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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Jan 1907, p. 14

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mm vessel had loundered off Rhos- lln Point, Wales. Distress rockets to sent up late Thursday night and lifeboat put out, and searched for rs, but found no sign of the ves- in distress. Spanhh I'n Founders. Oomnnn, Spain. ec. 29.--The Spun- fUhiag steamer Primero has foun, od in a storm. All of her crew yarn lost, with the exception of one. _ MIdoc Firm" Crushed By Tree. J thoc. Dec. 29.--ahuyiet Bird of Ma- fdpo Township. sawmill owner and y r, living near Allen Mation, on _ Buy ot Qulnh Railway, while, to- r with his two sons, felling a I? means of a cross-cut saw. was instantly killed by the tree t1g upon him, crushing his ribs in ' '_the heart. Mr. Ilzrd was on? of oldest residents of whut is known Allen Settlement, He haven tt wife eight children, all grown up. . . Lad Cut In Two. _60bonrx. Dettj---rhxvid Apflrawg, a while about. 14 yours of Me, was accidental- killed here yesterday afternoon. He Jumping on a Grand ‘Trunk ht ahuntar when he fell between a can and was cut in two. Dies From Exposure. Norwood, Dec. 2iy,--The body of red McMaMer, u buy 19 years of ngo who has been mimed for mum days Via found in the Dune River. a feu Itds from his father's hump, Thura “bemoan. He was Inst MW“ at ans cvening. The bmlv “nr about six inches in wMcr and n a foot of m.» show. and thorr C A big bruins arms: the {mums-ad H or Gray of "Mr-rhm’n ImH m _ nest. and tlm inn: rrtnvMsd n \-nr ' that that}! Win Wurst“! lax 03'th in. ot the provinces. now snow- md. is restored. Vault In Troubh. All the member, of the crew oi the [were steamer Awa Mam. from h‘werp for Middlesbrough, which on the rocks off Red Car Thum- g night. were 531er taheo off by the whats. .-'hlch retpigtto a snowdrilt at clock Thursday might. three miles m. Andww'a, and is still im. . A relief train sent to its as- oo stuck in the drill. and all during the night to reach them tuMle, Yesterday morning a quantity of provisions will; com to the hungry pusengera and . The equipment of the British cad: is quite inadequate to deal th the conditiom. heretofore almost. mum in thin country. New Escape of Fifty Women. My or fifty women had narrow trom death ymfnrday owing o collapse of u melullen ware- mu. Most ot them were rescued “tam the wreckage with only slight mules. ine persons have boon found imi- In to death in roads in England alone turi the past 24 hours. The list, lentils”, will be much lengthened when communication with isolated Maple Leaf rp2t, RUDbers toftr,"rt from Holy Head says rt is learned there that an un- tom all, parts of Great Britain come M ot trains batHd in snowdritta, wont one hing mu. ot a passen- tmin tteynd'fro Dundee to Edin- Soon-6d. Doc. ML-rn I Won. gunned indirectly by - Inownorm of the last few In rsona hum been killed Mammal. waldo toocurred near “breath, ( 'i'iriiE British Railroad, be tgh And Aberdeen, and :diyte. north of here. Go Mona injured is Alex. member ot the Home of "tom t.attrshirts, Scotland. .50 weident " ambuwd to the W! tall ot not, owing to which hr. trom London for Aberdeen were I up a Arbroath. It.“ bu created a situation. the " known in thirty years in Great Bin. and the conditions existing Llppuently are general through- Euroge. _ -- _ VWmt In Thu? Years, 1911, Dec. 29f he conunuipa ttt6 'Hiiiiarsuu, “Hon M Mm In mm WW Nautilu- "I and Kahuna leu d I Woman. int Mame» of Puritan”! Buy a. pair and you'll ho no plovr nntly surpriqmi ynu'll tell tho good now; to your frion,ls. M3110 of fmest gratin of Pnrn gum, which nmkns the toughest. most waterproof rubbers in exzstoncn. Truly astonishing wear reaiicerq. And 3"?) so light: an! neat. A a : A "t want 1m) be any "1.an , M-olo In! . In an the no" pair of ruMw-rn ynu trrcrr- Window [tom .. the old Iomnn who ttved In " limo? The Archbishop of Pgria. Cardinal Rirhnrd, and the titular bodies who mlwnst in the past have been among the Prenidom’n gueats at luncheon, were pot inv.itei yang-day. ' "The spirit of concord, respect for the rights t4otlters, regard for public opinion and sentiments of human soli- darity beeorsurvtitsily of greater im. portance to the universal conscience. I trust that the year 1907 will be pro- pitious to the development ot the work M concord and peace, which in the ideal of France and, the countries you represent. " Replying to an address by Count Bomielli, the ambassador from Italy and the dean of the diplomatic corps, President Fallierea said: New Year's Day passed off quietly, nithou h the reception: held by an. new 'hull,' consul-general and the Archbishop ot Montreal were very largely attended. The-otfieera ot the different regiments received their friends at headquarters. while 8.000 children gathered in the diam-eat Pro. testant churches. Reception At Whit. Mouser. Washington, Tan. g.--Eaeh your the White House doors swing open to all the nation on Jan. 1, and a heartier welcome was never extended to visi- tors than that which greeted the thou- sands who called esterday, New Year’s cheer fit,'dt1err'1','f', and (than distinction. The president met Ambu- endow and laborers with the suns 4irm handshake. Heading the diplomatic was Baron Mayor des Planchns, Ambassador trom Itrgry, th_eyiertr1 of the corps. _ _ _ King Edward was represented by Esme Howard. charge "'atuirets. Now Year's Day In Paris. Paris, Jan, 2.~In spite of the steady downpour of rain the New Year reception hold by President I',',"),',',",'",': brought out an attendance a most as large as uaunl. With the exception ot a two-hour intermission for lunch, the ceremony lasted from 10 o'clock in_tho morning atntil, dark. The dorkyard willee head by the Marine Department, but will still be available for iriiraNi%iiiG which visit the port. The Governor-Gunw-I'I Luv". Ottawa, Jan. 2.--Nearly 800 persons attended the Govqsrrtor-Gerteral's levee between 12 and 1 o'clock yester- day. The Cabinet Ministers present were: Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Richard Cartwright, Maura. Fisher. Fielding, Emmerson, Scott. and Oliver. The Guarda' Band performed a. number of selections during the reception. At Government Hpuu. Toronto, Jan. 2.--Hiie Honor the Lioutertant-6ovrsrmw held,hla annual New Year's recept'mn at government house yesterday. l - - - The Day in Montreal. Montreal, Jan. 2.--At the reception given yesterday by the offieern of the 65th, Rodolphe Forget, M.P., extend- ed an invitation to the entire ragi- ment to spend a couple ot days at his summer abode, St. hens. At the formal taking nwr the Itrit- ish naval authorities were ropregetb. ed by Lieut. Bennett, who has been in charge of the yard since the with- drawn! of the tysvaltestablitutment. Format Tran-hr of Hall!“ Dockyard mm. to tho Oartndian Govern- martb-Mnety Reception. Halifax, Jun. 2.-New You". Dar marked the plasma ot the last vesttgo of Imperial control at Halilax. the naval dockynrd pulling into the haudt o! the Canadian Government. Owing to the downpour ot rain the historic ceremoniea were robbed ot their spec- tacular interest. The iorrnal trunsler ot the doakynrd occurred at noon. when the ottictsrs, and crew ot the cruiser Canada landed and saluted the blue ensign as it was hunted to the "Anthem. Col. Gourdeau, Deputy Minister of Marine; Col. Anderson. chief engineer of the department. and Coinnmmler Spain arrived trom ou tawu Monday and were present. tor- mally taking over the yard on behalf of the depttrtatumt. There are still, however, a lot of details in tV nnectlon ‘with the transfer to be “funded to. A u Mod fun 0' athmrtB'tra. n:- umuu‘hed ’Mm ‘y'dun-‘o III done. A dumb tgrtittgrd bo- “In": tha an: amt-nub." ot the band. during whloh'unnl " on won M my "iiGCiarisariW" -rie- Nam-nu Workman Jam Pruch Anarchy. San Francisco, Dee St ' Serra: ner- Tiers MAMA had their attention railed yonwrdny morning I The Revolution an intumrtunory pager published in Berkeley in Japanese. in which tho annuslnalion of the Mikado. Presi- drnt Ramon". and nthan in Amhar- tty, in ndvocnud in plain language. Now York, Dee. 30.--Corneliuty W. Vnnvmrhis. {ormpr secretary and treasumr of the Havana Electric Rail- road Co, tr New Jersey canmrntinn. ca “Mixed at $trt,000,000, an havin Mirna at " Broadway, was arrosteg Saturday, charged with the appro- sr‘lamm of mom-y belonging to the rm to his pen-anal uul Vnnvnorhin 6rrnfetd to the misap- mpriatinn of approximately $110,000. fl','; has made rmrtittrtiort. it in Mid. ot about $30,000. The preaidont of'the Havana Elec, his Railway Co. is Edwin Human of Mammal, Sir William Van Roma in vir'e-t)tosidenk Robs annnn Eloctrlc Railway " 'tt0,000, But len Buck .30.”. The native a nkers expressed con- fidenee in the rim“: indr‘wndence of the Filipinos. who were urged to pro- pnre themselvvs for the full benefits of tMrHurovernrv-r' Hops For Ind. "Manes. Manila. Dec, sl'.'ffA1,1 tenth anni- versary of the execution in 1896 by the Spaniards of Dr. Rinal. the Fili- pipo patriot, who was charged with fnmenting a rebellion. was celebrated hare yeafm'dny with etUhurirwm, Woman Antmph Sulcldo. Brockville, Dec. 31.--Mra. Louis Piercy of this place maniac determin- ed trtrtrrt to commit suicide Saturday by taking landunum. She was ob- served sitting on a snow bank in the 0.1111. yards, near the station, and her actions, treatcd suspicion in the mind of the station agent. who teach- ed her in time to prevent her finish- ing the bottle, She now lies in St. Vincent Hospital and is in a critical condition: Domestic troubles drove her to this act. The original draft has been return- ed to Parliament by the heir appar- ent, with suggestions for amendments to the paragraph concerning the oath of allegiance of members of Parlia- ment, the power orthe sovereign to prorogue Parliament. and the powers ot the Senate. lam-d of Dying. He Hall!" and Show: Dlutinct Improvom-nt. Teheran, Persia, Dee. 30.--Ths Shah has again surprised his attend- ants, who have been hourly watchin for his death. Aiter n Irmg period a? unconsciousness, during Fridsy night, he rallied, became fully conscious and Saturday was distinct y better. The Fenian thtrtstitutlon. Teherun. Dee. ail-The negotiations between the heir apparent. Prince Ali Mina, and the lenders in Parlia- ment on the subject of the Persian constitution, are proceeding amicably and a. Iavorable issue is pxpected. M of Uttt Wealthient inhabitants of L3 have left in anticipation of erNptAitsprrlet, T The manager ot the 8eheitrlemf cot- ton mills and the tornman and engi- neer of another factory were murdered during the night by Socialists. and the engineers of those and other 05- tabliahments fearing assassination, re- fused Saturday mornlnf to return to their work. Contaminant y, four of the largest cotton mil 5 shut down early Saturday. The tour which looked out their men 'lee,1r, morning were the two Scheibh'r mil ty and the Poznan- tthi and Grohman mills. which col, Iactively employ about 25,000 men; but ,double that number are indirectly " tented. of revolvers td feed and lodge in; in enlployed. - - The Socialists Saturday murdered no less than a scorn of Nationalist. wothyym it} this city and vicinity, and tg “manning to" orirdnidsGirari riots sq compo} {thug ag tht point One of the principal mill owners said that the employers were compell- ed to close down berm)” the militant Socialists eontra the entire cit and 'l2d,'N,',','irriet, all those who g, not accept their amends, which makes mg] continuance of business impos- ‘81 B. The factory employee, as a rule, are without any means to support them- selves and their families during the hed wipe; prtvailirt -_- alumni the inhabitant:, generally of this c ty, " well as among the better classes ot the factory employes, who fear that when this great army of un- employed persona begins to feel the wily of bread. rioting will occur. The authorities. at timt luplne. Ire now more native and are preparinito moat ammoncleo. It is believed t at. the workmen will even‘uall secure the upper hand over the goal-1m... drive out the "futon and resume work within a few days. Factorlts Are Closing. Four of the largest cotton mills have been closed. and the proprietors of seven of the largest (acumen here. employing 100.000 persons, have In- mnood malt intention of closing their establishments in consequence o! the system of terrorUm luau rated by the extreme 8octalitstts, Tire an- mnnoexnfmt. gauged grant exeitement Wm 00 Lilia: haul» M Down Home Militant samba like Conduct " Balloon _ slbl- - 1’0er Thu-'ton to Org-Mn Strut RM: And Fora Clthom to Food Idlo. Lodl. Doc 8t.--The caution hero in rapidly be; mung some. t)anttuiunry emu“ were tr maul. tgn Bab urduy. Biz ';l'J'logl'1l'fle', been illsd mg " wounded. -tItMhtsottrott WORK vKnVooé'ms' Innzsreo sunpmseo BY THE SHAH. " A$utt-mt.tatettsetut. Sod-Ilsa MumUr Workman. Ot lnjurlu In the Dumbo Wrork-- Dad Now Number N. Danika. Bedlam. Dee. 8r---Thrm, more persons who sustained injuriu Friday 'trt' dead. This brings the totnl " denthr, up to 23. Hanan of men were working Satur- day hurl)! by the light of huge tron. th-m downy away the wreckagn Mun-don" has been cut off linen Thurmluy, but the domnrnh’zrd ' “sh Hum aorvice in being mentored. Th. Board ot Trade has appointed a mmmhnhm to irtvrsr"ignto the AF hrnntl. railway wreck A. W. Black, M. P,, Din. Alhxnntlar William "lnrk, nwmlmr of Prtrlinruent 1mm funnshiro. iii) was injurml in tho rnilmml amnion! "our Arhroeth on Friday. dle at mid- night Saturday. Another Wrzck. .Dnnville. Yin. . Der, 31cc.T.roa.petson, "nom- 2mm.“ mu‘ievelm' annals wen {Mm-ed yesterday in a wreck on the l. Southern Railroad near here. The interior ot tho'houu it a com- plete wreck, with the plaster All knocked from the walls and windows my! pictures smashed. The fire department was called out to trxtirtttuiMt thr, blue. The can“: of the trouble wan a leakage of gas, which has been installed in tho hourt for healing purposes only a Rho” time. Her elothes caught tire. ' With pres- Nice of mind she went outside, where she presumed herself in snow and water. She was sub: uently taken to the hospital, w'fl'J,',"1'll; condition is reported as tztrrtrtyrtr orgies]. In company with her son and daugh- ter, the woman was about to take supper, when she repaired to the pan- try, carrying a lighted lamp. As she opened the door a territie explosion resulted, which moved the house off ita very foundation and inflieted frightful burns to the woman's head and shoulders. tnmcts Frltrhttut Burnt on Mrs. Howie's Head and Shoulders. Brantford, Pee. 3L-Mrs. Howie. an elderly lady residing on Dundaa street. received terrible burnt, in a natural gas explosion at six o’rlock Inst even- ing; which may pruve fatal. Jtoth Engineer Hildebrand and the ffreman on the train of empty freight .93!“- were plural under arrest and liou ht to Washington in the charge of Jill',,,.',,". e Wrock an the l.C.R. Quebec, Doe. 3l.---Ahout ll o'clock yesterday morning an immigrant ape- cinl on the Interoolonial Railway, bound from Halifax to Montreal, met with an accident olrout " miles west of St. Andre station, supposed to be caused by the unending of the rails. The engine and four can! left the trunk and were overturned. Two passengers, a man and woman, Conductor Lemieux, and Brahman Plume were injured. the lather having an arm broken. The line was blocked for several hours. Trollay Run: Away. Cincinnati, Dec. 3i.---At least 30 persons were injur ' one of whom, William H. Cumay e. a passenger, has since died, in t wreck yuan day of a runaway eieistrie car on War- saw avenue hill. It has been proved that the signal at Tokoma Park, a the scene of the accident, was set when the train of empties passed. The train was goin nt the "mi, of 60 miles an hour, an: Engineer Hildebrand rays that on ac- count of the heavy tog he could not neg the signal. The wheel: is attributed to the Bee. ond trniq running past the signal agnin_st it_in a toe. _ _ Disfrict Attorney Baker. whom heel was out on, walked the one and a quarter mile: to Brookland and brought thouirrst news of the wreck. He was completely exhausted. and, alter medical treatment, was sent to thin city. The moment the first of the curvi~ worn reached Brookland a general can wan sent oat tor doom" and ambul- mesa. Several Brookland doctors ro- aponded and were taken to the seem in automobiles. (',rth"t,lit;dt,tedi tittgi 1:32; [INJURED Anemone nun . It was impossible at tlrtst to deter- mine the exact extent of the catap- trophe. The passengers in the forward coach, who were but slightly bruised. heard the groans of the dying and wounded, and did what they could to give aid. A number of passenger: started to walk to Itrpokland. three.. lourtha of a mile ayay. A The dead bodies were found lying beside the track for a considerable distance. The wreek occurred at 639 p ttt, A dexwe fog was prevailing and made objects imperceptible a few feet uheud. As won as the news of the wreck Yeached this city, all ambulance! available, with as many physicians u could be assembled, were sent to the wens. The Accident was caused by (h. col- lision of train No. 66, due here " no pan. from Frederick, Md., known In the Frederick Special, with a dead- heul put-cuss: equipment special ot eight. cum. Over 200 punch em were aboard the ill-fated train, gl‘he nul- way omeialts late last night were un- able to explain the collision. llama on I. I O. Runny emu g Mot B. tun " Totem: Fifi. Thm HMO. From Wuhlnglm. In the Dance Fee-Trl, Wu Oahu. " u an“ In Hour-Er-r and Human Won Amt-d. l Wuhiu‘ton, Dee. 8L-An “mum. din-tor occurred iaat night u sewn o'clock on the Baltimore a Ohio Rail- road at Terracotta, about three miles from this city, m which about thirty- tive persona were killed and over six- t mjurod, some of them no serioully ut) they will die, NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION NOVELIST BLACK tMEtt, h. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy out In many mum of liluwmI-Uur but now, " last. “unl- lr-rmlr rum nil mama mu».- of ml. hummus much vlnw|~1 dim-t Tho-n and 21k. maul" rum. found in Rhwumntir Maud. mm hull-solv- anrt pup- nun) undu- un Breton ot tblu mum” to [rm le In dam Mum" who" ntldwl to [mm WANT. Aw] Mn ti, whvu mimhwl. the" [mlmnnml In“ "wa [mu Him) the nrn- m. and Hm mum of In” lumdamod and knead mm for mum “an!" Now. "my" "at will "11“:th the dlnmiml “mm A! nhmnlr cripple. nor turn My mm?“ hurt In firmth shim Ttmt " Imp-“luv. "In I um “my Anni] kill the pain- and 0-11.10! Mrs, Thompmn-Goton Win. New York, Dee. 31.4Mrs. Ermyst '2t"gtttft,'ttn, won her tlght against Mrs. limbsth Millbank Anderson in Greenwich Saturday, when a town meeting decided bi acclnmuion to urge the New Yor . New Haven & Hartford Railroad to run their new short line between New York and Boston "a the lines of the original survey. T a means the cutting in two of the 't.M0,00tPestate of Mrs, Anderson and the preservotion ot Wyndytmui. the beautiful and rrymttrv 3c woodland estate ot the Thompson Mum! ' Rheumatism Uncot"tttutionnt. Louisville, Ky., "ni-Judge Wnl. ter Evans of the Federal Court, in an important deeision Mnmhy, de. rlared the Employem’ Littbility Act unconstitutional. Mr. Devlin was formerly member for Galway, Ireland, in the British Parliament, which seat he resigned in few months ago to reenter Canadian politics. Elect“! By a Majority of 500 Over Chas. Ball, Conservativn. . Quebec, Dee. 3t.--The bye-election in Nicole! County Saturday to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, who was " so elected in Guspe in the election of 1904, resulwd in the return of Charles R, Devlin. Liberal. over Charles Ball. Conzervtttivty. _ His majority was in the neighbor- hood M 500. A! the interment at the eemetory, where the three caskets were lowered in one grave, there was a short nah vice Little 8-year-old Myrtle, the only mrvivor of the family, was present. The little girl did not seem to realize what was going on. Belgian Sham-r Lost. Cadiz, Spain. Dee. 3L---The Bel ian steamer Heidelberg, bound for 11tll vnna; has been lost, Several of her crew were drowned. Four Laid to On. Grave. Niagara Falls, Dee. 3t.--Tho tun- erat of the four victims of the Harris family gas tragedy toolr place yester day afternoon in Lundy's Lane Ceme- tery. Not in the 125 years' ‘history of the cemetery has such a throng of peoplo turned out to any one tunert1. The. rtai%/rrsroing to Bath tor . doctor. A Folir GG in the sleigh. ,The Bott weather had weakened the ice. The hope and cutter were lost. Two lion; ringed $31551; and Cook, and themselves. may. Bruin Through tee Nut K "ttstory-Two Suva Thomulvu. Kin axon, Ihre. 3r--Two young men. name: Gibson and Instant, were drowned Friday Light while crossing the ieq trom Amheut Island to Bath in a cutter, Sold by " HABHNEL. nah-m h lam: tun-Var Thom " now an “a _ 'trr arr'trsa.l an nu- m ”INN Inntvr with. 1'), Wu gun. and in mundane-s 'mxmtrgta" NICOLET CHOOSES DEVLIN. TWO YOUNG MEN DROWN. For Insect Bites, Spill-s. Swelling; " Pains o any sort, it is unexcellcd. Relieves pain instantly. 25c. a bottle, at all dealers. Try Ilrsl'l Llttle liver 'ttis. They prevent cou- stipation and- relieve all forms of biliousnesa. Ask your dealer or send us direct 25c. in stamps. A souvenir water color sketch free. TN! F. r mum! 00., lethd gunman. om. ". Hirst's Pain Exterminator r The Friend of , Miner and Pioneer. For thirty yeah: miners and pioneers have known the merits of n Wham!“ In thn "tr M thm tut Irtttrmuent qrtth mmqu kumwly nu made Mr btrrmcriptiost. Without muwuvutly "1th many. tour: but now, " last. “unl- l " "tforts have lwenrmwnnd with 'rrr't'0.r' during 'reveriareot - w-m‘n in rm.rtrrrncturirn,r Hun and UH "line Engine}: and wu urn nth-ring In the public what 1mm proved b I ho th " not-l. pnfrrt [amino Pngim- rm th" maria-t: ,implr'. N'nnornirnl. '""V I“, .un‘u-nnd roundly relinttte “nth-r .I» vouch-r condition. For rumor "tormution write to " AMERICAN MOTOR CAR Co. Limited. “ , We Unlu- p'mnura in dilvctin Uttt 1',tfdllf'd or the "bile to our - “Id (om-Gino En inert, which urn rung“! B"po . lug alt 0th. Vow". h "rm". rtrtsrtrb, . 'JIU',',' power is required. . imag name Collar 15c: bulls Hoods must, b, clam-ad out menu-Jim- Qm'l F, Itibbonn, Belts, Collar, v, In! It”... lancer, Silk Valvgt, allover [newl \Tugtagx, -liriiilding Sale! “mm-u“... ',i,'),i'.fiiii"i,'"iie Olin-k Wraith; "rryrrueeit'ei,itini.diir; fest to new “Winn. Bpeeiad dt dim nod Amado-n newqu h'oo t Smmsons’ hnilm Wamrooms t, a; itrJltr, n m, now Zoe and 5M: (Jun-c :le h unwiniuvl. M rs. C. Steuernagel " Gish must Accompany all orNm, V Nalu, remiibnm by , Registered Letter or Express Urdu! to "‘ - ..T.T,iT7....TC.".'.' ' , . " ' " Bla. IG', on. ' “may a PE 7" " BW'., J a! [any F 2 l l it.ittt ...... ...... -.-.......'A.: . n. ' 1iua. t'g 0mm. and many nmu iiitlti9t . with "on bad "the s'ti'otgigliiiift,i? - m"0l ""attdragotru s.. Kuhn-.1" k1 on». A-rt, no I'm): Matt' Wes-us) 1-5. ', Ohm u. uni u d that“ "Mr m-..~;r;... h Ohm-kaulrp-ph And Running World.... ...... ...”... t 9,tyorti.etrtts1timists u d \any an " (mu jun-’90 .... 1?.hroreu-'olrireieh and Country f2etomocr.. .. .... .... . 0|:qu “than: and f,.",','?,:,",',',", _..... ..,... ........ t y,rr1m!e!eTyyiuiiii an! Tstem, Duly Nut-...... .:..~..‘ I Ukulele-TM Ind Toron u Unity W ., .4 lte.ia!tyuiiAii 3nd 'torouto Hand-r , .' 1 1 1c1"g,ttlt.2t,iidi,f, and 'roroesto Dull, ct H Chm Triumph and Tummu Ev In. hp.. i .'.. Ohmnlcchdognmh and Toronto DJ?) Bar.. . ...... ... I inuotsietu:T.)tirrrsi3it and Toronto Dan Blu- ia; all-In ',F', on ot (chewing prim-inn»: (but belt Pym; P a, Jc',',,:',.'.,,'.','.',:",,? Life}. .. h. . WW... it-t. .ii.-it, , c ‘ck‘rap and, " eINt , m l . . I S?rou.ie.u8Miitmii, and 6l'li'/lrt11i',' iiiiii'iri?29i . '..".1 " Uhmnlclc . [clogrnph And Noun-lbw” by man. . . ' . . . . .. 2.4 yyon.i+-'releiirtits and The Manual Hot-1d. .. .. .'s. . . ' . td, f?!"xm.ic.le1utuiiraim uni The Busy “at. '"ieaines., ...‘ 21 ?.tt.rottieur-reoeiiras% and Uoauvopolitaos..,. . ..' 1 4.. '.. ,. .. Id We recommend our reader. to nun-cribs to (hour- Adm! and Home Magazine, the Irest Atteieaiuu.tsi3oume u Amn- Elm pleasure i '"tterrra-s Msidek. f {Human 2 for 5 cum; iirse, now Me and 38c David Bean B ERLIN - OITAIIO. Building Sale! a'uwo.ur wad - e - -.~ v-â€" - uanu-DI- f be“. AirPGiGrirsaGi"air, Amulet. silk ”Mar-a u'u-w Me Y't 50e, now Comte MEI Js " onViuc‘ul. CENTURY ENGINES ' 31'... 'r.v....... on. , ytEiyliiirt'iiy.'. ttt _ t w..(u'.’n. "' " 134;?" air.:'. MI 'mo'.c........... w .tiiii:iiiiiiii.iiiitt,: riiiiliigiitit.itlt t 't . tdt.'?,'.'.'.)...',:':.?, no 20th " 'TrNr. 1an, VIII-up In, Hmhirgn, vo!vrsteias' " M , lhw '%tGhtf,aq Publisher I Waterloo, On _ '.E g is: it [5.3553 lit Tiff? t.06 Adv“ Ami-ii:- at." ‘i 2' Lo \ . '

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