grille metbdds M keeping records ot re y, girUred seed, the names and address T A at (Wired gowns who are producer; _’ ot textured sod, and instructions an r. ‘to We methods ot growing and select- int grain and other seeds of van V 'lpThff. ' Part 111. of the report contains pa- paya gnu addressee by the (allowing '.penans: s" tte, Jas. W. Robertson, Manager. amnimumld Agricultural College, Ste l 'lriAtrse de Bellevue, Que.; Hon. Sydner I z A, Fischer, Minister ot Agriculturv ' .jtrtrtvsa, Tion. 'W. H. Motherwell,)lin Thur“ Agriculture, Rosita; “Whom ik Brewing in the Canadian West,' tSi Peat. R. Harcpprt, thA.C, Gueti, (“"1110 Relations Between Soil Co:. nylons arid (trstrttmtrproctraiot,-" D1 .fChulus E. Saunders, Experimental 'ehrm'Ottswa, “Qutlity in Wheat†Tt ‘g. F. T. Shutt, Chemist, Expen- x- Pr . Farm, (1) "Salt Wheat Pro- I'. ," (2) "The "cuon of Certain a; and; Preventives on the Vatility ol i'jr1 'f," Mr. John Bushman. 0.A,C. tr _ ' “Some Enoch: in Varieties “r." t Cam! Crops Arising from Diiterent m , ‘itiou ot Growth." W. T. Ma- F can. C.E.F., Experimental Farme on“, "The Improvement of the inbtor' Mr. Goo. Robertson, St. " humus. Om.:NSomo' Results in ";'cNttrtkttituro [tom ahe Selection ot 'lt Rb;" Mr. L. S. Mink, Mncdonald fl .. turd College, Ste. Anne de )'da rw ' Qua, "Methods of Storing . . Corn,"' Mr. W. L. Smith, Ttr, tm" tr, "How Bgit to Encourage the (i mimtion of Thqhictass Seeds." Esmlr1 SEED cgN'rROL M?T,1905,, l, t taittirtB . reprint ot the Acnwitm _ bl exptanattlis ma imztructioasr, _ CIRCULAR on SEED TESTING, in; u: oyttitrratrptte objects . of 7 an; seeds tor purlty and vitality, "all some general notes applicable to yucca-tract: of the ttlde in agricul- "ttral/seeds, «at ( wr'.rt t a. 41-, i1.rsi;'-c-.iiii 'ss, q Chicago Tribune. :9h---resrii, than going to be , - contested election, and Ye got to tttt everybody out. I'll hip to hurry tir you’ll be mypag ol T. Bungle A Cp. of g This is a, valuable report ot 96 pag- ce, couttining interesting reading tor Rumors. The report contains a sums We! the business transacted. a ‘mm; of the Constitution. Br-laws, ind Reguhtions oi the Association. In been wound up by Mr. t2'i'talt to whom the 'rt, recan- ' And yum f adivtncnd "rt "este on m Max's: do to: the mm ot m minors. Meet " the ' d 'm _ We a wow-m ttr. r, “Mlâ€; printed. â€7.8.41; nan- “alumina. "no? I. an tti bnol Mn. amntlm it’ll. “I io.ttwGG with ' ANNUAL REPORT or SEED â€Gnownns ASSOCIATION. Ittt A vow LOST I Mn. amounting h It. a ma mama. _ GEO. h." CLARK, Sud Commissioner nag: _ Gaiuiirii iGiiriaCiiGri" aiio'iiiiC2" th' in use: of sickness the gastric j eel» no ea weakened they cannot act tteopertr on ordinary foods." . Someotimtttation is also required, but it my? be petP",',,t.,tte, waiting: rooms. co ee, It iritous rin and aimilar 'i'i'iiFtreiiii'."aiuli stimulants "Dom!" not only stimulates but nourishes us well, for in it the .nourishing fl',it1,it,i,eg, of beef, tibrine and albumen are ully preserved. . _ BOVRIL Beeftea,and meat extracts are also stimulants, but with this ditrerenct they don’t react. Yet while they have stimulat- ing properties, they are practically devoid of nourishment. _ ?"I catt't vote ' use in talking , It a thing thath fit "e_tt.h.r" wlll. an ionr‘qnvanda A TRUE FOOD Not merely a stimulant. winked. Jan, 4 .Mth, J.R. Wnlker mm Company can-Maw the tttttew human ot m lot-hm In htteothtrttatt A mu- o! vult- mm mun 1',Wd"i,t.e, h tte hme the bushes: . be m» m etrtpteres. Windhr, Jan. r.--," the result of the ettortst ot two dillerent companies to buy the. Kinna tarm, near Attm able, Michigan, which contains valu- able water power tor electrical pur- poses. two members of the lunily, supposed to have been dead for years, have been Riund and the family bu‘ been reunited. The mother is Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Horrkirumtt, who has lived here tot several years. She came to Windsor alter the death oi, Mr. Klaus. She remirried here, but is again a widow. The oldest son, Wesley, was in legal possession ot the Ausable property. He wu drowned in he was about to icomplehe the sale to one or the com- ‘panien seeking it. Three remaining brothers divided the property among thempelvcs. In looking lor' all the heirs to get lull possession of the farm at Ausabie. one of the compa- nies lound a fourth Frother, “posed to he dead, living at Annâ€; Ont Through him the. mother toll here. H She had never commando; _ with f the mm H Aunble though r 200 miles lion them. Undo: the lieu-.1 an swam the become- sole owner ot he: lormr home. I l Mrite to-day tor a tree sample pack- Me. and also give us your symptoms and one ot the best known stomach in] am mos 'u.a mu nmmoads careful and 'trel attention with, out charge. Booth's Hymnal Com pany, Butrato. N. Y. We absolutely agree that your mon- ey will be rammed should you buy a sf) cent box ot Mi-o-na stomach billets and not be tratistted with thr results. Ml-o-na is sold try drugglsts everywhere, or will be sent try mail on receipt of price, 50 cents. I The directions for taking Mi-o-na emphasize the dinerence between tuis [remedy and the ordinary medicine ‘that is given frtimr'ttestion. Mime is to be used before meals, strrmgttr enittg the digest Nu, system for tN food which is to be eaten, Wale tha ordinary remedy is taken after meals, and simply digests the food withouj strengthening the _stomach. ‘ The bacvaches, headaches, distress after eating, loss ot appetite, gulping up ot undigested food and gases are not natural. Mi-o-na stomach tab- lets used tor a few days below meal!» will .so strengthen the digestive or- gans that you can at anything you want without tear at distress or " suiting isiclmess. [ lt is a sin to deprive oneself of em joyment in lilo and become a burden to other: through _Indigextion. [ A weak stomach and its Insulting ills are not natural. With proper care and the use of Mi-o-na stomach tatr lets, the very worst. case ot indiges- tion or nomad: trouble can be com- pletely cured. Some Cooirhdvice to Readers ol The Chronicle-Telegraph. Do Not Be a Burden FAMILY REUNITED we! m: lb . klilGhiiG - -'--. -"" ',ttgdi'.eJit,iiiieia'2"i2ii Ody-yak the. $tss Aha-‘5... $2.50. a'.4'i'i,rttltt,,/trp',terp lau- '04 The Domfnion "Ove/nn/ent, will Im- pose an export duty on olrctrical eftertr. Norwood's council has been returm. ed by aeciamation, Manitoba‘s admol any, law came in- to tome yesterday. Port Nttmrne'st" couiwit has boon reflected by atrelamauon. 3 The bill iettirh i: to be introduced by Mr. Oliver to amend the Domin- ionLnnds Act, proform- tr throw ON a tor Retirement Ur odd nmnbrrv-d sections ot much": lands with the right to the Jenna's to purrhasc mu acres Adjoining their honwstead of a similar “reuse. r, H m .4 ' ni w}. 'tyitrr, (i,trv ve - 'e ind dmft w" kriiFFii '"iL.'..C.L',':.'iy'ieri'r.iii"F"ev'cda'/a'= JlllS"id unveil-ctr. an In... The wild rabits usually so plenti- ful in Northern British Columbia are being almost. ex1erminauut by some strange amicuon, that is carrying them " by thousands, Large tttrn- ors develop on their homes, resulting in death. _ Mrs. Louis Moody or Winnipeg is dead of pneumonia, and friends who wero ushers at her wedding a year ago acted as pallbearers at her fun- eral. . The conspiracy charge Against the Dominion Wholesale Grocers' Guild it Hamilton will not be prosecuted, pending the decision of tlfe Court of tpreal in the tiruggist’s case. r-h Arr' rue. is, gm; My: " Hamilton's new Normal school will be a brick structure of thrrlrtorers and a basement, and will be located at the comer of Marguerite and So- phia Sheets. ... Rev. Donald McMillan threatrn: to sue his 'ortgregation of St. An- drew's Prcstryterian Church. Sydney Mines, NS†for $200 arrears of sal- arr, Limiting the sale ot game 'to the open season and amending the' game law so as to prohibit tlie sale ot ducks and other wildfowl from Jan, 10 to Sept: 15 inclusive. '; Charles W. Gopdvlck, engineer of Santa Yrara, N. Y"., is dead of in- juries received by bring struck try a mail hook whilb leaning oat of the cab ot an Ottawa & New York tn- Bme, near PomsayviUv. ' Providing that the possession of lake trout during the, close seatiost shall be presumptive evidence that they were unlawluily taken. ' A. J. Pattison) manager nt We Grand Valley Railway, denies. That the road between 'Brantford and Gait and the Trumps anley road are ,to be acquired try Pittsburg capital. Captain Bault and Mate Gillespie oi the Golspie, are sougat as an- ICSSPS to give evidence rt the in- quest at the Son. They are believ- ed to be in Manon. A SALLOW SKIN Cot. 'Vidal Adjutant-General, um- tracted a severe cold while .Lur'ndIl-g the funeral of the late Col. Punaull. and has been confined to his house tor some time. Cog-m. Gleichen, a. cousin of his; Edward, attached to the British s".'re- bassy at WashingtOn, spent ihe ruli- day sexton: at Ottawa with Ear! and Countess Grey. _ The prints ca; ot Mr. D. McNiwl ot the ORR. is at St. John. Covette sey Lord Strathcona In Manta-Mun an the anhaj of the bCmpuatls of Britain. Mrs. E. Powell ot Banner, Out., died on Monday, having nix children, the aide" only being 12, orphans. Their father died about. {hm weeks James H. Sums welkknown tarm.. et of East Guard, wt: mod on Wednesday by u blow on the back ot the head (tom 0. wqon tongue. The canton]: collecu'ons toe Lon- don tor the, lat. ux months total “54,703.03, tut increue ot $16,433.50 over the “in period last; yen. Cobalt. property that cost them $1.000 has been sold by Robert Jew him, Arthur Greening and Wm. Les- tar, ot Hamilton, for 825,000. b"s Rev. hunch Berry, B vetexui _ettr- odin. â€when is and at St. Thom- " ot pneumonia. He was born in Toronto " yum up. V Thet hollow,- Hat diltrict shipped ttttu-tes, minim .' Jii'iei'i) m 1906, 1.521 head at hares, 13.590 any. uu _ W"? . _ Calf :32; ot"',),',,',, sheep and 232,250 J21 'fll','hlt't, 's't"tr,t ttf w . . _ , ni Rev. Franck Berry.“ Veteru'lath- lord a grandma, Donld Haunt d Milt. bran-hour (a Aa-re -0 a. my.-.“ Loadatt, ' S. Button! find:- - Last, Con? oil in con-Morin; a â€mutton a! 'ruttttahiaeatatorputktotreiaaued mommy. by He cation. ~‘-‘..<._M IT" _lty,!li,1il!lllill,llli'lt',!!ltf,iib!ll, _ will b, was.“ to _ I!“ armrt My u. . _ Burie- uev lam “any Public school wan swanky ops-ed nanny by Hon. Dr. 91.. mime: ‘01 Edu- iiiiari-,mtet ' . - W. h-“ .._ w... u"... at Woe than t',ttat She has in“ 'll'g'ld'lt in haul Add-no, m. “ limb! that his blur. ma. tye'fetettrtriiiGrii%'tFiGiiG um. Pinkham invite. Bll " women to write her (m added. Sh. In daughter. in-hw ol Lydia E‘Plnllum Mid lot tettr-ltve yea! under her direction ind-Inc. burden-e ha bun livid" lie, 1'oSP? {up {WM mg hii No all)" mdinirrre"in 1"irge insure. wind Inch widrstid no a ttali ed endorsement No other meant» ha we]: a 120qu of gum of {canto tumble. one triéd Get trutuina"Ciriir'E' Pirtkharna Vegetable Compound at once rcmovu and lmublo. When women m 'caTra' with Irma- ular or pntntul riodl, mailman. ilirphi- comm.- ur umm'lon of the female 078â€â€. that hearing-dawn feeling, in. ttammation, hack-clue, futulersre, garter-l debility, indigmtion and nervous pm.- tration, Pey ghoul-l "uesmber there in â€The 2'pttpt manned to build :5 te,vTrg,tl th and the tumor mm to dumbed. trrttil, in new" months, the Curator V†entirely {one and l a well woman. I um no than ml for my recovery that} uh ynu to publbh my letter In netrF pawn, no other women may know of the wonderful curative warn of Lydia E. Fig}; lnlm’n Vegetable 82,7,?,,,t'v', ,, 7,- .. ..-...... - .-.. - uI-vuu- luml'lmd little h army . mg $1 I [nun to be! mung: IMr mew-mm weal, thought. it only mum temper-r, 'rliti; but to my [rent nurprlse [found that it kept pining; while the tumor ttTh' n a te. â€Lu (‘0de manned to build tt quzfnll " 1h...ed the tumor memes‘ - _ . w. .._.__- .....-.. WW. at could not bun- tothink on“ operatkm. and in my distress I tried every molly which I “nought would be Mung we to run. and Tending of the value .y ia K. Huh burrs Vegehble (lompou lo sick women 1E!ft1 PAPA, t.uW. fell I0 discou- m {mama May." tir' an; ig': "HrtehPyeo,'trtyrr" tttl tll Howl} mun-"5, “all“; me inking: ',",',ot'du'tf,1, 'a,',,'a"t,"t', dame.- sion. uni a wnwen to my can. work, ,lerfi'ttli'2e, , burd_en_tq me. I W. H. Giddy is mayo} oi Port Hope W. McLean is new and Thos. Long degaty reeve, all by.acclami.tion. Mrs. Howie, ot Brantford, so se-' verely burned, on Sunday night. br, an explosion at gas in her house, is, dead. 1 Mrs. Sarah Keno: of Denver, Colo! Bureroltha Woman’s Relief Corps. Sam thart" to Mrs. Pullman. Mayor T. H. Sup-y of Bqwmaavilko and last ytrar's, council have been rulected by acclaxnatiou. ' A1phonseierr, nt St. Catharina, [all dead on the street Wednesday at- teye. He was 51 years old. “LI'N‘hM The surpNietsrttings of Briusirord"s mlll'u'lR'l',"u'llll. try the town, total $29,342. htkerson's MILO. says the,tomt's birth rate is too low, less mu: " to the thousand. Williamson'é Nailing mill at Mam. or, Sash, was buped on New Year's night. . . City Treasurer #SCnggic, .Guclph wu married on. New Year's to Mrs Inglghart. I Thorohi's council have been re- elected by acclamation. Mayor Sleeman, six years chic! magistrate of Guelph, has retired. Petrolea. has re-alerted Edward E. Grant as mayor by acclamation. The regulations governing Dominion lands in the Yukon have been amen- ded to mike, provision tor granting homestead entries tor agricultural lands. . Chairman Leitclg'pl the Railway and Municipal Bum! has expand the opinion that Hamilton has cut- grown its railway system. It Dominion Elsie) Company have used coal lands ot their own in the vicinity at the steel work] It Sydm Irom Thongs Rutledge. F Muse ma lawman at the railway ot the Serb-western Tmor ttotr Company *is' be reduced tram “6,000 to 'll/till)') mite, Inland Raven†eolleeMottn at Lon- don for December totalled $36,686.58, an increase ot " 561.48 overhead!»~ he: ot the previoé‘ you. The Canadian Satay County and the Ontario Tuck Company ot Hun- Ilton have amalgam!“ with Cyru- A. Blue for president. _ New reguhuons lot homestead Mr. try upon agricultuul land: h the .Yukon hue been "proved by the Gorerruneiit. _ , The Vancouver Portland CerrsaRt, ,Company, of Toronto, has linen 11-: unwanted with a myth] atoek ot $1,500,000. . nulcrln "on car ttttti/filed TWP“ b" " .. .3. vAtoirakttt.amiatit. ".1- so‘emsfw mites. . ind was BY A NMABLE WOW MI'LWW' ._ Tiii' to Elam. The 'ollowt fetter us "in: BI Mrs. Kellogf, 1628 Lincoln Ave., Den vet, Cola. to Mrs. Pinkhnm, Lynn, Mari.. DytrMerPinkham; "For Bre year: t Wu troublnd with I humor which kept growing. 53min. lei tire,," c' " " um “Mt-7w"! l andâ€, Jan, F-Hari been In ‘nld artoot-mate ot Lord Shannon. Rom. lo('omwhi of the Gordon St. crossing Ml be" admrtcedtor um Mme put the mm nt $50 every threr mum by that autumn. A that the no. in Win“ an In titre this rettittb' to!!! he ilk and to 8100 quarter; it. â€was. Ito-Elam at u built-I. tl d 'm "ttt “in. I The, death occurred m Hrspolrr on {Sunday of Mr. August Hodscher, lg- rd fittraeven years, who has been Incident ttf Hum-let tor the pm! you. Deeeased wtre well-known in Kama), when he mt u httraeis store for many years. He wu mar ried to Miss Margaret Albert, ot Ber lt, win, with five chiurtnr1itorse _ ot Berlin; Mrs. Wiener, of "reipelor,; and Mum's I lam, Emma and. Lena.‘ " home-sur- him. A yrs! ago he removed to 'Hrspelcr. where his beanh had been good anâ€! about. a week Mo, when he mug!†n cold which developed into put-mania from portable saw mill and gown from whirl he dint. The lunrnl took place an New Youâ€: Du. BREAD PUEMONIA we, as well in comfort and si'nita- tion within. ft Subsidiary real estate) holding cor- poratlons will be formed tor, this pur- pose, The houses to be built are planned with tolerance to individual- ity and beauty of outward appear- I Wagecwoairs who own their own homes in the city where they are env :ployod are naturally more Conserv tive than persons who have nothing [It stake in the city at their employ- ment. Special induémem will be (made to inftutstpe employes to build ‘and own their own homes. (WM 1000 residences will be required from the outset to house the industrial popu» lation, and architects are rir,w on. gazed in planning whole "reett, at houses to be erected by th..eorpora- tion, and sold on time or tor cash to its cmployes. ' All property sold tor residence pur- poses will be sold subject to restric- ' tiens, as to the character of houses F tole erected, their cost and the time of bomNetion. It is' vitally neon- 'rsary that the population of 20,000 ll persons and upwards shall be housed ‘at the earliest possible date. Itt- _ duuments to private building will tre; held out to intending residents/ (,iiii,iii they be employes of tttel _ works at the'surel rorporation, or that large population at merchants, shopkeepers and auxiliary tradesmen necessary to supply the needy of a population which may increase in a [few years to several times its orig- 'inal number. I The business section of the city (will be carefully plotted with proper 'alleys and courts for tire protection. and owners ot buildings will be re- ;quircd to erect with brick, store, ,concrete or outerore-resistutg ma- t terial. with tire-proof roofs. Fire Protection to he Model. Throughout the city problems of tire protection will be tested in the. (most modern way. The safety of the citizens and their property 'is an essential element of the policy oi the corporation. . l The residence nation will lie fur, the: heck iron] the river, “Inmate. noise and that trom the plan would ‘imriere with the comfort of the1 residents, ll they were to live directr ty under the walls ut the plant. The Motion between the lactoryI and the residence: will be devoted to the commercial end ot the city. Apartment houses will be built on the [rinse ot the business and resid, ence sections, while theatres will be centmlly located And churches scat tered at convenient intervals throu the business and residence sections. This corporation will make rigid restrictions to prevent the sale cl liquor an the new town site. tor property will be sold under limits, tions that will make this city, as far " possible, a temperance? town. For the same reason. churches will be assisted, by giving them or enabling them to secure desirable town sites and by helping them,in the erection or their edifltrea. if 't1etiuri'f)b'e%- 'it") . was in, . " jan- a CM] at 'tl/l “MI“. - my 5;“ " , a. tf"ttg5,/tteiitiS, hill, boom. Ctrrpear W tttttMitt ,will ereet “on the W, "I! Tt ,new Guy. Which to may: lug iron an! “at! cl†a; tAe “all†Thin lemon will lie dong- the tin: bank And Jihenl albumin: ot had tttttia purpose will be made. to magma on MI, and at on thong. bunkers. and m greet m tum and their equipment, In which 5000 men are to in employed when they gnu paced In running order. 'Ne smut - corporate- in b- termumd I'm a model our. _ Ttre'rite at the new any will be. dim into "etior-wtWtt. “and a. me someâ€; Wig; mm a the tqitiqitii. W Steel Cornu- F f ", ' 'i “W“ t',CttLit,f," tt ployment t r In. nanny. (4?: ' my {I to It bitt tram nothing' “A to my to con- plenou with alt the - an limitless resource. and intuit“ a“ an has at M: can“ in them, days. ' _ It is now ‘9: . re." iiete . W when w" 'ltuit, and I in†my»: d you; “no pm. the! a profit, or to quote their circulnt.‘ "the Drmtrttmsnt, prefers tn min! rianiations on such wants portion. M the tarm as M,eep Hulda, light. randy, may or granny thmmp Lind. portions of turn! cut " by Mmmn or otherwise “Intuit-Mo tor general tillage." Be F', . . r i A tore" nursery his been "Mliih mi at a» mum ffr,',f"l?,'tl mu lege, and of this Mr. E. ' “ZN“. I "mm ol m a was '.e.ti'ijj, â€can on the â€that“, tn -IahM put In chm. The Ontatio Pfovlnciu Government has irutftttte,st a comparative “heme tor assisting farmers in the impure; mm ot "wilt-wood mu, 1nd the tte lnresting ot waste, portions ot their farms. Such waste portion! inch-do land not ("we mom for growing field crops and land which through “I situalion or some other hindnnco, cannot be ttropprd--at I" events, a _ V, __._.._ n. "'N" ""e" ""r"'"'-. _ , fruit, New sued . brick !yrerr,areijitfittkiitiii, 'rtr.d,. T . (h, mm, new brick, o "39., Firm-n St. “W 3 tN',' f,elfytriheffkidiEi, ‘v' 'r rfr'r(l, ti800, Nick, 7 mm, Jotte tttmet. we. yoyre,crmptalic, "isf ' x, 'f T tf. 81900, brick. 8 rooms Bear tter: $2300, brick. 7 rutiilie, 3" ' 'iiii't)i, _ f [52500, new brick, 7 r0otmr,htt sub c2609: brick, 1,Tyer, w‘ " V Cr:' , /' bio, King street, _ tng lot. Jett. I',: . -,'. _ t" ' _ f 3220:». new brick, ' rooms, King St.' ""'i, 51$??ka c . tad “6%,: 31$? 4:23.50. brick, 8 mm. near Weber' St. " tr * . sr,r, _ £14; moo. m'w brick, a 'rms.. mm?! St". ftitatr,iaetrrsr, ftttb9..yttt tum- aad ' ' a: $3000, brick, 8 "tts.,trest com. cert. bun'k b193,. rateetin. V . , (â€â€˜1 $2100, m'w brick. , rooms, 2 vacant. $1650, "W “No J8rl',; â€mmfx tsreirar ri building lots, Agnes street. T street, cho . " Fm." 3' t'r:fiis"l"s't,l'i $2500, brick, 9 rms., brick stable, tfoot), 3 "Ott h , . W- ttBn. _ 37:3» ttntral. 8.3200, brick. I m..¢m mummy. H3333: "700, cement, 7 rooms, Bingeman St mun, Pt;,o',sar,'rit? m “t“. l ,L "ttist $3800, red resmM brick ' r nu . ,f'. . _ Tff (cis, _'North 3m. I 00m, t2100, brick, T khf,3ir, lot, R. V. c)" t.,'ii,'.t, t "too, brick, 7 rooms, hear mum†$3500,red p . ' "mttr. tMr, ree/e, t2600, brick, , room. Larteastmr St. 9500.- brick. 'lt . m , 25:; t1260, new brick, 7 m... N. mm. tet, " “My “11th _ '. 'tit', moo, rough cm, 7 row, tttable t land. All WWI-u. I m " w; 1 ,. Fredch chock. ' , from Will. . iss,', :yl"ar't PROVINCIAL Atl? To TREE PLANTERS. $3000, brick 7 rooms, Ahrens street. "500- tnme, 8 r8?et9ttthNagc $1800, new brick, 7 rms., near factor- 515003 2 &eretr, with goo4 WM; ies, bargain. In ytftritts, . 't $2700, p, story brick, a rms., FredSL ti.50t), 2 acres. Viablqu: Wart, $2250, m-w hrick. a rms., s Ward. “W'- brieh, T “0 B, n.“ W“,- $2500, new brick, Louisa strut. tMoo, brick, , rooms, Ahretut rtriqB, 85800.nearly new, 9 mm, central, tiiy'r0, brick. 510333., cettirMtsett?oe,, $1150, gravel, 6 mm. W. Ward. tttRW, natal dml‘d.m'» $700, good buildings, 1 acre, all kinds “Huh , “"34. “by†toe hsta, fruit, New Dundee; . brick !rrrr,Fiiifitytii',?i7ir'i', Trapt. sumo, new brick, e "39.. {when At. 's",.' "'rff ettt!hrWiVpiikiiirfs'i $3250, miw hrick. 0 rms., s Ward. $2500, new brick, Louisa street. 85800,nearly new. 9 rms., central. tH50, gravel, ' rmm, W. Ward. $700, good buildings, l acre, all kinds queen St.. _ $3000,finé red brick, 8 nus, all couv North Ward. 32500 new brick, 6 rooms, conv. MW. $3000, brick 8 rms., 2 me. lots Fred. St. conv. Centre lord, tine home $3000, brick 7 rooms, Ahrens street. 81800, new brick, 7 rms., near factor, #ist Ward, good value. . $5000.brick.8 nus.,cun_ Church St. $2000, new Brick, 6 nus, West Ward- HBOO, red brick, 7 mm, N.W.stup. 81650, brick, 6 nus, E.W. bargain. $14500, new red brick, " rms., an». w, _ ."-.r.w $2900, new brick, 7 rooms, conv. $2150, current; , mm. mutants; l", Church St. 32450, lei brick“. "at" E. Wild. _ . . V , _ $2900, new brick, 8 mm. com: EXP. 'get 'tret,,': 7591?: fi'gttdl, 31800, brick, 8 nus, Wellington St. 'iGhi. & ,1 , V . , 8 31559. brick, 6 ms. , acre land, 32500, new red pressed brink; I Wést Ward, good value. ' moms; I'm “to†- .' ‘:":-“ trt000,tsriee,8 nus.,cun. Chumh St. 32909, new‘tdl kick,“ amntis, " 82000, new Brick, 6 nus, West Ward- King street. _ " -., , . i menu "A bsrt.ur n _.-. Ar BVr ------ Real Estate,' Businéss- Trand., fer and Insurance FARMERS m5 w.d', . ,. _" "‘4 ya; Every (as!!! Alon-dad I'm for ttide ',rtn.hht.' ' l,' .) busing Sales Noto- cuhod‘orm ', p' ’ i,, for mtltoetton. _ . e . 'ri. _" BANKING BY yNL.-Deposits may be made or Mun}: , JF. B. Shantz & Co. - . THECANADIXITI": Paid-up capmu. $10,000,090. 5mm riiii"Ctiaaisiiirif,- smears mwonouw t1aaitba.CirG" 'i/iii?)),?..!)): m maul) â€Am Apo mm," ', "f':","',,) A GENERAL BANKING 1yfyEss'TrtArspcrt.itr. _ A “Fruita- thrzs" Jug, thttt "kes--in which the medicinal atttietst but†thneshstemttied by the wonderful ctttutgrwhkh, yuan"... M tQr,ti','ctr',g't"gt _ WV†never mach iiit a, “1:30P? 2lt.tgtiiii C., t " an . to‘mm-e. They fl,,',',':',',,": hm. thtFiii' FiiiiiiUF ''tl.'A',',lt s_8"_'e tiiit chine; yutriurt WALKER. emu} - u“. HY MluL.--Deposits may be 'nad-ct-str mail. Out-of-town Accounts receive even Manual. .' 1 OF COMhdERefits', "' ",,r_ 'j:, , HEAD 01mm: TORONTO g, MOMMAâ€. MANAGED {he at“ I tit .. aetitmarii', [iiiii tho-Mar ttt las, walnut. "toir, 'ttqt-r I “than“. munch», . , In; that i! M t?iiii'd,4 i or other we): 'ed, lt' Mm. a, 'aaynrrgrrr; - PM“! if tAttrq6 ,. “are M {In} “Nil " iii?! PMâ€, â€UH m _departrtimt um [mm “a tttrtBeiettt to pIuwWO new." In V season; thi- h “winger; 'trmtber.4 towed to (mo/individual in one "In This sure numb“. my; henna“? nut to he minim-n. tor Juan], Yeats In 'Ptetythr7'ttrtteur' out“. that harto beâ€; " a» mum get: the tree: In "ti puma-A d tronsportntlz by â€and 0' " yam “on m tttm Emmy my “on, He. at mne;k‘ All) "qtrlme to pleura his to". plant “I for the we? agt0tte "In A = rotated atshnttttsee. 1" meat do: tetrlttr.q6t. _ x harm-h malignantâ€?! , $2500, new brick , rooms; Cut»: " a 33200, new brtcz g rmmr B. Witt-m , 36000. " _stor§t. 1mm. " room. . West Ward.Wt , J. T . 81750. new blitzkrtgrmlq gnu. x1200, brick, Ii room, Minimal; l, 81000, Sleds“!!! Rridt,aeae-Bertisc V--rt, tMoo, new brick, 7 rooms. cunnin- than!!! ALEX. I. new Nick, Tmntt.; 5-H“. t, brick, Ii room, Wdtortoo,tlt,' i, , Aeris,witts thterrrteae-Berlisc " new brick, 7 rooms. equilib- ces, choice affront" ' . v-" - «mum Em: h ' I , it"