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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 8

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J. K SHINN than! Dim and lam In”. Ogtt. 1mm a Beet “can You at, m “5, n tNrrison was committed to jail to be unlined 10-day before Polk-o Mag- hints Cmichhnnk. The 'ttMtistrttte doelinod to admit "unison to hail at the request of MI brother. who gun! to aid, him. Harrison In about I "In old Shortly liter her running. to Hers lbon the oeeond wife 'taeqrtattted the We: of the am wife. The two cooperated and the BuHan nurse ne- urod an nnnulmen! of her marriage In the courts of New York State. The Rrrt wife is said to have mppliod I mined copy ot her mgrriau certi- 'te- in the "tit ot the Buftalo wo- than. new and Lttrtte-Reeettrtq so); the” anomaly dull: medium lambs not Inland: choice would all about steady; more H"ett and vothon, 8.3.3 to 35.50: medium um. " common Ind medium lamb. nil " " 00 gilt Rot-emu, 83.500; nominally Iowa! at 3-!an advices. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. ' Chleuo. Dee. 22,-0"tte-ittmated n- alum III): study; but”, u to will); cow. and helfen. 81.50 to 86.MP, “when and feeders. $2.40 to “.50; Tex-mu, 82.35 to g",'t watch“. W.90 to $5.00; “In; ”L. to 37.35. A - 'hte-EI-ted rec-tip“. 18,000: a: tow, a: mind Ind I-uxhern' 3191 " ”.25; trt heavy. $6.15 to té.'2s:, rough. new“! .36 to so; light, was m 30.20; pm. 53.46 to 00.10; hulk of trates. 30.05 to ".20. new and Lt"tthr-kstttmttei rem-Inn. m: .tend.r; “up, $3.75 to 85.60; ""an “.15 to no; Franklin J. Harrlwn Taken From I _ Train at Niagara Folio. Niagara Falls, Ont., Dec. SM.-A man, giving as his name Franklin "thrraon Harrison. was arrested tut. urday night on a warrant charging him with bigamy. The warrant was I'm-n out by Annie J. Ballantyno. said to be a trained nuru ot Buffalo. Harrison also was said to be an in- nranco agent residing in Buffalo. Be on. accompanied by his mother Ind van going to St. Thomas, Ont., on 1 Christina- do“. ' "in BullnMyne in mid to chug. that Harrison married her in Toron. to. Oct. M, 1904. ttnd that his first “to wan then living and that oh. was Hahn May Ledwidg. whom ho mn- do}! inf!“ Sprjnn, Feb. t, 1M. $_-eteceipts, 226; very name thing; about study: common to “It read, " to “.13; barium cairn. 88; can“ southern "tyy., a. - - Mean and Leb.--iteeetpu, 18,000 hand; dull: thee» steady: lamb! -tie lower; limb. tt to 81.25; yurllngs. M to ”.25; women, .5 to " 50; own. “.75 to $6; the»). ulna, " to $5; Cyndi luau, " to 81.141 ttew York, Dee. 'V-B-es-a-. as; Douala; damn; feeling dull .nd weak. Exports. 1335 mule. no than and 1m qngrgen " beef. Int ButNio Dee. 2?.-Cyttt.-rReeetptA M bud; max-ht quiet: prices unchanged. "aitr--Recetpts. BOO held; snow and wov- cr.__u.25 go 88.75. "mkcaikeGiilii: moo held; “My "the. Me Iowa; hen-y. miaed, ymler- and put, Mi', to 'tff; mug”, $5.50 to “in; sun, = to . can. lie-(Filo.- no lawn a Bil-Io. ' London. Dee. 22._Cnuudlln eattte In the British market. are quoted " 10c to 12%. per tb.t refrlgerntor leer, use per m. EMT BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. - ,,,,,_ --- "w..." ...... . “nun... "mu the to no; do., choice.'a:c u. Wet -iL' Called. um. Me to Me; watt-m an“. 'th'. 'ttrietal price. 98c; seconds, a. to New York, Dee. 'Ac-Butter-at-, un- mum; map". 4443. tfltieese--9tttet. unchanged: rec-emu, 8476 'i--tilaar; recap". 42M: stat-J, Penn- munlu and nearby: ttuser, reteetef., white, L.ti-tmort cut. " " lo lb... quart, -- .. "'grrei$errdUiurm'e"'rtimg "eat". gif fer" n6"m., any, 47- ea: Ibo" It». " to " mm, study. a; long clear mid-Ila. light. " to " "It. L'VERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE Unwed. Dee. 22.--Wttsat-it ttrm; " 2 red western ulnar. SB. Future- tntp Dee; nomlnal, March to m. In: Crpea--Strot quiet; American mind "I, a M; an. old. In " Fulan- Git; an. a Mid. March In my], 'mm-at Loadoa “new: out“), an”. a do to " Tl". _ Pi--Cvtttgttrt-., ttrem (in tod. ' Ptour-ttt. honi- Lune: wink-er IMI'IIII. . Beer-Extra lndln ale-Is ”was. In. W. J'"-" men, watch). and]. as. Saturday Evelina Dee. = "re when and corn {alum cloud Mu list, :uher than Ind-y. At Ch can. Map wink cloud Be love: than ”In”. “a, can. Ike lower, and It.) out: Be lower. WINNIPEO ONIONS. At an WInnlpu option an!" (0-4” the following wen the doll! anon-clam: pg. mist bid, In, mo his. July 1135: TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. ”vol-pool What Futures Clo“ Her or, chic-go Ltrw.r-Llvo "u-. i The Latest Quotations. - that would m. an. no u- - ma punts. mum-manhunt!- h Iowan-butch“, an up Wham-yum enema hamtdpluamomrmnm CUT GLASS HELD ON BIGAMY CHARGE. J'Etf YORK DAIRY MARKET. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. JANSEN BROS. "I! NATO“ "" MARKET REPORTS. CATTLE MARKETS. to on hat, ' Lulu" -.\I “all llospih'. Itre, Mst. ('Imrlu John Logan, M, A, and " you! 'tor-ht 1mm, the. tHt. trote, 6"tthtet d a.“ "r, W l. "I. C“ " tn. F'roviirtc-.tt Watrrtoo, me. Nth. Mrs. Henry Proetirtr, Imothrt " Mrs. Philip "dumber. Watcrloo. “II-I M .315”. a mum and , days. Met'1rntont.-At "nun. "IT. Slut. Mrs. Bert 'hCtytetmtt, In ber In": Gt'ikie-Potdlar.-.U 1hrhaota, Dre. 15, "minim (mm. son ol Dr. critic. l-Ilrnil'u, to Miss Pnldllr, ot 09h- awn. Knack-Cornell-ht Berlin, Dec. mm at the Methodist wanna”. by Rm: R. E. Marshall. It.h., KD., "Human I'. Knack. "lapel", to Mary L. than", of North Dum- lrirs. Fries.--At Bridgeport. Dee. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fries, twins, son and daughter. Hortir.-At Elmira, Dec. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hotter, a _ Il.luglllrr. "aekbart.-Near St. Clements, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hackhart, a daughh r. _ ll.vherme!nl-'- Near St. Jacobs, Dee. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hate i-rmehl. a daughter. . Iialbtttisch.--At Waterloo, Dec. ttth, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kalbtleis.eh, a son. Pageh-At Waterloo, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Panel. a daughter. . Gateman.--At Berlin, Nov. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gaterttan, an SD". Hr'rgettroedrr.-.tt Berlin. Nov. 20th, lo Mr. and Mrs. (‘an llergenroezler a tlaughter. . Hrmttttrrich.-rn Woolwlell, Dre. 5th. lo Mr., and Mrs. E. llemmerlch. I BxporiCattio ........ Burchorn’ Cattle ..-.. Dried Apple ........ Hop, llw............ gnu, drum ........ 1tarlrr ......-...... Brainy!“ an! ....-..- Mlddlingn, "tton.... [Mt-tool, ptttmr .... Bauer, irir 1b ..'...... Ftrtrr, per dos.....-... Hair”: ton ........ Stun, pun Damn..." Iroodtr ottrd ...... Pen When .. . . New WM» Fianna“. .......... 2.25 Flour, Aunt. . .. 2.45 Flour, Seven Lille...“ 2.15 On- -.-...-....-.... .36 so" Waterloo, Ont., Doc. 27, Parties Wishing Copies sent by mall please enclose 1 Ott additional. to cover Postage. ' 100 Years Progress . . F T in Waterloo County WATBBLOO MARKETS Souvenir of Ilhrttniou-'rtslegraph Book of Over 100 f,',qt',',',ih'e, Written and Profusely Illustra ed \I A Rlll AGES. DEATHS. BIRTHS. Is Now. Ready l HISTORY OF Pride Forty Cents 1800 i "Not, perhaps, since music became an art has such a remarhaterevo'.u- , tion occurred in it as that which is I going on at this moment. Up to . about a decade ago nearly all the mu- I sic one could hear was made by sing- . ers. pianists. violinists. and players . ot other instruments requiring tor . their mastery years ot patient prac- tise. To-day there are in use hund- reds of thousands ot instruments which necessitate little or no prac- tise on the part ot those who use them, and which are at the same time marvels of modern mechanical ingenuity, marking a tremendous " vance over the music boxes, hurdy- gurdys. barrel organs, oreheatriona, and other mechanical instruments of the past, The wide demand lor them 'is indicated by the large and stead- ily increasing number of companies manuiacturing'thcm (there are over seventy manulacturcrs of piano play- ers!) whose prosperity is further in- I(Heated by the large scale ot their advertising in the newspapers and ‘magazincs, The musical periodicals lhare special editorial departments, devoted to these piano players and talking machines, and altogether this new departure in music presents one at the most curious and interesting aspects of modern civilization." - . sin. um: Just arrived A mr?oed of now and up to date mum Goods right. Prion "unable. Call " u Haney-Hark anm, Waferhr, Ont "A Musical 'ttvoiutidn,""iriienrr T. Finch, in The Circle, tor Janu- ary, 1907. Mrs. John Perth; ot Berkeley, Cat. ealkd on her nephew, Mr. C. W. Shirtch and lamina Albert sin-rt, Thursday Mrs. Perrier has not vi} Hod Cumin lor twenty year: and naturally ma quite a chum In this vicinity. A loaturr ot twr visit to this neighborhood will be a lamlly mmlon at the home. I her brother, Mr. Samuel B. thnv‘ir. Queen St. Berlin. on Xmas day. Aj'lsmm TO WA'rh.'RLoo A MUSICAL REVOLUTION, WIDE- SPREAD, AND GAINING BY LEAFS AND BOUNDS. spa'rrer.--At New Hamburg, Dcc. 13, John Sparrer, aged " rears, 5 months and 23 days. 'Rittershatts..-At Berlin, Dec. let. Chas. Rittershaus, formerly of Waterloo. aged 47 years, 3 months and 9 days. . Seihel.-At Waterloo,, Dec. Mnd, Harry, son ot John Seine]. Ziegler.-At Waterloo, Dec. 23nd, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ziegler, aged 6 weeks. Cutters low! nlulblo ”will. t -- ' 'A'M2'l tl'lvl'll'll to an G,tatet at the we l Comm No.0. Hunted 11-! ttatt,',',', t Oll- _tr-tA)ttttrsitemroy h ot ant, mum Auem. _ In the mum“, of 12,','tt'r: Thar. e"Mtttgh"g,'tN,ttrdltuT.1t, 'Mcllll e at. ml under mod cultivation. a un- _ and hudwood "all. I acne In qteetta" I'd vmu {rum and the III-non lune and cedar Hump. About. to an. In new. In full when. and ttid plow-lg In dons. _optttohrttmfirH 3 am. che- no em... with wood and. bank bun with nun! and. pig “this. in! naming and. A hydruxlio nun sown-awn ham and ban 2tht.tht luring wmr. but when! and chamber. Unn- mule “gnu: a] a! an. For lunhu plannin- _ " ; m comm KERRY“). an! nun Hammad. u . - noon was. Moo PM "'- ft1. HICKUS. Auction” . . III.“ IlllIlTlI. light: out» prion pad. Loud - mm d Monday. In: Mpmlgt Doe " ' Th-ititteroutrPatsiioAmtutm " the Bunker. now an , Tuesday, January 15th, I907, SHIPPING H068 WANTED Ill _ BABE] 'dehilerdtN2r'""' Tuna-wk. I ml. A h H . I m [or Food ntlh%'ihl l,','ttlt'tfe2t .52th all Tho h"dtgt','gt VIII an m In» in ttortho tulle “than JNl'l win.- 'lhupl'i' " my 1nd in and“ “new " io'olock .m. 'harm ths Ni. il'l.tdk",'lllllhl)l4l'iflll1tUill'ir, _. -., .__, F. E. SHANTZ a GO. PM “W “m” 'lttar "mun-”170mmrtm-mhmlnmgwntv. tron trh ”new, gun up“. -Rmttmt, “mm of Balls. M', up In an no chair. 'tttate bsndht, " 'lt,'h'l', mud-p. in“! m. B. t1flttt,','/a'l'gtdth1,'tlt,ttaghtrt t"A'tt',tr,t'gt.tt%'t/g', an 'dttt2l'P.T.t't lulu-am...” RLigsttfrrtt.i riq9r,6itMtittm. _ttt.9ig"00-,t.ret.at_d,.taterrmthiitrir urn-noun...” tor-I. LEtNrWtfM-mrmtty.ret-hr.iNr'tt. 1qFt"M-ortoqty up“ clash-mud nth-MIMI. Jrltt2lrggihtr.'at2a,tJl"MMtt "In. In" In but Mr Milli-vi. r In man-lino. 1'Mt,'M2t'trg'gtt"g . uhIHIu-Inl-motm "'llll'Jntt'gt,egtt loom "lltV " autumnal mum. Iranian-vain!) cum “whaling; 'aWrg,,tel,'a',h",,'il2W, $9. "ll-ammu.“ - _, Eh - -GrTTiuiiid -- Tm" Ttdia _ ram I- in. I! an; on can knight“; ”I - Elihu m m. I In can.“ any ur- n”) ”an“. Quantum. II In my! " m. "min twining m. an" rum If'.', tet , N ' 393w." mm tau: "" - "I'- ta't2,'tlWaia7d'li"a'l with”, a new». on man In... any“. In“. an, an. 1mrtdag, Baal Estate and Insurance Agents. Valuable Farm Property '" [008 WANTED Auctlon Sula CHAS. XII-[U T2101]! F. E. Shunt: 8000. " ”Inn-0M do" 'ttlr-rotor-r-tFarr-sm. hud‘nodm: "0mm; trdah we}! wamdunur T,tittn'dtlttxle no exalhntmtdwlth all” dink; No. l Mac: I mn-hm-rt-tod' ”hulk: from Prxmtans,lrmBeotmtBer. “aim “to. 'Matt"'.',','.. or an Inn ar'll, I " BINDER am. maximum. (firm i7GGiGiaGirrtai$iArard ”unwilling: Hood wall " has. and _ttarat. Hesr Isl-99! " chum!- Ihtr.. W: triidriirTaa "fs, ’" Garitui - 'rthtytig than gum. w‘mud; in Sale-4| snap (hum-l cl 4 new nibbl- fnr mum cumming. dusted 1 all. north at Wan-loo. ”liner-Hill. On it in " mm bum Ahab-mm hand I’d aunt-tav- and” mongol- manna“ bond-action. Apply irrfruiaiiLrrTratis" W-tme-th t'lPratg,"tut""oPrhetht,t, um tundra chub. 'ot'rltatt'g,ulth'rd on» but "tethm_rqroe_tt.rabam "iiil7h" mu. can. with can.” noon); tho li', owl In!" u. have at! running “ml: Ital. Fa Ngthe. particular-.39- 8httrthttrtttt for Sale Ust.,ttue,tviiiiirarsuuae The undersigned ofhse. for all. his vglyblg farm] 7 than“! , mile- south of Berlin qoinatimiiois-iaii, ""13 may hazing hum! timbpr (nipple and Twhlhlludl-o-un and-03M “an. mum-caduceus». I xoawni: "V - Rant":- ','h1'd,tftus FiGiGdTsWiGSaDrd;7Ci;Gh"i'kra" lifiiiied t"i'i'liSiiqhi'i,'iiie"h1tit,t.iii mum-onus In “In... [can but bun”!!! lag-mu Iliad “MM mutt-hie“ -ttttmtry9rtram0Utt has” undo: mwmodJmh “than n tr-h,airntrrtit, Tut-nulli- t,,tru,euu'Wa% no "can; on ... . “Minn-hon about. 1'hitetgrtat'.e . JAIN autumn. .. .-- Burl-dull}. 0.. :3; mankind a 2itdiijsjia' tGG 0 pro tor, or tor. _- -- 3611s was? mun, Ont. Farm for Sale me- boini} hath timber (tingle and bunch) no 1314: out for mi: as nil _k_uld, trtTrh,ftmenoditmtt 190.017 can] Ilium. unequal! - "In”, both but) And 00ft. old and new or hard- with good fruit, well (need, no encumbnnoe. Within . few minutes walk to uhool. Price vary modmtg._ Fin-thug; partial-u _¢ll| Ended! Inna out of [1an all. '?hWlttt'."dflt "“"mmmm'h- at": o G'dT8flll,Yg,tt'tMll [In-3.40m no In. at a. u. HIIIII S no: Jg'Bt1'rtftf.ia'1'e" mm‘ "a." 'dttt xmnmAMhr-au .3"- " - aaraFi6 -- ’5 85-7." "will"? aiiarfa' “""IIIIKT'Mw .ltlh'hhhta to ' hr tan-III!!! - Farm for Sale 3"th I III]. m'ot Imam. can.» Jiiffii.G%GEtuirkhy - . - - M “0m. N M P. o. M Farm for Sale '6-"-. PAIN '" SALE urinal-Sal. Farm for Sale Ill-N210 WWW NATHAN!!!- P!” Er, For Sal. LIE-FEE: 108. we! J'dS'S,'l'u. War. RUDY. qrnte rho. Ont, 115nm...“ -- Fra to: Ruth. was yawn: supply h. l Glen's, lulu. -ri. a. u 10' prim. 5mm stmt=lteAi!tLttit.tt.'"' J ”Mm . "" ‘fmmu cyt"irirpiai"irri'"deiiver, ",","l"." tad heavy sleigh: " Boom-o it In the but , tttah the only Amman: wk, the Alba: do. lbould hue your mama“, and. of the beat Mon, "a, "a but work- lumhlp, the ‘0’ tum: km, the use»: etrrdbrt,'"d hunt nuke, no aim-moo with "or, put, I nub: 05 the. M 03.50. In a peteonel one. We wish it were poeeSb!e foe us to take ”china - one by the hand and extend the compliments of the eeeeon. We cen't do this -but we hue e. ' A HEARTY tyilll8Tlllllt8 GREETING FOR All Our atom will be closed on. Christmas mr-business wil ‘ny to good chéer. S. It. Ernst & Go. a St rasser’s l Merry f _ Christmas . =For You o!..t.leyd and leer. Our Small Profit System is a Great Success. We went every he of our friends and patrons to accept our MERRY 0l8llill8Tllllli8 Do you to? to unto the moot of your olothoo money t Thou on o look tt thou. Ther will wou- " they look too, Dodo with on tho - motion to detail that mock- tho undo to otdot hind brood waldo", on. mung. cotton nod who: on” roaming on“ mm ond lopolo, on duo lot 00 96. 100 only men’s he") winter oval-cont. consisting of dark oxford (my ohoviou, n!» my in block that!" “ripen, mule up in documented Chum- nold 01,10, also noun has, tvoed- undo up in the long tom-t style “nod rm: good mun cloth and vol] mud, also. 36 to ",toet-rWodttgMar, Getting too near to Chrlecmae time, you'll tram no money for In overom If you welt much longm We went to tell all we can of them before folio (or- get everything but Christma- goade. Here In an Inducelnem for men tomorrow. Men's Suits at $6.95 the Albert Shoo WANTED Waterloo Mm. will g'vo

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