Ah ‘j, . an uncu- " Blt I moan-3' o; m M, Illtlt!!5, , Cum Lou uni - A, Manama-1n " 'u' _ . , In†over to In in "gets. tari.tqiiteir the! the [Hunt rrsgttrt trd tw., luv court- the NIV rt', . TIM Chap.†[Dropouts to ‘ " I Wagon to m court, IRM, m a! man; the unu oi ..-;~ q q*i'Mq. N Mahala“: iu m ie"' “I! M mi company an) Be- ' ,- who has! "eiee u to the beat _ -thod cl opening up this matter in o†N Courts. Thy make . recom- f .7 uni-um to the mm that u anus. 5 ' [ooh to be u they gr: ouirir,d, ' V . do position ft preferred mum. J. I!†they nuke this recommendation K to court will opt- the wny tor ob- Fir' 'retht.. m the jun ot other classes - -. J 4-41.. ..v.- .-"r""""". - - v-7 "e d shawls", ml Many, met and: clan in when upon.» ll it is no: my to calculi, the In, will be open long†wut percentage, at “In total - can clan will re com. An y". the liquidators can? tell what he W13 will total, ho - our. "The recommendation was)†mic to the courts will not be 'to bind straseholdert' so much u to nisu “a question, so tut it mar be decid- ed," said Mr. Hume Smith this morn- bt. To have served its country and the public in general with disinterested- ncu amt ml tor sixty-one years. to have behind it a {000% at stability and integrity reaching ack to the early childhood ol many of its oldest readers, this is on honor not pos- tossed by many news-papers to-day, but is due to the Montreal "Witness," published by Messrs John Dougail a Son. Mantra}. Premiers, Iudges, Lawyers, Finn-1 den, Ministers of the Gospel ot ell denominations .hate expressed the“: “an lrankly in letters that have been published in the “Witness" and have been seen and read, and, more thug that, endorsed by many thous- nlub throughout the Dominion. A large number of people in the adioirr. ing republic and (neat Britain and my ot the tlereest men and women toaur are proud to boost: "I was brought up on the Witness." " . sample of the congratulations received by tie "Witness" during the put year, we give two that we no- ticed particularly reproduced in its columns. They med no introduction or comment trom uw.-- The Premier, The Hon. Sir Wilfrid Lariat, wrote,-"Personally, it has nlvnyl been a source of high gratiti- cation to me when you have lound it consistent with your own conception of public duty to support me in the diluent subjects oi puUie policy _with which I have to deal. 'lon the other hand, wh ever you ditkred trom me, and thougt me In tho wrong, your criticisisms derived gll the greater force from my inti- mate conviction that they were in- Iplrcd by that same sense ot public an." Mr. R. L. Borden, .K. c., M. P..thc leader ot the Opposition in the House, of Commons, Ottawa, wrote, "The respmtsitrirttior of a public journal He not less than those of a public mm. In tulnlling these, the “Wit. unl’ has manifested. in an eminent dam. the qualities cl counge und linearity. Moreover, it has alwayl timed to uplilt themtandard of Jour- nalism in this country. -Tiri" 'iihGG/"" (Dally and Weekly) - all the new: that is worthy the Attention ot the “cragg- feader. "iii/Witness" eetitoiial page: are acknowledged try its readers on all sides to be both my and yqrcegn. The "Witncén" Financnl Review Ind Market and'Siock Reports are known throughout the Dominion lor their reliability. A MUCH CONGRATULATED PAPER. Other interesting departments, such " Literary Review, Legal, Medical M General Queries; J5oytr' Page; Home Department; Agricultural De- partments. etc., etc. I"! atly con- ductcd by specialism " a largé u- Gii? 5(1ng 3 most valuable privi- lege to "Witness" traders. . . "W I '- I.._4I â€3., w he new-comer into our tair land mks no mistake when, in addition tottin local paper. he suburban tor the "Montreal Witnrn." puhllshod by [can Dnugnll & Son. lndced‘ Inch 1 step placu him at (I100 in “he with the best and abkst in the Dominhn. The “Woekly Witness and Canadian Homestead" is only one dollar a year. The "Daily Wilnrss" " thrre doors. Ova “2,000,000.11" been spent or appropriated 4or expenditure this your In Canal. in the building ot ad Intional lines ltd supplying, them with rolling neck. This includes In .Ilo'nce of $10,000,0fro covering the alnllluuhum u: nt- " an-..“ H "mm“ ammo-us ot J. J, Inn in the mm and in my use Mm†be more likely The Cznrllan home wiit hate Bd- ttt cotMrider the “use! of those per- a m. 75‘. mllu " new track was who respect her early widow†“do! 100 miles or doublstruking hood and do not Worry her with their â€in. Fen Willhm ind Wimdpeg. 1mportmtMr and the reiterntion ot and he exulpmenl cost n; tstBtn,ooo their requests. She rem" throws»- The (in-din Northem Is â€in; out ly to gi 0 A Potion-l Interview to “0.000.000 on mm!- of "I" rear'. Iny "when". tor either Individual or [Mum a the " mile. of road un- inatitationtU aid. - mun-cum. as well u $5.0M.- - it. In: whim-L Tho Gnu! _ Perse in gluo an rolling stock View liloolm of Proton. was ‘III quip-mt to the “he ot £5,000,- 115"!th an (hrs-um night N Huh .0. and with! col-Imam dou- Conn-Me Huber, charged with u- Wmehnz In $Ntarto. - ",- ullulg n you; ladr not: the “at“ w,“ um "" but up"! on u'lwny juncucu. P . QM Trunk Mu Muir-MIMI “In. tahtrtgt MI whoâ€: to In. "ft.., .16. swarms rorotrertilrtrt, two ol 11mm mm. In- qntiiibiq 6.; we Superb: Jcittn6ti, Imam. a: luluâ€- "and " ' at - m to um, iiiiijl ma. can»: Hm m unr- tttgate',','; - yea " and tant In: Haul-‘- and um a n sum 'ttCar “as!“ A 'tti, at 1°.th .3 ,, ."r" “'VH-It.w , _ 'jiri/iii"; he. a: a in. a V ht.“ airiji-.t-ee'" ., - . tttrg"","",'..",' “a? " on “I - “a a}; 5%: I. Loam. and m am an a l Iguam'o; thn ',e, per 1.000 a gum 12.4 but. I irt ' 'dll" um Tic todiow compute!“ all: u M ..d " - M the Ct'id shading ot the tit [my over to In “WWI dinner 61 y the: the prcsqnt ra to . " Diana searut lei or Durban“; . . .. "Any wholly unused passenger tic- keta sold in Canada and presvated Eur redemption " the ticket olilce where tlo'd witht 30 days trom date, cd ex- iriralio.n..ot such ticket shall be re- deemed immediately by the ngent in ‘mrge ot said ticket ottiee at Ilie ‘price paid tor 'the ticket. The word _ 'soid' must he written try agent in ink heavily new“ the bee ot the time of its redemption." Passengers presenting such tickets gt the office Where they were not sold will have Some delay in having them honored. ll tresented at the oftice Whtte it was sold the ticket will be , immedinteiy honoml. The object of ’ the new r gulaliona is to expedite the settlement at claims tor such tickets.. Italic. Whooplll‘ cough Tunnel but ... Conn-snub- ... swipe? '...tm___. qulet lever .._ Diththeria .9._..., lulle- .mF....e' . Whooping cough Typhoid lever .. Consumption ... irphoid fever statistics show the usual decrease, u between November and October, the number ot cases tor November being. 308 less than Octo- ber, or more (Inn qtrso-third lea. Ott- ty men use: of smallpox, as A- swan. 182 lor 1906, were reported. Mrtsles, however, me muckmore pre- mlent. there being in (hit month," agniarrt " tor November, 1905. UNUSED TICKETS TO iii"eh7tt BE HONORED AT ONCE Toronto, Dec. MI..-" circular bu been Issuul by the passenger deput- ment of the (land Trunk rehtlva to the regullticns as to redemption oi railway passenger tickets sold in â€Canada. The circular will take et- tect January 1 and reads as follows: the The girls were unaware rntil' their escepe by the ule\g‘ors was cut all. 'was filled with smoke. Neie York, Dre. M.-- The coolnass of Misses Mamie Long and Jamie Lynch, employes ot a candy lanai-y, on the si:th Boor of... Mining, in cast 18th streét, probably saved thir- ty at their companions trom death or injury last night during I. the in the ttuiiding. TWO FACTORY GIRLS’ [RAVERY SAVED LIVES Many ot them tkcame panic-strick- en end wrnted to jump trom the win- dun: to the street. Misses Long and Lynch clasped hands, and ceiling upon the other girls to lollow, guided I them through the dense smoke to the Ire escapee in the ten. “h n the last ot the thirty girls; were safely on the the my the rescuers 'tttnw out themld'a. All ruched the street without injury. MRS. SAGE DELUGED WITH BEGGING LETTERS NEW YORK, Dec. M.-. Hrs. Enl- mt Sage today gave out 1 Hum! whim w s made public by Robert W. Do For“, her aitornef. In it “he complains that she is deluged with letters mad begging. "rpiieationtr ot every toiceivable kind trom every put at the world. md is being con- stantly Icsleged with requests tor personal interviews. Many'ot the letters l"e obviously the work of the professional teggittg.letter writer; many an: from people who have tail- ed in business; many (mum absurd and unreasrnahle requests, and many on. the other hand, are very pathetic, and unreasunnble requests, and many on the olhrr hind, are very pnihriic, and re; rm, nt real need, Mrs. Sage announces (hut the pels- rie ot New York have a tirtrt claim upon br, and she cannot be expected to concern herself with the needs of person: in dinilnt cities. She is not intending to make any immodinic distribution oi her hsband's money. Bod in any use Would be more likely to rounder the “use! of thmm per- wnn who respect her early widow‘ hood Ind do not worry her with their important†And the miter-Hon of their rogues“. She "in": “solute- ty to gi e . per-0nd Interview lo my applicant tor either Individual or imilmiional Aid. View Mulcolm of Proton. was “and u: Hui-tuna night by Hm: t'oartatrte Huber, chimed with u- “!!ng . young lady not: the 'treq u'lwny junction. P 1905 Cues In: a Cues Deaths -..,.ur'2 I ...m...132 ' ........Mt to t...rt. " " .e...... " " ........210 " .........134 134 of the fre sum ad The room 1242 310 1028 238 101 I 160 " ate , ' " ll n" 113 .141 IM " " ll " 134 Ila 'r W oil'- 'gMl'fi,'ll,"lf5%N'l.' Hula dug! IVâ€. Ill V-..†The ceremony In porlonnod by the Ru. J. Crawttyd Brown in the pre- sence ot tho may ad immediate mend: ot the MM: and groom. The home In: bewulully derorntqd with pink and white tom, “no. oi the VII' lay. palms, nd term, with & Voddins mu, holly, and mistletoe. The mm music trom Lobengrin wu rendered by Mias May Wookey. - w_e__.a ‘- - -r.. " " an" - ..---V,V Tue brido was attired In n gown ot Limerick [not over unions“ satin, with long who veil crowned with cruise bio-Conn. and curiod nou- quet ot rotm' and lines ot the valley. She was given any by her tatheg The bridesmaid, her sister, Miss law- bel king, wu gowned in punt blue lush roriin with trimming or buy Irish [we And white tat up. punt plumes And and Fit" rout. Mr. McKenzie tring ot Ottawa 1m beat Alter the ceremony 1 reception nnd dejeuner wu given, the trids's mm: being mused with pirrs and while rows. Mrs. King wns veering moss slik grenadine with when and rose potato [no trimmings. Later in the thermal: Mr. and Mn. Leyla-n. to spend their honeymoon in the Ear,- urn states, the bride trveting in pale but chinon broadcloth with pile' ‘ings ot brown and ermine lure and turt, the guts of the groom, who “so [ii", to the trrideamaid a gold hum.L let uni to the best. mnn n pearl tie The accounts showed investment: and bank balancts totalling $553,594 iot which sum $534,202 was secured in permanent reserve fund to which $38. 1007 had fbctn added during the year. F Undcr me amended mortuary by- law $33,230 had been paid in benefits and $17,367 allocated to the Bttr- tras aliolmut account, while claims emanating to $3,000 awaited adjust- meat. WOULD lion. vow BY MAIL Toronto, Dec. m.--The Commercial Travelers' Aaaoeiation ot Canada in its annual session today pused a an solution binding the nssocintion to eo-Oper) with similar orgsnizatioas in the promotion of a hill, during the present session ot the Dominion Par- liuncnt and on the assembly ot the provincial house, enabling commer- cial travelers to vote try nail in per- liamentary and murt‘ipal elections. Thy gathering in adopting the au- xin! report and the balance sheet had the satisfaction ot approving ot a very couFable doc’ununt. The real estate ol the association i7G years, which they will re- ams valued at $33,500, a low thture,. PO? will: interest. They will put " tk higher cash otter, the ‘treasurcr ia'itoutsr tor doll“ in the plant and explained, has been made tor _ the give the municipality a. mortgage on: building, The report also showed an the “me tor the amount loanzd. itvgrease ot sin. in the membership, They will put in suttieient Capital to mulling a total ot 8,003. harry on the business in n way to _ The lollowing oltieera were elected: “at ull demands tor espgnictt. They Toronto Board-President, Lewis A. I will manulacture lines ot metal goods Howard; tir" vice-president George not "Muted in Galt. The Board West, second vicepr‘esident, Robert 'Grrru, has now passed on tlv pro- Gemmel; Hunter, F. Fielding. position to the Coumgt, who will " Montreal board-Vic-Meat, S. on“ consider lt. - Hartwell board-Vic-Meat, S. o. thorty; directors, Mean A. an and William Creighton. . Tho proceeding' concluded with n vote ot thank- to the retiring presi- ddie, which Mr. Miami: mitably mowledpi.‘ . TEN APPLICATIONS BEFORE LEGISLATURE Toronto, Dec. 28.-Ten :ppltuuons have nlrculy been received tor privuo legislnion at the coming session of the Legislature. Fort William, is euly on the scene with an, application to be made I city. It also “in to legalize de btnturu tor the erection ot bridges across the Kaministiqttia and other nvers. Ottawa ls active will: two arrptiea-l lions. Cnt. is to conltrm certain local improvement by-luvs and the other is tn) for minority to expend 85.000 or an Old Born ' reunion, md (h) to nine money to be expended on books lot Olhwn. public library. ' Peterboro wants to acquire' water and r1ectric powers " well " pur- chase certain outside Inndu. oitt'r nupllcations up: To c;,nnrm St. t'atharines bylaw regarding the Incandescent Land Com. pany . ri, incorporate the Artrsmn Water Company at Toronto and grant err- uin powers. - _ mutton! Hemld:-At m hour -ot three on Chrhhuu my . very quiet wedding "'" minimum n the home ot Mr. and Mn Comm H, Hssttmtid, Eat Zorn. when it dapghter,Mitt- m but“. berm-e he bride ot Mr. M B. Balm. ot In. Rev. J. H. - of Min. o and. The Mica was sulubly decanted tor t Chrhlnnl occasion. The bride,Ho :3! given away try hee mm. vu you“! In Ivory with silk were F I m m1 it (“In nd out!“ We! CreMt moan. ID " m . nun-M - u MM, “1?. to... B. PM. at A CHRISTMAS WEDDING e-The Commercial tr " .. 'itii1gltili)lt! . Juan A _ . an. m. It. on: tor-nth in mm MI: in My “on“ wtth pt" m...» Rev. It. an, in ?trt can at only tin Mt. that" u “a white an“. Teiso end the sounding rant., '" um. who vu shun awn, brhtr new“, Itâ€. Dom B. AMI. M. Quinn, won I hut-ul- gown bt dgtiric pink Mm um. :nm with cream jppllque. and targUd n tenant of cmm_1q¢l. W tumult.“- Dolom- O'Boyle. oi Toronto. iU gown-i in pink Ink 9011mm. and atrial pink to... The groom in supported by Mr. J. B. My. ct neuron. The gm ot the groom to the bride was a humane mou- gnmmc watch Ind chain, with dia- mond nude. to the brtdrtttrtrtd " Amethyst brooch, 1nd to Highest Inn TRAVELLE RS ELEC. e pearl mart pin. The him couple left in the 1.55 train to: Detroit and points west, the bride veering e very emu military costume ot navy blue panama cloth, um. chic hat to numb and grey equine! hm. the we of tier brother. Both the bride's end groom's popnluity was dump by we emy ot handsome end - pregame which they received. ' The complete returns otthe m- nul election et olticers at the Com- mercial Trioetiers' Association ot (and: bare been Announced. In the election of the Toronto Bond ot Directors, Mr. J. H. \Vildtong laym- erly ct Berlin made n splendid run And although the youngest member oll the board, he wu near the top. The electiOns resulted us iollowm ‘ prtshdent--L. A. Howurd. (Act.), lst vice-president-O. West. Mel.) 2rur:Viee-Presideat- R. Gunmen (Acl.) . I Directors elected, tor Toronto Board j J.'P. amour, w......--.'"...... ......11T4 it?. A. Cockburn .r..wp...... _........,....) S. M. Sterling .....r.t. _............'..." '. H. Wildlong- ..wrmmer. ......... ...1091 . r Morrison ...r..'.e...... ..............ju7 “. J. Futhill ....r..m.... w............-.'. no It". J. Mich ....r_...t.... ...........rt.m. 913 J. 53. Cane ......... o..........'.'........... 903 IA. c, new: 'r,"'""'." .......r....rr-'. 810 W J. Moody P. Ducting .., Three out ot tive members ot a Uni- ted States company have put their signatures to an agreement which reads that they will equip a metal working plum in Gall, and gunrwtec to employ fifty hands lining their' firBt year there. The conditions are that the town Advance them $15,000 to: ten. years, which they will re- Pit with interest. They will put _ - -. . .‘, ‘I-..‘ .....I NRTY THOUSAND W SETTLERS THIS YEAR It is estimated that the number ot immigrants who [me settled in the l Province of Ontario this year will ex- &ettry " per cent. the number oi the colonists ot 1900. In that your in the neighborhood of 35,000 took up their residence in the province. A considerable number oi thou who en- tered Ontario this year mottled in' the newer portions ot the province.‘ â€the Rainy River Valley Ind the"remiseaming District. Some oi those who have established them- selves in the iormer locality came trom the Province ot Monitohe.’ The progress ot settlement in both these districts. was. howeder, somewhst slower than in the put. The chiei xenon tor this in lound in the loot that the greater part of the land ham been taken up by homestead entries.) It was necessary, therefore, tor those drsirous of settling there to obtain locations by the cancolation ot grants whose conditions wore not tuitifitd. It may be added that their canccla- tions have been numerous during the past summon During the gFraon it is calculated that a quarter oi 1 mil- . lion dollars have been spent in roads in the Temiskatninr District. GALT MAY GET CONCERN past summer. During me season In . ls calculated that a quarter of a mil-l The Ontario . Immigrautm Bureau lion dollars have boon spent in roads trt Toronto Whit! endeavors in I ip the Temishrnlng District. friendly my to keep tuck oi immi- ----.-----" yam.- tho has been placed under "MESSENGER“ STORIES. its ausphees in the Provlllce, receive: - many letters trom various sections. Storm, illustrations and anecdotes. Although mmy ot lhe letters #pread are perhaps the main lawns ol "-il"r lm-orsbly ot the immigrants' traction in the “Northern Mrursen-,'treatment try the lumen by whom an tt Bat the stories are no care they Ire employed, 1hm no also a lully chmen that they not a number received whlch show just the “"1th inftuettre ttpon "theHfvrs, 30' century, and indicate that the com- old and mm- Then rim/e are I c- pmm trom English lmmlgrulll that ial departments devoted to Temper- they do not get t [air show are in not. the Sunday Schobi, "rd ttse muly cares well loundql. " seems Home. Attd . "euort entiued "Lit.. that there are null lumen itt tht-; tle Folks" II printed la an“ Inge tarlo who chase q lmmlgnM. tor m" Tbe 8rrer " " potmisr that . m- board u the me at "" m Hut number of Sand" Schooll In “a “I. " the some mm work Cumin end the United snu- nre atm uai Bittteeq mm‘ . h n "In; It to great thanâ€. helm _ r, wu now. by e loner received by "no ,extendlng their tttthte- to? good In B terd The Mb I: .m homo of their Isiah". m 'l'h"'l {all "I’m to m w- "ttorthem e-tee" ll istiti,if,'.t.', n " . Mt “my: k,†- "saw . tagggt,ttttattth1'" " the condition. {In a an gutter ol . million min. “a [or - thatrreaotttb. WI. Jiira'rtaese,te,Le't,,tttt The Joy. mun-mun. urn-gunm- In ... -i-_...a-tL- - mummm.w. Ir" m ' ch" [Q 'if,ri'iriiifirii TION RETURNS leuuuu. -- “w - a"i'"iiir."uiree1aoUttlt"te.t2 1th a 9 43!. ,ytlttt.re2. 3.! 1174 1103 1093 1001 1047 926 618 'uatgtftt' "Ill" __' m... at M Brk'u' " ' mum-0mm! 4 iERMg '-igaleoM.tSqtgt 01‘,. e 1 tttteg',,',':,'),',"'.':',',",',',)",' tuiBtiots-haqatir.', ‘w ';auatqri" “but.“ 2‘; "tot-ot-tMr-tBrie,- InadvumtI‘tI-Nh- rrostssnototttt.s-t+ d Guam. 1 ltr. John elm-t. who)» sh [any motor at tho noun-t. In. M it u intended to an â€all... “it concert-'11: various put! at the [IV lines, sud to NH 1 My!" “1.1-1.4 concert dur"atgN.ttetmio Klimt number of will.“ a! In - or the scheme. " Wing‘s-h [omen wen present n the 'tste.-. mLamnms ':fiii'r'i",'eE'.i'ii, Hamilton; Sure. "st, T ;Pe 1:, "tlt, St. (Jungian W "th Berlin; In... Wiiterloo; Cannon, Sum); Fen-b2, Port Hope; Abra- ham Sign“, Tth, London: Rank, Lindsay; Walton. toth Ron! Gm» than. Toronto; Dance; Guelph; Tm Hun, MU, mutton; Rooms“. out and John Slum, "u HUD- luden. Toronto. The organ-tic: VII What on Sunday morning. Geo. Reunion pt we lawman. Human, was elected President; Wm. medium Batulicn, St. Cumulus, Vice-Pral- dent; John Slatter, Toronto, Seem (my, and John Wuldron. Canadian, Treuuter. The Executive Board cousin: ot Messrs. Rolling. Manny; Zeller 29th Regiment, Berlin, [and Alba Sutter, 7th Fusiliers, Lon- The Salvation Anny hue intro- duced a shin-me lor the settlement of tmnsideratie tract: ot British Volum- bin with Immigrants troin England. A GOOD IMMIGRATION SCHEME, would be either a. burden or nuisance to moiety. It there in ode thin-g re- quired more than anothegin British Columbin it is settlers or the pro-. per sort. British Columbia. is n wonderfully rich province in natural resources, but its population is :l- together out of keeping. Therd are only 200,000 people in tha l'lOVintC and such a condition is to be de.tslrrr- ed. Immigrants are badly i:cedod,and schemes such us that ot the salva- tion Army seem ti, praise well. The idea is to bring out maven] titou- sands of people from the mcrcrov ' ied‘ cities ot England, wncre “a many ue starving on account of their in- ability to tind empbvmmt in tr.el glutted labor market, and to puce them in dillcrent plan-rs in British Columbia and the Wes', uhere the demand tor labor baa become imper- ntive. The scheme is not only 3 Inge one, but it is thorough in detail as it purposes bringing them out, dis- tributing them and having 'cnrc over them till they are I'roprriy settled. It is certainly importaht that im- migrants be encounged to come to this country, but it is eduglly im- portant that they he ot a desarahie class. In tact it would be better mat to Inve immigrants It all than to p.eoiie the country with those that Ot course the practical mining out ot this plan is still to a agent ex- tent a. matter of theory but it oer. tsinly promises well, The most dil- "ieuit point shout the scheme is the transportation ot the immigrants which cannot. but be expensive, malad- ing u it In: s long trip by toat to Cumin, and mother trip ot “most equsl length by ml new" the Con- uncut. Though "the greet beuelit, however, thnt it would be to the country, and indirectly to the nil- wsys, it is hoped to make good terms with the Camila: Fume ov- er which the trtuuseonittenttt trip would be made. There is no doubt, but that the Sslvstion Anny is ad- ‘mirsbly equipped tor the task an ac- ‘count ot its being established At " most nil points'ol the countiy. Com- , min-loner Coombs ot the Sslvstion . Army, has been making n tour or', ', inspection in the province, to see for , himsell. what pieces would he but t for the establishment of the immi- i grunts. It is intended that only A t good (lass ot immigrants shall be ' - i. ... ,,,_,A._ ._,. Rb"""" ____._" __ - sent. and " they will mostly Bnd employment in the diiterent tsgrteultur-. I] industries, ther' will be chosen with this view. FARMER'S EMPLOYES _ ARE COMPLAINING TW" trr-ttire. I!" _ (I " KING STREET EAST The Store for the People. s. SAUDER dt t;)tr,,,rt, G h r 0 maï¬a k Telegrapliir~Â¥ l Souvenirs Are Selling Fast Book of over30O _ Pages ttorniilii"t'it: "': Contalns a 100 “human . of Waterloo County _ f Every Resident. in) the Conniy‘ i Should Have One in Their ' - Home ' One or More copies to any Address. When tt please enclose 10 etittg ad to amir postage. . Price 40 Cents New Years’ , Men's (Mild I 4 Ian'- ouve-ou t Youthn' ovncolh I†_ Boyn’ -reea" I _ . l, liar. mu 4 on I... 111an "ttts Ki to,“ ' Boy? mm ).95 " '. T In}. tar colluIB K!" f an: In than and no to d W†In men 260 I! . Slit 11.15:: to 76d t ' Silk Pg-',i'pt'l,?,fdg! tt sum. we ttYU, 759' 1.25 Rum, no WAN“ 1 so am, christian, '2 {01(1) iiaGiGahtttirkieyett"tl, Uubnllu 500 h 3. 60 .f, For annual O to " w l-n’ohroy "etal 6010350 . Under gum", Maw 03 ad: " Bee' “.00 o"'.Hi"dlrfi"l;', " Inc'- await.“ 't Ida's working†. te." 31.06 and ('fiilfi'i'; ' -°‘H I . M. ttl SIGN or 091.051»; ar. M E ii if. .. mu mama if} We