STRIKE COST ABOUT $100,000 Mu- Street Rzilway Dial nna: Was I costtri'Amir. Everybody ttutrcred. Hamilton. Dun gl.-Now um. we street railway trouble is settled and 1 out ot the way, Hamiltonian»: have a I chance to tit down and figure out what the strike lu- cost. A conser- utire estimate places the tttyum " $100,000. The retit jurors ot the County Court, which wound up its Mimi yesterday, Were paid "" in tea and mileage, and the â€and jury colt nearly 8150. The Juries ensued less than a day on casts exclusive ot the street car riots, and the anion- clnrgeuhle to the strike was $850. This is the largest amount that has been paid out to jurors in a County Court in years. The soldiers hruught here from Toronto and Landcn as witnesses alter the troops were sun home cost the city $500 lor hoard, Then there are the Crown Attorney's expenses and another $250 [or dining the police up-town during the trouble. The bill tor the regulars' stay in Hamilton amounted to over $6,800. Scores ot claims have been frtiNt with City Clerk Kent tor damage done to private property. The corporation it-l sell will be out about $10,000 over) the strike, not including a loss‘ of $75 a day while the. trouble lasted, its share ol the gross earnings. The company it is believed. lost over $75,000, the cost of bringing and keeping the strike-breakers and Chi- cago detectives here, and the big loss -.- . _ I,.._ -..qr.-A 'ees and mileage, a out nearly 8150. ' less than a day on tho street car riots can!) ut|l1l11\q ..-.‘, F.“ ,, .. or business. The heavy loss suffered by merchants brings the approximate estimate up to over $100,000. Itâ€. u." ,..... During the season 250 miles of new roads Were evnstructed and 000 miles of road cleared last year were grad- ed. [wished and rewind. Hal-l NIAGARA 250 MILES OF NEW ROADS The oncers of the Western Munici- palities Niagara Power Union have arranged a series oi right meetings to be held during the nut two weeks at places where the power by-law will be voted upon at the time of the municipal oltctinns. Ilcm Mr. Heck, Chairman ot the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, and the engineers at the commission have horn invited! to and will attend all or the rnret-l ings to driinr addresses and answer questions in regard to the power by- law. The places selected tor the meetings are Guelph, Gall, Wood- stock, Stratford, London, St. Tho- mas, lngorscll and Preston or Paris. Boston, hm. '24.--A statement. of the evangelical lowers now working in the nmt-Uhristiatt world, made public to-day, shows a, total of 29,386 ata- tions and out stations, 6.750 men and 6,039 women misrsronaries and 735 native laborers, 1,349,903 communi- cants, 1,120,802 under instruction,‘ and an‘incomc ot $18,605,718. l Amuican women missionaries out- numbt-t the mm 3,031 to $2,043. Na- tire coatributiots wcrc $i,28'.t,200, Ind the totcl intgmr of American so. cicticl was $8,260,321. . bTiit"iriiiri'n" his 3,130 mule and 1,990 lomalp missionaries, with an income ol $7,298,097. _ There are 3,210 mussmnnncs Pi (Winn. Prdvshnt outumtnicattts ls/ Julian numhrr $8.081. ot (he 89 mis- sionary sot-Mics in India " are Am- triean. The imoizn n-orkrrs total 3,- 413. and the 51t hdsvltals and dis- bonsarirs this year cared for 2,000,- 950 patients. WILL Mun-1‘ POSITION Rev. J. w. Grsltara, pastor cd (hc Pirst Method/rs', (hutch. t.on'on.,ltas Announced that lu. 91.24 rlvvitlul to ac- cept the msiliun of Asia-im- F'icr't" tare of th" Ihth Ilts‘l Iidv.tatiottal Kiwil'ly. lo vryicy. 1(- w s .Ij‘rninll-J this wcek, Mr. Grain-m will ttut have Londun until tho end ot Junv. the close " ttus ('mxh-n-ncv bring liu time ftxm1 in him to assume his new “Hes. h BEAUTIFUL Any of tsur readers (sho an: looking for a suitable orescuit to send to friends living outside of the county cannot do bet. ter than to mail them a copy of the Chronicle Telegraph Sou ve nir. Over too pages profusely illustrated. Price 40 cents. Mailed to ilny part of the British Empire or United States. Add to cmts ex- tra for poxmgc. MWMV.“ l M‘GHTY FORCES POWER MEETINGS gt .-Now tttat, the. 3;}.10 missionaries In 24 .--The season's GIFT to ac- .“a ch" a t ional gvnintl-J NEW RAILWAYS Ottawa, Bee. M. - Account to not 1tird with tho Govern-eat. the Candi» North“ Runny Com- pany cont-plate the continuum ol the [allowing line- in Guano in Ad- ditlon to the WW [IIIVIYI troll Toronto to Ottawa and lontml: From Toronto to Hamilton. Brar+ lord, Woodstwk. Lam. Gianna. Windsor and Detroit. Brantlonl to Port Dover. Ana-tn to Gatt, Waterloo, Berlin and Goduich. Bullion to Waterloo, Berlin. It. Forest and Owen Sound. Klan-dine to Barrie, Orlllh all Washngo. Iron: which latter place there will be an extension to the Georgian Bay. .__..-;n. '" . mint on the m. Amplior 1 Lawrence in Howe Island "ow" luau-u. There will also be a line from Haweestrurr to a point ot junction with the main line in Bastard town- ship. south of Rideau Lake. An extensive scheme ot electric railway building is co.aternrr1ttef by the Strattord and St. Joseph's Rad- ial Railway Company, which is " plying to Parliament for a charter to build passenger and freight lines trom Stratford to Avlnton, thence to Downie, Ihllartoa, Russcttdate, Far- quhar, Bela, Henna". Zurich and St. Joseph, thence southerly to Grand Bend in the township of Sto. phen. or trom Exeter westerly through the most convenient places to St. Joseph, and trom St. Joseph to Grand Bend, thence to Parkhill. CONTROLLING COURT FOR GREAT' UNITED CHURCH The irircial report ot the church union coxxlcrence ot the represents tives ol the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational denominations held in Toronto about ten days ago was issucd on Saturday and summed up it is as follows: _ Members. M a charge shall be entitled to in“ communion. and 1 the right to vote, on contession _ oi faith. . The. General Council, Conference or Assembly, the highest court pt the unilul Church shall consist ot an equrl numbrr oi ministers and laymen chosen by the annual can, iercncrs, synuds, or unions. The pastoral relation shat be fwithin a time limit, and t re shall be a Settlement Commi. cc, consisting oi ministers and iay- . men, hem each annual synod or conference, to consider all appli. cations irom ministers and _ charges tor changes of pastoral I relation. There is no serious ditiicuNy in the way of the amalgamation of the pultliiuing ’ur collegiate inter- ests ot the three Churches. That We united Church should aim to make the minimum salary of the ministers ot the united Church at least ti,000 a year, with muse or parsonage. That aim to of the Church tt0RRY-THE msm§E_ A humor ts' English writer, Dr. Cy W. Salt-v1.3; recently futisltmt a attics at article, written in a popular vein, and on†1 d "Wotry-the Disclse oi the Age." The first at these appears in the Christmas number of Tttt Camcdiail Magazine, which has many ‘thrr attractive and srasooahte toa- turcs. One of the first notiCtahlt things all out the magazine this mun" Ln". the tr: nt con-r, which Is a rvpro- .Bnolion st "r prize drawing Ly J. As to the tnimng ot ministers. the report says that the attain- ment or a B. A. degree, with thru- yrars' course in theology, is desirable, but alternative courses are sursustcd tor young men who timi it practically impossible to take the _coursc mentioned. The unit of organization tor the united Church shall be the pat-- torarchartte, circuit, or congrega- tion, (h) the Presbytery. district meeting. or association, (e) the annual ronlctencc, synod, or un- ion, id) the general conlercnce, council, or assembly. .1. Grant. It is rmincd "Our Lady ot the Mums," and is a new and Mrasing' cumogdiun at this charming wrsmmlity, ()Ilwr ti-atom of thl ‘hristnns Canadian Magnum an ".lvrusa) m and its Environments" iilluslmlt-d), "Old Christmas has toms in linuIand" tiuustratmO, TE'- productions ot It. Paton “cod- ville's t mm: drawings, "The Dawn of Maura Day," and “Mam-and Saw ing (he Guns," and M Jules Brrton's mainline, “The ('ommunicants.'_' There are sewn! othcr lntrrrsting articles with shrn slams by W. A. Fraser, Alice Jams. and K. P. Medina Toronto. Dec. 24.--The death occur- red Saturday morning In " Burial“ street. of Lady Emma Iviuon, widow M the late Hon. Sir Adam Wilson, president ot the High Court of In tice for Ontario, who died in MW. Lady Wilson was the daughter of the Inc Thomas Dalton. once proprietor and editor ot The Purim. and Im born ianpromo eiyhtei't,,,reh'? tfe: gum 'iirioriao eighty“: yen: Mo. She had been onion-1y ill tor four month; the result ot I stroke of par- than London. Dee. tt.--The contract lot the bauhship Superb. the third ot the 0"meng to In laid down this you. hm Inch awarded to the Arm. uronn of Veirer.ptte.ortrrrtte, The " . n A null -..J “an..." like minivan-y guy..." ..., .__,, - Drudmmphls to be hid down this your. two bean (murder! to the Arm. 3mm†of Ve.irerotte.ortV The tender foe the hull and Muhlmry. under tor the hull and machinery, exclusive of the guns and "re mined. It ll mud. " th. Lady Wilma Pam Away. io ' point on the: . Leeds towuhip. east Dreadnought Stand. g. in Ontario in Adv Md raitwar. "on n and Initial: to Hamilton. Brant- W, Chum-n. IN ONTARIO i, 6157mm AGE. ELECTORS WILL HAVE TO VOTE caves-amt lawn wilt Dis. guu'ny PM who Net†to Poll Their Vote. Ottawa, Dee. tt.--hs 0mm Bill tor the Mom c! an Don't-io- Election Act will be (only (or pun- tation to Ptrlhmt Windy " ter an Christan holidays, and will‘ probably provide, among it: other legumes, that any qtsaiiiUd voter who ‘neglectl. without good new. to ex- ;erciu the franchise at a P.artiamestt- ary election shall he disqtsaliited troll voting tor six years therealter. . Legislation in this direction has been recommended by two special committees at the House in recent years. The Government measure will impose severe penalties tor anyone under this ditrosaiifiration who " tempts to vote. No one will long his Irigttt, however, who has tween pre- vented trom voting through illmss or any other good and sullicient reason, and in such cases an application to the local judge will save anyone trom the penalty that his non-attendance at the polls would otherwise incur. These proposals are made " a means of impressing Canadian elect,- ors with a better appreciation ot the responsibilities ot citizenship and also to' meet the case of the man who hangs around the poll on voting day waiting tor a tive dollar bill belore depositing his ballot WHAT KIND OF Written try Prof. J. Dutty, M.P.A. The cat is a wonderful irrterirrtter at character, though its study has been much neglected by the majority t2"'rgiiteg,'dst't "The cars are si- ent witnesses ot character, they stamp the man. As they are so will ac be. When they are isertect' they :omplctc the whole tare." "Fiiiriirrimiiiate courage, timidity “beauty, stingincss and quality. _ . The cars have been called nature? The cars have been called nature's watch towers, and the side door of the mind. The best cars shouid be neither too large, nor too small, too high, nor too' low, nor too tar back on the tcad-neither standing too tar out, nor lying too close. All-35;] gar shbubd be rather small transparent and rosy, tapering slight- tr at the top. -ireil in indicate power and qual- ity must lie close to the head, it must not project. - __ -iiUri%ariii is indicated try thin, delicate ears. ' A .. "rid, maxi: ot the ear should be xbout'eqnal tothat ot the, nose. The more delicate and refined the nature of an individual the more com- rlicated or artistically developed is he organ or hearing. Literary people show a diversity of iorm in their cars; a little reason- ng and attention wilt easily discern their peculiar style from the form oi ~ar they posse'ss. statesmen usually have large, will amped ears. Power goes with size. mu and lenacity are always found in sh? possessors of large, wellHeiined -al‘s. All great philanthropists and reformers show large cars; the nig- ganlly and miserly have small ones. sq in onsh.1iiatrt. pun auusuos mu, trayed by the oval ear with a large lobe. _ - 'rhltTiuriael, ind large car will never be (only! on the refined and del- ;cate. - Large, flabby ears are a sign otl idiocy. l Criminals have badly formed ears, and it may be considered an unlailing Sign. (no matter what the irregular development is) that weakness of some sort eziirts in the person with 1 badly shaped ear. The savage man ‘will have a savage ear. The civilized man will have a civilized ear. "Lack ot common serve, injustice and jealousy go with the round ear. Regarding criminals' curs. it is in-"?, teresting to quote Homer Devonport t the noted cartoonist on the ears oh: the three noted criminals, Durrant, I Thorn and Holmes. "I spent." he c says, “three months at the mirrant I trial, in San Francisco, a whole week ot which I spent in making a study at Durrant's' cars, from rear and side , :iews. What the ears indicate as to l t man' character I do not know, 1 od 1 leave that lor phrenologlsts I and others who have made a study oi I 'eature indications ot character. But I 'do know that the ears ot the three most celebrated criminals oi the cen- 'ury bear the closest resemblance to one another. All ol them have small. “standing-Put, cnttnplrd-up ears, ‘and it l†at thin: had the power to "swap" ~"are I dd not believe guy of them would have worn the other's ears with any degree of discomfort." Proi. titan. an authority on dis- eases ot the ears ct criminal: and lunaties. lectured recently hetore the Congress at German antrroprrteii, , at Gorlitz. Pret. luau has taken ac- , curate measurements of Loganâ€. ot "which 255 belonged to In ics and '3i3 to male criminals. The Prol. conc.odes that in n vast majority of eases the various parts of the eghr- . "at ear are larger in criminals ant l lunativs than in normal w-rsons.1‘his l is emu-chilly noticeable in the lit“! ' or outer border at the ear. According l to Prof. lllnu the larger the helix is ,. the lower the state of mental devel- is especially noticeable in the hiliXLt or out" border of the car. According ll to Prof. luau the larger the helix ls; the lower the tttate ol mental devel- l opment. The hearing luculty on t'e. other hand ls Per-oer. Put “In: lb. lustrates his theory with relerente to. the “Melt-s or open. whlth mass on, "stellar-:1 border. Prof. Elan remarks; that Mmormal development of the outer harder is more notteeatte ant-2 on; criminals charged with sexual mm than among other clam: ol [q',',',',',',.,',',?', I qttoritt'tt Magic Ointment. mere', Vlluunn nun..." _r..._...9.". -_"ee-""" it'it Mir do" tot Piles-at" “I work; with errtottr' and tratmtae- How, “chum. [MM-l. mutual", m' mad mks AtsMtttar like magic Fr,' m at. Try using For ah " "IB-B-il.""""""'""","]',"-'-":-").; "ii"i'C2'i'"c""iiiardiiiAn-ir'D-tit_1t' ft - LwTrywu'nl m! For m. Vim".- EARS HAVE YOU? Ian than two years and six months not 30m than three years and six men I in Auburn prison. She no- knowlodgod performing a crimind opgntion. - _ . .. . __. Her two daughters told the district attorney that their mother had mur- dered many infants and burned their bodiea in her kitchen stove. One of the daughton said that her mother had urged her to enter into a part- nership and had demonstrated how easy it was to kill an Infant by wring- ing ita neck. The charges oi the daughters were not substantiated. Austrian Put-l Employ-s TU Up Sonic. By Following Ruin. Vienna, Dee. S2.--A "passive resist asses" strike involving Wthe gosh!- ttem, of Austria and 25.000 employee. men and women, began yesterday as a protest ngainat the conditions un- der which they no compelled to u. bor. The strike consists of absolute obe dience to the strict letter of the anti- qunted regulations, which are quits inlpplicable to modern requirements. The _emplo_yee are thus .inarltyh lt partly!» the mail service without contravention of the rules. The men have been agitating tor if" to acute an increase of their adequate pay. which _ begins at about 46 cents per day and rises to I maximum of 90 cents diet 40 or w _ service. _ . Sydney. N.B.. Dee. 29.-The Nor- wegian steamer Gafibaldi, ’coal laden trom Horian to Wanna. u stranded on the Island of Miquelon. The crew 'srars1ued., - -. ._ .. . a ' mt" Garibaldi In†Port Marian Bat. will; morning and ran on Miqnelon Bun Br. She carried shout nine hun.. dred 1orts of cod consigned by the Dominion Iron and Bteel Co. to their works st Wuhan; The Garibaldi Watt owned in Sweden. Should Welcome Hlndool. Montreal. Dee. ag..--" Thoma Bhuuhneesy, president of the C.P.R., 'ttte,' yesterday ot the influx of indooe into British Columbia tyut9d, that while the company we: only in- terested as a carrier the Hindom ought to be welcomed in View of the great demand there In on the Purim: coast tor all kind: of labor h the ulna u well an In the tUMs. To hare beautiful, perfect, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a light coating ot Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. Then, next morning, notice carelullv the oiled. Dry, cracked, or colorless lips mearrteverishnemr, and are as well m appearing. Dr.Sttoop's Green Salve is u soft, creamy, heat- ‘mg ointment, that will quickly cor- srect any skin hlcmish or ailment. Get a tree trial box at our store and ilk convinced. Large, glass jars, Mc. A. G. Haehnel, Wagerloo. Long can indicate long lite, and tomcity. Large can, perseverance. and a vigorous constitution. Small cars. (Intimacy and refinement. I Frugal}? wcan, expression and memory ot sounds. _ _ The can are u: index 0! chunk: and never stop growing, a mm dia- counting tact tcr propte with big cats, or, in tart, mrtrrople with any mm at all. This has hum discovered by the systrmalic examination at over 10,000 pairs ot can in England and Prartce. , Not-wag!“ Slum" A59". A NOVEL STRIKE. Puma n and Grew Hal clot. Call 5...: Wore Sui-Iv Lnndod. Port Dufferin. N. tr.. Doc. 'te-Ther new" tnryttysona. Mi! Aly' EEK; End Cum; sown-u GG.. look fire while _ri'ilsd'iC,iiitlyiiiii sunning! {night and t total 'GGCViih, sir are to", won not until). She had as mucus" on bond. who momma.“ yep1ifPtf a? mm In weapon. a- ..w u... m. w, min and crew. though it VII 1 very clone call. t Ph summer Ite/fit.' ,tt Buli- ua noonon an a. excuse consisted largely ot enigma gem}! At 8.30 o'clock whonoouuido aver tight, the was dileovorod under the tiltindt greet/tttN"", nothing co one I y p as. The bow. burning. was brown!“ Smileys Point. when Ibo was beach- ed, and the passengers and are! nio- ly landed. The Sunbeam was I wooden steamer of 273 tons gross. Her cost, $35,000, is fully covered by immanent. Both ship and cargo are WM Ion. For Branch of Alien Labor Law- Elwon Finn lmpmd. Bellwille, Dee. 9t.--Iho Derby Dia- tillery Co, was _§nturday 'gate!! Hue no. “no “aâ€-.. - - - 101ml} guilty. by Magistrate Flint in the alien dabor cue. L 1.. - " _. . .‘__ “m. . m “(nun-nu m. It was charged that they brought United States citizens to work at the distillery gt Cogbyville. and 2 f?eg Gunnery um w: w, nu... ---- __ of $50 each and costs were imposed in the mu of J. Cohen of Omaha. superintendent; o. mett of Peoria, Ill.. mlllwright; J. Matthew: of phiU. delphia, homer, and eight copper- nnithl hum Cincinnati, Ohio. DI 00. uuuuuu; can- w... __ - broken glue. an "m thrust through I broen window end homily with. drawn, and . acemper of the two men back to the rig. which immediately In! driven oft at a furious pace. A customer in the shop Jumped into o passing sleigh and pursued the cutter. Kathe " policemen on the woy. end holly capturing John Mulligan. the chief robber. There were $6,000 worth of diamonds in the window but they (at only $50 worth. . NOVA SOOTIA SHIP BURNS. Rich. Lind In Funny. Bollwillo, Der 2t.--George Datum. on old mm suppo:od to be practical- .ly pennilou, died an Tyondinuo 'F canny. He had told thot" attending him to look under me out of on old cutter in tho drive home. They did no and found $1,100 in him. Further search revealed on old coffee pot, which won Almost tttltd wit? gold ttef. . “A 'll'la “nun-3 v- ...v ..-_v, the searchers. " Damn had lived for you: in s most penurioul n], " mo" denying himself the We. of life. - ... - .A_ A“. m... og II". Re made a will I few any: - his death. North Bar, Dee. g4.--Fire broke out At , o'clock yesterday morning in the drygoodn' More of Chnmnndy Bros. and belore the fumes could bu con- trolled the grocery of Chnppnle Bro... the dwgoods more of Chamandy Bram, the grocery of K. Georg. and the com ierlionefy “on of M. Burrowmdl we" in “hen. and I number of B: rim um. mes, tantrum»! the blocks band. were shivering in the street warmly mural with the mercury “out ten below um._ The total 1jysL!e,,,tl"'n New York, Dee. Sir-A tic-pun w The Time: from Hanna up: Governor "noon sum and a dome y'g,Pp,lul, when 4 American. ind Cu no to ruin an tg'."'"'" decay"! and judiciary III. A new party in hin‘ formed to boom General and: an hr the pmiducy. - - Burglarhod Funding. FINES oonav co. Bad Fin " North Btry. Burma; Cub-n Win iiaaa in wave. ..--A (la-patch to {COBALT , _ IN BERLIN People are realizing tin-y need .not go any from memo to lulu Cuban. Simply go through S Saudi". & Cole ready to war clothing and you will be she to tind m um Cobalt vs In than is great many peane tbd who are seeking for such in mining districts. In qualiKy, axylu and vaine there are m: but†to be bad. In boys' overcoat: 2:50, 290, 3.00. 4 00, 4 50, 5 00 Yo-atha’ overcoat,» 3.50. l 50, 5.00. 6.00, 7 00. 8.00 Max's oven-coats 495. 5.50, 6 oo, 7 00, 800 to 18.00. l Boyd two ploce suits. 1.79;? 00. 2.50, 3 0.0, 3 tro, 4 00 5.00 up. Men's min 4.50, 5 00, 6 M, ' oo,, 8 00 up. Special value in unfezrlothi. g. . . s., SAUDER & co. " KING STREET EAST The S'ore for the People. IGNATIEFF B DEAD Ex-Governor and Count Knled By Asiassln At Tver. six BULLETS FIND MARK nil ‘ Ignatmru Vim - M.-"'-" I anneal Count Alexi- hvolioh ', grand! was born In In trnd - a regiment d hunt: of the guard. In I!“ he's†unwinwd mmnnder of Chevalier Guards and in not ho became ettief M they staff M the mind. cor8 In tttNb he bee- 0mm- Fir"' 9! 1mm and in 1a.).- 'II men - tttd What NI 00m. to Do. At tho lumen! “wt-wen hid hold ot him ho Ihou mat, "I did wh" I cum here to do." A end of admitssio, to the Zemalvo bearing the 1mm. of ttutihoft wt: found in MI pocket Rim type-“nu is that at . irorkirtgmit I'll-Non“. Cam? and Record. anneal Conn: Alul- hvolioh 'st',, can born In In! turd mm- a regiment ot hunt: of the guard. ' ‘A-l-l-J mun-Mal I URI“ um nu.--“ moment. of the nomina- lt Irnarvff Wu sitting with Iber- of the Bermttvo n the " ron'm. The Zorn-ho the nobles "etlt, til y need .006 go away from JUriia to find S Sander & Cole ready to war clothing m we Cubans vs I16 than is great many for such in mining districts. In quality, heat†to be had. ' 290, 3.00. 400, 450, 5 00 In“!!! pout-nun nu Inna- _..-_. n, _ - As a result of the disorders to1io- ing "Rod Sunday." Jan. 29, 1M, It. nitiett was sent. by the Emperor to hvestigsts the situation in Southern Russia, and " report on the itnrtte dists necessity for granting reforms wagons ot the chief reasons which in. duced the Emperor to proclaim tho ttrtrt Russian srlinment. , Had Talon! For Intriguo. f During the debates precedinf the adoption M the parliamentary " of Ann. s, 1906, Igitatietr ulvocstgd ,t.t cpme Irovernor-Gen?ttti ttt In which position he held until 18M. - .. in .L- .I:_-..A.-‘ hi“: Aug. tr, “In, 'B'""""' w.--..,_,, granting ot great power to Pump mom; but it appen- that the sum ot the repressive, manure: (allowing the Mum mrvolt changed his o in.. ion/for he beam. the active u'lllll: tor of Genenl Trepoft in nupportinoz tho "preie. policy of Minnow: an Intuit" Dumovo md in the in.. f,ie,,','ltt. team-d in the downfall ot nt With. The obnoxious drumhead coun- maid luv under whieh hundred-m1 le.dirtg unedu- have boon executed during the Inst few months. 1-. work“ out at I npecid coulonneo. of which Count mama v“ u mun- ber, nd to Mm "madman " mm. the authorship of this - no. . Sine. M. swig? has boon Prank! tho count ha 11 an“! umu no and u trudging: with out" man. u ot the so.etul calm-ill. to out M. Bholypin and to induc- tha ham or to diupcnu unholy with an Iowa Home. Rcwlutlonlm - Pallet. 'toetrome, Russia, Dee. ".--wtsiio I aqua! ot pone-{ham by Pellet Cum. Proobnhnuky. I.“ 01:“an Bum-d†night. I lodging-homo Im- potted oi humming moluuonhb. ward men opened " with mole "I" an the polioo, killing the cup- um um! mondly woundhn t poiiee mm. The nvolnuonhu aeaped. New the an"... " In mu out Md cl 'rd3'l'dll'lll; m. Pour-burg. Dee. tt.--Pru. Post M. Humid, maiden! oi an Camu- wuonul Dunocnuc party, who he bun .t.tod to him. tho loot luck: of Ibo Ttll the nut Pun-mom. ha bun land itteligibto to doo- lion to the W - human he has non an -"" ".tdeatee gull- muons. PM. can. A. Haunt-hon, who vu with!“ at the tttat new" no... und I number ol other - .0 has. hue been donned. not - hon tho "anditte to maid-m. in can many“ P, gagged.“ - - BERLIN We Do What We Say DIDARRID MEELIOIILI. In Ml. Och