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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Oct 1906, p. 5

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Mahotm Kay, of lmnvlnn. ur- lhe pulpit in ttw Prrshytrrian tttttrt Sunday at hall! senm‘s Mr any ahn vtsiird ttre Sunday MN I in th? morning. and pm- Mr 't,/tdren and mung proptrs a most m Mrttrtire and impressive rovirw ot thr lvwm Int Hr thy, "The Two Great Comttrattdnuttts Pt in" arGa ii: marking! m an "In. the may to pay in: A use was heard before Police Magistralr err m Thundny unor- nm at Waterloo in "an. a lot-l tttrttitttre coteRy was an"! " a tor.. In" employe tor a M's yam "MI at (him were still dm. him. M!" Ian-g ttte "Mum the Mania- Prat. J. Daily. M. P. A., phtmolo- gist, palmist. and lite reader, who has hm: spending the past week in Wat- "Ian, M's Wain uday. b The 0, T. R. In constructing a rum-M min: trom the mm" ”HT to the sidewalk (II Irerbrrt, street. Those who have business to trimsact ttt the [Night omcr will appreciate r crossinz at this point. The work is kink don: " Messrs. Moogk and Seldom The Young Women's Hospital Aux- iliary were Very much pleased at re- ceiving quite a number of contribu» Hons during thy week from parties who were unable to attend the Birth. day party in lid of the Elevator Nod. The Fnrishritt Club smut Sunday in Newton, Ont., Ill~rc lhe merntwrs were the guests ot one of its mom- hers, Mr. James Loekir. They had a delightful time. , special 'service was held by the Clttb at which the mom- hors worshiplmi at the shrine of " ture. There ms . large attratNttee at tte muting oi the Waterloo Young Woman's llospiinl Auxiliary on Mon- das owning. tour NW nit-mbors bring added to the list. The young: tadies 'tvided in work an ttte "iatrttt" sys- tern, sting In their minim only in Mr . , Miss Anna Snyder, daughter ot Mr. Martin B. Snyder, was removal to tht Berlin-Waterloo Hospital on Sat- urday suffering from _typhoid lev- er. For man's and boys' solid leather waterproof shoes try Weseloh's, Ber, tin. A very successful ball was held in the Orpheus Hall on Friday evening. There was a large attendance and a most enjoyable time was spent by those present.. . For comfort shoes and slippers for mm and women at right prices go to Wcseloh's, Berlin. At a meeting ot Germania Lodge, I.().0.F.. beld Thursday evening, "Mr. Myles ot .\llm:nwn. Pa., delivered an address rn otwellowship which was mud: apprniaud. The mum-man isa good speaker and bis rrmarks wen lighted lo with then athmicn. Granhy Rubin-1.1 at the J. S Roos Shoe Co.'s. Su- Zick‘s new tall 1hri"s fot India at $1.50. " and $2.50. In shavers-1' "151.11% I 11111 thwwfng 0ch new, tttMSS-step in and we. the Value.- Emns every on, It“: tweed nut Raiaugyortr--rarrrr't' Bmp, s' Value. Tatt Mil up. , Emu "oi-ttew line gt " SHAVINO Bntrt"r:rtg--texru't I01: to 31.50. alumna tgotre--'at cakes and such. Baum!) Cttasaetr-trt quick 11.1». No rub ring. 911.1311: SAFETY “was alway- tead F-wt uhnpping. XArartriats---aul odors and with". Missk n1ry services will be held on Sunday next, Oct. Nth. in the Evan- gclical church. Mr. It. Reuel, proprietor of the City Meat Market, has engaged an expert sausage maker from Berlin, Get- many, and will therefore be prepaied, to supply the very best. Pin-me St7. -o-04r000000, For nice 1mm: underwear at Me. 75c and tl go tirA. Weseloh & Co,'s, Berlin. . School rublx-ns tor the little people at the J. S. Rcos Shoe Co.'s. ammo ones. Real Estate Financial and' Insurance Brokers Please your boy. Ber him a pair ot rubber boots at Zick's Shoe Home. temper-u: “than ”We can furnlshlng stern. Phone 215, Katerina, Rally Day will be observed in ttrr Methodist Chnuh u. Sunday next. _ Foooooooooooeoo- DEVI". OIIMIE U~ed an" uhwiru he " the skin. muting it oof . and velvety. DO YOU SHARE? Local News. cmr DRUG smug. an. "atustsd'2Astouse c WATERLOO If. M Devitt The nun-ml mot-Iinz ol the Plan Achtamotttt (‘luh Was hold at the home at Miss Bran on Knurday ovm'ng. The attrttdutt.e In: large and the (n- lhllsiasm displayed by the monk-rs “gt-rs Well tor another smsslul an- m", , murst- ot sludy was decided up”! tor 1hr mminz yrar an! the mornings promise to be bright, help- lul and itttrtrsiirrt. ltr. following ol- Ilct-Is *rre alt-vial: . ' Ibtt, President, Mus A R, Bran. Ptesidratt, Miss Illa “nun Itvepres., Miss Lama Shut. t Mrolnry. Miss Ida Tegrttrut. Treasurer. Miss Salome Ran In ('nllnwlivl with tho Human“. at thi, Hull. tho Clan sun-man» .lmunal. an cdilnllal stall was lup- poinlul lo look all" ms Mpg"- Jamaal min“ d mat , Don't sun" wnh damp ket wh‘n we have and: u will"! In: ot nub hm al at muscle mm. " J. B. In. - Ce. The Epw‘orth Leagues nova numher. " 1884 and raisul a total ot $141,- ttIZ for missions during the inst quad- ‘rnnial. 'lttue wore 1,165 missionary societies in the i'mtference, which raised $1,465,7t-7.59, a (onsidcrablr nyrease over the mamas qugdnn- nial. The Methodist (hurlh 10-day stands (or M'angvlism, and the great work being cal-rim on is a monumnt 'o th? tyrogressiivrm'ss of ttte Method: mt (him-h. Rev. Mr. Elliolt also lllmlrd to th" min? In: addresses nade at the ('nntvnnco. whit]: were Mavery hvlpful tharacter. The sub- m-t "I "I hurt-h l’nign" was also dis- at.sswd at the I'ontertatve, “him ex- :Ircssrd itself in sympathy with the movement. ' . ' There were 306 laymm and: minis- ters in attendance at the Cotterrnee, who came trom as tar west as Japan and as far east as Newfoundland to legislate upcn the many questions of importance before the Conference. The Methodist Church in Canada now has a membership ot 307,717 not including adherents and 2199 minis- ters. The total amount spent in the erection of ned churches and stipends to ministers for the last quadrennial was $13,720,b'50, 'lli: Sunday schools numbered 3.552, with a total of 274,- 306 Siholars "trolled and 31,558 tea- chers. 46.378 haul .Joinul the (hutch through the agency of the Sunday schools, “be raised $98,488 in Uh cause of missions the past four years _ In his Honing scrunch he gave a most interesting resume of the wnrl done by ths Ce nterence, showing th, wonderful adcaneemcnt and progress being made by the Methodist Churih in Canada. St. James Church, in whim the confonnre held its sessions was a mr.gniftecnt one. Alllnugh it hut ban in great f:ttattcial dimculty the liberalily ol the Methodist. chur- thrs thro'vphwt Canada h.d placed it on a solid footing once more and it was doing a spltndid work at pre- sent, Amual Meeting Reid and 0f- fzcers Elected for Running Iatrrcsting Resume of Work Done bylGeneral Conference Gwen by Rev Mr. Elliott. CLARA SCHUMANN CLUB MEETING It. John George PM. Kr are: Ak Ir rrart' u residmt ot traterto I. - ed um at his home on mm mm " 1 o'clock on tiattstday gnu-xi. Dace-std had been unveil [or can! yes" past as! had hem confnd to his bed to: the past [on month nul- (ering trom neuralgia ot the had. which. togetlrr with the intuition 0! all! we, Were the “use ot in“. The luncral of the late J. Gcortte Ptatt was held on Tuesday from thr residence, Albert street, to St. John's Lutheran (-hurth, “here servi, ces were 'conductcd try Rev. Mr. Ob- erlander, of Berlzn. Interment took place in Mount Hope cemetery. THE METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA Iles. R. J..iciiiott, pastor of th: acthculist thurth, occupied his pul- git as usual on Sunday atler ttt atr irttct? of several weeks at the Glnerai C4nfrnn:c held in Mcntrcal. The late Mr. Hull w" born in “and, Hessen, Darmstadt, Get- many, on August Him. um, hell; " nus, one month and " um": of age. Wheat twunly-rix your: old he came to this mam-y, settling in Waterloo, uh‘re he plied his trade ot tailor up to about 15 yeah Mo, when he retired. Deceased was quiet and tmatastutting in manner and was respected by tll who knew him. Filly-one years ago he was married to Elizabeth llolnarlh in Wategloo Township, by the Ree. Mr. Wander- lirh. the couple celebrating ttte sou. anniversary of their marriage a year Mo last April. _ 35.} Gauge PM PM Anear Besides a sorrowinr, wife, tire child- ren sdrvive, namely: George ot Mitt- bank; John of Bad Axe, Mich; Annie (Mrs. Lithsrdth Guelph; Mary (Mrs. Um), Waterloo, and Adam, ot Guelph. Another daughter. Elizabeth died some twtnty-tive years ago. DEATH OF AGED RESIDENT Three brothers, Baitr.er at Waterloo Henry of Zurich. Heinrith ot High- gate, Out. and one sister, Mrs. Schittler of Zurich, also survive. Invent-sold“. will be dr-s, Considerable fowl was otterr6, thickens setting at 1rom.8tte to Mte “New. Ducks sold at about We and new at 75c huh. 'There uns also an Abundant supply at apples and our: {mil on the mar- ket. ' h lhlly Dar mm“ will ho held in the Methodist Church on Simon an! Ort. lllli. Thr with“ M thr mum- ittt scrum. will be y1mtrsprttsaMrs1 A rullv ot 3“ the (nun-"Hm is rr- quoxml. ht the twain: the paslnt will apt-all on "The Htrttdty School- What " is, What " Dem; "on " Pay?" At 2 " la the attrrttoon a ullv at the Sunny mttool will br ttrid ttt WM! " lull-mung "mam will be given including music and ul- The market Saturday morning was even better attended than Inst. week and the inadequacy ot the accommo- dation ins plainly evident. The down pour of rain did not scan to deter the people horn “tending. in tact they seemed to be supremely inditter- out. to the weather. The lupply ot produce was very large and vegetables wcro to be had in mod quantities. The price of but!" advttttced in price somewhat, selling at tsom Mc to 25c . pound. Eggs were disposed of at the "me price as last week, "met.r,20e tk doztn. _ Tttre \\'.M.S. band will give a series of concerts during the coming winter :hr proceeds of whith will go to 1hr unilnrm lanai, the money to he used in buying new uniforms tor the. mem- bers. The first concert will he gitrn on Friday, Oct. Huh. rnd the seeontt m:- on Friday, Nov. aim]. The third ratteriainmrttt will take the Iorm ol a grand hazaar to be heht helwcrn Xmas md New Year's. This church presented a very pretty appearance, decorated with autumn leaves, 'heats ol gram, etc. RALLY DAY RED“ IVES IN METHODIST ('IIITRCII Cm Sunday, Thanksgiving sclviccs were held in the church, the new rec- tor wanking his inaitgrmrt sermons, delivering able discourses. Large ecli- gregations were present at both ser- vices. Rev. Mr. Dutnlotd Wu Jor elem: yous rector of one ot the Fasqtistt chm-mes at Santa, prior to his appointenrnt to this parish The service of praise and thanks- giving held in St. Saviour's church, Waterloo, on Friday evening wus largely attended and deeply interest,- ing. The Rev. Rural Dean Ridley, rector oi Trinity Church, Gall, om- ciated, the newly appointed rector, Rev. Mr. Durnford, and Mr. Westby, who had (huge dering the past sev- eral weeks. also assistoi' in the ser- vice. Rev. Rural Dean Ridley preach- ed a very earnest and able discourse, in keeping with the occasion, em- phasizing the fact. of God's gmlness in providing an abundant harvest tor his people. , mild Imam. I. ”and to t WILL GIVE h SERIES Now, Mr. Editor, I do not ask any ratepayer to accept my word tor the above hots. but wonid urgently in- vite every ratepayer to see the street and judge lor himself whether my criticisms are not fully Justificd. Yours truly, I would like, too, Mr. Editor, to ask whether the Counsil still consid- er Mr. Peppler a (heap and practical toreman of road work. I can turnish evidence to prove that much of Mr. Peppler's time was spent in superin- tending, train a distance, the labors ot CDP. man, and he an invalid. And where was J. (has. Mueller, Chair- man ot the Board of Works? How does he explain and justity this awtnl and sinful waste? As one who voted tor Mr. Mueller, believing him to be a practical business man, I wish now) to express the opinion that Mr. Muel- ler ought touerawl into a knot hole and puTthe hole in after him and never again prescnt himself before the electors of this town. NEW RECTOR Thanksgiving Services Held at St. Saviour's Church Waterloo. Editor' t hrolte-reiearh. Door tur.-- AI . resident ot Waterloo, l with to call the attention of the ratepay- ers ot the Town ot Watertoo to the obozniuble and mum-em condition ot John street trom Herbert street to the G. Y. R. crossing. Nearly two nomad dole have been went in mulled itgtpro-mnersttt on this street. The ten-oi work done. w“ the hull- ing and tIllia, in ot (lion-ads ol loads ot quiqkund. This material in worthless tor roadmakhsg. u is [anew tinny impossible to drive along this street later than a walk. Neither will this road be improvd by time, as 1" will reenguize who know the nature ot quicksuid. Moreover, no trroviMut its: been ’made [or the pro- per drainage ot this street. From union that I hear, it is probatrte that the town will be Sim] lot dun- oges in the spring because ot the tiood- in; and washing out of private pro- perties that this negtect.is likely to auto. . Sty! Town Honey Wu Squal- dered a John St. unwou- “ho is going to recompense the rate payers for this ridiculous squartderirtg and waste of the town's funds? LETTER FROM h JOHN sr. RESIDENT h SPLENDID MARKET. ONE WHO IS DISGUSTED APPOlN'i‘E D 0F CONCERTS l Mr. and Mrs. mm. B. Moore have rrmovcrl to Ga", when they will re- side. They win he missed in Twin- City society (ink-s, when ther have horn desen‘cdly popular. Messrs. ROM-H. and Jesse Philli- more, ot Chicago, “tin-d in Wairrlou an Monday owning and an- the qtrtsts ot Mr. and Mrs J. Ii. Shim. Tlr-y Iran-Ila! the distant-c trom ttmt city. Non.p ** miles, In their lids. oc- cupying six dats in making ttre trip. Mrs. Mmith, tttother ot Mrs. Tins. Owns. of this toin, Ihilr on . Visit with her thungr. Mrs. "osea, Lin- Wood. had the mNoriuna to tatl an lracturr In hip. Mrs. Ntttith is a? "an ot an. Mr. Wane: Hum-mm, of thp 'ttl Ina! Mfr stall. who ammpunlnl m Canadian Manullulnrrrs on their :3?» (on ctr-ram lo the count, return- ed on Friday Wer a not! delight- hl my at new "is. Mrs. John Rilm and two daught- ors, Misses Olive and Loraine, have returned ttom a plmsant two weeks' visit ,riimuttitcaucSarupadiarta-- , Mr. (an. n. Beth-l and bride re- turned on Friday from their turns-y- moon and have taken up their resi- (knee in their lundsomc home on King street. Miss l-llinlwlh Bran loft Tuesday tor Yale, Mith., 'cat tt visit lo her ststeri-ater. Naif! BPM/ iii) ii iidis iously ill. . Mrs. George Davidson relulnrd to her home in Toronto on Saturday, after a pleasant visit With Twin- L?ity Iriends. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln GoldiE' til Guelph were visitors in town over Sunday. Mr. J. Hall of the Dominion Lite Assurance Company spot Sunday in Toronto. Miss Hom or Parry Sound is the ttrest of her cousin, Miss Kathleen Sterlini.t. Miss Howie was the hostess ot ’a delightful Aitertraon Tea on Saturday in honor ot several visitors in town. The Hon. William Hespeler ot Wire rtipeg is the ttvest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Seagram: Mrs. Wm. Dawson retutned Tuesday mourn; trom a week‘s visit with Toronto triends. Mr. Louis Starr " retmn d alter sprnding several munhs in Michigan and other points. Mrs. J. F.. Seagram And Mrs. Bowlby have returtwd [mm a several months' trip lo the old country. Miss Annie Brown,‘vh) is Almost welcome visitor in 10th, was the {nest of Mrs, J. M. Muir over Sun." day. 'Miss Margaret McDougall is smud- ‘ng a week with lrimds in Buffalo and Hamilton. - Miss Emma Maser, of Elmira, for- merly ol Waterloo, visited iriends in town on Friday. _ Mr. Horace [Anghurst returned on §atuuhy trom In tnjoyahle two weeks’ trip to the Northwest. Thy B.H.C. were pleasantly cuter- tained at the Mme ot‘thc Misses Mooglt en Thursday evening. Mrs. Hntchison and son Frederick are visiting Toronto friends. Mr. Art Wismer ot Mt. Forest is spending several days in Waterloo. Miss l. Schauh of Wellesley visited friends in Waterlco on Friday. Opposite Zimmerman House Personal and Social Miss Hart rnjorcd Svnrhy with Toronto friends. When pm are mndy for that pair of shoes for Fell or Winter we kindly invite you to take a. look st our atoek. We have iItud our store from floor to ceiling nith best stock and newest styles that money con buy end our prices are as low as the lowest. Give us a. cell. Yours for square dealing, John Schondelmayer, Miss Emma mums smut Sunk} in Toronto. Mr. E. W. It. Snider has returned tram a trip to the West. J. UFFELMAN N SHOES! SHOES! 8lithi8) Tho Gnriph Mrrrmy has rmnpteted a mum at the bending oprrations in that my ms war It"! Mares the loul rulimllc at 3594.700. nmk " As tottoqrs: Public buildings. Sarto:- tes, do. "NM”: (0"?m, 8185.- 700; MI and humor-M. $10,- A shipper It Rand: was until] from! Mr a barrel Int havin: mm " hands of swim marked t, " “Md had only XX with: in them. ' A 800M T0 ODDFELLOWSHIP. Since the local lodge cl (man-now: have rrlmnsd lrolr. the Tttttatt" pu- ttdr mu! hrnugm home the um prim tor best amoral ”murmur. a bun- lilul trophy Mum will he on display in one ot the store windows in a " clays, there has boon quite . ttmtm in In: membership h-re. An inmuinn of madam": fakes, place Thurshy waning at ' o'clock. The drum- team has Mn 'totifird try mm nu! in lull slrrnglh for this impressive cure: “may. This bountiful lesson ot mu» Iory will nu chum be witttes.emt by all (Mcllrllovm in (on. "r-morrow eh Ming. . Mr. Edwin W. Snider, who has been! ingaged in the lumber business “I Graveuhurst, Muskoka, for the past nine years, has removed with hisI iamily to Waterloo, when: he has accepted a good positicn with the Waterloo Manatacturirtr, Company. The marriage of Miss Ncida. Heinlz- man. granddaughter ot Mrs. N. Kill- er; Waterloo, to Mr. Otto George ram), wok mm Wm-nts, '" Um man Lutheran church, Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. (lord retuind lo Chicago on Friday, after . a Short visit in Waterloo. “hik- abroad they visited England. France, Ger- many, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium and Bohemia, their trip proving a most (njoyable one. Dr. Good studied at vntrersities in Frei- herg, Vienna, Berlin and London 1nd returns to Chicago better equipped than ever to resent- his rxtrqmt" practice in that city. 'they were the gums ot Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Grad, Albert 31ml. Invitations are out tor the marriage of Miss Hilda Emu Merner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abs. Meruer, Aibort street, to Mr. Edward Morton Der- itt. The event will take place cn Tuesday afternoan, Oct. 23rd, at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Thus. Owns return-a to-day from Linwood, where she spent the past several weeks cnavisit to her mother, Mrs. Sptith,, who recuulx had her hip traclurrd. 'lhe injured lady is doinmas We" as can be or parted. considering “I adv-mad age. Mrs. Gouge, Albert sued, has been contnsd to the house tor th: rastnve months tMteriag trom gang- nne ot the foot, She is about eighty years ot age. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westratn and lit- tle son. Ralph, rctuxncd to Regina on Saturday, after a visit or.soverat months at the home of the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, Willow avenue. in". Geo. Fox,' or Tororio, was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. v. G. Hughes tor several days. The Misses Alberta Ritzer and Nel- " Roos are smnmng a week or tut aysm'ilh ititnds in Mathzm. Mrs. J. Addispn Taylor and son are spending a few weeks in Toronto, Its, guests of Mrs. T. L. Hottn. Be not forget our Mantles. Capes. Furs, Jackets Skists em. all in the latest designs and fabrics. Mr. Alf. Vale "mind it his home here tor sacral dats. The missus [June and Mary Roos are sprndlng several days in T; r, nto. Mr. E. W. Szhunll of In: Mutuiu Lite stait, has rcmrmd trom a week's holidws 511m at Burma. ls attracting wel deserved notice far and wide. We aim to produce the very duintiest and most fashionable headwear. Mr. Wm. Terry and son spent sever- al days in Toronto. _ . OUR MILLINERY -ia.--rc- "1".“ ri'm Waterloo, Ont thtfo the premises at the rationin- ed, I black and while bitch. 0mm on Mu tune by only!" at Mew nlet "use and pungent-m. was" -' I!" of." will - win IVI. Mum but. "Midi. mend mm - I-II b "In on. ban-mil av "Mu an. I Ta old. 00* " choic- an: cows. with calm n 'Ta an no“ ttlt do. OHIO C 41' K --Mt chore In”! and tt'd1'tu','t""""""""'" a number‘s! m "a. gillIIPmml [and Niagara and lamhn. “in! brood pou- Nov " My)“: from I to a "an 'M. an". In All chute! «or! and wlll Polo” ”Mal, “than lean-n. will. an owner‘- mmn ”and. . Th Tune] t In hm Multan. nus-III- an! 0*}an IdMn I tetne of "oh hm. ,Rlnw Mt "In: ot " and mud" rm: cur that can.» Immun- and". mil br, given I mm - new. a - cont. per 10mm our.“ _ Tho undo-land hat mind Induction fun I A. Put-Mar to all "e,'i,t. nation on "a yr: ,lnli',ttg'/",,t'tl' yft,"'l,l;,'l, In"? M u ' an . an . n 'as'.',xuq at ”who. on u B' e. an: . an htttttwt . H3: 130% El 'ir'l'ltl't,%l t'll)l'lllllh my I. J. I008, Jeweller. 0mm. BLOCK. Waterloo ' " Horses. Dairy Cows. Young Cat. tle, Sheep and Pigs em, des‘gns. and the anme'desi n run- ning through entire Tea. and fu,',',','; Setl. To make baring sets easy we sell as many or as few pieces as a customer cum to lpurchase: and any broken piece can a ways be replied with I. new pus. is interested in a table set with beau- tiful chinn. Therefore every lad}; Bhou'd see our window display of t '.' French Limoges China. it is of the P'",'" and richest; china quartz and In decoratinns very dainty which will plate .etrrrtrqdr'er mtg. . wd belie.“ in" ésteritig to our cus- mgr-33nd thegefgre caeirfte differ- Bllck broadcloth out. 7-8 length. Hamster fur lining, high collar. Good value at $55.00. Black Electric Seal Coat mm WWWMWW‘ &\\M““ I Isabella Fox and Isabella Oppossum Buffs Short length. tsatin lined, marmot atom collar. A very fine coatufur $45.00. will be popular this season. A large variety to choose from 312.50 to 335.00. . Furlined Coat ‘ at following prices, 85.00, 87.50 and 88.75. in leading styles. Prices from 812.00 to 835.00. a. E mu tr-tiii-Cl-iii-iii-ia.' With out episodic! Allowing of fur neekweer. capes and com we ere “ti-60d that it will prove intending to you to make tb visit to our fur depsrtment on the wooed floor. Assortment of fur garmants in Inner end better then ever before. From the varied assortment we make mention of only a few of DI.- .nA-R-I- BO van NEED . MY FURS? Monday, October and, mod. Auction Sale Does the Above Question Apply to You? Every Lady M. Stylish Black Oppossum heck Buffs e"" . .,.___,, -..- ___.- ~~----. _ Mee -I Hon. 3 can old, [and worker; m In". M,'.",: (M. Quinn] unr- Wr- NTR l Y [in ; B. Ryan a Co. Superior Quality Sable Buffs JAIN! tummy». Antiwar. new frurr'y c-I'riwl nu by H. B. Hurting it will It". In; deavor to merits Pottttttttrtue of the puranua'c extend Irt i" pant. . Cuutomam and friemh m _ y mum-ed that only the rlmi- s" best Incl-h niil he lu-p: on t v Henry Reuei H 1hisirtess Farmers' Poultry 'wing purchase/ Your poultry may be deliverrt at Waterloo, Buyer wanted., m. Jacobs " " Elmira " " 7 media , A V " " New Hamburg " I " '0 waif-ll your Poultry. aliv- or dread. Ind will pay [In HIGHEST was for ii. marina 02a and.) Prop. Citt M.att Mano-v, wnsumo Howell"; Limited, London. on 53W“:w to moat from. Pri, storm 1083

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