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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 1 Nov 1906, p. 1

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A WMMMM Bade by JAS. MeCREhDY & Co. The best make H in Canada. 5nd no wort;- fully Me a pair more than we ask. Split. Grain and Calf leathery. sizes 6 to II; st 81.90 2.25, 2.50. 325 and 600 per pair. .' We Are clearing Out “"3 8001's Sits: l to 4 at 81.19 Md 1.46, regular price. were 2.00 and 2.25 Sines 10to " electing. a 900 and $1.15, rogu'u price- vac .150 and l " Every peroon who hoe outdoor work to "tond to " all oeuon’oi the yeor, no» reed" the importonce of keeping the lee: the from all dummmo. Ono’- heollh end eomfort den-ode. onions other “lingo, dry feet, end thio io poeoihle only when your footwear in of the beet qoolny. The weorlrg ohoeo which we otrer you thio lesson hove been oelected wi h the grower: eore " to mull" ontdurohiliry. Every pair i, mode of depeodohlo leother. with oolid caution and good weight of ooloo. Neiorolly, the better and“ command the - prion, bat no mother what price you poy for your looting ohneo " no. em, we goanniee you ore sorting the he» povelhle ohoe VIII” for your roomy. We hove weoring ohoee, o tttt oooortlneot of the heel 'mstoerrrtades, " the tom-log priceo t _ $t as, $1 so. $r 75, $2 on. $2 as, " so and ta 75 a pair. We oloo hove in omh ell kinda of Olo'hing. Overeoou, Underwear, lino end Cope. Give no o eoll end we will give you good volue for your money. Men’s Long Boots Shoes fiir Egery Hut to Quinlan lurk and Foothill“, - - ”din t Wrapperette CHINA PALACE, KING STREET, BERLIN. VOL so-u was LOT or JAPANESE TABLE MATS " 25c A an J. A. Good & Co. WWWWW‘ w. H. LESSON, ling strut. - . - . I V TIIE CHRONICLE Our wrepperette stock has never before been so large. Just think, 150 pieces to select from in fancy stripes and other beautiful dudes, suit tble for dressing sucks, 'rm8e" end other germane, prices from 8e to 20e. Another large shipment of Flsnnelette Blankets just “rived. We must say we have the best "Ines in blankets that an be bought for the money, judging from the huge stock we hire sold this semen. It will pay you to come here for your blankets. Colors in white and grey, 10-4, 11 4, 12-4. selling at special prices. » _ no NOT FORGET OUR BASEMENT. Granite and Tin Ware Btehmerulirh Co. Ltd,, 42-44-46 King Street East, Berlin " Urge shiritnesnt just urived in these lines. ’Tskeu walk threglrasid use. tot yourself. 200 Flannelette Blankets 'gat,',' through our stock we have picked out all the odds on Bot mixed tweed. and other. plain Ma and' no going to give you . great hargsin. They no not old and shop worn, but are perfectly good and new. The” goods on " to " in. wide. Just the thing for children's coats, ladies' skirt- and mica. Do not miss this opportunity. Regain price 31.00, LM, 1.50. for Me. T Tweed Suiting We have put. on uh " pica: of Suiting of utn good ".an " . price that will be worth your time to come and no. Thou goods on 48 to " in. wide, have a brilliant fin. ilh. no umpoubh and unarrinUbU colon, no any, gnaw. eudino', grey. known "Id black. Thou More well won tlt Mhr, sale price 89e. Son window. Ladies' Wares It will please you to one our new and dainty stock of Belts and Counts. Suiting Stuff Boehmer-Erb Go. ltd. A. WESELOH & CO. Clauses, Shoot, Bub, Cap- and lion's Furnishings. 00” "ute '2=TLT.r2d Daii Wear. J3me: Gallant-r, tormorly of Btn" Montrose, who had Mn attending the Folk-gink- Imstttttte at Toronto Junc- tion, has rem-M" met with an tx- wuliomlly severe much ot madl- cms. 0n SatumyAnIgM tent he "a removed from his home on Faint"! “one: to the Ink-n Hospital, when he WV!“ " 'ttttmet, mum ”any; n- can In gum selectiun'hy Pidenwsld HI; given Norman Boa! ot Berlin Collegiate read Mark Twain on "Curing . Cold." Miss Ellie brim ”it: splendid humomus violation and Mr. Wood a most comical reading. Inuit in tuition-d by Ill: [3th Boat, a The Ladies' Club naemblevl on the same evening and I most interesting meeting In: hetd. The tallied of but!" Wing was dealt with by Mrs, Addison Snider In n lhoughllul and well prepared "per. Mrs. Funk Snider :ny 'prrsid:¢l over the meeting, pertormimt the dut- ks of the duh. At the general meeting in the lull a good proxrumme in rendered. Peace, plenty ant tranquility reign "here. Lite, wisely directrd in the raid (arm home, is a rerretual source ot Interest and pleasure. . Here are bred the men who think in] rule. Dealing with the great forces at no- tttrea-the larmer more than any other man. has his thoughts drawn to broad and liberal principles. Nnture with 1 thousand. generous voices ad- monishes him. " he lives up to his privileges the farmer intellectually and spiritually will become the tiNth- ed product ot modern civilization. Let each summer oi Mnest labor be tol- lowezt try u ‘winter of varied" socisl and mental deiittttts. Lite'wifll thus heroine a shinny to lot-alter sud grander vrrities in the select upper chambers oi thought and being. "The things which ore unseen no eternal." “All work and no play makes Jack.?, qi a dull boy." The glndnegs aim -ioy v of lite in too ohm thrust aside in OF, der that just a little more money be. der that just a Mile more money be made. Young men turn their eye: [as wards the great matutuet'rring C n. tres, where the glitter xnd‘hustle ot busy lite attracts them. This is .a great mistake. The ideal tarm is the best and noblest home tor a young man or woman. man?" This subject will be discussed at the next meeting on the last Fri- day in November. There is little doetrt but P? in proportion to their means and, opportcntttes igrmers do not makelile sullletmtly bright and joyous. Tail, toil, late and early, continuously and monotonously, cre- ates dissatisfaction in the minds ot eager and impulsive young people. Mr. Devin, ot Berlin, addressed the audience, giving _some trood ro'trts concerning his past experience in handling'cattle; He directed the duh as to what sort ot cattle to select wh:n buying. He favored the handling of large, welt grown steers as 300d money makers. _ Mr. Wood said that rn' Great thit- ain the large cattle were not so much in demand as those ranging from 1200 to 1300 pounds. Mr. Wood had just returned from a. tour north through Manitoulin Island, where he made most judicious investments in_ herds of cattle. He further suggested as agood sutriect for future discus- sion, "Are larmeis enjoying lite " ltecly es the mechanic and business Mr. Jas. Howlet was under the im- prtssion that the tTowing ct hogs tor the market was en the whole more remunerafive than cattle. Mr. (10g- horn advised feeding of turnips heely when in the late autumn rattle are taken from the grass. his method le- ing to gradually increase the ararrttnt. of grain ted as the time tor mtrr.et- ing drew near.' In the meantime the ventilation ot the stables should be carefully attended to. Mr. t'leghom has been 1 most successful grower ot cattle and well understdnds this very important subject. Mr. Addison Sul- der thought that larmers should at- tend more carelully to the ngming ol tine cattle as well as itorses, tte ladvised the use of brush ard e-Irry womb to maintain them tree iron, ver- min. Mr. Jas. Howlet thought that vermin could be removed utly hy ap- pliealicns of a nature-that wott,d ei- tectually exterminate these pests, that the brush and comb “012d not. Cattle are often kept in poor eondi- lion by being tutected in this way. R. Letson, IP. Letson and others cunnili- uted interestingly to the geheral dts- cussion. The last meeting u the Tannery Club was well “teamed. “Methods oi feeding cattle" was the subject under discussion and was handled in a man- Bet both able and instructive. Mov interesting thoughts that may prim, butektai to the - practical tarmer were brought oul. Farmere' Club Hold Interesting Meeting - Happenings in the busy Value WEST MONTROSE riiiii'ijiiii.i -iiiiiiiiiiJii; News Notes GM by 'ndtmtri- Corn-poem 1 in County and District. I“me WATERLOO, o"Juuo,TMtlMDAY may!“ NOWrtqrttt te not. NEWS ITEMS I am. "new... mun". mm Thanksgiving viii her mm, Ila may. . Treimret to Ian that In. John Dunc-l oi Delhi is my " Miss Beatrice Last-Mnrr up"! the holidays with Mend: u DInvlllr and tettyttt Ctpre. Miss Nulleml, ot Burlord, " the gut-st ot Mrs. A. K. Calrrteross. Mr. Jon. Ru in on tte nick Hal. Miss C. M. (hall that Thurman In: In Tomato. Mil: Home Mrht visited her sister Miss Han MI at Hut-mom last work. Ilka A. Ru Is visiting Maria in Berlin and Preston. (‘ohstnblv Grrth has . gang ol 'mm Working wllh the road mutant, arguing and levelling roads. Mr. Roland sterrer','ot Trout Creek, Muskoh, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Homer. Dr. Fred. Peck", Toronto, spent Thanksgiving M the homo of Mr. W. Hauler. Mr. and Mrs. Simpsm Homer ttt- tended the marriage‘of Miss Mild. E. Mower and Mr. K. M. Devin " Wat- erluo. on Tut-ad", Oet. Mrd. Miss hUtttieo Wiper. Cayuu, spent Than'mglvinx with Mr. and’Mrs. W. L. Sutherlxncl. Dr. Jno, Brodheht was . visitor to AIP) ry l 0'1, buajnm Int Frlthy. dwellings "can! in New Hamburg this Tear were those at Mr. Stigr, Mr. Fit.sster, Mr. Cressman, Mr. Ben- der...snit two houses by Mr. Pequrte mt. Min Margaret Davis, 01 ('ayglgn, is the tttttttt of her stator. Mrs, W. L. Sutherland. _ Mr. Gives, ot tuit, has moved .here with his family, where he swan-d a situatiunijthe 'etstrtter faetory. Miss Lulu Himml- is awning St Marganfg‘s t'cP.ege, Toronto. The New Hamburg Council has ap- plied to the Niagara Etrctrie Power Commission lot 500 h.p. lor the use of this municipality. Mrs. Cyrus Wilvmig. ot Toronto, Tis- itrd friends in llnmburg and. Wilmot In! week. ' Hockey Club Ptoretyzes.r:The an- nual meeting of the New Hunhurg Hockey Club was htld on Friday ev- ening. Oct. 19th, at ‘hich the follow- ing otticert, were elected: Hon. President-E. R. Roger. Hon. 'tge-Pres.-.-; F. Ran and L. Peinei‘ . . PreaidehturR. J. Kerr. Vice-President-F. S'etiummer. see,-'rreas.-G. o. Wendt. Mautagpr--Dr. Brodrecht. Executive Committee-Cham Calm- cross, R. Pmidieomhe, F. Pelne. The turn will either enter the o. H. "A. or W.0.H.A. The stamping works have tagged two or Ihree first class workman, who are moving to Nttw Hamburg with their inmilios. Mr. and Mrs. Messner lave settled in theirmew home on Huron strut, and Mrs. Mesaner wlll be "at home" on the lst and 4th Waited”: ot the mum). . last. has tteeiGiriLirt'ii' Bike: ot Mimi Centre Schuol. Mr. Wm. Spam! has accepted a position in a. {manure memory at Ber- tin and lett tor that place on Tuesday Mrs. Jrlm Rump]: its Alikiii Ntyrant visit to Lenka. Miss ou Getty ot add. is mum; at the home ot Hrs. Bonn. Magnolia one and In: elicited. the ”apathy ol the'commulty. Jun“ 1t!Ctrorotmor.turtoeitUrratis ity, hating pound the extant: u- mintiou gt ten yen: ot MB. He was just getting (away engaged with his studies It the Collegiate when this and cccun‘tnce that ghee. N ew Dwellings-Among the Mr: Harold Crowle, of this town, NEW HAMBURG. "ttMttttW0,8tte Ilium " In worth in"! that I have at ot the beet Cough 'l'di (‘okl Roundh- dwnyu In “out. The laden an tile. Mr. Geiger is doing . r thing trade in the cider business. ta'l'L'1url; hours . day. Mr. .Bchaetrr, our trriekmaker, is Inublo to use! stock " " Never, since In his been in business has there be": such . run on brick and Worth Knowing Our coal vrndor is making prepll’l- Hons tcr a rush'ol winter business, hy building " addition to his cod sheds. Mr. Lllicc Ins rushed aslvipmmt ot one car ot slackers and Mr. Scott two can. Mr. Ettice has also shipprd one car of hogs. A ttttck ot wild geese making their wny mailman! the other evening re- minded one that the sum is ud- wilting. Fan-hers and builders are not . ret Indy tor winter. ' The tttteral of the late P. Wayne Shanta. sun ot Mr. and Mrs. Memo Shana, ot near Brestau, on Monday, the 22nd ttlt., was very lug]; mt- hnded. T On Sunday last. three boys were seen going towards the river with their iowling pieces, evidently not thinking what the results might be. The trio were not out long, however, before they returned home, lining been bound by some means to‘ob- serve the rem. The tors-have been warned time and again against Sun- day shooting. This should serve as a warning to the older " well as the younger boys for time to come. bound-Mound.“ A shooting match was held here on Thanksgiving Day in the Afternoon. The question has been naked, "Does shooting pigeons come under Incline of cruelty to animals." The Anglican Young- People’s Asso- ciation will hold their Mst meeting in the Haysville hall on Tuesday e'.'- ruins, Oct. 23rd. Mi. Hugh Commt, wio recently un- derwent' a serious operation, is In mites}! l? recovery. (Too ltte tor last lssre.) Mr. Simon Collins, ot Winnipeg, is visiting relntivcs in this vicinity. Mr. Collum went to the Northwest in 1877 an! has hem a resident ot the West ever since. Mr. E. B. Case]. has pin-chased a horse trom F. J. Walker. Mrs. Alan Murk. ot Toronto, is vis- Hill; op, tte fhyort Road. ' Mr. Benj. Bonny: is balding a. sable on to homestead. Harry Puddicombe has built I large shed to shelter his large herd ot cattle tor the winter. On Nov. 1 the Literary and Debat- ing Club will meet tor organization at Wan-'8 schoolhouse. Mr. John layer is also preparing his winter quartrtc . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snyder have closed their country residues ior [he season amt hue now taken up their abode in Humbolt, where Mr. Snyder has charge ot the eleutor tor the Salt. Valley Co. Mr. S. Biehtt visited Jerry Rudy cu Sunday. A number ot young prople spent Sunday alternoon at Jerry Weber's. Mr. ind Mrs. Simeon Gingrich vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ann Biehn. Cue-n Bromide Quinlne ' Tab'.eta, ascend; their lama. having completion thou threshing [or the won. Mr. Ben Lehman has bonded up his shanty, grttieh gives it . neat appear- Cure Srrtiti. - "WW"â€" Lnxative Bromo Qulnine Tatr Dr. _HooQand‘s Consumption - _ v" -_e"_ ._.._.... w. quiz; leading. Punk In. no running wild in ev- ety about“. and um. who have not. 910th Marlin by are and: a. mining the consequences. Quite I [at has“: ad A sum.- m not on the um. Mr. Addition Slants gm! John Mos- spem. Sunday with Shula Buys. S. Biehn visited Jerry Rudy 0358!“. 843: HAYSVILLE. BRESLAU. paid, " Bare'rh%1tdh"ivrl'i7i7lidl'i/S'.'f,'dlll “mec- Ile,', 'etg."'h.f,i!ived,1 T,' chat. regular price 82.7.3 prr dozen. ' l 'r. K In: . my ' 1-“ " meld " OMB per dozen. pr, echo“. "my. M. Weichel a Son Waterloo .. - Elmlra During the next two weal:- we will ht" a very menial Cutie; this of Table Knives and Parks. down In Black, Red and White Handles. tippn‘l " and. to ttar price .300 per damn. kl at}; In Per dozen, m 'torett In ET. n and White Handle-mush: ends. Begum price "IT, per down. meld M. 3L! per doun. [ Another lot of thee very popular hate pun nrrived A few days a . Three lines. Your choice for 50 no? Oar 250 White Enamel Ware Sale wa lol't over and Everybody pleased. Watch our I ing the coming months and you'll be' surprised for little money. m, any in stock Hugo ."orr,ni iii-ot jig-v.0 inn In shin 'Iibt uni“. Golden Brown, Duh m dank Blues. AW. have t Pi“; goods in all prices. toc. We havo "mind a " 'yoeAiritTG"i shade. Dark Reds. Wino thwtl. Golda: Blown. out toe (on! south. Me. We, 26c, We. ".00. 1.25. SPECIAL orreEmNim 1.51513" _ Burk Dr. Good- udnhin their swag. Blah i: and ditmitted. our clock of Black Dru- ccdn In I bluk‘in all this new wouvnhoulht direct {run It" Youth-v. tutin Cloths. ladies' Cloths. at, c. The pei “All. 1.3. 1.50. 2.00. my loom W tor.. TNeed fuel- than our tefoee, judging In. our own nan-u] tolling. a have them in all “who‘ve-t. and to.» “pagan stru. and pawn. " Iles, pe, 81.1!) and 1.25. Special Dress Goods Sale- Weiehsl7s Weekly Store News" Stie Tie“! Suitingl. hunky for 5c. We Tweed Sailings. Saturday for We. . 75c Tuned Suiting Satin-any for Me. than only and avoid the rush in the afternoon. All oii 7 ieG.. 'lllWldl SI 5 piean Fancy Tweed Suiting; in hug): 'arf sm‘mixuxne. brown and may. The“ linen are a Cayn GiCrG- iii? Unn- coll. you 20r. Oar 1 gallon Goat Oil Cans (gut 33m Me. - - - Out k lege Goal Oil th, n: cos you 18c. _ Our 2 tritionija Oil ces e" PP" My. _ _ -- Our G salon can on cety coat Foy. 75c: They at; all thun- ind. an: '1'Se,t 18c. Our 5 3 Ion float Oil SMYTH BROS. Last year we created quite a sensation by sell~ iutreoveredroast guns for R5e. ince “an: h'i'i e goods ave a - vanced in price. butby good luck C',', managed to cementewdoz- en at the old price. If you want. one cell early, 35c. We luvs Home Brushes from 150 up to 89.50. FOLQRED DRESS GOODS Very-trons; and service:- ble, made up If, thljee dil- t not grate". Easily worth $0. Ourprice you mod be. fore long. We stack 5 "eg. T h e anunned kind are 15, 35 and ‘50 each. The Galvanized kind no M, all and 60c ouch. ,v__.._. - - a... um, - In“ A. BLACK DRESS GOODS IN. sum-r WAIST SUITS PLAID DRESS GOODS This is what "'7 Popu- Ur grater, with {dil- tinet grat- ing tides. Wu 5 o l d for 26e right along -gMrw 15c. Thin is a WEED SHITINGS SATURDAY WHOLE NUMBER 3011 A new lot "that! which an: Worth double what we at. IGe and 'Me. " inch Butcher Saw at 45c. 16 inch Butcher Saw at. 60tt. 22. inch Butcher: saw at 81.25. _ _ ot in", Drug 69d. "tt the Tteg, Uteat My}. and color- b Dbl'k Re I, Wino colon. "(bland Rica, toc, toe, Ne, ttie, we and We. y. Bind in aha” 2ft'"iirttee, iced. was new: w grcd. , e luv. t Iran the mike". Broadcloth. c. The prices we we. 6lio, "e, We; go; was a hummer. Not much " spacc in this paper dur.. ad at the values we offer 0- I; t te. Pri rattan, Indium dude} bled en Sunni” It the Cases. Without can: (mm toe lo 81.50 par wt. We, have a hauliful lot comm-Mm; Knife Folk and Hit-o] all end-nod in n. hum”- tut can for $125 A net ot Curves: is . most Acceptahlo present. " a. wed ling. we have tho non-rat exc‘u-ive line gnu-1‘ shown In the Twin. Guy and on: fit you but with nny atJleg you warn. With or Without We carry bushilrlm to Bt any shun. tm We are agents for this fitm and stock all Sim From 6 inch (£30 inch diameter. Dodge tHood Split Puller: are the stand- hrf a lover America. no invited. When driving and three me in a 'buggy, it's uncom- fortabfe. Get! I 3111, Beat and be happy. The price is on!y 75c. . " In all We new {can no the low, This is cido season. We Mark all sites In. n’d Ola-pea. Price. an 10 and Ilk each, The Gillette Safety Razor /t the by“ jn the . nm'rket.l Will wort on a. n y beard. Price, $5.00. . All Steel . tr r y i n g Pam. Size IN in c h, We have LurrqunJm for to and 150. November p r i c e on Mime f n r t h a three r e g u l a. r sites ure- 60. 75 and 1toe. ll

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