s td TVCC TCTe 1073 atered, All sold to Lovell & Christmas at lterpool, Ang. T.â€"Whtâ€"s nominâ€" #l; futures dull; Sept., d« .-c-.-.f;"'m., Ge 4%44: March nominal. Corn â€" Spot quniet: American mixed, old 48 ®!50; futures qulet; Sept., 4s 6Â¥4; Dec.. 42 flM- ‘| ln&d--l‘mn wostern in tisrees steady, :'l:“’; American refised in pails, 45s 64. T rpentineâ€"Eplelt« steady, 47« N. Etrling. Ave. 7.â€"There were T23 boxes d' em,:bm; all sold to Hodgson Bros, ‘ a 2. s f m $ ï¬-fle!l_f'm Ang. 7.â€"There were 1073 Crainâ€" Wih at, spring. \linsh Wheat, fah. bush. .. Wheat. red, bush. . W beat, goose, bush, . Bartery, bush........ Onts, ‘bush .....//. Rye, bush Pess#s, bush.......]}] LIVERPOOL GRAIN L EC .. DCC, / M New York wve es eu ues TM% 8% 8 DTRA ++ sssss is res IMe . +so. f 8t. . Lonls voeiae ca s C 1% T Minnespota ....l... T5} TX Toleds _. . verueas iess TB T6 8 Dinfultie +8 yxss 6i 54 Toh 0 1954 0 9 ToRroNnTo Propuce MARKET At Winnipeg option market today the fellowing were the closing wheat quotaâ€" Lems: Aug., T5%¢e bid; Oct.,*72%e; Dec., THlGe hA F t Cmory uo on eenert tey *C Jower than Friday and corn futures unâ€" cbrrged. At Chicago Sept. wheat closed !4¢ highâ€" er than yesterday; Sept. corn !;c lower and Sept. cats unchanged. i )7 tncthiiiiadt s intifintind diflctites . it . 15 90 2 T1!§e bid. LEADING whEaAT MARKETS. Liverpoo|! Wheat Futures Close . Lower, Chicago Higherâ€"Live Stock Marâ€" ketsâ€"The Latest Quotations. RKlahs.â€"At the Berlinâ€"Waterloo Hosâ€" pital, Aug. 3rd, Jacob Klahs, aged 25 years. . Heimbecker.â€"At New York City, July 31st, Henry Heimbecker, eldâ€" est son of the late Geo. Heimbeckâ€" er, anh brother of Miss Mary Heimâ€" becker, of Waterloo. Ottmann.â€"At Wellesley, July 30th, Chas. Ottmann, eldest son of Chas F. Ottmann, aged 27 years. Herres.â€"At Detroit, Mich., July 28, Clara Kaiscr, wife of the late John Herres, of St. Agatha, aged | 78 years. Hartman.â€"At New Hamburg, July 290th, Mary Theresia,daughter â€"of . Mrs. August Hartman, aged 11 years and 10 days. Fisher.â€"In North Easthope, July 27, Mrs. ~J. D. Fisher, of Amulree, daughter of Wm. Patterson. Bleich.â€"At Hespeler, July 21th, Edâ€" ward Harold Bleich, infant son of Frederick: Bleich, aged 2 years, i months and 13 days. I ROERIAPOTRIE NO nc Aohiczes ds it d 4.4 2 _S. Spurrell, of Gladstone, to Ethel H. Hill, of Berlin, Zinkann-Picpor.â€";\t Morden, _ Man., Milton Zinkann of Berlin to Anna Elizabeth Picper of Morden. Bialkowskiâ€"Baumann. â€" At Berlin, July 31ist, by Rev. W. Kloepfer. Leo. Bialkowski of Berlin to Laura Baumann of Watcrloo. y Yacgerâ€"Gillies.â€"At Preston, July 31, at the R. C. church, John Yacger of _ Buflalo, to Amelia Gillies of Preston. j &4 Graberâ€"Wisdom.â€"A t Berlin,. Aug. 1st, at the home of the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wisdom, nby Rev. W. A. Bradley, Will Graber t« Edith Wisdom. ‘ Mosserâ€"Evans.â€"At St. Mary‘s R. C church, Berlin, July 31st, by Rc‘\’.l Father Jos. Schweitzer, Edward Kiahs.â€"At Tuesday Evening, Aug. 7. Liverpool whoat futures _ closed toâ€"day i W ues use eeurly t C e Spurrellâ€"Hill.â€"At Berlin, July 21th t uee m liccccas PAPontcdts Snyder.â€"At Waterloo, July 31st, te Mr. and Mrs. Ira Snyder, a son. Quirmbach.â€"At Metrose, Minn., Aug. Ist, to Mr. end Mrs. F. Wm. Quirm bach, a daughter. Knecel.â€"At Mannheim, July 16th, to Mr.â€" and Mrs. J. Knechtel, ~a daughter. Kipper.â€"At Berlin, July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kipper a daugh ter. Gateman.â€"At Berlin, July 25th, ‘t« Mr. and Mrs. Leander Gateman, ; daughter. Ferrier.â€"At Berlin, . July 25th, t« Mr. and Mrs. Silas Ferrier, _ s daughter. Hinsberger.â€"A t Berlin, July 28th, t« Mr. and Mrs. S. Hinsberger, a son Dudgeon.â€"At Berlin, July 29th, t Mr. and Mrs. (Jas. Dudgeon, _ ; daughter. Otterbein.â€"Near Mannheim, July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Otterbein; : daughter. Lennox.â€"At New Hamburg, July 28, to Mr. and Mrs: John Lennox, ; daughter. Hohi.â€"At Lisbon, July 26th, to Mr and Mrs. Hy. Hohl, a son. Diehl.â€"At Tavistock, July. 30th, t« Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dichl, a daugh ter. White.â€"At Galt, July 30th, to Mr and Mrs. Wm. White, a son. Lundy.â€"At St. Cloude, Man., July A15th, Mrs. A. Myrat, daughter _ o C. R. Lundy, formerly photograph Mosser, to Elenora Evans ‘The honest construction ug.rd tim»â€"keeping qualities of mal Watches are tuaoir most attractive points. ‘Taey are built with so muct sccursey, by means of the decima system, that they can never vary th: emailest fraction of a mill:metre Cooâ€" sequence is, they keop such gzood time and give such grod satiefaction that i: is a pleasure r us to sell them. et at Berlin DECIMAL POINTS We would like to explain to yor MARKET REPORTTs. THE WATCH HoUSsE. JANSEN BROS. WINNIPEG oPTioNns. spring. Imsh....$0 S to $ fat, | bush....,, 0 81 # red, lv_vn-hA. si%.% 0 1 \ MARRIAG DEATHS. BIRTHS. Rept T4 AND PRODUCE King $8t., Berlin. 0 ES 41 73 ol Dec, _ May. N% 5% 0 52 i T81g 80% T8k% RHMHMAIHAD : cb is hss d _2 ’ (mnmvuoï¬:.flndlho bert farm land. On it is a good 'mll-!.wmo brick kitchen attached; mlâ€"o a large bank barn. Excel ent 'w.:llnldum. 0n;’-=n"m’;=l:ï¬. Fencea Hix sores of ge it iwood busb, For terma and other u&:-::&. app‘y to HENRY SCHAEFER 321mo Erbevills P. 0. Farm For Sale information, regarding good farm for sa‘e. with goed title, pm:'nn neat Wate loo, Give price ard discrtption and character of abil. Also state when possess! n can be had. ?vnm only, need an<wer State how far rom town, and menti n impmsroms.ta, Address: = W, C. CUNNISAH AM, Audru« 16,dg Minneay olls, Minn Fuaneral Director and Embalmer Waterloo‘ Ont. ‘Telepbone at Reâ€" idence Young St. South 255, at store 27â€" J. K SHINN information Export Cattle ........ Surchera‘ Cattle ..... TIOUY eesssssese aseeee Dried Apples ........ Hogs, live............ Hay, per ton straw, por ton........ Wood, per cord ...... Potatoss, per bag ... Sutter, Bor Ib . _._"*~__ Micdlings, per ton .... Butter, per lb ........ _E“!, per dO8:..:....« PNRâ€",COw®, $2.55 to $4.70; heifers, $2.80 to $5.35; bulls, $2 to $4.50; calves, $3 to 36._75: ltgc_ker.n !nd‘r_u_-c.!gn. .sz,go to $4.25.. 2° _ D Site calves sold at $1.50 to $6.36 per 100 lbs.; state yearlings and grassers (mized) at 25¢; city dressed veals in fair «lcmand at Oe to 12¢ per 1b.; country dress ed at 5¢ to 10c. Sheep and lambsâ€"llecelpt._ 4165; mar ket rather slow, but steady; several cars u: sold; common to prime sbheep, $3 to $5; fow choice . at $5.25; â€" common to prime lambs, $6 to $8.25, logsâ€"Receipts, 1208; feeling steady. CHICAGO Live STOCK. Chicago, Ang. 7.â€"(’lttleâ€"nmlpta, 4500; steady; common to prime steers, â€" $3.00 to $6.60; cows, $2.85 to $4.70; heifers, $2.80 to $5.35; bulls, $2 to $4.50; calves: £2 to Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy New York, Aug. 7.â€"Beevesâ€"Receipts 380; no trading; feeling weak jor common cattle; dressed beef slow and unchanged : ;:.por(l. 9000 cattle and 3806 quarters . of ef. Calvesâ€"Receipte, 160 head, 82 on sale; fe>ling steady; no veals ofered; Kentucky and Virginia calves sold at $4.50 to $8 %¢ EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET Eist Buffalo, Aug. 7.â€"Cattleâ€"Receipts, 170 head; slow and easier; prices un changed. Vealsâ€"Receipts, 125 head; slow and 25¢ loner; $4 to $7.25. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 2100 head; active; light weights, lc to 10c lower; others stea ly; heavy, $6.75 to $6.90; mixed and Yorkers. $6.90 to $6.95; pigs and light Yorkers, $6.95 Ja eeu e 7 Pn C SOOTT 2OE P77 nlu-fp 3 Deliveries light l_n-d-;-ril"'l steady at un changed quotations. Mr. Harris «quotes se lects $7.65 and light fats at $7.40 per ewt It has often saved life befcre medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can ou afford to risk so much for so lnle> ~BUY IT NOW. F DT PDOPPIC PVP POTRE L:+mbs sold at $6 to $6.25 and one plck »d lot was reported at $6.50, but the bulk sold at $6 per ewt. ‘The quality of the bulk of the lambs was not good, too many skinny, light 'dg‘_hu. that ought to be on the grass for P oe sns weeks to come It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. : L It hubeen prescribed by phyâ€" L2 _ Gu0c) Dest fecders, 600 to 800 Ibs.. at :‘:’."â€":: to $3.00; common stockers, $2.25 to 4. d ds Milch Cows, About 15 milch cows were offered and sold at $28 to $5% each. Veal Calves, Deliveries light, but prices firm at $5 to $6 per ewt. for the bulk; commeon, inferior calves sold as low as $3.50 to $4 per ewt. and prime new nmillkâ€"fed veals as high as $6.50 per ewt. many years and know its value. Sbcep are firn nâ€"tâ€"a..â€™ï¬ p'r-('-'t. for exâ€" port ewes and $3.50 to $3.75 for bucks. by dealers who have sold it for Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or Lendon, Aug. 7.â€"Cattle are L.‘m‘ at 1*%e to 12¢ per Ib.; Mflï¬lnl.t , OÂ¥e per lb.; sheep, dressed, lic to 16¢ per Ib. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Toronto, Aug. 7.â€"Receipts of live stock at the city markets since last Friday as reported by the railways amounted to 50 car loads, composed oll i99 cattle, 310 hogs, 799 sheep and lambs, with 75 calves. Exporters, None were on sale and none wanted. * Butchers. Only _ a _ Kmited number was oÂ¥fered. Trade was slow and prices about the same as at the Junction on Monday. . Prices ranged from $4.25 to $4.40 for the best buichers; medium mixed sold at $3.75 to §$4; cows at $2.50 to $3.50 per ewt. Feeders and Stockers, There was little doing in stockers and feeders, dealers reporting little or no deâ€" mund. _ I‘rices nominal as follows: Best feeders, 900 to 10% lbs., $3.80 to $4. per «wt.; best feeders, 800 to 900 jbs, at $3.60 to $2.85; best fecders, 600 to 800 Ibs.. at :".;_': to $3.00; common stockers, $2.25 to 2. d ds Chamberlain‘s CATTLE MARKETsS Cables Steadyâ€"Light Weight Hogs prices; Kew York, Aug. 'l.,â€".“-_'.-â€"’ -“"; r&um creamery, ZZ¢ to Z2}4e; re {""’â€"M- unchanged; receipt Â¥zgsâ€"Dull and unsettled; no chai Waterloo, Ont. Aug. 9th . NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. WATERLOO MARKETS s sold at $6 to $6.25 and one pick»d reported at $6.50, but the bulk soid at some WAMNTED time during the 18.90 22 00 4.50 9 50 .19 A7 .10 Ont, Waterloo August ith, 1908, 18 00 23.0¢ JP 17 .10 Fifteen on the cast +ide of water Sueot ao cording to Jacon v. amt Khas Smders sare Teainiy ooo si tioieinnt dinene m d ‘Fm hotol, a largo stable and other outâ€" i1dings. Trnva or Sii®.â€" 10 cent. in cash 0+ the of the nm; within one mm!“l"mï¬:,.. ';:: "'I 1 to sold aubject to existing lease, t c ied . B. + . , or to undersigned. * JoenrH M«cKes. . McBaro® & Furmtort. Proberit boure compomet ot tox amg, it properts being composed of Lot Number "r'.-v-lln!m side of King Street and Lot hams L13 20â€" 10007 Aing Street The administrator of the _ estate of Phijip Krafft, decensed, will «ffef fo: usegrfl-.c m‘n-t the promise= in the Town at .i« OoF Valuable Hotel Property in the Town of Wateloo. ADMINISTRATOR‘s SALE %A NUMSER UNLIMIiTEO. W‘gher market price paid. Load every wecond Menday. Kext shipment Aug 13. SHIPPING HOGS WANTED IX BADEN â€"Theâ€"work â€"is clean andâ€"theâ€" wage: good. Apply at once to the Wil liams, Greene & Rome Co. 21â€"3t, d&w. W. G. & R. CO. WANTS 10 GIRLS Thursday, August 30th, 1906, Putlic School Inspector‘s Office, Berlin, July 24th, 1906. Only those who will be 18 years of age before the close of the term . will 1e admitted. Applications for admission must be made to the Inspector or the Prinâ€" cipal, Mr. J. Suddaby, not later than August 25th. The Berlin Model School will open for the training of Third Class Teachâ€" TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4th, 1906, ISIDOR B. SNYDER, Office American Block, Berlin. in the rich district of Cobalt First issue over subscribed by hals a million, 250,000 at ares now of: fered at 25¢ which are mostly sold. This is a gilt edge proposition. Information cheerfully given. SILVER LEAF HOKSE SHOEING as ueval. I»m iwoted as a practical man on interâ€" (~ring aud tei der fees. Cing St., cast of Scott St ,Berlin Get your tires set en the Hendersop [ire meiter. 1. sets them cold; it does be work in a fow minu:e:; it keeps he diâ€"k <f the wleel jist iight. N« uore guesework. Hallman‘s Bookstore Queen Stroct, Opposite Â¥. M C A. BERL!M, ONTâ€" COUNTY MODEL SCHOOL. STEPEN‘S best FOUNTAIN FEN INK, put up in bettles with fillers in woedn case. This is conveniâ€" ent to cairy alorg in travelling. Always ready for use; 25¢. Call and see our line«. The EAGLE "FLASH" is something new in the line of Fountain Pens. It is an instantaneous filler .and is becomiog quite popular, These three styles are high clean pens. If you desive a cheap line,â€" wao have them in stock. They are good for the price. Auctioneer MOORF‘S NONLEAKABLE Fountâ€" Teee han fee uit patpobes" Pr ues a for all purposes. not l!:k. You can let it lie on your desk for months with ink in it ard when you take it up it is ready to write with. Carry it in your pocket in any shape and it wili not leak, We also carry in stock the LUCKY CURVE, or PARKER‘S Fountain Pen. This is a gcod pen for genâ€" If you need a Fountain Pen do not purchase until you have seen our We carry the best line. FOUNTAIN PENS eral use. "\\'".'e'-‘."uSaT‘.?' as a fiist class pen. 4 A. C. THOMAN THOMUAS PEARCE, at 9 o‘clock a.m. . Vendors‘ 8 -l‘-n. dâ€"ftâ€"wâ€"it. Inspector Real Estate monthly if you are interested in the Purchase or Exchange of Real Estate, â€" It describes Hundreds of choice properties. fal We Want You to Read Our 30 3t. One way second class tickets will be sold to Winni 17. Rom'n:sun ;arn::rl-,it‘-m"l':rd by lmlw't.s: mmnuhcmn Governments, will meet m.n.ffl . Free tion will be furnished at Winni to points where laborers are needed. . . Aougm:hmmd -u:'-::.en h«?:rmd-u this e:ru'flmt:!::hn executed gumth & S6cond class ticket back to starting point in Oniario, at $1800, nricn in ov. 1906. bo issued to well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to ekele y‘ oed Shiy on spooint Farm Taborers trainx"" feemed af nail fase ; elflhc-.. full particulars see nearcat C.P. R. ticket agent, or t PR T Gchin Tads Ainiatini roimmbuniaieill :B3 204 4 enE nEt OC Toronto. T 6 me, m 17 Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. AUGC. 22 srom all points Toronto and east to and inc 31 3mes us Yor the addifional for the return ticket, 100. ;lz-.on‘mp. slauwmnm â€"â€"GOING DaTmgâ€" AUG. 14 glations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including oronto. A number of Registered "horthorn= cf difâ€" ferent age aud sex, also a white York swinc. TrRMs Kasy G. BETTSCHEN Box I1t New Dundee. Ont an qss s 21â€" tt Hospita‘, also honcemaid. Anpiy av Hcspital w, M. CRAM. There is no other Thera i« no other real ortate waguine 5 tshad in ansh complate fyrm. If, after a mflm. you find nflm-q‘rn :‘-nt. m’-‘v.rnto to find wl-:hm do wart. stvm naye ml aond hok thins pronat ies e have on mied: ‘® w 7 w0 «Th . im 0‘ J1s :. Laght Soil, reod Muildiny®: Watrrioe ?:';-M.. ** is M Yay Joam, Level leatey To wnt }fl " O 16 00" Rultabls for Marketing msar Galt â€" must be capable. Small family, Gocd wages. Apply at this oftice, 24â€"1 mo. Pure bred, large, English Berkshire Pig irum 6 weeks to 3 munths ul . Apply to C. B. RICKEERT, lyt AMannbeim P, 0. Ont. ~apacâ€"ty ©50 gal. each and many uther articles loolnn'n'nmu to"menticn, TERMS CASH. mNo reserve as the propiictress is leaving win. Office Frederick Stroot. hadroom suite (new) bedroom suile good as new, ron becstead with Mattrees and spring», extensio~ dining room table wich 6 chairs to mat h, parlr tabl , couch, 5 mk‘n{"eln'n .:lmhutl.. :Icw.’hllo?: table, -Ink’ corm. luk:: ‘gh chair, 2 wash tu~s, barrel, 2 forks, a lot diâ€"hes, eracks and jars, a number of e@g tube, Saturday, August 11th, 1906 at 2a‘ lno'khr-.: m .:":::. lolhwlr["v:tuhlf M‘d‘::wm‘:;llp,(no_\rir, M;;osglu_ ln:‘(r' :l' S1â€" *A aveggsem ... M o nirackes uct % _ _ PETEKR #, SCHUMMER, Clerk, Cook and Laurdress at Berlin & Waterloo There will b: sold by Public Auction on the premises of Fred. Maiie.l i1 he Village of St. Clements 03 Mosboro _ 6.55 * $1.2%5 Children under 12 years half fare. Arrlvlng at Falls 10.10 a, m. â€" Reâ€" turning Special leaves !’n& at 8.30 m. p-All t‘ckets good to return on any regular trains Monday, Aug. 13th, E. M 8. Band will be in attendance. J.$. Weichel, â€" C.N. Klinck, Household Furniture, Etc. BREEDING STOCK FOR SALE by Special G. T. R. Train, leaving :â€" Saturday, Aug. 11, Niagara Falls Auction Sale HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Notice to Trespassers under the auspices of the | I Elmira Musical Society WANTED 194 152 Tunction and Taeai, ... ay _ "yClW «4Ons north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Ki:fston,nnd north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions. 13th, Annual | SWWWMM““‘) XCUuUrSsiOn $12 For Sale Clay Lowm . r;v'('mnn"' poration of Rerlin, andy and cn". 1, wa Building«, W oolwich Townstip. (Mdlnm cn'; _ m y u?:-o T::n.ib. (m }:m very chive in Waterloo Township. F. E. Shantz & Co full particulars see nearest C.P. R. ticket agen vm&'a' B. Foster, D. P. A., c.b'.‘h., Toronto. IRVIN HALLMAN KLDON HALLMAN OF To Manitoba and Saskatchewan ion : SOUVENIRS O posite Market. Berlin On. $1.8% $1.35 $1.15 $18 ._Farm for Sale CHAS. MAYER, Prop. Rates for funerals and weddings furnished on application. Prices rea onable. Stable back of Zimmermanno House, Waterloo. The undersigned wishes to anâ€" nounce to the Public that he has purchased the Livery Business of Mr. Levi Graybill, Waterloo. He will be pleased to see all old customers as well as many new oms, and will endeavor to serve them to the best of his ability. hoi o oenent ae raaP Gerirmas Ans & i2 lul 5/ & selling the v¢rÂ¥ best in the bu iness. K.ta lished nearly thirty years. For ful‘ terms and conditions write, PELHAM NURSERY Co , Toronto. Ont. od 1 zs Â¥ e have over 600 acres under cu‘tivation and offer tor sale a very large list of both fruit and ornamental »tock including many epecia ties which we conwol in both fruits and ornamentâ€" «1s ock. Our nurseries aresnch that any agent representing us w.ll have the opportu ity of ahrub , climb ng vines, ruses, etc Terms liberâ€" al +aâ€"h paid weekly Outfit FREK Th ag noy iu‘- guod one and wiil pay weil if righ.â€" Smart, roliahle man to reprerert us in the towna of Waterlvo and 6 riin and a a» V cioiâ€" For work on rower sewing machines in knitting mill, Clean, steady work and good wagee. Apply WATSON MFG. CO, LimiteJ. in S Pariâ€", Ont. Head, townsh‘p of Wilmot, , Ander coltiv, ban k i::l." TAKE NOTICE The undersigned sale ‘rt of ; 34â€" beip€aet no‘r J Rent t raf | Township of Wilmot o Erb‘s read? 1 tailes | east of 8t Agatha, and 3} miles west of Waterâ€" .l‘:ncll‘-lhil::nâ€umhudv.odb-.}‘. !r.a.."""....l..‘!?l._“'.!'_..."&".',‘, the balance ©8â€"2 mos, The u ishes to arn~ to the ponily tst Rethast memer i9 "Tiaâ€" unce 49, tee nes from his late stand opposite the Fn.ndg King streat. to his new quarters on Krb . Phoclug and‘ jobbing ‘a s ectaity; " 4n work & + guaranteed. _ A ..'if is Jlnllell. ED. BHANTZ, i "27°°â€" "Aierio and 6: riin and a so V cioiâ€" . for the a: le of fruit trees, ornamental trees, uade2o0f2vS¢ maple bush) and the bals under it is a f: house n:_l!‘!_h;:‘,"_Nc_u no..oo'- :nl ’d-l.ni-. Fishinz or *respassirg for fishine is rbidd n on Lot No. 5 and part of Lot No. 2 :-" c:nend‘fll._lg_n;l_h_‘,nrmlh of Huson ‘CGIRLS WANTED. NOTICE 100r arounp China Hall, Berlin â€" WANTED OVER 600 ACRES. PA NOTICE apply <n the premises, J. C. HALLMAN. Waterloo. and baiance under wood state of enltivation, tm it i= gand frame house and bank barn and othâ€"r cutbulldings Good well at houre and :;‘Q'â€". EC “‘_ \ 'dm%nmhf-. g:"t apply to or write Boys‘ Norfolk Suits, sizes 5 to 30, just the thing for vacation wear, mudeofnl'l' wool m&v;’sh, cmfug ut together, were ind 19 sule price 2.9 Farm for Sale _ Men‘s Suits made of 1 lue an d black 20 ounce worsted. single _ breasted models, were $12.00 7 95 clearing sale price Sat. * Men‘s Suits, including all fine cloths in tweeds, fancy worsteds, roats have br: ad shapely shoulders, hand fiiled collars, ceep centre vente, trousers cut in the fashionable peg top style, were $14.to $16, Clearing Sale 6 95 Price Saturday â€" 75 Men‘s twer d ruite. single breasted, in str.pes and checke, beautifully and -lrongly_}mi&. ;:-llkl!:u;d. always aold we‘l at $7, s c ng sale price dnlurdny 3.95 Men‘s tweed pants, made of durabl® mg'n iu;ls. bt.iylidél.y cu;, were 2.00 and 2:25, sale price Saturday o o 1.49 | Money Saving Chances ® 8i unted 1 mile we«r of Mannkeim, consistâ€" mo’?fl norea«f which 2 mores is good bush nd baiance under wood state of enltivation, _â€"___ _ Here are some random selections active selling every minute of the day. The interest in this great sale increases cause more people know of itâ€"know that it portant merchandising event of the summer. For Men From ions at the 8. R. Ernst & CGo. w "C" THSOH NY UOWOR 1 15 only Child‘s Brownie Wash reg. price 25¢ at Men‘s Flannelette Night Shirts, stock reg. price 25¢, reg. price 75¢ at 540 price 4 for Men‘s Summer Suits, Men‘s and Boys‘ Summer Coats Hats, Belts, etc., etc., at cost and below. BOY3Y SUITSâ€" 6.00 Boysa‘ 3 piece Suits at MEN‘S PAN 18â€" 3.50 Men‘s Pants xt Real opportunity like this knocks at your door but once during the Summer Season. Don‘t overlook it. We‘re clear. ing our stock to get in readiâ€" ness for Fall and Winter trade. We can use the money but not the stock. We‘ve pinched our prices as much as it is possible to pinch them. â€" Read just to get an idea of what we‘re doing here. MEX‘3 SULTSâ€" $18 00 Men‘s Sui‘n at 14.00 64 Here‘s Your CGolden Opportunity A Saving Opportunity. Would you like to get a good Suit of Clothes. a pair of Trousers, a Suit for the Boy, a New Hat or anything in the Toggery line, and to buy it for much less than it‘s worth. If you would A 15 Days‘ CGreat Summer Sale. 1v.00 All kinds, cheap Don‘t forge?;’onr friends. 310 2 5J NA Clearance Sale CLOTHING 64 64 66 64 There‘s Money In It For You At Strasser‘ 66 66 «6 & Saturday‘s Big List of Attract $14 00 10 50 215 1415 275 bush, balance under good state Un it i« a good brick house a sinughter Whune ans ul siher fitnated ? miles west of Waterics Histing of 112 acre« of which & aores if" We qi ces 0 9e e peeeceey Th hair and leather ew. regular value 25¢, Clearing Sate ce 1 9 # Farm For Sale Men‘s shirts, in negligee and stiff bosom style s representing every new amt desirabte rolor, This season. in all the newest patterns. also white shirts, were $1, clearing sale price 69 Faturday # Men‘s Balbriggan Underwear shirts and drawers, sateen trimmed, pearl buttons«, ni':.fl 34 pt:‘ u.szonh 5. garment, c ng price urday .39 the season, reg. ce rale price Sagr!&‘; In this Lk ruclllg :. S NP PVerF suit in this lot is perfect »nd in the much wanted colors and material of thle season, reg. price was 8.90 cleming We ue Cw o Men‘s Elastic Web Su: P Rme P e Canl C dings. F ret clam« hard and soft water ::-mnmqm...m, Youths‘ long FURNISHINGS MEN‘3 SHIRTYâ€" for Saturday which will insure 10 dozen Men‘s Colored Shirte reg. price 1 25 and 1 00 at 758 15 dezen Men‘a colored Shirte reg. price 75¢ and 1.C0 at 493 10 dozen Men‘a colored Shirts reg. price 75c and 50; at 33¢ 5 dr zen Boye‘ Shirts reg. price 75s and 506 at 33¢ 2 dezen Bors‘ Sbirt waiste, reg. price 75¢ at 496 3 dozon Bays‘ Shirt wairte in Black ard Collara,reg 50¢ at 33¢ 25 dozen Men‘s Bleck Cachâ€" â€" mere Hose, reg. prics 50c and 35¢ at 200 10 dozen Men‘s Cotton ose, reg. price 25¢ at ‘~*â€" 10e daily; perhaps it is beâ€" is ennry" the most imâ€" Waterlioo PETER £KxoRR Waterloo, Ont, lerioo Ont. conâ€" l'd nm':n!hn and bank barn, c necessary ont suits. every 4995 , Straw