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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Aug 1906, p. 4

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m’dwfl‘m““"""‘ w finsuuh‘uu- The copy tor -“#..wulml’wby %Mvs& * ho o4. d Ld itcb d isfi ie t . . .o h ce cre ns w °/ * sease ‘Mrs. Gilchrist and Miss Gilchrist. C 3s !_ Mr. Howie, the .epresentative Elder To the Editor 1 * _of the congregation, occupied . the s > ; chair, and after appropriate opening Dear Sir :â€" exercises and a selection by the choir Misses V. Weiderbammer . and lda In last '..y.m.‘mmmmf.lm'id on behalf of the congregation 7 elegraph Mr. Dobbin replies o coin read an address expressiVve of the high munication of the 16th inst. HMis soâ€" appreciation of the congregation fer called . explanation explains nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist, which was | He states that my deductions are erâ€" ‘“'gmwi"d by a well filled '“"';c of | roneous, but makes no attempt 10 5:‘: :s“‘i_;lh::“m“‘:’ob;“:‘::;l;:m:’;: prove his ass.ertlon... He also slalc.»‘“_s for Mrs. Gilchrist from the Misâ€" that no one is getting water b6!0®‘coy mand and her Sabbath school | cost. How,. (hcus. does he a.ccount “"lcla.ss, where by her deeply spiritual' the facts cited in my previous ©0M~ jife and self denying efforts in â€" the munication 7 _ A __.__, linterests of the work she has enâ€" His comparison of the CommissioN"; â€"qeared herself: to every member _ of schedule to the premiums for life inâ€" the Congregation. | surance is an unhappy one. The Waâ€"! Rev. and Mrs. Gilchrist were deeply ter Commission charges the small corâ€" touched by these expressions of good sumer five times as much yer \hous-' will and appreciation from the conâ€" and gallons as the very large consumâ€"| gregation, and Mr. Gilchrist replied er, whereas the insured pays identiâ€"| in fecling terms, | thanking the conâ€" cally the same rate per thousand inâ€"‘ gregation for the kindness which had s#rance, whether the insurance catflfili always been manifested _ towards Leone thousand or one million. | them. They would always retain in It may be, as Mr. Dobbin states,| their bearts a warm place for. the that the Commission intended to be people. of Waterloo, and wished them fair in arranging the schedule, It is, VCY success in the work of the conâ€" T GLLIL ) nnstabe raad leadiney to an‘ grega(iol\. 2 Ne eless4nX ahnte It may be,â€" as Mr. DobDNIN 2°2°°0. | that the Commission intended to be fair in arranging the schedule. 1t is said that a certain road leading to an | undesirable destination is paved with good intentions. Whatever the intenâ€" tions of the Commission may have been, it is an undeniable fact that the: sliding scale is both unjust . and unâ€" fair, and does discriminate against the small consumet. ; + 1 await with much pleasure Mr. Dobbin‘s promised communicat ion givâ€" ing more detailed explanations. _ HMoping, Mr. Editor, that I â€" have not encroacked too much wpon yOul valuable space, 1 am, Yours ‘truly, COMMUNICATION. FEOPEARy , MOCA / CAE CNCIEC PGECC OS T USUTRT RUC not encroacked 100 much upon your‘ Mr. Gilchrist replied on behalf of| your faithfuiness and CMLIU valuable space, 1 am, | his sister in a very appropriate manâ€" President of our Society. Yo Yours ‘truly, ner, after which Rev. Mr. Bradley, | shown commendable zeal and * + 39; reegarjs(@ | Moderator of the congregation, tesâ€" | ness not only in the discharge A PARTNER IN THE Bi b"“"f’:"‘tifw«l io the high character of the dutics in this positien, but inpmpsitncvetite teapns toae goang iwork done by . Mr. Gilchrist a.sha the work of the congregat faithful pastor and earnest teacher| Sabbath school, for a period PARK BOARD MEETING. | during the past six years and a half | six â€" years, during which t 4 Wmm 'lspcnt in Waterloo, and also expressâ€" | have earned the . warmest f A meeting of the Park Board was‘ cd the regrets of the Twinâ€"Ci+z. Minâ€" | of all well wishers of our C held Tuesday evening. There were prc-'iistcrial Association at losing so valâ€"| tion, and we trust that in 1 sent Messrs. Wm. Snider, F. G. uable a member. 1y offering to the Master‘s U Hughes, Chas. Moogk, J. B. Sni(lcr,‘ The congregation | then joined in time and talents you are rea W. H. Riddell. singing the â€" closing. hymn and Mr. ! your: own heart the "well ¢ Messrs. F. G. Hughes, Chas. Moogk‘(iilchrist pronounced the benediction. ; the Master. Sr., and J. H. Roos were appointed‘ . During his residence in ““atl‘riofll In conclusion we beg you 1 a committee to have an iron . fonce MUr. Gilchrist has always shown himâ€"‘ appreciation, and our prayer erected between the park gate and self in sympathy with any movement . this gift as ‘a slight evidenc ticket office, and also to make _ inâ€" for the betterment of the community ° you may long be spared to I quiries as to the cost of constructing! and took a decp, interest in all matâ€" vice to the Master. a fountain in the park. ters having: for their aim the public 39e lc tranl LE arennnts\ erere nasst’d.';:lmd. Following are the addresses: . | Waterloo, July 31st, 1906. Rev. Wm. Stirling, of Linwood, preached in the Methodist church last Sunday morning. ts P NC1E Aohial Mr. Edward Wright, of New: York, visited hisâ€" uncle, Mr. Geo. Wright, last Saturday. * Miss Nellie Wright, of Hamilton, is home for a short vacation. Mr. David. Koch _ reâ€"shingled _ the south side of his batn. ‘The severe stortm on the evening 01 the 22nd inst. blew down Mr. J. G. Hurst‘s power mill. % Mr. S. Reid, of Berlin, rodded Mr. M. Snider‘s mill with lightning conâ€" duotors. Mr. H. W. Ebel commenced harvestâ€" ing his flax this week. Mr. Geo. D. Dalmer is doing a big business in wire fencing and gates this .summer. .!.t;r.vzzi;;;-':fichwducr spent his holâ€" idays under the parental roof the last few weeks. 9 The Lutherans put up a fine wire fence along the front of their church property. Nr. Henry Scheifele is helping his ReCoR omm en ce ns s A number of accounts were passed son gathering Mr. H. Millart, of the SSeed Departâ€" ment, Ottawa, visited the members of the Seed Growers‘ Association in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A are visiting relatives ity. | . The )h“;w Afichins of New _ Hamâ€" burg â€" are. the guests of Mrs, Alan Smith this week. s SE Miss Alice Ward, of Norwich, is the guest of Miss Clara Walkor. Rev. Mr. Andrew and family _ are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Charles D; Brown at Nith Grove, "rand\lrs Graham of New York ate the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coleman. Miss Lily and . Nelson Gotteslabes, ot Bertin, called on friends in Lim erick Tuesday. o \Iiw Sarah Oberholtzer, of Free port, spent â€" Tuesday with _ Mrs. S Hilborn. ~ Miss Bowman, of Berlin, was goest of her friend, Mrs. W. 8 gand, last work. r.{'r‘, Jos. Hilborn, of Toronto, | forâ€" merly. of â€" Bloomingdale, visited old griends and relatives here. ADVERTISERS. â€" Mr. Josiah Oberboltzer and family Sundayed with Mr. S. Hilbora‘s. rionds in Little Germany, Miss 1,. Shoemaker, of Berlin, was the gaest of her niees, Yrs. 1. B. Ch= anons, Saturday. Miss Cornctia Clemens attended the Preston Mcthodist Ladies‘ Aid picnic @n Berlin Park Friday. Mr. Wm. Krease passed Sunday vnb: CONESTOGO. 1BA YSVILLE LIMERICK in his harvest Barlar and xon| in this communâ€"‘ FAREWELL AND Presbyterian Collgregation The Waterloo Presbyterian congreâ€" gation and their friends met in the Prrsbyterian churen Tuesday evening to bid farewell to Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Gilchrist and Miss Gilchrist. Lolso Aeni s the Wicâ€" â€" Th c uchnbetnid After another selection by the choir Misses May VanEvery and Olive Mcâ€" Intyre on behalf of the Women‘s Forâ€" vign Missionary Society read an adâ€" dress to Miss Gilchrist, showing their appreciation of her faithfulness and efficiency, not only in the disâ€" vharge of her dutiecs as President of the Society, but also in the work of the congregation and Sabbath school, which was accompanied by a . verYy useful gift. P 210. 1 w s ar PV [ h. * R. J .KPersonal and Social severs k Mrs. R. B. k!oorc is vistuNg "*" Mr. Allendort, Foundry S{TPCCS. . Darents at Tavistock. .. 20008 Mr. B. Urstadt and family, of Hanâ€" Mr..l,e\'i Bn}cgemqn is spending a over, srent Sunday at ibe bome of ; week in New York City. _ tbe former‘s mother. Mrs. B. Urâ€" , _ Miss. Netfa: Conrad 13 sisit is MC3 gradt will visit here for a woek. > /Weidenhammecr, Maw‘svilfe. . | Mr. Adam Lenhauser and Mr. Jaâ€" 2. Mr. Geo. Diebel has returned 10M cob Lenhauser,~ of Evarh, . 950°A4 i‘ an enjoyable trip through the west. _ County, Mich., are spending a week â€"* Miss Bernice Roos has returned in Waterloo visiting friends and relaâ€" _ from a visit with Stratford friends. _ tives. > ° _ NMr. and Mrs. Kiemmer are visiting _ Mr. Levi Graybill. returned Friday Waterloo friends. evening from an extcnded trip _1 Mr. Etnst Bellinger, of Toronte. is through the West to the cogst. While spendi â€"< in Waterlo® in British Columbla be visited bis pending a few dags in Waterloo®. : y°°C. daughter, Mrs, Brock Hilliard. &‘ Miss Jennie Godbold is spending a Siiss Minty and Miss Edith Mint S week with Hamilton friends. i n ss .F« Minty Miss Effie Bechtel, of Waterfor i. is leit on Thursday for Burlington l-| TSE bk :' i+ o' Wts ‘_.n'm, where they will spend saveral . weeks t ‘“"‘"i"g at the home of Mrs, _EMIilÂ¥ priop to taking up theif fubure tesiâ€" 1 art n.Mi * % i Marf f dence at Dundas. The sses Annic an ary Roos is ' c ry nO05. Mr.â€" B. M. Walton left Monday morâ€" L feturned Thursiay from a visit With ping for Brush, Col., where he . has l( hicago friends. been appointed as .assistant engincer is! Mr. John A. Wells, of â€" Tennes$®®; ;n gpo Brush Sugar Co. «on ot Mr. Walter Wells, is here on a St. and Mrs. Wm. Bates, of Cloveâ€" [‘m.t 3 .l“s o hor.n('. Claee ty ] land, Ohio, are guests at the home of Miss _M)m McBride very p}oasan Y l xr. and Mrs. A. E. Devitt. They { tatertained a sumber of friends O" | wil spend several weeks in this viâ€" ~rnursday pNEniNE. € â€"| cinity visiting friends. Pn k hkE : CC CH OW 0 D Appreciation of Work Done by Rev. and Mrs. Gilchrist and Miss Gilchrist. I Miss Nora McBride very pleasan!Â¥ [ Â¥te, and Mrs. A. E. Devitt. They ‘mu'tlamflfi a ‘numbcr of friends O" | wil; spend several weeks in this viâ€" \ Thursday gvening. 5 â€"| cinity visiting friends. | The Misses Sadic and Maud Strasâ€") _A pariy comprising Mr. and . Mrs.: ser are, visiting at the home of Mr.| Russell Winger, Mrs. Winger and Mrs'l |and Mrs, Hy. Strasser, Gueiph. | Mickus, all of Elmira, drove to Watâ€" i Mrs. Joe Berberick, of Misbawaka, erloo Monday and spent . the | day Indiana, is visiting her sister, | Mys. | with friends here. | Helm, Waterloo, I Mijss Nellie McLachlan, daughter of Miss Ethel Graybill has redurged #ev. Mr. McLachlan, of Hanover, â€" a ‘ from a pleasant two weeks‘ vacation former pasiOr of tbe Methodist church ! spent at Hanlan‘s*Point, Toronto. [here, was the guest of Miss Florence Mrs. Henrty Roos has returned lmmlllnliard the pasp week for several ‘l a several weeks‘ visit with hor son, days. ‘| Mr. Arthur 8. Roos, Chicago. ! Misses Ruby Hill, Brampten, and Mrs. J. E. Graham. and daughter < Ada B. Curtis, of Toronto, have reâ€" : returged _ to â€" Toronto after spenting ;!\m\cd home after spending some time |u-\'cnlv wrels with Waterioo friends. > in Waterloo, the guests of Miss Franâ€" Miss Lavina Brupgeman, of Hanovâ€" ces Longhurst. or, visited at the bome of ber ('(msin,' Mr. and Mrs. R. Morley Eliiott of Mry. John Bruegeman, on Eugday. â€" Brandon, Man., are spending several Mr. Gieo. M. Fisher, of ‘he atequal FP&'{" in Waterloo visiting the _ forâ€" Lile Staff, is spending a two weeks‘ mer‘s PaFopis, Rev. R. J. and Mrs. vacatien in Bayficld. Ftiott, My. Eligtt i8 mmrmrv f 7 of the Brapdon ‘Fimes ishing Co. Mrs. C. W. Schiedel and sn Wilfred lott Wednesday on a visit to friends in Detroit. M+. Raiph Nichol, of Regina, is spending thrae weeks at his home in Watertloo. Mr. Henry Peprler and family and Mr.and Mrs. G. Merklineer, &f Han over, visited Waturioo friends on Sunâ€" day. xi Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Hilborn, _ of New York, and their two sons, atre the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Howâ€" io for a few woeeks. * Mr, and Mrs. Jas,. Lockic of Newâ€" ton are â€" spending > several days in Waterloo, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. HM. Siimpson. is visiting his parcats, Rev. Mr. Frank R. Elliott of Hamilton al @nd _ 30CIdl several weeks. emiker f Mr. andâ€" Mrs.. Scott of Toronto y toedliag spent a day or two at the home . of B. Moore is visiting bC" 1y Allendor{, Foundry street. WORM TT i school, 1 The members of the Women‘s Forâ€" a . very | eign Missionary Society desire to give expression â€" to our appreciation of chalf of| your faithfuincess and elficiency _ as ate manâ€" | President of our Society. You have Bradley, | shown commendable zeal and earnestâ€" ion, tosâ€"| ness not only in the discharge of your t of the | dutics in this position, but also in t as a| the work of the congregation â€" and t teacher| Sabbath school, for a period of over id a half | six â€" years, during which time you expressâ€" | have earned the . warmest gratitude "i%z Minâ€" | of all well wishers of our congrega~ g so valâ€"| tion, and we trust that in thus freeâ€" 1y offering to the Master‘s use your joined in .. time and talents you are realizing in and Mr. | your own heart the ‘"well done" of nediction. ; the Master. In parting with you on your taking leave of Waterloo, we cannot let you leave our midst without giving â€" exâ€" pression to our high esteem for you and our assurances of good wishes for your future. During your resiâ€" dence among us we could not fail to be impressed with your uprightness in all your relations with our people, and your constant desire and effort that _ your â€" lives should‘ afford no ground for unfriendly criticism of any _act or word of yours, not bring any shadow of reproach upon the Church. Your deep earnestness and real sinâ€" cerity have at all times been most evident to us all, and will be rememâ€" ; bered and appreciated long aftter you ‘ have gone from ameng US. ‘ We ask you to take with you the accompanying purse as some slight | evidence of our personal regard for | you, and with it we give you the asâ€" surance that you shall ever have our , earnest wishes for your highost welâ€" fare while life shall last, and for your eternal happinessâ€"in that other world . where all may meet again at last. | Signed cn behalf of the members of the Congregation, M | We ask you to tak accompanying purse 'e\'idencc of our. pers | you, and with it we o Oe PRESENTATION Dear Miss Gilchrist. In conclusion we beg you to accept appreciation, and our prayert is that this gift as ‘a slight evidence of our you may long be spared to be of serâ€" vice to the Master. Mr A party comprising Mr. and Mrs. Russell Winger, Mrs. Winger and Mrs. Mickus, all of Elmira, drove to Watâ€" »rloo Monday and spent . the day Geo. Mootre, h Chairman Board ef Management J. M. Muir, Mr. and Mrs. R. Morley Eliiott of Brandon, Man., are spending several werks ip Waterloo visiting the Ior-‘ mep‘s Paropis, Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Eiliott. My. FHigtt i8 ms«-rc(ny of the Brapdon ‘Fimes ishing (‘o.‘ Mr. Geo. Wegenast, Managef, d Mr. R. Melvin, President, of the ;ruâ€" twal Life Assurance Co., Waters0, left Saturday on a frip to Winâ€" q‘w& and other western points on the busiacss of the Company. Thovy wore accompanied by Â¥pe. Wegenast and WANT PAVILION 1iKE wWATER LoOo‘s, Miss Melvin Sharps W W* "eATE MCC porter, sayssâ€"/â€"" You , «vas Kalti Band, when the rain came down in Waterloo, found shelter in <he Parl Pavilion. In Galt they woubl . nave taken to the woods. Bring en you park shelter, Messicurs of <he Jw ks A. Howie, and Mrs. Gilchrist. Elliott, William street, Secretary and Treasurer Representative Elder Chronicieâ€"Telegraph, Thursday, Their t Galt Re was Kilth Whereas George Henry Halberstadt and certain persons to be associated with him either as partners Of As sharcholders in a duly incorporated joint stock Company, propose to esâ€" tablish the business of manufacturing interior hardwood fixtures and fittâ€" ings in the Town of Waterloo, proâ€" vided aid be given by the said town in the manner hereinafter set forth, (:.R.wr AIDp TO GEORGE Y‘ HALBERSTADT AND CERTAIN PERSONS TO sgfi SOCIATED WITH HIM IN BUSINESS OF MANUFACTURâ€" ING _ INTERIOR â€" HARDWOODD FIXTURES â€" AND â€" FITTINGS EITHER AS PARTNERS OR AS SHAREHOLDERS IN A DULY INCORPORATED JOINT STOCK CoMPANY. And whereas it is deemed advisable to grant to the said George Henry Halberstadt and the persons to be associated with him as aforesaid, | hereinafter . called *"The Company,"‘ , exemption from all taxes upon the property, plant, machinery and stock | in trade of the Company, and from all taxes in respect of business asâ€" sessment excepting always County rate, school rate and local improveâ€" ment taxes for the term of ten yeats> from the passing of this byâ€"law, and also to grant the Company a loan of $10,000 upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter menâ€"! tioned, | BVâ€"LAW 0.« &# ‘1’\â€"!:(; 'wheren for the purpose aforeâ€" said it will be necessary for the Corporation of _the Town of Waterloo to isaue its debentures for and .:o create a debt to the amount o‘ $1G.â€" 000 as hereinafter mentioned, such debt and the debentures to be issued therefor to be made payable in ten years at the furthest from the day usn o e e ks issued. .WX;E' whereas the said loan is to be repayable by the Company to the Corporation of the Town of Waterioo in ten equal consecutive annual inâ€" stalments of $1,000 each, without inâ€" terest, which said annual instalments are to be applied in payment of the said debt and interest, and it wiil he requisite to raise the sum of $248,34 annually by special . rate during the 1 LV O smmark ae 2ME oi ee® en o us 1 1 term of ten years for the payment of the balance or remainder of the said debt and interest, that is to say: It will be requisite to raise the sum of $1,248.31 in all annually by special rate during such term for payment of the said debt and interest. And whereas the amount of â€" the whoje rateable p;pgerty of the said Municipality accordipg to the last reâ€" vised assessment rol} of the said Mpâ€" nicipality is tha‘s-um pf 51,8,.59‘,336. uds dokd s c out‘y nds dn P T And whereas the amoupt of the exâ€" isting debentures debt of the said Corporation | is â€" $199,229,98 and no principal or interest is in arrear, ‘ U PT ol ow ocm ae PCmpme se eeds ‘Therefore the Municipal Council of the Town of Waterloo enacts as folâ€" lows: 1. That the Company shall be. and hereby are granted exemption . from all taxes upon the property, plant, machinery and stock in trade of the Company, and from all taxes in res pect to business assessment exceptâ€" ing always County rate, School rate and local improvement taxes, for the term of ten years froth the passing of this byâ€"law. 8. For the purpose aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the Town of Waterloo and ke is hereby required to issue ten debentures of the Town of Waterloo to the amount of $10,000 which said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of four and oneâ€"quarter per centum per annum, payable yearly, and shall be signed | bu the Mayor of the Town of Waterâ€" ! loo and by the‘ Treasurer thereof, and « 'flw Clerk shall attach thereto . the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. _ 4. That the sara debentures shall be issued on such day within one year | from the passing of this byâ€"law . as she said Council shall by resolution doterminc, and shalt be payable â€" at | the office of the Treasurer â€" of * the: | saig Town of Waterloo, on the anniâ€" yersary of the date so determincd one | in each year during the term‘" of ten â€"| years trom the issue thercof, and : | shall each be for $1248.31, the aggreâ€" â€"| gate amount payable in each of the said ten years for principal and interâ€" ;q| est in respect of the debt created by i| virtue thercof. %. That in order to aid the Comâ€" pany to establish the said business as aforesaid a loan of $10,000 shall be granted by . the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo to the .Compan!. such" loan to be repayable by the Company to the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo in ten equal, anâ€" nual, â€" consecutive . instalments of $1,000 each without interest, the first of such annual instalments to be paid in one year from the date op which this byâ€"law shall take efâ€" lect, and the repaymept of the said loan to the Gomvm;n%;_ll Re secured by a morigage as herefpalter provid which the said debentures shall be 5, That each of the said debentures shall be dated on the day of the is« sue thereol. §. For the purpose of paying the ; amount‘ gue in cach of the said years lor principal ang interest in respect t the said @obt, there shall be rfi; «t and levied in cach year duripg ‘currency of the said debentures the sum of $1218.31 by a special rate: sufficient therefor on all the ratcable property in the said Town of Waterâ€" loo, provided, fpowever, that if the Company shall pay the said apnual instalmepts of $1,000 which shall be payable to the said Corporation . as hereinbetore meptioned, the said sum so paid in cach vear shall be applied pro tanto in paving the amount due in each of the said years for priacipal and interest. as aforesaid, and . in such cases the sum to be raised and levied as aforesaid in cach year by a ; tate sufficient therefor on all _ the tatcable property in the said shall be the sum of $248.31, or such sum as shall be sufficient to pay the debenture indebtedness payable i4 each year alter deducting the sum paid by the Company. 1. That forthwith alter the Comâ€" 'uydnllhnw“"‘-“ mtlnfllil”hthm of a site and erection and equipment with machinery of a factory in the ufl‘l‘onol';wloo.ui.num w,unvoauuunlb- livered to the Corporation of . the Town of Waterloo an agreement to carry on business 38 manufacturers of interior hardwood fixtures and fitt~ hphuuhcwr!lo“h"""" ten years and to employ within ont month from the completion of _ Said factory at least twentyâ€"five daily emâ€" ployes, and before the end of the year 1907 and constantly and continâ€" uously thereaiter during at â€" least eleven months in each year for the remainder of the said term of â€" ten veu’lthelervieetefllo‘lmw | thirtyâ€"five daily loyes in and | about the factory so to be erected C 1 Sm sbks. aEERPaEE CR .AE C000 (except in case of temporary inter ruption arising from fires, strikes, or unforeseen causes) and in the building of said factory and in the carrying on of their business therein «o giv: a uHE PERRE EERCEICCDERCCC preference to residents of the Town of Waterloo when such can k» employâ€" ed or dealt with on terms not less advantageous than others, and once in each year if required by the Muâ€" nicipal Council of the said Town so to do to prepare and to deliver to such Council a statement showing the names and number of workmen emâ€" ployed by the Company in and around the said factory, the said Jloan of $10,000 shall be paid over to the Company by the Treasurer of _ the said Town and the Company shall thereupon execute and deliver to the said Corporation a mortgage in favor of the Corporation, securing aSs a first charge upon all the Company‘s lands in the Town of Waterloo _ the repayment of the said loan at .. the times and in the manner hereinbefore ) set out, said mortgage to include the said factory and all other buildings awd machinery on said lands whether afixed to the freehold or not, and to contain the usual power of sale on default and the usual insurance clause for the full insurance value of said property. PCRRTE SWw 8. No purchaser of any of the said debentures shall be bound to see the application of bis purchase money of be liable for the misapplication _ or nonâ€"application | thereof, but â€" every such purchaser shall upon receiving possession of any of the said debenâ€" tures and paying | the price agreed upon therefor, be and be held to be the actual and bona fide o?mr and holder thereof, and he shall not be affected by any of the provisions and cenditions in this Byâ€"law contained. 9. This Byâ€"law shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 10. The votes of the qualifief elecâ€" tors of the said 'l‘owg of Waterloo shall be takep on this Byâ€"Jaw by bal lat, pursuapt to the Copsojigated Municipal Act, 1903, on Monday, the ; 27th day of August, 1906, from â€" the ; hour of nine o‘clock in the forencon ; to five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day and at the places and by the Deputy Returning Officers hereinâ€" ‘ alter specified, that is to say: For the North Ward (Polling Subâ€" divisions Nos. 1 and 2 united) _ at Harmonie Hall, King street, Mr. Peter Roos, Deputy Returning Officer. For the East Ward (Polling Subâ€" divisions Nos. 3. and 4 united) at William Hogg‘s office, Queen street, Mr. William Hogg, Deputy Returning Officer. » For the South Ward (Polling Subâ€" divisions Nos. 5 and 6 united) at the office of the Canada Woollen Mills, King street, Mr. Contrad Huehâ€" nergard, Deputy Returning .Omoer. For the West Ward (Polling Subâ€" divisions Nos. 7 and 8 united) at the old Council Chamber in the Marâ€" ket House, Mr. Charles A. Hachnel, Deputy Returning Officer. A1. That the Clerk of this Council shall sum up the votes given for and against this byâ€"law at the Council Chamber, Waterloo, on the 28th day of August, 1906, at the hour of one o‘clgck ifl'btl;e afternoon. ; nouin sn it V . 5 M 4 13. That the Mayor of t‘re said Towp shall atteng at the said Coupâ€" cil Chamber on the zstg fay of Augâ€" ust, 1906, at eight o‘cinck p.m., to appoint persons to attend at the varâ€" ioug polling places and the final sumâ€" ming up of the votes by the said Clerk respectively. on bebalf of â€" perâ€" sons interested in and promofting or apposing the passage of this Byâ€"law respectively. â€" â€" Finally passed aiter assent of the ratepayers at the Council Chamber in the Town of Waterloo this day of Take notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law which has been taken into consideration, ane which will be finally passed by the Municipal Council of the ('nrpoulion‘ of '(L’d"l'bw ~ot WaterIdo in Ahe event of the m&: of the clectars‘ beipk obtained thereto, after one month from the first publication thereof in the "Waterloo _ Chronicleâ€"Telegraph" newspaper, such first publication beâ€" ing on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1906, and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors, the polls will be held. ! The first of a series of football games ° between the ° Berlin Senior ; Rangers and Waterloo for the chamâ€" pion:hip of the Twinâ€"City, was playâ€" ¢d at the Wateripo Park Monday evâ€" BERLIN RANGERS wERE DEFEATED Local Foothall Team Win Game at the Waterloo Park on Monday.â€" Score 5â€"1. A. B. McBRIDE, Clerk NOTICE Whitewear We are at wir g ene of the most complete and up of Ladies® White Wear and Corsets in the Twin City. Every thing that is new and nstty in White We newest styles and shapes in Corfets. lNOBBY LINES OF LADIES‘ SKIRTS 3 CORSET COVERS NIGHT GOWNS CHEMISE _ J 0F, DRAWERS, | ETC. wWELCOME We extend a he r!ly We‘lcome to a‘l the rea lers of the Chronicleâ€" Telegraph to visit B rim during the coming event and while seâ€"ing Busy Berlin and its many attract‘ons to be sure aad call at this store and show your frir n4« one of the brightest and most up toâ€"date of Berlin Storea. The Store will be beantifuily decorated and every department will bave displayed the Season‘s latest noveltiesâ€"with many epecial price attrastions. . Feel free to show your friends arsuani without feeling that yo 1 are expected to buy. Lang Bros. & Co. Stransky‘s, the Best in the World. Quadruple Coated on Steel large sizes at 73¢, 85¢, 95¢ to $1.25 each. _ Smaller sizes at 40¢, 45¢ 50c to 65¢ each. Best Canadian Ware. Large sizes at 45¢, 50¢, 60c to 03%¢. â€" Smaller sizes at 25¢, 30¢, 43¢ and 400. 4 satisfactorily. ening, resulting in a victory for the tocal team by a score of 51. Froth ’lpr, outset the focals had by far the b¢st of |5¢ ¢tontest, as indiâ€" cated by the Score. The Rapgers‘ @id | not have their full complement of plavérs on and their regular goalâ€" Kpypet was also absegt. Iy the first half the play was conâ€" fincg to Rapger territory, the Water« Jou, forwards scoring . three goals, while thejr ppponerts were upable to get the ball past Bricker, who as us wal played a star game, o u CWe wl cees e In Corsets we handle the Celebrated P. In the second half play was morC even, Berlin securing a goal, while the local team added two more. Gen Bochmer of Berlin refereed â€"B. BRICKEBR & 60. Granite Preserving Kettles BERLIN, Auoguost Ist, ‘06. TC,.A_ DTCBHE King Street, To The Old Boys 35c to $200 per palir. Reunion . H. LEESON, Corsets Bowden Pithad, Rickerman Rellinger Eis pumayt Loth Emery Rocttger The lincâ€"up was as follows Berlin. oes We vresiap ard Cron:pton from ite Wewr and all the Right wing Loft wing Hajves »teâ€"det 11g Centre Goal cks Waterloo Sepwortzer Wilhelm Cuggisberk Holtzman Bricker Wagnet Â¥ichol Laing

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