Illldhready's 3' _ Shoes â€I.“ to Sonrelgn Bank mid Post "too, ' â€ME; to rrptal them foe wonr, dtsrdr'titr and prie x Right, my to the r 2.9....†£ng _r"fee": U_m- 19in}. and man‘s ttm, ahneu at,t2.00 An d ze', . rq._t-t-tav,stts; _'i' a Remeuiber‘we ere bound to clear out everything left over in 9;. Christmas Furnishings and Slippers. These we want to clear out ", 'eg- Christmas and New Year's. This is a splendid chance to 'et New Year's gifts at at Bargain prices. 5* 81,00 Men’s Moos Wool Lined Gloves, New Year's Gift price, 8t.48 'is/s,',,' 50 Men's House Slippers, New Yen's (lift price, 31.00 P men's 60e Pelt Slippers, New Year's Gift price, Me 1 “ref. 84.00 Felt Lined Shoes, New Year's Gift price, 82 60 - I t,Arw, .1 " Felt FoxedJAee Shoes, New Yen's Gift price, 81.40 l i 'Womin's $1.25 Felt Shoes, New Year’s Gift price, $1.00 . Everything broken in sizes It greatly reduced prices. _ ' j, _ came and See. i _ Left Over Sale "jtiiois critmroiciaijti' men he (lupliénmd "to - In. my; bid r $53}: T,' iiliuf m, all W. H. LEESON, [In Strut. - - . - I , in. d and mince pie from the mince meat we all might do "ittt up]... In». for lie or " tbe tor 1.00. The Season's Compliments from Hallman's Grocery, Berlin. VOL Mari. A. WESELOH & CO. Clothes, Shoot, Han, cup: an: Menu l'urnhhlnga A. S. HALLMAN, Grocer, "KMWM Klan SW, lull. =:i-..___._, A __-e-e-_- _ 'A' It 43.5.}! lorlln ill I - The Erbsville ('huroh t l Mr S Mum: Grok sud “an at: . en "him-mm .r,",'/,d',Td â€PM tlt 'lla,",', WM s themed sum-cc, A Me long '32“! relatives and aeqtmhttartees most-mine Y†giott cmtsuurtg uf b F ulna Geo. Pitcher of ‘W‘loha, Iceman!" um ammo, in . TUttar a hin hon. m. 11. Mr. Otd tea. Enoch Fowler WM um, 1am.“ of Mg. m. m “I 'tn-ttent Ln Hanover; re'. ot _ a m Beet If. M! In John Kurt ot Ber- “on! In. Ar. Alipwup- I. h" D M (In Inlet mew- m at AM‘ M "ilT 0: III. A t I irtrttetrrtiiii.c c1tt06t - ...,1.I!m-.mmmqu I Mr, and Mrs, John Hiihorn of Tit, , sonhurg nrn visiting trimrds here. Mr H. Eltord " Holmcsvllle, Mr. and Mrs J. Knight and children of (Judith and Mr. and Mrst. A. Riennie ot London "re thr gm‘stu ot Mr A. Knight rhe MISSI‘I Nora um! lice Snim " Hran are holidaying i)lii' o. uamnhl root, Mr. and Mr . H, 1l'ii,,2'; and duuzhtcr and Mr. J ir'.".'",' ot Mitchell spent Xmuqawwk at his' home here. Mrs, l Colrman in visiting {fiends m Marybnmugh Mm Margaret “anon ot "mm IS 'lherrnlayintr at her home Miss Vera if‘ramr is spending the week in Glen. "om, w, and Mrs Bram-die otnear [Iridrlbvu 'pep' Monday at Mr Illntwrt ll‘ustrrn. Mr, um) Mrs. A, Barring spout New Yrarh Dar in il':';;',',', At the annual Inn-ting ot the. The young couple have taken up their relidcnre in Radon. We extend good with" In! a happr 1nd pro-perm†married me. Quiet Wedding-h quiet wedding took place at the home ot Mr. N. Shanu last Wednesday, Dvc. â€,wa thrir eldest daughter Mary was tnar. rird to Mr. Dave Gardiner ol Baden. RS†NLHrickrr (mrrchant) Hwas cry-q "1tur tor this year. ' l Logs are coming in, last to the I ,local saw mill yards. The recent tine “slashing has been very favorable for fthe hauling ot logs. Mr. Matthew , Schummer who had been seriously ill “with typhoid fever for the past six weeks, is fast recovering. Mr. Jacob .‘Winkler, Bumbag, has been engaged Vs may Mr. Peter F.'Schummer, the local general merchant. Jack is well known and well liked in St. Cle ments and we are glad to have him in our midst. Mr. v. lloin has mov- 1 ed into his new home which he trect, l, cl 0d the past summer. The residence is ' addition to St. t'lcmeots' wary handsome residences, Our vil- ( loge received visits from the . Berlin City Hand and We Bridgeport Band during the past week, who onlhenod ’procux‘lings somewhat, The publisr ‘school reopened on Thursday, Jan, lard. The local hockey team playeda game with the Elmira team on Wid- Incsdav, Dec. Mth, the score being " all. Personal.-- Mr. Edward Leyes, Mishawaka, Ind., left on Wednesday tor Macton after a few days’ stay in this locality. Mrs. J. G. Meyer, Waterloo. visited with Mr. and Mn. Jos. E. Meyer, during the holidays. Mr, Emil Meyer,Hrerlin, visited his parents here on New Year’s Day. Death of Mrs. Geo. Meyer. - There died at the home ot Jacob , Meyer, ion Monday, Dec. Mth, s. eorge Meyer, one of the olde reside s at St. Clements. Deceaser was to n i Baden, Germany, . , bein c, Lye-airs. 8 months and 15 days ol at â€he time of her death. She on g t- ed to Canada in the year 184 , com ‘ing direct to St. Clements a rd living in this vicinity all her lite. In the year 1847 she married Georg Meyer who predeceased her eighteen wars, To them were born eight .c 'ldren, frve ot whom survive, viz.: Gem . 8,. Jacob Sr, Adam S,, John S., St. Clements; Mrs. L. 1"reiburgt'r, Ha _ berg. The children who predeceased them are Magdalena, Joseph and Adelgunda. Deceased was a twin sister to Mrs. John Stroh who died two years ago. The funeral took place at ten o'clvck, Wednesday, Dec. Mth to the R. C. church [or services and thence to the B. C. cemetery for interment. . ___ ' -"wV ---v '12" t ot 21 years, she emigrated to Can- i Ida, living on the larm now owned t by Mr. John Adams and Mr. Jae. Runstedler, St. Clements. ln 1852 ) she married Chas, Starr who pre- I deceased her three years ago. Ten years ago they moved to the village ot St. Clements where they lived a retired lile. They celebrated their golden Jubilee in the year Mi02. They were blessed with eight chil- dren, six of whom survive, yrz.: Am- ,brose, Mrs. Jacob Itunstmiler, Mrs. P. K. Schummer, Mrs. John Aduml,j ist. Clements; Mu. John Hergott, ’Hespeler; Sophia, ot the Sisters of [Nome Dame, Milwaukee, Wis. The] deceased children are Tilly and Cath- larine. The funeral took [lace on! Friday, Dec. 28th, at ten o'clock to! the R. C. church and cemetery tor iservice and interment. l, Death ol Mrs. Starr.--Mrs. Chas. Starr died Tuesday, Dec. 25th, at the age of 79 years. Deceased was born in Alina, Germany, in the year 1827. In the year 1848, at the age “I "' .._ __ I _ Mmmmumoooul EOur BuSy Jiii"ir"i"i b‘ors e""""""""----., NEW DUNNâ€! News Notes CRossmLL WATERLOO. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, ST. CLEMENTS Gathered by Industrial" Cormioudeau in County and District. __ _, V. v‘..‘. null tlrll WIIU .0 n i 0 ittions. I 5 I at UAW SVII l g t- , com Mr. Fred Sid wan living, I led on irien here In the an; f . _ Snyder Meyer 'spvml r, some tim ytars, t Mr. M, nald 1 Ple, 5mm Ch is as at I] el Min Ella. During who VIII ill with uphold fever Mr the Itot few wee“, ha Alma“. recovered. Mr, George Allen I: visiting n-la Mm in Berlin. all sat down to a dainty wedding rc- imst and then Iponl. the owning in simainq and playing gamru, The prrsents wow costly as well as umlul We arc sorry to see the bride leave our community, hut wish Mr. and Mrs, Wifhc‘m a happy nnd prosperous We. Among the gum“ Mr, and Mrs. J. Wir pa rm" of the groom A quiet but pretty wedding was Iolrmnlzul at the home or Mr. and Mrs. David Saran]: at Sauhle Line, Hay Tp, on chnmday, Dee. 12th, when their "rhoghter, Misra Lucinda, was unilnl in marriage to Edward Wilhrlm nl "Mr Baden, ont. The bndo lunkl-d charming In a cram silk droas trimmed wth whlte and carry- ing a bouquet of white Mwrre She was assmm by Mr min. Adeline and MISS Susannah Wilhelm, aisle: of thr groom, while the groom was sup-‘ ported hy Mc-sus. Ed, Miller and Clayton Smith, Allrr the ceremony] all sat, down to a any.†mm... w.. The "Herald," Zurich, the followng report of the up; Baden bor.- ed at his home here. Miss M. Donald 'o er Christmas holidays with (‘onestogo friends. Mr. and Mus., Graham Lackner of Essex spent Christmas at the formerâ€: home. Rev. and Mrs. Edgar spent Christv mas With irirmis in Corrie. Mr. and Mrs, Ned Winn spent New Years at Hamilton. Miss Nettie Shelly cl Berlin spent Shrisunas at her home here. Mr. John Prey ot Listowri vis, ited " mother. Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Cunningham of Berlin spent the holidays with retiring-s. Mrs. Gilii~ iand at Forest visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cunningham. Mr. Henry Prey spent a week with friends in Clifrord. Mr, and Mrs. Print of Williamsiort are visiting at Mr. F.‘ S. Spies. Emma and Mange] Lack..; ner sir-nt Wednesday in Berlin, Mrs, Glover Tanner of Milbank is visiting here at. present. Mr. liiehaedson spent Christmas at his home in Hmntiord. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fenian are visiting at Mr. tt MiaIlum's, ‘Messrs. Noah and Julius Suddeh 'traurr visited their mother here last week. Mr, Ben Ballard of Toronto visited at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Winn spent Christmas at New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Al.. bert Snyder ot Alberta are here on an extended visit. Della Sonimerville ot Toronto spent Christmas at her home here. Mr. F, S. Spirs cccu“ pied the pulpit ol the Methodist church on Sunday even us, the pan- tor, Rev, Sterling, being “my iorl his holidays. Mr. Fred Sid Wald of Wingham led on irien here st week. Mr. an; f . _ Snyder I Alberta are spun r, some tim with relatives. Mr. M, nald Lunily of Berlin smut Ch is as at his home here. Mr, Oliv r Landing ot Wingham visit- ed at In" home here, Mice " mum†holidays at the home ot her parents, IBM. and Mrs. A. Mueller. lean. . Norman and Allen Geouet renewed "acquaiatances here last week. 'lr. I Ed. Knlhtleisch ot Michigan is visit.- _ _ tug at the home ot Mn. Poth. Chats, ) Futher of Waterloo visited at hi- . home here on Christmas day. Mr. (,r'i') Hroadhectwr ot Fte.n visited tun-nus here on Christa“, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Futher of Berna vi.itext ’rclatlrrs here over Chistmas. Mr. 'and Mrs. P. Alloway spent Christmas' (visiting friends in Cobwrg. Mr. !and Mrs, Isaac Billion; of Elmira ,visitrd at the home ot Mr. A. Hil- born on Chriartrnarr. In. Levi Bock It Chatham was a. vlcltor hero'lut I week. Mrs. Shaun Halted “lends at I Elmira and Linwood last wrek. Mr. ‘and Mrs. David Knarr ot New Ham- ‘bdrg visited here on Christmas day. Mr. Weston Krupp ot Toronto Uni- ,w-rsity is spending " Christmas holidays at his home hem Mr.Ram- _ say of Oeen's University, Kingston, I and Mrs. Chas. Sunk-tel ot Platsville and Mr. Memo Rellinger of Berlin were the guests ot Mr. and Mm. Jesse Clemens on Christmas, Lou says business is good. lt must be last week he was in receipt an- other wine clerk whomme o stay. 'T'mtm"u%tidyns. . ' PIRBSVILLE guests present were J. Wilhelm of Bath R, BADEN _ a week with friends and Mrs. Print of visiting at Mr. F', and Mange} Lack. was sup-‘ Jan, "te-Stock iller and of John Watson at ceremony, Fm). S-Stock ar contained marriage Itt Donald with Mas. spent “Hungry-raw» Powdered Roda 1 i r -.- I Salt Pater “:1“: {far-f smut: â€a" r 21'l'r','.' Epsom Salts, ete. mug)? '21u' gala: Find an pared “d st “to Wood Cooks “at prion " l a,“ 10" wood Feb, 20-Stoce and implrmcml ot Henry Schaelcr, 1 mile ion") at Erbsville. Petr 19th--t'stock and Implrmoms of Fwd. Fault", I miie wul ot Mei- delborg. llilnllnfl1li Jan 23r6-F'stoek and implomrntsor Wm. R. Stroh, lk miles north or Conestogo, J. lk Snyder, l date, Jan. lG-Stock and implements of John S, Wilhelm, a miles north ot Baden, and 2 miles Inst ot Bt. Agatha. , Jan, lt-Stock and Implements ot Henry Melllzer, 1 mile west of Strasburg, ' 2tttd-stock Ind impiernots, ol Adam Meyer " German Mills I Jan, 15--nsrm ot the In. Conrad Neeb, " miles can of Bun? Ind 2§_milcs south of St. Clemen .. .V l There was a fair attendance at the when] meeting Wednesday. Mr; Tait was appointed trustee in Mr. Gim- bei's place, Mrs. Will Redford and Mrs. Alice Bedlord ot Bloomingdale called on lriemls in this berg last wcek, Miss Cornelia Clemens is holi- daying with friends in Gait. Mr, S. Snyder ol Bloomingdale and Min Alice Snyder ol Berlin spent Christ- mas day with their sister. Mrs. W. S. Weigand. Mt. S. Wiegaod of Lima, N. Y., preached in the U. 8.; church Sunday afternoon and even- ing. Miss Verda Unger of Bungle. N. Y., is spending her holidays with her parents and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson McMinn and daughter Irene ot Cleveland. Ohio†Mr. and Mrs. John Mattie at James- town, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Thoma: Mame, Mrs. Gertie Melina, Mr. Thos. McMinn ot Bullalo were the guest: ot their uncle. Mr. Samuel Hilborn during Christan: week. , -e_'___ u-v Wyllvllll' ly, good. Prosperity and abundance are found everywhere. Never More _ were workmen so highly remunerated (ir" their toil, the agri‘mltuml cus- ‘ses especially realizing the granted thuutciat results ever yet attaimht in (that line in Canada. During the past season many improvements have been erected. Homes are 00mg made brighter and more beautilul. The ro- sources of art are being utilized in the beautification ol farm homes and most assuredly everyiiiing [onus to an age ot greater comfort, intelligen- ce and luxury in the Inn home, Mr. Baker. former principal ot Elm]; school. visited West Montrose in t interest of a Winnipeg real estate firm. in Elmira he succeeded in sell- ing over any Winnipeg lots in one day. Winnipeg is booming. i Jonah moms. Monomer N -- -'-e_r-. nun. LWl-HUIJ. Rev. Gulch has 0011ch an excel- lent series ot revival aeryhx. " Wat Montrose. Mr. Noah Gingerittt is re- elected as trustee In West Mon-truce section for the ensuing three you". ll. Boul went on a visit to friends at Parent and Kimatrce on Frida last. The New Year opens fin-11:13“ specially bright and moi-l perous condition: tor 1907. Through- out all Cam tlmes are enseptlonal-J Gr «and "- n . V There was a unusual; Festival., Ttus Granl at West Montrose I!“ a grand suc- cess. The table was splendidly 'nur- plied with ewry luxury sud delicacy ot the season. Rust fowl in abund- ance was lreely supplied to the mul- ltitudc that thronged the (all. The tabla were simply superb with ex! lquislte menu that was served. At the lelt corner ot the hall I matt" cent Christmas tree was gorgeous and glittering with a "Mod and bril- llsnt array 0! presents. Ex Rave Howlet occupied the chair in s most neceptsble manner. Then tot, lowed a glorious Chrlstmu program, Songs, enroll sud speeches and well rendered mlhtions prolonged tn on: joyment till s late bout, When alt went home more than delighted with the Christmas Festival and reunion. Mr. Fred Richwood d Yorutrire, Ellyn-i. paid a Chrhtuul “In to West Moutmae. Miss Annie Ibut [was to Linwood w: wcek to his Charm of S. S. No. 18, Wellelley. Christmas Wativai.-'me rand Christmas Festival., Tho Gun! at West Montrose was t grand suc- cetta. The table was splendidly sup» plied with awry luxurv nu: brand Mr. [who my h on s 'titt to In. â€rental home tor the withâ€. [in Edith Bowman ot the bacon- m Taming School. unnamed by the lethodin church, in ham tor he: mutton. . AMTIOI SAL“ ', JANUARY 3 1997 was-r non-nos: LIMERICK FOR ek and implemrnis at Winirrhournr, and Implements of mile north oiFlora- reunion. an - [Pom-Ion Paul-cu!“ _ No 9, bu “which; land with "-" ttttth “I." I mum. “on “that pales non l Gnnlh 1r,','et:ttifititst No. 9.1m . 9-inch and a 3 Inch cooking In]... the of our: " "when. tod with stool high and! mad war-Ila. oh)" "o. who 50.00, stock um. W400) Peerless Peninsular Range I â€.1111! PrtstouUrs, No. Bruin: oven. not nickelod. 27.06, nook tttt PrhrerNM. 1 mega". Pawn-“Int. No. 32. witkgnpn. not nlchlrd. MMO, “In. price 50 Mk , El’gmt Peninnulnr. No ' .qutro, not. rlckcilod. TMâ€. "out kiln. prion 10.75. 2 Elegant Panlnmlu. No. " Iqunn. e"" non. “out mm. price 28.50. Granite Peninsupr Range price IMO, Eiegant Peninsular Coal Hedrert, / " no. "' an“ Oak and Fad" m 11.60. 1 N . mm. to on prioaum, nook “Hm uric. n.50.° ll7Btar Oak “d "a". "I. Iemnu pm. 13.00. “not Star Oak Coal Heaters Tortoise Coal Heaters Ths Boll. Cod Ram in u ldn "a " ead .terv-o MW†-tmt n w honor. p ry y 8 Jd," 'lfgllsh,g Ila-ton, No. 10. Regulu- tolling who um. um tab. tttttgt, â€miâ€? â€7' 1fitt,l $.11? It l, ,'?h"ll'll.utit m 1ti'it u 09 . a on. o. . warmth. do. A/l" {only $0110 Cod Hum, Nam I... ufftb't r,At noel “may prion MD Walker Oak C oat Heaters Boss Oak Heater Ml 1 The Weiehel’s Weekly Store News __, capo GOODS LOW pmcgsi @9113?ng for Steak Taking j " KING STREET EAST " srl." 8}}; Oak and p, s. SAUDER so 003 ! T010130 non] he star, I 80:10“ coal heater l Waleert Ont with oven. . with: ee 17.00, nook “kin 0! 12.90 I Walker'. Brillhnt Inge mar '/,t1r.t: 1800. qtor.k min: r.,te " M King Street East. Berlin, assortment. with“; One. use one. sud rot “nor? are Bin-elf. I'Mpel’l In the Fi.dtir known, and In the u GOLDEN OAK, Ive, would like you §WBEI’¥R.U " In one of we wound “to you to carefully col-{doc the lub‘ 8weEeeR. It In one of the mm Mu] In!“ Jan"., bouts. As it "mp an", and mute. no dust. it U - lawn an lubon of the homo and Ink. 650*! Ee‘llhful by not. “Hag the dun. Tho best 7004...!“ BISSEL’S " mai, Store for the People. We Do whiiltiry Sq New "ara' Suggestion.“ . 1(' I'M n In the mint mun! the 'n. we; m thus â€not to by?“ @1chan .usyry mad I." m mm" but; iriaciahiii"a"d'a And you will never be without. on SMYTH BROS. w," _ l New: tttr1hrait ovum“ 826 to '66 Meat ovoreocu 4.95 to us F Yonnu' overcoat. 4 Mt lo 'lit now â€one“. 2 60 to N . Matt's sulu 4.96 to $15 Youtho' Inn: '3 to .10 Boy:' mm 1.95 to .6 M01}. fur collar- , 50 to " ' Silk amnion 5nd mun 500 to " Wu, tnrttism Mes to .1 Silk tte. IN, to 750 Silk handkerchief; Me to " , Shirk, qtitf body, 750 to L26 _ “hint, not: body, 500 tor60 Bun, Wu, W, to 2 tit) Soft. an and huh-n 50tt to 2 50 Umbvouu 600 Go 3 60 Petr emu». " w " Man's May not I 60 to 3.60 Under mean, 600 w $8 not ', re'ulnr '0"an Pt ice 'po. I ANTIQUE OAK, Banana; ', rag. telling prico 7.00, “out taking u lumen. No.11. iii - 'iiiiiibiGiira 'hh'd God H-, N32. '11.?"in ut,',, 6.50. tn" Belle Cod Hum. Not“, I... “I. We. nun. No 9. Inn a Fueh out boll-.13.“ nanolmhlgh an" Ind wanna. that: an. UNI. A l Rebel at; ', CARPET ___/o,-.., SWEEP†-7 a“.-. y-IW â€an. um; mun. pne- I1." Mr reg. .‘prioo 18.00. stock toting prlco 13.40 WHO“ moo: H'AHI prim Lâ€. Tal 2s let/ii,:, have; It": I: v. a"!