ’nll, 3W“ Yul!" will! g “31:0. '01:? “But on. m. at not. to Blue tdSt 1nd Cymbal-pg! an! " tio, n Mun “no Tallow! thrttr, “my"! 12 A"iii4 Eon-om sun, S.BO will; " Bor'pothintt _ to rm any»! 3.991 Irw, - Fitto Quality of Bord' mite, eat what, 3 00 i6 rm to: Bore “a Youlh’l Bolt... mm plotter, going n .EE‘MEMBEB THIS fiBs4.7iC'iaiiii: Commencing SatUrday, January 12, at 8 o'thittfira, s'iEsiir.".'.iai't."irs-i 1 .00 Tim; the railway excursion “to: " latini seasons are doomed to. Muppet: " the not very distant future in the View uprated " DW- trict Puma: Agent McDonald, of the G.T.R. uni try the diatrict ptMt- some: meat ot the C.P.R. my My tint such oonceuionl are not given in ttre United Staten. no tint with the intonation ol the Scent I mile rate an excursion. " Christina. New Yur._Eutex, And Thanking will b. out bl. The summer mour- Iiom will, homer. rem-in “out the - n in the put. " in u nu- ma and: on the nilwnyl it eotr. ttrated this Christmas bu broken m robot“. The G.T.R, return tor eo " ot Toronto show u increno ot l 51 per cent. or about 88.000. Thin would bring the increuo up to About $14,000. when oompuud with the 1 More ol "04. The baggage Ind e!- . - -:_ AL.- L...u‘i . THE 310“ WE 006MB HA5 :mmx: mtettt 5-00 ST,ttt It" 16.60 1 2-00 ai, Gith 20 00, PM"! _ W, .._ “III" III In". .3... "35¢. pm comp-ulc- My they undid, n lam: umber ot pause- “an not Mon. ‘ SATURDAY JANUARY 18ii, (Springekl. In!” mum...) ( In" wad had on cum-n My: "an. onto-r- had fun - mum; mm, an!" “a "um m- cm meld“; mm. no“; M ogterrte" the; “In. .1 may; lull. "i_'tarisrt a lad." wile! “W I he It HOLIDAY RATES 900mm? Still In be disputed off. PERILOUS TIIE FOR HIS IAJESTY. 'mrttatertitt.lthtn. WILL CONTINUE UNTIL GOODS ARE SOLD. COME! _tMtlilt Bow snd' 7 ee'. mm 2 so and the satin Mock wanna-Inked. WWMHHQ “Weigh“ . tetri'Lrl Ti I; “Why‘d iaarrt%iGnosiuata-_lite (In-0“”? 1B,6Jt 7 qtt%lllill, Dun-e-ot'"'. iiTi'iTiFtGakuiurto.vut'tlait" sr's,rt,'1ts'.)'4ae3it . , ; Ar, a, i tKI, .3: , IB, MUST " SOLD " ONCE. ijaié to even Bur-chain of tt and 1mm ifi6 4 M, 5.00 13.50 3.95 2.50 '. ’1‘, _ H at: and Capt: [ g.. .,'i;,-j,"ii, son: ATONCE. rh.u.-riiitrrr-iti-ir1.". THIS GREAT SALE COMMENO” Youth's Clothing 12 lulu in no and “no. l also, for boy: " and 'f, ”can. any Jfdlt I no 2 to rout, wont: 4 60,tor 250 YoatttN no. Bum. two had mm plant. In» " to , 88 bum. on prion; 4.00 a 6.00 mucous for Men You an " In» half by t,g,tmuT/.'gl"ll'h' new. no . n 8.00 shamanism“ tor a. 00 lame mam-91: tee,', - - 'pntcrnn, worth 800 “(19.00, souls " _ 5 on m. overcoat! to {may WW“? Pf,', won an " ' a, T.BO Fin. hum Overcoat- ln blah um! ttg, t th It""""'" ' ' 1 0.00 Underctothinttbr Men Fine Underwear, worth 600, going " Beat rxmo-nnod 4thr, of worth 3.00, for " pair job lot, worth 1 60 and 2 00, for In" Pang. M I!!!“ In]! [or Men's Pants mo Dre" {may stripe, REPUDIATES LABOR “has. At ttu/tet mun; ot my. Trades uni LAM! Council In Hamilton the tofiowiea fooolutlon _ was ,dortaAs- "Reaolved,'that, in order to show our strong helm; “that the tnat iv no ot the Hamilton edition ot "M. Ingmar“! Banner, which than pon- uul lensing. this council hatch} re- ptilian! Inch taetiee " ttritMrawirtg' our endorsement trom that 101mm, an; duel-1m ati Suit/ft with tho " m. “twat att than pen In the ';'ii/ialid: 'ot new 'lt do- "eored." t The hummer“ ot the registra- mnl otAhttario mocha? Iron II- mn ot murky lloenlcl on or. aum made-by Amman tor Neck m and no and.” new from omen-um; clergyman during he two a." tttttowing Chi-mun dar. Tttis II fully Jonah the number oi m.- vita and [loan-o. received during the “no iieriod um an new real-Hou- cum Into force, which malt-I ll- men at clergyman to lotqu ll- ama tom: tonhwm: to an - trtertt ot the regiment-gourd, - " L7iii,' - 7-",- ttttl""""' 1 .25 Chi-mm. melommldnol - at-oe.."--" ”It". iriiGTiGU. ttestimate-b. mummuxpno-IC“ ”warms-noun. ' THEY Catt TRY CANADA ma BOAT. FOR suns IN MARRIAGE LICENSES 2 "':,tr,th,8r00 5 oo t few of the [my .76 yawn Coats l Plain Color and Parson "uh __ 8.00.“: - raihr swipe mAghgglgg Ovuooul, wail: 10.00. will a PM 7 tantalum-In 0MB, mum. Aieireddtng MP, mu: 15.00. um» as m can. I " and 6.00, to out! Why!!! Smock! mm. In"! the, worth m, no! for um PM Wool Show ""1260, err . .4 Bore tr.etree.teMstt.ttt can not 3010' aim [1100:1203 P, ""ciiiiiiYNjaiiriiutit new. myth.“ " " ' noun»? new. muon, with m mum-u. Mttt Msgtr- _ In " " now-{Mans " Odd cm " Ynm’ and Mon, " 2.00.175 Gloves and Mitts .1459 Kaoh- 019]"! ty $1 lil Bart Glam -39 no“ Cotton mm .10 " mice; $1.0m M'mlJ Hatchctsam ig='Nlttt oor---eyl 3“" “a. :',eti,Alj2MhTl'Gl'rli"', " latter Dub; “*2 P“ tiitii,yeLeattt' 1'a"td',rS'gifl m...» '3'; 50783;”: “4 TN Gilli-l my; u " u be had; MW,“ 10.00 mam t r', macs-Min!!! """i'a"aki7ii'rTUTC.. , 2 "jiiiEf/ledf l'), IM, Hair-394M” no a F, 10083.. T . .m' w tttbrrtrl!r1'llr. ‘..'. " QMMNI iN, ln’i in: can}! i . we.“ '93:? . it' . 1

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