" Hunt's Butcher 8MP- Phono 215, Idaho. Real Estate. huial and may to! - l . Chipped Hands, Face and Lips It hall the “I." and cracks, In.“ In; the akin aott, win. and "In†A Mann â€nuance Ina: taking “a pm- thoroughly ad applying CRAPPISE while tho all: h “Ill mom mm mm on. Propuod only by DEVITT'S CHAPPINE Inâ€! wind on!» standard E. M. Devitt CITY mam STORE. Em MO I". Dent-she Apotheko WATIRMO The School Board meets on Thurs- day evening. Farmer's high top boots. $2 to $5 at Zick’s Shoe Home. The Clara Schumann Club hold their monthly meeting on Saturday evening. Hallinan's grocery, Berlin, the placcvtor do you; holiday trading. Mr. Oscar misc-.1 is at present con- fined to the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital with typhoid fever. Don't miss reading that new adver- tisement ot Zick's Shoe Home on this page, it may interest you. _ _ Take your dried apples to Hall- man's grocery, Berlin. Rev. R. J. Elliottlwill occupy his pulpit as usual on Sunday, and in the morning will preach a. scrmcn especiitlly- to the children. The many friends ot Mrs. John B. Snyder are glad to are her able to be out again after her enforced confme- ment to the house lor several wceks fail. .Mr. AlberrBricker and bride, of awhcswr, N, Y., are visiting at the me ot-,the torntertq parents, cMr. and Mrs. Levi Hrlclfgg. Alfan snort. Prices mks about the same as last week at the market saturdarmorri- ing. "utter sobd at 33c to Me 7 a pound and eggs " from Me to 30c a dozen. The chair at st, Louis R. e. church hold 0.. rp-union in the base- ment at the church on Thursday er- cning, when a pleasant time was spent in music, sttittng and games. The regular monthly meeting of the Presbyterian Ladies,' Aid Society was held at the home oi Mrs. J. M. Muir, Thursday ariernoon, when a most pleasant time was msjoyed by the large numb" in attendance. Rev. Mr. Bocketmann, of Rochester N. Y.. the new pastor of St. John's Church, with his family, arrived in Waterloo on Monday evening and will be the guests at Mr. and Mrs. John Letter for a week or two, till the arrival of thvir household etiects. Fire destroyed the stables ot the Imperial Hotel, New Hamburg, of which John Huckcl is Itroprietcr, on Tuesday evening. The loss also in- cludes one horse brimming to the bottle! and a rttbber tin-d buggy. The reflection ol the fire could be pininly seen trom Waterloo. On Monday evening the lricnds ot Min Gertie Ernst {mummy sur- prUed her at the home of hot Father, Mr. Louis Ernst. They won- cordial- ly welcomed and a wry pleasant PT- ening was spent, during which the visitors presented Miss Gertie with Ill address and a handsome bracrht u s token of thvir tricmlship and cs- Hallman's grocery, Ikriin, a few doors east at market, on Kind strum-t, Berlin. At a meeting: ot the Free Library Bond held on Monday evening ac- counts amounting to about $300 “up [nu-all and routine- busmrss tramutet- d. Thom, ttresent were Sarvtnry Hat-hurl. Father Sun-n. and Messrs. W. H. ttiddett, P. Fischer and Gro. Cork. Bell mm invtmttttrttts null at-l I!!! be the sahsi--and will always "ttrd more chum tot quick won It: won comparatively sum" capihl thatt any other line ot minim-n itt.. "than". The ads. trrday mum he Isl-able to you it you have n " loll." that you cu "tttttir." R01. Hr. Ntrriing M Haunt! oc- reed IN tmtpit of the Methodist mm on Sunday and prrnehtM "- eettent “mm. The "wound (on- "0.0! mm on man Bun-ml two yum no and has slum m m- um! " Linwood. “is sermons Inc marked by a an: and â€duly pn- 00'“th of. MI - In. it no “windy ttstar" to†“sponta- - m n ml was. IMHO “08. local News. ll": III-"1M; lUl or‘l‘llll "(Ella tram the clients ot a Gil Brokers wanoo PARK mun Ct ' . - . i . .. . _ _ MET on MONDAY IMNM thir Clothing Department Resignation of Mr. Alclntyrc tor Over Pineal " 13mm t Reputation for Us Years (tumult: Std', Waterloo Park astitetiiitili?i!rl,ite 'tetgfekttSgttg'gtt,1tet we " . "$3,154; II-_I- gnu- The Waterloo Park Board beid I teeth; on Monday evening. Tum pie-at. were w. I'm. Snider In the that! and lasts. E. P. Sustain. P. G. Hughes, F. S. Kampl. J. B. Sni- der and Chats. Moods, Sr. The [allowing accounts View pul- Milton Bulmer, as days. Aug. $33.00 Hilton 1Astmer, M days Sept. 30.00 Hilton Runner, " days, Oct. 21.00 A. McIntyre mt..ttr.. .-..t.... ....t.... 3.00 'E. Dermal. acct. ..r... ...... .m. _.. 34.60 P. G. Hughes. repairing Boor .50 Conrad Bron. ..r..m... ...P....t -rrr.. 8.13 C. Huh: a Son .r..r..m. wmmtTsttrq9. .80 Llphardt Bros. .....tP.. M........ ... .32 W. Snider ..m...... F........ .m..m8.r. ... 2.25 W. Terry ....r.... Pm....... m........ .p. 4.50 P. Hosea, wages ......... .F.....rt... .15 A. Shana, was“ tor Aug. ....10.00 A. Shanta. wage: for Sept. ... 3.00 F. I. Weaver & Co., cnvclopa .75 A. B. McBride, salary .'..r.. ..18.00 McBride & Ftintott, postage... 3.70 Those present were: President J. M. Muir, Vice-president W. o. Wei- chel, Secretary E. P. Flintott. and Messrs. Geo. Suggitt, F. S. Kumpl, W. H. Ridden, J. B. Hughes. G. Kuntz, C. Slmntz, C. J. Mueller, w., S. Naylor, L. Graybill, L. Shuh, W. Dawson, J. C. Haight, A. Weiden- hammer, C. Bean, Dr. Hilliard, I. lThomnn. Dr. Webb, A. E. Dewitt, J. IH. Roos, F. G. Hughes, J. Conrad. I A letter was received from Mr. lieh',.'fer,'.t, of the G. T. R., acknow- .l<-dging receipt ot resolution re the .proposed new station, stating that they would, as soon as spring opens, commence improvements ot their ta- cilities at Waterloo. , In reply toalaler letter he stated élhat. they would be glad to avail themselves of any assistance which ‘ the Board ol Trade might be able to give. _ The caretaker prcsrrited his annual statement showing the rcccipts to be $370.47 tor the year. __ Therresignation at Mr. Andrew Me- lntyre. caretaker oi the rark, was received by the Board. Although Mr. McIntyre had intimated previously that he would retire from the poai- tion, the resignation came somewhat as a surprise. The members at the BOARD OF TRADE CONSIDER PROPOSITION Firm Ask Assistance for Establishment of a Brass Foundry in Waterloo.--Loau of I $10,000 and Exemption Desired. There was a large attendance at the monthly meeting ot the Waterloo Board ot Trade, held on Monday ev- ening, the. ehiet business before the meeting being the consideration 0! a proposition tor the establishment of a brass foundry in Waterloo. A conummieation was received from the St. John's Roam of Trade re the change in the Atlantic mail service. A letter was real from the Kings-rate, ton Board of Trade in regard to ment deepening the Welland Canal, which Mr. would aiiord better transportation posit Lacilitics, and enclosed a resolution imt in regard to same to be presented in folio, due course to the Government. After tied: some 1'iseussion a motion was passed The that the President and Secretary ot 1h Sign same and forward it to the pre" who per parties. and l I The w. M. M, "uni at intrrul: retinal a numb" ot sohrl'mm in I'm style. The prngnmm mo ftt- cW I rural Soto by. Mus ll ltttttt, which was pkuszy sum. The band it" ttet no“ any dol- ' Inn a a rm" at the comm may. I will no In an a the - Int. In reference to the new tactory pro- trosition the Secretary stated that at a mrding of the Council of the Hoard of Trade held on Saturday, Messrs. H. o. "m4utwr, of l'crlin. and T. L. Clark of him-Heal had ad- dressrzl the meeting in regard to the establishment bt an industry ttere for the manutaeture of stamped brass hardware and plumbers' linings. Mr. li. 0. Mhmor was prrsent at the meeting Monday evening in br- hall of Mr. Clark to give any infor- Crowded House Prrsent " Con. cut and Auction Sale on Fri day Evening. BAN I) CONCERT The Town Hall Was lulu! to own flowing on Friday s'rtntittg on the oc- casion M an nun-Hon sate, tand cun- cert and prize drawing Mid ttmhr the attsttices ot the thaterho Mwsical 50- Hrâ€. The sottteqthat novel idea at lining " attrtiott nate in tsomteruogt mn- tribtttot to the inlrrrsl of the rr- mlng. and with Mr, Jog. Midas 'Wim the hamnwr the “little at- Ih-lnt "New! um disposal ot in short order, man " which I'rrr both Ilsa-lull and ornamental. Howev- rt, in 3mm "lulu-us "no bkll “To not militia! to warn-t disputing "I ttte "New. h SUCCESS Bond amused their hep tum " his decision and spoke In high tonal _ot the 'uteailtstt and 1mm: â€who which he bad gives to the patina. and very much desired that he would retain it. but Mr. McIntyre ha. " liiii.ie,ir decided to same from the Amman - . ' The matter a a successor to Mr. McIntyre will come up at I hm meeting. In the yen! 1891 the town ot “no erloo took advantage ot the provitr- ions at the Public Parks Act, under which a. park or system ot path. avenues. houlevudl and drives may be established in any city or town, and a rate not exceeding halt a mill on the dollar levied tor the expense ot maintaining, improving and matte aging the same. _ , It was on May 5, 1891, Wat Mr.'; McIntyre became caretaker d the park, and he has filled the position tor the past slxteen years to the sun islaction ot the Park Boards and the citizens generally. A more eourteour and obliging caretaker it Wonk! be bard to ftmi. He has always done his utmost to make welcome picnicking parties and visitors to the Waterloo park, who have received the test treatment at his hands trom time to time presenting him with tangible evidences of their appreciation of his lkindncss and courtesy. lu. McIntyre wnh'ms family will move to Toronto soon alter Christ- mas. where they will make their in- ture home. mation in regard to the industry. He stated that it was a going concern located in the city ol-Montrcal at the present time, but owing to the dittieulty experienced in obtaining the right class at labor, Mr. Clark had been looking around tor a suitable location in the west, where such ia- bor could be had more easily. Between $30,600 and $30,000 would be invested in the plant, including machinery, dies, etc., and the ftrttt would put up a machine shop 100x50 tt. and a moulding shop 501510; the buildings to be one story high.,cxccpt a portion of the machine shop. The plant would be in operation as Boon alter the grant was made as build- ings could be procured. and they would employ at the outset trom Mt to 40 hands. t The frrnt now employs trom 35 to 40 hands., the scale of wages icing from $1.50 to " per dar, and prac» tically all of the employes were skiit- ed workmen, It was the intention to bring sonic of the workmen along and Mr. Clark wouldalso erect. some houses. In return a loan of $10,000 was de- sired, "payable in ten' yearly instal- ments of $1,000 tutett without, Inter- est, and exemption from tads for that length ot time, except county rate, school rate and local improve- ment taxes. Mr. J. B. Hugh-s titottght, the pro- position a good one. but favor"! hav- im: it in writing, and moved the following resolution, which was car- ried: That having heard the explanation‘ ol the Council of the Board of Trade who met Mr. Clark on Saturday Last; and having discussed the matter tul-I ly this Board ot Trade views with favor the proposition as outlined and the Secretary is instructed to write to Mr. Clark and ask hlm to state drrmitely in writing what he would undertake to do on condition that the town grants him a loan ot $10,- 000, repayable without interest in ten annual instalments of shoot] each together with exemption from tans tor said length of time, except coun- ty rate, sumo] rate and local im- provement tales. EXTENSION TO Several Other Village: Want Electric Connection With Waterloo and Berlin. ln 3 letter to the Chronicle-THe- grapll, Waterloo, Mr. Matthew P. Sclmmnwr. of St. Clements, has the following to my in regard to the proposal cxtnnsion at the etc-cube railway lo wan-my: "l have unlit-NI rum-ml Horns in your pan" as well as the Berlin newsman-rm re electric rontttrtiott hum-m the Twin-(11y via Wellcsley to Linwood. You mm to torgrt that tttere are "tter other low»; new shim Wellrslry which need tailway comm-Hon. How about eotttteetintt Mt, (Women's, Hri8rlbrrg, and Hawkvsvillr on n road running trom the Twin-City to Linwood. They are lms\"lilllr "min-N ot Wollnlry lawn- ship and we an- greatty “mm-d ttt Nep three sum lawns MI ml in the discussions Inwnsr Hwy ttte "ony in; ï¬nk.“ mum trim Unto-ml to the 'hriaecit." _ .. _ _ " We think the Pour" til Truth- art Berlin "at Irateriott mW" well look Into an matter " ttme "or" town “I - nth M M I ml WELLESLEY “and: tetrrlriteehtttghetrqs Amandtmv 1m: 1ld'l1'fiutulll'h'fl'htn"lf.l'gS't,tPl'h'. 'lUlt,',VldL'1'lt tin-unbouqumyvoonhu,udshoprleashounhoumoutholn- ttriotgmft: _., -' --- h“ - ___ "rrttFtt-8tr8tott6.0tt. Bare Sun- from 2.50 to $6.50, Childm’l Sull- from 1.25 to 8350, Ian's Ouroom 498 to 815.00. 3015’ 0mm 3.98 to 5.60, Childnn'l OVOMI 1.26 to 33.50. a. UFFELMAN N _ P. S.-Do not forget we have a first class dress making department in charge of Madame Jordan. BIiP1J'rh'noN _ ' WILL BE SENT Committoe to Interview Provinc~ ial Board of Health Re Pro- A spvcial session of "he Town Council was held on Monday evening in reterenee to. the proposed changes at the sewer Ittrm.9n-merntrera pre- sent. _ V . , T Mr. L. Staull'cr, Chgirman of the Sewer Committee, stated that the new Provincial Board.ol‘ Health: re- cently appointed hall written lot a plan ot the proposed changes' at the Waterloo sewer (arm. T ( Mr. Davis explained that the reg port and plan submitted to the lot- mer Board by hint had been laid on the table by the new Board ot Health and more inlormation in regard to proposed changes was rmticsted,' to- gether with detailed plans, The Board also, suggested that Mr. Davis be present at a, meeting of the Board. Opposite Zimmerman House It was suggested by Mr..Davis that a deputation be appointed to in- terview Dr. Sheard. the Chairman ot the present Provincial Board of Health, and explain the situation. He did not favor the preparation of detailed plans as the cost would be too great. . It was mowd by Mr. Wcidonham- met, that a aepuration comprising Chairman b'Lauiter, Engineer Davis and the Mayor be a committee to in- terview Dr. Shrard, in rrlcrcnce to the matter. Mr. Mueller did not think it net-vs- sary to send a deputation. He was pt the opinion that the tty-law could be submitted anyway. Mr. staurter was m favor of having the matter explained. He did not do- sire the by-law to hr submitted and then ascertain atterwarits that the money was not sttTicirnt to carry on the work to completion. Mr. Grayhill was also in-favor of sending a deputation.' A personal in- trrview would clear up Ill dim- cultics. Mr. Semi". smondcd the motion made by Mr. \Veidcnlutnmet, which was carried. RECEPTION TO NEW PASTOR Held in St John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo on Tuesday Evening. A reception was MM in the buc- ment "t SI. John'rs Lulhcran chlm'h on Tut-sang Mum-q, at which the new pastor, RN. Mr. Roth-Imam, of Myraemsr. N. Y., “as (Menard a wolunm- try the constrain)». _ Rrv. Mr. (meander. Nr., acted as chairman and “Mums†were given by Rev. Mr. "ttrrtamter, Jr., and the new pastor, Mm made i trw Mic! remark, milahlv to the mum. “warn-I win-Hons wrre aim girrtt try thr rhoit of thr rhurrh. Thrre was ' \'rry later attendance and at the run- rlusiwn the Isastor met and shank Mimi: with those prmsent. Wt'ry “If? JIII'ntlalI'I' III“ II nu- lun- rlusim the Isastor met ared tthook â€Noam had ham In failing health. Mmu, with tho." present. tor the past srvoml months. He was He wsit hr indium! nu Thursday. it tepteted residrttl M "attowr lot me tMh, and qtiU much his "may many years and WM one of the old.. ",1 “arm on 5...“, rs! and most highly mum! employ-1 oi We 1“th Fatima Co., ot ._-.__ - um place. Deana was about " F _ t m‘ tte' use. . . . ttant lunch “I has Sub Prov! Avila - Mght tuHrest, In loll “in! " Hell Shot In... P" “no hymen, mm. John f?ehondelmayer, posed Changes at Sewer r-", 'thir Ian’s Suits Boys' Suits THE snug" You an duplicnte this if you will buy your footwear hem .You will - just what :you want qt a considerable paving? in print. The quality of the footwear- will be up toour uaunl high standard of or collency. Become one of 0mm homer- and learn, Whit guanine utinfaction is. Yours Raving purchased the meat busi- ness t rmerly carried ~nn by Mr ll. ll Duering it will be my on- deavorto merit s continuance at of the patronage extondea in the - Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and best meats will be keptoir hand. is interested in n labia set with loan- tifut chin " Therefore every My tlsoutd. are our wigglpw digplgy of we Business . Henry Reuel French “moses China. lt is of the pine“. and richest chins quarks and " decorations wry dainty which will pleieo .er.eyrbo.dr's tee. We believe in entering to our cus- tomers and therefore carry live differ- ent designs. and the name design run- ning through entire lea and Dinner Sen. To make buying oetq cuy we Beit as men, or a few piece- so a (We: met to rut-chase and say broken piece can I we†be msplaced with a new one. _ CENTRAL BLOCK. RETAIL MERCHANTS MEET There was a lair attendance at al meeting of the Waterloo branch or, the Rciail MerehanU' iriiiiiarG/ held on Wednesday evening. Commun- ications were read from the Provin- c'al Secretary in regard to a propos- ed amendment to the Criminal Code having to do with Peddur's Licertms and the hunch will fill in _n hy-law stating amount of such a license, which will be olorwarded to the Town (‘onnciL A brief discussion was also held on several other matters of interest. Thr an"! ot Mr. "mom-man, lath- or nt Mann. John and Len Btu-ge- mâ€, ot Waterloo, mun-NI " "an- on? on Saturday morning " trn oYlock, E. J. nous, Jeweller. , Every Lady DIED " HANOVER Prop. 0in Meat Market, (Duering‘s 02d Stand) SHISFABTIIIH Waterloo, Ont change WATERWO Waterloo The Dress Goods and Silk Dept. (1 thin uon In the loan. of t gun dad of Splendor st this Sam of an Ya". Tho Bantu Wou- Scouon in "petting, to, with tho boo-mm an†of. Light 0010M Fatreup'diqtasod on our} tide. The following xopular “to: m than this not t Th1. Intern! 1-1::de very 'trlists Again thin Put. Our "use In both tit' and colon oompuu (notably nun many of thou shown by the Iartm , notâ€. Snub“ we hue in 650, 750, 904581.00 and tL26. Spam “out!“ I. oalled to the 65o Qutlixy. Wool Crepe de Chen“, Wool Crepe)!» Albums and Sm Toys no I)†he In vulolu alw'u and price. from tioe, 75c, 90e to 1.35. The Store for the People. Here in when we have the Dundee. Never to our recollection hue we Ind " my nun-h Dre» Robe. for evening we“ to show. We cannot com- mence to describe them. Benet eome And see them. Eight-to Dun Length: in Breaded. Dachau Satin, light shun. Only one dra- in "tttt, " 50 a "rd. BlLK8 alvnya make A very attncdvo "onto; ttg-ts not Is hymen Eghunes, Palette: Satin do chenu, Chif- lou Tallow Ind Tumolineo. Our 600 and 75a can-Ime- of French Tatum are the correct. line. for skirts. Nearly all lhldal In stock. ", G. B. RYAN & COMPANY SHOES AND SUPPER}; FOR ahRll8TlllWil (ri/tij/ii"'")"' NO. an NO. 29t No, an NC,. 286 NO. an NO. 30 NO. 288 PHONE 318. Zick’s Shoe Home A FEW 'iNGt11iS)T10sNf't FOR EARLY XMAS BUYERS kg) 'i, . -- i 11triras'sdt. . . B. RYAN & 00. Ladies†New Improved Hag-r. made from ttnest salvation of coal black glossy kid, Goodyeu' walled yes. onooth "mule, no tucks or thread; a delight, tenaciul Christmas present. Ike-25907. Price e..................'. ..............$3oo Men’l genuine kid (goat skin), Balmoral made a.‘ new Ameri- can Inn-0W1" pair built to please. Uomlymr weluyt ante. better than hand sewing; a splendid weaning Mme. sizes ti to 11. Price..................... s...............--"." $3.00 Ladies imperial kid three strap slipper, very swell ior even- ing wear, with turn soles. leather herb and kid _i"yd. _ Any lady would be pleased with this style. .Size 21, w 7. Price Vs Lulios' extra tine black all Wool felt house giippel‘y with iur binding and llexnble soles. elastic over the innit-p. tow twel, " woruthomre shoe tor practicnl people, size 2/, to 8. Price 1-25 Ladieb' English felt 'lippem, with telbsoies, Wathertovereu, comfort shape and very neat, nine 3 to 7. Price .. . . . . . .. Soc l Mimi Bize " tot Price ........ ........ .... .t...' ..... 40C Children's Iizellto 10. Price...... .... '... .... .. .... ....35c Ladrast' Hugh-h felt slippers. withthick tell. wk: coyeory) I ith leather. steaks; Value ever shown III towm um h' to 7. Mad. dongolu kid Romeo slippers, Mastic side, l “in i1esyVe soles, Act-ea; favorite wnh men and "rad" on an!» quality. .irar0to Ill. 1.'rtee......... r................... ...... ....t.50 Men's imii;ltion.i\lligntor elippus, [undo in England. McKay WWII troles, a Very neat [lli'helll at a nun“ ttice, aizv- " to ll. Ladim fancy Velvet Minion. tur himliru. ll: azilih- hwul toy, low heel, neat. new rlmpv. in lump, In... h, mum: and II|)'Illf'u Ilu3to7. Prim: .... .... .......... .... ............ ......ta5 Ladies' Ileiighl. a fine dice cailwkin hm My lwml. NH“, sown. roam-mun style. pu'ifvcl mung; "ill umiu- " lim- lot."' gift for mother, wile. Slater or ,uur Inn! gill. but 2' to " Prior .....p .... .... .... .... ....e. .... .A......q....$.r ....a.00 liirls‘nius ll 10,2. Price q..... ...r.. ....r"'tr...r ....,.t.50 Menu mule hid" lightning luuli hw'kvy hm". the trtrtt lop' ou. boot in Canada. woi " hy the liq-st "atrts and nll n In» at? rite " Wort bum. in mulntion Mylo. i "minim! irut unkn- c» up’ porter am lace. 'l housands am wanting this pm PM "orrt, why not you? Size-ll in H, Prim .... ........ .... ......3.50 ttores' “W l to5, INN“... ...... .... ... ,...r. ....C....2,0tt Youth-Wine II to 1.5:. Prism......., .... ...' ........ ....t 75 Exclusive Dress Patterns The-Home of Good Shoes. Silks Silks Silks Eolines We Do What We Say. â€WATERLOO