0000 00003 Hmiltou, Aug. "-Ednn Merera, the teq-rear-old daughter at Mr. Mey- ers. Ryeltmu's Corners, met with a t terrible with! on Saturday alter- noon. She vu playing in the barn, Jrhmt her hit was caught by the shut. ot the windmill. Her entire are.» trom the nape ol the neck to the forehead and a large piece oi skin on the cheek were torn otr. About 10 o'clock she was put on the operating table. and doctors worked over her tor three hours. The lather ot the unlortiuiatc girl was present, and skin was taken trom his arm to grail on his daughter's head. Several patiestts in the hospital willingly al- lowed the doctors to take shin trout their arms as well tor that purpose. Doctors have some hope that the skin may graft on her head, and that she will recover. Over a year an Miss Olive Clem. this city, met with a similar accident. and. though the ei- torts oi doctors to gran skin on h!" held have been unsttccesiiNl, she Is otherwise in lair health. I f of Genuine Stransky Graniteware P _ . . Beginning August 28th' and Ending SATURDAY, September 8th. 1,200 pieces of Stransky Steel EnameIWare arriVed from' Germany this week F, have unpacked the lot and have it read! for your inspection in the Household Furnishing Depwtmerst. C This is Without a doubt the most beautiful Granitcware we have ever offered to our customers. Grey Granite inside with a rich brown coat. cmvring the outside. The handles on the mucepsnn. cm, are electrically welded and cannot come on". so much for the ware. To prove by actual use HOW MUCH BEI‘TER this enameled ware is than all others, the importers" arrangéd with us to sell. for a few days only. I g-quart Sauce Pans sr-Hr-r-test-ia-air-iii-rite-ii-i'.,] This would be a great snap in itself, but we made up our minds to go Strannky & Co. one better-LISTEN I head have been ii1Ji7isuii,' she Is The cotttiagration will uudnubkdly otherwise in fair health. . spread to Berlin. and people bv the tlhousand are making, rash promises - ---------p'"----- Ito abstain wholly mm beer rather TECHNICAL SCIIOCLK. ', than pay the enhanced prices. The - intarket value, both pt breweries and [public houses has risen since the in- Toronto, Aug. 31-3“ “my: It. (1035!! oi excise duty passed by the Lake, provincial tnspeetor or ttrchni. 'rh'ichstag. cal schools, has bis annual- report 5 -.--.-.-.._- ' ready lor the swan! attthutttics, and "tdit I0EAL sHAT'rFifir.'D. " will be given out in a day or m -: . in the torm ot a thirty-sts-pa s,e pam- "eileionta'me, Ohio, Aug. 37. - Al- plllet, Inspector Luke states that bert Firestine, a Logan county nun, the subjects ot manual training, serving a. srntt-nce in the tlluo Poni- household science and art hare lawn trntiary, atlvortised in a Toledo ma- very highly appreciated wherlcr "I trinwnial paper for a corrtspomlont, trodueed in the sthnols of Ontario and Miss Nellie Shunh oi "lorttttto, Mr, Leake intimates that the Gov, Canada. wrote to him. He said Lt: ornment will pay special attention to wax a. business man of mtans and the introduction of technical twining, high standing. Many letters wetet'X- into the public schools. (hanged and wedding arranzomgn-s “bran Draught-gm! Guardsmen “alumsâ€. TEN CENTS Mt PACKET FRO“ WATERLOO GRAN SKIN than». Girl's Scalp Tom " by Windmill and Undergoes l Operation. 1 ARCH DALE WILSON. A BUSHEL OF FLIES NlllhllliE BIG DAYS’ SPECIAL EVERY PIEGE l8 GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS. Wilson’s FLY iii,' PADS i'r',i',i,al ONE PACEEY HAS ACTUALLY KILLED 0N HEAD 0 V Mr. _ t; k' w', 'l' "'e_2, al WI. MI: , ---e----e --- --e---, 1llttBWctf,/5it1'sr1ef2 'tll- 9%500AETEP6 I KITCHEN WARE}; EL; rtigiia NUiiliii'iSi) - ifff,?iiiiit?giitii,iii 'l'lliN taruta' f. ONT. For the present the Btrht is largely coqttittmt to the brewer: 1nd publicaus. The brewers have tormiat a mug into which they are striving to sqm'l'Tp the entire trade. In a number ot im- portant loin. like Leipzic, Hallo. Erlurt. i'assel, Hanover, and Frank- Iurl the war wages merrily. New Dundee, Aug. 2h--Ermmt, the five-year-old daughter oi Gus. Hart- man, while picking apples mat the mill dam Ave, at about 7 p.m. lo- day, tell head first into the water and was drownmi. The body was rrcovct- rd in three hours. 1 Last may. the Imam; voted addition] duties on beer. The im- ‘positiu was must “.le, and resisted to the utmost by a large ttha- Jority ot the W, the members well known; that the consumers would have to my it rather than the brewers. Roughly, this cg". duty “mutate atrmtt three marks per bectolitre. What was Iota-4. has come to pass. The Brewers have this. ed their prim on an “can than! 5 marks, thus making an; ' clear profit at 3 marks per 1,000 titres, and the publicans now want to charge 5 trteunitts per glass extra, which makes an Addition of about tut) marks on L000 litres, or twenty tirnes as much‘ as they pay the breweries. i "eilehmtalne, Ohio, Aug. 37. - A.'- bert Firestine, a Logan county man, serving a. scum-mm in the Dino Poni- trntiary, atlvortised in a Toledo nia- Iriiuonial paper for a cortxspomlont, and Miss Nellie Shunh ot "lorcttto, Canada. wrote to him. He said t.e was a. business man ot mains and high standing. Many letters wetet'X- (hanged and wedding arraiaomgn's were made, bur leon- Firesiuw ttU', released the prison unitials unlined Miss Shank that tter ideal “Li a convict. with a long record. The wrdtiiug is ott' and Firestut" is' -ngry that the prison omcrals would interfere in his alrairs ct Ihe iteat't. Ho ins hem married twice. Iris tirst wife dying suddcnly. and In; suwond wife obtaining a divorce in his his! imprisonment. . Berlin. Aug. lip-‘31! the Get-lu- call ' "Birrerug" (he: in) In Molt- out in his: limit-u in the country at that“: to spread out the entire Fsthrlud. GERMS " PM this Grantfeware will Re- ceive a One-and-a Half Eygry Purchaser of a Single Piegl or More of quart Sauce Pan FREE. BROWNING ACCIDENT Wflek'ys’tw IORE FOR BEER M. WllEl©lHllllEllL, a, SOlhll Guelph Herald:: On Saturday even- in; two young men, strangers in this city, were arrested tor being ot- iensive to two young ladies on the street. It is alleged that they lol- towed the ym.ng ladies lor some dis- tance and more than once made ap- pruachrs. This morning they appear- rd beiore acting Magistrate Nelson. and were each (nod one dollar and costs. They gave their names as Lett- ing at Berlin and Miller or ft "'th. A branch of the Tcmisknmiug road rtwntly located. will be constructed near the new gold tie" belou long. The Railway Commission has decWd to cdvcrtise tor tenders tor the cen- xlruction at three branches in g tew days. One tive miles in length will run from Cobalt through the Gillies limit to be known as the Kerr Lake sec» ticn. Another will be hid troin En- glehart to Chatlton. a distance ol seven miles, and the third from Hail- eybnry to the wharf on Lake Tanis- kaming. . larets5f, (iold has bun smack in in" gul- tities in nonhu- Ontuio. with. to the "ttttor-timg receivod by It. Cecil B. Smith. thinn- ol the Temithatniste and Norman ammo Railway Comm-y. Mr. 8mm bu learned that g prospectot from Lex- ington. Kentucky, the itchy ihsder, has locum-d We preciou- meul in the Township of Pinyhir. not!) at the height ot land. All. about so mites distant trom New Liaheard. The sam- ples analyzed thawed at - ot about ttt ounces, or shout 88.000, to the Ion. In addition, the on carried silver to the mount ot About 400 ounces to the ton. The tind Ins made three or tour days ago. an is ex- ii/cies to draw 'n Iirite number of miners to the Imlitles u soon n it is known. Kentucky Pam Inke- Lucky Discovery to man: GOLD FIND " INSPIRED GUELPII LADIES Tang aEB:EE"iB:lECEaalth, [1333 NEW ONTARIO C mum. scum-um.- (None genuine without this was). This In our NteetaMr. We‘ve been n It nun, your: sad gain; he keep on longer. Fir t,'ltl"r, of work and alumnus of work. an. LNse, . turnout “3mm: all Can-d1. Iii)? 1.3%}??- 7GViiiiitGih" iriRiGiiiii." Construction is dune. unmet. “an 391541912999. nt'tttre, tuners-e- and with immense a my. hum and makes a the seed tti'. “an of III-mt. ht Itr%rter. Sold by on: “can. Puslinch Lake amrtespeWrr"rtiCe% timstes prepared by Engineer Davis, who eonNeted the survey. hue been in the hands of the Commissioners tor several weeks and the board are awaiting the receipt of the estimates tor the equipment below finally con- sidering the matter. “How atroiit financing he was asked. "Weil, I would favor the borrowing ot the money by the board and the city could guarantee the bonds. This would mean less liability for the city." It is understood that the cost of building the road will be close on to $160,000. The number of ties required will be 2.9040. and the quantity ot mils 1,054 tons. Ald. Lyon believes that a br-taw should be submitted to the people and when they see the reasonable iigum they will support the extension. "I hardly expect the road to my the interest on the coat for three years but, after that it will be self- supporting. _ , Guelph, Aug. 25.--Md. J. W. Lyon. President ot the Street RAIN†Com- mission, is most tttthutsiastie over the prospects ot extending the line to Phttlvtlh Dell: It. a. El. d lam, "L. at at Phltnilh'a "oH ion," a! Mr. J. K. Hutu . norm. - M! with It. a“ In. L later. Mr. Erb [on the but cl his only boyhood "e Puttaeitu, about to "In no, and this VON his In! visit to the early wt. Hm noted may ttta-r-some ot um â€yum at all lung 3:" hed It." paid from this any ot Iorldly - tiou and their only mum-Ito,“ :1 will. an in the Iontly emiseterr,l where they await the, 'old bots and} girls' rennin: in the wit-slid eitr.l Others ths were but youth: " ye.“ no had Bro%rt to aged mm. and but a " ot hi: piaymates at early days true yet in this neighborhood. but. his reunion with [use I'll a Very bappr amnion, and he indulged with them in my pleasant reminiscem o' tne past. Mr. J. K. Master 18.150 3 tormer resident ot Plaltsvllle, not is a cousin ot l. Master. T. E. BISSELL. ELDEA. OUT. WHtrrforBiit"W' I Iv',,)) LAKE EXIINSION. PLANSVILLE NEVIS. This Sale will last no longer than advertised, Sept. Sth. Tire have oftbred Bargains before, but we must say this beats them all. Think of it! A One-and-a-Balt' Quart. . _ Sauce Pan FREE with each purchase. the road.'" PRESERVING KETTLES In all Sizes. , M. WILDFANG, The Lot Includes WWW WWW COFFEE and TEA POTS In all Sim In Three Sizes. WASH BASINS SAUCE N NS LOW PRICES Sign of Gold Stan" _ BERLIN. I In Bil Sizes. ELMIRA PUDDING DISHES In .11 Sizes.