' WWW Wi 'j, " Inn to collect and solicit in iriE1ttyr: Permanent position. Ap- L' gr Box .302, Berlin, Ont. _i'is:slg5. mt 1907 was prorclai:vxd in 2 _ ' PP' with the usual ringing or M. and Mowing ot \xlr stlrs, and Pt -‘ F (“hens gemmlly remained " a. he the New Year in, _ 5'taur." McDougall who plenum guil- 'ii, (b ttmeaupport of his wile, aitprgl- r.rr, â€or. Polipe Magistrate Weir ‘. Thur!!!†3nd was allowed on _ med mnlcncc. " My number enjoyed a plcas- .‘nh on the mill pond New l' ' yf M. The ice was exceL'vnt, CT, T '1'! Also I good attendance at " E 'w m. 3. an“! dance under the auspic- F , tho Wntu'loo Musical Society _ mild In the Town Hall on New 5, Day, ntternonn and evening 5" 'nl A splendld sum-(as: 'lh're It _ , Inge :ttcndance Bfngte Iloxt Bow to J I . _' CITY DRUG STORE. "pt-str. ' rssuusofi)Apotssse t", Ptom the rum donuts odor to the “ma. Inning kind “at Itlyl qrtth you [tom Xmu to Fun... . In bottles from We to IO 00. l shun be plowed to luv. you " who my men And quanta _ Prof. L, S. Umbach l Naperville, 111., preached very acccp bly in the L‘nngblical church Sunday morning. l . J. Stoddack ot Mondale has gm; hotel toll“. Sam Brahman I New Germany, who will take poo- ' on in May. _lAn exciting game ot hockey was . ' at the rink on Thursday alter- n between the Woodbincs and the “deters. The latter team won by wore of 11 to 2, . The regular weelly market held Saturday morning was attended ‘by it w: number of lownspcoplv. Thrown: good supply at produce cl hula-eggs selling at Mc., buttrr Ae. and other prices ruled about _ use“ . _. PERFU MES '. XMAS PERFUMES “Em appeal trom the Court ol Ite- ,tdtm was heard below Judge Chis- Iain M. therloo, on WednesdayJudg- â€t w“ reserved. :51} "iiting game of hockey was 5†It the rink on Thursday be- e the Woodhincs and the Wander- ar.. we latter team won out by “(a t il to 2. WANTED. tt you want to buy a stove cheap look‘lin M. Weichel Ax Sons advtt on WWW ,rrhr Jinning numbers for the tyttAers at Strasser's am 556, 350, . S. E, Marshall of Trinity t church, llvrlin and Rev. S la, pastor at 1hr Evangelical , exchan'qrd pulpits on Suaday . Mr. Marshall gau- a lucid La IMO mrpoaition ol his suhmt and “I ltlullvely llstcnt'd to ly the V tsrmgrtgation present. ' W. D. .and Mrs [me were At ttt the eonxregation n PM , 4.! lick residerwe, Cing tit, .u' number ol the members and mum themselves ot Nu tation to spend an hour on We mun-cl i'Sqtsottir introduced prslu’, famine; ' tl . Estate iinnig and Arm Brokers The have" odor. of the be“ Eng A, French, American or Candi-n lion will be found n Hahn’s Butch" Shop. Phone us, Waterloo, 3571." Local News. . D. he, preached two Terr Appropriate scrmrms in the 'e In. Churrh on Sumlny and M. Hail ot Toronto, klndlv two rxrrllently rendered rm. 'Mch were very much M M the convention. '. Culling gum WrdttrrWar r- - it, H. M, Snydrr Mount K low: 124'. \m-g n M I, R. F. Staci?! Hm l " P. 0. "out†are - in II m remaim'tt rum: ot 'I MIG lot the Home - Md Sputum ' II‘ "io will ply W m to - " tor _tte News 'YP. Devitt's Drug Store E. M. Devitt WATER in of and ur MUNICIPAL NOMINATIQNS tion J. D. Fischer, elected by magma tion. Twin: three are elected by ac- elarnation. Mr. A. B. McBride who was elcC1- ed chairman of the meeting first call- ed upon Mayor K. F. Seagram who thanked the mover and secomler tor again nominating him as Mayor. He expressed his npprcciation ot the etttrient and able support of his col- leagues in the council and compre mented the Chairman ot the Finance Committee for his able work. The flnancial statement was tho htst sub- mitted tor many years and 'hearty $2,000 at an overdraft had been paid off. He also trrivily rr-tr-rrod to the by-law which would be furthtr Con- sidered on Thursday evening. Mr. Abs. Merner who was also nominated tor tho Ma.voraltir, made a brief speech, in which he thank“: his morn and seconder but mild he would retire in taror ot Mr. Sea- Cram. _ Mr. J. B. Fischer next addnssmll those assembled. He stated that he had bten the last Reeve to reprcsent" Waterloo under the old system and would also have the honor at ' trfatgl the first were alter the NW County Council Act came into force. He re- viewed the work which had been done under his regime " chairman ot the House ot Reluge tor three years dur- inx which a [Itlmter of necessary im- provements had hem 1".rctmi. He also rend a statement or receipts and expenditures at the House of Refuge. _llis reason tor bring a candidate tor the position was th.-.t the Wamlrnship in the course ot ewnts would n tur- ally Come to Waterloo. lle thonkel the electors [or making his election unanimous. An evidence that keen interrst is being taken in the coming Municipal elections in Waterloo was "ortied in the large and representative gather- ing at citizens at the nomination meeting held in the town widow day owning, lully one hundt be- ing present. Mr. levi Gray; ill reod a statement ofthe rxpcndilurrs ot thc tire dtqrort- mom showing how the m"nry was oxpemird, The appropriation of $200 given to the mmmiltw to run the dopartuwnt he Hannah! shruld he in- creased to 8300. In rptprentt to his clct'tlon to the Council tor another term hc (‘laimrd their summit on his previous rvccrd hatirtr, who] longer than any ntlu-r mrtttlter and it olrclM would serv? the town as Iali-hlully an in “W past. Tho Council ol 190q Ind done the hrs! â€Irv could but owing io the lack of minis had horn as in the past. Tm Cou Ind done the hrs! "Irv owing io tho lack of [and unablr to do many things Two Candidates for Deputy Reeveship and Nme Court. cilfors in the Field. Theft promises to br a lively ooh- em In the coming olrcllona lor the different Municipal one“ luau. A, Weidohtrmmer and Levi Ilraytrill no out tor the dvpulymvnhlp and nine coumillcrn no in the held In "ditioet to an old Water am Lhtht 1'otttmisttiott'Dr. mill-rd ln allo in the Mill. For - commission only "to in" -Mrd, Mm" J lildma and J, Kaufman, wlvlzh ptulkally Inc-m tttst a annual nomlmlon VIII have to be hrld " . third with: II win-d. For school Cullen ttere will also how to In " 91mm II as. w... an» as“: to and ELECTION WILL A. L, Kl'MPF, Jos'. mcws, w. u. KUTT, CHAS. F. BRANDT, B. E. BrsTHTFIL, W. G. WEU'HEL, r. G, HUGHES, w. L. HILLmun, GEO. SUGGITT, A. WEIDENHAMMER, LEVI STAUFF'ER, J. c. MUELLER, D. C. KUNTZ, um GRAYHILL, CHRIST mum, W. W. GLAISTEIL w. J. STERLING, mos. OVENS. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. North Ward-J. A. HARPER. West IOM-C. T. NOECKER East Ward-A. E. DEVTTT. South Ward-W. CARTHEW, . CHAS. WOh'LLER. J. R. KAUFFMAN, J. UFFELMANN, _ LEVI F'sTAtrFFEft, WM. SNIDEK WATER AND LIGHT COMMIS- SIDNERS. Gap. mam-11.. ALOYES BAUER, JOHN IU'I‘ZER, SEWER COMMISSION ERS F. Seagmn elected Mnydr by Accla- mition and J. B. Fischer Reach-Many Nominations tor Council-Meeting Well Attended. LEVI GHAYBILL. A. WEIDENHAMMER MAYOR. Sustain elected by webm- DEPUTY REEVE W. L. HILL] A RD COUNCILLORS REEVE. BE HELD l Mr. J. tPrem-at, it rlrctt-l to the sewer commission would sw. that the money was wisely spent, He did not favor spending the whole amount the irtrst yum He had conrrdecCe in the Pnginm-r‘s plans and Import that the by-law Would he supported. l Mr. J, C Muvllrr, Chairman of thc Board of Works, said that Ile PX- 'pendituic on John Flt. was not 31800 as stated by Dr. Hilliard, Nor hall that amount, He WDS willing to take his slmw of the rrslmnsihility, but it hltindcrs had hcon made the whole round] was guilty as he only carried out the instruciVm rvrclvt‘d all the Council "0.1qu It was dim, cult to plonw M’rryhodv H1- h.rd dc- cided to withdraw from thr Council ‘and ask-M the clerk to oncel his nomination. Mr. A. Weidmnanimer stated that he had served tho town three years. acting in the capacity ot Chairman ot the Light comittirurion tor two years, and as chairman oi the Finance Committee this year. While Chair- man ot the former committee the gas work: had been purchased by the town and had proved a good invest- ment, netting a profit ot not: the first year and 8827 this year. As Chairman ot the Finance Committee he had endeavored to keep the dit- terent committees within their ap- propriations and this year they were able to /teduce the overdraft by '19rl. Iii,' had been ably supported by his I: lleagues, tor which he thanked 'ite',',',". He gave a detailed explanation oi the financial state, ment. The greater portion oi the tinances ol the town were uncontroll- able expenditures. The debenture debt was increasing and $2534 more was paid in 1906 than in 1905. The school also had required more than the previous year, lie trusted that the succeeding Councilors would con- tinue to be economical, and was sat- isiied that the overdralt could be paid in the next three years without levy- ing an extra rate, He asked the sup- port of the electors on his merits. Dr. Hilliard who was nominated tor the position ot Water and Light Com- mission critieired the commission for charging small consumers more than large consumers. The expense ot pumping the water was he. and 7c. per 1000 gallons, and as consumers are obliged to pay 30c. per 1000 gal- Ions, less 25 per cent. discount he considered this a discrimination against small consumers. He con- sidered that the ten days of dis- count granted was unjust and thought that the time should be ex- tended to 30 days. He scg:r,csted a larger reduction and thought that 20c. per mm gallons with 10 ler cent. oh and $4.00 flat rate with 10 per cent off a more equitable rate. He was opposed to expending current revenue on capital account. In rel- erence to the Hoard of Works he con- sidered that Very little could bt shown for money expended, citing John St. v Mr. Geo. Diehel could sre very little reason for Dr..llil1iar(l's criti-l eism. That gentleman used more water in his pew residence and alsol paid by meter rate at present in-I stead of flat rate as formerly whichi would naturally account for the 'iii-") creased amount he had to pay. it, cost more to put in a large number oi small services on one street than] one large service. Large consumers unless given a cheaper rate would in-,' stal their own service. In buyingl anything wholesale a cheaper rate could be secured and the same would, apply in case of water. The price to one tap consumers was 1 c. a dayI and to meter consumers 12 c. a day. The commissioners were only stew-i ants tor the town and do the best they can. The water works was a' paying investment, the profit this year being $1011. The commission was opposed to increasing the debtor. lure debt and consequently used some ot the current revenue to instal new services which would increase the income. Mr. Levi Stauiier Justiiimf the action ot the council of 1906. AV though his appropriation bad bran orerdrawn there was good reason tor it. The cellar drains on Er!) St. had become blocked and the necessary repairs had incurred a big expendi- ture. It was also necessary to ce- ment the tiles and the whole drain had to be taken up from the gas works to Mr, Liyhardt's corner. The previous year his committee had spent less than the appropriation. He also reterrrd to the srwrr farm tt pruvrmrms and asluxl own; r; e- paycr to attvnd the mmting on Thursdav evening. as Mr Wmllrr will] remain in the lirld The [drawing haro qualiMd tot "I? samtal omcN, rfll .1 R. KAITMAN, " [FFEIMANN WATER AND mom c'ov sumrms; . IN WATERLOO SF.“ I'll! COMMISSIONERS .IOS- MU'KUS, ('HAS. F' BRANDT GEO. SI‘GHITT. LEVI F1TAUFF'KR, n. C. KUNTZ, (THUS. "UEHN, W GLAlF',TER, THUS OVENS, " " REFIITFJ. GEO. DIEM-3L. 41mm BAUER. JOHN mung Ct)1 N(‘ll.l‘()RS Al )0 1| NI l Communications wlire received from several of the teachers thanking the joard tor the increases in salary. I The Finance Committee was asked Jo haw a financial statement pus pared for the year 1906. _ I Mr. ly. M. Reade was a',pointed to represent the School Board on Nom- . The following accomnls were pass- ed:-. T. B. Fun, 5 cords wood ......3l.00 M. G. Ritrer, tuning piano in Kindergarten and repairs ..V_._ 2.50 F. I. Weaver & Co, Sthool Chlldren’s Suits 7 from this date until the lat of January 1907 A b rgain for, everybody that needs a suit of clothes Shoes at Schondelmayer’s Facts . About Oar stock of Footwear that ought to make the public begin to sit up and take notie. Fact Oan---JUlubility in every line. Fact Two-A better assortment than we've ever before offered. Fact Three--vahsaa so extraordinary that it means every dollar doing almost double duty. Many other FACTS about it, but the public must come m and discover them. Welcome. The Waterloo Public School Board held their last meeting at the year oh Thursday euning. All members were uesmt except Mr. Ir. l'arlhew. _ _ Mr. ll'. M represent " ination Day Mr. Isaac lloltcl the efficient and obliginx"agent of the Canadian Fix- press Company at Waterloo "or 1he past two years has received notice of his “sustenance to the London oi- fce, where he will act as 1hirtclcr.k. He leaves tor that place on Thursday, . Supplics 'rr"."""" t..mm.ret".Pe' _...rr.. 1.50 Chas. Moogk, Rcpisirs, etc-.59.86' Teathers' Salaries ...tr-__. .. ,,..580.l'1 Careta'ier's salary . qr_tVVF_ . ._..37.50 The retiring truslcrs this year are Messrs. Dr.. Nonckcr, J. H. Harper, W. Carthew and A. E. Devin. Men's Suits, Amounts Passed and Routine Business Transacted. His removal is in the nature of a promotion and his ttumerous frirnds here will extend best good wishes for his luturc success. ' _ New Year's Day was made thei occasion tor 3 happy galhvring of the Ill-(hie! lamily at the home of iii') and Mrs, R. o. Dobbin. Waterloo. The day was spot in an informal way and Ihc occasion proved most enjoyable cme for those present, The following wrrv in pttvndanre:- Mr. and Mrs. Milton t fterhil mu“ danglmr, Mrs. (Dr ) “all. and daugh- trr, lemira, Mr. and Mrs. Honur “anon, hum, Miss Walsln and Mr and Mrs Murray, Galt, MI and Mus LiHlv, "lair, Mrtr,rs Cltes and Walton lungs, "urliruiirn, Mrs I BothIrl, MI and Mrs " E. "ctltu" and daughtrr, “we Myrtle Brt‘hle Mr, and Mrs W " P,erhtvl and "aa- ghier, MI and Mrs thas H "tuhtcl, Mrs Emily Martin and 1wndauyzhlt~l3 3trsses Hawl and Ida Martin.. Him Ire mm and “I and Mrs wri, Wat .503. Watvr!oo n SCHOOL BOARD HOLD MEETING Look Herein. Ill, Bull 8:" The marriage M Mr Arthur Wood nl 1tranttord, formerly ot Waterloo, In Min Matilda Brown. took/plin- at thr home of Mr. Henry Groin no“ Wabrlon a! I n‘rlurk p m. on Mundav The rrrrmnny was pertormmt by the Rev, Mr. llm‘krlmann, The death mnrrnl at Usmil‘on on 11mm†of Mn: Tiuie 2r,erwi_, sister ot Mrs Funk Rough of Waln- " The body up brought to w... terkttt at the tone“! wan treid Fli- uy will; to D R. C. Ctttretr,artd w to N mio Ceetees. 25 per cent. Discount ON ALL J. UFFELMANN WOOD-BROWN NUPTIALS. MOVED TO LONDON FAMILY GATHERING. DIED AT HAMILTON .. 7.50 _.59.86 58011 “37.50 Nl Having purchased the'meut busi. ness f ruvr'y mripd on by Mr, H. B. Barring it will be my en- deavor to merit a continuance of of the patronage extended in the past. Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and beat meats will be kept on hand. E. J. nous Jeweller. CENTRAL BLOCK, Waterlo Tale n loci into our Eindow and you will get. an Ida. of what we have indde. Lack through thin "It and no whether there in not Inythfng you have not thought of. Ladies' go'd watches from $9.00 to 860 Girls’ 0' {molled watches from $4.00 to $12 00 Paul brooches, 14 K gold, from $3 00 to $25. Purlrlck plus, ll Kgo'd, from $2 ' to 810. Solid gold rings from ' 1 35 to $100. Ebony toilet can, gold .nd allver mounted umbrella, silver novelties soon " nail mu, canola, null pollnhon, tur. from 250 upwards - We will be pleased to Show you our goods whothor you buy or not. tths itt no plate like the jowolry nto_re_to "rlretpoyr Xmas t1'tt. 7 Buying Made Easy FOR SAl--Good Set of Buck 5mm: Tools. Applyto Goo.Hu tfrmtn, Waterloo. Business Mr F. W Schmidt, our ml the In- ral milk mcn lost a porlwn ot his mill Wr%esday, owing!" the unset ling " Ins wagon, He had a some- what sriritpd annual attached to lhc rig “huh statisd out on its own amounf upsetting the mum in {urn- ing a rumor F'ortanately a good portirm of the milk had already born delivered, The With-rim) Rink was the seem- at a most exciting aBrtte ot curlinn on Wulnmday evening ttetweett skip! D. . Rum“. and Gus. Runâ€. the latter Winning by . am"- ol 15-42, The two skips were allowed In c ho ms in m the best pllyrrs’ In the “mm; Ctuh u! ttk rink: wecc {unwanted as 'Otto-ac--. i Dr. Sum“ T, WDotuteh. Dr. swung T, O'Donmll.‘ E, F. Sour-m r. 0. Huge: W. "on "on. A. (13 ha. P. In“. It. (I. II“: I“): Henry Reuel Prop. City Meat Mmket. WATERLOO (Duering's Old Stand) Boys' Suits Local News. Change A splendid assortment. of Ludieu' Hulda, thin lands atpU. i' A , . discount of 20 to '35k per cent . For enmple a. mnntle that gt rogulu' prim would be .. 15.00 reduced price 810.00 _ 12 00 reduced price 8.00 , 10.00 reduced price 667 We have tnother lot of choice msntles that m In†It . dil- _ “it count. of twenty per cent. See what tb swing it manna to pm ,russ Lb', you can buy choice mantles at. following prices: . i l . 18 00 our. for $14.40 . _ i 15 00 one. for 1200 ' ' 12 00 one: for 9.60 9.00 one: for 7.20 Shock tnking thits6msth. TU stock m tte nua- peieo inducement: In given in tsll (10le ot the m " Big mduetioms nude in Lndies' Mums. Flu Com all h- you can make good interest on your money by investing in a in?†here. A discount ot twenty per cent. on all fur costs and - Poe example '. A special showing of reversible eornfortore on Snturdny st tho following price reductions: l B, Ryan & 60., Berlin. P H '; l l Toilet. Cases, Collar and Clthu oe " L! il , l 1 . Work Home, Handkerchief and Glove cr7iCEt:)E] I Ill l ‘ Boxes, Shaving Beta, Jewel Cases. Pho- Cd CDO MM tograph Albums, Post Card and Bella f) Albums, Camera and Supplies, Sun k. ers’ Sets, Parser Box Papoteries, Bibles. Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Sleight . Doll Cubs and Go Carts: Complete Lilo riCritrntm, Beentiful Line of Christmas Cerds, Cslsudnrs, Picture Books 3rd Blocks. The binge“ sesortmenl of Dreusd and Kidbody Dolls, Chrlsurm Tree Candle! md Decorations, Fountain Pens, Pyrozrsphic 0 ttita and Sun- drier, Drums, Children's Tea Sets, Toy Pianos, Dolls’ Beds end Crsdles, Mechanical Toys of all descriptions, Music Rolls. Cerd Cases, Purses, Cigar Cases, Manicure Sets, and mm more articlee. Every article in our Greet Display would make an acceptable Christmas Gill. Ladies' Fur Coats and Bands Reduced Santa Claus Headquarters "ira ",JiiGairt'lt; hawk}: to see our duplay before purcbaeing eIIeIhr'o. Everybody welcome whemer you buy or not. Drop In and we the Bifgrrt Assortment in the county. J . DO E RS AM. At a business mrrling of the Lamps" Aid ot the ('hurch ol the llnlv Saviour, held on Saturday turning, it was found that the mt proc-ls trom their rrrru? "Sale of Work" amountmi lo 8253 u. A Handing votp of thanks was Murdered WATERLOO CURLERS LOST " WOODSTOCK Two rink. of Waterloo I'utlers journwyrd to Woodstock an Friday and [Hand I [Homily ganw “I"! thr (Huh-rs of that place, The locals tttat try MK Mom Following are the nk'pr (I Knnh T. O'Donnell Mien "argon M, R. Brirker B. In“: F. G. "who: w. an“. a. p. Ila-mu " to Im- rnt-nzrtic President, Simpson, to whose PHUHS mannucmrnt thr mamas work is largely due. For past favors, and wish you one and all a Happy Prosperous We solicit'a. continuance and an iuereaais of your patronage for the your Ladies' Mantle: at a Discount .e--__-'e--_ FUR ----- DOLLS. TOYS All) CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. comforters on Saturday. THANK YOU Persian Lamb, reg. price 125.00, for $100.00 Porch): Lamb, reg. price 100 oo, 80 00 Black Amraohm, my prise 65.00, for 52 00 Electric Seal, reg. price 35 00, for 28.00 1lllESE8litE TO 3 u. A s Hunk-real Mrs Harry and good of their NEW YEAR 1 25 for 81.60 1.50 for 1 35 1.65 for 1 50 200 for 1.78 1907 More beautiful and delightful “an ever is the Holiday dlaplny this you. We have enlarged our more consider- ably. md‘sro not ready for displaying our bewildering mbrtment of Christ- mu novem'u. " Jun 3 few of the many (‘hvietmte Gina gugtreertions : A fall line of Fat cy Toilet Goods. WATERLOO LOST AT GUELPH h Waivrloo Juniors In lite am, half the man was Watrtloo 3, Guelph I, hut in 1hr second hall the Guelph boys got down to work and scomd tour protus--5 to r-10terloo scoring one goal in tho around halt. F The game was rehrrrred by Fwd. Faq- homo. _ _ Pettaltier-WMatloo oy-Moser I. E. lickus, l; Else! 1; Mtildl- loom l; Balm I; - (0-mi- ll I; tttFt I; All“ It m t, Wuter%o-iioat, J. Mickus; point, Hamel pow! point, Schlosser;rovrl E. 'ati'., cadre, Moser, right wing Powder; _ \yllg, F.rteel. . (we! ’tookx, point, I'Mn- mm, and Doll ' ANar, rover, King; centre, “ya; right wing, Brolum, hum-ml, m. - _ c- '"V T