In “new“; “no recent undoc- \ “on Io: the Dominion How in & - constituency the Toronto aloha MI some very sensible remarks Misti): Immune: m LOCAL tuaamoNB. on tho subject ot waldo interlorcnce in local election and dawn from the result I tesson' mint. undue prev “1:. being brought to bear upon I constituency in the choice‘ol the cen- didate. The Globe says "it is right and proper that the psrty leaders should he on the alert tor new men at enmity end Parliamentary apti- tudes. Nothing is more discouraging than the lack oi men ot competent shility. sound Views, end high ideals in both the Federal end the Provin- cial Pnrlisments. Men oi cspncity end power too often devote them- selves to private business and reluse public service. At this moment the ontario contingent in the House ol Commons on both aides is scarcely ereditabie to the Province. there are n number ot able and conscientious members, but the â€:0!an is not high. It is part of the duty at the leaders on both sides to search out men ol the right type and make their en- trence into public service possible. This is what Sir Wiltrid Laurier did in the use ot Mr. Aylesworth. But beyond this the interlerenee and in- ttttence at the party's lenders ought not to go. It a, constituency desires another man-whether tor local rea- sons or on grounds of opinion-ttre constituency should have its wsyu That tredom ot choice is of the is/ scnce of democracy. it is olten un- wise, but it is better to allow a con- stituency to do an unwise thing on its own tree motion than to compel it to do a wise thing against itsde- liberate judgment and will. That is one oi the rights, as well as one of the dangers, ot democracy. As be- twcen the straight Liberal Amyot, who was defeated. and the independ- ent Liberal Robitaille, who was el- ected. nothing known outside ot Que- bec ot either ot them lurnishcs data tor choice." _ nr-ce-r-a" - - comm-rear MEN There T.' more tlee' than trl The case oi Doolittle vs. Berlin dreamt ot In the philisopiay ot "".'irurnityry Co. tor damages lor the Presumably sane, and one of the most loss oi tour fingers sustained by the interesting ot them all is the delusion l, ','.,t,i,It,i,,'t in dr', 8‘3; or“; in the . . k ..- empty 0 e e an rm, was ot tty Is T,,',':'):,',',',,', Io'"' 'll, Tg'proceeded with at 4.35 o’clock on head. The c aracteristie mam es tl'iciiaiir afternoon. Mr. E. P. Cle- tion at this delusion is the failure of ment, K. C., Berlin and Mr. E. F. its victim to understand his place in B. Johnston, y.. C., Toronto. up- the scheme of creation. He mar te/tta", "g. ttfel' tg! ‘3“be A. ' . . . on. rm, tt r. . . ray- weak, ignorant, trd f?"?."???: ton, Crown Attorney, Toronto, tor but he actually believes himseli whoI the defendants. The lollowin; iury ennui, powerful, iull' oi "owiedge'.wair empuelledt: T! virtue, uni 3 real “not ot so-| Wm. Carey, Waterloo Yp. titty. This class oi the genus homo John Campbell, N. Dtutdrtea. displays the greatest amount at sni-‘ Chas. Lachman, Waterloo. mtion about this time of the year, James Ellis, Waterloo Tp. and his activity will inerease' Thou. Foster, Berlin. trom now until alter the municipal,' Alex. Morrow, Wellesley. elections, which will doom him to ('hu. Hus. Gait. oblivion or promote him to some re-' ROM. Rutheriord. 'N. Dumirios. presentative position. I Jos. Mic-RM, Waterloo. Theories laid down lor the rcaliza- tion or genuine munici'lal llappimbs and justice will never be arrived at, not even approached, until the elec- torate reach a standard ot intelli. grace that will destroy the chances oi the incnpahlc with the "trig head." It must not, be uut for granted thnt' this individual Will not be elected. New» his chance is otten lust ns good. and sometimes better, than the chances at one who is competent. to serve his municipality to the best ad- untage. or course men to serve a: municipality 'propcny must be MIL‘ reliant and conscious ot their own ability. but. men at this clesu'iptionl must not be egolused with the type who possess the "t,utlad." No mu- niclpnlity an atittrd in this day oi progress to allow itself to be ruled by incompetent representatives. tt any niunicipnlity he so untortumte as to try the experiment it must sni- ter the vonheette'r, as it throw: it- ull own to he takrn advantage of by! new person or corporation with whom " deals. A stung. progressive“ and policy ot initiative (LI only be adoeted and “Imus .-.M M urn-v- "tent rrprrw'ntBtivrm The tinte Is at land when mttttiripatitiry May brgin In make their srlorlinm ot ran- didatet, This shuuld be 6otte Indr- pemlcnl nl any private claims, 3nd win. a Im- torattr lo the mm" M the munkiuliu in which “we Llew- m . - “(mama's ttospftat Invite " II and of (slum-t and improve- ml. and O unm‘ m ht um in. Atet lemme: Inna-ct ARE WANTED THE FALL ASSI Verdict Given in Favor at Manda: in the Brampton Cage at can» bell vs. tleggie.-s. L. 1rrrilttitftt.uPyettt In the Action LONGES’I‘ smma 0Ftillltin calm FOR YEARS ol_Justice opened shortly site: 1 field†“at 23:11 In lb. .. Iy renovated court room, More I Lordship (Installs)! Boyd. A: there were no cumin! can on the docket the Grand Jury wu noti- Bed that their unions were not to- quired. Mr. W. M. new Vin - pointed by the Attorneraletterai'tt do- putment to art a Crown prosect'tot but his duties were pertormed hy put- ting in u wrung». _ . c. A u... - - _,,v_v_, - The legal [nanny presentf inctutr ed the following: E. F. B. Johnston. Toronto;' W. Bhin, Brampton; Erickson Brown, Gait; k. B. McBride, therloo; E. P. Clement. K. c., A. Minor. K. C., H. J. Sims, J. A. Stencil, W. M. Reade .an E. W. Clement. Brampton Care. _ b The tirtrt case was that ot Gambell v5.0 .eggie, in which the phimill claims msuiul damages lot the se- ducuon of his daughter by the de- lendant, who is a, young lawyer pran- ticing in Brampton. This use has been heard three times in the courts ‘at Brampton, but the jury disagreed in each case. The jury was empuel- led gs lollows: Robert Ritchie Josiah Shanta Reuben Snider Fred Halls Geo. Keating J. A. Milli? Hy. A. Hagen Wm. Schmitzel Geo. Fields . Wm. Shirk _ Wm. Bachert Wm. H. Kutt _ Mr. W. Blain ot Brampton acid tor the plaintin and Mr. E. F. B. Johnson', Toronto, tor the eeyu'". UWIIWII, IVlUl-Iv, .v- ‘l‘v _-.‘.._v m The evidence lor the ptaiuN1 was completed by 5 o'clock on Tuesday alternoon, and ,lhe defendant's evi- dence was (ommenced immediately. There were quite a. number at wit- nesses called and the evidence was very contradictory. -A1niACttcs" G'eat witnesses who were called were Dr. J. F. “onshor- ger_ant1P_r. G. H. Bowlby. "rilirGise was “attentively listen- " to by & large crowd, incyuding a goodly numhcr Iron Bramplén, _ Mr. El P. Clement, K. CT, at Ber- lin, assisted by Mr. E. K. B. John- son, examined some of the witnesses Wednesday morning. The Full Aunt! ot, tht “is! Court Alter Mr. Clement had outlined the case to the jury the plain“! '18 cal- Ird and his examination mut not com- pleted until Thursday morning. On Friday allernoon the twelve jurymen who had "stem-d to the evi- dence in the Doolittle TS. Berlin Fur- niture Co. use since 4.30 Wednesday afternoon were cotttitted in the jury room and emhravoring lo arrive at a verdict in this important use. The ml: " the scion was united with interest and unusual Wm. Carey, Waterloo Yp. John Camqhell, N. Dttmtrtea. Clan. Lachman, Waterloo. June; Ellis, Waterloo Tp. Thos Foster, Berlin. Alex. Morrow, Welleslcy. Chas. Hus. Gait. ROM. Ruthcrlord, 'N. Dumlrios. Jon. Mkkus, Waterloo. Rom. Arthur, N. Dnmlries. Jesse Hallman, Berlin. Jos. L. Stolu. Wilma. . Another Damage Case. iiiijijiisag? ttao AT I' _' . _ , “1 BERLm'flAWVgAEONCLUDED Become; aPartnd Against the Berlin Furniture Co. anxiety by e In†number oi en- ployen and employee in this menu- leeturiu center. . The use of put-til we: bad on the an that the new, which we: a- ed lugely tor ripping and trimming purposes. and on which the plum: lost [our tirtgerrs on his left but], we: not graded in ny runner whatever. u is required by the Factories Act. Besides the pletntil, evidence was given by lean. John Dealer. ‘w. J. Heimheeker. H. Martin, M, Rem, Henry Becker end Geo. Butcher. who are experienced lawyers and all swore that and: and splitters ere abso- lu‘ely necessary tor the ,ulety or the operator. , Mr. E. F. B. Johnston, who is con- sidered to be one of Canada's lead- ing lawyers, commencrd his address l at 11.50 and continued throughout. the noon hour. Mr. Johnston intimttd l that he did not intend to play o. the ',1eeef1if passion of the jurymen, but proposed to give them the Incis as they presented themsetres. During l the course or his address he pointed out that the saws down-stairs had guards and every man bad fire ting- ' ers on his hands. There mu, one saw ttP-stairs, no guards, and o man with only one thumb on his left hand." The Handout: held that Mr. Doo- little. was the superintendent ot the department in which the In! In tmed. and it the Baw should haveheen guarded It imam: mount at his Ip- parent opinion that it was not neces- sary. as the sow Wm used for . var. iety ot purposes. especially in vtew of the tact that the tirm had the r'trtsawrr in the Mscment sanded tor the 'sMety ot the operator. The de- tendonts also pointed out with oon~' siderahle (one that the particular piece at wood which was produced in court should have been cut on o cross- cut an: instead ot a rip-tuor, uni the p1aintitt's carelessness caused the m- cident. Mr. W. r. Wilson, the-mechanical manger ot the firm, was in the box for 'nearly two hours, arr] his evi- deuce was valuable for the dctend- ant's case. The other witnesses, namely, Messrs. August Noll, Geo. Morley, A. Grishsw, Geo. Show, sud F. Meyer, who are also expert saw- ycrs in various teywrt factories and eonsidered that the grands and spliv tors were more at a hindrance than a benefit. Mr. H. A. Dayton, the younger] clever Crown Attorney of Toronto, delivered an dormant and careful mi- dress to the jury sud presented bis arguments in a very concise manner. He spoke for " urinates. - Tiler court Idjoumed for lunch nt- ter His Lordship delivered his charge to the jury. _ - A __ The much heard and much talked of case ot Gambell vis. Reggie has at last hem disposed ot after having oc- cupicd the attention at the High Court ot Justice in Brampton three times, and also in Berlin o'ver adar, during the present sessions ot 'the Fall Assizcs. The jury gave out . verdict in UNor of the defend-at on a vote at 10 to 2. F The evidence in this use was sub- mitted Before the adjournmmt tor lunch an Wednesday end immediately utter the altenoon session Was open- ed Mr. E. F. B. Johnston, [or 'he defendant, delivered his address to the jury and in an hour and a hall's discourse he reviewed the.evidenee that had been submitted, especially dealing very comprehenslvely and carelully with the story told by Miss Sarah Gsmhell. the daughter ot the plsintitl. He showed by the evid.nce of the other witnesses that the story was not only improbable but slso Im- iossihle, end was nothing more or less than a concocted story and the whole atuir was a use ot blackmail. the "equal of which t have never wit» nessrd in my long lead guest." Mr. Johnston appealed to the jury to use their best judgment in arriving at a verdict, and not. have it spread throughout the land that a jury in Waterloo County will believe any story that may be made up by any rersrn who may desire to shield . crime and implicate an innocent par- Mr. Johnston's Address. ty n, be this we. Mr. Built. Mr an phi-till. in his 55-minute when endeavored in e very clever name: to Iltllhlll- the mind: of tha jurymen that the story toid by It†( we. concocted, and reviewed the evidence of tho oth. er witnesses with]: w in - trartieutar with her story. It. Built put. up u very strong argument on hen-ll ot his client and male unvar- this impression. Chemllor Boyd presented the erci- deuce ot the nhlntll'l all defend. ant's witnessed an a very cumin and able manner. He related to the he: thuttheeuelmlheealeu‘l three times in Brampton and . dingo ol venue had been grated, qrhith re- sulted in the case Mn; heard here. He expressed the hope that the jury would agree on o verdict and gave them until ll o'clock to reach a decis- ion. " they mild to agree " that time the jury could return to the‘ court. room and be dismissed try His) Honor Judge Chisholm. It was not likely, he stated: that the we would‘ he heard again it they tailed to agree. ‘1! the jury agreed on n verdict, how- (ever, before 9 o’clock His Lordship instructed them to place it in hank ed envelope and appear " the open- in; ol.the Court on Thursday morn- ing. ' _. " was 4.35 o‘clock when the "rr-l, men Bied into their room an the? court proceeded with the Mittle vs.) Berlin Furnitufe Co.'s cases At six o'clock His Lordship adiourned the court, but the jury was still It. work. High Constable Huber detailed one of the court constables to rennin on duty while the others were at supper. His Honor Judge Chisholm and Sher- m Motz returned shortly after sewn o'clock, and among others prescnt was a son of the plaintiff and Robert Reggie. the defendant, who were pa- tiently waiting to: the verdict. Judge Chisholm inatrtreted the con- shble to summon the foreman, and without knocking at the door the constable "batted in," while His Honor was calling to him to knock " the door. The foreman appeared and in response to His Honor said that the jury had not agreed up to that time and it did not look as if they would. The ion-man then re- turned. The jurymm could be heard In the main courtroom. and-at times there was some rather loud conversation. but toward eight o'clock matters had quieted down somewhat and it W‘s thought that a verdict was reached. Ten minutes later the that opened} that close?! again, but, it was noticed that the jurymen had on their hats‘ and were preparing to lave. The foreman again appeared :nd banded) the sealed envelope Summing thel verdict and asked whether the jury-: Inch would be allowed to tell what) verdict had been reached. _ His Honor replied In the nrgative, and at 8.20 the jurvmen filed to the jury mt: and alter worming the judge that they had arrived at d verdict they were “loved to go , Alter the roll-cull ot the petit jury net'moming Chancellor Boyd receiv- ed the sealed envelope from Sh 'rin Mot: and amidst breathless silence owned it and after perusing it an- nounced that the tardici. was in favor of the delendant on a Vote ot 10 to 2. His Lord-hip simply stated that he was [rinsed that the jury had at- rived " a verdict and dismissed them. The matter of costs was left, in Mince. . . The longest sitting or the High Court ot Justice in Waterloo Counly lot seven] years concluded on Fri- day evening, after being in session tor four There were tour cones heard by juries, the verdict of three being ruched on Fridny one-moon and evening. The petit jurymrn re- (eived " per an end mileage Mr tour days and n considerable sum ot money was paid out by County Clerk Bowman The jury that heard the momm- Berlin Furniture Co.'a action round ttl I'm o'clock AMI n-Iulnrd srhornty alter 4 o'clook with the lolloving m- aven to the questions “unwed by "in Lordship,. ‘Mch, in briel, V“ . verdict for the defrttdttttt ttrm. I. Was the injury to Doolittle caus- ed by his own rum. at are? " so, what V" the wan at are? Ann.- Yerr, "and wu on the "on; side. 2. Was the “may “as"! by the ttegligeme ot the Company? It so, wha' wns the mllgrm? Aux-No. .1. "as the machine. in qtrestbort, and u it WAS,, "mainly an, or was " so damn“ that it â€mull MVP hm gnu-Id? Mum-l! wan ren- Ioubly Ink. There Wu no need for tt "are. 4. Wu it the duty M Mime to are an ttte “the In nation "I kept ht order and tuna-chip wrll - tit you Bttd " In)!“ It -rledP. Ann-Ya. His Lordahip'a tutu-cum. Incubatvuhhgdouh The Envelope Opened. The Ju'ry mum. Gris No .. '02.“.de “3.â€de “Buyer-a our-um. Iva, mepu'iuu push-.mamm Wotan Win-mun“ _oftt-_t, “Umhnbwght nip-id 'ttrgtttds 'ertua-rdnttm4oitar., - Mbuudyonvillho 'rttittedtot1hre-urthett we...» mm hahuwadcvq ,ri1ivmoieieuuoto.irsee-to-ra-tatfris-diroitor-,tusrr_i -t-irlorsruiu-totutezurts nukhm.mmmamavu~l Idopouhk.bymm NetiematoahBraiattr. his; bumpin- clinch-Ilium and “up: u,tiotsor,rt-ndae-rinu-t-etie-'uti-ueu-dmtnto- . You ,rrmupiekutr.doiuritroafourtd itmstheeteotamtthinkrem wen in luck. rooee piekteadoturhemttr our dividend cyan, but it "test Incl; Iti.ttmia-r-ttottd boning-1 l womtseiargt'ntroormsometeort-rtomouiirrtertott-ur-tmttee"tmra'tt" H. Was hookah willing to run the risk ot “in; the machine as It w“? Ansc-Yeg. 5. Could me while, “led a " was, have been guided so " not to interfere with it: etBeiettt working? Atta.--No. B. Had the machine been furnished with a splitter, would that luvs saved the ptaitttitr's'tsau'. Ana.-We don't know. 7. Did the failure at Doolittle to all the attention ot the Company to the state ot the machine las it was. without sand) “lion the company Iron guarding itt Ant-Yes. 8. " you think the phintill should get damages, how much? No. answer necesssry. ' The action for damages brought by Melvin Strome against J. D. Eapyy ot Gait, for a broken mm which' the plaintlll claimed was caused by being tripped by the defendant during the Old Boys' Reunion, occupied the attention of the court until 4 yetl and after an hour's deliberation tho jury brought in a verdict for tho! piaintiit tor 875. His Lordship traid,! "That wouldn't be my verdict, but it’s yours, gentlemcn.†He criticized. the action of the Police Magistrate in not disposing of the case when lt'sp-o pared before him and he tized the cost on the County Court scale. less' the ditrertnee of the High Court costs. _ I -. Snark! Ocular 28d! - ot-ved throughout the Episcopal churches in the Diocese ot Huron gs . Jubilee Sunday, to celebrate the inauguration of the Diocese of Huron,as Beparated 'ot Huron was separated by letters tram the Diocese at Toronto. HURON DIMESF. This case was not completed until nearly nine o'eloch Fnanv o . "when the jury brought in averdiet tor the plaintill tor S100 damages mid costs for lake arrest. on October 2nd, 1857, the Diocese patent issued by Queen Victoria, end the late Bishop ‘Cronyn Ins the tint bishop appointed. Bishop Cronyn was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 28th ot (Mater, 1857. to that next Smithy will he the tittieth anniversary of thts.eonsrr. cntion. _ In the Diocese ot Hurdn at the pres um. time there are 234 oongregm tions and 180 clergymen. It takes in thirteen large counties. Bishop Cron- " was succeeded by Fishy) Hell- muttr, who held the incumbcncy atttil he chi, to England, and then the late Bishop Baldwin took charge ot the, diocese. At his death Bishop Wil- liams wns appointed to the Vienna-y and has had charge ever since. c0 0 a I DROP. 'ttiiiii:i,iti,k,iitij?,iiii "no. am mm..- ‘f-no #311 m mm; 'taut. In. M mm! In mom-a yon-mini. . . l " W I II. C u I I PAlnillltS0N% A tttatstt offering will helium: up all over the diocese, and " is expect- ed that twenty tttousand dollars will be obtained, which will be devoted to the completion ot the endowment of the Episcopnl Fund. are being distribtmd all over the country. The pamphlet given . mn- cise history ot the English church particulnly vim reference to the Candid! dutch. "Bishop'wmiunu has compiled ml sent. out pamphlets Intitlcd, " “hat the Chm-ch sands Fork gm! thtr ' I'll! WILL CUR! r. amount: " Berlin Shame vs. Basin. smile vs. Wilson. JUBILEE SUNDAY Som'owmwwmmmi Miss A. ll. Bean, Miss E. L Bean Home: anion. Tyrant» Con-m. {any of â€our. TEACHERS OP PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY. “a... Tun-mo Carma"! o! In.“ and Tomato 001Wâ€. tttttmor-tFrm. aunt. ,ratrrioo, Btrd Y. w. c. A , haul“ “on, Berlin. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIB ' In I'm". sad Mal Mk VII and for Isle by Goad-'- 'llS'll'Jll, "TJ.21)u,.. toiuodonf the d w l party. “an! Ind-1mm“. my woolly. um {an all; Wm; he um- md W. cal -.Me, In My. tor our POCKET IAGNIIYING GLASS. Four-In. Nan-um (On: to» an) TORONTO . , OttT At one. for WATIBIDO and cut. muting but“. or I): for our MANDY In“. HACK SAW. Pupil- prepared for onlnlnntion n "ttttit All “RINGâ€. local Salaam: WANTED ONTARIO taco-Donn» nun. You M an Be-trg. as mm th Ilrhlrfllll2lll MUTUAL all B. "80'". mm Sandal-son's Bakery Cain. ml: Wit-nu - "nr-Bremerton-td Racy am “no: - Inn!» ttnt. INVESTIGATION "Ill 1mm ROI COIIMIY hu the "plinth. at a In III-m 'tt,2lgl2tahtt chalet-c no] Holman all“ you round. In the “no of noun, '0 hm M. Pork. Yul, hub, Slal- Cund Em and Bacon (on on curing); on. w, any.“ In the In. Mttmrr..tIB- nu- -, not a jhkiii -"V -__ tit :ii'tiii'iitih?j, “at - “manna-(o. um " um and bun-m Oran -rttr “I!“ In a11parteafthe0trxrtr. Ball. "it. Wain-III.“ Comm“. J-LMh-o‘l* Ethan?!“ In. Mk.“ alumna: mun-um urn. may. m: “MM. lamb-o... - RP. WW, “I; c.A. not“. 0|"th W-WOIO. PM... The landing [at Harm BY _ I'll “VII. WINS!†- SHOWED Dominion Life noun or mamâ€. TO " tMatt 1130.2!â€7