THE HORTON STAVELEG mum WASHER Paper, Envelopes. Pads, Papeterie, Visiting Cards Scribblers, Pens, Inks, Mucilage, Pencils, Rulers, Erasers, Etc.- Minute Books, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Ledgcra, Drawing Books. Exercise Books, ' Music Dictation Books. Heavy Twilled Turkey Red Hund- ketwhiem, 'tT', Aze. regular We. Push Price t UL... _..... ......“ Nockhia- in light. m 'diarn and dark colors. made of regular 3).: Sillâ€. huh Pr.ce.... ...... .... _..... .85 Odds and and: of Soft. and Stiff Felt Hus. regular 'l.00 to 2 GO, Push Price ...... ...... . .... ........e White [awn Hemttitched “matey; "ci'i‘e'tiacéc. 5c, ht turd.... ..... MI Pure Linen Handkerchiets at 15c. LT ttext to Sovereign Bank and Post omen, - - Berlin. Gtrarirttr tst.le of Men's Straw Hat" yuan; UUUUD. Illalll “WI It a'ie and 60c. each. all new styled, Thom me will many more spvciul but we will not carry any ova-.m all": thin ween at. this counwr. Biz here they 30, all rites and Mylo-p. Sale still on of Silks, Venotiuns. want: nom 76e to $2.50 each, at, 250 Brmdrmlhs. emu. special price: in and Mht. I Black 'ratre,ta at, 30e and tBe a ynd. Ladiea' fine Cotton Hose, in eolora of blast or tau. with very oentty 1-m- lmideted wqu. our regular aa, has this week per pair We. Marvellous Values. Gent's Counter The Berlin n the â€an the Market. A few ream 1m why ' I. " " made of Lonininv-u Cypress. T I tt In. no complicated gem mg. a. It is handsome and durable 4. " " the main-st. running umcliino on llw market. h. makes no difference whether youve from Berlin or not, we what to show you the extramdinury harm: " t, sutures this store offers this week. You'll tful pr'eest thr ughuut. our nature store (invsriab'y u law " the lowest) way b >Iow low waut m a k now. Seeing is believing. Call and convinog yourself. We have A large! mainly of new designs. â€notâ€: them the Red Riding Hood, Autumn heaven The Tennis Girl. Butteattr, ew., your choice 25c. Lwurre.u' Sui†Embroidered Collin-a, vpr_y 5mm, dcsigns, st each 26c, 35c Embroidered Cotton Hose, x9e THE BIG Mlllllil'8 NEWS. leaders for VOL so-tlo. 35 SEE OUR WINDOW w. H. LEESON, In; that. . . - . "ttes SOLE AGENT FOR WATERLOO COUNTY. The" “are opposite M. Fhl, & Co'.. King w,, " Tim It." - ' a m. Furnishing Bargains ' This Week PETER HYMMEN, Cushion Tops 25c Swiss Collars, 25c This Week’s Selling STATIONERY WINNING PRICES 42-44-46 King Street East PRICE $7.00 Mercantile Co. THE cfiRiyNlclldyTELE0RApfit l Nearly Everybody Will Come Boys' Short. Pants, double knee and seat. sizes 25 to " cheap at. I! SG. Push Price...... .... ........... .SEO Also a. good Knee Pants at.. . _ .. .490 M euU Won k Shirts, regular 7Ge,for Boo Striped Meu's Mole Ovemlls. "galar Borer' nice School Gap' at Me, BK IO pair Little Gent}. light. tan Bsv1.' Shoes. sizes 8 to 10h, our regula- 81 r, sped»! price pair We. Bast, Sire Dressing. reg me, for 17 ' the, wrst window, sliced pt. 15 pair Ldiea' Dongola Ox! ml patent. tip Shoes. Blucher can resum- saw, special price per pair 31.79. A'A pair Men’s Dongola Bau, Good- yt-u- walled. alt time, every pair trood are at $35). “my price per I†t' ' 9. l2 plir Boy's Don%ol| ehoeol It» Bal. shoes. regular 81 puma, 81 32' DRESS GOODS, main Mor Phone ND va. Jas. Dudgoon ot Berlin prcath~ NI :m the u. B. church on 'iutday. Thare Wl'l’l' n) services in th? Md M.nmniu- thunh on Sunday 6'cttnr' ‘owing to the inclenant weath t. Mr. and Mrs. Bcomer, i'resien Ipaid Mrs. Bonus B 'lricndly call last week. V _ I A large number oi lrimncl; of Mr. lend Mrs. Fred Kurchinski trom Guelph pleasantly surprised than at their home Saturday rvcning, 0n the oceasion of the birthdays pl L'r. Kur- chinski and Miss Bernice Kurch'nski. A very enjoyable time was spot by all present. Miss A.piichu' of “mum-r! an! Miss B. Taylor ot ttoettrsttt N. Y., who hare be": visiting ttt Naph- Nmir tor mm "m. lune remind to the fortret's home in "fluâ€"l'll, Vur'u. F. "ahstemt and Mash-m Hus- sel an! “Hutu-mend of Wan-ulna on Tigttttet' " It. (in. r. lack- Our school opened here Ins! Thurs- day with the new Inch". Mr. RM!- nrdson. ot Drunkard, in dune. N new tioor Ind new unis ttare new plant! In the school room during ttto nation, which hadnmnh-rmn‘y m "to tvttrartirem"ss at thr interior. 'Mm Mam-l "ttihwd [Honda in Hamilton. The sad mm: ot 1110 death M Chm. Ludwig of Bertin was rewind here last Friday. Mr. Lttdwig wax former- Iy a residual ot this place tor many yours. No is a brother ot Mt. AIM†Ludwig ot [his plum who. with hir Inmily. ntrndcd the lunorul at Brtibtt on Monday. .ulsuene Frsuksr, ot “min: her hind. Miss ly, this Trtk, -- h _ Successful 'gocia1..-s'rhe social held here on Tuesday, the Mth inst., was a grand sueeess. At one o'clock a parade took place to the hall grounds where a toot-ball game was played be- IWeen two local teams. Alter the match the parade re-lormed and pro- eeeded to the grounds adjoining the R. C. church, which had been put in proper shape for the occasion. Here there were many attractions tor the entertainment ot those present, and all spent a happy and enjoyable time, Dainty refreshments and other delica- cies were served in the Japanese tent, by tour young ladies, the Misses Ver- nle llergott, Rose Rosurtttslatt, Annie s'cttummer and Minnie Adams, who were gowned in pretty Japanese ens- tumes. Ziegler‘s orchestra, at Berlin furnished a good programme ut mu- sic. Labor Day,-Latror Day will be col- rhralod here with a baseball match at 2 p.m. and lootball at 6 pm. A siren: Waterloo team has been secur- rd who will oppose the locals in both contests. Mr. John Chtgttalz, ol Saskatn n. N111, paid, a short visit lo Albert. Ludwig and family my ThtTy!Ir. , Mr. Emil 'iseser paid a visit to St. Clements on Sunday. ___ Mr. ttttrt Mrs. Joseph L. “norm, John [int-1h? and' Mr. and Ins. And- row Kline twnewed old acquéintanu-s at St. Clements, Hawkesville and St. Agatha'. Mr. Bumm- was formerly a painting coulraclur in this village. Eight years ago he and his lamily moved to Mishawaka, ImL, gh"re they" met with good success. ms many Iriends were pleased to see their follow "citizen ol iotmer years, and trust to be again tavored with a visit ere long. _ -iiisV,Sehmidt, oi mtirtottr, Wis., niece of Rev. M. Halm, the local par- ish priest, is spending her vacation here. . Mr. Chas. Leyes of Mishawaka, Ind. spent the past two weeks' in St. Clements and iviclnlty. - Miss' Maggie Sullivan or Alpazza. Minn., visitmi relatives in St. Ctr- mculs and Hawk-swine during thy past wvek. "ire. an:1 Mrs. Frank Baum], Berlin, visitul here on Sunday and McteJa.v. Mr. and Mrs. It. Filry, llaysville. Mr. and Mrs. Von bran and daughter Lavina of Prrstrn, and Mr. Ted F1trhlichtrr ot Bvrtia were Sunday visi- tors at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Homer. Mrs. Sam Rollingcr of Berrn visit- od her brother, Mr. D. Raul-tel, on Sunday. - _ A _ ‘. odii. 3- few nth-rd d tlw baptismal services held in New Drndec on Sun- day. _ _ Iii. rsidatey Slum" and Miss Ebony visited on Sunday with the toruwr's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bratvy, [manag- h n, Miss Burnice Kurch'nski, Walvrhm, is summing a few days with her rar- this, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurchinski. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frank of Guelph renewed acquaintaies here Salulday and Sunday, Miss Annie Flt-gnu. who has born 3 guest at the home ot Mrs. Bonus for some lime past lett last week tor her home in Galcsburg. m. Mr. and Mrs. Alirmang spent Sun- day with triends in Waterloo. tlr. and Mrs. John Wilkie at El- mira, paid a business, visit to our burg on Saturday. _ __ l bin? iiikf NéiEHBBFs"; 'e0e.q0e0e0e0e0e0e0e.0e0e.--eet New: Notes Gathered by industrious éonupondenb In County and District. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 30. 1906 "All K r18 I' 11.1.15 ST. CLEMENTS BLOOMINGDALE. Kby, llaysvillc. t turewi, is Mmetts Shel- In mum; No you-n1 man should ttegtrrt M comm" the who that mum to I known-am- ot shorthand and trpe- writing. They are 1tteitinrphtg-strmes to the imprint position in It. - "It. ' . a" Mr. Mat-Milli“, Homestead Impre- lot, made . formal all in this My "M and spam Sunday tti E. N. Hull’man'x Mr, Betti. Brtrrrtt" and non Aden nl Drlord. Mich. who have hm spend: In; . welt km the gut-st ot Miss Louise Mayer. Mr. and Mrs. llcnf’y Suydrr' and children of Berlin visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Lchnen last SundaV. Mrs. Tucker mul' dattghier Alberta of Pillsbury, Pa, len, last Monday aim sponding several weeks with her sister Mrs. Jacob Schulz. With very lunlalnlr wruth‘r th, test two weeks, ImI-rrslinx has VP" advent-ml and the malanly of farm M: will "tistt running this wwk. Mr. A. lt. Winger In! Mr. Hersh) ten on Tuesday for ("Ronni poittitt tit Ion all" mung conduct"! . terles of numsslnl rcligloul the" lugs. Mrs. Fhnest Ware ist Detroit is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Ware at. pre- sent. _ Mr. Schietele ot St. Jacobs was among the visitors to our burg last week. The late Wm. ('lnss was born in Fluradalo in Jam. 1880. In 1806 he Wm! to t'artrerrr, Mam. and Inter to Prince Albert, Sum. where he lum- od his Iratlc as linsmilh. From (hue he wont to risk-van, tqask., wtwre ho worked at his trattr. A mother aml many Hit-mix and relatives "mum the loss ot a loving Wrtt and trirmd. Tlt, sympathy oi lhis mini-nanny is Ph'- lcndml lo the family in their sud'l‘n trrteavenumr. Wm. Class, a former Floradalc boy, dirt! in Estevan. Sash. He had an operation performed on himself and died in the hands at the operators. The remains were brought lo his home here by Mrs. Hy. Class of Car- berry, Manitoba, an aunt of his, The [moral service took place last Smur- day trom his former home to the Lu. lhvran "srnetrr.r. Rev. R. Eitert con- ducted the ceremony. Tho whinlv ot Hr thrrshing ongitw is already hard, Mr, John Tirhe tta.v. in: comm-MM on Tuesday: A, Mr. Almon Snider and sisters Mur- tha and Ida visitert friends in Win.. trrbourne last Sunny. _ A , A _ l Special sermons will he "reached in the Methodist church. luwkwylle. on Sunday. At the nm:ning survwe Rev. 1 A. A. Lytle ot Album, tornwrly ot Linwood, will spew, and m the ev- ening the pastor will preach, choose ing tor his subject, "t'ltrtst Wore I Pilate." Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knechtel and tamily at Berlin visited Mr. and Mrs. J._knetrhtel on Ptmhr. Mr. Charles Rot-hr ot Waterloo was a visitor to our town last week. 0mm...“ some still have oats and peas out, which were delayed some- what on account (may: tment rains. A few more .warm days and lurvest will be over anzl tall seeding in lull swing. Mr, Harry Hallman at Blair spun Sunday at his homo. Mr. and Mrs, Prong, ot Hrcslau vis- ited Friends in line vicinity on Sun- day. . Mr. McMull n of Oshawa, gmcral m mural the Western Bank, pan! a vist io the sillagw. Ccmpromise kiiewtmi.-.t meeting ot th? creditors ot th" Weneslcy Milling, to. was valltd Monday, which result- td in a compromise of 50 Cents on the dollar. A meeting ol the share- hnldors was afterwards held, al which it was d.-cid.d to u nlinui- run- nis, lhe'mill as usual, and all wheat and coarse grain ottered will be pur- chased by the Company. quite a. low of on farmers are through 'r/liuu"Alartvl'l"t', while Mr. Miehpel th‘or of Detroit. who has been visiting his patients tor several weeks, retained home ch Fri- day. . Quité a number oi the [armors in this vicinity have bern prevented from tinishing up their season's harvest on Account, ot the wet weather and a quantity ot oats and peas are still to he housed. . "in. I, w. Green, editor pt thi, si - ple Leaf, and his family, spent a tew days out ot town. Miss Florence Ptritwhhturr, who has been spending a week With friends up north, retutned home last Friday. . V The threshing, sewn-1 m In lull hint. The mlu and lea tram are well under way sud farmers an: mak. ing extensive preparations tor the seeding ot wheat. Min Viola Lac-Hun u! Elmira, in visiting Miss Gusme Lacetaer. ('RI-ISSMAN, SASK. FLOR;\DALE. MA.NNHEIM WELLESLEY. A ILIIAllIIIIL'QJM Drug!“ Where to tht Wedding bells ale resounding. John Kumph ot this village has récmily been united in the holy bonds of nut- rimony to Miss Blight of London. I Crnr,mtutat'mns are extended. Mr. Kumrh and his bride will probably occupy the dwelling reeeatly occupied by Mr. Gallagher and hunlly. . Preston, Aug. $7,-Prestr n ,otpd on two hy-luwu Ioday for srwr‘mu‘ mu Waterworks. Both mt‘aswrrs married. the tmuority int mtterwoi'is us 2.33 and 'ur sow-rug: 209, Railway work in this vicinity has been completed long.- ago, and the many foreign laces so ‘oltl-n sien here during the past year appear in our village no more. Summor hag not yet quite ended. bat there art'ssipttx ot its approaching dissolution. The t','t'/i"','ih'iil),til', ot life is hurrying on from ya ’n to sta- lion. The circling year has more than halt its revolution editm1etiW. Al- ready the tlelt9s took sore and bare. The trail. is last, ripening in the trees. More and than in the woodlands bril- liattt colorings ot rod and gold tur- m-nr. Autumn is not here, but the heightened clouds and rising winds' nnnounce its coming. Night with its' Mack mantle closes in outlet and earlier as the this go by. Happiness nnd joy, mirth and laughter, was? and plenty, all dwell in'tlic fume," home. His barns are almost bursting. with the lull harvest. “is granar‘y bins will hold no more. The sled clasp at his purse burst all when tui sold that last but herd oi cattle. Me an seartmty fad mic tor his abundant rcwnnrs. so he pulls dawn his barns and builds greatâ€: Thp sum-(ms of mu i-nuntry Ic-sts in the prospvrity ot the nnn My. till the soil. The farmers have had an unusually ditrtcult task in the harvesting of their grain this spasm: on account. ol lu, frequent recurrence ot rain. The cutting also was done under very dil- tieult conditions, as much ot it could be taktn only om, way. . The crop, however, itrthe main has been excel- lent, and root crops speeially ttttund- ant. The really busy season begins as soon as harvest is all in. Then the hurry ot the threshing work com- mrnccs anh root crops, tall ploughing and sugar beets give the humor no respite till the grouttd,Hreezes up. A Station Needed " West nou- omr'E "aISI aale roae.-A large [any deal. vlth eir- cul excursion to Guelph, ord enjoyed n'- manual“: ",'l,'lfel2; thuts “Emmi We have got 82 White Shirtwninls to sell and they must be told a??? ',tt,1"e 'aNtgtu. no nulls: what the price you. Following on the itatm--'1'lo price: When the train pulled up here at to do" and tlu, regular prices. Devitt'a crossing no less than any i people went aboard. The largo uni ble, 2 38 3 40143. It w..1m the "gull: price In: 100 elotsrirtg out ot business trom Winterboume, prlco.................. ................ .................. ..........75o Conestoga, Btoonmtzdate, Midtlle- t? Isl.“ o 32 1-38 I 40 "ttttlar pm. mu 1 25 clawing prlco...... tt 00 tenk and West Momma would all 7 val-n 3 32 2 4t 2 42. reg. prism wu CI 20, clearing price ...... 900 ttvia Guelph) pus through the medium 6 "in. 2-33 1-49 3 " reg price up» 1 " oleulng p:lco...... .. " '26 lo! . stallion 'et't'h1, ugliuglt to , Ibis village, on ll t o .P. . no _ llhorllies no at all awoke to their SILK WANTS best interests they will uol neglect We have 18 Sllk WIII'I In cream and black. Some no [at teat'. styles. l the ands at those tine agricultural Tho" ulna Inn an 39 go no untol- who: the prlo, u. . districts. " will “Thin†er them G Silk "In“. tWa, Pink. “In. The ohm an as fallor:- 3-32134 , {7:21 toth:,.""'" mu" station at I l M, "color nl In: prlco In 4 25 cloning price. . . . " .. . ... .. . ... . . .33 00 We regret to chronicle the rect demise ot Miss Friedman, who I been Aitticted with a, severe attack typhoid fever. The sympathy of 1 community is extended to thei reaved ones. Mr. Clem Bowman has rcccnlly cr- nctrd a substantial addition to his farm buildings, in the form of a com- nmdious structure, tor his; carriages and implcnunls. limb low, a .vahrlarvh'.tt graduate, deliver- eh a vigorous and able discourse in th lnu-r's Hing!†Wittterbourne, cn Srnday last. " West Mantras; School opened with a lair atlmtlancc considering the busy season. Mr. Martinson, a tanner teacher, visited friends in this section recent- ly. “M5 Man 9- id. It". A meeting of the FUrmvrs' Clult will be held on F'riday owning, 31st at August, uhz'n matters at consid- erable irttportrnee will be discussed. W. J, Lets“: has erected . lino blaeksmith's shop on his property in this village. There is a splendid on. mine here tor " energetic tradesman in that line, and profitable work is guaranteed. . Mr. James Howlett's residence is Dow m-atilu oomph-Hon and main-s om- more ftne addition to the nut-Iv s-Ibslanlial and comiorUble homes ot this township. Mrs, It. Boal has been called to Forest bv the ~""l‘lnl amiction at her tttother, Mrs. t Hangman, of For- est. Come hero for tho but, in Rubber In Rings. cor" all all“. Hauling In! Psi-ammo Wu ‘de Spica-c whole and mound. Tum and Curry Powder for plain". Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher and family an now taking their departure tor Toronto Junction. Mr. Wm. Gallagher, ot Knox Cor. BOTH HY-LAWS "A “RV WEST UDNTROSE. f Roan bar-me I tpp Dual recent , of the be- I...“ IIllIITII. tnghee. not!» who you. he! can - _ Ion lily-0m a.†SHIPPING Mtlll WANTED Ill BABE] Berlin, Bacon, New Dundee, Liwwood th. Jacobs, Mllvorton . THE HOME OF GOOD cto't%NG. i4 KING STREET"EAST - , . - a: S. SAUDER.’ &- CO. BUSY BERLIN’S BE$T CLOTHING STORE shun, 573mm." CO'dN'ctTittLtg i-CHOfDL SHOW! FOR THE ' W Y! AND GUNS. Our Sexual "at". will rand tttrr, rout..", both and huh! kirk-1 “In: an) mum! to waive 8h es that cumin» the panam'l denim tor w-a‘ wj b the trtdaltett'aiasa of lot-kl. ' . Ever pair roads upon haunr, zond work In nahtp ILd to M umber trvat bed to too. Pam: 357. THE "BEST School Shoes The School Shots (rat-Man nga‘n '. Part torn» com u new: Tunadsy an! with it re neg the dotttutd hr /ti,r-,f)ri...;,,,,i",jj, W! have 18 Silk Walt. in ovum and black. Some are [at teat'. nylon. Those an Inn an. 5? go no unmet win: the prim u. . G Silk "In“. lemk, Pink. “in. The law no as Mlorz- 3-32 1 34 l M, vocal" ul In]: price In 4 25 cloning price. . . . " .. . ... .. . ... . . .33 00 4 am; Wain. 1-3tir30, regular price In 5 00 clearluz price. . _ . .. 33.26 - 2 silk Wnlou l 3t l M, regular price In 3 00 during price. . -_.. w'.?, 25 1 Cream and Black Laure "we, regain price 1 00, clearing price.. 750 South side King Street. "5-32 2 38 3 40143. It w..1m tho "an!" price In: 100 (snugly. pr o.................. .................................. .......... t? Isl“. o 32 1-38 I 40 remain: pm. um I 25 during price...... " 00 7 val-n 3 T?, 2 4t 2 42. reg. price In 8l 20, ole-ring price ...... 900 G val-u 2-33 1-49 3 " reg price In 1 " cloning p:ico...... .. " '26 Our Men's, Youth's and Children's Suits have " style. that grips the fancy and holds tos1hu. cud of season. , See the value We're giving in Men's, Youth's and _ Children's Clothing. Compare quality. style and texture with the best you ever saw at that price. Ifanyone understands the whole an and possibilities oi the clothing business, we dc. ' The Sovereign Bank of Canada Foreign Banking Service ar In I'll-NI. Olvnul ommm VIC Ill. VIII. VI... A m! Shirt Waist Sale Cash only. One Price. Chang; Gash Store. SMYTH BROS. The Extensive Ford'- connections ol The Sovereign Bank ol Canada give 1atperters, Exporters all Mammal-s excepueul 'lsdlllles he the quick and sallsladory - cl lore/In business. TWic and Cable Magenta cllM fl Me our 4; Letter, of Credit and Travel!†mu tlssred--tbqtxtNe "Jam", Drafts and and (dim: and: a! best rafts, Any Chrorticte' fender or or": do sirous of hating views ot Mt "sh dense: or have any picllm they "link would be. ot interest appear In the Souvenir would run!" tt [not " with; tht, once " once. as the “no is getting "on†um! the well M "I! nun-I. _ THE CHRONICLE“ WHOLE NUMBER 3002 t'ttiMi-cicNTENt0Ato BERLIN BERLIN