:3) Et dl . Woodstock Express. Every china ot Western Otturi, 'trqttWtees my}! not“ wtth an an)! a! the you In Toronto on tht man. porn bychw. The malonta m the Bur-law was an momma one. ttttttt furnishing unmistakablé evi. dence ot the popoluity ot the when out! its nut importance to an "new public. t The Inner smiled, uni as have!!! out)!“ bend to remark snmy: I let lat. mound at "leadid outlet on I" an inning. as mu " my map. late: about. worm-c!“ 1'tbe,fp"y.d a min mum Matt til In?†plumber: oi the to»! _-tio9"'ikttiteit an: “curious; can (_ttte)q punk! opinion w. rmgmm the my. Mum. , 'err/tith- accused by not» Mr, Ala. Keller, ot not hula. M NO W. ad in giving rent' w» m caution was sub tttet with imam jean and cries o. "r.'st m: was." "tut dog-n." We "t wt did use are or them dew but" but I could nuke Im hear i " MI.' Ill-"49‘!" F llllil, l " RiilrE,Faid , 'tl',itt IB), "nah“, “Waging b wind-us clout. an! Sushi JtA m m. yells at ouerdip - ~11 won! at the In“! '3iftttrat-et, n. no potty“) m I with: choice. ' ttie "him“ mint. W. J. for“ ',etttattreatiuysatrt_ttt.tfrsmM', 'qeatat was, ad tell not. - $13â€th that 1»;th Into“. a. Utter could be heard to adv-m up. “The prelude to mum) 111210 “07 m not by my man: n har minions one and steamy scenes w“ predicted for the grant um. ed, A pro-porous cont" mtchantmh; In! itiUlldd B We!!! mt gm ttttng door at his“, on Domain!" tapped up to the transmitter . tr man n can. Just 1w. . lax-mar vlo’ Ind um seen a telephone be 1911, cum into the place uni Inquh UNMISTAKABLE EVIDIQZCE “N9, mound it, I don't want any GAINS!) BIS POINT. MU. u.- n- 'tttMA cloned Kati-W I." ot thet. Boun- ht “gum the mustn‘t T IAt Manny ol Hump an an"; â€0mm git-t ter “0 MT; .. hum um. and g. T "‘ my hue (ought. I†his-u“ to tho oleer, E..-".." Nu York World. I {:11wa count-mow prolmty," [replied the undue. I “How'u an. air?" "With 'et',,','?," or (mil, almi- umaht out." . I "W _ t Mervtstent we .- di1'2tLdgt,1 eulogy it as: 1!ttt't t,t", 'tttttteat":" r - , .11; taint»: "h ~hl w< was“ seen â€at“ "r our to 'a Wizard the ', 9itrrtiq,u.r1, ‘15!!wa wt 'tAw" m- ttt y-raaeu; '. nu a. my no ttt"dqhty . ttat " my? $iriiirfaiiiiid "f u'm." 2tGiiGii"i awaiu" - 1r ' .mM' 1'rtii"Gll"l °" " fa'." in p in. I ttgtut1i,,f,iitJfd so m- . nut-1 can. t',t,1%d"'C','ta' - It! tdtt't'tdldt. tlt. t l ttht an. druitsqn in.» tet". gnu-jun: 'thtMglt'Sl vs "Howryill you lave rtsth halt at. rt", Batd the “have barber to In a fit Re Walk. (uncut-flaw. boxing develops: the tre Md “The writer who his ml; not. mule Article to Man that "be up. That lake It trotud to Oath every glue the mullahs“ 9! ttton PAY iron PEDAGOGUES‘ i (Milwaukee Sentinel.) We my huge nudes to the men who are intranet] with our business nterests; we disburse Imningly a tsigtupriee tor two theatre tlckeks to Bible us to see rumous tetor; we :heerlly contribute our share ot a princely “lay to g pulpit orator who'm any the minimum we pair ittumtnae hwyer’l Ms tmetmtglairtitt 7 'agttt with . non. ot charm Mign- "ton, but we no soriy mightily when those to whom In have intrus- teq the formation pt the chgtuten t prize min he gone-through Jia' a work: with certninty and “that“ 'ion. Itching, paitttirt, trroitudinr .6r wind piles diam like Me " its ule. Try ttUt tit F- a Sold " A, a. M. rturtr little um modutly'venture the ligation tint they would like rat have better incomes. Fife! get quick relic! from Dr. 9hoop's Magi: Ointment. Remem- Ier it'g nude ALONE tor Piles-mm F Director Toronto and York Radial. Rail-wry Co. / Director Toronto Electric Light Co. , Director Toronto Land and Int-ask 99er Corporation. _ Director Torah Rnilwiy Par., _ President Toronto Sam.- and my Nr.futrr., _ I '", ', . L At the was“ that mm W pom u -artistohttm, an In?“ maple! ham ltr 131 CM!“ W are " '6ttqgts: _ F 7 Pro-idea: 3mm- Amenc: A-tgr- aura. pc C minute: Cu)“: Cycle and Mom I o. I much): Candi My Co. ' ' President (and: Lite Axum 1 Ei' -. . Iryysiiit.fr53rrta? ', iht 1"N%'i “ a: ', " V 7 ' sf , I?†M6.,tgh' " tiN . _ ' V _ "tttect-ttmtg'." o' _ â€â€˜3 lei,',',', _" _ “may" ',fttt,i?it1l.ll,ttSl aim . V _ ' up u?“ mug-,1 , V " q mthh ttp "ACtteayy+ In nut. uh, new: it 4" _â€â€™-. â€at!†position. wink-3 I ought. Iu- Mlth' - ket' - to hem: 1nd by Why by men tron unbu- _ - y x at not. energetic “new" l a hi; it“. but, by the oust-II ,: m on gunm- MI remm-xu‘ “out“ 'm?, Item. Human ', gnu one: quot that ot unrestor‘mequ; we m. “in. s: J, In ' - ol‘which tie is how and». on» up»! Mm cl who! ':'riiri,'?i'ii, lk the use ot 1m- 'ua-liU'ritrr ot cattle iguana. turdi tdai th and (be Cent“! “that. " a] “not." torujrmud with: ..o it an Min: ot which Ir.- will My to “tempt to an their he , dau'. m “and. He will, ot common: the lunlne pen“. and it in , tun-in upon the directouwx of Lhe'uut.‘ even harthd condition - mum wim'vmch he Is idetttitiai," foreseen, Adequate grammes: could ‘m not u u: ottteettolder of mun-5mm hue Been MU“ the har crop n: ff the mun-N0- I" tin " beliial, the about» ' yarn. Co, "an Bahia .trteebm an manua- egg-u out! quot my. ot â€new: (PA. Worth“ tie is how In . mo In the cue ot um Coe ll; th M (be Ceutnl t%naO -,iai2' m ttttst ot which he will in! h: “and. He will, ot mum J,'l',Sut": the directoum of the Vamp . wim"vn1cnne In tdetttitiai," ot not}: an ttate-ttolder or mem- m bl tho menuâ€. Jet will be IN“ ot the Bank mu- tr Mr. Dunn E. WI- :r-m- mm,._ ..mur. um. w». ittttr'1 .1 ft scum Wt. yummy. I. _ “and "Eskimo: Camus. mu mom Erma): We: than an sue: IPreside-t Dominion skating: Cot- 'ttmtiott. t President Provident Inyutnunt Ch. magneto: Sac Plulo Tatumâ€; 'oigtrt and Power Co. ', 0:.th Toronto and Mum: Pow. at o. - Ihr. . _ _{Prmdut Cumin Bank at equ- _ Dina»: Caitlin Wilding Co, L‘Prbl‘ldgnt Central PM Loot Ind Saving- Co. Ga"liiidit' Crow's tu.rt'ptset Cod ny Ctr, _ Director Dunlap Tire :34 Rub)“ floods Co. _ F Director worsted Duglopment Co. Director Gt â€hunk Pm TUB" Wee-president Imperial Guarani-e um Accident Insurance Co. t Director London Electric Co. , Director National Trust Co. Director Othwg Electric Railway on Co. , President Western Attimrsttpe Co Director Dowdy. Coal Co, I, -.' "',' 'irfrort," , "T": JiaR'-1?] w 1,. 5- ..M ERMI "t9.ttMi, xiiiris:'tj,ti'iit swam: nun AN OLD JOKE :r;. ii7,'iiiiriiu'ri'i' _',' "a P"urrtpt ', -" "r'"" " h" . Motto, m one o! the be: F about M. "r F _ iidi'i'r] :9. _.? Aettd.rtrte 1. the Donhlo ttttre â€a“. saint In a ' uh , r', In“. 'ttart-l" Dr. Johl L. a 'dgttitl'ytstttti2f lull-q may 1 “Inâ€. ' III... who tt,t'li'lttr,t _ “I in apart} 1w Mutant! *qrqtt.setttM' "ad4it'ib" uvm-MWMmIn up.» 1iiettrr-tttttsakttn. Mu my . sum emu hm? mm»: - my.» LtftNteteiMet tlht an. inlan- h-sm gnu-inn ter most Iran on account of the tictoiy uni railway smoke I: the settling ot mo; Ind other Mac on the roots ot the houses. which at ,conrse runs down an one trough- 1 mm the rain water cum- â€(than ’in man; can†polluted the water, renderinx " ttttht tor use hit (out tic purpmci. The My Manama I: tho a "ree-tArty/tti th mu noun ttmtithteyt' may mote 'rt' {axing window?" â€in! lo: mm ion. ' . The handing-l Wt at - lactating estaNtihdrettt. "t remu- tm locum.- II not w and "Item when it (:5: be vial“, tht “If. us- t., We no not {earning in: the ill?, . which “I†Inn (name. at may: and are "a'nuiunca in _ the thumping! would, it consumui "Slit tttttlar, y no “I id: hue 'tttttfled",',?',',",-"?)',', man an jinn}: In M "It, ' a teat av- In; to the owner a emu» T With this hovluhe, n tum be folly it «a " Berlin “an punt cm;- allqved may“ to dety.or here not " ttroad what: not 0460: make the “new of Lowdown dark 'u midnight, â€on who. no In: is " N with. tt sham be within the - at.“ to tid III complekly palmetto†to“: tumult-la ' an; to up ivittr,.ttu maniac! an fog. What the cKimx of lin sub Chemical (rumination has discom- lod non London that “up Tters mrttae of city log I. In rainy in“; We ue m trouMed in Bers Hn‘wm: logs to any grant extent, but. we recently had a gory heavy one and possibly the smoke at our aunt emu: chlmneyu my have had some One of the’ things citizens living ad- jacent to mattttttetttririg establish- ments ate called upon to audits in the smoke alliance. A grant dial de- pends upon the location and which way the wind blows whether acer- tkin number at premises are envelop- ed in smoke or Bot, hut all promine- 1tithirt reach ot the source ot the quote are sure to get u plane of the nuEnnoe dl tertaly tunes " hut. Ptohibitlnx the possession of groan ind ,po.iteoiie, newt da. an the T, benign in Deembr: _ _ tovidtng a close :2 m n on [my trom Dee. 1 to May 3') n Lsive. (In theiaga county). _ lim Cumin}: for a rhe:'. of "ts. putting nets to be'umd ir Lake and the Sweet River, BrorttoN, his. sum report but BraAthtrd ltNti'dt 1â€", limit yummy in _ We" . In“. Braattottt an Wound: on a tho Ne", "t6ret mettt'gt- in {not ot ttteitt.yette for by- luv 'trasta,iM, 'iif.'teie'e m; “In leaving majority 6,-1.4“ itt' Lima! when on may». at 1,006. In otttor words, W" no: can. at vent: uurted‘ Mt maul. “and 3n the Murder, the neces- sgy 'ttt to be [new either by tr my: gunning†bonds. Badman; layman» will: permitting the we of foreign" game bitita during the close "tttttttt toe “mun blrdlin tug-sum. ' Recommending an: the right ot latch in giv‘m to special protectors mule: alumnus unwed by ' m norm,~m mi Cami-Oman. tftNoiiiiietttti1arMV was; at sulfat- W at iwotpotntul (It: s). “mutants LAWS. (Fun; 11"po t . S, teen) ' The New York tN table tor we Protection iitdttth no Game, at In recent 't' ' Mind the roam/c '/',1att..' his“; the " no: tor dost, tr'ifi1q/,'ir'iltii.),.t' tron Sept. " to Oct. 31 me "No.3- I, Awning the '9tihsie of we had " the, Sign 'merever " can be THE smoKE NUISANCE. . DIAMOLD HWBLAND 1M I "hr law per- , in Cayuga Lee,,' ol ee,t',wtRethyt'.' 1110an Itlt a tub lump-uh 'i.se)f.i also lave-mm More In.“ their «Min Arutttrtm, n 'tul' ',t,S"Utt In European I vow and". may in My!" ' tsttatiku. a. an "i-et an "Minimum: a. â€on! and» thm should be â€an", that. to: a: not: lining ttrrttqVtUtr m "Nee - "av up†VII-ugly. ".' In t an no iiiii'tii'ii ol In: at: mg Mid bh int tf t"pg't"it than m; t "r Ltr _tvdrstigt' . I‘ mm W 'ityptthuyii.i. 'tsp;, ot again: an may!!!» on in no: mp cow-ma than mm ti Govmment all“! once" " in t In _ mm dollâ€: . o' Miami miney we belie“ tur mummy in" rig, again, W. looking: the are a]: ten ot we 'ttttttdetest,' ttt m pm. t the _trtoattttttt pine m k ioisdortrr 3501113 n Mhmu‘ t and? " tha manwme,~th. pum- out d rebuilt ‘hlqeh at: an ME 'itil? antimony to we public my “me! mm!» rur,iist)rttiry: Brion? Haas-tn, notch" at the rovncinl Bu '9! HM, giving. nu o '10? "qaretttgr an entry at PM tiik1f,r, you. Jot-'1 t!r1it1t".iti. ._ mm 'illt m mummy. Haiku-mu) _ We no smilinig gently smiths, ow “fuck us in the In,» of tbee, S, th " an; Winery was d em My than .tettr"suiasrtar_tarrr, at»: somtards ssrw‘w w. 'r, though WB, net-Minna dropper: dame yummy in, and the ttrtfot?, tun-ta yams woman that hand! 0% the may at the court, which van award Mi; "hte to eeittitt an tank in; circumunm. In ttr with.» the Meant-old cum ' unmirp It? van» taken out ot . “in m. . Mr. $.11th 3mm! " Mr. u, It. an. Dunn-out tot, the yet, and $Er.W. P. num' tor the accused. The latter lean! datum in explaining hiueuom tot an it mercy toe M- client A PtmdsoPttttiittiroR, -7- “as; -~--~-- Wham. ..a i may" l, List :: ",t1tfdd/,Irdet 'dit WI _dot "m rev ,rill “m ""-ret, Jam?! l? E F 1tititli)itt?iixht (d,'t,ugl no attttrrlts m JAIL: _ J, _ Iteitiiy "one ot Refuge wilt out, Jan. 'turiro mum in can; Wk rtllt/l'1tt W“ ot gltt; main Hit at 'illrrut, in the . 3"" "at the aged, fe" mend out tsrttmimutt nm- by pnttintntau " ttns Tmmuo 3' 1 Pom-c sa?rBipttsteiii thits no _ 3 ---.---.-. . . iy. "ri!rtree was Many, an" l r,' w ‘ _ n sic-pleaded gum; Inc Vega-d. .':' mean; Jan. 9.rr The House of and was "maatsted for sentence. N comical rlsnmed this afternoon and P8.'a!Tr,'tt,1te1tat an “I?! 'tiiit3itrtiriArtw, "liar“ may, Pt an; I “at tho and a" in than renown.» rfiii' , _ a; .... a. 'i.M'iilMtrl5ts .. IU, m //' 'cn, , ' a LR _ .. w w , _ta'lltit." .1 Mai-y; AiittHth. 1 No W1. . ' t , 1 1t1atr,Attt In. _ 1,,‘My, new: 'ut.. t ‘ Itrdsr, AMit m. 1,431.". April ME 1% e ‘ "2'“;wa . l - I ' _ I, 1tctfiijjir tgt tp, ti,'i,'t at: . l . .Av _ . t tilttJfiif'f,'iptis T l t , 1t.thit6 A 7 A.". 19 ' 'riiii 'ii,'."),,',,","))",?,".' lu,‘ thtmte6r,B' T J 1' 1ll,lr,',to'ill"i?t,ll, i; t g q . " ' afit,1r1t 1 t ‘ M ' hunt _ . , 1 '42lt'1'a'rdl .. - “with. My Magma n w] . “I! "I": "an. I 0-; ity, like! "th. 1 tlt-trc/ April mu. 1 'tr" ,-Aiml and. 1 l-ttirate, may». t , ihdaeiikr, ‘lixihnmh. t 8-mtrid. . b'lt4lll118 MMt: 11t'c1t,fe:r: mun; ma. " “Sunday; Jam 2m. lm7-anodqy, Jana?! 5th. mums 'ntttttNtaNrtr, - - an int 9?! 'ermy diam -iiei, a Berlin re .the mm aid mung: ft tn [In]. _ This human ram-Md- nc'umzd by ‘Dt. Minnow F _ tMttsr, ad the lime Guelph. Jan. t-- Qouidenble trou- ï¬o an an ttatmed during the past mt. not through the mmmy of W: 1tit'tt's to - out his work ht â€than!“ ot grrtrqp 1nd tttMt no“ mimeticâ€. aging unable to Mn ttttt it his had to 'tla',',',,',' a: in“ all!!! f, uni n5 com: on! We mm Mm; the hitter may. Than". ts um Sunny" MM: our!“ 'tit? hithrBii6dedl, we. mhm- tram trtte househol- tts,alt _ at the city “out - t'i'ttriii'e 'tttte 'tr ihtr :airtra tts _ . ahrrtd in that “yang _ (tt'tis morning. tut mm: 1elt98tg was do» at once result- muf- ovyt. um- um trout Aautth' iuttiipikiit. up In an»? In“ that an ad! solution tr gum-nu (orgasm to . hit MW miss" u"- -iiar'irjiiiy tttgrated, 'i:'i?ttiit'rij)i't'i, MINI" with: in “win 0 _ as... use." Rs]; tuCiGi.. M and thorn gum in the 'last jam mlnuta’ ovatune. ,.‘Nn Hamburg, on, Jun. q. ""'t g In: also or byway In the o. H.. A teerie 'ttIttere, were! 1.tyt ttaitiui,"'"aitirik 3?th G' w, W!!! Home of o to " At m- PRESTON BEAT NEW HAIBURG‘ if» mu»m.~awm»w {cum-11 that '" and on»; "a wanna: a» m In" -irprttt who: tn ntte 'tto, Mr ab_etlrtr leer, an! T i moon-c1112: John when; _rtilts Wan, rm.» m "tr.' Mar-{u 3 _ ' ' T idly, â€an. been gum: is: - . '3.†"BN, my 'lil1l,tll,'t,l, who Tum. Cam‘- ‘ Celt In“. For the put 13;!†Mr, 'tmboe by he- a! in f:" W flu Can. ther The Home of Bongo“. tinned this “tumor: and ate “no on the will inst. rmy. gs wollju‘ta Thuradgy. private mam: m} tet will hive preqedenoe. T . y, Gavommept My. the 'irrftstrrr, um probably intraduoc one 1toyiiy ot we Gpvemmentls hills (ttia " but: id course ot prepar- Mia, drill" the ween. Next week in. C’Iutggn‘n um um txrotraNy In 3th up in“ egmnittze. diction on. vdtith'i uric __ aa Wham iiff??i?ahill unusu- ates-w a» T a with“, . $533. "tbatter which my? y, a 'ttesp an» in up C . a , am: good your All? the limb a! “MGM Me dung; .. Ma 'ldlttld; 1te.tr221t', It a",',',,','?,',':'.',,'.') ' _ on Inca-Br ,',ru'ite; mrttar no" can oi) fugmmot “we: opp-MA in 'h7i.'riCiiGG"t%'l'll'i'"G' hamvuuy l’p‘rond,1 hone mm‘ 'ri9ttrVts all! moLon‘ m1 'l.rtttgtntNt; "ep,"d' obtain-d ue. tan-Wu i I- Jaw at man-3.1 that 'dt's'lllt, anyâ€. , "ed, "9selgbq, _ _lit , tretett'dt of a nice My: con- "w .Duing w. We†the mu- m mu mm no "no tt at, metric light mm mum . :Nett his no " Habitat wu gwjgo mm, plum {or mm- trei-.itkoois.fi-t Fiigiiii7i'iiiia.- *aa'armx Jer-ttthr/gr/gl- trom we "qt- 'tttlift 'mntto_ttttsgrottrrds n. . _ ,rtttt.-iart to'd'Mttltlt$trl','tfat',taitt gem hm Cohan m - can when some action will " Within-r- ' The mum at an.» II ttq N “rd-tut!- 0691! 0M alter my: and. atuetto tutu-m ih [Clix b-.LMiietmti, but. ith Mg- - . A" may: (iAsttttitStt the waist. nt the bum at an"? hrmiht We! .. at. was." A an. au! op mm‘mt yin In t,lr3AtttttAtgtlilg jump mm one pt ' “u" tHP "I“ plny out the _'t'l'ii',i?i?i'jt'i'iti,t Mr 1tttlt11 ton cm of the gamma: be. st.Ittt. . I a an the Toronto NM 5 :1 9mm†"csa" Traei It. T . keeperrst the " setter, bl , Aaprt 'ce' . _ _ a has mined 'ti',,ii?ai,i'ioiiliirtl'ti'; " (l.ij,f','iiii2iit,'ilt,i1 _ ' ' _ ' ' WED"! .et 'iiill77i1"i , in» Into t'sejiiibithitdi "iGiiiriiii7 ';7irr"iCic'daT' "GI [ y. I» P . =3 Ei' t ','if't'ij. 't',itr,ei!,liti, "i'tidiiriitti't:,,1ei'iii (tis,FiF,"it T., M? . if Ei o: w ' ttgtftitt t ki fll'fTASlter,'ri' "Tc Hf? attmdtbq Golding.“ #eidr,t " q / , ,.“:h"1;‘ kg.†{J enter me nnk: I'.??' W310â€. .' , [ "VHF“‘M .é ' ls {ital my in “Dan" 9%. who In 'li243rd1d81)uettal', Q“ Dr. Percy Dpolitth ol Toronto. WALK-owl hike Twin-City. who is now in Europe. it likely mph.“ ' "ttol million or so with his Intent. tre- PrP" “immobile thrill "tttHt uy. flare In a may!†option (tut mean: 3100.000, and lot up french Ham alone. '86 Iain Itittth' jGennuy, n preseiit, and prom me just 'ttitil in tho-latter con- “1.31.. “truth-Mala 1ttt' in I few 'vests,' me “It: , " tamtV MEI-gluing: 'ttat' 'ttttttttee. _"" Ne â€1'9 rt ' » WEtL.) SHE GOT} Hamilton, Jan. has: n; my Kenna, anmilton My, light tr' jycm 916, was “mange: gup- nptb: huge}; ot prom.» 1:10“ch Nah, I. Stony Creek ttrtatn, at tin Janka was in session here. . mu Menus and tor 810.000. _ Nash is than " rearroilgdastt am only ten oLVell-wdo mil. _ _ The wedding was mm. azbLtor Juno, than.me ttttttl. “Nb? bee 19, “a than to was: It, Nut!" may: too busy marketing mm to m tutti-id. and the lat ttds chartteterisue of Oiitario's Mr. ergotic ' Minister at Power that in- atruettons are already timed io the Matt of the Jmiro-Eteetrie PM"! Commission to go ahead immediately with the preparation ot museum: animator the munietpatities who, has tittttlared in invor oi the GONI'I‘ mtpt power policy. . PREPARING cousin; _ _ J , Ft9U)tttAttAtt)\ Irv-c Atstit, 'tti, Dt. P003“! h.“ bin R19: tund- ». s" _ -LY', ,..,.I W. i3, _'svg qlBl Br' Iti2B.it'I " H was 911M ettit6esUat1Htq / iliai . " tds, g , ' t “v a» Trtstorr,thibik.i, 1' vii, g'i'itttill' MM unit has iprr, 13* ihrihimtihiEit, . Br. Renew?“ One T qt, gum Toronto mutant this I' r: 4)Uurte,ttttattti1tif,i, “Intact .. 's' tit ?jiii'ibilt the u an T r T the he W. T " - . m. m; ttfait 'pt',',",',','),'-,'; g Murine: M3. "ec, "F 'd.'.2. ,7 2'f,P'2rt, aatLA '~ _.'.., 'W 1itidi Cr 2taiiagh'iriiii CI “than d'g'i c. 2h'th' 1:226; Y. ed at that.“ ' P Miltil PY Km. brit t m m a“. 2.91%. _i.ti/ijiiliil!llll "tptieatitri, 7 " _ V I'. m j'dl'uthi Sq r “a?! ttt H 'aw, iiaE, my, a: m L1: