Pai M‘u paid by an Unit-cl Mull n In last union, '7 __ toiiretotttepeoriethtt #5 t.t; (rest possible use ot " 'rt'at'e light. tstat And power put- 'i'it'rs,"t Iain ot Congress was 4; "thr lama! nil out the country ig' a two he right to mnuhcture i " hell We weaate products ol - . an. an Haul-ho lurnlshod a r V T 'ttr unlimited supply to run . k. WU, 1nd furnish than: _ M and but. It has, howev» 49".“ {and necessary by the Sen. 3Ҡa." u nmendrnent to the De W Ml Aet, in order that 'jiher'tt'": and intention my In San“ out. The nmcndmnt which "e. hm. by Senator Hot m. bl North Dutch. is meow-l can! ot enquiries in Germany and ottid cannula where alcohol hat .4 tarttttr “placed outer Incl: tor light, "." nnd point. Win the Depart- wt M Agrlullture got their experts be a» volt-u n: loud am the Act on no luck privileges as was oft r L' an fiii lit th um: , a?†«we: other loci: tor light, and poi“. When the Depart- Answered promptly. -- meat at Agriculture got their Mr. C . T l “ experts mt ventured to put questio I.“ we: Mud that the Act to Mr. Beck as to the cost t 'le, on' - no N privileges L, was I town ot transmission of power? ll: ch N - _ . - . . It nigh-t ultimately result in Jamiâ€??? :dromptly and pointed- 2: For irpirita, but theri, “I. a. .n'swer rend.†to appreciate the by In; in the Act which made it , ti Mr. ilu' that†at.last assured by “we tor " V imp/explain the situa- Illlas , tttte to produce al ho) ton to one ot M type Wtut an t M tit u be mule a. regular busincs ‘rnpossibility. I " ter Bi in" and n. ' still producing Bl l'Mtr.'Bec' pointed out that no rom- " a. "T seven to ten gallons t gnaw? ot outlay, such as Mr. Cant , r. . to“. To“??? be made until it was a an . . The Interim Revenue Commission- iedgd ts “p J/t"ti,',y,llt' were it er and Co , For ot power scheme." nun Hill, ot C ut added that anvwa c id . w 1lt"f,e'd"'tr,'l'2d' to 0mm; ot the point was unmlyl'ed if: t'?le . ' . - JW 'the nitration null In" tttrt returned. :1 It,' lam. that the government stak- E investigated the 1; in may regglaftion on the figures al- Ih Greet Britnln, France mad Germ f “Talmud by the ettgipccrs, n Bred t that they had no w try. mam“, ot end.ers sent im lor Ge' de. b tht,"': m e dir rowrr to all points in th, d ring completely acutur_ Egg-fl“ " Alcohol than they had in buying - F y other at t r L' lcle kept tor sale. POWER BY'LAW a iiiii7ili,'tf the lumen construct Rhslai h _ on their own ms. am at . l their waste prodrcts ' ink i NDoRSEDi‘ - which on being denatured - - " we . , anti: ia . ting'; . U to at liberty to use tor my - su Mee ' Held m , J“l'PoIe that they wished. The form uetph Last Thursday ' _ or just erect: " mu and sends tot Evening. 1 F the local revenue omcer who t - . a w"iii n ' a their Guelph, nl Dec 2 " , carbine: made in “immune: hundred rate†. 7.-- sescral l with Goyernme t . payers ot tbe Uity ut , n segutatioatr. All the U_aeiph Bstsembhd l . I I I III . n the city hall to- p so“ into the con- wt and listened to addresses 'e S;';',' ';ttlff, 3133161, and the tar- Hon. Adam Beck and other I hy an aunt in " 111er ot do h l " chum-ions at cheap vowcrp o""'", “M91, . _ " o o The in crest dis l , ' , " faking tle sauna being by the w,' ole p and throughotrt {5:3th tirooiere pummel. m marked Lid ' ering “8 most at“. iner i. ' [ at the Be, when a ,_m . , E" II ily hill, the .tanding mm ot endures ion . . one I riugaitt tor, end than. every man in the hall “a he d.ustttea the container, urea-ure- tle feet. â€mug . , o . F . 2,tt counts. ‘1th the process ol Jgtg'1d'ft remarked. alter the Cty,?, T ring (adding some ingredient: cen such 8 di a had seldom betore Mttet T link. it impossible tor the " mimity ispUg ot complete “r w to he the: lot We M . l In . _ nyor " hem hm _ gepur amtth oyt't,e,t"t1t,'d,2e',"d'l' the producer 1' n I e spur": of the evening were I; I: ta 'a,u,',td he like- with it. f."It'l) Dryer. at out; secretary 1;“ w“ never the intrntiun ot (on. G; Jd "l, ttt Guelph; Hon. Ari-m kn "P" to “will! In! the people atth osrhl yuccr Richardl. The L', or†d . t n proorumme we! observed 5.9mm lemurs as they hat Ehery Quuti . " the on Answered. i',rti mercy of the Standud Mr. Benn celled tor any u .rt ' x__:DII Tertrt. Ttto madman law prv which tnicht be ttshed and xiii“: 5,_‘M we I OMA I I: S. _ tiealty follow: the In 'r,e',' te, been propoundrd he spade ; 9‘ â€and to work so well in G'er phi-gums“!!! “fume“. lucidly n- }. 'e n and will eaab ' ' eiery pant nhich had torn "Jilin“: "u m le people to man srought W. J"'. dena ted alcohol u read Parti t . l i, u th m - cu " stress we: laid upon uln- ey eke potash. act that the introduction ot Nviugnra 7 _. ower would mean " suing "t ct ___ .-- --.. ...lIy .n (r,r9rtfAe.",'. - my I": u , Pr - eon-Md at I can In: ff. - T, U _ It,, “U any a Tom-u mm to 'tritvtttry te , e'" .e run comm; FUEL, mull!" CHEAP LIGHT IN â€Tatum. but. tc-P. W. Hothman, $hiet Elvinxr of t. Hydro-humâ€: Mn (comb-ion give me wind fl anol 104.1 the eitimarM taxes (or old ad house lighting m Ma on (leaned rower in Toronto {no - "e. 'riGii-ut I ting, than tour. igts Ion-um “9mm. I - an Iron motor q 'm- that! P' MW Iron motor memo: 're.- M Cum l "ttttann I.†that W for?" ttitrtm', " m m . w». Peer ." tl n -"'" “atâ€. HOUSE AND OFFICE a: bIEx. I can“ per a. 1an my no tt I on“ In “a, N out. Co:.,-Doc. u.-“lovod by who? ox-Mayor lull Handy. would by trendy ' Baht. Minor, II. that an: - In cool in; cordially endorses the work ot the , the p. hydro-electric commission under tho'colnmu Outario Gchrnmtnt mi strongly - proioo ot tho Nimra power bylul l to be submitted to tin "terers on. January 1." After The lmegolng resolution [maul si-Ut' ‘0 molt without dissenting vow by the trol ot than meeer to-night in the town’ "But MII, presided over " Mayor Thorns owtterl son, who had with him on the rlat- 'trt tod lorm Hon. Adam luck, J. W. Lyon, He l chll tr, Ald. Fryer, chairman oi the burden union ol western ruuuicipalities on tths entaile power seheme; Aid. J. M. Cuneron, tit the WD., and the members ot tho gov- scheml ernment engimering stall. l "Th The meeting was largely at nded ed. "T by reprcs Hallie citizens, embr 'ng payer manhunt-ens, merchants, protests" 11- Pl? k n ma, mechanics and others. ll tion ' were in sympathy With all the s [ k- eoat e :rl out! only one man present as ery ul wt ot trecord with the proposition. Me this was ex-Mtryor Hugh Cant, who iect 0 h“ wrltt n letters in the Gait Ite- power annex outlining the hydro-electric the g power 3nd in other ways op- did m mud the government proposition to unless 'uppty chop lower to the people. wool; m t aueiph,"thst., Dec. 37.-- seven“ hundred ratepayers ot the City ut Guelph “ambled in the city hall to- niylt and listened to addresses by Jon. Adam Beck and other promin- l " tttaovim" at cheap power. The in crest displayed throughotrt by the w;ole g Ming was most marked, mad at 'tli,?,??:',:,,',. when a. Jar-din; vote at éndona 'on ,was Mun. every man: in the hail sprang to his feet. vex Hon. Mr. Beck remarked. alter the meeting that. he had uldom below 34m such a dispiay ot complete un- annuity. Mayor (£1th iii, duly Dimming Voice at Power Meeting " Thursday. Evening and He Reload to be Answered. ._.._.-,. Mayor {Iceman acted n Chum“ and the speakers ot the evening were President Myer, at out; gecrevary I. w. Lyon, ot Guelph; Hon. Mun Seek and Lng'mecr Richards; The sschl pro.,rumme VIII observed. Ewry Question Answered. gun s?astit uetph dam manhunt-ht "dllr.tC,tt1ll'r,Tdl717C'/"ii"tiii", i'iii"i'iuTGi'ijr-aeerr4e mad-.dbm‘m nust--s,dseor,+" ttta::',',),,':,":,:':,';'), 1’4“â€,- - amt-Q ' Ilt,1 l been sick they and Scott’; Emul- C,'7i,",,'iiniiiiruieiruot-aet"o*h. B,,tts--trourhrtse".'r', mum“ in»: you a,a'tt-tot" iiultortre-uhq-it. " os.Arirtss - h all Vaud- by frosty mum to an m at mum n- " ml: . an!“ u would â€mud ter'.the - than. to any Inwlll‘ent column»! Atter Men“; to Port ' m ‘onderlul mom with trol ot mm ummu, It. no unndcrlul snea- with m coir trol ot public militia, w. Back uid "But I'm not going to uni public ownarliip; tt you ‘don't know Vp w. n in today you will some by." He then preceded to show What bum monopolies tad tssl systems entailed on the people, And whn mo " there uould he in me pom-I scheme proposed by this government "The no ut this power,†he “phi! ed. “will not tax the ordinary tatc payer one “at. .lm unrammr “ill my tor it all. ond we wand “in tion will be lowered by the mung in cost over the present "t'ste'n m ev ery utility to which it is nppliwl." He " in conclusion thar. Ur oi, sect oi the bylaw was merclr to gin power to the council to treat wul the government on this question but did not bind the council in any wa' unless they felt that the proposition Wu right and proiiutrle in every wa in the putllc. Other waders were Mr. J. W. Ly on', Guelih/Dr. Canzurn and tin l cluirmnn I.“ of whom stated heir' hearty concurrence in F the power scheme and urged the adoption at the bylaw to be voted onus, Juuury. ln wounding the ruolution Mr. ll Hakeem crawl a. strong inipres sion by citing the instance at the in terttational Huvelter conrpwy's lo- cation in llnniilton solely on mmunl' ot cheap power. He uncured that th future ot the Canadian mnnulncturin. .industry was bound up imepnrahl with this great problem, which Nia gartr Falls energy, through Covert must agency, was tally able to wit People are cy minced that Nigger power is by no mews entirely tot mtrruWtrtvrertr, but will 3.130 he ' boon to [rivnte citizens grid 3 rvlscl ‘to genital taxpgyers. ' - 1 A tote ot thsn's wt: curtel by 'Ald. Nsootead, Seconded by AU. Ete wart, and the motion at _I'utiorsatton ot the by-law was put by Aid. Lynn, IcCOnded by Ald. Ryan. lutement that, owing to cottrfUions here, the cast at diguilmuun ir Iluei'.h would be the suulles't at an) tHee in the district, ot “If; -edrrieU withdut a nliqsuxmn' vote; In fact, not I word u! (iiwnt was heard timing the wicte evening. CLOSE STORES " 7 O’CLOCK IN sOTTWM Ottawa, Dec. 27.--'rhe city 'uumeil an its third reading to a by-hor, dosing at 7 o'eloek sum-any nights " [laces ot business cscepi, grocery scorn, fruit stores, Jigsaw .lops " as, ddries and LOUNLU “how "' " these must close at o o'rlocr:. The bglaw carried ny .. '.arge lit ioritr, but . notice ot reconsidaza tion In given. Another meeting wtll he he†lc- marrow night to dhpoue of this. . The" n considerwle ill-feeling a- mong certain truth, trsrrtieularly the trents' tumbhingl. In time- that no to memory lost, In mm My: of yore. ’ hey tell me that . Bible colt A thhuund pounds or more; And 1 un not at all unwind THE 500K THAT ISN'T READ, -ii irevcrence ot old- Methinks that thingl no cttietty priz- Br “M they cost In gold. . For men would toil in‘dayu at old Through annexing; intense To “In a. book that now is sold l'H For six or level: umâ€; 1nd In. Wm. Redford. The arrogata that win have to be paid by the Ccuoty of Wentworln as Its share at ttct cost dt pupils attend- ing high “hook outside the county are: t;mithsiile, 822.26; Cllcdonia â€150.19; Berlin, $62.t Urimlby, 3258,19, Gan, t135.00. routs to Port At thug to Port Arum: QM lot eta be 1t C7 ' ... __.._ . " . Ibo-mp!» Vac-h. “with.“ In» â€Mal-Md tank - to - M1“: ieto.i-atrrsiaartit.tuut1iV nth-u Earle. “I w. not: Ind Mrtt children. no dad. and . ooh madam nub». . girl at D 'jrtghtuhet1.ttdt n-ulnuln r,tteM'g?ir'tt ou‘ can“. on "t “not. n 0 month at the any. At about 6 (eUloek 'dar Alt-moon mu. Lucy On the “qua-old dual)“: bl t).r?tsrurtt_ndniotttt 1'.le 'u. bu! been “nun; on it). luau-1k and wont into 'tts hour o! tttr quelo bmwu-m. aluminum-charm mm ot the nun: '" ah" VII but uncle. wpuenuy, _ That I‘ll bar Bret impmlloan. but much; Ur cum on an floor with um- out- “Notch trrl, m. ddooaogndbt'hhe . r . ohm a, b, died, Angkor comm. Hymn, lying on the Aoor unconlciom and 'tted.' Ind mulling um “ran; [a Bad l . lug herself reggMi'tl,1t,'t mn- oomn. the (hand Pt on: of bar cousin M rtlat out ot a hon-O, \Qmppin; ur. {My on tha In?! Ibo “-vvr-“v --_ --" -- - M [no tho Jun to c Mum-n working new“ the “not, It" mm rushed into “no homo, tot. lmved by other: and found tho “that! mum in his char cold in death. his wife and two wrung children Mb dud on the floor An I “a Budye burnin|_h_i¢h up Irnofly “Meshing In the next room lay the Melon tom of Arthur Earn, , tser-OM non, in bed, when hrdiU been my Med dick. Ho had Mummy - . . A __ ,_, "r7iiiGiiii"iiG"yrGajte (u bums} turned full on and I lid ott the up of the nova rtt,'e,t'"t tumee and slept triitr ta lick bed uneomseioua ot what was 30mg on in the next room with hie 'l'lldrll'i; through which the fumes ante hie room. 1 Mr. Karrie came here from Whitby about nine years no and wee employ- ed an night fumaeeman at the Vera million Works on the American side. He got up each afternoon at 4 o'clock and evidently an: enjoying the com- 'egt,"4hit, of his wile and little IF mr-old aughter, playing with her rietmae toys on the floor when the poisonous carbonic no fumes from the invited nanny-ids†from the open lid of t e stove gr ually stole on the little family cup unawme. The little (1:1 Myrtle was taken to her uncle'a home. A thorough search m made ot the premim I); Mr. Smith. superintendent ot the rovin- ciel Natural Gee Co., and two experts, whose pipes supplied the house. He aye there wu no tree gas or unburn- tUt visible and claims the “mil; di horn breathing air hom whie the oxygen)“ Att? Pped. 'aud iG%Un fume, The dead are: James Earth, father, 44 yang; Ella Harris, mother, as you"; Arthur Harris, son, " yearn; (intrude Harris, daughter, 5 you". Myrtle Harris, used 8 years. in not ex- Meted to live. Mrs. Han-in Vina 3 Miss Warn" at Whitby. A gloom has been out over the entire on?x bv the calamity that bu behllen t a little pw, tunily. The only oxplmation w y Myrtle had not succumbed to the lumen u handily as the other: in that she prob- inbly had been.out doom and coming _ ‘- . __ “A am"... a... Inmilv ably nan Well-un- uw... ._._ n" ' into the house and finding the family unconscious completely 001139001 Niqau Full» Ont., Dee. 28.-'rno coroner's Jury, on their personal in- vestigation of the little cottage “than almost the entire Harris family were wiped out of existence by the lumen of burnt [at his Wednudngl deer- noon, numb“! the gem ot lee nwu, W...“- - --_-' _ once of carbonic acid In or fumes h tram burnt no being in the room. t the chimney we: iound completelci . choked up with crumbling ot bri that the no bed esten out, and that I had teller: down into the hue oi the chimney. With this wee I lot of soot. Biling it belt-1mg up. It wee oi e 1 moist nature, In solid. showing no i ventilstion when"! up the chimney. l Over e bushel of the soot and debris , wee dug out of the chimney, when full vent wee reetored. _ 1 -"et Host Blistered His Side. ‘ It is probeble that Mr. Harris wee in bed, and swekening, feeling him. eeli pertielly overcome with the (es. Eli. on hie house's. and, staggering to the living room, seeing his wile end children on the Boor unconscious end the nuns burning high out of the open lid of the stove, tried to shut off the (u end tel unconscioue into the chair ne‘er the etove, (where he wee afterwards found, being so cloee to the stove that the heat blistered his left side through his woollen clothing. I The little daughter, Myrtle, coming In later, the strong fumes 'stifled her. It hoe been learned that Lucy empbell went beck the second time end tried to drag her snnt outside. ' but was unable, and ren outside for _ nuisance, She has been eont1ned to her had since. being very ill from the , "eeu of the [as ehe inhaled, Myrtle, the rescued girl, hes partly I recovered consciousness, and keeps up In Almost constant cry for "Msmme‘. ) Oh, where ie my murmur" p The coroner‘s jury dimmed: tor one week. Amncements hsve teen , mule for the funernl of the tour vio-I The coroner'- jury Imam 'ttte' week. ArmngerrtertU in mode tor me funeral of the “mo pen gram“. 213.311. SIX MONTHS' HARD Toronto, Dec, 173-8“ moans In I!!! Men-er Ruormnwry, with land labor, was the, ma Incl-(nu Deans-on imposed won llama! Mc- Vey, “and whom 1 do“, of steal; to; n In um mg. m the an “I. and Mr. Curry M the “a. " my ... an . my," all ll. the. {3,15uln tpd one“ I , yâ€. . f" _ L I". ah!“ HM}! "list - wing?“ her u "I!!! nu um. '.-- -- _.,, bible and claim: the 'ttlt n breathing air hom whie Mn had been burned wd with whoaic acid gas from Slck Icy Allo- The bond. mm IN MERCERIM‘“ m and to “I?†of no“ than tht out tttut-tdt-fi' ‘" _ 4 an“ my a! in Mo. to Mr. Curry. "an new â€a chat- to be “21‘ 8|: month In PATERSON’S 30. Souvenir af Miss A. B. Bean, Sonar Grade.“ Toronto Can-or" (my of Halo. TEACHERS " 100 Years Progress ". in Waterloo Git Toronto "Gt-tttor' of In“. Trent» UMnrmy. Mamet-0001p IRrest, thloo, Boob of ‘om 100 Pages/Wye" and Profusely lllqstrdtdd Parties wishing Coples sent By mall plug emclose 1 100 additional to otivdii'r'1rl, Postage. ‘ 7ij PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY TOOK SUDDENLY ILL. Pupil. prepared for onwlnltion " Miss E. L Bean, [Ill c. i., Frederick sum. l ttitmitt or V so any unusual Price Forty Cents .. w , THE T Buy on. of our m thgr Jiiiii1- '.V h as, jur'cith'ii, [ mon- tvet,', cpl 'U'l'td In up†01 to . _ i ' " "ma n -'aeuyefyht. T,T/d unset“. iiiiu"0tie-o"-ty,,, ' _ "s 8mm:- which we all a "a law who. _ 5’: J. ct)yu-'ii' . . CONRAD BR s, a» Sanderson’s Baker) (M It wnorloo "nry mm. Ind Bulb And In"! mun-Minor]. ' has!!!» . The [Ming Int lam. â€no mm of I ttn “mm .0 Math-tang. all!» 19M -. - ' iritrrtu.' m. M.V0|l. In» - m In. a! m (“I - mag." ttstM,aMeae? “- I. use ItittNMt, ,--rr,.,.PfNttt25 u... a. -"-__ Ian-1M W Fieiiieiitpt,18t,ti,ll. ("wound-Chm M.- --q. m -b OHIOIIDLI TRISH,“ I m mMrBAMa comm m “ll-Ill. ' 1100mm - /y, ===z=z=a======u----'--" TM M Mgt m" 9" 'T" 7 mam 11. "huiSatyts If}; Ydtralro, CA) WATEBLM [MUM .- I """ TI! â€VAL . r T "h " "a†. ' '1: Dominion WI, 1; .t-rBrqv- M hum-cg! -- / noun or Ian-amy- Idaho-I. Mi 5.25; S, C" Hi A ., - ,v' ' 9. " "s' A " "1,