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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 11

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BACKED ll? WATERS Give Truro, N.S., Greatest Flood Ever Experienced. IT "ASTEO FOR M HOURS Truro, Nt, Der. 24. For " Imus Truro lmd the greatest flood mu- ax- ;wnenced. Three daya' min lille" me brooks .ml rivers all M'nr tho mum try. At 1 o'clock yesterday morning a great mass of Ice ttlrove. Salmon "In-r bridge broke loo," nml swept drsan the heavily swollrn xiv-mm A btorkndrt orcttrred at tho brurlgo and lunch-r! up the wnlvr. Thu road ho. lur-nu‘ tho bride" and Bihle lhll was eovererl with "two feet ot Irttter.. Tho rellnrs of '20 ham" Mung tito run-l tilled. uvl lmllwi - surrounded :40 no one r-mld Frsv" tl"utt. Hundnds of People, Who Wire Im- print-and In Upper Rooms at Their Houses, Were Rescucd by Boats-- Wat" Rose Above Windows, and Road Near Salmon River Btidgc Was Three Feet Deep. Another jam lmokv-Il up the “ah-n Irnmul ytmtt1et1d ittrtorirs and ftooded I” the humus an Wain-r arrest. Win-n tho jams broke the \\lml- Truro mnnh “as quivkly cow-rmhuth mm. which t,ncken up iuto (In. mini-M and rur- r-unulvtl all the 11¢“qu nu Furl! dun-l Ir " Park Meet. fun-in! the mm»... hzld.‘ to Vlw uyvpvr etor'rer, Prun- !iva and furniture \uvn- mow-d up uni”. unl “up. “(If "xtituui' Our “form ltar" law-n "vowtted with mecca during seven sun-s of rxpcv icnco in manufacturing (in; and Gs “lino Engine.“ and we are uttering to [he public what has proved to he ch" mustperfocl. gasoline engine, on um llllll'kel; simplv. economical. way to ulm-atouml perfectly wliulnlc undu- ail weather conditions. For flu-thru- information write to . We take ensure in directiu . the utteutiqn of the public to our 3" .atri gasoline Ensign". which'are raprdly summing all other power “1 van-lou- branches where power it unpaired. _ ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWENO RATES: ss and under.......,._............. 3 cents Over ss and not exceeding Sto. . . . .. 6 cents " $10 " " $30. . . . . . " cents " $30 " " SSO. ..... " cents These Orders are Pay able at Par at any omce in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. IIGOTIIKLI " A "KF." [All AT THE CANADIAN BANE OF COMMERCE. [.0NDON. ENG. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with are!) _ and at small cost. B. E. WA.LKER, General Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 AMERICAN MOTOR CAR Co. Limited. BANK MONEY ORDERS u- my...» nun,- "" Fm I'un'inf th. par etor"o.y. re Gere m “th Mm HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO J. MCGRMAN, MANAGER he inlmlw a. Paw-w moved "1 lingIIi‘ln-J BERLIN - ONTARIO. " Il’m Nor-trt rsrntvehip Frithiof. “M in “a; v wok"! "urine a whalinp oumlivinn 31 5mm. (iaovgin. in tho Anny-m:- un Nor. In. vitro of Hm Crptt ttoi "Hm." Tim F'rithjoi is tho ve.asrvi tlot t'a, "'ttt in Novotttlrrt l'.tM, to "mum Hm Nurdcnd-jnld Antarctic ex- pedifiorc " Tho rlnu'n'tf an- Niki-ling In n rom" nl-Izvn trtrrivGrTGi"ilnd Itt '.' n'rlnnk. n grunt-l nhtrrre was run ir in raw-u- thm hurllrmh of people im r-riwnml in Ho nppar moms of thr hmlcns, “In: WPrr' I'n-mm'w' in Law's. Tho rtnooe., is lump!" Thv,watery WRECKED WHILE WHALING. Nun York. lbw. 2t. l tin-um "has A.vrra In 'llm Heri '." .\r':.-:.tiuv' iromHtip C: mm? (mm W" .mmh. In” Iv tho mud-nil and 26 i"'; " Nor-trt rsrntvehip " in inn: v wok"! "urine a ("‘lli'inn m Sml'fl (ivovzin tt._i'ertl Stir, lo. vitro of Ii "Hm." Tim F'rithjoi is th m t'a, "'ttt in Novotttlrrt ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Genituuagee CENTURY [311311133 20th From R007. _ l {Mal neeident drum school in in whirh Henry tB “av-Kay WM Ir Ivan he Ind his Hurmnmt to tho of nnnw " fret. mml Ito was n _ .1 “Mow and Il ",t I I . ' T'-"-"'" 11 l l g ' AdciVi'iiTiiudilt,).. K 3 ‘Milu From Wan-m. m" I Interference in Congo Urged. New York, Dee. S6.--A letter signal by J. Pierpont Morgen. Dr. Lynn! Abbott and other prominent citing:- of this city. was addressed to 'ea tary of State Elihu Root yester an directing his attention )0. eondittorii, in the Congo Free State. where. it, I asserted. "flagrant inhumanity pl km.” and urging him, on boll-1f a the American people to urn an "moral support" of the l'nila-tl Mate, Government, to correct the “blues tht Congo nntives are alleged to be In! iering from. Train Strike. Troll” tur. Aahtalmla. o., Dec. Nar'l'he But. bot-Pittsburg Fly" yosierdny Mme! n "allay rm nn the Aslllnbuln P.an Transit Cine at the Imke street, truth "main: oh the Lake 8horerRnilrrtvl Tho, qtreet car Wan demolished. Loon. arcl Kowlmlcl M As'itabulo. ng‘vl It, Wis! killml. and " "hers more at In: seriously mjmwl. Atlanta, Gil. Itee, 26.--k'ive bun. dred horse.- nnd mules were burnrd in Hnrper Brow.' tivert Mattie yogic-rm” (naming. The ‘0va " nlmut 'ttt0,'tftr. The fire wan slam-.1 hy nah-blown“. who uplmlml the. min in ihe one.,. the shock vacuuming tho lump. A Christmas Record. Fort William. Doe 26.-Forth, limo in tite hidnry ot the Po Mearvrr ontnrml Hm Inrhm on cl, mu: Day. Th0 Wool; yuahrrln)‘ r in: “m towed "ithou' dim"ul'.' trq h: “whine! from Perl Am. Rumors were recently in circuhtlol olun impending uprising in San“ Clara province. and it in pot It known whether the builds are revo I “mists or merely bandits. "We Cannot mum-t to win our lies in the south or north by u pan " antitttrmixrst. "Civilization soon tires of a ram. II ni an individual. tlot continua“, whines and mmplains. And. likrwlg‘. the country will not tolerate any etb men! in tlto Mpnlation abusing tst" cursing the chief cxeeutivs." - Disorders In Cuba. Havana. Dre. min-4n Paula-1,313.11. of eomplaiuts oi mun}; (leprerlniim by armed bartrl, oi ex-insnrgeat In. £1206 in the province of San“ 57in!“ 9iolt the rural guards have not been ubta to run down. four troopa oflhtt 110. Cavalry and two compaan-I this 27th Infantry will leave Camp Ct umtria to-day for Santa Clara I. I inforce the lath Cavalry akin-35 there and thoroughly scout the unhed tliytriet. The order: an " continue operations until there ll 1 ntnnplete restoration of order and a. “dance in the proviee, - - _. The Negro Prolilom. . Charleston. W. Ira.. Doe., M.--De. Bookor T.. Washington of 2,i',haa,'t " a 1”."un Munday night. apenk " n! tbe situation in the south, nd§:_ Cot. MeCants _announces that he will pure a Gntling 31m in position. an}: 'PI if if ngresgnr}. _ -L, _ \analnk iit'26 miles. south ot Me: din". an the Mobile and Ohio Ra road. . Two negroen. Tom and Tim gimp, son. are reported to have been killed by whiten Monday the-moon helm the arrival of the 13533.. - _ At no yesterday morning let, In heard man the centre ot the own. bat ttfter a few Ranging shots quid was restored and no explanation has been forthcoming. -. “In. em .r_P'r.. II” I» - W Ill-‘1“ 'wer. " was reported earl yesterday “In a body of negroea he; fortified th selves two miles from Wahulnk a announce they will resist any "sit to dislodge them. Threaten " Burn Tom They threaten to burn the “In. town and the while people are alarm- ed. The whites, all around the countq have armed themselves and one "ts of fifty armed perm-"inn have arrive [ there from Columbus. Mint, ' The number ot negreee killed the riots has not been epproxinn but dead negro“ have been bun nanny parts of the trettlmnertt the Unable Marted, - --- - . ,.- - “Vb. - Emu Pee. main? mu, Dec. Mt.--Raitro" men who have just arrived he. 8000b- report a fresh clash between the noes. Several. persons ere n ported killed. This report, however. has not been eontirmed. Scoobe b 'ee miles from Wepelekl: Under inatructiona of Gave Vsrdarian. 25 members of tho 15 military company boarded an my!» and left at " o'clock for Scoobn. m ditional troops will leave on a ape , train as soon as it can be made ready. Italy org-nixed themulvu. Ind tn . fight with the negroes ot the comm is. t number ot white man were 'git ' including om of the melt or. 'ey ot tht villlgors. ' Walnut, line" Dec. 8:431- " Ruben Hurt-on at the In and 2bo Tteitmad bun embattled serious wounded y e negro on night. tied yesterday. The arid! (be rude] Rouble: here we. can win-lily by the meeting in e an roadway ot we‘om driven by e wl {Inner end negro mpectivoly. l negro ebueed the white men. l reported the mutton!» to the w] vgly‘en at Vein)“. Whites imm SOUTH'S RACE WAR GOES (I 7'00” Called on AM Fuck 0“ “WHERE 1iitit ti, Moon In“. lawn In“. In Wink)! In“ Ml An Input-d ttttho- White. In Country Around 0“ Mtl Animal: Crematod '0", ts Fifty “you. ot the "a! , “hm on H Iii! yachrvlny tt ...- . Doc. M. in of the M no unmanned by a unto uy. The origin hero wu a min; in a n. drivon by u mpoctively. white man, h . who to the w to c. Whites 'tcat mulvea. and tn u as of the comm 'tte _men were km " " Th9 Matt Wk" Inn-us ot brine xlm-dy 'toeAn't frqure un the nam- he is on Christmas is mast and lhe mrr- chants who have had such low: “1.1-, ing hours the post tew uteks hill have in diam-(- to Coke a rest and 'H'- cuw-ralr. _ . Mrir,hirtg. “by not sith. llu- I'mHI gum! ml in "up sprint T Mr. and Mrs. W. bi. Wright 3pm! Sunday at the home " II. R. Slum-s at Molesworth. Mrs. Wm. Thompson In! Atttar.tp.1lt is Ihe gursl of hcr brother, Mr. Wm "vykate. Miss L. Cootejs spending the ltoli day's at the parental homo twar In rlr ing. . Mr. Henry Dahmer, oi Psiplvy, i: visiting friends in and around llu village. A happy and prosperous Nruj Yr to all. ' The balance of the W. C 6: B. Co. eheese has horn shipped and the mun " paid to the farmer. who' tveit' quiu- elated Mot tlu- season’s t'eturrs trom his dairy department of ll" farm. Mrs. T. t”. Greer of Moosciaw. i: visiting rvralivcs and friends in this section. Xmas "utertairuntrtits are wry nun: Nous, as many as two and tltree i. mm evening. The weather hos favor. ed these gatherings in most casts, s: that good attendances are reported. Fire an 'itrrt'tyiliv,--A fire of " :11 mm: Imllll'l' nu-mrrd in Kurlnillr l, Wedrwstlay night, Hm I0ih 'iust., wr.r, thy sluhlrs liq-longing to 11rssrs. tl [mum and .l. "urrter were 1lt'stroyret Also Hum ot Ilte mule-Ms, itwluelut ' horse, cow and 'iome Itenti twhmr, In; to Mr. lender. We are unable " give the catvsr ot the fire. _iilunieipat Matters-Thr municipal eleetions in Wallace township are [hr subject ot discussion among the ratt- run-rs. Quite a number M good rar- "ters and also popular mrn are Mee in}: 1hetttselves as candidates tor " M-linn to the ('ouncil. Among them .m- sm‘rml slroug 1erupvrunce n.I-n_ who We trust will rum-lu- winning!- oi ull lrin-mlx oi local option. Church. "eilication.-The newly mu rrlul Fhuanswliral (‘hurl-li at Kurtz- ville was unlit-atoll tor divim- Wor- ship on Sunday Last, Bishop Bowman ot .\llrnlowu, Pa., preaching the th- tticatory srruiousl The cost of the church is SHIN) of which sum tlu. nu:- olml of 3mm has bven raised by sub- scritrtions. Tlw halance was misc-1| on Sunday, Nut lhnl lin- church v.11} declil'atwl lIu-n- of Ill-bl. Much "rerlit is dun In the congregation all kurt, “Mr for llu- hulmsolul- and comfort Ole place oi Worship which ll") haw "rvtV Tue lat-l lhal llri Igululwrs arr not mi large as in mam other plarts odds to ths. zeal slit“ in that thi. lmnlI-n folk all “in luau iN' on SIIIIIU‘. I The compliments at an: unison to I" tendons at the Chunk-ta Tetr- 'xraph. The excellent ttts ut the put two weeks is making th holiday ing- sou a very attractive and pleasant I Ames Ettterta'ismrttt.-ree, Mt. Pleasant Methodist Sunday Sutton 1' held their entertainment on Thurs- day evening last. The ChII'l‘h was packed to the doors, some almost kw tug unable to gain entrance. The irro- 'granune was all and than than was advertised. The singing and drills by the scholars delighted the audience by the manner in which each number _ was carried out. Much credit is due the committee which had charge at the training at the children in the drills, recitation; dialogues, and in ‘song. This committee consisted of Miss L. Coote, Miss Alma Wright and Miss ll. t. Adolph. Interesting addresses were given by Revs. II. H. Leiboht and D. N. Mct'amus, sole ti by llev. D. N. Met'atmss and Messrs. J. and W. Dumtittsrtots, and selections ly a male quartette. The tiqaneiat side at the programme was a decided suc- cess. the net proceeds 'ieiusr't.33n,i., We hope this entertainment may Le the means of creating a much great- " interest in Sunday school work. _iilunieipat Matters-The municipal HADES '.l t' '23 mites Wren M Calgary. and is can rying ona hntri and In‘rn- humim:.s. "is brother, William. is I'luphlgul with him. and "Urn-Ii": In the mm. mm tlnrinr, his aim-man "on: am- doing wt“ “MI. and like tltc mun”) greatly. In tart, Mr. Alrxn " s..i,l that he “NIH um "um hark here to "Nth: w that III‘ must he aluhla “1-" Ile, mnm- to :nllrml HIP trotrfttvr, vi his, sister at Hut-IN. A wry pretty wrddin; look plau- at the United Brethrvn parsonauv. Alma street. Brrlin, on Monday. Dre. 21. when Ida M. Hchneider. daumlmr ot Mr, and Mrs. "INN. 'u'tutrityr, oi Waterloo Ttr., m-ar "rrsrau, tam mar» rim! In Edwin L. Nun-mun of lirrliu. Innm-rh " lmmlnn, ling. Mr. mum R. Law " Yule. Mich, "NI-II as hl'x1 man. and Miss Nriiie HI'irkt-r 9”me tut thc ltridv, RM A " .%iprin'ct'r "ertoruwrt lln- rrrt-umny. Th" "may Irirmls of Mr. mm! “H Mum“: wish "will a happy and pl'w.|lrll.ll\ journey lhmugh lilo. _ Mr. John Tait :qu Miss Alma Tait are spending their Xmas in Turonto. Miss Mad-Swen left on Saturday fur her home in Hetsal, Mr. Arthur Coons and " hride from Toronto are spending their hor.- rymuun at the home of lhe tormerrs parents lva. “r extend cunrrratur.e tions and wish them a prrsperotui voyage on tlte son of lifr. N Nr, "and Alrxiodrr. mm of ll, Jami-s Alrsonhr. Grwlplr, the “HI known hor.ise huyvr, "ttivN Imnw In Summary night. II is sun; P'" Kim-r Nt. “Munch-r lril tor llu- ttest He is located at Cochrane, Allrvti.t. 1 School Exam.--Last Friday large troops of neatly dressed children, at'- companied by their parents and friends, might have been seen coming from every point of the compass to ‘the Pins Grove School House, where the school was beautilully decorated ior the firsit pinkie examination ii our worthy teacher, Miss Mae-Ewen. Lunch was served at tweNe o'eluek by the ladies, to which ample justice was done. The afternoon consisted it irritations, songs; etc., by the seliol-j ars, interspersed with 5..r.a.tmarlrmif; selections by Mr. Arthur Witmtr mesh speeches by the parents. One thing in particular was the hoop drill by eight little girls, which retlected great credit on their teacher. Rev. Jacob Gingrich acted as chairman and made a very good one. ' Mrs. Jacob Krease and Miss Lake "are slimming Xmas with Platt::). friends, IIUMI'I PRU.“ AlmrutTt .N10'MA.N-.%CIi.NriiDrHt NL PTtht.r,' "an“: passe“ 10ttt I'Innm‘s 1lw re- u-ut Moderms' Exams. in the Cottn- ‘ty 'roam. He has been rngagml’ an" teacluu' by tlu. Hustrrs of New Jer- ttsalem schoeil, [Wu ntilvs front I'll- mira, fur the'ctrtnirvg war. He Huh-n: on his m‘w rlutics on Jan. 3rd. Con- granulation!» Mr. and Mrs'. lit Ludwig and Mr. "Julln llilborn attended the rum-ml at their sister, Mrs. Allan McDertnitt. at llowick. last Week. Mr. "ethert Drtweiler is busy these days rvrvivinr, 1hr lwnrly rougralnlal- tions of iris Illuuvmus friends on having passed with honors thr. re- Mr. Edgar Detweiler was in Berlin on Xmas day. _ ' Mr. J. Gottestaben at Berlin nth-it on relatives here last week. Misses Walker and 1'artEvery, lea- ehcrs of Centreville school, \isitetl Mm; S. H. Detweiler one evening ct. Last week. . _ ' School F.xants.-Miss Pale-Ewan and her pupils, ot'Pine Grove H. S. No., I. held their annual public sclmol ex- amination on Friday at last week. A! large number ot ratepayers with their] better halves Were present to brill" the sehnlars go through their vari-. nus exercises. in whieh they acquit- ted ttn-nnselves very ereditnhly. At noon time a deli-etnble and‘buunteuus lunch was served by the goul hottsits wives present! The nlterlmon . Was given over to songs and rtcitations by the seholnrs and xln-erhes by the more sedate and older mus. A pleas- ing feature at the afternoon's Ianitq- tainment was the sotrg.s-artti-siwrchris on the granuptwmr, owned by Mi. A. Winner, and kindly Ilium-J tor the orcasion. The time " dispersing (‘zllne all tun Nome and all went hottw well satisfied with their day's lollt' inn. Mr. and Mrs. Aims“ Snider ot Bushes-y, Alta., who are neuron uni extended visit to the latter'l, par-' ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gimbel. ot, nmr Brcslau, called on her relatins here, vu., Mrs. Hy. Lut'z and Mr. H.) and A. Wttttbel. This is her tirtst visit stince her removal to the West. They; itttvad tn remain tor " tew mouths. Messrs. S; Lu: and Fri. 'i'i'llli) both ot Berlin. spent last Sunday with the lurmor's parents here'. i Mr. Edgar Detweiler was in Berlin It. .Harulll “any. cl Wm.” '%sutrttrtrast, Wats' a tisitor at "at; tunin- a! It. M. s. lewih-r on loaf 'lar. _ - Mm. "r. (HM and mu Jun: ale: their Xian dinner with 'the former'. ‘sou. In. Jake 41iatuet ot Preston. . In. N; Luur 1115:: Roman spent the Xms ttotidtrrts It his-W1 hen. He is looking hie and batty. Mr. J. Nisan-r pt Woodstock. called, on his brother-ii-law, Mr. E. hacker, on Monday. ' _ _ LIMEIHVK 1tm"-hir,wor,rio,s.r.- Ira, "n . "tc. 11 Hr" htidv's [mn- llnuvI Saunas. Hun!” rr,y hmrh'cl If \lzumh-‘IIIL "'I mnu. menus rrnumn. After tin-It col- !lu-r 37., In m: P [mu-h. .II 'lu. queer "(Gaul they named them lumv ot' llw Inuir'a mum‘s, Ut Fratne'rtNr,or yang. “um. and. ur, “an KIH'HIh-I, AH)”: _____________. Hullmau, " Mannheim, INHIIFII)‘ hi ‘ Ila-Inc Ill- 171-13.. “uh-Hun, m Lama I'lena h'urthivl n "You'll itttd I'm In"! to 01mg” and tho Want slum momma:- \‘ullu-Im “Mama -.Nvrrt 'uit .losr'plt, Ally. “lame all I'll In“. you I‘ll" Has co. lk-r. Ieth, ot llu- horn" of you loft and, and tttms-qt" lot " lin- hum-'5 mum's, MI, and Mrs 'ht--t 'rirldto him.” a ti The Ml-nnoniln Sunday School will' also distribute their prizes on Sun-‘ tlay afternoon, Dee. 30th, at 2 pin. 4rlAluary.--lt is with rvgrrl. that wi, report tlte sad and untimely death or Mrs. Alli-ml Knechtel, which occur-, ted at, their home cast of 'the village; on Friday last. at about 3 p.tu. A Iartw ruiuvuursr of friends attemityt the funeral, which look place on Mon- "ias, l)n-c. PAth, irmn their home, to _ the church for service, and interment, I The tunerat services were conducted, -hy the RP". Noah hltattirer in Eng-g lib'li and "no Run Sol. Gehtnan in Gonna". Tlip lair Mrs. Klieclitol was horn un the Farm where thoy residvd, lor a munhpr of years. on May 2mi, IMI. Sln- was; married in Mr. Ali- rtd Knechtvl on January 19th, 1875.) To this union were born iweive.chil-". dren, sI-vrn of whom survive, viz.,' Angi-lim- Cuts. A. "owrtran) aml Ed-' gar, of lluuilmll. .",usli., Clara (Mix: "II. R. ('uok) ot Durham, and Si-Iina. Ifphraint, Alberta and Melissa, at home. The family have the sympathy' ot the community in their aftoetion. I Itev. Merino Cressman of New llaun- Mr. A. Spalu burg. very ably conducted the morn- Messrs. Fre ing service in the Mennonite church Waterloo, at on Sunday. Miss Limit, The Lullu-mn Sunday school hehl Mr, Y. It. Be their annual ('lnrlshua's pntertaite Mr. o. nun tun-n1 on Monday night. lhe Mth inst. .lno liun-dy‘s when ('iu'h nl llu- srhorars was pre-' __ smut-(l with a nice Xmas box. It was WIN, aulecided sum-(~35. i . "'etmurtl ”MINI, Mr. and Mrs. H, ily ol Durham, ati of her mother, Mrs Monday last. Miss Barbara mas at home. ' Mr. and Mrs. have shortly where tltry will ter, Mrs. H. C. -Nr. Arch. Schweitzer, ot Alberta; renewed old acquaintances in our "tiFhttorhood quite reeeutiy. ', Mr. Harvey Rickert, accompanied by the Misses Snyder, spent. an even. in: at his.ttome here. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bowman will have shortly tor Pittshurg, Pa.. where tltry will visit the Latter's sis- ter, Mrs. H. C. Berger. Miss lrarhara,Shantz spent Christ- Mr. and Mrs] L. n. Haliman hall a lamily reunion on Sunday last. Mr. Nornun D. Hallman ot Birdie, lanitoba. but tormerty ot our burg. attended the when] ot his aunt, Mrs. A. Kncchtcl. where his unmet. out friends had a pleasant chat with him. l It. loses Helm: has tett tor a two may at) to (than and Column: points. Mr. Ellie: Brier in spending " my”; under the parental root. Miss mien J. Thumton, teacher, is holidaying at her home near Kin; tore. ' The not! Heights; In; and: out berg nth: human. as 801145316 an: people at out" taMnq their Chill-Ins M at 80.0 distant point or no loumtc enough to be present at a wedding batman. Mr. J. Elam Bothy is home the with”. ' m Hotm-eitutuotiata will angst In and!" column. ll. ;itrce INN ho mu h: LM‘oMIm _ A LBEitTA Sam! 54"] "l MA ma uh 71:, Fur hm! tl." s.r.-.Ne," SI. Just-pin. l 12th, at the home ot orrttis, Mr. and Mrs. as, Eduard Wrlhettu, lit. .lnlm H. “Illulm wian Hanna“. . IANNHEII. H, R. Cook and iam.. attended the ftmeral Mrs. A. Knot-lilo! on Ihirtieth Ytirt' ILI: ”mu-iris? I tvrrrvu0itratci,; w not Mr" as] " your local. managed to articles we" Iour,th ul spr- "autrsl? . :EBall"iBeiB:Eaatuat:,, tor Tim on!“ In”! "ml. do" JTt,t 1.. In]: Nah Ml! mm?" on tau-n I'ntr‘ Mn tau-den by Innis»; out Mir. tar "min-w e. A hum» for Inc- by: It"! In! on Fntt Plaid IA... Fur an..." hulk": at It...” In an? bath-It. Magyar the no: "D " .I..' Norm cup-1m. "ttttttet t if su- hy Anna mm “walnut“ by urn any It nowf’npnaa the ham loss gm. "t don‘t mind tel.nq a no a good eM." . ' The French. The French were ttrtrt mentioned. " the Frank; a tribe of warllko an. mans In thr- northwestern part of tho region now known M Prusteltt. nay mum Into non-:19 nlmul am A. D, and with other Cerman (rum. invaded tun Roman empire m the MI): century Ind "rttted In the mum" now known It Prawn. Tho word Prank. or Frank- mnu, "Imus rrnumn. After choir col- quon of (Ian! they named the 'NHtrttrr, Frunkonrlr, or lv‘nnk'n Hum. . Loni]!- 'ras.. Lope do Tetra, the famous Spanish Ilrumntist and phat. llvedrfrum 1562 to 11255. Ills llh-rnry work began when m, was about thirteen years old, am! from that Hum until his death. a perIod or sixty years. he poured forth an enor- mous qunpllty of plays. dramatic con- lmzlions or all kinds, poems of - rtnracttie. breathing every splrlt from Illa rn'lmost nsn-llclsm to the moat ml- htidkvl license. Over 1.800 plan an Credited to him, and the published mt- lm-tirm mmvrisln; about 300.’ is con- (nlnvl In 1wmtyel¢ht volumes. chart' his n [im- display' In! homily guimls and will hr trlsutsed lo have all his old cuslnuu-rx it.'i var" as new "ttta' call and inspect os. line assi- ment. ' Ktteehti-.ht Ma-nnlwim. Dre, gut, Mrs. Ann-d Knm-hlrl. mud tis yvufw T. E. Il33lLL, ELOII. 0.7. pm" pm! um roman-'1" A concert will be given by the Carey Brothers of F'reeltom in St. Amlrew's Hull ttl, Jan. 2nd,, 1907. Moving piclunn uill be shown and illustrated sums will he sung try those talvatcit mam-us. Admission 25 (This, rhildrert 15 cttts. H. II. Adamsvn, nur general mer- chant,' has " [Im- display' "I holiday Mr. Charles M. Durant arrival home on Friday, the 21st inst., from Tisdale, Sash, alter bring fifteen months in the ('nrrot River Valley. District. The concert held in tho hall but Friday evening was very successful and entertaining, the proceeds van- ounting to eighty dollars. Mr. Herbert Wilkinson arrived home from Edmonton. Alberta, look- ine hall' and hearty after being neu- ly eight months in the west prospect- mg. Albert Hamilton, trom neur‘Bran‘ don, Manitoba, is at pre.sent visiting his mother. Mrs.. Thomas Hamilton, and his sister, Mrs. John Wallis. .. Death of Mrs. Hamilton-Died, at hvr residence near t ntr-rbonrne. .on Sabbath morning, Dec. Jo', 1906, Mrs. Menjamin Hatnilton,-agiabout " years. Deceased w-~s at church the Sabbath previous t 1ch death in her usual health but a! r returning to her homr had a stroke of paralysis, irom which she never regained can- sciousness. The funeral took place on Tuosday, the Mth inst, from her late residence to Union Cemetery, ' Messrs. Fred and "at llciubut-h ot “‘un'rloo. at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Diertamm and family of London, at Mrs. Jno. Bette tly's. Miss Lona Spam ol Wellesley at Mr. A. Spahr's. Miss Lizzie, Home", of Guelph, at Mr Y. ll. Bertvtt's. _hir. o. itundy, of Barrie, at Ma. Mites Caroline Huitter and Miss Carrie Hilkor at Merlin at their homes here. Miss Ida Goetz ot llawkrsville, at Mr, y. Guru’s. ' Mrs. Little and Miss Hiidrid Lit- tle at Toronto, at Dr. Meme-how's. Our hot-key club goes to Mill“ a Friday lo play the team of that town. I .. "i. Among those who sp’nt (Imiatma': in town were: Miss Jeanie Baker, Toronto. . Mr. Ed. and Miss Florence Baker, Strattord, and Mr. Allan Baker, ot Walton, at Mr. Frank Baker's. Min Nellie Little is visiting " her home in Toronto. _ Mr. and Mrs. / a. W. Rennie. ot London, at Mr. Aha. Rennle's. The Hockey Club [the alumna and wwM be, pleasgd to gauge lot games with outside team. - Mr. Ed. Uingricfi spent Xmas In St. Jacobo. "uh-Ge; quii-i. gentle "little" driver, Apply at Hm hunk, . Mr. Funk Schnapuwr 's-id holiday in New Hamburg. w tt. Cult“: spent liristmas at MI ttopse in Wyoming., day. . t _ w W“. In: Baillie. ttt " y. m’: nil- unery department, Mt. tor her In. il_}.ogdqp b. Hquuhy. Mr, J. A. Wendi and - iett My to: that; new home In! Belleritie. ' a Miss Auto MeGitrtvray tour“ to her bone a: Instowe.t on sun. WiNTERBOURNh', I t It' 'Nt"' " t! M V 0

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