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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1906, p. 9

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.1:ka andTnstmcti‘VeAi’fuizzfi 'i'diliiC, Another important distinction aiu- ong the literary prophets is the his- torical onc--prc-rsilie and Irotit-.exilic, that. is, those writing before. and aiter, the exile, respectively. There is a marked (liiterence in tone and nose in these two classes. The -exilic prophets are mostly con- ee ted in warning the people against the 1itnptardim,r calamities that are coming upon them as a Consequence of theirsirirrwuiru,r (toil; and by cor- recting the abuses and wrongs oi the time, they hoped to ward oil the doom that awaited the people: The post-exilie prophets devote their en- iergies to eonsolim: the people in their exile, encouraging them to re- iturn when permission is given, re- building the city, reconstructing the .temple service, as well as preventing a repetition of the tormer sins. Ani- ong the latter group are Joel, Hag- i, Zachariah. Daniel and Ezekiel; F cremiuh stands between the two roups. A most. important leaturejn (l. T. ropheey is the Messianic element. The Messianic hope had its origin in the days of national decadence, when the elear spiritual vision at the prophets saw, that. it Israel were to " its destiny "among the. nations " izuariliun oi the true religion, ould only he with the appearance a great Deliverer and Teacher. Proplieey is the unique feature of lebrew literature. While God did not lean- lliinseii entirely without witnesses amour: other nations, yet .riut'cvssion 'ot men so tilled with igious zeal, and at the same time practical in their aims, that is, so tirely bent on promoting the hizh, t national interests. cannot be mt in antiquity elsewhere, (‘u‘ept Israel," beam at Bethel. But those were bros- porous times, and the people wen- "Wk inclined to listen to any pruphrl.‘s creaking. Later still, in the times ot nation- at decadence, then the prophets were no longer listened to, they felt ‘im- pelled to utter forth the truth in written form; hence arose the purely literary prophets, such as Micah, Habakuk', and Malachi.) .- A scrvicrublt- distint8rort among the literary prophets is that of major "I minor prawn-ts. The major itlr'il,l's', are Isaiah, Jrremiah, Eze-. tel, Dunirl; the minor Irrophota-are the "'tnaiuder, Irom Ilusva to Malac- hi. The distinction here is mairdy that at quantity, not quality. The major prophecics are tottgeo than 4th minor. ' Written prophecy mm of Late growth. The early prophets, Samuel;~ Elijah-and Nathan, did their work as statesmen, as trusted advisers ot .the_ king, and as guardians oi the p lie morality and religion. other): T. sueh as Isaiah and Amos. took prominent part in the politics of e time. always counselling right- usness fearlessly, even though their unscl was unpopular and uuheed- ed; at the same time, perhaps be- csuse their counsel was unheoded, they wrote an account of their pro- phecy. Ilenctt arose the succession of literary prophets, Amos, for exam- ple, a native of Judah, penetta1e.i to the northern kingdum " hut-i. 0nd spoke against the iniquity of Jun- At the outset, we an. conirontud by a general misconception of the meaning ot the term 'prophecyt' The general acceptance oi the term im- plies toretelling the future. Undoubt- cdly the element ot prediction is pre- sent in some ot the prophecies, but I. can-la! examination ot the great pro- phecies, such as Isaiah and Amos, re- veals the tact that prediction is only secondary in tho otlitc ol the Old Testament prophet, and in some ot the greatest oi the prophets, tor in- stance Elijah and Samurl. loreieiV ing the distant future docs not enter) " all as an eleutent of their work. tortb-telling. The prophet is I woke» man, an iuterpreter. rk T. P. & L. Co. Gets the Plum For “1.500. nto. Dee. m.--Tho Stark Tele- ' Power & Light Co. have bought rinrlnle power concern for .47.- The deal wan put through you- by the oNeinl referee, acting IP liquidatot M the York Loan. out half the proceeds will go to 4 York County Loan & Swings Co., on all the bonds that were hauled. with the exmption of a small pol-ml whirh was plrrlszetl to a private creditor, no hwuod by um company. " Tu ttrs' mun; and" a. unpl- eu ol the Ghanaian Manhood Depart- ment. ot the Y. M. A. ot Trinity Io- thodist Church was held on Thu- by evening and was well alluded. An instructive and scholarly addreu .was delivered by Prot. J. B. Bey- uwlds. ot the o. A. C., Guelph, on the "Old Testament Prophets," which was trttenttvely listened to and greatly appreciated by those pre- sent. The speaker said in part; _ "iiaGireptcr iauii., a? po'vm basin dull. M] trtttte, chattels, frunchise: 3nd pole lines. ,n'iNDAL’E 'miirdit' col SOLD. tfust “and Trial For Murder. don, Dee etr--The extradition 'assoo, Karl "mt of the George ttttton l'nivnrsny. Washington. .. to Gormnuv. was lormnlly rd " the Hun drove ohm court 'rdav 0n Hm "hnrrrn 'ol"r',Til,"r'i"nrl [moOMr-in-hw. Fm" Molihr. a! dress by Prof. Reyna”: at B erlin. I-Rgden. Nov, G. The "M600: . --- - .. a ~,---~ " Marked Improvement in Sanitary Conditions I and Equipment of Factories During the last Ten Years. [ ‘TEN KILLED'IN -ds RAILWAY WRECK l The ropresentatires ot the dairy as- erintions and the chief instructors Ci) well as the regular stall of in- ‘structors are ot one opinion as to [the advisability ol clothing the in- structors with the power at sanitary _ inspectors and so arranging the dis- tricts that every tacotry will be subject to regular and. systematic sanitary inspection and may have the bctwfit at instruction as well. In order that the opinions above ex- pressed might be put into tangible lomr to be placed before the Minis- ter cl Agriculture, the Director ot, Dairy Instruction called a meeting at the, chief instructors, sanitary in- spectors and representativrs ol the wan,- associations to meet in , unto on the 8th inst. Those pre- sent were Chief Instructors. G. II. Barr and cc. G. Publow. Sanitary Inspectors, T. Dillon and J. ll. Ech- kin, representatives oi Eastern llair_rrm-n's Association, It. Cr. Mur- phy, J. ll. Dargavel, M. P., and J. u. Singleton. Western Association-! Thus. linllnntyne. -.lno. McLvvin and! .rf N. Puget. Alter discussing the subjects before them at great lt-nuth they 1tnioittuiusly decided upon the following, system: _ I (I) That the whole Province be divided into such subdivisions as would give each Inspector from 35 to " factories or creamrries. This will require a stall of 38 instructor-in- sum-tors, and it is considrsred by those who have had the work in charge that the man appointed to the work would .lre nhh- to render more. cllcclivc service than in past yrars. Many oi tlie holler Iavtorips are re- ally not in need or regular instruc- lion, and in thr majority oi cases a eail of an hour or two from the in- structor will lu- just as elk-Clive as to spend a whole day with the maker in manuraeturing a lot ot chm-Sr. This will give the itistructor-irsu.cctors an opportunity to strtit many of the farms nml to advise with the pro- ducers as to the best method of pro- duciucr, 1hr desired quality of milk. In the opinion ol the chief instructors the chief essentials in producing a first class article is that the raw ma- terial receive proper attention by the producer and milk hauler. Chiet Instructors Barr and Pulilow stated that '"30 Per --nl. of the injections can he traced it, interior raw mater, ial." (2) That every iactorl and cream- pry in the Province be charged a uni- form for of “2 to help ddray the (‘xpvusv to the Department of fur- nishing instructor-inspectors. The [may INSTRUCTIONS m MR Under Wreck-go. Which Took Flu a Coach“ Tut-0d Over - Rumor. Inca-dad In Gown; All Out-.. Victlmu Solon. to Norm tu. kou. But Om Matilda. Hut Mun It Among tho 0nd. St. Paul, Minn, Dee. 24.--Ten per- sons are known to be dead. six others are Iatally injured and at least 25 others were hurt in the wri-ck yea- terduy ot in cut-bound accommoda- tion train on the Minneapolis, m. Paul and Saul! Ste. Mania Railroad, " Endcrlin. N.D. __ _ _ The Dairy Instructions n! the puttotai approprlntion necessary tog the tew years has resulted in a marked work suggested by the joint commit- ;1mProrement in the general equip- tee is 842,700 and upon the but: of meat and sanitary conditions oi lao- the 813 tax shove motioned. the lac tories. Many proprietors and mak- tones and creameriu wilt coutritutt en have, however, stated to the in- $13,000 towardirthia expenditure. " structors and members ot the Dairy- was at am thought that a sliding men's Associations that' they Were scale would be more equitable but " snmcwhat discouraged alter going to ter discussing the quution tram al the expense and trouble which were Sides it was decided to “commend k louml necessary to make the improve. unilorrn tee, ctue4ly tor the reason merits considered essential by the that the smaller lactories and cream dairy instructors. “We have gone to erieu are usually " need ot a greater Considerable expense in order that amount at instruction than the larger the quality ol cheese may be oi a lactories and really demand as much higher standard but our neighbor lac- or more time than the larger con tories have gone on in the some old cernm . Way mantttaeturing along cheap lines (3) That the instructor-impecton and they. lor the most part, more be required to test milk and cream as high a price lor their cheese as tor ndulteration or tampering bat) the better equipped lactorics. In only in tbose Catiett in which applica-i many cases the poorly run lactorits tion is made and the maker or some manulnclure tor a lower rate than a otlier responsible person lurnishts the well equipped and improved iactory, Department or one of the Chiet Ire thus making the burden still greater structure with evidence that adultcr lor those who are anxious to do ation of tampering Was been practise what is essential if the industry is to ed. In some sections the time ot the he "Lu-ell on a sure and permanent instructor has been almost entirely basis." taken ‘up with the work ot testing The train from Moonjnv. Canals. is due " Enderlin " 11.45 pan.. but thlrday night it was about two hour. late. The engineer was running It high awed in an endeavor to make up the last time. As his train round- ed n curve just [Morn Inching the yuan at Fmderlin. a switch engine was shining I string ot box can to a side Crack. The can did ttttt dour the main track nnd the passenger train collided head on with the switch engine. . I - . __ ,l.. A_.I ac, we...“ . Both engines were wreehed and the pus-mg" ears were thrown in con- fusion down I small edtbttnkrttont m the aid» at the "ark. Severn] of the day convhen were mm! bonmnshlo up. and the tttsteers pinned bo- nmuh the wrevkm. which took Itw trom the our stoves. _-!nnx .mmu- we" irt,tptrpi.tpe.ttt I " must be remembered that the ‘above are recommendations made In the joint committee to the Depart- unent. and the same are being pub lished at this time in order that tht tery",.'??.'. of the llaixymrn generally imay be secured hvrorc definite action lis taken. Thc'rh",tariment is desir- : ous of doing only th.., which shall hr tin the best hilt-{€315 oi the cheese’ and butter irrdicit , of the Province and wishes to "l, n In measures " lure nc-eessary tv- _'tt re the same, but at the sntm- tin-u niches to avoi; {(luiugiln itciusti P t, any person or persons, It maul n~l tr1inrerred that instruction is to le ohandonorl am, :‘an army of men sent out merely to 'give orders to the men who own the factories and herds at the country. It is the desire'to so re-arrange the work of instruction and sanitary ite spection that it can be done most effectively at a reasonable eost"and in the best interests of the owners ot the factories, the producers of milk, ,and the makers. m CREAMBRIES ii) It is also recommended that any owner or manager ot, or assist. ant in a cheese or butter maiiulactory who shall knowingly receive or make into cheese or butter any milk or cream that is tainted, gassy, over ‘ripe. or delivered in rusty or unclear cans or utensils, or in which a pre- servative of any description has been used. or which has been drawn irnm wry-mining from tump-iaw or oth- er infectious disease, shall be liable to a line. We now have a provision under which the producer can be pro- scented, provided he sell or supply to a cheese or butter manulaetory any milk that is tainted or badly sound, and it is thought to he distinctly ir lthe interests ol the industry tubal”- la provision hy which a maker or pm prietor can be dealt with provided hr accepts any such milk to te mane tactttred into a taxi product for gen cral use. This will have the iiIeet c' (i,'rd)li'i1'iv' prohibiting a maker iron; I:u-eeptinxz, milk of inferior quality 'which has been refused at a neigh ‘horing factory. [ . denser mm me names: Nnnea T6%tr. [not spreading through the care. Axes were wielded by willing hands, and the roots ot the overturned care were broken open and the dead and injured taken out as quickly. ”possible; , Thr Director or Dairy Instruction. Mr. G. A. Putnam, would be glad to receive suggrslions or reeomatrttda. tions trom dairvrmm regarding ttw proposed regulations T “Incl- out o- N'""'"""" - B"'"'" Ten bodies were taken in“ 1nd laid beside the track. while the iniured were'tnken in hastily improvised sm- bulanccs to hospiulu 5nd hotels. Tho Dad. Charles Backus. Berger, N.D. H. J. Vulklnt. Annmoose. ND. John Sanctum. Anamooce. ND. Tonv (Hem. Valve. N.D. D. I. Beresford, Medicine Hat. Can. H. Rmenbnum, Velvn. N.D. W. J. Dnnielson. Sheldon, ICD. A. o. Anderson. Starbuck, Minn. One unidentified man. (3) That the instructor-impecton be required to test milk and cream tor adurteration or tampering but only in those cases in which applica- tion is made and the maker or some other responsible person iurnishts the Department or one of the Chief in- structors with evidence that adulter ation of tampering Was been practis- ed. In some sections the time ot the instructor has been almost entirely taken ‘up with the work ot testing and it is considered by the represent- utives ot the Associations and tht Department that the persons identi- fitNl with the Factory should be quar ified to make preliminary tests and investigations sullieient to furnish er idem-e that tempering or adulterniior has taken place, below the seniors of the inspector be asked tor. tMha.n" and In London. New York. Dee. 'c-A London dea- patch repaid: that iMtrertr. ot a par- ticularly virulent If,» is raging here. The Lord Chancel or Ind tho Arch- bishop of Cantata"! are barely con- vnlesoent. while Art at Balfour lnd Eve-her Lowther are seriously ill. ”mam-rim, Condemned " but - " Rom-Ion. 'b Raina. Dusk. Dee. 22.-Condemnod to be hanged In Regina jail on Jan. 15 for the murder o Barrett Bender» son. the wenhhy Prince Edward tisuttrler, Josiah Gilbert "ertuousty rryttleto to the anon. being made by his lawyer: to seem. I reprieve w 1mg imprisonment on account of hir old one. He pretm the rope to Inn. 111d'gi.i',1 tett't.. "Kei/ea/ies'. his hwy." In not r+ hung their mm 're_t_t_ti. newt. PhEFERtt THE non. The President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained at luncheon yesterday the British ambassador and hdy Dur- and. The ambassador took advantage at the occasion to present his letters of recsll. m and Lady Durand will sail tor England on Dec. 29. Prorozued. London, Dee. S2.r--The, King‘s mes- sage proroguing Parliament wesJead in the House of Lords yesterday " te'rnoon before the members of both House; It was a colorless recitation. liter the, reading nt the King’s message the members at both Houses “Butternut ”pasted-until Feb. 2. . INiiiidic DrsiCgE-airiiriXrioWn" mm was and by a street car on Dundee “net shanty.” last night. He was taken to my Western Hospital. when it was tound that both jaws were broken and hia head merely gushed. He tried to tell the nurse his name. but could not make hiemutlt under. and hurried. but childless. It in understood that Mr. Bryce'u gunmen! will not take meet mttit mettttremb1intt ot Pullsmant in February. His departure wilt prob ably bo unnamed by his being mite cd to the peerage. Accept-bl. to the Unit“! tutu. Washington, Dee. 2S.--&t reply to enquiries by the British Government President Roosevelt has indicated that the appointment of Mr. Bryce will be ugptakle ty? this. Government. 000. This estimate in imiehed by he bank, whleh make up many of the my rolls. The Carnegie She! is distributing $1,300,000 trom its special pay car. The Westinghouse interests will pay more than $1,000,000 to their employee. while an equal amount will be paid by the building trades. The Christ. mas pay roll of the National Tube Co. is $400,000; the Jones & Lnugh- lin’l Co., $250,000; the Pitt-burg Steel Co.. 8100.000; the Crucible Steel Co., $100,000; the American Steel & Wire thr., $250,000: American Bridge Co.. $1,000,000; American Sheet & Tin Plate Co., t60,000. A A Piulbur‘ Industries Pouring Strum of Monty Out to Emphyu. Bushing, Dec. M.--The extra Christmas pay at the milk. furnaces. otBmstr.' atom and factories in the Pittsbgrg district. will 03339ng 810.009,- were tried before PIP, -winehester Saturday, on charges 0 house break- ing or thett. They pleaded guilty. Vnnmnt faced three charges and had been, apparently. the ring-lender. Ho was sentenced to one year in the Cen- tral. Lindsay. charged with two of- fences. was given two months in jail. and W'srnn Bruce was relaxed on the romise that .he would reform. His father gave a bond of $500 tot hit good behavior. . luhanll Progrou Aspens " H“. 39m Made Town- I Bohsttttn. Toronto, Dee. 22.-~'l'he report oftha melon of the joint Presbyterian Methodist and Congregational corn- mitteo on church union, which was issued Inst night, will unquestionably increase confidence that . solution of the numerous, dimeult end delicate prohleme involved in the negotintiou- can be touched. more especially it the s.vmprtthrtie and hopeml senti- ment which has hitherto eUrneterised it: deliberntiom continues to be dio- Inca-so Grunt-d. . New York, Dee. M.-0fBeitt1s oltho Long island Railroad yesterday sign- ed an agreement with representatives of their yardmen by which the lat- ter will receive an increase over the present wage genie ot trom 31-2 to 4 " cents per hour. This action re- moves the Long Island road as a fats tor In the arbitration over a 6 cents an hour increase to which roads in- volved agreed Datum-y. - . Toronto. Dee. 'M.-lhrtut Vanznnt, Victor Lindsity and Warren Bruce Ohio! Bomtu'y tor Ireland, which will boom want when June. Bryn In tatTd to the British unhuay Bt. alum n. In this went Dr. N. O. molt-mus Et'tltt will be the new matter a! nation. Mr. June: Bryce, tho Chief Beac- ‘hry {oi-Ireland. is the only Irishman In the Cabinet. m is a Scottish Preo- Me: trom Wales, who alt: toe A It. having un Ireland no long an that most people believe him to 1tP, warn; Ar:. Brrtse ie a. Me qmmtiomsd tir his colleague. many did not deny that thin was his hat day in Parliament., 1nareii-intormed Parliamenhry Mr. el- Arretine Bil-roll. pmlidmit ot an Bond ot Education, in now mud- tf .e gm tavorito for the post ot iiigte - 'um anion.""' ’ , Ing/ttt "ret in Nahum 'F lamdtrat,Dee.gB.-ah. l'dttrfdT222t T u Walt-m -- I. 'l.e.ttepeut-HMtrMr. 'lT,'Qtttfu.i,,-iddL. “not. Mr. Bryon ".tmirted hon lmwmwumsw "iittCBttmsaaqttt'r' . Ir.'" nzpon'f'ém cnunc'H umon. asar,un m EXTRA PAY. Penalty of Thcir Crime. I Many a stout vessel and many al good man have gone down on the; _Cattadian lakes in making “the last, trip of the season." It is too otten] the practice to overload on these fin. al voyages, to take all the “light: that otters, so that nobody will he left in the Iurch-atutough it were better that a shipper should suller loss and a consignee be disappointed than a boat and her crew should risk ”going to the bottom ot the lake. |Pride in 1ti!s..ltout, pride in himsell, tear of ridicule, have caused many a'. captain to leave dock with more canI ‘go than htrdrsired. How many men' each year under'one circumstance or Ianotlxer, are jeered and ioshoi into taking risks that end in death? Tte, 'hravest man, perhaps, is he who is", not afraid to admit a just and rear-l sonatle sense ot fear that forbids him! Ito enter upon a danger that is either foolish or unnecessary, but who,) when a danger must be laced, will meet it halt-way and with a smite. I , _0n the subject of overloaded lake .msels the editor ot the Parry Soundé North Star. who is well versed in' 'wrecks amt their causes, writts: "The wreck of the steamer J. H.l Jones in Georgian Bay last week is just a repition of the old story of a quarter of a century ago, and yet we. do not 'get wiser by experience. An [overloaded boat, too small at lest Ito meet and sail through tall gates, lthe cargo badly stowed with the light stall in the hold and the heav- ier freight on deck. This is the sum of the whole matter and calls tor a remedy. A Canadian Plimsoll markl with inspection of every vessel More. it leaves port in the [all seems to " tbe o: ly reimv’y, and it is My]: time Parliament look action. In these lake ports it is a common thing to see vessels loaded to the water's edge with barely room between decks tor passengers to crawl aboard, and theI promenade and hurricane decks cov- ered with Height so that the passen- gers were absolutely conrmed to the cabin, while even the lite-boats are piled full of Height. This is no fanryl picture, but one that may he seen at Georgian Bay ports almost any day in the fall of the year. This paper has from time to time pointed out these things but with no effect, and we now appeal to the press of the‘ Dominion to join with us in a tie-1 Inland to regulate the loading, at vesel sels as well as to inspect them as to I seasorthinCtrs." _ All druggisis should be able to sup- ply you with Hyomci or Wu will semi it by mail on receipt ot price, and every package is sold with the dis- tinct understanding that it costs no- thing unless it cures. Write us urdar for a. symptom blank, which we will send you tree, together with treatise on Catarrh and how to cure it. When you fill in and return to us ttte symp- tom blank, our consulting physician will give your case the best care and attention, and write you aleltcr ot, advim without charge. The R. T. Booth Company, Bunnie, N. Y. The Toronto Saturday Night con- tains the following pertinent re- marks: V w t are ho ulvm trier ' tar Xmas [he an“: mu] invvu- an inn-m tum of our otock. which i “In mum rumpleu in the rity. viz Emmy Tomst and Manic-urn Bets. [Ch-my Mum u y and ll . r Btmrhem. Trmhl inn and 3 tsvi"tt Sets. Pam-y Km n: Candi. A I‘m. tot" m lanu-y'n Xian Bon B an. .m t 1'ntpow. i The complete ttiusei out“. costs but " extra bottles, ll needed, 60 cents. We do not. wan, “you“: mow e'y unless llyomel glvés relic! and cure, and we absolutely agree um. money will be rclumled unless the to- mody gives sntislaction. "one“ "1mtttte. Pin " U! - lorlln In mine Do not try to care can") ot the head by putting Immune Into your 'stoeuacttrtthia is neither awn-mm- nor common-sense treatmertt. Breathe the healing hhlums ot llyomei and in glew dart you will notice reliel, and its cominued use will result in a complete and lasting cure. wi, m h- n , v’oul. and ma . i you tor pad Lav- “In all treatment " and in u- tuthu tron“... than in no am "aitsg, to! the undid-3,1: “in in gm: the air you truths, and - might to the spot when the eatarru1 germs no meant. healing the iediaan- ed and :rrltuted mucous membrane, killing the discus germ- and entering the Mood with the oxygen, driving all catarrlnl germs (tom the system. , E. AHBENS & M. tad oilin- cit-trial "euase, Puma ad claims um that better. It In in keep!“ via this Ida um Hyena! n We! by legit-Q physician “m3 this Home“: When would UsuHoCuuCItlnh. 1 m summing Y " Irqm " u LATE NAVIGATION. NOTICE ‘uviolly of PREA'ip- v u trade and thank " G 01s must be elearod out :eandlesa u coat. Huts, Wings Quil’n, Rmbom, Beitr,Colhrrs, Velvet Ribbons, Buchinga, volvohcn Uerrr, Silk voivast,tuloverLusea, Veilnga, and Dress Silks old imaginable shacks. A Building Sale! -"'iiiiiai. LLL 2 for 5 cents: silk collars were Me and 500. now 15e: helm 65e, now Me and Me. Come and be convinced. Oath must accompany all orhrs. Mnke romittmogby Solo, Registered Letter or Express Order to " [madam-Mo w-Hhuthomhlo dunking twool polo-m unman- we have undo-pods! amt. with the ”Ni-hon by which w. m tumbled to other the following - stun-in connection with the Chronicle-Tow. toe on. you at quit", low at; A 11.33031:th Mee the but“ at by“: (no to new subscribes; Spud-l dubbing was with all other ' diu And “in” ”magazine- quoted on application mm [and way Glob. m1 Caulk- 'w, 'aThtlta1?2tgttxMth%e.Su't mm:- m tttpr-tpp-peut/ttrt-tpt-e-Pte-ttpit Glioap Reading for 1901 tphmNitpuNtNtAtftfeAnftptPt6fitftttttArhAf I BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 1rooooueoie-oeoooetootoe_ A - Mrs. G. Steuernagel Interest mlcuhncd from date of original dep Hit and atldud to tbs deposit FOUR times a year. Capital paid up .Iicwrvo fund For convenience of customers this bank opens on Sat. ur~lnys at. 9 a. m. t?"x"tic!eqHeiirais and Toronto Doll! 'ull...... .... .... 1:'!ar"u!+-'l'reieirh and Toronto Even ug tuit.... .... .... 18troo'tqle,T)tttitrCph and Toronto Dally tar.... ...... .... Uhtotaieit'iyrhaVaish and Toronto DANE Btu- with choice of one of ttttts ruminant t Cook k, Fauna-in Pen, or "A Boom.“ site".... ...... ........................ 'lltronieir-'l'rietrratrtt and Northern Mel-longer. . .. . . . . . . . . . . y.'.hmttt.ie.ir-T.tuirraith out! Lhsm"tiat1Arairrtn9. V . . . . . . . .... Chronicle . ieleiircrm and Toronto tutuhhir" iliiitrty. I I y. III: y!eut.teT.eleirr'sirt, am! Lrye Managua Wyrur. .: ... . . . . . . . 11hro"iqu-Feiirrtptt mud The Buy Mia'- Insulin...” .... 1m 1'hrouitslo-'Nlriiraitt Incl Cosmopolitan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I.“ w" leconuuoml our readers to subscribe to the Puma-I Advocate and Home Magazine. the beat AtrrieuiuwaiJoutgml in America. BERLIN, ONT. BRANCH " lulu. Inuit". with pwmrum' and "The Furnara‘ lulu-l and Velcr- Inau-y Guide" or "Rudy-Homo Book"..... .... .... ... 1lrrouiiN.trroptt And Funnel-'- Anne“. (Woolly) ... terttrottierrTtuitriptt Ind Montreal Weekly Wham. . . . .. . 1?t"eierle-Tytrtireia Ind Fanning Walt... ... . .. .... ... flt.sro+rTyltiimirt, wd _ Bun ta farm journal) ... 'e1hroniedet+irriph and ca.'l'.at,tgu.".'r.'.': . . . . . .. .. . . . Chruniclu- huh-graph And Dalia lobe ...... ...... .... ... 9..ttroteu-.T.y.ieiritt um} Enron [my Ee., . . .. .. . . . . ., qrtmt,icteMusir"ik -.. V I - Gd iuaci, bar, -wiirliCy..C..'.' ?l"2'tiil'2litdfa',ll, um! [orange 'ildllLl,Tlfrir. . . . . . . . trUNUkKT'AKtNta. Ind EMBALMING. Spock! attention . mum to this br. not of lbs businuu. Simpsous’ Jmilm Wtratis KING STREET, fti'itt.lrifit,;it;it an rsmiiymad “Weekly Aide" (Vial an ...... ...... .................. .......... W919: {emémmwwmfiweeya Ite 1phpetittetNitptptetiprg"'t JltttedtghetttitNttf H». our immense dock at rlmicent, selection of furniture. It in the right. plm-v bo "a goods gluu-anIn-d and low prices. Mow goods thow" to whet. {mm lhau tpr uther place in the counl y. Pan-lion wishing to It"""""" fur» iture r not do better than ttive u- n m L I ’ Special nap-mi In xiv an" to ordeca and an“ (anti-win delivering ' undo. , Oar motto in do right and [our none. Never In furs lune we been able to otror Hun u again. III now. David Bean aid up - - $2,621,000.00 und , - J 450390030 A go1eml banking business transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Building Sale! Randall-bed 1882. .......................... 2.70 "W-tmr.............. 1w 2lti,T'Niacc:::::y.: 1.M than yNi.ht.......... Elio suralWiaw.,.r........ 1.26 rAaeNHagasttfr........ 1m tiitan_______, 1.05 Wlishu , Wate loo, On ............ LII Vail!) .... " “H...” 1.60 _............ 1.x icon-1).... I." ............ 4.8 ............ no ............ up H.......... no ............ " r............ no BERLIN 0 O bl o ()

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