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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 2

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Chi-onset. - Toby-.911 uu-uuu-N“ " an.“ an!” no». P.tgN= t'gu%ul'dtl . W tNtula"h""al'i mol- Mon. Mr. Lenin! b, entirely right l in distiquishin; in Itits strike hill. I between Uraistriea which control 1 natural monopolies and public utilia ties, and those which are wholly psi- vate in their charactcr. No reatbtut- abie community Would ever think oi demanding that a private enterprise should pay into the civic treasury i) percentage ot its gross earnings. The‘ dilierencc between prihte enterprises and public utilities is, however, so apparent that there can be no diner- ence of opinion in making the distittt> tion. The industries coutroling MMHI- opolies. and public utilities in ou- tario consist oi the unions water- powers. mines, ete., togtthcr with; the iranchiscs which are in pcasestriots ot the government and municipalities. The intention ot Mr. Lemieux's mut- surc which. it it prov" eitective, will prevent the stoppage ct public tserv':- uvum’WM‘ I! no... I.“ ',iil'iiiij'.lf:iiii.i?t?iiiis: u". Ta,-..,,-"'" nan-M can and the iairrsivs curtailment ot the necessary supplies of natural wealth. 7 T We have a good idea ot the nature and results ot I Incl famine in ii) tario, and it is certain that this country can endure no more fuel tam- ines in the West,_whcre there is plen- ty of coal in the mines, awaiting the pick ot the miner; and we could as‘ little atiord to permit a "tie up“ ir, the western railways at the moment,: tor example, when they meat to be straining every nerve to lorward the western products to their destina- tion. These 'are arises in which the lnterrsts of the public are para- mount. ' Ot course those privntely concerned in these industries may not like the idea of rigorous: government interior- cnce in a dispute wholly between. themselves over wages or hours ol' employment; but that is one of the penalties they should IN, required to pay tor being in possession ot a natural monarch: It is one ol the stipulations or rentals which the owners of coal nails or of railway lranchises may tairiy" imrosc upon their opcration. The great Ioiat to be attained is to [rerun a sudden strike or loch-uni. “hen this ls done: and when the contending parties are compelled to submit their eases to a board of a,rritrutors, it is most like- ly that an annoyed will be reached in cold blood which is oilen impos- sible when the blood is hot. Mr. Lcmicux says, the award of the arbitrators. though only adxisoty, will usually to torced upun the dis- 'putants by the weight, ot public op- inion. Mr. Foster's qurution.-as to what the great public is to do ll the award be not "ccpteit, and it " a result a stubborn me up" ot the Coal mines cr tee railways cusur, ls certainly quite prttincnt. We prr- Iume the Only resource available un- der these clrcumslanccl Would be to Resort. to sweet "rvumstuxttettr.s and moral mansion. . Send It copy ct "100 Teats' Pro you In Waterloo County" Ity your lriends. over 100 lug". Pike Mty cents mailed to any anon». Send along your moncy and your namr-u. Onion filled in rotation as received. (LEVER ARREST 0F naturals 3.1mm Brown. and saying that he was ttw sun ot a Linn" In" in; "our t'uintc.il1r, (ML, was run in as a sure; rd this morning, and has n dunno ot vattratwy opposite his name on the polite trtntter. His cap- ture is a rather important one, in view " the circumstances that, alter being taxrd with working a bogus‘ cheque game in Garelptt, he broke down and unnlrssod that he was the Itranxcr memiuurd in a despatch in the morning dailies trom the Royal City gixittg partictttars at the fraud walked en a stort9et'per there yes- terday. 1tow 11tcw arrest Was made reflects cram not only on HIM German. but alum on Mrs, Joseph "all. to whom the man applied tor hlvnk tin-qua to day. Mrs. "all summit! hm mat plum“! the and. who Inn-ml up tlw tettont and when! him and" urn-u. The om bad read about the Gurlph tgtg-Mrs. iair"itiGiirsliGG, rand uhnyrdly concluded that "an mun must " ttte - openly“. _. _ "a; Tam-1m. police have hum "Min- ed, and an Mir" “us wont dos-n lu- night to 1akrPr.oNt Md. “I‘m!" iii a dissipated Rankin: VON“! Micah-o! WIMP! f3 years, and does not any Mum" “kc " ttevotttplintr " crook Gan. Doc. '2o,-.A mm giving his Now "My. Hm “an ”Women In Waterloo foamy." (Nu m Wi, n. An "reptatte Xmas oi cw Yam rent-bum. Pm u - by null. a u on» " a. a... MONOPOLIES. t.heCat it.” -- __‘- - FORGER IN GALT u..- --' .9. n- - M In lit-193:1 MANY REPORTS ADOPTED , BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL Committees Review the Work oi the‘Yenr at the Final Sessions on Wednesday. Extensions for the House ot Reinge Recommended. _ The Tandy Council rained on Wednesday dtetnoon after the mem- bers had attended the (Joaquin ut the late John 'eeDongatt in o body, and a large amount ct barium in transacted below the adjournment. The various committees reported,! giving ‘hrielly a record ot the wore' done during the rear. l Roads and Bridges. The Roads and Bridges Committee presented a lengthy report at the condition at the vuious county Pe"' that had teen inspected out] ”mailed by the committee. Accounts '15fff, recommended to be paid Berk- _ cumin: to $594.47. I The report we adopted. i . “out ot Refuge Report. l . The House at Reluge Committee . reported " Iollows: _ i . "hat they have passed hills and P claims against the County tor the 1 halt year ended the ttrgt day ot De cember. inst., amounting to 33.15634 t a detailed list ot the same being at- " mined hereto. The usual contacts have been let as (allows: For bread at 'de per lb. (or all kinds. For meat at 6c per lb. (or tore quarter and Bio lo: hind quarter beet, pork at tie per B. - . _. AL- II-.._- A, Inn-"~- "“‘u I-'- -e"e . That an Inspector or the House ot Refuge should Abe appointed. mun- -...._._ Vi"- 7,“ Plans bare been trutsmitted for the improeemetrtts at House at Refuge, estimated cost about $6,000, and you: commute recommend that next year's (when proceed with thc work. _ That the condition or the court room for some years has not been ir keeping with the spirit of progrem !that pre.ails in the different town Iii' the Province. and your committe- in iraprocing and relurnishing it a Considerrblc cost have endeavored " keep pau- with the changes made i ' court rcems in the neighborhood. The report was adohed and committce was complimented try members. V Thi, Property Committee reports as toliovs: . That extra shelving is nerdcd 10' the Rogis'try Ofrtee, but owing to tlu “permit re on County propcrty haw ing reached the limit anticipated ir. the estimates it is recommended mm the purchase of the shtlving te de terred until January. 1907. That the grounds surrounding th Court House and the trees amflshrut bery (herein have undrrgonc a col skk-mblc change during the past yea. at Tr Enid?“ yaur iaamittre which it trusted would be approve- ot by the Council. _ ' sl?imr,is'Giiiriidtitts to ti,836.7 were rerummemled to be paid. [allows 'ciiii'tu. [allowing amounts te paid on nccomt of ‘schools: - _ - .. “L311“; -ctil;i\:a lint to Legislative grants for construction clam, 8142.50. . A Paris High School, for County pu- pits, 372.70. County grant to Model School. 8300. That no adieu be taken on the memorial trom the Hanan County ['ouncll rewarding the reduction In the numhcr of courts. - "gin-turd Collegiate, for County pupils, $193332; . That t c claim of Waterloo Tp. tor refund of amounts paid re lunatic: be laid out until the accounts are pro- ducal. . were F :i'scd. The r sort was adopted. I Mun' lpal Association Report. Councillors Delhi! and (lens mil:- milled , report of the annual mett- ing of the Ontario Municipal Asso ciation, which Was held in Torcnu last August. Resc1utionsewere pm sented from the Waterloo County rt- preserW.tivrs, ind-ailing lettir tilt- phone service. on rr-adNstawnt o' High Srhonls and Collegiate Art, ru the ra"e-ttttardhtq cl railway incl lcrnxsim's aim the interchange of (switching between railways, all o' which wt're favorably rrerivrd. A change has new made in the Nturr' procedurr oi eonventions by which all resotutiora must he sent to drtrtttttetr The Finance Committee reported as Accbvms amounting to $971.93 Property Committee: Finance Committee Malawi. Hi-e-Ott-ttUU". Heaiaitt-trm-euuthis mphyui nwhohulutuodd the family foe thirty year- M“ Scotea EmalJion. To feel that Wanna!“ ",,agthi,,ttu-r-tetesdtoa ALI. DINOIITOI Boo. AND fboo. NOW: tht the 'at but . - How the? can] 1 meeting. . i A. Och: Juli. ll I The c work in i on Weds [ inc“ ha The Finance Committee rand the following Accounts handed in by the various members tor their We“ M- ing the rear: - Geo. M. DeBus. Berlin _.. ...UN." John. Shiel. N. bunnies ....._ 98.50 Theron Buchanan. Gait. ... .Fr.m. 39.60 Theron Buchanan, Gait PV» "t_..' 31.60 Fred. tgdraeter, lift-lbw .__ tte... 45,50 John F. Master, New Dundee 13.45 J. U. Fischer, Waterloo ..t ... 58.00 W. R. Plum, New Hamburg .'.. 10;.00 L. Bowman. Bloomlngdale ... "bio Daniel Batu. Elmira M..... ... ... ”.70 A. 0cm. M. D., Hetrpeter FFF ... 120.00 Juli. Radium. M. D., Gait ... 138.20 W. R. Plum, New Hamburg J.. 10;.00 L. Bowman, Bloomingdale ... 133.10 Daniel Ratz. Elmira W..... ... ... 02.10 A. Octur, M. D., Helpeler ... ... 120.00 Jull. Radford, M. D., Gait ..r 138.20 The County Council concludasl its work in a very appropriate manner on Wednesday evening. Alter line bun- in“ had been disposed ot Warden B. J. Cherry was wquested to vacate: the chair and Councillor Theron Bu- chanan assumed the than: ot chair- ES. "The following resolution val submitted: Moved by Councillor W. R. Plum, seconded try A. Cells, that the thanks ot the Council be here- try tendered to Samuel J. Cherry, Esq, the retiring Warden, lor the able and mucous manner in which he has presided over the deliberation ot this important body. “In the discontinuanLe oi the present syslm ot electing County Councils in which the pick ot the ~municipal men ot experi- ence have obtained seats " this Council. it is pleasing to note that one who Enjoys the esteem and respect ot this Council in a high degree, should occupy the Wardens chair at this final year ot the present regime. In token ot our high esteem [or Mr. Cber- l " we ash him to accept this cane ) as a reminder ot our regard tor him. .. At the proper time Councillor Ochs presented the Warden with a very 'Iandsomc and valua’ble cane. Briet addresses ‘wcre delivered by 'Juuncillors Plum, Dems, Master, Fischer. Rail, Bowman, Shiel, Seine 'cr and ”no ”an, “I rt whcm ram ed to the capable manner in whic] 'he Wcrdtn had permnnrd his duties uni expresscd regret that the pleas mt _re1ations" that had existed In worn the members during the tern ven- about to be severed. The Warden was visielrarrcted 'nt he was equal to the occasion am I cknowh-dgcd the kind words an: uranium gilt in suitable grrms. . According to the siajemcnts mad vy' the various speakers only tire out ll the fourteen members will endea for to be returned to the Coumn' wit year, namely. Councillors ,, De Bus, llibncr, Buchanan, Bowman an: irischer. After the Council joined in singin "He's a Jolly Good Fellow," "Auk Lang Syne," and the National At them, the present County .Cogycll n gime was brought to a dose. HOUSE INSPECTOR The Conny Council nppointod Mr. H. J. Bowman, County Clerk, u In- spector of the House of Refuge, on Wednesday attemoon, and the salary was tized at 8200 per onnum. Heretofore the Chairman at the. House ot Refuge Committee perform eddhe duties of inspector. but Pf duties have been increased consider' ably by the provisions at the recent. 1y amended House at Beluga Act. In addition to performlru the dut- ies deflrtrd in the County By-taw w. Bowman will also examine the com mitment papers of all inmates and report to the Committee any irreg- ularity; take all necessary steps to recover from outside municipalities my amounts that may become dur) on account of maintenance ot in mates; take all necessary steps to' recover any amounts due tor main- tenance tron: inmates possessed or Entitled to any real or personal pro- perty; report in writing to the House at Refuge Committee at each quarterly meeting all matters re- Tsiting the attention ot the commit- tee. Council Immunities. 'i'iiiauscr-A, 11mm. WAS APPOINTEL sun sum 45.50 133.45 Pharmacy Matriculation-Norman Vetter. School ot tkiasee-Otto R. J. FOP. arttu _ . n "senior-a-rc. Huether (hondrs) Ralph D. Shana (honors), Uclla layer (honors)_._ Jepnie Renshaw. ”giant Ma'treulatiotr-Mittctt R. Kaufman, in Science, Mathematics, snd German. -- _ - Junior Matricuiatiott-ihrtth L.) Banner, Abraham Gottsleben, Chis. Edward Hawks, Sangster Lederman, Roy McIntyre, Maysie I. Murchison, Bessie G. Hutchison, . Marjorie Smyth. Junior Leaeutg--Wi1bcrt A. Clem- ‘ns (honors). Edith L. Crowle thon- ms), Winifred Mabel Camel (tumors) Pearl Meisel (honors), Agnes E. Mc- Dermid (honors), Lorne Hallman, ls- inh Rudy, _ Senior Lravitig--thnrna L. Ety honors\, Dora F. Forsyth (honors). Leda Snider (honors), Edith E. An- dcrson. BOGUS MONEY BEING CIRCULATED IN GUELPH Guelph, Dec. 2tt.--Several bogus ‘Jills haw been passcd in the city within the last few days. It is sup- posed that the same person has palm-l td them all in each case. A reporter; was shown one dollar bill to-day, which was handed in at the King Ed- ward still room on Wednesday. It looks mod; in (act, it is a most per- tect representation of a Bank ct Man- treal bill, except in a. tew detain, which would escape the ordinary ob- server. It was handed in by war ot 3 clause mm! was not knov-v'n to mbe bogus until the proprietor, Wm. Hen) Oakes, took it to the bank. He was thcn Informed that it was coun- terteit, They cannot say who sue the bill in and consc'qnently are not in a posi- tion to give the polite my tim- lars. The matter ha been ranted. however. and step: will be taken to investigate. PATENT REPORT. The lollowmg Canadim patent! have been recently neuron ihroith the agency ot, Ie'". Marion and iirrar,T'aterrt Xitomcys. Montreal, Canada, and Washington, D. C. - \an-un, mun u-m....°.v.., _V v Information mining to any of the patents cited will be supplied tree of charge by applying to’ihg- abort named firm. ' No. 101,960, Ira Sellers. Mn- ton, Alta., harm-s: buckle. No. 101.988. Allrnl Descharntnutt, Whitewood. Sash. atone puller; .. fir. Ton" 9957]on lion-u, " Nertnain de Granthun, Qua, potato digger. d ---. - .. my v " 102,147. Emile Rica Ont. 'ton-refills! bottle. min. "%F"-._B..""er_ .Viee'H. No. 102,186. Joseph Detottettattrtr, Marievi11e, Quc.. tandem bicycle con- tteetfott. H _ _ - No. 102.18”. Martin T. Brennan. Montreal. Out, display cabinet. No. IM,19t. Evangelism: Brim-bah, St. Jovite. Qua. sawing apparatus. No. 104,188, Arthur (uncanny. M. Andre do Resugortehe, 000.. tnr. in; press. No. 102.121, Jan“ A, Walton, Sydney. CB., N. s., shot um. Write for a me copy of "The In- ventor's Alvin-t." MARRIED 1N BERLIN. A qum waning crummy took‘ place at the Mettrodfst '"'ro't", on WNW-y Hunts» at low n'clrckJ when Rex. H. R, Marshall, IA, IL 11. mm"! in wedlock Mr. [human t'. C, “and. M 1trsprtrr. and ms. Mary L Conn". M North Dnm'rics, The happy cmtptr #rere "MIN " My. Harry I). Brrtrt and Min Bet- Mhn Knack. than oi the "HI-um, 1m 01 "up-kt. Mr. a! In. In“! ntttt "In. it w. 102.147. Emile meant, Van", " 1906 Pan 8 PATERSONis County Councillor Och: on Progress of independent Telephone Companies. At the final session of the County Council on Wednesday, Councillor Anthony Ochs. who represented the county at the various gatherings oi independent telephone organizations, presented his report, which was re- ccived and placed on file. Briefly it was as follows: independent telephoning is making immense strides all over Canada, in spite of all kinds of opposition trom a hostile company, and a perversion; of legislation which allows a law who) happen to be in authority to barter the privileges of the many. Lust year 5,000 independent phones Were established as compared with 12,000 ot the Bell. this,increatte took place mainly in rural constituencies, but many municipalities are still tied up with exclusive lrnnchises, among which is the County Town. A number of towns have enacting- ed competition, and as a consequence hue A large increase in service. It is n notation: tact thnt when the Bell hat, the exclusive privilege the phone services ire limited large- tr to the bushes: interests, hut where independent telephoning come: into play. the cmvenienoe it “(ended to the home: to a tat greater de- gree, and nine: independent long dia- tattee lines ne_becomlng estwtriistted, independent companies um being put on a better footing, State owned long distance with municipal local sen-ice would be the ideal position of the 1clcphone. I would like to see Gall, Preston and Hespeler, Incl'lk-rlin and Waterloo establish such plants. This would cut the rate in two. I attended the meeting pt the In- dependent Telephone Association in Toronto this year, and one could not but feel the spirit ol hamlulness trom so many sections ot our coun- try to: cheaper telephone service, and we cannot do better than beqttrath to our successors in other the care ol this great public boom which may be enjoyed by trrneing the cost within tii ‘reach _ ot all NOW READY "loo Yun‘ Progress in Waterloo County." Over 100 yam. " mt: " this "tttee or trom aents. t.0 cent: mulled to my trddrestr. A most acceptable Xtrua or Nrw Yen‘s we» "In to about Mendy. ANTHONY OCHS MKMMO-WRW §¢W+W§WN§O I Miss A. ll. Bean, Miss E. L Bean. thtttttr Graduate Toronto 0 my of Hulls. TEACHERS or THEORY Pupil- ptopatod for “amnion a Toronto Con-oratory of Km and Toronto mummy. swam-0mg. Stunt, W.terlotr, and Y. Berrtin. PIANO, ORGAN AND Sanderson‘s Bakery I'm in”. who". ad M can. . _ MW...“ ir. io. L, mantle: Strut, -rtoo rm 1330mm: can!" “COMBAT!!! " 1388. mu “at: am Doc-mm o “26.80317. WATEBLW MUTUAL I.“ 01m. - Intuit» (Inc INVESTIGATION Tlie IIYAI. can: SIB! SHOWED TIIE Dominion Life In a-tl. M. m. J. M. We». comma-I. In" J. I. Wm In» " JIN- All-- ”I... In... m P. . nun-M- M m- “I: ee. in. m 2g"tfgg,g2,tttl'tt In mntieertra-tttt- an. WMMof-uhmm Tho Loading [out Harm orrK IR! t - MI. W Va. MC. Vin-m: run but. lulu- 1.]. who... I”. . P. - “an. Both. C. A. not“. met Amt. . Wad-loo. Ont. _ M " aia Blind!” _ (oiling an“); no. and, .1qu - In ta?, of lent-do ".. an» " Ittt?t, I ”5 Port mm and I“. mu m and Bun-cm cm In um! and it an“ - pun-pay detteaeed II .11 pub of m Nun. WARD or DIR-EURO”. ii TtThu, ot up“! " In" TO BE can mums" A tttttM “I'll! THE

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