Chronic“ "'r'etotrrarhoitity AFTER guttrBitt- “Id duos-mu an: “In“ "uni-n _S'rt,tL"r..a Th. - - ttttNtt'lt n“ in but an III-III! ' “nub-nun “Fol-Db Two Candidates In The Field For The Position Ot Deputy Reeve. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION MUNICIPAL With the municipal elections draw- in; near the interest in matters mu- nicipal is growing Keener. 'tt is practically certain that Mayor E. P. Sagan) ad all the mémben of the Council will stand tor reeletr, tion, although they have not detinite- ty Announced themselves. Mr. Levi Grayhill has defittiteiy an- nounced himsell as a candidate for the position or Deputy Reeve, which indicates that there will be a con- test, Mr. Weidenhammcr having also announced himxrll as a candidate tor the position. The candidate elected. in addition to being a member of the Waterloo Town Council, will also be a representative from. the town on the County (‘ounctL . V On the School Board tour members will require to be elected this year, as their terms 'expire. However, it is not piotrab1e that there will tu? any change here. At a meeting ot the Directors oi the North Waterloo Farmers' Mu- tual, Mr. Levi Stau6er, lur many years the [arithlul and rirscient mana- ger oi the Company was the recipient of a handsome omce chair, it being presented in appreciation of his many years of service rendered the Company. ' Mr. Join B. Fischer has already announced himscll as a candidate tor the reeveship. _ h Saws} Commission to be compos- ed ot three membérs will also have to be elected. Mr Levi stautrer/Was the Re- cipient of a Handsome Office Chair, You have for a good number ct years occupiN the position ol'Mana- gcr of this Company and during that time the husimss oi the Company has steadily grown till it has btcome the leading Farnwrs' Mutual Insur- znee. Co. in (hilario. of course you cannot expect l-hisjioard to give the Manager all the credit, for the pros- perous condition of the t'omitany . as We must, in order lo credit ourselves before members of the k'ompuny re- serve a little praise 1o_oursrclvest But tor all this, we must recognize that the manager is the centre of the ex- ecutive and he has carried out thr purpose of the board so well and has also adt'ised our directors " wisely that we think he deserves an opportunity to perform his work in this oitiee as eotntottable as possible. When a chair was suegested as a mark of our appreciation some of us thought that would create a desire on the Manager's part to sit around in his office and entertain callers. Others suggested a lounge or couch, but all things considered a chair was thought the more appropriate article to encouraee high thought and noble deeds. Mr. Levi y',tautivr Wr therHore on" to you this ot- ttce chair in order to show to you the appreciation in which we hold You and your good srrviu-s to the Com- pany. Wu how you will m-cupy it in your present capacity tor many wars and that you win always hold thrs Sceptre of your Mice in the same hearty, jovial and "ur_recalh manner as you have heretotore done. "Signal on new" of the Board of Din-dots. ,1ever-""i"" - The addrcss was as follows: Por sensible gins go lo Zick's m for mange. Any nf our readers who arc fooking for " suitable Xmas present to send to friends living outside of the county cannot do bet. ter than to mail them a y f the. Chronicle. eleg 'Iph Souvenir. Over pages profusely iilustr ted. Price 40 cents. Maile to anypmt of the Briti Empire or United Add IO cents ex- h BEAUTIFUL XMAS PRESENT Downloa- 'siltt,'LT2"l “h" In. a. new. King St. 'ATN' WOT: PumA'nyAtAnM- "Ga" 7 ic I. lt. "HIST, Chairman ELECTIONS unlit. Duck removed on and and rel» new resident ot Watetloo in the per-on otMts. Andrew Bole-ten who died a I I. m. Seaway " the “and on oi " you". been.“ In I sum-re: tron: “any old had been m tor the put Mue- month. but we: eoUned to her bed only lot a day or two previous to - “it. She bore her long illness with dece- [ulna and patience and was ever pleased to see her "lends. The late In. Boteatder, when Inl- den name wa- Roam Hohenlleln. wa- hon. in Germany, coming to this country when about " you: ot use. About " years ago the was married to the late Andrew Bulender and ult- er living in Berlin tor nevetal years they moved to Waterloo, when: Ilu has since made her home. Her his band predeceased her Bre yeus. Deceased was ot a kind and friend. ly disposition and was esteemed by all her friends. She was one ot the oldest and most faithful members oi Emmanuel Evangetieat Church, War etloo. SERVICE WAS WELL ATTENDED Induction of Rev. Mr. Bachel- mann Tcok Place in St. John's Lutheran Church Wednesday Dee. 12th. Annual Me ting Held at Toronto Last Week - Sessions Were Interesting. On Wednesday Prof. Coleman 'de. livered an instructive lecture dn the historic-cl formation of clay deposits, and Mr. H. D. K. .loannes, editor ot "The Brick," Chicago, read a paper on brickmakintt prepared by Mr. A. lien: ot Help: & Hon, manufacturers ot brick machinery, Toronto. ' At a banquet- tentlered the associa- tion members on Thursday evening Hon. Dr. A. Pyne, Minister ot Hila- cation, announced that a department tor the instruction ot students in technical work oi this great industry would probably be established in the School of Practical Science, a depu- tation inning previously waited upon the Prmincial Government in toler- ence to the matter. Speeches were also made by Hon. J. W. St. John, (‘ontrollers Shaw, Hubbard. Jones. Mr. M. J. For, M. P, P.. and Proc Edward Orton, of the School of t'eramie Art, of the Ohio State rrtiversii.v, Prot, Orton also delivered an instructive and carc- tnttv prepared paper on "Technical Education" at the afternoon session on Thursday and Mr. J. ll, Miller. Superintendent of the Don Valley tirtck Co, read a paper on "The Comparative Economy of Construct- ing and Operating Down Drought Kilns." Prnt. “alter ot Queen's l'ni- vrrrdty, also delivered a WWII" ad- dress, A lamily of five children survive viz., Andrew, ot Detroit; Daniel, ot Berlin: Mrs. Lydia Wagner, Waterloo, and William and Kate at home. The funeral was held Tues- day afternoon at two o'clock, tron the residence, King street, to Em manuel Evangelical Church for ur- vice. thence to Mount Hope cemetery lor interment. The Liturgical form of service wa: _ used, Rev. F. Oberlander opening the service by reading a portion of the Liturgy. Rev. A. Uherlander ther preached an impressive sermon ii.- German, Tron] Psalm 124:8: “Our help is in the name of the Loni, wt" _ made,heaven and earth." In coursii at his remarks he urged the ministe: 1 and congregation to work together tr make the pastorate a blessed ant fruitful one. At the conclusion of thi sermon Rev. F. Oberlander, Jr., preached an appropriate and splendir discourse from the text from Prov- erbs: "lie that winneth souls r. wise." The hunches of the industry in- cluded in the association are brick, tile, pottery, and sewer pipe. The treaisurer's report" ittowed a balance ot $40.81 on hand. Rev. W. E. Boekelmann was imiue ted into the pastorate of St. John', Lutheran church on Wednesday even ing, there being a large congregation present. A large number trom Berlin wen also present. The annual meeting ot the Canadian Clay Products Association was held in the llossin House, Toronto, last week, about 200 manufacturers of the products of clay being in attendance. Pmsident S. J. For, M.P.P., in his annual report referred to the steady growth of the association, which was formed five years :50. with a small membership, there being 101 names on the list last year, but this year the membership was about 250. Rev. Mr. Bockelmann was then for- mally inducted into the pastorate at the thumb. The choir contributed several an moms, which were well rendered. The altar was prettily decorate: with carnations. Mr. t', It. “rt-Md. ot 'taterioo, w" meek-cud Maury-Truman T lot the nu m. _ " BRICK MAKERS IN CONVENTION Among thorse in Mundane!- from Waterloo were Mcssrn, ".12. Beetrtel Past Prelim“ of the Asttoritttittet, W. n. "(chm and Chas. ll. thehtet, tor the mot yen .'_eereur.r M the Amara-Hon. the membership was about Lotte ILLNESS "and Age. We draw the attention oi on read- "a to an advertisement In m: lune in which " haw given . ttrtmt deal " momma", hut no! mom than it Onretvtm. We Nun-e I bum-u Mu- cnion to be 0m- of um! value to (wen-om. " is time“ Indlnprnuhle in ttmte days ot Mint-m. The Balm Ihsims Cotirar is a thormmhty “and and "Natale vat-hurl. Ttteu ad- _ rerun-men! In worth reading. WATERLOO WATER AND LIGHT .COMMISSION The Prrstrytertan Home Missionary Roddy held a moat pleasant and pro- titattie meeting " the home ol Mrs. T. O'Donnell Thursday night. In addi- tion to thr regular work of the So- ciety the young ladies are busily rm pmgrd in making up wwttel arliclcs for the Hospitals in the Northwest, a work which is not only greatly ap- preciated, but of great assistance to the missionarv in his work. Annual Reports are Most Gunning .--Both Gas and Water Works Plats are " a l Paying Basis. WATERLOO WATER COWSSION 1m Dom. 1m. M. the regular Saturday market eggs sold at 33c and Me a down, whiirrtrutter was disposed ot at 25c a pound." M at“: ml buildings Boiler: and pump ... ... ... Hydnnu ...... ..q... ...... ..e... Christmas suppers? Well, well, well. we should any so! Ziegler, Berlin. is thr slimn-r king. You should come and are them. Men's, 89c to $2.50. Ladies', 39c to ".75. 'dirgter's, Brrlin's beat that slow. The members of the Prrstr.vtrrian Ladies' Aid Society rainy-d a very pleasant nllcrnmm at the home of Mrs. Wm. "on. Thurndny. vainly rrfretrhntenttt were urn-d by tte kind hourâ€. and the hand. ol the Soc-My were enriched by I hand-om odor- Ing. _ Cloth] Amt. Bub-co am Dem, ms "311.141.†Manon not Whip"... 3,300.05 Water, rated Water, meter Water, spec-ta Meter tents . Less Discounts .... Supplies ...... q..... ...... _........ Salaries and labor .t.... ...... Repairs to mains ...... ..w...... Repairs to services .m.w.. ....r. Repairs to pumping system Repairs to‘metgn ...... ......... Repairs to reservoir and standpipe ...... ...... .-...t ... Insurance ...... ....-. ...... ...... Boob, stationery and print- Debentures ...... ...... ........ Town of Waterloo ...... ... Town of Waterloo .r.... ..... Bank of Commerce, over- drawn acct. ...... .r.... .. Maintenance and Debentures. Maintenance, as above ... ...83,395.50 Debentures and coupons .q.... 4,083.75 Capital acct. ..eTr. ...... .F... Bank of Commerce. Sav- ted as follows: Uncollected aocts. ot 1906 Meter rate: and rents tor last quarter ot 1908 ...... Special rate. tor last quarter of 1908 ...... ...... Hydnnt rental ...... ...... ... Water rates, net, as above $8,520.75 Capital] acct. ...... Maintenance acct. Debentures ...... . Coupons ..rt.. ...... $13,434.19 Bahutce in Savings Bank ...8 700.00 ings Branch ...... ...... ....., Additional Assets, estima- Genéral expenses ...... ...... ... Interest ...... ...... ...... ......... ment ...... ...... ...... ........r Town of Waterloo u..,.. ..... Bank of Commerce, over- drawn acct. ...... ...... .w...r Bal. iiBank of Commerce. as per statement of 3Itrt Dec., 1905 ... ... ....P. ..-.. Revenue acct. " per state- in; ... ......... ......... ............ POI BMA-tNH In a mat- mm Amu Revenue and Maintenance Acct. Balance . and ...... metered .... special ...... Local News -.---: “no and interact ... Fe. ..a 827.5 . $62,593.23! , J.' M. scum: Sec-Twas. J; n. scum. Sec.-Treal Disbursements. Liabitltleg. - ...... .........tsMsas Revenue. Receipts. ettrr-'N-tu'rsredttrD-tterMht9tt6 --PAges Assets. ......$ 3,510.48 . ... 3,369.04 ...... 2,700.31 ......$51,366.05 37.47915 ......:1,o41.5o ...... 4,083.75 "7,741.90 “0.994.“ , 6,004.94 . 3,395.50 F 1,431.13 , 2,599.52 ' 700.42 $77,747.90 $14,184.19 31,590.32' ," 123.95 Wages .... . 11.13 Coke .q.... . 1,106.43 on _........ . 50.90 Supplie. . . 25.28 Coal ...... 89,912.78 1,392.03 33,520.15 $3,395.50 8,5201 150.00 1,200.00 08.78 140.02 31.23 332.95 “5.13 879.27 235.75 14.90 596 .66 269.16 77.25 101.59 5.82 879.27 700.00 600 . 00 5.70 46.50 " " For Oct. and Not, not col- l lected .W.... ...... ..b... .....e... Books and Stationery ..... Postage ...... ...... ...... .....r iFreight, express and cart- ', age' ......... ......... ......... ..r Insumnce ...... ..._.. ...... ....., inspecting meters ...... ....., WATER AND LIGHT conunssxon 15th Dee., 100C. 79th ...... ...... .... ' an Avicenna. 'Capitat Am.’ Yt _Inluec. Slut Dee., 1005 Mr. Frank KIM: 0' Ann", Sash. In winning "MI In Merlin and " â€my. Meters ...... .. Revenue acct. ....q. ...... ...8 4,534.63 Town ol Waterloo, balance 3,909.31 lglntmnce (12 months). 5min to tNat ...... ...... nah-me. .l.... ...... Debentures unpaid ..r... .....419,673.17 Total Revenue for Year. For 10 mos. to Oct. 1, 1906 For 12 mos., per acct. Earnings lot 12 mos.'. Dchonture 3nd coupons Balance after paying deben- ture and interest ... FtF ..r' Mr. H. L. Houston. so»: tutte, Ateimstrm, Walt-rim. u renewing In town. Maintenance acct. as above 83,498.89 Capital acct. ...... ...... ...... 420.55 chenturc ...... ...... ...... ... 342.59 Coupons ..e... .eF... ...... ...... 885.24 Balance ...... ...... ...... ...... 3,296.61 Capital and. ...... ...... ...., Town ol Waterloo Tm-rt liaisons Bank ...... P..... ..... UneoUeetmt accounts, over- due and 1mfrid ...... ..-e.l Rates tor October and No- vember, Jess discounts ..1 Meter rents for oetotek and November) less dis- _ counts I........ ...q.tT.r Mr. Arthur Luschingot o'l-Ilmira visited Waterloo [fiends Saturday and Sunday. ms. Jessie Brm has returned trom n visit to Guelph "mm. Mr. Andrew Both-mlâ€, Detroit, ttt- tulki the [antral ot Ms mother, the Ute I", Honk-Met. on Tuesday. Mr. Andrew McIntyre is visiting friends in Linwolhi and Wellesley. Miss Ida Hager cl Sloullvillc Is home tor several works. Miss Gertrude Good tot the (mark, Ladies' College, In home lor the hol- Mun. Mr. H. C. Taylor. loan agent tit the Dominion Lite Assurance Co. it Ed- monton. in a visitor to Waterloo tor a tew dark Messrs. R. H. Rhddet1 and ‘J. H. Rom were visitors to tho Provincial Fair 0 Guelph on Thursday evcning. Miss Emma Moat-fol Elmln In: I visitor to Waterloo on Thursday. . Mrk William Snidct left Friday 111an lor Pittsburg, Pa., on a vis- iy to his daughter, Mrs. Willa“! Ilen- Persoaal and Social I.“ ...... m Total ... ..v'. ......... ...815.8fll.ll Revenue (10 months). _ Disbursements. Maintenance. Liabilities. Receipts. Assets. ....a16,8M.86 ot the Mot- tonnrrly at new. int one" ' 410.04 ......3 1,0ss.00 ...... 1,012.85 ...... 1,047.89 ...... 61.44 ...... 103.19 ....r. 23.25 ....q. 4.75 ...t 4,333.93 ... 195.55 ..815,87l.9l .. 3,000.00 .. 296.67 315351.30 , Ms.ta 8 4,534.63 $20,341.81 33,498.89 85,554.28 32.05139 1,227.33 ' 827.56 $4,534.63 $8,443.94 $8,443.94 12.08 46.50 21.00 1,035.74 1,019.65 1.019155 114.50 10.75 114.98 21.05 81.70 38. 60 .79 TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OP DEBEN‘I'UIBS NR 813,... TO EXTEND AND IMPROVE THE SEIERAOI SYSTEM " THE 10'" or WATERW. tomt-ttestmtM888,000 toe tho - at extending and Improving the “on“ system at the Toam at Waterloo. AND WHEREAS [or the pupa-n damn“ it will be my 101th. Corporation ot the said To" to II- me its duh-Italics tor, ad to create a Mt to the amount at $33,000 an hank-"er mentioned. nil such debt III! the debentures to be tuned there toe shall be and. payable in thirty years at the mum from the by on which thin By-law tutu elect. AND WHEREAS it will make the sum ot 81418 to be raised annual- ly by I speck! ate for plying the aid debt and interest. [at mined annulment roll ot the laid Municipality in the nun ot 81,859,238. AND WHEREAS the nmount ot the "iatirqg mute deMa,ot the - Corporation In $211,688.53, ated no principal or interedt is in "rear. THEREFORE, the Municipal Coun- cil ot the Corporation ot the Town ot Waterloo enacts as follows: For the East Ward (Polling Butt- divisions Nog. 3 and 4 united), at. William Boss’s omce, queen street. Mr. William Hogg, Deputy Returning ottieer. V For the West Ward (Polling Sub- division: Nos. , and 8 united), " the »Old Council Chamber, in the Market House, Mr. Charles A. Haete net, Deputy Returning 0mm. AND WHEREAS the amt of the whole ate-hie plopcrty ot the rt' unplefpality according to the 1. That tor the purpose at rolling the said sum ot $23,000 thirty debeee tures ol the laid Town at Waterloo, to the amount ot $23,000 on tttore- sa-id, shall be issued, which aid do. bentures shall bear interest at the rate ot [our and one-hell per contain per annum. and which said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town at Witerloo, and by the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk shell attach thereto the Corporate Seal ot the said Municipality. 4. During the currency ot the said debentures there shall he raised an- nually by special rate on all the ratea-hle property in the said Town of Waterloo the sum ot 81412 for the purpose olpaying the amount. in each or the said years tor principal and interest in respect of the said debt. 5. This By-law shall take elect on the first pay ot February, A. D. 1907. 6. That the votes ot the qualified el-' ectors ot the said Town ot Waterloo shall be taken on this By-law by bal- lot, pursuant, to the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1903, on Monday the seventh day of January, 1907, (mm the hour ot nine o’clock in the lore- noon until the hour at live o'clock“: the alternoon of the same day, and at the places, and by the Deputy Re. turning Otticera hereinalter apecitied, that is to say: For the South Ward (Polling Sub- divisions Nos. 5 and 8 united). at the ttttttee of the Canada Woollen Hills, King street, Mr. Conrad Hadl- nerganl. Deputy Returning omeer. Take notice “lit thr torrttointt is a tree my oi a proposed lly-law which In: bun Cullen into sottsidrration and whid'vill be I‘Inllly passed by the Innicipnl Cmmeil of the Corporation ot the Town ot Wnierloo in the "on: ot ttte "30M cl the Hit-Mon being ottuinrd thereto, after one month from the am Jnttrtieatiott ttkrrot Inl the 1'hrttnietr-Tr1qtraptt nut-sport. sun nm publication king on the 1m day at thermter, A. D. no“ and "mi nl tte hour, day and [than therein fin-vi tor taking the Totes to" the eketors, the polls will be lurid. I 2. That the said debentures shall be payable at the ottiee of the Treasurer ot the said Town ot Waterloo on the ttrat day ot February, one in mu year tor the next succeeding thirty years, commencing with the year 1908, and than each be for 81412, the aggregate amount payable in each ot the said thirty years, tor principal and interest at the rate aforesaid. 3. That each of the said debentures thalt 'rdatrd o? the day this Br- For the North Ward (Polling Sub- divisions Nos. 1 and 2 united), at Harmonie Hall, King street, Mr. Peter H. Boos, Deputy Returning ot- T. That the Clerk ot thin Council shall sum up the lilimber ot voter given tor and agnlnst this Byolaw at the Council Chamber, Waterloo, on the eighth dare! January, 1907, at the hour of eleven o‘clock in melon- noon. . law shall take enact. 8. That the Mayor of the said Town shall attend at the said Coun- cil Chamber on the fifth day of Jun- uary‘ MMW, at eight o'etoek p. m. to appoint persons t attend ut the var- lous polling Maui and the ttttal sum- ing . oi the votes by the Clerk ros- pectlvely on behalf ot the persons in- terested in and promoting or oppos- ing the passage of this By-taw ru- actively. . Finlly pas-ed alter the asset“. ot the ratepayers at the Council Clim- ber in the Town ot Waterloo this duo! WHFBEAB It _ cleaner" -diort IY-LAW " A. B. loan“. Clerk Nona: ' m1. Mayor. Clerk. We are now ready with one of the largest and mos elegant stock of Xmas Novelties ever shown' in Waterloo This stock comprises all the latest Novelties in Ladies' Fancy Neckwear Fancy Belts Umbtellas Handkerchief Boxes Fancy Handkerchiefs Silk Handkerchiefs _ (itil M. Plain and Fancy Hdkfs. Lsdlu’ Fur Ruth " 4.50, 5.00, 0 00 £008.00 build Par 801m “600. 6.00, 7.50, 10 00 to 820.0.) Ladlol’ PM (John " 6. 6, 7 50. 10, In 01.5 LIdIBI' Bony Costs with For Coll." " 25 to 833 . Ladles’ Fur Lined Cou- " 40, 50 bad 869 India! Fur Conn worth 60 tor '40. I . I SPECIAL SALE In Ludlu’ Luther Bast. 1hsndho-ohuo, Tie, Colin» Bolts, Umbrella, Fanny Hundhrchlcf Bonn, Gloves, Fm, Linens, Rl'llnul, shut]: and Sou-fl. _ tang Bros. 8: 00. We are tfrerttrg our entire stock of Lunar Ind Children’s Cou- st special Maud Price. from now: until Chm“. We have att nyl- nnd Jinn, and price are very “moan. . The itrgt curling - of the m- m was ptayed In the Wan-rim rink on Wednesday waning Mlmn Wat- erloo and Berlin rinks, the locals winning by " no“. The more: Berlin. Waterloo. M. Mid». W. "on, Our Fun no the but and chaps-c In Waterloo County. T Dan't buy [In unlu- you hue new our stock. Mllllltll8TllllWr Dcoombot 17th, 1906. Now cr-l%!ully Special Prices Furs Furs s. B. BRICK/ERIE co. with. Forum. d at"). 1. Sims, XMAS FURS s WATERLOO WON 4h. XMAS WANTS Chlldron'l com " 2 so, 3 oo, 3.50, 4 00 and Kr 00 LadiW Com st 6 oo, 6.00, 7,50, 10 oo sud 812 oo " s. a. "ma; . I at", 'Neckwear Fancy Linens Five oeoek Covers Fancy Dailies 7 Boxes Fancy Toilet Sets erchiefs . Fancy Combs . chit fa _ We ist Silks Novelties in Dress Goods for -slup, any, See us for your M " tt A meeting of Court Enterprise, No. tt, was MM Tummy "ettittg, " which "no [allowing one": were In- lulled: C. R., John Miller. V. C. R., John Weber. F. M., J. K. Shim. R. 8., R. P. Pr! h. Tm... I. R. Br: t Napkin. Oro. B. l, H. Kr wishes his many patrons and A Prosperous John llmgan h Happy Christrda. AT SALE PRICES " [my OFFICERS ELECTED. The Tailor New Year‘ Jt