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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 1

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VOL but to GrGiiiiiaiit aim Post Milne, - - main Remember we ore bound to clear oat everything " ovcr in Christians Furnishings and Slippers. These we want to clear out between Christmss end New Year's. This is a. splendid chance to get New Year’s gifts at It Bargain prices. 32.00 Men's Moon Wool Lined Gloves. New Year's Gift price, 81.48 81.50 Men’s House Slippers, New Yen's Gift price, $1.00 Women's 60e Felt Slippers. New Year’s Gift price, Me Men's 84.00 Felt. Lined Shoes, New Year's Gift price, 82 50 Men's 81.75 Felt. Fined Luce Shoes. New Year's Gift p-ico, 81.40 Women’s $1.25 Felt Shoes, New Year's Gift. price, $1.00 Everything broken in sizes at greatly reduced prices. cums and See. Left Over Sale Y "e-s-s-s-' Boehmer-Erb Co. ltd. We wish One and All l Happy . Boehmer-Erb Co. Ltd. [In Strut. “or. nuns " I a. m. GIG... at 0.15 p. M. For Men st 1.75, 2.00 and .250 a pair For Boys at 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 a [tit . Poe Mie- a 2.00 . pair in Box Calf, Oil Grain and Pew. Leather: Stain; Shoe- for Mica M. 1.50, l 75 and " 00 a pair Skate-Sum " 10e, IN and 15c . pair A. WESELOH & CO. Clown, Shoal. Bats, Ce Ind Men’s Furuiahlnn. St Hockey Shoes M WW“ 42-44-46 King Street East, Berlin THE criR0lNlclLEctTELE0RApfill. '. H. LEESON, New Year Rev. P. W. Crowle attended the funeral ot his mother at Toronto on Tuesday. . _ Mr. Percy Pletsch, ot Chicago, spent Xmas with his parents here. Mr. Harry B. Pttddieomhe, of ‘Hum- boldt, Sash. arrived here on Monday on a visit to triemts. Mr. A. Berlet has bought out the grocery business or Messrs. Sitler Bros. and has already taken posses- sitm. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. [inlet haw: re- turned trom a tour months' trip to Gernianr. _ Mr. "any Knight has returned from a several months' trip to the Northwest. in the interests of the New Hamburg Mfg. Co. Death of John Sparrer.--An old) and well known citizen of New Ham-) burg passed away at his home here] on Thursday evening last in the prr-, son of Mr. John Sparrer at the age) of 73 years, 5 months and 23 days. Deceased had been in failing hralth, for some time and his death came not altogether unexpectedly. The late Mr. Sparrer was born in Bavaria, Ger- many, on June 20th, 1833, and emi- grated to America when a young man settling in Butralo. He served as ser- geant in one ot the regiments ot the Federal army at the timqot the Am- erican Civil War, 1861-1866. and was pensioned by the United States gov- ernment for his services. He has been a resident of this town tor the past thirty years and was married to El- izabeth Heintramher, who with two sons. John, ot Middleport, N. Y., and William, from here, is left to mourn his demise. The funeral took place on Sunday altern'oon to the vit- lage 'eemetery and was largely at- tended, Rev. Gruhn, ot the Lutheran ichurcit conducted the funeral servi- We Wish Our Many Readers A Very Happy New Year lour Busy Neighbors) "i--.----." Be0e0e0e0.te0e0eq.0e0'0e0e0e060q0-et Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage, and were presented with a purse of gold by their children and grandchildren. School Examination.--0n Thursday Dec. goth, our school held its annual examination, which Was a decided success. During the lorenoon the classes were examined by the teach- ers ot the school, Miss Walker and Miss %anEvery, and also by Mr. J. E. Schliclcr, Berlin, and Miss Cassie M. Brydcn, Gall. former teacher of the school. The school was found tc be in a we“; progressive condition. During the afternoon a very good programme was rendered by the chil dren of the school. A large number oi parents and friends attended both morning and afternoon, whicl shows that a lively interest ‘is taker in the progress of their children. For the occasion, the school was prelim decorated with flags, evergreens am a Christmas tree. An excellent dinner was provided try. the ('enlreville lad ies, The chair was occupied try Mr. J. E. Schlicter. of Berlin. "Tim will be a good wrck tor lo: hunting. ___ _ .. .. Mr. Jacob libel, P. M., oftrrs his tetttprranee house and 1otfor sale. Mr. John Nihnt has sold quite a number ot cutters this winter. Mr. Lincoln Jansen, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting his lather atrd mother and friends at present. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New You to all the readers ot the Daily "rrlegraph, Berlin, and the ta,ronictc-Tvirirraph, Waterloo. Sa'houl "rport.-T'tw following is thp Km." report of the Sr. Div. ot H. 8. No. 5, t'rnirrvillr. The names are arranged in the order of merit: Jr. IV., Mabel llallman, Elmer Than-t, Walter Mann. Abram Otter- Min Mr. Ill. Nellie Briekneli, Mary Ttutter, Harvey Lunch. Mulch Nchmitt, Alton Schumann. Lincol- Thvlrr. Albert mm. Jr. IH., John Woollntr. Clara Wmltnrr. Harerr Allclmng. Walter Hafiz. August Janrmt, Orion Dippel, Ctaremm Heharman. 1mm Holman. Frank "tttttttatt. A Sr. IL. Harvey Moss. Edna Carey. Charlie "than. Roy Metsei, Elm- Rock. Olive Malta. Godo- Britt's" John Burn-(1.. _ - In, .1.» lung. net-tun, te my In. mthetriq m- 'ee'. - Class A., Victor ,tooltser, "ethic Prick. Edward Mabel, Vhtor Brick- no". Marjorie In... Join! Ham-III. Min-n ANN“, Johnnie "unlit". It YA.NP.VP.RY, 7 - waaaulroo, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER " irn News Notes Gathered by Induction: Correspondents in County and District. NEW HAMBURG. CENTREVILLE. DISTRICT Prim-(in! Teach" Mr. Greim has moved tntl/tate up stairs of the Blue Front Block. Mr. Albert Esch has moved in trom the country into his home on Church street. ' Mr. Jos. Walser bas moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. Htttry Schaus. Mr: Peter Daub. has moved into the hoyse bought from J. Wain-r. Mr. James Glennie has moved in trom the country and occupies the house bought trom J. Holtz, while Mr. Geo. Israel has moved on the farm purchased trom Mr. Glennie. _ Mrs. Hy. Mucus is suffering from typhoid fever, but . slightly im- proved. / Residential Changes-hr. Theo. Musselman has moved into Mrs. Lyd- ia Fry's house. ' Dr. Goikic and family attended the wedding ot his eHest son Reginald Geikie to Miss Pedlar,. at Oshawa, on Saturday, the 15th inst. The young couple In", on a honeymoon trip to New York, after which they will take up their residence in their fine home in (ltillia. Mr. Edward Dmim is home from the Northwest and will spend several months here. _ Mr. o. M. Urnbach has severed his connection with the Elmira Agricul- turgl Works Uo. to' take a position with the Wateatoo Manufacturing Co. His family will not likely remove to Waterloo until spring. Village Cotmcil.--A meeting of the Village Council was held on Satur- day, Dec. 15th, at which the water works by-law recently submitted was given its third reading and passed. The Elmira Musical Society was given a gram of $125. The Commit- tee. appointed by the, Reeve to inter- view the Woolwich Tp. Council re ac- count for use of road machine re- ported that the Council refused to reduce the same. A TOU? of hearty thanks was ten- dered -ey the Council to the Reeve and otticers ot the municipality for the etticient service rendered during the year. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship ot Woolwich met at Concstogo on the-15th ‘day of December, Iturtm- ant to adjournment trom last tretr- sion. All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previous ses- sion were read and adopted. Councillors S. Rata and Meyer . of Elmira addressed the Council asking them to reduct- it possible, the price M cents per hour) charged tor the use of the township road machine in the WI” of Elmira to Mr cents INV day. "f. D. Datum-t was present and re- quested to have $12 refunded which amount was collrctod tor unpertorm- od statute labor. Geo. Bulmvr also addrcsscd the Council asking .lhem to "consider his account. claiming thorn Was a bal- ance due to him. Moved by Wilkinson and Hurst, that the collectors be paid their commissions as follows: In regard to the above rmuests the Council promised their careful consid- nation. D. It. Letson F Wm. hkheitete David Miller _ Joseph Ruth Fred Son-hm: B. Schmuck . e-.Carrled. ' Morrd try Rum and Koch, that (ml “can! of comma-d inability ml work atrd CoMttetttent to his Rell we round the taxes levied trom Noll! . Ming", twining to '"'-ct nod. " The Comic“ met again. All the tttttttttrm mun-M. 1ttoted by “In! and Koch. um the True-tn be an is hereby authoriz- ed to my to tttr Trustee: ot the St. Jacobs Pom-e “tinge the sum ot $252.55. bring “noun dig then " per agreement and that the Rare grant his order tor and Amount - Curbed. tBored by Hunt and Wilkinson. that the Tmnmr to. and " has” "mallard lo pay to the "union " the tteeerat ant-MOI van-lions and union muon- m the Iownshlp. the anon" at oe9tttttt Mm " "mm tor by by- law No. Mt and that the mere grant In: older tor the several anon".- Carried. Mord by Wilkinson and Koch. tbat' no mm mount. buy-H aid', The Council adjourned lot when! WOOLWICH YP. COUNCIL, ELMIRA. 3219.65 $20.63 30.85 63.31 46.55 _ 31.84 23.87 Pwr "at the Reeve grant " order: tor the. seven! “mounts: Geo. Scherrcr, gavel ... ... " 3.80 H. D. Miller, tile ...... ...... ... 9.40 Amos Martin, gravel ...... ... ... 3.00 Pu. Christan“: repairing road Ignatz Friedman. cedar posts... 2.00 Jquph Lemon, building nil- Abs. Eby, lumber .'..'.... Ftm.trtm. Shana Brom, concrete tile ... Henry Hone, repairing bridge... Geo. MeAttiater, timber .....-... Joseph Rider, ' sheep killed try ditch o../.... J........ ......T. ... ... .50 W. Sherrilhr, relund ot dog tax 1.00 John H. Srherrer, refund of dog Sam. B. Bowman, gravel ....r.... 3.00 Louis Miller. gravel ...r.. ... ... 2.35. Fred Miller, gravel and work... 12.00 Peter Ziegler .P..-. pm.... .r.... ... ti.85 Walter Stork, gravel ..wF.. ... ... 5,30 Janob S. Martin, gravel ... ... 9.95 Robert Forest '.e... ...... ...... ... 2.95 Daniel M. Batman, gravel ...... 1.20 M. Brahman, plank ..-_r. ...e.. ... 8.00 Allan Good, bridge bolts ... ... 2.60 A. B. McBride, solicitor”: tee 35.00 C. D. Bowman, engineer‘s tee 31.00 Adam Miller, grading road ... 13.30 Richard Silgg. work, gravel and stone ..- ...... ......*.' ... ... 9.40 Solo Gingrich, cleaning out tax Mm....... Me....... p........ .rt... ... 1.00 S. Sohcilele, commuted statute labor M".."... ......... m...'.... ... ... 12.00 Geo. 0. Stroh, gravel and work 69.35 David Miller, working road ma- chine ."r.-... .'-_."... J........ ._. .._ '.ti0 Sam. Shelly, teaming tF.... P...'. 3.00 A. Sully, retund of dog tax ... 1.00 Moved by Wilkinson and Koch that the following amounts be paid tor wire form: bonuses, under By-law No. 533 and that the Reeve grant his orders tor the several amounts: Joseph Strange .m...'... ..mr.r... Henry Sauder ...tt..t. .mrr.m... . Leon Reitzcl ..mert.F. ...m.....' ... B. Rndesucla ......i.. .F.t_.... ... Wendel Lehman .....t... ..._..... John N. Miller ..m.r.... .F...t..t Reuben Eby, halt pay ._. -F.. Menno S. Bauman 'reree ..q... Mrs. John Ritter, hall pay Enos Gingrich .P_.mr... .r.r.-... . The Treasurer presented his annual rrnancial statement of assets and li- abilities. showing a balance on hand of 83939 and uncollected taxes of $10.40. Moved by Kuhl and Wilkinson, that the thanks of “Its Council be tender- ed the Reeve, Clerk and Treasurer tor the eitictettt manner in which they have each discharged the Butte: of their msnectivc adieu during the past year.--Carried. Morod by Koch and" Kuhl, that the Trasurer's statement " presented be adopted and that the Reeve sign same and that the Clerk be and is hen-by instructed to have 125 copier printed in pamphlet form in accord- ance with the statutes in that Itehatf. -Carried. 7 Each of the above named gentlemen having made suitable replies, Council adjourned sine die. T Powdered Rosin Salt Peter Sulphir Spoon sun ctr, Find tho purest and at, an lent price. " . Mr., Ruby Fischer, Lily Bartttolo- mew, Florence Winner, Lovim Armit Clam (Tasman. . II. Son, Charlie Home, Lloyd Wolfe, ('lilord Cressman. . Aluminum?“ Drug‘lgt' Jan. "Hum at the lug Coma ' Rom Hun-m .. _ ‘NRbril‘mIk-s om '1s'ltJW"" tMeer-o, us(lll"pd1"lirlttL. ".,'tltee2f 8:“ ' ' a - u . " or an m‘ . - ' " PP?." Mrs. Mn. , III. mm a IV., Vernon t'restmtan, Gertie Fisher. Edgar Hiigartner, Harvey Snider, Willard Berge. 11. Jun., Eldon Bur. Roy Zeller, Hilliard Crouman. Susie Wanner, Rufus Weber. Charlie Arndt. Pt. H., Oliver Zeller' and Myrtle Baer (equal), Harold Dudley. Part 1., Arthur Horléy, Melvin Holt, Hubert Want-r, . IllilnllllfMUlli ST}! ASHL’RG SCI mol, REPORT W. J. SNIDER, Clerk. Woolwich, Dec. 15th, 1903. t Names in order of merit. a Total J _ ELDUN BERGEY. ........t460.6S -Carried. $101.30 -L'arried. Teacher 3431'“ t 9.95 [0.30 34.50 62.00 29.10 32.05 35.00 13.00 12.35 6.75 4.10 30.95 9.35 There at thou-ad- of Article. which eattnot bo mentioned in. Don't won-3. Dmft Iva-ta “moot-money. Don‘t chop“ an up!“ of “MM . amnion. . We mi. (Vin-inn» shopping not only pica-mu hot woman. to our Mom. Ghristmas _ A. . k Suggestions Ttsie Itoro in NO from top to basement of good. which are Inhabit tor Arse wht, ata _uet1_3_aetuuandrrtarLtrodt1-,81stoN8tr. Fur Lined Junk-tn. $31. to 'tlk '55. as. 875. and 'ttttc, ., Men's Fu- lit-ad Costs. Run-inn at lining. one: coil-n, .70 Fur Lined 00-h. Inn-mot lining. I35. 045. . =Fur Conn. 818. no. to 865- Ladies'. In: Ruth. " no Mink Stolen, Ruth. Mufti. Links W Sets. Mink Bull- And tri'Al?ttt'ufl Fox Bola, “did. Putin: lamb Jacket! tJrtt1ssGt+ndReres.8t0to86to7tc ’ llen’n napkin. Jackets, Human, Glens, silk. Handkerchiefs. sum; Ties, Colin". Cuffs. etc. . In the India'- Depu-tment you will tim' hundreds of noveltie- :11th Pt Xma- gifts Bolt; Conan ind Ties. Gloves. Ribbon. Dayna Fancy '""'"t, thii House'Fm-niahing Dept. sod sun find a. splrndid (election of 1'llg,thee,t, “be? colon, etc. at very momma prices. Bugs whom no Dupes. In the Drea- Good. Depnrtuiont E,",', will thtd Waist Goods. Silk Waist Dustin. the very latest novel-ties of ' anon. Come en'ly. nhop in the morning if pouible Ind await! the tub in the attunoon. _ _ SMYTH BROS. Hundreds of Suggestions I hens: King Street Fast, Berlin. ' Cash and on Price Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Fancy . Goods, Toys _ " well a 8mm” morning and damn of 15th, 22nd and 29th ulna-puma mm lull of an L 0.0. P. block, mallard)". Mr. Zlot’o Shoo Home and Mr. sun-01’- rural-blag More. _ Not being able to secure a not. in town a may“: or two ago to give no amp); thttt and rpm for the duped of our " mining Inga-mt, the I. o. o. P. has kim.11r mud no the no of the lug. bum-cc hull mun Jul let. 7 7 - _ - d _ - . A Jos. Miekns, Auctioneer. You on rat muted that every “two you bur hate you buy a who!» uh prim, and grater mljomy n: Ion than hholoulo prion. _--. While with for this than Immunodatlon, it have“: oomph no to use our: one" to dispose Mame In thi- nhon uni; consequently the an. The not. vlll be open not, lawful day m . and prints calling will be conducted botwoan ulna. A you of rerun-uh]. Maul activity Ind upland“ progress will con. to I slot. with " on Duo-mm 30th, 1906. We In" in the d-tinit you undo num- trig shunn- in our business. and slthongh only experiment, I. an jammed by results to um - ”pun-ion, and trim with your coups". “an 39ml. can [wonky “pro. _ . -- - . _ I C, Jhid& Weekly Store. News J,: tiueeie,e',ei"iasa dam. 1906. We and our rm to 'RL.,,, Good Goods at Low Prices A Happy and Prosperous New Year M. Weichel & Son Waterloo Auction, Sale JeeqqtttMhtttre,A-t%t- Wednesday Dec. tath until January tat 9. A. M. UNTIL 10 P. M.; BATUBDAYS 8 A. M. etc, will be hold any] Jtorfu1 availing Inning our» entire amt of WHOLE NUMBER 3014 dale Agaths Jan. 174m at Implant-tn ot Henry Helm", 1 mile west at Sir-slug. In. Hm and implant“ " J. B. Snyder. l - not“ other» Geo. Hasenllug, t Premium; ht. Huck "A may trt, Elmira

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