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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Jan 1907, p. 9

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F' . success that he was now one of the C fnthetrt and most prominent citizens of V'W town. --- --e_-e_ .._ “rug, “a“, " w than?" “It would be as much as my commis- sion Is worth to be absent. Why, I am are! duh tomorrow morning outside the vhf! bedroom: After chapel time autor do Brlssac will take my place. ind then 1 am free once more. But If"; that line upon your brow, dear. *h Hutu). are hereby required to give - and rations to twenty men of ".. hmedoc Blue drngoons, under QM Dilbert, until-such time as you reetrive n further notice. [Signed] at. Baum-e. commissioner of the Quay”? An youao lonely, then?" disengaging his gun, pushed his way Rer pale face lit up with . quick tmeoncerrtedly through the gaping ’w 'T shall not be lonely until to- crowd and knocked loudly at the door. Bill“. But I am always unesay when _ "Whois he, then?" asked De Catinat. he is away. One heart: so much now of "A Canadian? I am almost one my- two mum of our poor brethren." self. I had as many friends on one aide "Ttttr9hr uncle can defy them," of the sea as on the other." M an. ttai"Bone to the provost ot the "Nay, he {a from the English Drov- $ttrcte guild about thi- notice at the tnets, Amory. But be speaks our “may; of the dancing” tongue. His mother was of our blood." "Ah, you have not told, me ot that." “And his name?" . "am it Is.” She rm and tdoe up a "Is hmotr-Amos--tut, those names! in: or blue paper with a red can] an. Yes, Green, that Was ft, Amos Green. m from it which lay upon the table. His father and mine have done much In ail-on; black brown knitted to- trade together, and now his son. who. m " he glanced " it. as I understand, has lived ever in the "an. notice." it ran. "that you, The. woods, is sent here to see something ot glue Cain“. cloth mercer of the mm ms? and cities." "Tell me, Adele,"'sald he, "why do you look troubled?" "You leave me this evening." "Bat only to return tomorrow." L f'Aad must you reguly. really go to "hid joined the army and had worked in way without intNenee and against all odds to his present position. His “the?! younger brother, however, and. lag every path to fortune barred to him through the persecution to which men of his faith were already subject- atbttad dropped the "de" which implied his noble descent and had taken to Wade in the city ot Paris, with such They were first cousins, these two, qmt there was Just ttuttieient resem- ,blance in the clear cut features to m (all the relationship. De Carina: was “hung from a noble Huguenot family, but, having lost his parents early. he But If her dress was somber it was ntoned for by the magnitleence of her companion. He was a man who might have been tea years her senior, with a keen soldier face. small well marked features, a carefully-trimmed black mustache and a dark hazel eye which might harden to command a man or when to supplietite a woman and be necessful at either. Any Frenchman would have recognized his uniform as was that of an officer In the famous Blue guard of Louis XIV. A trim, dashing soldier he looked, with his curling black hair and well poised land. Such he bad proved himself be- fore now In the tield, too, until the nuns of Amory de Catlnat had become esttrtBpleuous among the thousand: ot tho valiant lesser nobles” who had baked Into the service of the Icing. T 1'" wishing that father would re- é‘JREFUGEES _ Nor wu it to be wondered " for "tter were A well favored pllr. She yu- very young; twenty at the most. with a face which was pale, Indeed. and yet ot a brllllnnt pallet. which wan no clear and fresh and carried with it 'Baett a suggestion of purity and itMttF etnce that one would not wish Its mlden grace to be marred by an In- tnstslou of color. In her whole expres- don there m1 something quiet and rammed, which m»: accentuated by her Iiluple dress wk black mam. Such was Adele Catiuat. the only daughter of the famous Huguenot cloth mer- chant. _ . CRAP!“ L V T, m the not: of window which was common In Pam about tho \ I end of the layouteeuth century. Inside the window my tumult- ed with I broad bancal o't hm camped 89;an leather, who? the (lazily auxin recline had have In do from behind the curtains on " that was going [Ward in the holy world beneath them. Two ot them In: there now. I man no . woman. but their Mek- were turned to tho spec-Mei. and their been to the lugs Ind richly [or met! now, From time to that they stole I sluice At each other, and their on. told that they needed no other lightning! them happy. GODYIIOH'I’L' tteg, " IAIPII O IIOTIIII You get (mine wbess NJ: Mooncy’s Perfeetion And you Erad I new delight in every one~you on. So fresh, Ind crisp, md tempting, that justopcninglbe box " teasing glue nppcxire. Baked to I golden mun brown. Each bin-uh In light In if made by fairy hands. w oe"o.Fg. a suit“ w --they are alt alike, - 5,000,000 501' soo or an it, comm DOYLE. $111522" atatm vomit. "t itieaT1riiGiis," um D. Ntt. Mt, "tor I would Mn . ward with Tp"" tomorrow. then. My“. tttr, M MI A, ihtnd, atGiiaGiii i any [room up! horse." il Mt In" that my '15 m to nloop where to do whit you me. . "My father "res In New York, two doom from the lumen ot Peter Smy- vnnnl, of whom you mule have heard. He In I very lmnly man and he can do It. hut I-erm, I few any: of Albany or Sobmwtndy are enough for be. In Me has been In the woodl.” "You‘re not tron; i" town. then?” "Id be Cntlnnt." "I am sorry my father In ttot hex-oi? welcome you, monaleur," uhe slid; “bu 1 do so very heartily in his place. Your room In above. Pierre will lbow It to you. ff you wish." “My room? For what?" "Why, monsleur. to sleep la." "And must I sleep In a room P" De Catinat laughed " the gloomy (ace of the Amerlcan. "You shall not sleep there It you do not wish," said M "No, monsieur," said the truaedtnntm from the staircase. "my uncle I: out; but I am Captain de Cntinnt. at your service. and here is Mlle. Clunat, who Is your hasten." The' stranger entered and. having bowed to Adele, said to her compan- lost, "Do I speak with my tatherU trlend. M. Canaan" 'A _ "Who Is he, then?" asked De Catinat. "A Canadian? I am almost one my- self. I had as many friendsvon one side of the sea as an the other." Bu strong black brows knitted toucLhcr an he glanced at M. barrel was fastened by the stock to his stirrup, while the muzzle stuck up into the'air behind him, The rider, having Bautstied himself as to the house, sprang llghtly out or his saddle and, disengaglng his gun, pushed his way 'meoncerrtedly through (he gaping crowd and knocked loudly at the door. thunk iouxrpadevmoiaene. Then t crop haired. turned his long, nwartby face and his bold features In their d1- rectlon as he ran hls eye over the trout of the house. He had a soft brimmed gray hat of a shape which was strange to Parisian eyes, but his somber clothes and high bootsrwere such as any cltl- zen mlght have worn. Yet In]: general appearance was so unusual that a group of townsfolk had already assem- bled round him, staring with open mouth at Ills horse and tsimselt. A battered gun with an extremely lone -- ____-..V... ...m..w the mld:er..‘n,.n was .or 333$; and they both we? their necks tram me window. The honemm, a sturdy, broad thou}- dered young man. clean Ihaven and "Ah'." Ibe cried. “I had forgotten. " In the man from America. Kather laid that he would come today." od of annoying Huguenot- Ind been practiced all our hum. but he Ind Battered him-elf that hln on position " court would have hunted his kin-- man trom such on outrage He threw the paper down with on exclunnu‘on of anger. "When do they comet" “Father and tortUV" , "Then they atsait not be here long. Tomorrow I shall have an order to re move them. But the can has sunk be hind tlt. Mnrtln’l church. and I should “ready be upon my way." "Nos no; you must not no yet." "I would that I could ‘give you into I your father. charge nut. for I tear to leave you alone wlieu the“ troopers may come. And yet no excuse will "all me If I all: not " Vemllleo. But Bee; a homman has stopped be- fore the door. Be It not to uniform. Pet-hone be In I manager." The (M run eagerly to tho window And peered out. Dipnuutym nu haw an. meth. Mam. Ill " me- mad an. and nun-mu- from America.'" 'repeated with an 'rxtremetr"todir my "tttee "It! you [In and The chief valet walked swiftly across e, the door and threw It open. In shed the ofBeer of the ovens and the tour red coated, win; winged foot. men, ready handed. silent footed, each Intent upon his own duties The one gelled upon Bontems’ rug and couch ; :, -13Mnq" j" f/ ‘\;';\~ 9.m.tf.'ravt "be Catlnnt! Ah, the young man who stopped my horse " Irontameblmttr. I remember tum. You may give the alg- nal, Bontems." 3 "Ah'." The tlng slowly opened ttla large dark brown Bree, made the sign of the cros- and kissed a little dark rellqnary which he drew from under hls ulghtdmu. Then he sat up In bod. "Did you give my orders to the db oer of the guard. Bot-fem; 7" he asked. "Yes,, all-e." "Who In on duty y' "Major de Brlssuc at the haln guard and Captain de Catlnat In tho cor tldor." " lug nose and petulant lip outlh’d against the white background. The valet snapped his wind: Ind bent over the sleeper. “I have the honor to Inform your majesty that It is half past 8.” laid he. _ In the very center of the chamber there stood a large tour post bed, with curtains of Gobelln tapestry looped back from the pillow. A square of pol- tshed rails surrounded It, leasing a space some tlve feet In width all round hetweeo the lnclosure and the bedside. As Bontems passed noiselessly across ate. room, his feet slnklng Into the mossllhe carpet, there was the hoary. close smell of sleep in the air, and he could hear the tong, thin breathing of the sleeper. He passed through the opening in the rails and stood, watch 'tt hand. waiting for the exact Instant when the iron routine of the court an It was a large, square apartment, with two high windows upon the tur thcr side, curtained acrpss with price- less velvet hangings. In one corner a narrow couch with a rug tin-own across it showed where the faithful Bontems had spent the night. was not to be admitted to the grand _ lever. You are to tell him so." . 'T shall do so." “Then, should a note come from her -9ot2 understand me, the new one"-. "Mme, de Mslntenon t" “Precisely. But it is more discreet not to mention names. Should she send a note, you will take, it and deliver it quietly when the gives you an opportunity." w "tt shall be done." t "Bat it the other should come, as is possible enough-the other, you under~ stand me, the former"- "Mme. de Homespun." "Ah. that soidlerly tongue of yours, captain! Should she come, I say, you will gently bar her way, with courteous words, you understand, but on no ac- count is she to be permitted to enter the royal room." . “Very good, Bantams? "And now we have but three min. utes.” Re b,; iv through the rapidly mereasiag group or people in the cor: rider with an air of proud humility, as Defined a man who, if he was a valet. was at least the king of valets by be- ing the valet of the king. Close by the door stood a line of footmon resplen- dent in their powdered wigs, red plush coats and silver shoulder knots. He turned tnelmndls once more and slip- I pod into the darkened room. "Hush!" Inld‘he, with his thu;ce to his thin. preclle llpl, whlle his whole clean ohm-en race and high arched brows were In eulmty and a warning. “The lung mu sleeps." . The word- were whispered from one to another among the group who had assembled outaide the door. The speak- er, who was M. Romania. head valet-de- chnmhre, gave a sign to the ottieer of the guard and led him Into the window alcove from which he had lately come. "Good morning, Captain de Catlnat. Who command: at the main guard P' “Major do Brluac." "And you will be here?" "For four hours I attend the king." “Very good. He gave me some im :tru'ctlon for the omcer of the guard. He bade me to any that M. de Vivoane ly He had hardly Men " "and before the bundle was very I turned trom within. the door rex nobeleuly upon lt. blazes and a and Neatly through the aperture. lug it again behind him. "Hush!" Inld‘he. with his ttnc ’ I it“... flat detect had struck , on tho out abet at Var-um; _'i'.ttwei1mtt.ttimraGrri,roT' “$44.th. mu. with clothe- lhmn bete their unit. hustled down the no... which led to tho um» chain“. at. you; one». who had boon loath; man": out of the wits, an " an. enumer- who were laugh- lng and chatting on the men-Ices. tum-, ed sharply upon " heel and um). our to the vim. m gold door of [he royal bedroom. tas, . l . . _-_ m tttteo-r-ass.- “I. hum. “In. '3“- “Ann new?” C'1't"patt.hdt- and." '"" -"r'"_'"e.- buttress-hut. Xingu... ""ttomtattt-imiGiii.r: 652933 Al '0 have but three min. 5.- through the rapidly t' or people in the Cora it or proud humility. as “Am. tr. Len his “and there was very gently the door revolved Mazes and a man "neg m In. I you" I!" can. an: E9. tPl my?iuer, gun " our. "Pooh! Who! master her whim-hen also mm mm thorn like “In” What In no. what In arm! And. begun; my friends, in I- not him! a W any lower." “He beeomrs hnmor mm mm" w humus." laid [Karma " am to be " Mme. an Mttintenon't, room It a h, m whethre n page or two ot (be Pho- i are may not work tt change. Madame In a wonderful woman. She bu bruins, she has heart, she has tact-ite " ad. mlnblef’ chatting with Hm [mot orchitm‘t Mnmnrri. tlo and jetting with the was natural to tho tar the lint. . mil- During the half hour or Io which had been occupied in this manner there had been a constant openingnnd clos- ing of the chamber door, and u mutter. ing of names from the captain of the guard to the attendant in charge, and train the attendant in charge to the ttmt gentleman of the chamber, ending “ways In the admission of some new visitor. Here, close by the king was the harsh but energetic Louvois. all powerful now sinro the death of his rival Colbert. discussing a question ot military organization with two ott1cere, the one a tall and stately soldier, tho other a strange little tVurxt, undersized and misshapen, but hearing the insig- l "in of n marnhni of France, and own- inr, tt name which was of evil 0mm over the Dutrh frontier. for Lnxmn- i hour: m1: look-rut upon nlrondy an the RUCC'cftyror of Comte, over; nu hi: corn. panion Vauhan was of 'Purenne. Be- side them n small white hnirt-d clerical with a kindly race, Pore la ('hniw. confessor to the king. was whispering his views upon Junanulm to the portly Bonnet, tho anuvnt iriihetp of Monux. Close to the drmr Racine. with his hand. Mme face wn-nthml in smiimi “m- elua "And yet . M. de St. Quentin. is this not our ' shaving morning?" said the king. , "Yea, sire; all is ready." . I "Then why not proceed? It is three minutes after the accustomed time. To , work, sir; and you, Buntems, give word tor the gm nd lover." _ rt was obvious that the king was not in a very good humor that morning. He darted little quick questioning glances at his brother and at his sons. but whatever complaint or sarcasm may have trembled town his lips was ettectuaur trtltied by De St. Quentin's ministrations. With the nanehalanee born of My; custom, the omcial cov- cred the royal chin with soap, drew the razor swiftly round it and spanned over the surface with spirits of wine. A nobleman then helped to draw on the king‘s black velvet l'aut-de-ehauisaetr, a i second assisted in arranging them, ," while a third drew the nightgown over ‘the shoulders and handed the royal , shirt, which had been warming before [the tire. His diamond buckled shoes, his gutters and his scarlet tuner rest were successively fastened by noble courtiers, each keenly Jealous ot his own privilege, and over the vest was placed the blue ribbon with the cross of the Holy Ghost in diamonds, and that of St. Louis tied with red. The black nndercoat was drawn on; the cravut of rich lace adjusted, the loose overcoat secured, two 1saudeerettietvrt costly point carried forward upon an enameled saucer and thrust by sepa~ rate Metals into each side pocket. the silver and ebony caue‘ laid to hand. and the monarch was ready tor the labora of the any. tor a wandering draft had set him shiv- ering and ahaklng. M. de St. Quentin, the ‘noble barber, tiuug a purple dress- tng gown over the royal shoulders and placed a long, many curled court wig upon his head, whlie Bantams drew on hi1 red stockings and lald before him his slippers of embroidered velvet. The monarch thrust his feet Into them. (led his dressing gown and passed out to the Brepittee. where he settled hlmaelt down in hls easy chair, holding out his thin. delicate hands toward the blazing logs, while the others stood round in a semicircle, waiting for the grand lever which was to foliow. Boptems had poured on the king's hands a few drops ot spirits ot wine; catching them again in a silver dish; and the tirat lord ot the bedchntnber had presented the bowl of holy water, with which he made the sign of the cross. muttering to himself the “loft omce of the Holy Ghost. Then, wi h a nod to " brother and a short Word of greeting to the Dauphin sud to the Due du Maine, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat. in his long silken nightdress, his little white feet dangling trom beneath it, a perilous position for any man to assume were It not that he had so heartfelt a sense of his own dignity that he could not realize that under any circumstances it might be compromised in the eyes of others. Ba he Bat, the master of France and yet the slave to every putt of wind, for a wandering (in: ft mm m} m... .oo- Behlnd the king's son and the that'- brother there entered a little group ot notables and of arm-ml; whom duty had called to ttua' dally ceremony. There were the grand mastcr ct the robes, the tirat lord of the bedchatuber, the Due du name, a pale youth clad tn black velvet, Ilmplng heavily with Ms left leg. and his little brother. the young Comte de Toulouse, both of them' the Illegitimate non- of Mme. de Home. pan and the king. Such were the Imp. takers In the family entry, the mum: honor which the court ot France could "pirtt to. one blood and to enable a "ranger to [DUI that the older was monsteur, the younger brother ot the king, while tho other wan boul- the Dauphin, In. only legitimate child. m I lbw. pompou- barlng. I won hind land a are which to can» tr enough In a nan-kiln fashion, In! which was (new of any wndow of expulsion - perhaps of In occa- Ilonnl lurking gleam or mlwhlewous humor. mi companion mm a man of forty, "runny, digumci and wlemn. A; the pair {and the icittg than was lumcleul mmblnnce between tho three has. to thaw that may wen of ultuhhnhlmm dhbum_wm mm {bunch-Ital. “I“M'Mh ’3” iiiir/e;l)74)TUl.Teu"lllt."= dumwmmm; ”MWMMMum 1ttet-tstemdtbrtsedet-ir. Tron“ ”than: Magma” I mrtttHttt.over twenty you. of MU and» I“. Mum“ lo noun... lb. has one all: too In": mulled m nmlloa, was Ip [mm Bollmu nnd the an). the three laughing the freedom wind; tavorite Ian-nu of It the king was not :nor that morning. quick questioning or and at his sons, HES. [mf"‘“ Jill; g Bond . copy of 'Hott an‘ Prtr - In Waterloo. County" to you: Mend; Over we on“ Pm. any can“ nailed to Alumna. In“ tltte. ‘W... Pete. m m "And Frhl han- nun‘r‘rod [min lnrlyv "You allow mom "unsung to lire?" " ham" Inked tor lronnw, “And I [mm so"! sumo.“ "Our, n-g’mom Mow la n "Thaw urn (ht-(‘3): “Ham Hare ya ' "at n tniliila? c, "In for» rmmzh to punk can; muntt‘rerv of God'. had always underarm that "Idler." upon mm mm} on yonder curtain has man}: "5?an mama. but none They hav,e Come I ttrei. from the [I their nails Com'. t n clngor where ll" Rrrctmr, of tho pi The oht nuurmrm "Yes, sire, It is very true," cried Do Frontenac cordially. "Your majesty "r"""------;---.- "t may add. your majesty," and Pere la Chettse, "that in leaving the truth then they hare too often left their lives with it." "Ther prosper, tsiet Thu-one Iro. quols at the Sault and the mountlln, Huroru, " Lorette and Algonquin. along the whole river cotes from Ta- dousac in the east to Sault In Marie, and even the great plains of the Da- kotas, who hare all taken the are“ " their token. Marquette has phased down the river ot>the west to preach among the Illinois, and Jeanne haul ran-led the guapel even to the wan-ton l of the Long House in their wigwnnu " I Dhoudaga." . "Then , trust that it may remain to no for many long years. We would thank you for the rare and man. which you have spent upon our province, and it We have recalled you it is 'hietiy that we would lain hear from your own- lips how all things go there. And, that, as the affairs of God take preced, ence of those of France, how about the missions?“ - "Only dead, Itself, sire, 1?oiffttower,tt tor that." "We are glad to see you once more " our lever," said the monarch as the old nobleman stooped his head and klssed the white hand which was ex- tended to him. “I hope that the cold of Canada has not chilled the warmth of your loyalty." 'Wes, slre.”'unswer§& Louvols. , Indeed Louis de Buade, Comte de BI tenac and formerly novemm- of r my eyes, peeping out from under tutt- ed brows, and a countenance no lined and marked by use. care and urea: of weather that it stood out amid the prim courtier faces which surrounded it as an old hawk might in I cage of birds of gay plumage. Loni: possessed in a high degree the royal faculty of recognition. “It In years since I have seen him, but I re- member his face welt," said he. turn- tng to his minister. "it in the Comte de Frontenac, Is it not?" 10 " comma“) __ ___ W“. - ..--..-.v...w. Ba, the king catches Bight of tum, And Louvbia beckon: to him to Advance." The stranger who had Attracted Ita- cine‘n attention was a tall, thin mm. with a high nquiiiue nose, Item, tteree "Welt, heaven send him a at. way out of it: But who Is thu gentleman? Ell Nee ls somewhat grlmmer than those to which the court In accustomed. "Are, the Mortetuarts a. no Me to handle." "Ha, then the king dom, indeed mun mischief. That is why hla brow is no cloudy thin morning men, Bt T my faith, if the marquise has the Bpiht with which folk credit her, he may and that it Tat' enier to win her than to 'tight her." "Mr dear Bolleau, I lay unln that her Ian " setting. Have you not heard the news? Her brother, M. do vimsuse, has been refused the calm" "From whom had you it?" "From De (jaunt, the captain of the guard. He had his orders to but the way to Mm." . "httaw, Racine, you know our da" mute: well. or you should, for you atom to hue been at his elbow since the days ot the From); I. he I mun. think you. to be unused tore": by Demons? No, Bo; It will be the Man. telpan or, It not Ibo. some yam beauty." - - - - _"'-'-", - N' - u i. I“ u be I.- “ an vol uh st Val. It. in but. I. ' but]. who: who m In: to ll: out! te it.” _ “pm I (but you m m Ind-n3 "Wall. win: then?” “The. tt no In n little m to! you." "And why? “Tho Hugo!“ do Iona-pan in I memory." “Ker luihteuee may noon be nothing more. unintenou In the clam wo. man In France." t M I: do Bunnie, Comte de Fron- formerly governor of Can- " 37mm“) Ma hood ond will”? hand. man W'tthltt his do hruvor than the“. m1: up the Richelieu *mmnm village, with h ‘ir nugnrs torn out, *Ir two should be and no spinners nu [hick in the "teurtrue "I In-‘n h nmied. Mm." m Minn: therrmetves. mm? Could you not to pnninh (have ran- f (iml'l print»? I wad that you were 1' aim.“ this 7" fried those In“. Mull» a would be 9.: an a. ttriinriiGiiiai'," 1 A mild cane ot a; t'ttvtt,d in Berlin Ot rrTNrr,ted to the. he who have taken the “on w "an.“ n. SMALL-POX CASE Tt Is Guol h In Unanimous. Guelph. ll.", 28/-A muting was bold here last night In the intrGmt of the Niagara power bylaw. Several hundred ratepayers assembled a the City Hall and listened to addmmlv Hon, Adam Berk and omen. At the ttonehmlon of the meeting Aid. Lyon moved I mohztinn endomirtg the try. law now re,',? which was seconded by Ald an A standing vote wu taken. an; every nun In the halt mo to hi. teat. Regina, Sash. Dee. M5.--Ron. Wal., Ur Sum. Premier ot Sukatchnmn. in seriously ill with Q'i1'r'ltt1y, and no grave is his we t u the doctors are olding out Lime hopes of his recov- ory. 1 Hand of Salknkchowan Gov-mun»! Ill With Pnoumonll. . ,V M”, ...V........ "The bereaved parents no heart- broken over the and fatality. The ar, tair has ereated a sensation through out the entire r'ity. The young lady was very well-known and highly rtrs apeMod, and wax tho leading singer In the chair of a local church. . Brantford, Dee. 28.--Arthur Bus terworth, non ot a well-known mum. Murat of this.city, succumbed yes- terday morning to bullet wounds in mcted by himself at the house of his tianeee on Christmas Day.. ' Butterworth paid a visit on Christ. mas Eve to his prospective bride. at which a quarrel took place between the couple. He called again the toi, lowing day, but was refused permU. aion to make his calls, the engage- ment having been broken. He ro- turned to the house later, walked in. and, Mixed with a. mad impala, shot himsell with a 22-ealibre revolver in the preaencc of the mother of hia B. ancee. He was picked up unconscious tnd taken to the home of his father, Charles Butterworth, where the and chm-e ugly yesserdny morning. QUARRELLD AND Httm0tor)ir" Ticket has“. 1hsmilton,.Dee. Th-The city has won mother important legal victory over the Cataract Power Co. by the "judgment of the Supreme Court dis missing the street railway’s appeal" in the limited ticket case, and sad- dling the costs upon the company. About three years ~ago the company tried to restrict the Isle of limited tickets sold at eight for 26 cents to what it considered workingmen and workingwomen. The city contended that the company was bound by its agreement to sell the tickets to all classes of citizens and took the mat. ter to the courts. The courts, one " terthe other, until the Supreme Court was reached. gave judgments in m9: ot the city. _ New York, Dee. 28.-.-Fineert hun- dred members of the American Asso- ciation tor the Advancement of Science and its seventeen “minted societies gathered at Columbia Uni.. veraitv yesterday for the annual meet- ing. Henry Ltturertsoalia of Washing- ton read a paper on "The Concentra- tion ot Wealth. Berlin De}: "iii?1-Friit'ies7"i'iezan. dra Victoria ot 8ehietswig-Hohstein. 1oehsr,byeyyeuvyrs, has been be. V7,.‘v.-...b yum-“nuns, ual' ueen De- trothed to Prince Augustus William, fourth son of Emperor William. Prin. cess Alexandra was born in April, 1887. Prince Augustus was born in January, 1887. middle of March or tirst of April. Tangier. Morocco, Dee, 28,---The Me roccan Far Minister..81di Mohammad Gabbu, has establish seven small form, etch garrisoned by 150 men, around Tangier, and has sent. orders to Reisuli's lieutenant to com "gov- erning." Toronto, Dee. 28.--WhiU forking on the roof of a new house at " West Roxboro avenue yesterday, Benjamin Melville fell a distance of 25 feet. and was taken to Grace Hospital in a ser- ious condition. He sustained internal iniurifs which may prove fatal. CONDITION ttr CRITICAL. - ,V -_-- r.v.,unq tubule“. Ottawa, Dee. 28.-For some time past an agent has been in the city u- mnging for homes and accommoda- tion for 200 British families, who will reach this city probably towards the mydlepf March or tirst ot Anti]. _ “v.0...” mum-us w mar. iii. John's Nihi., Dec. Mr-Hue- of the mild weather, the outlook for frozen herring at Bay ot Islands in untavornble. Friction from the tuh. eries di-puh in no longer toured. Victoria, 3.0.. Dee. AU-A lam author was shot on the grounds of Senator MacDonald, The animal, which was sleek 1nd tat, measured six feet six inches from tip to tip. Lansing, Mich., Dec. 28.---Elberrt Conklin. I “one mason, woe shot and killed Wednesday night in his homo here by his brother Melvin. They had qunrreled over property matters. run...- I", - A” - Ottawa. Dee. 28,-Corustatru Syma hug been discharged trom the Ottawa police force because he stopped A n- tspeetable girl on the street and made u antlemanly remarks to her. 'S'. John'. NM., Dec. Mh--Nreaaao " AL- ~zl.l .. _ - Over no Arum In... a Furnish PM. [of N" Par lament Building. _ Io the. lulu: auibtrities, “ken the nmnry prom." rte-van a. ”rad of an Pt ' I - Isola- news litters ' OF THE M Berlin on wrimrmu; um! fyroph ot small-pox was dis- SHOT HIMSJF Hroi. spme time STRATI'ORD. OH. This school In momma to ban on 4 the ',rdlt,fztt,ee School. in Maurie; r grains". an In tte rmmd t,V','ed'P, fttdat 'ter I‘ho moo mt. Ania-lo- We tear when! for a who; came “My" manna. “YIN-vs tt,'g'dSti.ir, In on. . Ion th"S"dt2, an upgrade budn- II. when its bo when. “a Mad upon W; at one. Mitt II M “In. the an". WHO. Pork.” “Hutu-norm Open- Jan. 8nd Jo'"' "een a 1mm at mm... t, uno- Port Omett, At. Junk, UM. I Puma-m: lamina... rum «an new In! .alrtthttg “A - In: I In Town Ind Con-try hm wok “nun-d. (nun. N"'"'" Ann " ' Janna corner of Quin ua Hun-u rt dunno mailman) vmmmAu on anon. J. M. haul, Mn.“ ot the 0-m- "tear, oil-I'm Ole. and ".10.... “with a. Aland-r new... It. " 50mm. AltouubvdiiiF7'%i'T. ‘7‘- -. y. u. u. u. _ (1min. o 3 on.“ Don..- ot Dem-I “an, “a .unlLououo! Donald Sargon“ of Inn-I and wanton " J, Linux-Info no I". St. Jumbo our: ut. M an 'tfore anneal... Deanna nude.“ " u. " ~m. 111111350?an won"...- For .muttral convenience pm:- I' madnmuus no punisuuuy ' mum to nuke Ippol'utmeum‘ ugly le D. B. " LWHIIHOOII, Ln. " to.' 'Du1IST. DR. J -e "m" “an an In “mama-mm .my n m a III "'-tohutrtr. atomh‘l'v DIR g,tf,eteee 1tmot .13- Wat. mun ’I ('50. on than tttr ”MWA P.” m T; Fi7""i"itrai' .un'u Hm nu m in. Lam-£- Donia bolt-0M e" that." x. um" -- u I "iml 3m ir.ikit 1 Ella“: at dunk-inn “Amy’- l’... A _ _.. a: a "-1 ---u Inn“ 0 PM "e. Inad- ud m\ a ws, man-aw In. Over Bun ox tumi1tdn,isorax "%e'-'"'-"rm._... u. - Irlllbo about um) ' - mum“. , " Bonn: runway a." manna at fit can" ',ll'b"tt pe. “I an: ttrd 'J',,P,tt'? 1,1(tt'tff iitiiiit" ' i 9' a was un n... toattem I"!!! lethal-Oil an n d,Sttr..te1tiiliGi'i 0 - A Hung“) W, an m isitEt'iyMeia Iris “mum”. u. Lt qua, _ Donut. Odin-How's Block s. P. cuiiirfxto. ' r ”In”. m t an. mitt-m. MOI... {.33.}: vrs'tt'!1flt'Mgatpa,,. N Buus L. o. K m 1it,,t.t',",1e.ry "v..B,. Dettm STMTFORD, cttiistiiisvc,,.,, Ic- oidr' Win- new“. I I And In..." mu huh ‘muabeADu 'tTh'tit) Ml g . 'Ra.---... - - - "'e'"l-'"b ' “mahitc Ant. "Ti-u. MISCELLANEOUS LEFT 'ey2y.trytrprr, iiuiru, Ufa r I‘D-Cl“ Aiii7ii,t"tl Alttart 'tmet has! :huu “by Phon- no. Th: t,:?t',.'l1.'s,'..tgtffti,t It',t'dlt, MEDICAL b Throat ma Ear. ', PHYSICIAN AND summon E ' P.tdyrte . ram-huge” Waterloo. mag '- GIFT. an an!

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