w' {a ra- ',)'v: -Tho Mercantile Fire It wan Pay ’2“ You CA .,:-i i,/'r-" 'ss' e": Subscribed Comm! .. .-..'. 230.11%“) , _ Ag Doposmwlml the Dominion y,cr. can†amiss"; ic,ictccrcrufyh,Sc we; . e i mm y t a o )r'fa, septieMll'p, Insurance Company ‘24. with Anal; of taxman. . new. . _ '2rr' _ new W t Boom , . , (l,, ' a wmp'wm " ' Mele,'. _ mun-m we. nerloo. Out. Pharm- 2413." 3.: via F: ", ' M . l w , iteks" . 'sliii Lu. . i tiii,"::'. I A 1trat.f,tL'e I at, t. . . ' V 1 . “not 1iiahrGii .. -- _'"" 'C, The [isms Fobnnhagi i.. "r duty: mowing n'meth‘np :Diuv in dress but; It you an trot! the utestrus, j-ut dou- iiifiiiit, met “A. W. ke-p “I J Ct a cut-Inf: not. . siiiiiiiiiii new: 'r uunmm if" Little Liver Pills Am mm. tmau"i'i can. ou- t?!" â€I. dun- laud unabl- la n “I In. Double-u - - (I m FL! Mm Manson-Ind 38.000000 run-Up cum! - 11mm [We Fttgget " “00¢†nm onion. mournin- b " the: and weights , We alto carry a full line of The Nelsons Bank iNSURANCE CALENDERS lot 100t as now being fund to Poli- 'tie"tt"/l; and may be had a my of- \errlco Fire Building. K as St. Waterloo. Msfumishings fr6m which Quill be any to select a suitable I'll Wish-o! In.“ mm outrun-mud " lam†" "eeIat Bantam up Bqeatrerrvugh a Co. EstataMtol WI. M. ( flf,,',"gst T . ice our tine line of tr-ttttret Tiller. Vanda. m “8828 â€Hill“! Insurance company INGOIIPORA‘I‘ID on Bead ttffttttt - Waterloo abt, to: our burgh . JOHN RITZEB, --trtdu.ts_ awn-mum " my a "I“ " ' Pto- hAmu/qlgo Conny;= te' C, A BOEHM 1400- [1.le mu Wooden Bunch 'Ihen an push-u ot an luch‘pp a...†' haw in Vow um. It. EtMm in. “.000. w with .taaNtte the an a! ttiawe Liirir, which Huber uni-ad “nag a. mu ,ammt. m when the tor, cheque s. eon-tn: In prod-tad It was loud .ttiat an win It! “mount was $70.75. “an m 1 tiid tgaiiriiaei.itFiiMuuV it “I M of a any hug and. Nobthocm-wm limo-d - ol Mt bu will» Tm Solicitor M. P. M. K. C.. Di ez-tea of in. II- »Ann Huh. who At!“ an Mr. Ohm “do . vouch-r Iron in ton. tn . receipt toe 810." which VII - out by “to To" Tte-ser in It†Gwyn Attorney W. H. Bovlhy pmWeustest and “permuted consider- nble dictum! In "tting therewith-cc out o! the able! witness. T0" “was “any: um and and mm that the voucher Im not in his wan-Ion at pro-ant. hm. who got it he did not know. It um no Iotottir I mankind domain“ and theretore made no dilemma who had It. ' _ The Best Iour actions were brought against Huber by Chiet O'Neill, who charged hlm with using grossly in- sulting language concerning Town Solicitor E. P. Clement, K. c., ,Crowu Attorney W. H. Bowlhy, May- or A. Brick“ and ex-Mayor J. R. Brion, The cases against the first two were heard in which the Chief swore that Huber called Messrs. Ole meat and Bowlby “thieves," The de- [endaut was not sure whethe': he did or not, _ The prosecutor dmtnatimtllr inior- moli the magistrate that the Town Treasurer). evidence val blue, white- upon the Crown Attorney thrutenod to have Huber committed to iastt tor three month: tor contempt oi court. Huber did'iiot any any more and Town Solicitor Clement wad ae- quitted. The tumor iniorlned the Court that this who the second time be was prosecoted in his lite. The tint time, 31 years ago. it we: by a man who landed in the asylum. Opera House, was accused by Huber ot committirig common assault. Mr. W. M. Reade acted for the plaintiff and the defendant looked after his own interests. According to Hubcr's evidence the assault consisted of Eagan grabbing hold ot Huber's arm lathe Opera Hmsc on Saturday eve- ning and taking 1 camlle and a piece or paper away from Mm. The case was dismissed without costs. The Magistrate found Huber guilty in each cue and titttd him $25 and costs or 20 days in jail with hard labor tcr each offence. making . total of $57.60. He asked tor a. week to at m money and the two remaining wen Were‘ndjoumod tor that length dune. WILL BE IIIGHEST BUILDING ON EARTH The next charge preferred against ex-Mayor Eden tor stealing $76.75 did not occupy much time, u it was shown by the production ot the town cheque issued in March, 1903, that it was made payable to H. Matter. Town Clerk, who, it was stated, paid over the money to the men whose names appeared on the my sheet. or voucher. In his evidence ex-Mayor Eden explained the whole affair. He was interrupted by Huber, who aakea the Magistrate it the witness was allowed 40 fnake a stump speech. The magistrate honorably acquitted the accused. . . New York, Jan, s.-- Here are some ot the Intenalons of the proposed tower after to the Metropolittut Lite Building at Medlson evenue end twee. ty-lounh “met, which is to'tre the and building in the world: height above sidewalk, 058 lect tom eight (tom lomletion "ol Mat; number of “any. ebove sldewalk, M; number ot Ibreyn telow sidewalk 'rffi' the and (on! Coot um ot new Me. tritrolitrn bullding, 1.085.663 square km “bout " gene.) When “an: filed yesterday with building Btterirttendertt Murphy ue mid out, the great marble bulld- W ot the Mctropoliuo Lite Insur- ma Company will be complete with n town which Witt make it the tall- ist qucwn ol any kind (n earth, Ttit new town II to occupy ttu atte' of Dr. Pukhnrst'n old church an Initial anre, I“ will rise “M teet - the “Midi, The tower um to Bee norm but»: than thr "in?! much; ter, which Is to in mm "tht, Aboee the 01mm “may the tow- er I- to to but 'resetttr-tottr teet , 1"f'glt', yd " I: chimed thepro- Alt itt connructiol in M“ tumultuous! that the In“: column I!" have all tho pow-r oi mum-u chick New to he ‘mln bums-g. The - will be ot mu nix-Mm It†In em with autumnal #30:: mum: to mm: the main in . Above the In“. portio- "rttth0. ta"eds-'t ttet this), with " mm «m " Mdittimat M In w m mm and. may uni-m "no Int m - unwind ‘a Manager J. D. Eagan, of the Berlin THE TABLES TURNED Ex-Mayor Eden Acquitted Charge n! Assault he.“ " =iMr..." anagram) " _ oheEaehtitgti'it" “-4 lat-ir.,' l. a. an. . _ l _""'-.' -‘ ' Ah .1 at.“ iritteiiis M-" "t,=Jl'lra='ll to “I ', _ "P,eyriii2'iaG7aiiuiiiUiTiariarri'i'rc “ “d" 9" 'ouqt-ithturirrorrtrqtmdo, tg'tu"l',8te "dtme8t'.0M-tortutaoare - I won at“ the various M0 Weir '2'%2, N am. at .mu. uae ot “mm imam“- by m w than; to [an out. “In. "yrs"r, Va done to roll-yo to was." by he exec- tlol o! "oit 140 - nmet during up out a a - cont ttt over “.000. _u Ptett width m m to put Interest on Debentures .--m. Insurance ._..6. ..r... "'t"""' General expense... $Vt ...... . Nernst' lamp mtce.............., Stationery m"ett Pmt... ......' .... Line Mtce. and repairs..'.... Electric coal .w. -tr.PPrtttp. w... Arc light ttttee...,....... .r.._r. Electric and power mtce .... 'Elec. and poets salaries .. Tool! ..mF..q.' '$tF.r... 'te.rtr...." Elec. repairs ....mr... .rr.....r... Elec. meter repairs and in: omce salaries P........ mtr.em.ttr, "1 G Jnfd-IM’ '.:srCtT?'.)?j"iwrrCT'""7tirt.i2,r 'd"(,)"'il'iiiitiii-itr, a“, P2itigiidrcigticiii,iii 'g'tt",,NtttMe,tgreg: ttt2thntt"al,r "tt tot-up»: mend-,1 -Co-urm|dlon .HK anoaettMttr-iitkitteiieetttr, 1ttrfditioettettm Id spa no lit! by the ",rtr.jtlghf,tg,'f,tgt"rtt', at tho 1'thatftl; 'ttmtl. 1.0! uoo.-]Q‘:~.nmhpuuu Mun . _ III has In" “and . - attegtdancq at were -t-otd no â€can; with 2ClFiiri"i'd Tritt than†a. “a 'usrmu.iiiitsetosmno. td non 'r-wth-tr" Ion-u. and the laeeMtteaitJntHo.trthirt-tiet - tinny-hung _mutt Increasing tbe mu m‘ Out In mtmtm,n¢‘ a! inn-eat min; Iâ€. . n tho-18106. 0. Be- thle- when. uni lunatic; um (blight. [tutu-to ya erected at I out at About. $40,000. Fttd con- struction won on nun] mile. at expo-live uvm‘ud on va‘cnvorln was undertaken. The greatmt mu- vity menus in - lino of work, sud the tutu" ol tho town u an in- dustrial centre ot Western Ontario teem “lured. _ 822043.81 Profit over mtce. account... $3650.82 Prop'n ot prin. on Deb...... 2441.88 Interest on debentures ...... Insurance .v_.P.... 'F....... ._r.r. Gas meter reps. and Insp‘n General expense 'mFFrr, P8rrrreeP Coke (imported) .._.e. 't_...... Coke (home production) 'r", Stationery 'terr' 'rt'rrr'r rFFrr'FF' Gas coal ._'_F.F'..t_ m....".. ....r' Gas maintenance p........ ..m... Gas repairs t."qqemrew. '..._rW.b.w. Gas nerviccs m.trtw_...tt .qerr.r.atw Gas wage: $rWrtt m.rb..r.. ..'.Fr... Gal supplies ..Nttr Ft.p.q ......... On oil Pr-_........ .trse.r.tte. t.qtrr OfBce Ialarles ..q..lp., ....._.Ttr.. OPERATING EXPENSES AT BERLIN LIGHTING PLANT The 'tttr', ot operating ox- pcnae- t the eleveti month dating trom Jan. m, 1906, to Dee. Ist, 1906, " Berlin’s lighting plant has been oompued and its " toil-.-.. Gas rr... Interest Rent m.N. Tar m.... Receipts- Incandescent Power tP_..eFe. Arc "9..etPF.t. Electric new Electric sup] Rent Frs._rtrrr. Interest on Prom. over maintenance Ir' t 2905.22 Prop'n of mm on Dec.,,., 2280.45 Expenditure- Net profit over all expenses ' 1208.94 Expenditure- Net prottt over all upenlel. ' 638.71 Receipts- Net prof1t over all cxpcnlu t 1847.71 Several woeh Mo George Scary, a young Englishmn, who had been liv- lng in Berlin during the lummer, de- parted for New York rather luddenly. After he had zone " was discovered that he had appropriated . remittan- ce of $108 trom the Merchawmib- be! Co, M which he was nn employe, He Ind also locum Inlcll'l trom varionn stores in town tut were In- paid. High Conuuhle Huber corn- munlcated with relative. ot the troy in New York um! “1th to hue the troy "ranted. An uncle arrived in Berlin on Wetlands) and settled up all "can“. Toronto, Ont, Jan. l-Hon. A. B. Ayn-"om bu Nomad use nova" of the min by It: ante-non oLdectanl mm on corruption that during an 'ttttttatt Indo- a! Mum: a “an will be intro. hal In.“ â€In. toe doo- mu con-Mb- at 0. qhgtt%tm at " hump-Amu- v. 2-!"- CORPULSORY VOTING maintenance repairs '....r. Ictviccs ..N_r_ wage: $rwrtt . supplies .KNttr oil PP-'.'...... . h BAD BOYS WORK Electric Maintenance. Gas Malntenanccs services supplies on Deb A. C. RENSHAW, No. 5, t 5403,50 . 430,00 . 201.32 . 10.88 _ M.80 .. 174.48 ' 4674M . 515.10 ' 5852.60 ' 3031450 , .5033 4.55 54.09 . 1547.69 ' 4919.63 MI.87 . 306.50 201.80 1153.30 1339.49 335894.63 332704.66 374.48 33.00 58.17 323230.21 fl? l 311216.91 5273.32 8352.22 56.29 14.96 33.00 748.93 “0325.07 45.01 639.38- 4021.44 51.66 131.80 1959.28 52.61 3086.81 50.90 1517.68 It was while stationed at Mill- grove that Mr. Bowlby’s health be- gan to Lil, and was ftrgt hotieed by n aMietion ot the eyes, which for a. time left. him almost blind. This (mimic passed may to a very large extent, hut his general health grad- ntliy declined until death relieved him of his Sinerings yesterday morning. Hamilton. Jan. 'ith.-- Rev. Charles L. Bowlby died early yesterday mom- ing at dis home in Dundas. Ree. Mr. Bowlby had been in poor halth tor the past year and at the "onterenee in June last his condition was such that it was loud necessary to su- pcrann'uate him. He entered the min- istry of the Methodist Church in the old Niagara Conference es a proba- tioner in 1884, and spent that you in the Wesleyan Theological College Montreal, In 1885, be was stationed " Kelvin, in 1886 " Fairfield, and spent the next year as a. salient at Victoria College. Cobourg. He ms received into lull connection with ttre ministry and ordnined in 1888, and was that year stationed at Strom- ntss. His subsequent appointments were 1889-91, York; 1892-04, Tlpley- town; 1896, Peel; 1897-9, Jordan Station; 1900-2, Barton Street, Ham- ilton; M)0t-6, Milgrove: . A clear profit ot $24,000 is the lucky Cobalt strike made br three Hamilton men-Robert Jenkins. Ar- thur Geeling and Willinm Lister. But. so great in the tppucnt wealth in that district sad so large the tor- tunes made by othsr men that they ure quite modest one: their lucky in- vestment, not considering am such I. fortune made in . few months re mnants the work ot a. (mute: cen- tury on the put, ot the minted man. These three went to Cobalt in May Int and staked I claim attest, ten mile: trom Heileyburyr "i? Bake lownsMp. Not so very long ego they sold it for $25,000. aerd deducting $1,000 tor "page: they mule that much profit. T hey 0130' have un- other claim which they expect to new shortly. This, it the deal goes through, will net them even 3 larger prom then " the tirttt deal. They the home tor the new year end will sun for Cobalt again next week. Mord. Proust M. J. “In." my“ the Mir, And human all very suturing reports ol the also. do Isn't-sits at the - were pre- In“. I, M tn charge. All ot than retard in (lowing terms to the hallo-y end good will that In “Mod between the employe- sad the swollen: work that has been encom- plhhod u the result ot the Venue lawman which wu Mounted in the 'ttttrea' tour nus no. A has re ot the mun; on ‘the address ot the President 8. J. wiv Hams, during the course ot which he made scum lmportsnt Imam menu, whieh were od particulsr la. mm to the employer. He lntlnst~ ed that the iirm In: ee#trrattssg the twmstyAittts snnlverury in bullies: in Berlin by presenting out an! - one ot its 430 employees 'wlth s salons mount, opened, In the Bank ot Toronto. The smallest de- posit is 50e. sod the uncut uric: with the length at service ot tho variotu, employees. The total amount thus presented by Mm wss 81835. Heriatter' the wage will be paid by check and on every payday cloth trom Bank ot Toronto will be in a specially and up bunk who: In the lactory to cash the check- †re oelve deposits. ' "It ls the candy goods, that coun- try," laid Mr. Jenkins to . reporter thin afternoon. "It . abounds in wanna. " the government does the squlre thing by the Gillies limit, it will have enough money to my the province's eXpenses tor yen: to come. V Mr. Wiltiamq wormed M employee that the Company‘s business during the put tour yen: ot Wellare Work had increased 90 per cent. Where 522 persons were formerly engaged, 430 persons now tun: over 90 pt. cent. more mane-s. And the†430 drew in wages in n yen, $18,000 more than did the "t. PATTERSON ABANDONS RAILWAY SCHEME manual: (re-lineman. i " w‘wn - -9" Hamilton, Jun, 3...-. A report was spread around Hamilton that John Paueruon would shtndon his project lor the handing ot the Hamilton, Wnterlco .nrl Guelph railway, and " BO stating that Car-net Power Co. ma bought the mam property u the cnrnrr ot J.mes uni Vine streets, h order that Mr. Putnam's nil- ny mud uh wunecuonl with the mum. Mr. Putter-on this morning said:-.-") I: mlollrkly not . word at Crulh in the report. The Cataract Compuy bu not evu get a option a the noperty. You out say that I hue dropped their nil- my - unruly, I an going _ my a cereal months. and I In" in may) or runny propormooa." REY C. L. BOWLBY DEAD I xuumzoo, Mich., an. s..- John A. Ron. massing editor ot the Kal- '|mnoo Queue. "wonky nuanced “in! the no" department of the islet would be owned every "r (a the lawn with pure! by Mince" .0; mutual of the any. Don'- [Mica no ' ' in. boy.’ up print 8 " children’s Overcoat; "I but" tttat the "port." will try “I. to,bettmr work. .4 an n- - a a. a†mu '0 ,-f*tttett, pee t?!- “I We' are bound {to e1enr-a,ttl '1ng aniiie,'Hiiii,ii', if, any goods from seam: to season. to My†ttret',',',,',','",'.,,","','. s. pWr overcoat reduced and many suits. Hug are blue may†- _ Boys‘ Overcoats now 4.60. This is our first big aye in Berlin. HUmember the! down price is' nh-olutely genuine. We went to make what big cuts we Are making. All gods are returneblo maney refunded the we as usual. Now is your time tc A ' Whmt nova! Nevin. “lagoon!"- tfrl'ltG'h'm"hT, Men’s Overcoat: FMtlltERCBhl1k ISSUES FIRST $25 BILL The “monument ereatad ttOtt-r- nhh "rpetto, us It. In! null It may "Pease" it! um. alight tau-ult- V It is dated January in, 1907, I: of regular nine, 3nd in “We: quite attractive-both to the eye And In- tritulcdly. Other batthtt hive $50 and $100 notes. but the' Funnels. Emir, u bu been uid, is the tlr" to place, limit- culntlon a tM bill, The Fumen‘ Bank of Cum: ot which Mr. W. R. Tavern Ionmrlyol Berlin, is General Manager. is the am munch! inltituuon whet in the Dominlon or in the United Staten to iatrue a twentr-lt" dollu ttota, The lace side bears, aide from the rcguhtion lettering, tine represent:- tion. of Mr Wilmd Laurier and Hon. J. Pliny Whitney, " The Government “sues tsto Ind now notes, but these, an may be surmiud, are rarely seen In when! circulatiom REPORTERS MUST GET DOWN TO "MYERS The, Fartttera' tM note In yellowish in tint. A fi;)); Art? For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Arer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust I medicine the best doctors Ip- prove. Then trust this the new! time you have a hard cough. mmmuuummu- "ota foe a": “at? hut." WeakLurigs Bronchitis . Guelph, Chatham. "Thornton & Douglas,, Waning-nan" why-uh mom-rmdum‘ 6 fancy tweed Gd wick, 1oogovtmstsata, size “Jo 27, â€(our 4.00 and 660, Ml,* " " [my tweed overcast; for boys, again- Alro And 5.00, sim " to " clan my - (JO. s', fr.†' tia. boy.’ omen-L, Luck, choviot and funny tweed, size- 29 to 88, mm- 5.00 a no. and - I OK " and: blah " Little born' {my lip-tor brown overcast: tint were 4.00, clean up prim 2.75. Link, boys' {may outcasts that were 4.60, elem up price 8 50. , Link boyu' {way when.“ tut m 6.00 and 6.00, now 8.95. Some exceedingly fine little norWr coat- in In†. down Ityla that we: I _ tJE, Jet i w t loc _ " . v u, . tw ecd ONTO“ a m . w M , ' Ltr, af' [If ' /i'i,aij)i'(i'ii, _ , grey and {my and ovateâ€, in cloth“. , (and m w, " Man‘s 7.00. 8.00 and 8.50 suits now 5.95. Men’s-1000 bud 12.00 tsuitst now 8.95. hunk 12 00 And 16.00 suits now 9.50. Now is the time when you should not be without a "Fonda; Chopper" in the house, to prepare your mince meats.' To; make sausage, etc. We sell different styles at prices ranging; from 1.25 to $3.75. " _ I H. W OLFHARD & CO. il Hardware, Plumbing and Hunting. 80“!un for Illiimllmt WALPBR BLOCK. - . . .. - - 13mm CHINA _PALACE. KING STREET, BBRLINL Food Choppers Saving made Easy gods are retumublo or exeungeahie the same n " full ttea, Now is your time to save money on clothing. . "lt We want to make this our Brat Lua-ummm so can. i, ad iti (iiM SEAL UBFFEE‘ FREE " r. s" Remember that we have only one price and that out] *rile, “Ind; it. hrttt, Huh, I!†J. A. Good & Co. "_' Hardware, Stoves, Tinwm, Plumbing nod Pipe Fitting! Store nou- Poat office Phone In We have 6 dozen good hockey sticks, worth Ilk and 200. You on have them " IN each. During J mun-y we will give free with evéry pound of Seal Coffee a Nevada Silver Coho Spoon or u be. panel picture. A A A G. E. POTTER come, Boys Limited. of (:me . Put mom in ar: , ,,uf',U'l'lrnt"l'd 7 ". tti"""'.""'"""':; The Sovereign Bank " l|l IQIIIIII m "that“ mumv BOTTOM PRICES. dozen. styles that were 5.00, dot and rg See window. Spending has ever been an elk: mutter than traving-tmt Ian vb. We can exception-l MW and facilities to help you to In. 81.00â€..th Intern! tasidttinte.-r. Berlin, Stafford. FE , . .2: