The Maisons Bank no [on much. bani tuned uni-lo In an norm " the Dominion or any rho. In the - Rhianna-n)! lawman 1m to! mot-â€11M.“ In -tttot ml or and" lain-mum In â€I. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL Osman Authorized 86.000000 Paid-Up Cantu! - $8..) Reserve Fund - 88.000000 The Mercantlle Fire BvcKBiiiiiiotrGH &.CO. Est-ttlished 18“. General Insurance Agency oimNr-Waterrtoo Inlnranco Buildin; King St. Waterloo. Phone "N Subscribed Capital . . . . . . . . 23031100 " epuicwllh the Dominion (invhrumenf- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “17.140. All poli; iv: mmmutmed hy the Lundor and but admire Insurance Uompan: with Admits of “le638. Almd Wright. Becreta t H. Hall, luppuuwn G. A. ROE“)! District. Agent, Wa en loo, Out. Phone 219. Genuine Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Order your ncw hat now. Our show mum is lined with new. hats and bur milli'ncrs an- us busy as thcy can be. " would be WP" Art leave your order just .13. soon as possihl: whihrthe stock is complete. the most popular sewing machine» on the market. A perfect. machine " well as t lmudsome piece of furniture. A" â€no IUeat improve- ments. A r-w-nmm not of attach- ment" wl'h """y machine. Gall " the oM nun-v1. &M.M tttmr At., . FALL MILLIHERY the tailor, tho‘only agony Jo own thr who Vet's-annulus" halal-m The IISSES "illllimtll "04W Insurance company moonroaarno 1376 no“ Mfttttt - water!†Hyman Undertaking (h. i Unéarxakera and Embulmoru. ' Calla mum-x] day no aunt. i ("new ng Bums. Waterloo. Ont. JOHN RITZER, RAYMOND SEWING' "llllillli8 “I “OK HEADACHE “Winn-arm I] Kilo M'., SEOURITY; unkin- aaoog, 8'3?!th W Want-loo Branch Succniol' A BOEHM RITZ EWS, ‘m mum ttm mamas. pa mutants. in: "my mm. ma CBISIIPATMI rm mew cm. iii? anagram: WATEIILOO HEEL]! Geo. Jacobs unfu- Httthnan Geo. JaCobs. ot New Danika, a)- 1rearert tor “ill before Ills Hcttar Judge t hiehnlm on Saturday charged with the sum-ls marge ot-having can nal knowlulge ot and “than; Benin Janus, a. yuung Balnndo Home dirt, who will be " yous ot “a cn Nov- rmht‘r 5th ttext. Iva-v I. III. E†" â€on, of II- mira, taeed His Honor Judge (hil- Iolm on the serious than ot hung ma Miss Amelia Sender ot “which Township, who mu m tt Met " was at we. The who»: who in deteBdtd try Mr. E. P. Lie- mat, K. C., pleaded not guilty. 'lit:? act-used and the unfortunate girl were employed at the same [arm near New Dcrdee than the ounce complaitcd ot has committal. FOUND GUILTY OF THE .CRIME mi, Honor dismissed the c'ttasge at up: but (out! the prisoner guilty d the charge ct suluctic I . On Saturday summon His “1 nor Judge Chisholm, alter hating cinsid.. arable evidence lound George Jacdbs, of New Dundee, guilty ol the serious crime ot, seducing a girl undcr 14 rears ot ago. and he was remand“! [or s:n.;n;c Tuesday morning at 11 o'eiock. Cro‘n Attoiaey W. H. iiowiirr, K. "strr?yecuted, . . __ _ _ Crown Attoutey Bowl'ny pxosccutcd an: Mr. E. P. Clement, K. C., acted tor the prismer. His Honor instreetrd the Jail oni- cials that SUINIK'B will be imposed on both Jacobs and Hoffman in the court room, which has betat recently renovated and greatly impioved. A teature ot trial on Saturday was the strong defence put up for the prisoner by Mr. E. P. L‘lennnt, K.L-'., who subjected the witnesses tor the Crown, inelrding Miss Bertha' James, to a searching cross-examination. The prisoner was also allowed to (liter the witness box in his own def-me, and he denicd in toto the evidence that had been given by the young llainardn girl and her guardians. FH- pert medical evidence Was also given. Mr. Clement‘s addresis to His Honor was pronounced by many who heard it to be one of the strcngest argu- lmnts in tarot ol the innJecnce of a man delivered in Berlin in many years and [his Honor in delivering his ver- dict referred to the address as being "most able, ingenious and skiilrul.." The Jrdge carefully reviewed ttw trvitrutctt rnd stated that the case tor the Crown ovlhalsncrd the delinee in thut iltt witnrssr-s tsr the [armor had no motive in print the evidence be- yond serving thr end of justice. while the prisoner hgd ererytliin: to gain. even his life, try dsnying the stories of the Crown witnesses. He believed the story ot the girl and her guard- ians because they corroborated in every important detail, while the, priso.:er was alone in his denials. "is Honor Judge Chisholm has the distinction of imposing the first sm- ton-:0 in the newly rcnovalcd and greatly improwd court mom. (‘n Tum'dw lid. Hoirman, of Et. Jaco'os, and Cleo. Jacobs, of New, Dundee, appeared before “is Honor for :‘vntrnco. both ol whom Ind bccn lm'n'l guilty ot saluting girls under It )0:er of am. ' "glrrc were about thirty persons in' th. court mom. I Itciore sunnmc was imposid, Mr. Fl. l'. C1etr.cut, K. C., rrrsa'ntul pe- titim; in lulnlf of th" prisoners,' that for “OF-min bfni slgnul by 115 persons in North V'ainloo, and that for Jacobs having 11.rt zignxturts of resid nts in Wilmot Town hip, pray- ing that His Honor u- lznitn‘ in im-: posing sentence. _ _ i “is Honor reterrcd lo Us rer.tonsi-' tility and the ssrinmnsss of the crime of which 1h: 1min n 't.i had. becn convicted, and classed Jacobs .15 be- ing the most villainous ot the two.‘ He intormed them that lh-y had hot a lair trial and were ably defended by their counsel, and the smlmcc he was about to impose was going to be "short, sharp and mrmorahle," and hoped would be a warning to the, ris- Ing generation. in his opinion Ja- cobs had perjurcd himscll and was Mur ‘nunms 1.1mm; Tr to 1turuosop he would be lenient in this regard. Preventits, as the name implies, prevent all ('olds Mud (hippo when "him at m- snout stage." Prcvc'n- li‘T-‘LJIVS' Alonlhsmne candy ublets. Provuii iii. a'ssiiuii, _ itT 601% ipirékry, and lahn fairly, who you tirst feel that a cold is cum-1m, they check and prevent them. Prevrntics,ate thor- oughly sat" hm children, and as et.. tectttat tor adults. Sold and mum:- nlllldtd in 5 cent and 25 cent bows try A. Cr. Harhnet, Waterloo. Hoffman was senlumd t1rst and re. ceived three years in Kingston puni- trnliary and alter unt- month's in- carceration Jo receive six lashes with tho cat. Jacobs also received three ymrs and six Vflushrs anon ,lwo months' incarceration. weft Sentenced“ tH.Ctteet Hour, Berlin on Tums] ‘mmlpuflusn. ttaem1dutsomeinmhsdtHt "erreord-hestrptetr"ntse an the dhlity nd pep". the - h Che-on as“ dis can. “Viki mm m =,tguerg,,u,'2tr.'t"" m “In†In to! In It. ,4...†2dtTtattgtt,thlt oil-mt lull-mun,» m a. MU')" - a. auction. I up!!!" "d Fun-n1 as. tt can“ any tun-1., bu! p“. Colds Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 3m. J. umpire", the Comphny’s Valuator and a President W. ll. Broithaupt Examined.-- ' Proqeedings Prove Interesting. 'BOARD OF ARBITRATION . ' I IN SESSION AT BERLIN I During the new "to" was . very interesting period when Mr. Brahman! was [anvil lo admit that the (musings, diamonds, (jaws, “Mow-0| nus, tor which a charge ot WWII Wu mule. did not below, to lite Company. but to the G. r. It. It‘ommny. whim had put theat in. Ar. Scrum hrld that {his item gshould tre “flick ortt, u the ankles .mennoncd did ttot belong to thr B. " W. Pomp“): ' The board ot aNitratioat anointed to determine the "lumen ot the Berlin and Waterloo Street Emu-y Company's plant. resumed its session on Thursday manning, Sept. 25th. Judge Junleson presided, ma Judge Morgan 3nd Mr. J. M. Sonny. acting tor the Company and town res- pectively. were in attendance. Mr. J. A. Scellm acted tor “no corporation. and Mr. W. D. McPherson tor the Company. Mr. Campbell. valuator tor the Company, In: cross-examined by Mr. Scellen. He has only made one valu- uion previous to this one, and that was when Kingston took over 'he plant in that city. The "We of the curs, rails, machinery, can, ot the Company was taken up in detail. There is no telling Bow long the street railway nmltratton proceed- ings will be continued, md no person who is immedfately interested in the proceedings will hazard an opinion at the present time. Only two “ilncsses have been examined and croshexam- ined since Tuesday manning. namely, Mr. J. Campbell, the Company‘s val- uator, and Mr. W. H. Brettllaupt, President, ot the B. & W. Co. Both ol‘these witnesses will occupy the attention of the "rtritrators tor an- other day at least, belore the town will commence to submit its evidence which will occupy at least a week. in the meantime the arbitrators receive $20 per day for their work and the stiptnds ot the respective n-uunsel, witnesses anj stenographer increase. 'llut both the town and Coutprny representatives realize that no ex- penses are increasing to a large am- ount was exemplified this morning, when the opposing torees out their heads together and decided to agree on the price and amount M various items. While this was in progress this morning the arbitrators union-d a smoke and spent an hour viewing the array of [holograms of Bettin's er-Mayors in the Council Chamber and discussing thcir respective good qualities. Judge Morgan thought that Berlin has had Jrptrer-iookirV Mayors than Toroto eitr hull, and the idea of having all the ovum-l Magistrates adorn the wal's of the chamber was an exeelicttt'cae. The town scored in every Instance in arriving at. an agreerrirnt. . The weight of rails was fixed at 3119-10 tons; the number ot poles was fnrHi at 280; the price of power-house in Berlin was thad at $2,405.85; the Berlin car barn at $123.70, and the Waterloo car barn at $3,033 55, the latter including a large nuanL at accessories. T he number of ties was reduced iron) 8312 to 7500, and the number of spikes from 35,24d to 32,- 700. other minor reductions were also made and agreed upon. churches Alum large (10st Waterloo. On Wednesday afternoon during, the course of President Breilhanpt's evi- dence Mr. Macpherson was knowing the arbitrators the prospective value of the franchise and the witness stat- ed that with the population of Ber- lin and Waterloo increased from 12,- 800 in 1897 to 15,700 in 1905 the pro- tits or the Company curing the nine years increased four times to "tt ratio ot increase ol population. He also statrd that over halt of the trai- fa: on the B. a W. line originates in Waterloo, autttt,e,',tit ot the large town a more numerous than in Waterloo. The band concerts, QP' era. house, athletic games, park . and Judge Jtunie.son--Do you run Sun- da, cars here. _ Witness-Yes, tor years. Judge Morour-Good, then you’re not quite benightett. award we'll hare to discourage the operation oi Sunday cars. Judge Morgan-PII do nothing oi the kind. The Sabbath was made for man and man tor the Sabbath. Arbitrator Scully smiled. At the afternoon session ot the Board of Arbitration on T'ttursdar President W. H. Breithaupt" was still under a searching erosueexaminstion by Solicitor Seellem which was con- tinuerl in the l‘VrldnK. A schedule oi receipts had net-n tHe- pared by Presidrnt Brerih0idt Width ineltulml an item oi "I50 trom the Berlin & Bridgeport St. Ry. Co. " the use ot the B. a W. At. ltr. co.'s rails. Alter muth cross-questioning and hedging the witness Iinally ad. mitterl that there WIS no such receipt or: the t'omptuty's books. but was merely g supposition. lie ewlninsd that it the town took over the ll. & W. line the ll. It It. Co. wmill have lo pay an amount. equivalent lo $H60. -Mr. Broiihaupt shirt! that last yen the B. & W. (‘ompuny rewind 8807 trom the Preston & Berlin Com- pany tor the use ot the Hack Irom Albert to Foundry streets, .1 distance ot In" a mill, llo did not cansldcr " an exorbitant price. On Friday Ion!" Mr. (Bu-tn. of the "unmet. Nt.reet Rash" Cot, was put on the when Hand and asked to give a “he ot the system an I not“ m! Favored Sunday Cara; l thimr discoura; cars. n Ine- sirrtich the 0. " :' tom The witness then positively reftttred to give a which! an: system an!" a new statement was submitted to him. Mr. Scellui objected to this eel- dence on the ground that the wit- h.“ was not ahle to do so as he " mitted himIell he could only give it trom . casual investigation. During the eltetnuon the evidence ot Mr. W. H. Cross, at Clarkxon A: Cross, the well thou: mountais, ot Toronto, was heard. There mu .1 mild actuation caused when Mr. Cross in his Cross-examination by Mr. h'cel- len. relused to place a. value on the system whtn he was {donned that two items in the notoribus exhibit No. " were mere supposition. This tale ot receipts and expenditures shows a protit of 87.03108, which capitalized " " per cent. places the value ot the plant ll: about 8160.000. Mr. Stella: pointed out to the witness that the items or lcceipts team the B. & B. Co. for natal ot track ot 81155, and tor use of car of $426.24 were mere suppositione. The. {allowing is a. copy ot the statement mentioned: Receipts B. & W. Ry.. July, 13056. Mail contracts ..m... '.....-. ...-6 9:127 TieW.t sales w..... m..... ...... ...l0,li:‘-,3l Cash fares .eqPt9 "h"" "...... ......ll,1-II.29 Advertising ...eF. ...... ...... ... $3.510 Parcel receipts .-.... F..... ...... 15L": Preston line, rental track ... £39 or; Bridgeport line, do. ..........._ 455.00 Bridgeport line, use or car... mm The question of injurious substances in medicines Villich has horn agitating the minds of many people, does not concern those who use Chsnthsriaitt's Cough Itemrdy. Mothers need have no hesitarwy in continuing tngiro it to their little ones, as it coniaéns abso- lutely nolh'ng iniurious. This remedy is not only pertectty sale to givé small children, but is a median. of great worth and merit. it has a world wide reputation for its cures of coughs, colds and croup end can always be relied vpon. For sale liy all druggists. Power .. Supplies Salaries Extra wages _..... rg-"- .. ....-. vt.. Equipment repairs ... ... . Track repairs ....t. ...... .... Insurance ...... _..... .....'. . Building repairs material Water account v..... ...... . Coal account mm.... ....-. Storage. battery, moving Power Mani maintrnance The board of arbitration adjourned until Thursday, October 4th, if not buyer. owing to Judge Morgan and Solicitor W. G. McPherson having im.. portant cngagemrnts at Toronto. How many wmm-n do you hm": who nre perfectly well and strong 7 We hmr everyday the same Mory utvr and over 'tgain. "I do not fvrl weU; I am so tired all the lime I tt “v - I‘ _ee5 1tiii..b.C;Cy & ":il;?lC:i"ierii?,fs,s5'i;"r. Mr: 'I" ' F T? . (ri,Irr':" ( .17 -, _ _ (it'"':")" 1x. “mgr . ti', 'r,'" f‘ V " tiii' . c; ' ERS, ‘ i"- '.- A F: _ q . . 31'» --i 1 "i - 3» . $03 i'-, "g “vg’. MM " c sw'; , at -{_-r";" ."',-.', . , - iiilml ':',rFss,; 'cr .‘ iNMIti+ L'd . . i?†y. m Clara Beaubien , SUFFERING TIE SURF. PENALTY BentihTtmsusoResteredtrLydia& Filth-fl Vegetable Mame. WOMENS’ ll EGLECT Lt,iij,i,iii'i,?ii,'titit, "grit, tg, .tl,1. wove It"d'd ' IT I. " n ma 'ete 'dll). “Emmi. .. . - _ "For metal years , hare "Mural WEE I l’vmalo wmkms which pram-d I â€do!" drain on my vitality, t','g,',i','.1 my "mum and and": mom hiodari" a, watinrd"r, n ruins and n -ral worn-um Filtttt, "Mil In"? Ind mm trt tive [Mod mm: hulk m. hut did not pvt Minna“ n-licvf tttttil Itook dels E, l‘inknnm‘s “-3an- Compmtrtrt. in hm mnuths I wu moch bu-Ncr anal "rung", nn-l In fumr mottths I In erl: mu nu-n- disaln-mlvlc dfrrharrr, no more rain. Po I have - mum to praise We “Whip ComyomH, and I rum 1|qu u I "hummus! tttht.ius oggqnpn." Time tympmml an lmt warnings that 'lt/g by dawn shoal. and units “In! I ife of Fr. wing or n I'm-innit operation in the 'nevitahtat mm". _ - T gra than likely you rink the rnme words yours", and no (only: {on [so] far [mm well. The cause mar u- "arily traced to Home derangrmmt of the fc. nude 0mm: which inanitertt, itrHi in dopmion of Thin, rclnctnnqe to to anywhere or "" cnythirtg, Invkarho, baring-down pains, “Mule-my, nrn'nm- nos rlm"p1crisrtttq' or other {cumin wm‘mm - For turGt'vuv'e wan Mrs. Hakim", damttter-irtrtasr of lmlia Fl. anhmn, has and" her dim‘rm and vim her m, been admin. with women {no of rhtt Her with h hand than MAN“ Lyn, In Wink? CHI-l “which, ot I'yeattport, Quaker, writs: . beâ€: Met. Pinkhm: - - - - - Profit NOT RING TO FE Exptnditures. AR. $355510.“ MAJ-37.28 .. 7,233.98 533.3310 .56 3!,th a iitt 54am“ 3,i7s.33 5,617 " 1,021.11 2,rt24 a: __ 21.36 qc, (ir'. Lia "G. IS 253.16: 170.33 1551.31 159:) li5.'dl HL29 $3150 L'it. to Sal!) or: 155ka all.“ Sunday was a ml letter day in the history ot the Berlin branch at the Catholic Mutual Benevolent Associa- tion, No. IS, when the tweaty-titttt . nniversary (it its organization in this town was celebrated. 'lhe event was unusually successful end interesting, and will long be remembered not only by the members of No. 12, but also by the large number ot visiting bre- thren who joined in the celebration. C. M. B. A. Lodge No. " was or- ganizul in Berlin on October 1, 1881, and while its membership was small tor a few years following It has steadily ivcrcased until at present it has 230 members on the roll and is one ol the strongest lodges in the Do- min’on. The lodge has assisted in crating a strong fellowship among _the male members of St. Mary's R. C'. (hutch, anal the local clergy have hem greatly assisted by the Order in provid tll', lor the wants ot destitute families, and the widows and orphans of th: congregation. CELEBRATE THE . SILVER JUBILEE Interesting and Successful Ser. v'ees Held on Sunday " St Mary's Church, Berlin. The celebralion ot the silver jubilee took the form of a sprcid service, held in St. May’s R. C. Utusrth. on >.nJa.y evening. At 6.30 o'clock a parade was formed at the C. M. B. A. hall, and over 250 members were in' line, including visitors Arorn Wat- erloo. Preston, New Hamburg, St. Agatha, Bado,-and St. Clcmcnts. The large miitiee was ‘crmidul to the doors. At steven o'clock! silemn 'TS- pcrsviere celebrated with Rev. P. Sobazak as the cclebrant. The jubilee sermon Was preached in Engligsh by Rev. R. Lehmann, of Mildmay, who .gave an eloquent historical sketch of the Church and its great work for the up- building cl sullcrin: humanity 'hroughottt the ages. The C. M. B. A. is astriking example of this work and he made an earnest appeal to all mcn calling themselves Catholics to become associatcd With IIN, order. After the jubilee service an open meeting was held m the C. Y. M. S. Hall. whith was largely attended try members and others. Rev. A. Fis- cher, President at No. 12, presided in an able manner, and interesting and eloquent addresses were delivered by the C. M. B. A., and Dr. Ryan, Mr. J. J. Behan, Grand Secretary at Grand. Medical Examiner, both at Kingston. Grand Secretary Behan heartily totrr,rtrtulated Lodge No. 12 upon this memorable occasion. He stated that the history ot the local lodge was the history of the C.M.B.A., as it was only a little over 25 years ago that the C.M.B.A. was organozed in Windsor, and “hile a quarter of T a crntury ago there were only twelve lodges there are new 450 with a membership ot over 21,000. He refer- red to the noble work that has been done by the Ord'r during these years rnd stated that its growth and use- tulncss has greatly exceeded the lond- est expectations ul its founders. The C'.NA.A, stood tor the elevation ot Catholic manhood, to tmate a closer brotherhood among them, to assist each other in the hour at necessity, to h'lp the widows and the orphans, and to sueeor those who fall in the The service closed with the benedic- lion by Rev. J., assisted by Revs. onman;, oi St. Agatha, W. Kloepicr and R. Sobazak. the chm-ti] Fania of (hy cunning and also a ttttvitae ll'nd ol $60.- 000. At an new! investigation be- 'ore the Royal ('mnmlssinn ih? t'.M. B.A, was commended upâ€: its PX- u-llml managrmrni. Every rlwlm has horn paid by "no ttrder and it has - appeared in court to settle any dlspulc regarding claims. lle congrat- ulated the local lodge upon tts grow- th and wished it continued sum-ms. tulncss has greatl: oat expectations I C.M.B.A. stood It Catholic manhood brotherhood amm each other in the to h'lp the widrw A Many vote of thanks was Orn- dorul to the- Grand omriats, at!" whirl: the meeting was dismissed. Mun the lip at a dog's "use is cold nntl moist, that dog I: not, sick. A'trvorish, dry none means sickness with . (lag. And " with the human lips. my rrnokrd, “a potortrrs tipe mean 'everlutrte.ns, mm! are as weft ill appearing. To have lmalllilul. pink, velvet-like lips, Apply at Wlirnc n mum: of Dr. Simon's Green Snlvr. " will sun"- Ind heal any skin ail- mm. Get n tur, trtal Inn ttt out More, and be convinced. Luge ntdwl “PM glu- Mrs, " can. " A. 0. Rachel's, Wttaeho, q--" , 0-. "are,', - In! bin-ID. m It . T «d . tehrrqs P-qui- .1'fffie'rt'd :qu 'hTiffl',1'lk'tt M9 the that. Tet. IN†the. each day. Does It and out good blood or had blood? You know, tor good blood is good heath: bad blood, bad health. And you know preclo'cly what to “to for bad bhod--Arer's Saroparilitt. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. if9Eiyfhiir1iiiFiiiG Xian.“ uoes I our Heart Beat Ionic-om! Von-bun mmmdm-um yen? t "..a-o-.--eeueeeae. ' In crder to save our subscribrrs the trouble of making two or more separate remittencts we have made special managements with the publishers by which we are enabled to offer the following pablie . ations in connection with the Chronicle-Telegrsph. for one year st s'pa cit-Hy low rates. A large number offer the bolsnce of the Jear free to new stslre.ribors. Special clubbing rates with all other Cons- 'lian end American newspapers and magazines quoted on application. ostrtieiemtletrroph and Weekly Globe uni Canadian M m , "ee-ee-ee cucucprmsoou 00“.. fi cheap Reading for 1907 Sch: . ootytymtygr"WmP'9mrBlBlBl8lBltWmrrrBmWimrBlBlBmWmWH; a In doing A .puusdid [whom the†days. The number cisuiU sold since the orenirg bu been most surprising. We wish to draw your atten- tion to the excellent my of plain Mack and blue cloth: we on show- ing. Buying thus direct from the English mills in full pieces, we on ahler to give you peers that cannot be approached by the ordinary lunch-m. tailor who burn in linglo suit lengths from o jobbog. There ii also an immense - of beautiful ' 10th: In the numerous coloring: sod patterns that. fashion pronounceo mort correct. Thornton a Douglas In . word. cut. cloth. co!or. all will be in harmony vogue. if you let us unto Tour nutullm clothes A SUITS. 'Is-lar-an ad 825. _ OVERCOATS, 81b-8'20 and 825. _ TROUSERS. $8-85 and " .And the gnu-outs we make up at than prices will be a thin! din-per than you ever MW hefore. You have more or less of it. We invite you to bring it to the _ help and convenience to you and by adding toit regu larly your balance should soon, without interest pay- ments, equal a years indome. An account may be com- mcnced with $1.00. THIS BANK has been in business for over half a century. Capital $3,500,000._ --- â€A _ Rascrvo over $1,000,000 Mratford Cnnlham GM. must urcmp'my ttll order! M Cltciiiatered [run or Express Order to Ordered _ Department ' (with prrlln'lum) ...... r.....-. ........ r............... Chronic1ePNleitraptt and Family Herald and \\‘evkl{' Bun- uim pruninm and "The Funk-r3 Manual ard alert may Guide" or .. Handy-llmnn Honk ". . . . . .. . . . .. . .... Chr ml le-Telegr-Iph Mn! Firmer'. A Jun-aka (Wally) . . . . ChrottiiNeirkptt an d Mnnlronl Weer tr Winn“. . . . . . . . Chmniq-lr-Tnlrgrnph Ind Farming World . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .' Uttrorthlei1rtrrrtpt? and \\'mlly Sun la farm journal) .... tmtortic1ect'ei.irrip1t and Gummy (it-nt‘rlm n .. . . .. . . .. . . . . (‘Immic'r- Ton-graph and Daily Globe t....r . ' . . .. .. . . . . .. 1',hrooiete-Toleirn8 uni 1%an Duly News... . .. . . . . . . . . crt"ortieioM'elrdretptt and Toton o Daily World ... . .. ...... 1'hroie.Trt.ttmptr and TWMy woot. . . . .. . . .. Uhmnlolc-Trlqrnph and Tomnm Daltr Mail . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ",hrontctr-'reteeriph and Toronto liver-mg Mail . . .. .. . . . . . . 1',ttronieh,'Neitrttptt and Toronto Daily Mar. . . . ... . .. . . . . Intron-te-TTI-ttttph and North' rn Mewsogrr. . .. . . . . . . . . . . Chronieie Teh graph and Canadian "angina" . . . . .. .. . . .... 1'trort'cte u't-lmnph And Toronto Hahn ny Nuht...... . . . Crttroolrtrv-T'ebttHtt, and The Montreal llo-rald. . .. .. _ ' . . . .. 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