A good serviceable case whether of silveroid or solid go‘d only profects g watch movemwent from i jary. sortectnese of the time you get from the hands depends entirely on the ‘works." If you require accurate time, and you surely do, buy a Deelâ€" mal Movement in any kind of a case. We have a number of these excelient movements in stock and canâ€" fis you out with any grade up to and incladâ€" ing a 21 h-tou‘d _movement _ For + Snyder.â€"At Berlin, July 20th, to â€" Mr.â€"and Mrs. J. M. Snyder, a daughter. , McCarthy.â€"At New Hamburg, July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mcâ€" Carthy, a son. Fox.â€"At New Hamburg, July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Fox, a Stricker.â€"At Bridgeport, July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Stricker, a Bierwagen.â€"At Waterloo, July 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bierwagen, a Dorsch.â€"At Bamberg, July 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. (Gregory Dorsch, a daughter. Riddel.â€"â€"At Mornington, July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Riddel, a son. Meyers.â€"At Preston, July 235, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Meyers, a son. Snyder.â€"At Berlin, July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Jos. M. Snyder, a daughter. _ ... Smith.â€"At Bridgeport, July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Smith, a son. Herringer.â€"At Waterloo, June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herringer, Messettâ€"Carter.â€"At Galt, July 25th, at the home of the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter, Harry Messett, of Berlin, to Agnes Carâ€" ter. Polzinâ€"Scheuer.â€"At Elmira, at. the R. C. church, July 24th, Max Polâ€" zin, of Berlin, to Lizzie Scheuer, daughter of Geo. Scheuer, near Floradale. # Grobâ€"Young.â€"At Preston, July 214th, Amyt Groh, to Fernie Young, both of Galt. ~ Sarah J. Whitney, aged 87. years. White.â€"At Winnipeg, Mrs. Jas. White formerly of (Gait, aged 49 yéars: Goldie.â€"At â€" the Gueliph â€" Hospital, July 28th, Mrs. Alexander Goldic, of Galt, fourth daughter of _ Mrs. James Gibson, of Berlin. Schaeter.â€"At Waterloo, | July 30th, Mrs. Henry Schacfer, in her 74th yeatr. Jansen.â€"At Ottawa, July 31st, Al bert Jansen, youngest son of Peter Jansen, of Elmira. McKenzic, widow of the late Jas. *Martin, Roseville. Raycroft.â€"~At Mornington, â€" July 20, Liverpoo!l and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lowerâ€"Live Stock Markets â€"The Lates® Quotations. Puesday ~Evoning, July 31. Liverpoo!l wheat futures closed toâ€"day d to %4 lower thau yesterday and corn fuâ€" tures 144 higher. C e $.9 + Smith.â€"At Bridgeport, July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, a son, Brubacher.â€"In Woolwich, . June 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brubacher, a daughter. Shantz.â€"â€"In Woolwich, July 25th, to â€" Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Shantz, a daughter. Kramer.â€"Near Heidelberg, July 23, to Mr. and Mrs. David Kramer, . a Racho.â€"At New Hamburg, July 23, Francis Winnifred, daughter of Mr. tand Mrs. Geo. Racho, aged two weeks. * Barton.â€"At GaJt, July 24th, Sarah At Chicago Sept. wheat closed !4¢ lower than yesterday; Soept. corn \,c lower and &« pt. oats 2¢ lower. s WINNIPEG OPTIONS. At Winnipeg option market toâ€"day the following were the closing wheat quotaâ€" tlous: July 70e bid, Aug. 78c bid, Oct, 15%c» New York . Minneapolis Duluth .. . Detroit ... Tolede .. . 8t. Louis... Yolede .. .....c.... Sltf _ 1354 . TY St CRMOWIS. :s .41... 0 +..+ 14 To‘ TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET. Grainâ€" Wheat, sprinz, iush...$0 S9 to $.... Wheat, fall, bush..l... 0 M kees Wihkeat, ored. ditshl 5222. 0 8t #+.. _ Â¥ heat, goose, brsill.l. 0 T5 £x4+ Be rley, bitsh \.llll2llll 0 51 0 52 . OwtB, BuSh .....cc..... 1 48 . MyH, hh (cuvllil ic k. . 0 To ¥¥a% Peosy Dustk ...l..0.0... 0 T2 LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE Hverpool, duiy â€" 31. ~Wheat«â€"Spot nomâ€" Inal; futures dull; July wommal; Sept., 68 Wbyd; Dee., Gs Gyd. Cornâ€"Spot quiet; American mixed, ofd, :u ?‘w!; futurcs quiet; Sept., 4s GÂ¥l; Dec# # t saconâ€"Short rib stemdy. 5is fid; short elear b&cks qnoet, ts 6d; clear bellics quist, b5s; shoulders,. sqnare dull, 36e. ces Cables Abonut Steady=â€"Hors 108 to 15¢ Lower at Ruffato, Lendon, Joly AL=â€"Caltle arm quoted at He to 12c per Ih : tefrizcrator In=f, 9%0 per lb.; sheep, dressod, Mc to 16 per Ib, TORoNnto LIvE sTock. Toronto, July 31.â€"Receipts of live stock at the city market, as reported by the rallways, since last Friday wore 50 car loads, composed of 636 cattle, _ Lardâ€"â€"Prime western in tiorees quiet, 45%; An«rican refined in prils, 4s 90. NEW YORK DAIkY MARKET. New York. July 31. â€"Ratterâ€"~Steady, un changed; receipts, .287 packages. Uheeseâ€"Stcady; skims, lc to Uc; receipts 11411 bores. Eags â€"Irregular, but no change in prices; rectipt®, 25,815 cascs. §31 bogs, 986 sheep and lambs a+~~ *~ WATCHES THE WATCH HOUSE. JANSEN BROS LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. reliable watch see us befure you MARKET REPORTS CATTLE MARKETS. spring, . insh. ..$0 Sh fail, bush...... 0 M pred. . bitsin 5. 2200 M MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. DEATHS King St., Berlin. May. 834 19% Rept, 074 i4Ԥ 834 19% 10% 19% 15% J. K SHINN Funeral Director and Embalmer Walerloo ‘Ont. Telepbone at Rsâ€" flepce Young St. South 255, at store HN@8, IIVB..>........, Rogs, dreseed ........ Hisy, per ton ........ ~iraw, por ton........ Waod, per cord ...... i pore Cattle ........ Ea chera‘ Caitle .. ... WDoUb ..râ€"caercecers New Wheat .......... Lried Apples ........ Few shipping caitle were offered and few were wanted. Not more than one or twe loads of export cattle were on sale and they were in small lots, picked frow loads of mixed cattic. There were some fe# :eh..d‘.:'-vy b-lebcm‘ 13 to 1200 ibe. '-h-g € poses at $4.40 to $4. mmg‘!g mnuhtou.‘mm‘l‘hflg wmhnmm-ï¬ was obtained for a smaill lot ho Maybee, Wilson & Hall. Export buils sold at $3.50 to $4 per cwt. Butchers, The best lots of butchers‘ cattle of prime Mtymmm"?u“ut realize more than $4.30 to $4.40; loads of geod sold at $4.15 to $4 ; medium to good cettle at §$3.75 to $4 ewt.; commen “&_nmntn.fllol’:zï¬;mgcflu LoTQ 1 carcisecerisses #heep and Lambs, Trade in sheep and lambs was brisk at slightly lower prices for lambs; export ewes sold at $4.25 to $4.50 per ewt.; hucks and cull sheep at $2.50 to $3.75; lambs at £7 to §$7.15 per ewt., the bulk selling at $7.50 per owt. Feeders and Stockers, Few offered and few wanted. Prices ©.87y at following quotations: .Rest feeders, ©0O to 1M%> lbs.. $3.80 to $4 per ewt.; hest feeders, 800 to M lhs., $3.00 to $3.85; best fceders, 600 to 800 lbs., $3.25 to $3.00;, comâ€" mon stockers, $2.25 to $2.15. each. Veal Calves, About 150 veal calves sold at $3.50 to $6.50 per ewt., the buik selling at $4.50 to $5.50 per ewt. Milch Cows. Only a Emited number were offered.about l-'LAwMti sold all the way from $30 to §60 Hogs. A alight delivery of 4** Mags sold at nnâ€" changed quotations, $7.%> for selects and #7.65 for lights and fats. Mr. Harria reâ€" ports prices as likely to go lower in near frture. at least the prospects are in‘ that Airection. ‘July Clearing Sale: $ $18.00 Suits for _ â€" _ â€" _ $14.40 $ 15.00 Suits for â€" â€" â€" 12.00 $ 12.00 Suits for: _ â€" â€" â€" 9.00 $ 10.00 Suits for â€" â€" ~ 8.00 § 8.00 Suits for â€" â€" 6.00 $ These are all new and upâ€"toâ€"date Suits. Sign of Gold Star = e = = BERLIN. _ WMW“MW\&“MM%WQM“M“‘ Waterloo, Ont. Aug. 2od. EP aeeeviesseniees" _ 98 WATERLOO MARKETS 18.00 The Greatest Slaughter ever held in Berlin. What a reduction of 20 per cent. means on fine Clothing. 19 17 .10 The Last Call For 24â€" tt Horpits , also honsemaid. Apply a, Hospital, w9 + 1 2 Chias"" Do YOU NEED Tissue Paper, all colors; Crepe Paper, the best; Y Paper Table Napkin#, a fine line‘ Fine u; â€"toâ€"aate _ Correspondence Paper and Env«lopes, in boxâ€" or other wigs ; Post Card#, album«, all size ; Leather Purses and Bage, a beauâ€" tiful line of different styles in * atook; Get your tires set en the Hendersn Tire Setter. 1i sets tham onld; it does the work in a fow minuter; it keepa the dik cf the wheel jast right. No gore gussswork. The New Bookstare _ HORSE SHOEING as nsual. Iam noted * a practical man on interâ€" f ring and tei der feet. Sea‘ing Wax and Monogram; Calling C rd and Tiâ€"ket Case; Calling Cards in neat boxes. King St., east of Scott St, Berlin t Ca‘l and see our line of goods We Lave a large line of very berutiful Wall Texts and Mottoes, Queon Strect, Opposite Y. M.CG A. BERLIM, ONT. Haliman‘s Bokstore Coonk rnd Laurdress at Bmlin & Waterloo A. C. THOMAN WANTED . WILDFANG, FINE GLOTHING ! Smart, reliahle mon to mpnuot us in the towna of Waterloo and B. riin and also V.ciniâ€" ‘{' ‘or the s»le of fruit trees, ornamental {rees, +h ‘ub â€", climb ng vines, rosee, etc. Terms liberâ€" ; ui. Cash paid weekly. Outit FKEK. ih> r+g ney is a good one and wiil pay well if righâ€" Pure bred, large, e mn(-uamiuuuml... ‘B;'.‘k;hgo t® C. H, RICKkEKT, _ > l4yr Mannheim P, 0. Ont. Waterioo. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expensus, ©:lo> will be prosecuted We have over 600 acres under cnultivation and offer for saie a ver{ large list of both f uit and o namental stock incloding many #proiaâ€"ties which we control in both fruite and ornamentâ€" i1 ssock. Our nurserics are such that any agent representing us w:ll have the opportusity of “modâ€m ve'Hbutln the bu inses. Eâ€"tabâ€" lished neariy thirty yea‘s. For full terms and conditions write, PELHAM NURSERY Co , ‘Toronto. Ont. mus: be capable, Small family. Gocd wages, App y at th.s «fice. Parties trespassing on the premis s of the undersigned Lot No %4 1} miles west of Wat HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Notice to Traspassers wowee | m 4 steers and ’m-b“‘ be Wsdereigned" 31 mike north west of , OF WANTED OVER 600 ACRES. JAGOH W, SCHMIDT IRVIN HALLMAN ELDON HALLMAN for sale one se ts loo. : 1t consists . ,n_l:u more or loo. «1t consists of 78 acres more or less, 15 upder n’mv-‘On E is a tn*t Fisht tre«passirg for fiching is sttiot‘y _ â€"+____ ___ _ k in okse oo o oradg . c...uï¬n'"-';'nwmé:-nf Tpart of tar‘We. & prices as much as it is possible «t" enncession _ m T . Tt ma, townslp of Wiluot |. |, )/ ) y jz / 1O pinch them. Read just to rita. *__ get an idea of what we‘re doing mram<memmammmus=+~â€"â€"~~" hhore uder ovltiv On it is a f: babk barn. ï¬â€˜Ã©'.."m ‘and arther particulars apply on the TAKE NOTICE neâ€"s tom his late stand opposite the Foundry Kpiu street, to his new quarters ungbg. NE need neoge eniperteny" ""ha wore ® + guaranteed. Awhmkl ed. The undersigned wishes to anâ€" nounce to the Public that he has purchased the Livery Business of Mr Levi Graybil!, Waterloo. _ He rill be pleased to see all old eustomers as well as many new omws, ard will endeavor to serve them to the best of his ability. ‘The undersigned wishes to arnâ€"unce to the 1 ublic taat he has moved bi« b‘ack=mith :3:‘- neâ€"s om his late stand opposite the F&g King street. to his new quarters on Er CHAS. MAYER, Prop. Rates for fucerals and weddinge furnished on spplication. Prices rew onable. Suablse back of Zimmermann House, Waterloo. NOTICE / PAU NOTICE ED. SHANTZ, , 0. On‘. Wate:loo. ..A 15 Days‘ Great S Summer Sale. ; 86. R. Ernst & Co. 3 fivih ; Cpporturity ould you like to get a good Suit of Clothes. a pair of Trousers, a Suit for the Boy, a New Hat or anything in the Toggery line, and to buy it for much less than it‘s worth.. If you would Real opportunity like this knocks at your ‘door but once during the Summer Season, Don‘t overlook it. We‘re clearâ€" ing our stock to get in readiâ€" ness for Fall and Winter trade. We can use the money but not the stock. We‘ve pinched our Here‘s Your CGolden Opportunity MEN‘3 PANTSâ€" MEX 15 ouly Child‘s Brownie Wash â€"Buits, reg. price 1.25 at 630 Men‘s Flanpelette Night Shirts, reg. piice 75¢ at _ b4c BOYS‘ SUITSâ€" } a 6.00 Boys‘ 3 piece Suits at 5 00 <« 6. «6 4 00 64 6 66â€" Men‘s Summer Suits, Men‘s and Boys‘ Summer Coats, Straw Hats, Belts, etc., ێtc., at cost and below. + EX‘3 EUITSâ€" $18 0) Men‘s Sul‘s at 14 00 44 Juv 00 CLOTHING At Strasser‘s 6 $14 00 10 50 215 MEN‘S SHIRTSâ€" ~ 10 dozen Men‘a Colored Shirts __ reg. price 1 25 a1d 1 00 at â€"75¢ 10 duzan Mer‘a coloret Shirts reg. price 75¢ aud 1.C0 at 493 10 dozen Men‘ac lored Shirts reg. price 753 and 503 at 33¢ 5 dez m Bovye‘ Shirte reg. price Tos and 506 at 336 2 dozsn Boys‘ Sbirt waists, _ reg. price 75¢ at 496 3 dozen Boys‘ Shirt waiats in Black and Cuil wa,reg 50¢ at 336 25 dozen Men‘s Rieck Catâ€" mere Hose, reg. prics 50¢ and 350 at _ 200 10 dozoen Men‘s Cotton Hose, reg. price 25c at > 10¢ 20 dozen Bow Tiea, a‘l now stock reg. price 25¢, sale price 4 for 20c FURNISHINGS Waterioo