ln'May. was. Patterson rvmoved from Gait to Tonntn ard his ant-c- tions seemed to wane. Whrn the date (ind on for tltr marriage armed . retcsed to carry out the contract, though pressed personally ant ‘hy letter. . Ttri rcascn tor the drhy was that Patterson claimed an carlicr date I'unlrl involve him in the loss of a son trrafirst marriage, and a for, lunc of betwcm $5,000 anl “you Just, why such a calamity was pos- sible Mrs. McArthur was unable to "plain. 'nte had trusted her lover implicitly and asked no traumas. Mrs. McArthur t0ittttd to hare Lulu always ready to marry Patterson, thougt on cross-examination she atl- Mrs. Jennie McArthur clainnd dam- ages tor breach of promise against Mr. W. J. Patterson, oi the Union Lite Insurance Company, at Tortnto. She stated that she was a widow and the mother of five ehildru when she made. the trtrqttaintancr at Mr. Pat- terson in Gall. This occurred in Sep- tember, 1903, inalauudry where she was employed, and which, Mr. Pat- 'ii,rioi, visited on business. He met her en the street shortly alterwarhs and. asked her her name and address and wished to call upon her, but she gave him no encouragement at the time. He was, however, tery persis- tent and later she gave her consent. The at-quaintanee ripemd into an in- timacy. which about the new yearjn 1904 led to a proposal ot marriage. She did not eapxtulate till Marth, MRM, when a betrothal took place on the understanding that marriage would. [allow at the earliest rossible moment after Jan. 6th. 1906. FIRST M ET IN On '1 ueuday. alternunn the jury at the Court of Civil Assizrs at Toron- to heard the details OI the rather prosaic courting by an insurance tqtent ol a lady whom he. met in a laundry. is... -_. ï¬â€"w -_ -- -_-_ --. ' - .""T - nun-unas- - s-uuu, an Pte' grind; tolerated the occupants of Dublin (Eula because protest was melons; but soon the sunshine and grow of affection from Lord and Lady Aberdeen melted the Mid. sullen reserve. and love reigned where force had proven worse than mien. Perhaps the Countess. herself a. descendant ot the old Irish and Scotch kingx struck g'n,arlitit chord that vibrated in kinship and unity. Her practical nsturo I that the min should be helped to help themselva “marsh their own labor. not poupe by gifts. She devoted herself with great to reviving the domatic industries of Ireian_d-rwetsviste, knitting, em- mry and 1aee9tttkintr--eztd made the wearing of Irish poplin In mantis! $ondmimimttooftieia1fuatioosattucastU. u Cnnsds, where Lord Aberdeen was Governor-General from 1898-8 they endured themselves to the people by their many acts ot kindness. The Coun- - first do“ in eradicating sunshine and sweetneu was her organisation ot the “Onward and Upward Society " among the tenants, domestics and the poor on the, Scottish estates. which has spread over the world. The Women's Liberal Federation which she ttret', and led as President has over 80,001t members; but her club work and hon for humanity never for s molest eclipse her home, with her three children remaining in her" loving care. I; " Guhachan," the romantic Scotch estate in havens-hire. W. 'ttmea" not» of Sir Dudley Cantu Marjoribanks, later Lord Tweedmouth. was born In 1857. A right royd welcome win tttt to visitors in thia tee homo in the Highlands. and from the lips o the pmninent tttate-ten than! ea. little" hhbcll kamed politics at In use when she should still haveth " tales. When she was eleven. a young man of twenttors who had MM h, (nil-y tales. When she JG eleven, n {nuns man of twenty-one who had riddal new. the country. lost his way And an mpwintttr trap-men on the Mu'oribonkl “to. A churn interview with Sir Dudley proved him to be John but: Gordon, son of Sir Dudley', good old 1'tMiayientary friend, End of A ï¬nd he wu invited to spend the night. The love in timt light between tha $110 peo la led to their mmage in 1877. an i'llit Gladavone offered to his friend, young Lord Aberdeen, the Bt ot “any of Ireland. lt was A. deiieate,ditheat (position. strewn with pit db thick mod the nieMulnen. tact and diplomacy o the Viceroy to avoid. There to: M diary-g. in the 'sou.nttdtttr..eiu_ gm! tuherin. had failed. the people t A Worker for the Good of Hamly. MA 'ggtirgtth, ner,',', '/l'dlth 'a'rtu1,tgt; are" and I . 'qteeinl, a ttor um pane-I impin’ tohiqN. “WAW- -.-. --. ,. --_ Maple Leaf -Rubbers; " hunt mama-n «cm In mymvma. by w and“? :7»?qu MITIOO OF kIIRDIIH l LAUNDRY The Ladies' Auxiliary ot the B. & w. Hospital rcirtr.rd a net profit at tet delaying all expenses in Cotutee. lion with the production of "Pina- lore," amounting to $12.67. The Auxil- iary is to be congratulated upon the excellent result, and the public can d'pcnd on the proceeds being used to goo4 advantage. . Wlitn the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist, tttat dog is not, skin h feverish, dry nose means sickness with a dog. And, so with the. human tips, Dry cracked. and colorless lips mean mverishnes's, and are as well ill apwarinz. To have beautiful, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at nedtitne n coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Saive. " will soften and heat any skin ail- mlnl. Grt 3 free, trial box " our store, and be convinced. Large nickel canard glass jars, 25 cents, at A. G. llachncl's, Waterloo.' RHALIZED A NEAT tSUM, The marriage took place in Toronto on October mm. of Mr. Pierce L. kieswetter, architect, at New York City. to Miss Mary J. Simmo, ot Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kie.swetter, at- Ier a brief Mural the latielgs home in Bruin. loft for New York - w. Mr. Louis Herd, KI'., who appear- ed tor the plaintiit, represented to the jury the dangers that innocent women throughout the province ran at ttc. hands ot rrtserupelous men from Toronto. Ant-r retiring tor about ("teen min- utes the jury returned a verdict in favor ot.plain1ill with 1Jamages at $1,300. mitted a letter to another lady in December, 1905, stating that it the latter knew Patterson as well as she did she would not allow him to visit her house. This, she claimed, was written under great provocation. MA BRIE!) IN TORONTO Get . pair and keep your (not dry, sttMr,ttt.t'st Tbe original try-law authorized, the Mayor and Treasurer to dispose "oi the debentures in one block, but when Town Treasurer Matter, who is Ber- litt's "frttanciM expert," was about to dispose of them to Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Toronto, tttat iirttt notified Mr. Aletter that the firm "could not take them under the conditions at the. by-law, and asked that the by-Iaw he (lunged. The tty-law rs amended last on- ing “oxides that the punhxser can divide the 88,290 into one or more debentures. It is understood that Aemelius Jarvis & Co. are selling the dohrmurcs to small buyers in H.000 lots, owing tty the larger debenture buyers loanirtt their money at a high- pr rate ot interest in the Norshwest. Prevmura, " ttre name implies, rut-vent alt CoM.n “(I Grima- whm "uh-n a! the snrezr “an" Prev (in nte toochsomo "My “New Prue-m: maxim†.ll colds quickly, um um only. when you tirtrt If!" an . coll is coming. they Mk no. new“ than. "mutt no not- - ale tor children. a! u " kcud lot mm. Sold and mom t.eBdetia6emtandt6eeeAtox" n A. a. “and. mm... The reason that towns and cities are having dink-any in selling their 6ybrtttttres is on account at Inge sums at Ontario money In}: loaned to the grain-Wynn in the Northwnt and the returm hue not been made. Mr. Matter “an stated thnt the lull- ure at the Ontario Bank has caused the smatter banks in this province to "trrnttthett their reserves. and no large Imus will be matte at the pre- sent time. A special meeting, at the Town Council was held on' Wednesday even- ing, which only lasted ten minutes, tor the purpose oi amuuling the by law authorizing the sale of deben- lures amocnting to $8,290 lor thy construction ot cement sidewalks last year. 1reasurer New†intimated that the town W43 feminine in selling its dettetttures, amounting Io 889,000 M par, as tun weeks hurr Bullevilh sold downturns to the Butte firm nt 97 per cent., and other towns are svlling as low as " per com. . _ Town Treasurer Arrtter paid over to the Bank of Hamilton luv sum of 320.00" and Interest. which the toem has owed the bank sinu- the [mu-Mac ot the Hymn; plant. The town traid" pet RM. In- Irret since July, we! on Oetoter In it was inrreatwd to ft In! on". Banks in Toronto no loaning mon- ey u 1hr run ot t pet rettt. Canon Greene, ot Orillia, mid: "The Bible is not to-night in the rub- lic sthouls, and I will new: agree with tue school system until T Bee the Bible as the chief text-took." During" _ , A ls there were able ad dresses lr . Brynn, Dr. summ- er, Wm. HEW rn, Rev. R. K. Wokh and Rey. Drnl’otts. BERLIN 16w Two speakers toalay deplorird the way the Bible was pushed aside in schools. Rev. Dr. Arntstrcng, of Ot- taWa, "-ntoderBtot of the Presbyter- ian Churth, said the Church should never allow the child to get away fronrthe Scriptures. To I certain ex- tent the knowledge ol the Blolc was dying out in the schools. “h n Sllth was the case it was time the (hutch and other religious bodies awakid to the tact. I The tottritttictt ot 1907 will beheld at Bumplon. I The Bncutive Committee aiced tor ".005 for next yenr's work, of niith H.500 will be made a gift to the work and the balance used tor a primary secretary, lo the establish 'ment ot an o.stii paper. and to the continuance ot the Summer School. F, provincial 'itttrttett committee was Iappointed. I J. A. annual. ye on] we.†ty, in " and new" we.†and. programs. He urgeq on». not the "t'svertttorrpiase in was. He all d itor - Bberahty, so that a mid primiry secretary could he ragged. s autumn 8.5m! made a puns-n1 cr, and an aim-ill layer ism-d. That are 13,000 wankers in the hm d: panmJn. i h. A. Hardy made the pm: an†or tractter tannin; diploma tttt cer- titieates. Last rear, at the comet tioa in London, one diploma had Men tresented; this ya! 57m been me tsented. This ant-mom the {snags to townships and counties wue present " by Rev. J. C. Titrh, of North Tu ronto. West York carried tft IN county token and Whitby swan-I th ‘tonnship trophy. The banners Wen awarded tor pest Sunday schuol con trihstors, primary, spent! and train .nz classes. During~ Mr. Yellowlets amrtess on "House to House Visita- tion" he announced that Ktrtgston wduld ctrly take a census, " also Guelph. A Kingston, Oct. 25.--R. W. tlar' e, MiWroo's, was to-night chosen preei dun ot the Ontario Sold.“- School Association. The vice-1 res dents and Executive Committee show few oss Aes ov'er last yur. Mr. (lane mu introduced to the gm t audience in the convention (mirth ard twattily received. ' In the shaman Dr. bit-Mullet mom on "What to Teach," and de. clarot that Canadians were mun-con- verxnnt with the Bible than the people ot ttre Uniled Sula. Sputum " PM M 8:" Camus . Deplore Au Atom . Klimt», Get. up.“ tbs non- ing'l’ amazing}! the Plon- lat My sand Aunthlkil. " w. i than, “mum, was!“ ttc. rreeipts to ia $8,800.56, with exp-dim": "*5ch shout tl.e w. The Junta: brain [and ream! $2,551.01. BIBLE!" c" -e PUBLIC SCHOOLS COUNCIL MEET. Though the raising at " (nlowmcnt ittrolves a lot of hard work, it some- times happens that the chaining ol patitnts proves much more disban- oning and dimeolt that the collecting of the funds. Rarely do patients vol- untarily tpply tor admission to the endowed beds. In nearly every case outside iMarntee must be brought. to hear tn break down the (injections that patients and their friends make against going to Musko'a. In Berlin. these obstacles should be easily 0ch- The work of the Beilin Branch ol the National Sanitarium Association has now reached the stage where the executive is prepared to recommend a pntient. lot treatment under the Ber- lin endowment. The ’triends of this movement to relieve distress and to stamp out the dreaded white plague .hould take an interest in those con- sumptives ot little means with whom they hate in‘luenee to induce them to take aduntage of this hosiital pro- vision. . "The opening ot the Grand Trim! Railway trom Toronto to Montrea' has been definitely tixed tor thi 27th inst. Eight hundred 3nd fifty- three miles will than be complain! and in operation. Our readers wil have noticed the great preparations BERLIN HAS T. R. from Toronto to Montreal ex- cited here Very little enthusiasm. In the Weekly Lmdggrol October 21 up neared this exceedingly simple para- graph headcd "Opening ol the Grand Trunk to Montreal." l Presumably the -writer of um paragraph did not consider the ’Mayor and membem ot the corpora- tibn gentlemrn. . Very Little Eydlemcnt. It now "pear, astonishing and a] most beyond bclict, says the Toronto Eels-gram, but the opening ot the G. A Turcmo page: ot October ION, 'Mti, desetirittg this celebration, saga hat among the ttsiiots "were the Juan some members ot the corpo- ration And several gentlemu." Tite Station! brass band. were very mud: in evidenr, pinyin; upon th atrial of the totonto cx:rttiugrnt, headed by their Mayor, .“Sre, the g'on-zuering Hem Comes!" The opening ot the Stratlord bunch passed whoily run-mica! in Toronto, though it Wis made tie occasion tor a io.ous cdebralion In Swallow. Toronto to Shown-l. Toronto was represruted there by the tho Mayor of the city. the late Hon. John l‘cverley Robinson. uni several members a the commotion, who upon mix arrival in Station! found the railway track (the notion at the time being a very primitice _-onslruction) “and with rergrcens, surmounted by I ttag upon which was the insuiucn "Welcome." T. R. Ind been etstahtiahat hetveen Toronto and Strntrord, cu 0cm: 1. 1858. there (my "mining very little to be done towuds connecting by ml the two metropolitan cities cut and west, Iespectheiy, Montreal and To- roam. We“: Oct-ha m In. th. atueth uni-vary a! I no“ Into- worthy cunt. both in the history ot Canada n1 “so in an oi Berlin, stratum. Uncut: and two at the tnr- gnt cities not within It. mttrarte. ot the Dominion, Momma! “I Toronto. ll Was oa October "III. "M, an the (its-1 Trunk “any†no open- cd illoubh [tom loaned, th.trtaglt form-to, weslvam to Station. . Through communicatiu ot a. G. Saturday Oct. 27th Was the Filtieth Anniver- sary of a.ltiost Noteworthy Event in Histon of Canada and Other Important 'towns and Cities. FIRST 0; r/ R. TRAIN. PASSED THROUGH BERLIN 50 YEARS Mio Royal Household Flour ENDOWED h BED. m Tilut,',ht,ed Hon. Yd We“ "mt-rt-tttPN" "03"ka ted",',, Mri'get an. I m on: avg m agapNig-hed Mon. - cu is not only the finest and purest of fleurs but also the most nutritious. It is milled by a process which gives you all of the nutri- tious properties of the wheat in the best form for your use. You can get it from your grocer. CHALK dust is fine and white, but it won't make good bread. Fine, white flour is all right as far " it goes, but if it lacks nutrition its other qualities amount to nothing as far as baking is con~ corned. mmmmm f 'iho Stanley Mills & Co.’s store of Hamilton has decided to contribute 10 per mm. of the day"s sales on Saturday to the new Y.W.C.A. build- ing in that city. Contributions, large or small, will be manually received by the 1reas- urer, H. P. Bingham, by Judge Chis- holm, or by Mr. Carl Kraut. Appli- cglions for admission to the Berlin bed should be made through the sec- return Mr. KI-nz. The treasurer reports the following additional subscriptions: ' Walker Bin & Store Fixture Co. " Foster-Armstrong Co. ...... ..b... ... 5 Grand River Union Lodge, I.0.UP. 5 Henry Knell .hm.rter_ ......tr. .Ft...... ... 5 J. Krebs: & Co. ..r...rr. q........ b...e. 4 come tor already tour Berlin ciiizcns have been under treatment in the Huston Free Hospital and one is residing there at present. The execu- tire ot the Branch will be pleased to hear ot cases ot consumption that ought, to have the benefit ot the (Moved both . , Though Toronto tailed to have any 'eeiebratiotvs in honor ot this great step in its history, Montreal did very Mereaur, devoting two whole days, November 18th and 13th, to a. pullic :elebrauon. The first day there was " grand "Trade Procession," lollow- .d try a banquet and numerous other‘ 'eativities. on the second day came t review of all the troops in garri- son, another banquet, while the whole thing was brought to a con- :lusion by n ball which is still re- membered as one ot the most magni- sieetst in the history of the city. "The morning train left Montreal at hall-past sewn a.m.. same day, and arrived here about It o'eloek, al- thoth it went at a. wry slackened word on many portions ot the mad, as a. matter ol- pucaution. It con- sisted ot seven well-fitted cars. "On the arrival at the train at "ottourg (n the upward trip, on ad- dress was presented by Mr. Sheri]! ‘iutlan, on ttthalt ot the Mayor, to rho Engineer in Chief, Mr. A. M. Ross.“ ' _ of this, the martian o'0Purtuuity, ‘of proceeding to Montreal by u’l. The train arrived in Montreal shortly sl- ter ten o'cloek p.11). "The ttrat grain from Toronto to Montreal left the Don sultan atout rumpus! six o'clock on Monday mom- ing, and not I few smiled themseives Rosa, to make . minute Inspection at the lino and to distribute furniture at the dilluent unions heretotore un~ supplied. Among those present we noticed Mr. S. P. Ridder, getterat mungâ€. It. Tate at the Hon. H. H. Killnly. who with Mr. Street, attended on helm." of the Govern- In the lent-weekly Lender at Fri- day, October Slat. 1858, we event Vii referred to u lollowsi " The Brut train through Iron lot-cred “rived at the Boa sumo. yesterday. tt consisted ot new“! baggage and manner can. The object in running it w†to allow the Etseheer-in-tehiee, Mr. A. M. “in; colon-Mon oiuir {Epox- ant "at in our history." First Tui- Thrown, " ' nutter.“ (let the Ertst train through tron loaned to Tomm ran on October Ca, It“, but It In - a osmium-tn trip. (It: Tomato we: at (kicker Mth de- nim} the, event a rollows: mum‘s}- yummy m . Tums Arrive. cheap Reading for 1901 Note: In order to save our subscribers the trouble of making two or more separate remittances we have made special arrangements with the publishers by which we are ensbled to offer the following public- stions in connection with the Chronicle-Telegraph. for one year " sprcislly low totes. A Urge number offer the belsnce of the year free to new subscribers. Special clubbing rates with all other Cans. disn sud American newspapers and mngszines quoted on applicstion Chreyie1eaektrvesrsh and Weekly Globe (mi Canadian _ - Our efforts have heen crowned iwitt, mm during séven you: of expat. lance in manufacturing UM ' mi (in ‘oline Engines and we are offering to the public what has proud to be the moat p-nfzct gnu-line angina on the market; simple. economical. ens'y to opeoue and peifactly reliable under all weather cm anions. For further luformution write to E If E R V B (it DY.' In": m mu. more should be and in ovary home. m, Inh- p'ersure in directing the nth-Mimi of it/tit.",!",",", to our and amt Incline K. eimra, which are rapidly supeuedlng all ot at power in varioun (Loch-s when power is "quit-rd. count" We": MONTREAL, P. Q. u-"w' tomato. LONDON, HAMILTON. OTTAWA, BT. JOHN. K. 3. Ann": WANT'ED' EtfEtt0ttte'i:.RE. M not accompany all or'err. Make remittance by Imuered [Aunt or Expmn Order to (with R,?.1e,'driiiii _..... ........ .... ...... .... ...... 1.05 Uhmnlcle- eloFrnp and Family H'emld and Weeklv Star with pram um and "The Pirmeraf Manda! and Peter." lnuly Gulde" or "Handy-Home Rook ". . ... .... .... .... 1.m Clay-oak "e2ylrtrrrrptt and Firmer'. Advocate, (Weekly) .... aoub- Chronlclo-Telrgrnph Ind Montreal WreMr Witness. . .. . ... L50 cttrorriete-Tetrtrraittt and Farming World . . .. . . . wwe .... .. .. l 25 GheottitirTrleirrsitlt mad “Welly Hun (a fun“ jnurnll) .... LT:- "trttrticre-Yrlritriph and "ia."/.'aflg','l"fy.'r, . . . .... .... all) 1'heonletr. Tolrgnph and Daily 1ohe ._..._ Pek ... .... .... 4.2-1 chrrm'eVrT'tteerai* and Toronto Daily News ... ... . . .. .... 2.2!) "trmsiehAetrtrrairtt and Torun'o Daily World . . . ... ...... 8.00 Chronic!!- TA. graph and Toronto Sunday World . . . . . . . . . . no chrorticu-Tetriirtitt and Toronto Dun, Mail...... .... .... l " "ttronicle-'rr!eiirtOt and Toronto Evening In“. . .. .. .. . .. 3.25 1',ttroisheloOMetittittt and Toronto Dally Slam... .......... 2.2) ChtonieVrTtletirttith and Toronto Daily Sun- with rhnin " one of 'g't'gt',!'i'g [ramming t Cook Boots, Fountain P. ,, or"A Hamill-t .lla".... ...... ....._ .......... ... .. 2.70 Chronicle-Telegraph and Northern Ins-us". . .. . . .. . . . .. [.21 (lhmicle-Tclrurnpll and Canadian Dnhxmm . . . . .. .... .... 1.2m Chron‘ck .‘rlmrnph and Tamale Sum a, Night . . , . . . . .. 2.5" Chrorsu9e-Teletrrnjtt, Ind The Mantra! Honk]. ..r... ' . . . .. L25 curonic)e-'retriirrph and The Busy Man‘s Magazine...‘ .. .. 2 m "rhronehrT'eteirrnittt and (knowlitm.... . ...'.. ..t... .. ., IN. We recommnrvl nur radon to auburn» to the Farmers Adnw ttt, and Homo M manly", the but Agricultural .lnmnll in A movie». THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. - "aAmrr.,r...'.........l.:..r....V,"..r.T.C.T.to, cttrmtieler'Nertrtth and Weekly Mail (with Tier",'."',' . . .. l on cttrlmi.+-'N1etrra8 and Fun“, lien-31d and Veekly Stu- - -- AMERICAN MOTOR CAR Co. Limited, PRICES TERMS . Publisher David Bean, mama“ G A. Wanless, Agent, Berlin and for QEwAYQiLOOK FOR THE FAQ! BERLIN - ONTARIO. CENTURY Exams? 20th Weekly) .... 2.26% "trr......... 1.50 jmnrnll) .... LT!» .............. 'Atttt ............» 4.25 I............ 8.00 "l.......... 250 tl........ ... 3.25 '............. 2.!) ithettoire " ounuin P ._ ...r.... .. 2.70 ........ .... t.m 'f'.......... Lav ... 1.33 ... 2tttt ... t.t6, Artvortttt LIIIYKD.