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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Jan 1907, p. 4

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. _feH++H+H9+++He'+.4 flt Will Pay ? . You SPRING NEEDLE e UNDERWEAR Pie lisses mralrat _ I. Alwnya mowing rimming ',,'s.,, in drug hats. If you are not l of the Intent Mylei. j mt coma i and In at We keep we‘l 'll;,: on Winf- no w. :,ljij,.au, to. our bargain; _, L. m mam runnnmn We also carry a full line of Gent’s Furnishings fr6m which; tt qeiit be easy to select , suitable) gift foerns. l lit III sizes and weights. .dutred Wright, Sect-eta .E. a Hall, luspecLOl O. A, BOEHK Diulrict A Mm Tailor, Waterloo Suhm'ibed Capital .. -m.... aural-.00 Dali-nicwiLn we Doafutoon Govomlucub ....t. w..... .. 8ttr,U0. All policies guaranteed by the London nod Lax: whim lump-mg: Uompany {its Assets of $16,313,638. The Mercantife Fire " Toee our fine line of [OI-1907 are now being issued to Puli " hulde B, and may he had at my ot. thw. Waterloo Fire Building, K as St. Waterloo. INSURANCE. CALENDERS JOHN RITZER, lemma-om In nus. _ HEAD OFFICE. KONTREAL Danna! Authorized 65.000300 Paid-Up Capital - $8.m.ooo Reserve Fund - ”000,000 Amen. bulking humus dolls. Col- umn: undo. an“: tuned erode In . Duh-of the Dmlntonot may place In mm world mum rum ot lumen moved tor one, downed " 85mm BA-k 0!in an!" The Molsons Bank Bacon-m- to Buckherraugh & Co. Est-blip}: d IMU. f onlee 2'9. Phouel 1 House 200. lmuranoa company INCORPORATED 1875 Bead Ofriat - Waterloo L BOEH IE District Agent, Water lco, Ont. Phone 'die. 2iiEiil4lllBti'i'l'2 'ti;i)i',t,iiiiiiiiiic, carier’s Little Liver Pill Var-ulna“; burn-(n _ 1 can anon “new“. - “Or “mum. at C A BOEHM JACOB 'eMtBPBLtBR, Mummy Wuarloo Bunch $ttggrt,), m mum. m nun-m. run limitless. m m mu. m unnum- m mm: 3m. ..P3. Ile' con-rum: The tum. Vera- yprrttr i It mrst te Admllu‘d that, Berlin ‘3: its share of m-urrlmrrs among who r Hm ray admission to up the game-s, judging trom the twining that managed in by a gang nt poor Aports, ‘who think they know thr rum ot the Iarre end me norrr read them or cum saw: them ir. their lives. Re. terre Walnut” was desiring of bet- ter treatment. Toms In the wan Mrnder tor Urs “sinus, and served Ume " nine minutes on the ("are Other any": '9“th we" In M r.--Nn:in, n.- udwn, Furl-run, Hunk-y. Hum-m- um”. Fortune “1 Hotter. Tne 'itutors rtay the Quolu‘r sigh ot ha“ ey an! mm» h an hulyrhmk mg and contridrrahle sUshirtg I'm done by hath “mus Reterce Wett Ian!" hm his hunk In" and whih ("Mr a bit ot mug): work c‘capml his notice lm-ausr he has no nyrs In tht back of his hold. he mu impartial In his dwisions. Lip, ‘1 Tire lhampions betttrttp awarv that Itheir tepuuutiun would "who a rule shack in llogmwn if tlrvy wru- titrteaied by thr. Crpllegiarts, and 'hings began lo mono. (Muss stalk-v! the winning strcak hy a shot hor" mum- icv, Knoll (ook tt pass trom Human! and Cochrane and math th, score ti- Fire, minutes lain Srhnvidt admin! an- qthrr. and dupl'ualml " Mn 300:an hetore time hy scoring the last goal ot the game. , The meg!” hall start) even taster man the previous period Bith tho chamgi ns on the aggrefsive and in me minutes ttto more was 4-2 in hr vor ot Berlin. Thin the Co0egians waded ri ht in and it was, during thits {£1205 that the "co.'d loot" epi- derr.ic s/read. Bhile Gross was on the In”, Hal. Clarke srorrd, an! thrre nlnntas latwr his brother add, m another, A minute later Varsity was put in Hr Nat! tor the last time by Dmih'on's tally alter a William rush, I Varsity was in the lead three tunes twicte in the mst halt and once in the sound. Durinz th' first fdteen minutes no Cam had the advantage and both goals were frequently ali- Iailcd. The visitors storm cn a shot by Herb Clarke in 16' minutes (Sir minutes later Knoll tied the score but only for a, breathing space a: Hall Clarke took the puck from thr; tace-on and the-score was 2-l, ant; rcnmimd until halt-timc. I Hal tl.rke monk: aux-R from th. He, however, allowed a few to pass him by jumping in the air “hm his kn won: “voila! tn the ice. " may be die to nervmun ss and he will get o (r it. For Benin "dim" McGinnis at point was Johnny-cn-the-spot, and crerylody is satisfied that he 1vilrhc Berlin's Stonewall this season. Gross and Ccchrane were also very strong GG worricd the advance auarq of the \isilors very cfcclimly. Sun-mm and Dumart had hard nun lo (hock, anll was ion fast for his check and had no difficulty lo gr! away, "Pumh" Ellis llid cons! pork in goal Dmidson, Varsity”: right wing was decidedly spectacular and his individ- mu.rushes were loudly applaudrd, rs- rcciilly whrn the puc': was iaken a- way Iron) him uh'n he wanted lo score. " The (larle brothsrs wen- ve/y sriieetire and ga" the Berlin tits tence a lot «I irouble. Hanley at ro’nt showed up well, as did a.lso Kieth in guaL Toms "hogged" too much to te ol service to his team, and lmidis indulged in rough taclits which made him 1d 'Trl the {”1erin out of the sixty minutrs, Max-tin played a steady game throughout. , Time after ciDLe one of the Tatsi ty forwards would rush down the it?" alone' and thn he was chec,'zd ihrre was nobody to pass to. The Berlin torwards, especially in th: scwnd halt, were nearly always in line to accept a pass and it was ‘lele combind work that won out, Manama and 4Ult gave the Bcrlin' The Board ut Works lulu a ’Scpwue good practices, but last interesting mulling Clumnau night's game " e the locals a great belt inlormed the membn's In lbig idea ot what they will be up a~ had askcd Aid, V. F. Weber iaiast when the senior suns arm's. times to be in sun-nuance In t " Varsity has a. team that will make Toronto cheer this winter,, and t G; night‘s work is any criterion Lt tis sate betting that the City that,» oiotrship, "that the Toronto teams go ‘alter now that outside teams capture the O.H.A. horioi's, will go in Varsi- ty's directirn this season. Individual- ly the memhcrs of the team are no bably taster skaters and belter stick- handirs than the thunpiuns, but it is in combined team play that the visitors were outclassed and was nu sponsible for Ben'in's victors, All the weak points in the work at the team were brought out prominent- ty and the players wilt undoubtedly be btttefitted. The exhibition games with th Matthews and Gall gave the Bath J.!..et a; vim . Th: O.H.A. 8.10: cm went up Maia" the mat tool-v mick on FrtdBr evening st the Auditorium when they had to play the - oi their live: to win out (tom the Var- city Irttereoltextiau, Ieam ol Toron- to. In“, than: was 3 time during the uevoud but when it loci“ as " the chsmpions would be donated by we speedy colhyms And there was s lot of "cold loot" “mm; the 200 supporter! And the admirers ot Urn lin's 't",1,ptf,,'yiw tum But the thamrit T ‘on Kin the end nt all is well! _ Quilt, WMutchuu . City T‘IMScoIeot ' “as WON FROM Point VARSITY TEAM Berth, .11th ) to. The y in th: always in it was "his out, Mall and Fmtpire-A deputation from thr lterlin Board ot Kduration waited on the Minister of Educatinn amend" tor the purpoue pf Acquir- inn a man rquitahlr ttdhttrtrmmt hr- len the town and munty " to "madman an and“! WM and the and ot maintenance, And IIIO re- gnrdhu 'the, nvinion of the High fit-hoot Act, which, it In Baid, will be “drunken during the ten-Ion ot Mn Legislature. The Amati“ eoqtetIt- ed at man. lama Stun (w- all. 9,1997“. jean It... at DEPUTATlttN FROM BERLIN and Hal Clarke Marvin Herb Clot r nasi0son l Toms Thin“ (rpm F. Welusr, although we have good evidence that the said chairman tty- ed that he had been promised len per cent. on all the stone bought hy the t Wu hy a man who was BOP- iltid/l'tiiyC'r'.r;ld) the said company, but trom evidence pmdurt'd ty the" said (-nmpany, wc mm Unit this man. Mr, Ilnuglas, had rm authority to mak" any such offer and that it ’wrmld not he adxisahlo to spend mnnry in irtvestimtting this case be; Varsity Varsity Vertsity R: tlin, Rollin, Rm lin, JPrlin, Your commuter on works her: to rocomnwml n- Horse Shoe Quarry Co. irwestisration,-rumllvvd, that thrre is not evidence rnnunh to warrant in- vestigation lu-fnn- Hur- County Judge between (hr sand Quarry ('0. and the late chairman of Rondo! Works, V nd N Luiz. The arm": worn made aw lnlhw varsity, Hprh, Clarke, " min Berlin, Knvll c, misc Vtsrsity, .Hal. klarkc, 30 SCC, HalHimo Perla. (“alumna an gm Berlin, 26“ 2 mint], Rollin, 1chmidt, 21 min, d That Anna Markham's income scssmmt by struck off the roll. c, c. Hahn, t'hairman That “no interest on works dvbentures be not from Lippert & Co. That no action hr tokett on requrst of John Wirgand to his assessment on irropertv on Lam-usu'r strum That Mrs, Marg, granted a refund of amounting to $196, That the Irst,tr.t." hr granted a [und of hum-s amounting to $50 brim: lirst Instalmrnt tor 1mm. HI That the Poququnat Clock Co, be granted a n-lund of taxrs, wrongly cum-rim}, amounting to $3050. The assessment committee “Com: mended as tollows:-- ( The Financial Committee rccom- ran-ml the payment of the following accounts:- Fire and water committee, $1i00.00 “until ot Works (localjnm), 13868 Polio. committee, 2.15 Street sprinkling committee, 3.25 Campbell & Kee, livery, 1.00 C. It. Dunke & Co., charity, 7 3.00 It. Hol‘hmrr.& Co., Charity. 3.50 Telegraph Ptg. Co, advg., 18.84 News-Rceortl, advg, “My!!! llrgistry omee, 9Hr.5 The report was adoptsd I Town Clerk Aletter read a number of communications trom .'9'trclary Lyon of the Western Muuicipalirirs Pow” Union, regarding variousmcrt ings that were being held, and thc distribution at circulars, after which the "Torts of the various rmmnillm‘s wuc presented. times to be in aux-nuance to than up that "rakeott" and the last mm v. was told by AN. Weber "that he (Aid. Weber) had no axe to gun! .uul the committee could go to ------ 'r Mr. McNeill, ths travelling [curt-wu- tative ot the Horseshoe Store Irm- ry tu, St. Mary's, was -n st'ltrtut- ance and was closely questiuuctl by the members of the committee Iv gaming the transactions between the company and the town. Mr. Mc- Neill tormerly stated that no offer had been authuriu-d by the Com- pany, if such otter was made 'by its reprrsentatixc. The committee ac- eepted Mr. McNeill‘s statements and the account of 3-1th was passed, The report was adopted t The Town Council held Its tinal sion tor 1906 In the Council t m: (I Saturday alu'rnoon at wtucn the Incubus were present (Au-p AMI. Prick and Weber. The bill Committees met previous 20 tite C m swswu and cleaned up ilw t, nm referred lo than at the gun‘: meetings. FFINAL SESSION OF new. "m, : u...' I ' TOWN COUNCIL FOR 1906 Aldermen Express Satisfaction WithW They Have Accomplished During Year, “Rake offiMatter Has Been Dis- - posed of. ' Hcttt Clarke, ' Hal 1lallu‘, 3 . Davidson, 1 In (how, 3 mln. Km", 1 min, Schmidt, 5) min Schmidt, 2 min. ot Works (Imaging), 43853 committee, 2. 15 sprinkling committee, 3.25 "on rd ot Works Assessment Report That "Rake-Ott Mattcr Right l.rsit el Financial Report Came” in Session Margaret Muley ' P‘II’POM of Acqulr- The Ladimr' Aid of New Jerusalem m... ttdhttrtrmmt hr- (‘bunh on'rrlainwl the rhil0rrn of md munty " to the Berlin {{phnnazr to a supper in rttiUt my“ Bad the bacmnn pl the Church on Thurs, Munro. and also re- day owning Mm Rtrtrrer the rhil-, Ion of the "my. dun were taten upxlnlru where the p, it In said, will be mutton WM prenatal wild: taro pain: the .eetrbtm at a. ot Munich and mu ol the ehildrrn dentition and.» I“. g in; ot undy.’ Thr, mam). ml Stun (M. It. an: vu ray mun mm by Mutt It... at rtptePf9attyrg. a...“ an “In “In made aw tollows - " min, larke, 6 min Wateon Ito committee, livery, 0., charity, 1)., Charity. F, advm, income F. Weber three mm " St m water drnmndod D $1616.81 K mm mart mun HITS J. M. SCULLY H he an s 1.00 3.00 3.50 18.84 ti6.b8 9.55 11irttemtteuk" re ot the anngan' Court. IrmIru-d Va- tanl hy the drath ot the late Ju'm ManugalL It Is undrrshmd tttet Mr Scully w." mm C the ttppmntmen1 m due [arm on Now Year's Day. " the report is marred, the Appoint- trent will be ll wry popular our VIUUS lh'oughnul the The Cinronlc'e-Telvgraph vu- in. formed on Monday by a promhent (Inst: vamp and um who |S (mm lu, sid- in HIP walk ot ‘hr local xmlrunaur (Mn 100$ 1ld, Hahn of the police committee rlairned the protvrrilort ot the town , wms "not what it should he and advo- cated that an additional mlay man and two anlll men he added "(it year. The prrsrnl stall all look like real police tttttV. Mayor "ricker complimrmtmt the "iricia1s oi the, town who had prr- formed thr-ir duties in a very capable manncr during their term of Mice. [In stalvd that Lurk had horn louml with thv ropnrtrrs, but he had to admit lhat thcir reports of the pro- ver-dings wcrr‘ always lair and cor- rvct, " find hrrn a pleasure for him to Itrcside during [hr year. and out, side of a few instances thr- proceed- ings \wrr- conducted in a harmonious and hummss likr manner. All” " mn- nl (hanks had CCtt lr-ndrrr-J by the puss (ht, cnunci ad- [nurnvrl by singing the Nat onal Anthem. atrrl LW r all og hum-d In! fear to tice a large markct ”rand. A Id. mil Ivo nil-M s hall a ttt of Hrp,ntiras Ald. "u/ike intimated next vccrts coururil won lunrclusr another sprink ‘mmllu‘o, that Mr Hartman which 500mm! to meet with gvnrnrl Ln'ur now, although there was mnsidrmblc opposition when the Chang's at the fire hall were made, last spring. Iarrw amount of work that had to be done on the streets. He reminded ttw council that $200.00 worth of labor was put on Mill street by resi. dents [at which the board of Works gets no (“whit Aid. thm-idm‘ spoke of the inv. pruvmnrnls made to "erlin's tire de- trauma! which swunmi to meet with gt‘nrnrl Ln'nr now. although thero .Set asile for the various committees. Ald. Mellrino said he had put in a trlvasunt year in the council and Was pleased to know that they had fitramr. ‘ul the ariairs ol the town in a satire [actury manner. He complimented the ncws lulu-r reporters upon their “I rk during the yeir, AM. ('ampbrll, who has been chair-l “hill oi the cPmetery committee and' the board of works during the latter! part n! the year, both at which have', a slight tiofrcit, stated that this was accounted for by the extra help In (mired at the r'vmetery, and also the The (‘lork was instruct"! V. K. Welrer the sum ot ll 3 1-5 cubic yard of stone al per ton and applied tole which htp Ireen paid by V. pronding the account Is tut rect. The town was assessed the sum of $27.76 by the Wrstrm Ontario Muni- cupalitiFs' Niagara Union tor ex- penses incurrvd in cunnvcliun with the work ut the Union. The Council paid the ac0suut. Secretary' Lyon wrote that the work ot the l'niun Is being heavy indeed. It has employmi two type- writers most at the time. Meetings have to be attended, letters sent to the press, notices mailed, intonnation givvri-, etc. We are working for your town as well as tor others." . tore the courts, the most cal evidence being ttrat the Cont duced the price " tents per without solicitation trom any of this corporation. and market building had been In a good state at repair. _ He I Ir"" fear to tice a large nl‘w The report Was adopted Paid Its Share. I N l he WILL FILL u ould rcr Ptve The Table Was Cleared Will Pay the Account is corrert the Appoint a wry popular om rount6. My H Campbell, Chairman who is on tG. In. P local patronage J, M. Kinny, of we the appoint- tl VACANCY the most conxiucing " the Company tc- " tents per ton) WithW hat High appoint J. F. Weber; taunt! can rd to repay! $10.92 tor at 60 cts.’ his taxes,! omen] I The on t mm book tor mom was Ismrd yrsh‘rdny " is a very neat production and Q trod" to the puhliRhors, the Soole Printing Co Besides A photo of Promdrnl D, L. Iurrorh, lhtt book rantalns ',uctutv_ at ttre lms,ch1mp|on tum, Berlin. Peterttoro, AM Port Hope, the mm “Nation, mm ot competition, and In" of an ' row!“ of run:- Ih “for, cur-5h... and into: ”just tegqetst at» l, The sunning 'Ttantirhrl4lr2n spur! a. pleasant day in )mngmg hark old mrmoritm tvlatimt It) their rarrnts. and granutarnisi, as wen as lerown srhonlvtlau A Human! (whim of the day was thy prvs'vnm- of Mrs J G, Futrivr of ('ahlunua, who had cot hren rm the oht lmmmimd tor over twenty wary Thrn- were also on» srnt olhvr “him; htotlters and "'itrrs,rtamrrr, “re " Haggzl'lns- hm, Mr and Mrs " " 801mm", IVrrrn, Mr, and Its hand [huh-r, Plaitssilie. MrAd Mrs John Tun- cl, t'r'ntrrville, Mr and Mrs A H Shantl~ "Him. and also Moms Nath Home! and D Thater, of Centrcviifc, hushandv ot two of the (“‘00an NIN- hm Magdalena and Sarah Mtcr a trhort religious service the trathruirm disporwd with th. how- of all 'tteel- 1m: in I fairer Ind better land THF. ft, H and " numbm tlartitr. A 'ery hlppy family muninn was held on Uhristmas Day at the tesi- dence of Mr. Salnucl B. Schneider, Qumn street south, the old Schnei- der harvested. The late Joseph Schncitlm emigrated From Prtttviyivan- ia in IR"? and srlilrd,at this pure, and it has since beep orturpird hyn numb“ of gtnmahuns of hrs dwcvw The sudden end ot "A Hot Time" will prohahly result in several court ttrtio-s.. The porn-mm: is accused ol being 'lisororly and will appear in the Police Court on Wednesday. the one-man company was behind land ths howling crowd in from. The company vamt'itiiisaTTriitii "the {Inform and while the lighls were being tuhwd out the "solitary actor" commcnrm to trawl a list ot names that many of those prrsrnt were too anxious to hear, wllrn the paper was snatched out of the performers hands amid wild excitement. The crowd commenced to leave the hall and tor over an hour there was (msidorahlo excitomrnl, The per- former walked around the street and, was followed " a curinns mnh l i The show stand on time and from the wry [manning " was noticed ,'that th. one-man eumpany had ro- arranged the play. The adiestives 'and inhinualions were more numerous and emphatic. New characters were introduc d and villiticd in a most reckless manner. The pn-srm Court.. cil, the neaspaiiers, and svveral citi- zen; were brought before the foot-; lights and while an cX-Mayor's char-' actor was bring scrutinized Manager J. D. Hagan apreand on ,1110 scone mrdeelared the tihow was own. The cullain dropped. 1“ The one-matt company was brhind and ths h m‘ling crowd in Hunt. The r'mllparr,r cam'if itiiuwtFiai,' “um mongers of the -worst kind , At 7.30 o'clock about forty people Jun- waiting at the door io gain ad- ', mission. 'lhe door was locked. The factor also Wanted to gr! m and not [now that there was a stage-door lcxclusiwly for show companies lid itereel upon. the Hunt door. Ile mund ‘the place in darkness. W..- “u. .....m. f . . l tslrsth.r this cuuoslty has not run rampant in Berlin and has (hanged! many from being curious into scandal, I The impatient performer was very \wrvalhy and ttrratly excited. He ask- ed th ecruwd to watt while he SPCur- cd a down candles. lie returned and walled tloan the aisle and was about to light up Winn the lights were turn- ed on. The house was quickly fslloni up with a (mm! of curious people. In tact the queitiort has been raised tslrsth.r this curiosity has not run I The ‘Bneman company which lecld one performance about ten days ago lin the Berlin Opera House, played it return cngagement on Saturday with (two performances. The matinee was ,lairly well attended. but lhe cout- pany docdcd to make his show short uesumably to reserve the strength tor the evening. The company pro- mitwd that "A Hot. Time" would be, ‘mum interesting than the ftrst pep“ lormancc as the lines had been Chang-', MI “Mum-MA . morc interesting than lonnancc as the lines id somewhat and n" would be included. "h MT TIME” . WAS STOPPED h FAMILY REUNION Curtain was Rung Down at the Berlin Opera House Shortly After performance Began. Feed your halt; nourish It; give it something to live on. Then it will stop hill“. Ind will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vlcor I: the only ‘cnuine hair-food you can ‘buy. It gives new life to the1 Mir-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And It keeps the scalp clean and hellthy. n. his um ot.to.ttanoatar.- "Bobt toe our I53,” van." (ofy Hair 13 Extra Zonal d " a curious mob. n end at "A Hot Time" y result in several court The porn-mm: is accused I... ""'tiTlSfiii"iii"i'r"iFT=". tautidr.P' qer'ili!lii, Rt LF Mrs John Tim- and Mrs A H also Messrs: Nath r, of Centtcviifc. HOOK more Characters an" m End a copy M "100 Years' Pro- gnu In Waterloo County" to you: It“. Over m ”an. Price Mtr m -901 " any _ End a; 12: an, tpf M! W 're/ Thornton & Douglas vi) The arromptutimetMs during; th- evening wore played by M. Alton H. "rtier, on the organ, and mum A. Wmloh And M, Zmllnvr on ihe [SI-no. 'ever held by the srhool, The inn.» ehttrrh was crowd“! m ttte rinuugml the "programme was numuaily 'arttt'., lent and greatly wprvclatml. Supor- mlmdont A. Wcsrlnh prmnl-‘d L: a happy manner. The _ut0l'i'9urtttr? 11'tls sisted of thirty-six srlccttorvs. aarl Hr eluded chorusrs by the srhonl and ditierrnt Classes, trios, duets and so Ms, dialogues, "(Nahum and drullu and all who participated at'qunlwl themselves in a my creditattle and pleasing manner, The Flag nrtl1 by twenty gills, tinder the :lirorhun of Miss Ethel Ziegler, was excellent Th! pastor, Rev. H, ll Muslin", mu gratulntrd the school upon its nu crlhnt Work. in mnnrrtlnn wnlh the church, [mind of teaching prizes the members ot tne tttSoo! brought ofreritwt which an: Ming distrihutcd to the Hospital, Orphanage and 'c) poor lo-d-y. The annual Christrtt:ts Cnittiarn. ment in CrWttecttott with Trinity Meth cam Sunday School, tua, tr-H rm Thursday evening an! tr, as ','roPoul' rd to he one of the mm; sr.misful SUCCESSFUL Chrintmu Goods we arriving daily. For A few days we no window. m, no alto showing a window at bountiful! Vaaoa, yam Cbrintmn put-chm" while choice in mint. Do it now away. And um part of it is a pleasure in “all. 'ili' A Happy & Prbs‘perodsi New Yeafli BALL " THE (rrardmms, Plumbing nnd Heating ; WALPER BLOt K. - Hard were, Stoves, Tinwure, Plumbing and Pipe Putting. Store Near Post Office, BERLIN. - - - Plan _ X Rays Raisin Seeden. No. 20 em Poodt', oppm. Carve ems: Knivn, Forks. Spoons. Sines. Hockey Sticks, Pucks. make as big a. blow or show no others, bug we have the 3005: gt. . v. vuueiuwl preset". we would tugged some of the following lit-...-. '. l Nlckol plated m tsnd who pots in zll 9123:. From 400 up to '2.g0 Linton assortment L town. Nickle plum Hays In dimsrent dun, round, out or oblong. Crumb can in All sttls. Table knives and for“, And trdfd, Pocket Iplvoo. uh to use oar new llno of “Smoked Poul" handled III 3.. Shear: and scissors la the celebrated "Wise" brand or “Chou”. Lui, In: brewery column and Lutisa' 59:9. Tool chameflr the boys', air mien, ""Ni I hockey won Ind pooh. _ Do n u: [all to no Ibo new ttandurleieh bdrm you bay. The best 7 /i' on the math t. ' CH INAPALACE. KING SREET, BERLIN A few Pointers For C)rritttmtiprestnts we would Nickel placed has at! tnttso pots Luge-t nucqmouc L lawn. Nickle oh: The new HardwareStcre. Guelph, Chatham. Limited. Berlin, in just M much a. man'n " n After tho holidays II tt I. I nub. We keep up Assortments And give you jut to good there is no let. up here. You will itud such gluing an tU priced away below some atom, who no doing} deal not. [ KING ST. WEST. Christmas Presents We wish our ca‘stomeua ' ENE. 37-76363; ' CHINA _ PALACE t ,‘IWOLFHARD & co. .,:1._'. ENTERTAINMENT . E. POTTER Underwear Lined glovu Heavy 50: Working shins prmnlv‘d id a i'"'"' Il-)x;'.lmm'.‘ H‘ll~ , and whom. a:ul Ins ’51-‘11 , sthool and} Mt duets and so 1r.u,, Inns mid (hulk L- . Good & Co. $llmilliitilt't BOTTOM F RICE S HYMMEN’S for Shoppers rave; tht has." of tnr%ntitr And an!“ I denire lo convey our hqBrtle1t that and wprqelanon ot the may low "I “mummy and the ole“ at 11.30! received during “Inna f, The Berlin treasury w“ boosted on Friday by Police Magnum Weir at, the Police Court as the result ot the land made on the house of ill lame kept by Mrs. Luau on Christ- mas night. HEAVY FINES WERE IMPOSED Headquarter! tor all nim- of 3mm hat 1 ('ARD OF THANKS Jr Vanni ftitii7hiiii Do it now And Ids than Winter up. Fur-lined out: Boys' ovum-u Men's overcoa- an may} at uni Caz-van in pain; 0 acts. Wu may not showing I 160 BERLIN. Phone 142

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