Td Ttere was an unusually good mar- ket Sunday morning Th' ttitrttd- "we was trry large Mud mmlnrc Wu to be had in good qu..m:vim lugs MM at 2N a 'or.., whilr huurr Mm?" Mr and Mt. I pound. $'ott- sidrrtthtr low! was also on the mar- Lrl, and mid at gnarl prices. A spark, prrwnmahly from Ibo chim- 'trr, was again responsihlv fur a "up“ but livrly Man ttt the pUrtint Mills " Mr. (Ms. Krrulzigvt iron!" trm airlock this morning. rm- trmatety It was m.uovtr" h - um. this "new!" I mid-I mn- j‘qnnon. Ttro. or lure. - M The rrsignatio of Mr. R. Y. Stuart, for the past twelve years Chirt of the Waterloo Fire Brigade, was "wrived at Mrnday evening‘s meeting ot tho Town Council. Mr. Peter Iuriser has a lemon tree ghoul two feet high whim hears (rm and . good sized Iemottlt" inst been picked fro mthe tree. " weighs tww "0ttCet', and is g ttne specimen. ggtl--B' fats Fox Bound wit! black, "It" all â€not ooh. Lotta attteittdedreaMr. Hadron m- ama. ttzl Alton new", on, Hotel. Waterloo. Mr. Chas. S. Forrest has sold his hamlsomv residrrwe, "Thistle lla," on George street, to Mr. W. \l. 0. Loc- bead, genera august tor the Mutual Lite Assurnm-c Co., " Berlin. The death occurred at Torctgro ot. Wednesday CVlllllIg ot Mr. M. O'Mara Me is survived by his wife, who ww. lonnerly Miss hate Ward, ot Waln- loo. _ ' r . [ _ I ' general servant for lamily or three. [loud wages. Comlorlablc home. Write Mes. M. A. Kennedy, P. o. liox 42t, Toronto. Owing to the inclement weather no band concert was givm on the squalc Friday evening. It is probable that the wralhor will not permit of an} more omn air concerts this scason. The annual meeting oi the Clara tkhumann Club will be held on Sat- md.y, Oct. 6th, when the election Pi oihcers tor the year will take place. WANTED-Good, respectable girl as general servant tor lamily ot three. (loud wages. Comfortable home. Write Mrs. M. A. Kennedy, P. o. The annual meeting of the (hunt) Sunday Sthool Convtulion will tte lle in the Evangelical church, War “.00, on Nov. 2nd. Rev. J. W. German ot Berlin ae- oeplnbly occupied the pulpit ot tin Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. A. D. Gischler ot Zurich preached an this and thoughtlul ser- mon in the Evangelical church Sun day mommg. ' Sole agents tor the Granby rub bers. Granby rubbers wear like iron, 't he J. s. Boos Shoe Co. Mr. W. P. Thomas of the excise de- partment, tormcrly of Branchton, um family, have taken up their residuum in Waterloo. _ Mr. Arthur Wismer has sold his milk business to Mr. Jus. Weber, a iatmer residing near Waterloo. ls 83.50 your shoe price? Well, sir, the very best 83.50 shoes on earth are here. 'I he J. s. Roos Shoo Co. Miss A. McGavin has been added to the slat! ot clerks .at J. Uncl- mann’s store. A number from Waterloo attended the fall lair at Elmira on Thursday. A ball will be given in the Or- pheus Hall on Friday next. WW...†Rev. R, J. Elliott will occupy his pulpit as usual on Sunday next. Children’s shoes 1 specialty at the J. S. Roos Shoe Co.'a. can. Buns "orrr--H'ts But. Valua- = And up. Rm: Hott-new line st We. SEAVINO Bmmi--tmtrn we to 81.50. alumna BoAmF--in cake- Ind Inch. Stuynfo Ch---" quick share. No rubbing. - (hum: SAFETY Burma always ready -ao uhoppaug. XAumim-oil onion an Innâ€. ' CITY DRUG STORE. Phone 217. Dautpche' Apache“ WATERDOO In nhaveru’ supp'ieal an: showing excellent. imetr---tsuq' in an! no the VIII".- Rayor"r-- one (waited 'Ust WWW mun ms. Real Estate hUBitl and hBtttm Brokers buyout-y "no. In Iltzu'o mu rtmtistttntr â€on M. 215, Haul-loo, Quint,“ no“ amCveivetr. "6YT'0 GIIP'IIE me? “magnviqg lye-ll the akin, DO YOU SHARE? "iG'e inn-ht to "(can the Local News. E. M. Devitt Mr. Mmte.s retains the lmlanv-v ot the prorrrty. . " is lhrlrrshn'd ttut Mr Morley Kill likety establish " industry in that portion retain" by Mum", and also "w! nvcnl houses on the wettt - of Caroline Mrert trom mdtrrtat club“ Immune rill-wry and water In. to It mud. Mrssrs. Snydrt “an. 1spho1sier'rttt rqmpnny, have an "tttion on a put- tion ot the buildings. which irrhedmt the olive trritdh.t, tho main building and the WI‘IVinl mum. an! it is pro- bable that it will r,e purchased " lhrm. The Waterloo Woollrn Mills, “him turi. horn chm! down for over "In yous. have been purchased by Mr. John K. Morlcy, tormeriy mung" ot the t'ompart Mr John F. Morley Burs the Entare Property. for Consumpttves anlsoliciud some aid trom this town. Mr. Young re viewed at length ttte go d “an; being lone by the Association, “huh was rorking under a Dominton tharter. For a.grantvol 8300 the Association would put, a bed in the Muskoka Free Hospital for Uottsumptives akthc dis. posal ot the citizens tor u I: your. Twelve other municipalities trad taks m advantage at the otter and he ant. (d the assistanee ant co-operation of the town in this. great “ark, “hid: was essentially one ot charitv. . he cost ot maintaining the hospital “as considerable amt their hands new in- satire"?". to meet the expenses o', the institution. He trusted they would see their way clear to grant it some assistance. The Counul expressed tttemsetves in favor ot granting some aid, but the matter was laid ofvor rntil tte next meeting. in ottkw to asceruin when» er the n.nds yet "attaining ot the year‘s appramiatinns would warrant giving tho assirtgntw asked. HAS PURCHASED W0 )LLEN MILLS Mr. E. T. Young, rcprcsmtativc oi die Naticnal Sanil; li'Iln Association, appeared beiore the Council in me "r terests ot the Muskoka Free Hospital Works ......... ....M..m. ... Mt J. Hellman, street sprinkling 64.00 spector F..tred.. TP....... .9P.6t ..... C. Kreutziger, sidewalk sttiF- plies we....... .._.r..r.. W........ P..... 20.87 w. Hoggi, tile for walk M.-t.rt.. 194.40 Chas. H. Froelich, on acct.... 100.0l Silica Batylic Co., cement walks .-....... ....t.... ......... -.. Geo. U. Peppler, sidewalk fill- in: v.-..-... .t.... ... .m_r._... M..-. ing ..-..t.P. .t.... ... .m_rr_... M..-.. 225.7t J. C. Mueller, Board ot Works 21.7: McBride & Flintott, re Halber- sladt By-law ... ... ...... _..... 88.03 this: Kreutziger, Board of Wm. Snider, electric light ...$209.0; Water & Light Commission 45.1.. C. A. Haehnel, D. R. o. ...... 6.0 P. H. Roos, D. R. O. ............ 91,. W. Hogg, D. R. o. 8.0 C. Huchnergard, D. R. O. ...... tr., Geo. U. Sthnlldl, bookhinding 3.33 Telegraph Pig. Co. ..'....... ...... 1.2L Chas. Mayer, livery "'"'"'"'"t, Daily Citizen, ptg. and adv.... Sun Paul Bergman, sloun drain..., Part Bergman, sewer connec- tions wrt...... ... ..rmr..rt... 32.% Chas. Moogk, town engineer... M0.0t Water Commission ._t..e ._. PtFP_. 6,.ot Henry Heer, cement walk ia- The reports of the several eortun,ib tees in which the abou- wis cmbod ted, were tecci'ved and adoptetk The resignation was accepted, am the C'hairman of the Fire Commute. Mr, Gray‘bill, was authorized to " vertise tor anew Chief, The Finance and Printing Commit tee recommended the payment of th [allowing mounts: The resignation of Chief R. _ , Stuart of the Fire Brigade was 11» ceived, the Chief stating that owin, to his promotion to the toremanshi, of one ot the departments at th Foundry he would be unable to any Iver fire calls during the day; am therefore handed in his resignation. The Council first went into com- mittee, and the uriou questions brought up cum torth eoaaiderabk discussion. The Waterloo Tow. emu net in tends: monthly session on My evening. Two tenders were received for th eomstruction of the Park avenue sew. er trom Caroline street to the inlm section of Park avenue, gs tollowxs: Paul Bergman " tl.50 per loot. E. Dermal at " per toot. The tender ot Paul Bergman bein, the lowest was accepted. Pretas-auror Sequ in the chair. and Messrs. Weideathammer, luau". Suuilt. (inybill and Ittuttr. Claimant D. C. Kant: ol the Town Property Committee, was in (“or ot having the cemtnt walks ground the Town Hall unstructed by Mr. Der- mul. as the Company who had the contract tor building the cement walks in town this yen had still conv sideuhle Work. to do. It V18 decided to give the contract to Mr. Dermul provided the Silica Barytie Co. have no objections, the work to be done at the sme prim per foot as that Company receive. for building the cement walks. Chief Stuart ot Fire BrigadeJtesigtttoattder Bros. Upholstering a. Desire Assistance From T'owti.Hhtestions of Interest Dealt With. BUSY SESSION OF A lettcr was read trom E. P. 1,500.0. THE TOWN COUNCIL 39.0t hel Cotmcmor's Graybill and Mueller fs both spoke in regard lo the above m- and stand that they were not in lav. he or of having the boulevard [word in. tid A motion was made urriul that me Mr. Rilzor be not iven permission to move his lrnce on town property. At the same time I might add that' there will not lrom my part arise‘ any difficulty about the kind or shape ot the lonce to be erected, but that i} shall be only too glad to receive ‘suggestions made in that direction l by your honorable body or the Chair.. I man of the Board ot Works. Germ-nil Lodge, No. IM, 10.0.F. of Waterloo, has been nqrnrded the first prize, namely, 850. for the best uniInrnml Mun-out. at any 'obordinatr lodge ut the rmrnt big parade of Odd- Mlows held at 1oronto on the "It: inst. ’Abotll. sixty ot the tout urn-Nu [antenatal in the parade and made s Me appearance ta their mm»: costumes, the tir." squgdrnyi ttting iii pink shirts, the next mmpanv in blue amt the third party in mi. MI Wan white tmnsors and unit-II dainty triiitvl ltmhrt‘llas to main the Manson. Rhett " it: mmitlrn‘d tint the cvvmprtttion lor this prize is up". to all the snowman todgrss in both Canada “it Urtitrd sum. the show- in; and: " the ion! when is l nutter tor )0ch all we extend - - coup-mmâ€. Germania Lodge Awarded " for Best Uniformed Turn- out " Big Oddfellowl Parade. WINS THE The Mayor read a letter from Mes- srs. Clement & Clement, solicitors for Collard & Son, stating that owing to the tact that the town was moving towards putting the sewer farm in better condition, their cli- ents would not press their suit against .the town. Early in August last I sutsrnittrdr lo your kind consideration a' petition) "ancerning lencing in the boulevard ‘in lront ot my property, comer Yonge and Water streets. This peli- Iion was laid aside ior lurlher con- sideration at the August meeting ot the honorable Council, a tact which, ot course, I had to learn from the daily papers of this town. The Sept- ember meeting having passed with- out said petition having been ccnsid- cred at all. I beg to draw the atten- tion ot the honorable Council to same. _ Trusting that my petition will meet with due consideration this time, I have the honor to be, Respectfully yours, 'ih t if the Enydsr Bros. Upy.olster- Large 'Nlmbcr P; esent and ing Co. purthase the portion of the .. . _ Me Woollen Mills property on which they t Splendid Proeram Raga: ed have an option, this Council is win- _ on Thursday Evening. ing to aid them by granting so far - as it has power a fixcd assessment of 'the Birthday Party given in the an amount to be decided urrttt tater Methodist thuro, Wateriio, on on. said porticn of said property not Thursday evtnfng, m aid of the Ber- lo include business tar, County rate, lin-Waterloo Hospital, was a thor- school taxes or local improvement ouRhly enjoyable army in every war. tax. The attrndurtee was large and the Mr. John wrote requesting action on a previous letter asking permission to move his fence mater the sidewalk, on town property. The letter read as iollows: The Town Council, Mr. A. H. Ytavier also addressed he Council on the subject. The quar- ters now occupied by the firm were atadmluate and they desired to en- large their plant. The firm now em- )ont'd twenty-nine hotuis, and in heir new quarters would add COB- sidcrably to the stall. The Council vlewm the request fav- meIV and the ioilowir resolution was passed: Mr. Ftirttott, with Mr. A. H. Sny~ der, ot the Snyder Bros. Upholster- Eng Co., were present in reiennee to nhlain‘nx some assistance in the en- :argemun. ot their,presot industry. Mr. Hinton stated that the Brm had corn in negotiation with Mr. Morley wl-o tcut purchased the “collar Mills end had secured an optitn on a good hart ot the buildings. 'lhat portiot they intruded to buy included the or tieerbttilding and the large main build ing, and weave room. ’lhis would pro ride considerable more acyommo&e tion than they would require, but the idea ol the firm was to induce some .indnd industry to utilize the por- tion they do not require. Inducements had hem held out to the Company by representatives iron! several other towns, but they preferred to remain .n Waterloo. lie cited the tact that other industries had be": assisted. They only desired some assistance in the way of exemption from taxes on 1 fixed assessnunt in case the} oought the buildings mentiotcd. Alter some discussion a retroltgtictt Was passed intruding the Clerk to look up the iaw in connection with the matter, and it it is legal to ex- empt bonus " per resoletiort to pu- pare a br-taw tor submission to the ratepayers. mum. seen-my ot the Bond ol' Trade, containing the resolution pup; ed " the [at meeting ot the Board regarding the exemption ot Ion-ct. trom has. tor B period ot two you: up to I nine of "300. ' Waterloo, Oct FIRST PRIZE JOHN RITZER Waterloo 1st, 1906, The Young Womm's Hospital Aux- mary are to be commended upon the sum-sum! culminnuon ot the trirth- - puny, " n rum" of Ihkh . mm mm will In! mmt'm thr- "as: MI“. t . , we tre, We must claim lull sense for the your: we be, And we Irust the some ot the mach int, will show That good emf: no not rum; in Waterloo. We are sorry to miss the musical trent, Very sorry to miss what you‘ws got to ett, Reciprortting your grading so hear- tr, We cut-ml our Inst wish“ tor the The Waterloo Young “mum's HM cririnz pun! AI-xiliarkaro pbww4 In an Call mum to Hut-Ir "a...“ mu "ttr: or qtril paying run-um; Hwy rbottut mvr . - am at the luv-JIM; mm m " TitE l ot the Rbratot luml "II Thanh-y q-v- . all; and me mm: mm- ue mu eortthttt ht trom has no mo na- stic to be mam am _ an» Cornet Solo. (a) Heiccrn is My Home, (b) There " 3, Land mne Eye Has Fs'een-Mr. Schmnlz. Song, Prayer, "ttter-Miss Bounce. At the conclusion ot the program delectable retreshmrgtts wvre med by the young ladies of» “to Hospital Auxiliary, and the evening was spent in a social manner. A libcrnl response was made to the invitations sent ottt,arrt.' oi the little sucks being acconeied by the lol- Iowing verso which is 53511- iarly appropriate: This little sack you'll find to LCM But titty (This when all is lad. Tho' this lacks the cents of tho years Recitation, Selected-Mr. _ Oscar 'Rumpel. Song, The Two Cities-Miss Earn. Organ solo, Introduction Io Third Act of Lohengrin, Wagner-Miss Bean Song, The Giver of Lite-Miss Brui- lbaupt. The [allowing programme Was rm- dered and the audience voiced their appreciaticn by demanding frequent encores: . Organ solo, Pastorale, St. (lair- Miss Bean. . Cornet solo, There's a Beautiful Land on High-Mr. Sthmalz. Selection, The Heavcnly sort-- Miss Bounce. . Mr. J. B. Hughes, 1 member of the Hospital Board, pram“ and made a very acceptable chairman. ln course of a tew happy remarks he referred to the worthiness of the cause ahith they were aiding by their presence, and paid a tribete to the Waterloo Young Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary, who were indefatigable in their el- lorts in behalf of the Hospital, an! deserved the thanks of those present for the high class programme pro sated. Song, The Lord, My Shepherd-wats Breit haupt. The atlrnd..nce was large and the splendid programme rer.dered contrib- uted in a very large measure to the pleasure of the evenihtr. Oppo sitejZimmermann Ho use BIRTHDAY PARTY WAS h SUCCESS ll Pays You to Trade ghi? Slut Song, 0, Heart Divine-Mr. Hall- J. UFFELMAN N Sums: John Schondelmayer, Hera um! Been u no Hee. use Bren use Bum use Bel-nuns B, c: use Bl c . [he ot the 1urt.r a " oo burn more. our are]: is "p-to-dur. we uluaye try to plow you. in is no troub'e to how goods. . we buy the beat goods to be had. we alum-ya do just m " advertitat. we have a logo assortment to alert 'rr m Jou an ab") 8 get. your money back on any unantia~ tactory pdrchnse: Yours for square dealing, T ins, “'1“.me (mama a i Ji _ , Rom: co.,' B- Berth, mt. I I Rev. and Mrs. h. D. Gischler and family returned home Wctnesday at- i. ter spending a week at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs) L. S. Ike- '., ber, Berlin. The “Ilium: Gretna & Rome Co. ttave completed their new shirt stitching room, and have 40" space tor Mty more girls. THU in an op- portunity tor bright young woman. slam-m your: at In or ohq, to se- rtrrrttgttt, vtrmrmmhmm'r', work- in only nim- lmIIrs pct any. and let crivinz Mtthest Ingram Call . at VFu-mryfnn Quom Mreet, or write tor mpliulion blank to McBain vs. Waterloo' Manufacturing Co.-Judgtmnt (G.h.B.) en appeal by dafendants from order of n Diri- sional Court dismissing motion by de- fendants to set aside judgmurt tor pitrintilI for $1,200 damages in an ac- tion for negligence tfied before Mac- Mahon, J., at Berlin. Plaintiff, a young man tnder 21 (suing by his next friend). was employed]? defend- ants in their founnry, in t town of Waterloo, and was on the 18th Janu- ary, 1904, engaged ii Work up'oii I- er plates. when. as he alleged, he was thrown upon the mrhimry, and, ow- ing to its being unguarded, his left arm was eaught therein and hudly (1'08th and injured. The trial Judge held that the machinery was danger- ous and should have bun Otarded, pursuant in the factories act, see. 20 (I). and this was atrsrrned by the Di- sisirtnal3'ourt. Appeal dismissed. with costs. K. FI. A. f)u\’elnet and J. U. "aight (Waterloo) lor defend- tutty W. M. Reade (Waterloo) lor plaintiff. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR Dr. and Mrs. Noecker have leturncd from 3 most enjoyable holiday of sev- eral weeks spent at Lake at Bays, Muskoka. ' ' . Mr. Roy McIntyre leit on Mon- day [or Toronto, where he ml‘. an a course at the Rornt College ot Den- tal Surgeons. ' . Before Moss, C.J.0., Osler, Gal-row Mwlann, Meredith, JJ.A. Mr. William Geiger of Htar;al paid a brief visit to his brother, Mr." Oliver Geiger on Frithy. V Mr. Thos. Hilliard bu returned from Montreal, where he intended- the sessions ol the General LN Mon-nee ol the Methodist Church. Mr. Levi Stautrer has Tetttrnttd from Michigan. where he attended the Shuttle: Re-union. Mr. ts'tatrtrer,tuso visited other points in the slate. Rev. Jos. Showers of Laughing- town, spent Sunday in Watnrloo, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Uttettmuut. Mr. E. W. Sthmitt of the 'datum, Life stair. is spending a week's vaar- tion with Buttalo fritnds. Miss Mary Oetzel has returned from a pleasant visit with lrimrls in Grand Rapids. _ , Mr. and Mrs. Isaak mm of Bur- lington are guests at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Brni. Devitt. " not forgot our Mantles, Capes Furs. Jackets Skins etc. all in the latest 'de~igns and fabrics. . Mr. Atveh Grosz has returned alter spcndfng aday or two in Elmira. . Mrs. Homer Watson, of Dot n, vis- ited Waterko Irie:ats cl Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Niergarth are visiCng trimds in Waterdos h, N. Y. ls attracting wel deserved notice far and wide. We aim to produce the very daintiest and most fashionable headwear. Pergonal and Social nun mummy LOCAL LEGA L, 1'01 'NG WUMIN. Waterloo, at. P. R. Laior of Dnovma has put. chad tho Anne Evapo'mhyz mum of Goo. "steam". Wum'm, "tit qtl" In: 25,000 “and. " swim. not who by but! trim will to [1ch you. In on lulu-o an than M nom- a M Inâ€. E. J. I008, ,t-iier. menu“. umcx, mm W0 heliwn in running to our cus- mm and therefore rmy the differ. ent dwttmr, and the name doni n mn- ning Inn-much entire Tea and fl,,',',,',',',". Betr. To make buying wk easy we "ll as many or so few pipeâ€: as n rttstomer turn to purctti and any hmken more can always he. rvpllwul with a. new one. is interested in a tabla at. with Imm- tiful china. Therefore every Indy shnu‘d we ou_dow (Ii-pl ' of the French Limo?" Chin-I, It is of tho ruleâ€. and . chest china quartz and u decorations very dainty which will piggy _ev_grthdy'o mtg. - Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and assured that only the choicest m beat mean will be kept on hand. Having purchased the meat busi- ness formerly curried on by Mr. H. B. Duering it will be my en- denvor to merits. continuance of of the pat mange extended in the Henry Reuel . .9 Pry, Fall Shoes ttCFS'" TUE FINEST A8505} NEXT F.! \ ever tshown in town. ' B3, PRICES ARE ' I - Fd SURPRMNULY Sl,'] Law, TOO; Ua'" 1 ' OUR l', ENS '3.2 50 51mm ' ‘ - compare fwo: 1U)! with tll CO v v F and 54.50 hues soid rim. where ' SEE ()Ul}, WINDo W. Lee u-----,. m “A. BuSiness Farmers' Notice W M“ astsmmm§~%wx‘nsa~sum~~ 80 pieeetcof 28 and 29 inch fhumeiasttea in medium and light shodâ€, good patterns,' extra good quality at 9e 3 yard. 35 pieces of English funnel- ettea, regular value 12ie. Tho first Saturday of this in to be a. record breaker. Our buyer has picked up some exceptional cusps while in the city. Here are a few of the specials for Saturday ; - We no determined to make October of this year's bur-luau. It in to be . man. demons. This means that we will inducements that will appeal to all clues. G. E RYAN & Mr, BERLIN"; mm -----. m M: Bargains Extraordinary . Every Lady Saturday For a Bed Letter Bay (thtetU.g's Old Stand) p, 9. City Mot Mnrhet, ' WATERLOO; Saturday only 9c I yard Saturday 5 1 2c a yard . B. Ryan a Co. Change For Saturday Waterloo It in to he u methiit -trGririiiairiiri'ii Accurate, Reliable. Scientific. GommetriaWotel, Room 4, Willuluu. Farmers' Pauli: a BUSINESS, HEALTH, MARINA“, SUCCESS. hd, J. Dufty, CONSULT Your poultry may he du-liwn-d nt Wtttrrloo, Bun-r via-Jul. M. 11min " " t F'pmitm n " Hugh" " " New than"; " " Hcgvy Kimona. cloth, in de. sirable patterns, regular value 16c 20 pieces of wrsppereth a smut designs and patterns, regu- lar value 9e and 10e a yard. We will all your Poullry. alive or housed. and will pay Ibo “I"! PRICES tor It. will otrer ouch money-saving r6 1 Cy, We do wh"t W.'? my pp, an age of the banner mouths mve'lk-n. â€mud. Lorin. Ont. Saturday 5 I-2C a yard IlllllgMlMiis"i, PALMIST. 1UE-lllilMlgIl. E fl. A. Saturday 12 12c t . “A "tteqFN'